Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/25/08
Provided by
Proofread by Melanie
Josh: The divorce papers . . .
Cassie: I already signed, and I've marked where you have to. You want the man who ran down my daughter to come help me do odd jobs around the house?
Cyrus: Cassie, I thought you were the forgiving type.
Cassie: Sometimes things don't go exactly the way we want them to.
Cyrus: Is this because of what happened with us? We're going to fix this.
R.J.: Hey.
Cassie: Hey.
R.J.: Who fixed the door?
Cassie: Would you believe I did?
R.J.: No.
Cassie: Okay, it was Cyrus, but I would have, if I had had more time. What do you got there?
R.J.: It's a boomerang.
Cassie: Where did you get it?
R.J.: This guy gave it to me in the park for free. He said he had a lot of them in Australia.
Cassie: Was he really tall, with dark hair and a funny accent?
R.J.: Mm-hmm.
Cassie: How many times have I told you not to talk to strangers? I don't want you to talk to that man ever again. Ever again! Do you hear me?
R.J.: Mom, it's just a boomerang.
Cassie: Okay. It's just . . . if anything happened to you, I couldn't take it. Just go and pack for your sleepover.
R.J.: Okay.
Cyrus: Hey! How's this door holding up?
Olivia: I'm leaving right now.
Natalia: What did the doctor say?
Olivia: He's going to squeeze me in, you happy?
Natalia: Good, yes. I will drive you.
Olivia: No, no, no. You don't trust me?
Natalia: You shouldn't be driving if you're having chest pains.
Olivia: You think I'm going to skip, don't you?
Natalia: I know you.
Olivia: You're staying. I'm going. You're going to take care of Rafe. If you know me so well, you won't argue.
Radio Announcer: State police have surrounded the house. They believe fugitive Rafe Rivera is holding the girl hostage. Sources confirm they've been given orders to shoot to kill.
State Policeman: We've got you, Rivera. Come out with your hands on top
of your head. Respond now, or we're coming in!
Daisy: They think you took me hostage!
Rafe: Well, why would they think that, huh?
Daisy: I didn't tell them.
Rafe: Did I say that . . . did I say that you told them? No . . .
Daisy: Okay, but I . . .
Rafe: No.
Daisy: Okay, but I swear . . .
Rafe: No, I didn't say that.
Daisy: . . . I wouldn't turn you in, okay? You have to believe me, Rafe. Do you believe me?
Rafe: Yes! All right? I believe you. All right, but that means that my mom did it? Everybody just . . . (screams) when Gus said that it was okay for me to come back, that it was safe, I really don't think that he meant this.
Daisy: Okay, I'm . . . I'm going to go outside and then while I'm talking to them, you can go out the back, okay?
Rafe: Oh, God. Okay, you can't . . . Daisy, what if they open fire on you?
Daisy: They won't! No ones going to shoot me.
Rafe: Hey, I've seen that stuff happen, okay?
Daisy: You have to go, this is your chance . . . go while you can!
Rafe: No! Look, if you go out there, that means that you're my accomplice. I'm not going to let that happen.
Daisy: I don't care. I . . . I owe this to you.
State policeman: This is the police. We know you're in there, Rivera. 30 seconds, Rivera. 29 . . . 28 . . . 27 . . .
Rafe: All right, I'm coming out. I don't . . . I'm not armed, okay?
Cassie: Do you know what this is?
Cyrus: Yeah. Do you want me to show you how to throw it?
Cassie: No! I want you to tell your brother to stay the hell away from my son!
Cyrus: Grady wouldn't want to . . .
Cassie: Grady gave this to R.J. in the park, like some kind of sick joke, or a warning that he can still get to my family.
Cyrus: Grady wouldn't hurt R.J. I think he was just trying to reach out. Make amends.
Cassie: Make amends. Like, as if giving a toy to R.J. could make up for killing his sister?
Cyrus: That's not what I meant, and you know it.
Cassie: (Sighs)
Cyrus: But maybe it starts with a boomerang or a door. We can't bring Tammy back.
Cassie: No, we can't bring Tammy back.
Cyrus: But what's the use of all this hate? The only one it's really hurting, Cassíe, is you. Is that what Tammy would want?
Cassie: Okay, you know what? You should just not say her name to me.
Cyrus: Is it? Listen, the only way you're ever going to get your life back is if you stop hating and move on.
Cassie: Well, I'm never going to forgive Grady, so hate is really all I've got.
Cyrus: Where does that leave R.J.?
Cassie: (Sighs)
Cyrus: You know, this . . . it's a lot like your hatred. You can toss it off at someone else, but it'll always come back to you.
Rick: Hey!
Olivia: Hey!
Rick: Hey!
Olivia: Hey!
Rick: (Laughs) Tell me you're here for your checkup. Tell me you're here for your checkup.
Olivia: Well, you know, to get you and Natalia and everybody else off my back . . . yup.
Rick: Well, I'll tell you something. This will actually kill the nerves. We don't like to give these puppies up, but . . .
Olivia: Got anything stronger?
Rick: I know, I know, Olivia. You want to know that you're okay. But if you're not okay, it'll be less okay with me, and I'm not okay with that. Is that . . . is that selfish of me?
