GL Transcript Wednesday 8/27/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 8/27/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Melanie

Daisy: It's Rafe.

Cyrus: Yeah, I heard. That's too bad about him. Is there anything I can do?

Daisy: Just hold me.

Cyrus: You set the kid up. I thought you cared about Daisy.

Grady: I do. That's why I had to get rid of the little parasite.

Cyrus: You almost got rid of both of them.

Daisy: You always make me feel better. I love you.

Grady: You okay?

Daisy: Yeah.

Grady: 'Cause one day, we're going to have a place of our own. We're not going to have to sneak into people's empty houses.

Daisy: I don't care about that.

Grady: You deserve better.

Daisy: Yeah, well, you're not going to hear me complain.

Grady: You wouldn't. But I want to do exactly what Cyrus said. I want to be out there showing everyone that we're together.

Daisy: I want that, too.

Grady: You've been through so much recently. If that guy had hurt you, I swear...

Daisy: He would never hurt me.

Grady: Daisy, when people are on the run from the cops, they don't drag people that they love along with them. The night of the accident, I would never have left you in that car if I had...

Daisy: Yeah, I know. Let's not talk about it.

Grady: Let's not talk.

Daisy: Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Grady: It's okay.

Daisy: I just can't, I can't stop thinking about what happened before. Rafe's mom, Natalia, it's just not like her. It's not something she would do -- to tell the cops that Rafe had taken me hostage. It's so messed up.

Grady: Maybe she thought he was dangerous.

Daisy: Yeah, but he's not.

Grady: You do what you have to do to take care of the people you love.

Daisy: I know that, it's just...

Grady: Maybe she thought that maybe he would be safe if he turned himself in, and since he wouldn't, she -- try not to think about it.

Daisy: He's in jail for something he didn't do. It's like when Reva set you up.

Grady: Well, I'm here now. So it's okay.

Daisy: Yeah. It just doesn't feel like it is okay? It doesn't feel like it is as long as Rafe is sitting alone in some jail cell somewhere.

Rafe: Frank, I'm not hungry.

Frank: Your mother made this. She's worried about your blood sugar.

Rafe: Wow, I've got room service. Are all of the prisoners this lucky, or am I just special?

Frank: Your mother and my sister sacrificed a lot for you. And I want to make sure that it wasn't in vain, okay. So why don't you just knock that little chip off your shoulder and eat something. Please do me a favor and eat.

Rafe: You know I would never hurt Daisy, right?

Frank: Yeah, I know that, I do. But unfortunately the state police have a different opinion. Because they honestly believe that they were in a hostage situation because they got an anonymous tip. And guess what? They don't make stuff up like that.

Rafe: No. You're right, they don't make up stuff like that.

Natalia: Olivia says you have a lot of experience with high-profile cases.

Mr. Russo: Half the work is done in the courtroom, and the other half is a PR battle. So let's start with a list of some names of people who will sing your son's praises. The more prominent, the better. I understand even the D.A. he shot is willing to testify on his behalf?

Natalia: Yes. Jeffrey O'Neill has been very supportive.

Mr. Russo: I love that. It makes it so much easier to cut a deal.

Natalia: A deal? No, my son is not a criminal. He can't serve time for this.

Mr. Russo: Mrs. Aitoro, my job is to get him as little time as possible. Justice is served, a few years, he's out, and everybody wins.

Natalia: It's not about the winning. I want a lawyer who believes in Rafe, and who could understand why he did what he did. He was standing up for his father. And his father would want a lawyer who is going to fight for him just as much now.

Mr. Russo: Rafe shot a man. We can either get this done quick, or we face a long, drawn-out trial that just delays the inevitable.

Natalia: Where is your faith, Mr. Russo?

Mr. Russo: Faith has no place in a court of law.

Natalia: Then you have no place defending my son.

Mr. Russo: With all due respect, I'm your best bet.

Natalia: With all due respect, you're fired! I need a lawyer who believes in my son, not someone who is just going to cut the quickest deal. I didn't get this far in life by cutting corners.

Mr. Russo: Mrs. Aitoro, I wish you the best of luck. You will definitely need it.

Billy: Not bad.

Josh: So?

Billy: So I hired a new architect.

Josh: Good.

Billy: It would have been nice if you told me you fired the last one.

Josh: Well, you know what? He was terrible.

Billy: Yeah, okay.

Josh: So we can get the job done.

Billy: Is um...tell me, is this Jeffrey's head you're putting through the guillotine up there?

Josh: The wedding's off. Haven't you heard? Almost -- almost.

Billy: Oh, yeah. Right, right, right, right, right, right.

Josh: It has been postponed, again.

Billy: Oh, you're worse than the architect that we had, you know that?

Josh: What does that mean?

Billy: Well, that means he couldn't get the job done either. You said you were going to get Reva. Did you end up doing anything about it?

Josh: The wedding's not going to happen, okay?

Billy: Look, I would believe that if it were anybody else but Jeffrey. But Jeffrey is not scared of Reva, and he is not scared of you. It's time, I think, to take off the gloves.

Josh: Have you been talking to Shayne?

Billy: No. Why?

Josh: Because he said exactly the same thing.

Billy: Great minds think alike.

Jeffrey: So what do you say, huh? Let's pack our bags and go get married. What the hell.

Reva: What the hell. What the hell!

Jeffrey: Well, I didn't think you'd say it like that.

Reva: Okay. I proposed to you, and you say yes. And then you get shot, and we have to postpone because you want to see Rafe's case through.

Jeffrey: Yeah, there's no more case, more on that later.

Reva: Okay. Okay. Then you propose, I say yes, and then we have to postpone again because you lose Grady's case, and you want to follow through to try to nail Alan.

Jeffrey: There is no case there, either.

Reva: And then I have to cancel the catering twice. I have to convince my pop that you are a good guy, no easy task there. And through the whole thing, I am being supportive, and calm, and cool. I am the anti-Reva. And then you come in here and demand that we get married.

Jeffrey: Demand?

Reva: Pack your bags, Reva! You know what? You can pack the damn bags, O'Neill, or you can unpack them. Unpack them because you're going to come in here in another ten minutes and postpone the whole thing again! Well, I'm done planning and unplanning this event with you, O'Neill, on your every whim. So you better start wracking your brain about some way, some reason to come up with why I shouldn't make you pack your bags so I can kick your sorry butt out of here. Hmm, okay. You're a great kisser, but that doesn't change anything.

Jeffrey: Why are you so upset? I thought you would be happy.

Reva: I will be happy when you stop flip-flopping back and forth about this wedding. I don't want to believe that this is going to happen this time, and then have you come in here tomorrow morning with some new case that you're working on that we have to postpone for again. Jeffrey, if you're not sure that you want to marry me...

Jeffrey: I am sure. Reva, I am sure. And I didn't want to do this until I was sure that I could be a good husband for you. This is the first time I've done this, well, you know, for real. Reva, I just lost my grandson. I'm losing my daughter to this depression. I lost the case that could have brought Tammy some justice. You know, as much as you might think that I had my priorities way out of whack by putting work before this wedding, I was just trying to make things right. Trying to make things right for you, for us. So that I could come to you ready to be a good husband and not someone who couldn't get anything right.

Reva: What you said, just then, that was right. So, where did this new enlightenment come from?

Jeffrey: My ex-wife.

Reva: Ex-wife, you don't have an ex-wife. (Laughs) Oh, you mean Olivia?

Jeffrey: Yeah. She -- she made me believe that I could be a good family man. I know that doesn't make any sense, but...

Reva: No, it doesn't. But you know what, I'm gonna take it. But how -- how can we be sure this time? How can we be sure that we're not going to cancel again?

Jeffrey: Because forget about two weeks. We're going to do this in two days.

Billy: Come on, Josh. I thought you were ready to mix it up, take the gloves off. I mean -- what are you -- aren't you tired of this playing around?

Josh: No. Actually, I'm not.

Billy: Well, I am. Hey, tell me you don't want to square off to Jeffrey?

Josh: I can't, all right? I cannot fight with him because he isn't fighting back, Billy. All right? In fact, he's being smug about this whole thing, as if I'm not a threat to him. As if my history with Reva is not a threat to him! I've got to get out of here. I've got to get back to the church.

Billy: Oh, it's a little hard to put the collar on and take off the gloves.

Josh: Can we not have anymore boxing metaphors, please? All I'm saying is, I'm not the typical minister, okay? I've got this good angel on one shoulder, and on the other shoulder, I've got this horrible, awful, evil demon from hell angel.

Billy: Skippy is back.

Josh: Skippy is back.

Billy: Yeah! Is he winning?

Josh: I'll keep you posted.

Billy: (Laughs)

Josh: Oh, come on! Come on! So close. So close and yet...

Rafe: Frank, could you just tell me what the trooper said?

Frank: Why don't we wait on this, okay? It's going to come out in court, anyway.

Rafe: Yeah, I know that. I understand. But can you just tell me now, please?

Frank: The state police believed that you had a gun, and you were holding Daisy against her will.

Rafe: I didn't have a gun. If I had a gun, where is it?

Frank: They didn't find one.

Rafe: Exactly, dude.

Frank: Rafe, why didn't you come to me in the first place like your mother wanted you to, huh? Because, maybe, they would have at least reduced the charges or suspended them.

Rafe: Wait, what?

Frank: But with everything -- man, you are looking at five to ten years, at least.

Rafe: Five to ten years?

Frank: That's right.

Rafe: I wonder who would want me away from Daisy for that long?

Frank: You tell me.

Rafe: I haven't had my one phone call yet. Can I have my phone call?

Frank: Yeah. Why don't you call your lawyer. And, Rafe...start taking this seriously, man.

Rafe: I am. I promise.

Daisy: I won't be gone long.

Grady: You've got to do what you've got to do.

Daisy: Look, you know I want to be with you.

Grady: Here I am, but you're still going.

Daisy: Yeah. I just -- I have to see that Rafe is okay. I mean, you remember how they treated you in there?

Grady: Daisy, just because your family set me up, just because the cops kicked the living daylights out of me, doesn't mean they're going to do the same thing to Rafe. Whatever he did or didn't do, he almost got you killed.

Daisy: I'm going to be okay. Okay? Don't worry. I'll be right back. I know myself, I have to see the situation so I can stop thinking about it. And I want to stop thinking about it so I can be with you; completely with you, no distractions, okay? (Cell phone rings) Hello? Yeah, hang on. It's for you.

Grady: Who's calling me on your phone?

Daisy: I don't know. I don't recognize the voice or the number.

Grady: Hello?

Rafe: This is Raphael Rivera. I'm wasting my one phone call on you, so drop what you're doing and get down here.

Grady: I'm sorry, I think you've got the wrong number.

Rafe: Oh, all right, then you can put Daisy on the phone, and I'll give her the message. I'll see you soon then.

Grady: Yeah. Um...I'm sorry. I changed my mind. Thanks for getting back to me.

Daisy: Who was that?

Grady: Some guy. I was thinking of selling my motorcycle, but I changed my mind.

Daisy: And why did he call my number?

Grady: phone ran out of batteries, so I left a message on it saying call yours.

Daisy: Oh, okay. Well, I'm glad you changed your mind. I love that motorcycle.

Grady: Yeah, me, too.

Daisy: All right. Well, you going to be okay while I'm gone?

Grady: I think I can find a few things to keep me out of trouble.

Daisy: Hi. I'm on my way to see Rafe, but I needed to ask you, "Did you set him up?"

Natalia: I wanted him to turn himself into Mallet, but he wouldn't. Do you really think I would put you or my son in that kind of danger, with cops running around the house with guns?

Daisy: Yeah. I knew it before I asked, but I just had to hear you say it.

Natalia: Do you want to sit?

Daisy: Is this your way of keeping me from seeing Rafe?

Natalia: No.

Daisy: Look, I know that you hate me.

Natalia: I don't.

Daisy: Okay, but, look, I really do still care about Rafe.

Natalia: I believe you.

Daisy: How is he?

Natalia: Oh, hopeful, I guess. I mean, at least the last time I saw him, but he's really angry, though.

Daisy: Yeah. He's acting so not like himself. He's so bitter. I have never seen him like that. If there is anything I can do to help.

Natalia: You know, they're not going to let just anyone walk in and see him.

Daisy: Yeah. I was thinking maybe my uncle could get me in or something.

Natalia: Do you want me to get you in?

Daisy: No, I don't think so.

Grady: How do you like the new digs?

Rafe: I don't.

Grady: I've spent some quality time in here, and it is the Ritz, compared to the hole they put me in, in Sydney. What did you want to see me for?

Rafe: I just wanted to know if you enjoyed the show.

Grady: What?

Rafe: I figure you'd be there since you're the one who set the whole thing up.

Grady: I don't know what you're talking about.

Rafe: Well, somebody called the troopers.

Grady: That's a good thing for you, because I would have killed you if you hurt Daisy. Better for you to be living and breathing inside a cell.

Rafe: You mean, better for you.

Grady: You think I called? What about the guy you shot or your mom or Daisy, for that matter. The way you've been bugging her. Not that I wouldn't have wanted to see you go down. But back home, they shoot first when a guy's got a gun.

Rafe: Who said anything about a gun, huh? The only people who knew about that were the cops. And the guy who told them.

Grady: (Laughs)

Reva: Daisy's going to be okay.

Jeffrey: Well, not Daisy. Rafe is the one in trouble.

Reva: Well, you said you were going to help him.

Jeffrey: I will, but you know, after this last stunt I'm not sure what I can do. Isn't Rutledge supposed to be here?

Reva: Yeah. I mean, we're lucky, actually, that he was even around. You know, we don't even really have to do this part.

Jeffrey: I thought that pre-wedding counseling was part of the drill?

Reva: Well, yeah, but, I mean, we're getting married in two days.

Jeffrey: Okay, well, then we can scratch this one off the list and get to the good stuff, like the food, and the music, and...

Reva: The honeymoon.

Jeffrey: Yes! (Both laugh)

Josh: Hi there! Oh, I'm sorry. You are the ones that are scheduled for counseling?

Jeffrey: Yes, with Stephen Ruthledge.

Josh: Yeah. Yeah, he is in town for a couple of days. He is doing some counseling, but an emergency came up, so I'm filling in for him.

Reva: Oh, okay. Well, then we'll be stepping out.

Josh: Actually, this is not a problem for me.

Reva: It's a conflict of interest.

Josh: Well, that may be so, but I'm a professional man of God, so I'm up for the challenge if, you are.

Reva: No.

Jeffrey: Yes. Bring it on.

Natalia: I thought you just said that you were going to see him.

Daisy: Yeah, but sitting here with you made me think, maybe I'm just going to see him to make myself feel better, more for my benefit than his. If you think the best thing for him is for me to not see him, then I'll do it. I'll do whatever you think is best.

Natalia: Wow, that's very mature. You're growing up, Daisy.

Daisy: Well, you're probably the only one who thinks so. Everyone's still so mad at me for standing up for Grady. I just don't know how to turn my back on someone who I know is a good person who just made a mistake, like you're doing for Rafe. It's what Gus did for me.

Natalia: I don't know what the best thing for Rafe is anymore.

Daisy: What is all of this?

Natalia: This is for Rafe's case. I fired his lawyer.

Daisy: Oh. Why?

Natalia: Great, there he is.

Mr. Russo: I know you sent me packing, but you can't fire me when it's Olivia Spencer who's hired me. I filed a motion to get your son released on bail.

Daisy: That's great.

Natalia: Thank you.

Mr. Russo: No, don't thank me. The motion was denied.

Rafe: What did I ever do to you? I don't know you. You don't know me.

Grady: You need to leave Daisy alone.

Rafe: That's not your choice. That's her choice.

Grady: You're right. But I'm making it my choice.

Rafe: It's because you're scared, isn't it? You're scared she's going to choose me. You know she's going to choose me!

Grady: Maybe, but...maybe not.

Rafe: You know what though? I don't envy you. I don't envy you, my man. You want to know why? Because you have to trick women to be with you.

Grady: Well, I envy you. You're living in a cage, you get three square meals a day. You don't even have to pay for the roof over your head. Enjoy it.

Rafe: She's going to see right through you, you know that? I'm going to make sure she does.

Grady: And I'm going to make sure that you never get close enough to try.

Josh: 'Kay. What do you feel makes yours a lasting relationship?

Reva: You know, Josh, we're not even getting married in a church, so we don't really even have to do this.

Jeffrey: Mutual respect, as in when Reva says she wants something, I respect that. Like, Reva says she wants to marry me. If she said she didn't want to marry me, I would respect that, too, and back off.

Reva: Okay.

Josh: I'm sorry. So it sounds to me like love really doesn't have a whole lot to do with anything in this relationship. Forgive me if I feel a little...

Reva: We love each other, Joshua. Can we go now?

Josh: What exactly do you have in common?

Jeffrey: A lot.

Josh: Really? Did you grow up together?

Jeffrey: No.

Josh: Do you have children together?

Jeffrey: No.

Josh: Oh, but you do know Reva's children, in fact, now that I'm thinking about it, you dated one of her children, my daughter.

Jeffrey: But I didn't...I didn't marry her sister.

Josh: I see. I just feel that I would be doing you both a disservice if I didn't ask the tough questions.

Jeffrey: Then, maybe, we should get to those because these are easy.

Rafe: Hey, Frank! Frank, are you there, man?

Frank: Oh, boy, you ate. What, do you want, seconds?

Rafe: I have to get out of here.

Frank: Yeah, well, we're working on that. Did you call your lawyer?

Rafe: I don't need a lawyer. Get Daisy, I need to talk to her. I need to see her.

Daisy: Hey, you.

Grady: Hey. On your way to see Rafe?

Daisy: I changed my mind.

Grady: Well, then I have a confession to make. He's the one who called before.

Daisy: The motorcycle guy? I didn't recognize his voice. What did he -- why did he want to talk to you?

Grady: He wanted to see me. I guess he didn't want you to know about it.

Daisy: So you saw him. What did he say to you?

Grady: Oh, I don't know, you know? Nothing important.

Daisy: Grady, tell me.

Grady: Well...he basically said, if you weren't going to be happy with him, he didn't want you to be happy with anyone else, and he warned me off you. He said I was bad for you. I mean, he can join the club, huh? Look, Daisy, this is getting really hard, you know? Maybe he is right. I don't think we can be together.

Daisy: Grady, no. You're good for me. You're so good for me. And Rafe doesn't even know you. And he's the one who left me. He told me to forget about him. He has absolutely no right to dump on you like that. He is as bad as everyone else. He's worse.

Grady: You know, I can't blame him. He's lost you, and, hey, the way things are going, he's going to be going away for a very long time.

Josh: You know what, if the two of you don't want to take this seriously.

Reva: Oh, no, we're taking this seriously.

Josh: Well, maybe so. But will you be able to do that over the long haul? I mean always, Reva? Because it seems like this wedding is really just a stunt, you know, something that you're just trying on to see how it fits.

Jeffrey: A stunt, no. "Always, the movie." Now that was a stunt.

Josh: Have you considered talking to, or maybe even counseling with, any of Reva's other ex-husbands.

Reva: You know what? Ask away. Ask any question you want to ask. Anything you have in your little notebook there. I choose Jeffrey. And I tried to tell you that in a million different ways.

Josh: Oh, yes, but you've also come up with a million different reasons to postpone the wedding. I'll just saying, Reva, this doesn't seem like something you've really thought out. It's like, "What the hell; let's get married."

Jeffrey: Yes. (Laughs)

Reva: That's how I live my life now.

Josh: Now, as in post-cancer?

Reva: Yes.

Josh: So is, "What the hell, I'm not going to tell my husband I'm sick," or "What the hell, I'm going to push my husband into the arms of my sister."

Reva: I thought I was dying.

Josh: Oh, so you still love him, the ex-husband, I mean, me?

Reva: Not the way you want me to.

Jeffrey: Josh, maybe if you spent less time trying to save the world, then you'd realize that Reva really does want to marry me.

Reva: And this counseling is over. This has to stop.

Josh: Reva!

Reva: I have never been so sure as I am at this very moment that what we're doing is the right thing.

Jeffrey: So let's walk out of here ready to do the right thing.

Josh: Look, I just want to say one more thing here, "If you two have to constantly keep testing yourselves, proving yourselves, that's probably a pretty good indication that there is something wrong."

Reva: The only one who isn't convinced that this is right, is you.

Josh: No, I'm not the only one.

Jeffrey: Nice talk.

Josh: Good luck.

Reva: I need a hot bath and a long nap.

Jeffrey: Okay. (Laughs) Well, go ahead. I've got to stop by the office, okay?

Reva: Okay.

Jeffrey: I'm glad we did this.

Reva: Me too.

Jeffrey: It never hurts to be reminded of what we already know.

Reva: I was just worried you were going to end up with a black eye for the wedding.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah? Come on, two guys fighting over you? I think you would love it.

Reva: (Laughing) I can't wait to marry you.

Jeffrey: Hmm.

Daisy: I can't stand thinking about Rafe in prison, God. Before today, he probably would have gotten off with just a slap on the wrist. There are so many people who care about him. There are so many people who would stand up for him. He should know that. Maybe I should go see him.

Grady: I don't think that's a good idea.

Daisy: Why not?

Grady: Well, because he's got tough times ahead. I think he's going to take it out on you.

Daisy: What do you mean?

Grady: When I was in prison, in Australia, I wanted to get in touch with you, but I didn't want to mess your life up anymore.

Daisy: I would have liked to hear from you.

Grady: Well, for once in my life, you know, I wasn't being a selfish jerk, and I didn't want to see you until I got out. But Rafe, I mean after talking with him, I don't think he's man enough to give you up.

Daisy: Really? He's more of a man than he was before he left.

Grady: It takes more than a few months on the run to be a man. Look, Daisy, I hate that this is happening now, you know, just when we're starting off; we're giving it a chance. We're giving it our first shot, but... I'm not going to tell you what to do.

Daisy: No. You're right. It's better I don't see him.

Frank: Hey. Hi.

Natalia: Hi.

Frank: How are you holding up?

Natalia: He ate?

Frank: Absolutely. Like every bite, well, almost.

Natalia: Yea. Frank, thank you so much for keeping him out of State Prison. I know that Rafe can't be making this easy for you.

Frank: Well, he has his moments.

Natalia: I'd like to think that Gus is looking out for him, but knowing that you're looking out for him as well, is a really big comfort to me.

Frank: Well, I'm glad. You know, at least I can finally do something for you. But, Natalia, you know, all you have to do is ask.

Natalia: I'm not so good at that.

Frank: Don't worry, neither am I.

Natalia: Yeah, it's years and years of just going it alone, you know, and then you expect to do everything on your own.

Frank: Well, maybe you don't have to do that anymore because you have an inside man. (Laughs)

(Knock on the door)

Josh: What? I thought you had to get to work?

Jeffrey: I lied. I thought that the two of us needed to spend sometime together, just us guys.

Josh: Really? Is there something that you didn't say before because you were afraid to say it in front of Reva?

Jeffrey: I'm not afraid of anything, Josh.

Josh: Well, that's a mistake. What is that?

Jeffrey: Oh, this is to get your exact address so that we know where to send the postcard from our honeymoon.

Josh: Okay. There's two days left, Jeffrey. A whole lot can happen in two days. There you go.

Jeffrey: Thanks.

Josh: Uh-huh. Two days, Jeffrey! And counting.

(Knock on the door)

Lillian: You forgot?

Reva: Oh, Lillian, I am so sorry.

Lillian: No. I can come back another time, Reva.

Reva: No. Please, come in.

Lillian: Okay. You know, I've gotten so used to being with you all of the time. And now if you're not always at survivor's groups, you're seeing Jeffrey. Yeah, I'd gotten spoiled. Can you catch me up?

Reva: Did you just come from group?

Lillian: Where do you think I stole all of the cookies and things? Yes, I did. I really could have used you there. I mean, we needed a Reva pep talk. Remember Judy? That sweet girl that was doing so well? She found a mass.

Reva: Oh, what a coincidence. I found one, too.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Bill: Wherever he is, it's a safe bet that he's planning his move on the company. Yeah, well just the lawyers to stand by, okay? Where are you off to, Lizzie?

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