Olivia: I'm following you.
Rick: You're following me?
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Rick: All right. Listen, I was going to walk to cardiology. Can I join you?
Olivia: Um . . .
Rick: Listen, by the way. Any pains at all?
Olivia: Some, but they're not bad.
Rick: Twinges? Like little twinges?
Olivia: No, breathlessness. That's not a good sign!
Rick: It's okay. I have both of those and I'm still here, okay?
P.A. System: Paging Doctor Stateman, Doctor Stateman, please?
Rick: Can I give you just a little lecture right now? Is that all right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Rick: These hearts that we have? They're a gift. We've got to take care of them, okay?
Olivia: That's what Alan says.
Rick: Alan said that?
Olivia: Yeah . . . that Gus would want me to take care of myself and be cautious and see my doctor . . .
Rick: Wait, wait, wait. Okay, the question is how do you feel?
Olivia: I want to be okay.
Rick: Olivia, it's your . . . your body. Your body will tell you, you know, if you're not feeling well or not. You just . . . you really need to listen to your own instincts when it comes to your own health, okay? Promise me you'll do that.
Nurse: Dr. Bauer, I need your signature?
Rick: Just a second. Where?
Nurse: Uh, just right here.
Rick: Okay.
Nurse: Do you remember Rafe Rivera, the diabetic who . . .
Rick: Yeah.
Nurse: Yeah, it was just on the news. They arrested him.
Rick: Olivia? Olivia, wait a second!
Daisy: Where's Rafe?
Frank: You're not allowed to see him.
Daisy: Just for a minute.
Frank: You're going to have to get clearance by the state police, which I doubt you're going to get.
Daisy: But they've got it all wrong, okay? He didn't take me hostage!
Frank: Well, thank God you didn't get hurt!
Daisy: But that's just the thing! Rafe would never hurt me. It's the exact opposite. He gave himself up so they wouldn't start shooting!
Frank: "So they wouldn't start shooting." Do you hear what you're saying, Daisy?
Daisy: It's the truth! They . . . they were threatening to break down the door!
Frank: Why were you in this position in the first place? That's what you have to look at. You just got out of high school. You know what? Name one girl that . . . name one girl in your entire school that's ever been in the middle of a shootout! That's right, nobody. Absolutely nobody. Nobody gets in your kind of trouble!
Daisy: Kerry Larentino got busted for stealing condoms.
Frank: Okay. Nobody's perfect, I get that. But you . . . you chase trouble! Why is every one of your boyfriends a criminal?
Daisy: Rafe is not just a criminal, Rafe has had a very hard life.
Frank: I see. And Grady's misunderstood.
Daisy: He grew up in the streets!
Frank: I don't care if he was raised by a pack of wolves. You are not to see Grady, Cyrus or Rafe or any other guy out there that drags you down.
Daisy: Okay. I get what you're afraid of, but I'm not going to make my mom's mistakes.
Frank: Yeah? Well, that's what she said.
Natalia: Frank. So can I see him?
Frank: Absolutely. You stay right here.
Natalia: He came back for you.
Daisy: Would you tell him that I'm here and tell him that I'm sorry?
Frank: Rafe. Your mother's here to see you.
Natalia: Rafe?
Rafe: You got what you want. Get out.
Grady: Hey!
Daisy: I'm so glad you're here!
Grady: Are you okay?
Daisy: It's Rafe.
Grady: Yeah, I heard. It's too bad about him. Is there anything I can do?
Daisy: Just hold me.
Blake: (Clears throat) Well, Cinderella, your fairy godmother has appeared.
Cassie: (Laughing) Oh! Some sexy fairy! Who's the lucky guy?
Blake: The one who gets you! Put down that mop. Put it down! Go upstairs, put something outrageous on, because I am taking you to Towers.
Cassie: No, you're not, Blake. I have, like, a million things to do.
Blake: Do you hear that? That's the sound of the mice. They're taking care of everything. They're singing, they're dancing, they're asking for benefits.
Cassie: I'm serious! I have phone calls to return, I have bills to pay, I . . . I have to take R.J. to a sleepover!
Blake: Honey, the bills will wait until long after we're both dead. And R.J. -- We'll take him on the way. Come on, go. Go, go, go!
Cassie: I was going to go to the grocery store!
Blake: Excuses, excuses. You are a divorced woman now. You're getting back into circulation before you're moving parts forget how to move. And no, mine have not forgotten, thank you. Any questions?
Cassie: Just one.
Blake: What?
Cassie: Can I say no?
Blake: No.
Cassie: No. Okay. Maybe you're right. Help me pick out a dress?
Blake: (Sings in delight)
Cassie: And nothing too slutty!
Blake: Moi?
Natalia: I didn't call the police.
Rafe: That's bull, Ma! You tried to set me up and have Mallet arrest me!
Natalia: Yes. So that something like this wouldn't happen.
Rafe: You know, I always thought there was one person that I could trust. (Scoffs) but I can't. Ma, I can't even trust you.
Natalia: I love you more than life itself, and you know that. And of course you can trust me!
Rafe: Don't. Don't, all right? You know Daisy could have been shot, Ma? It wasn't just me out there. You told them I had a gun and that I was holding Daisy hostage? Come on! Daisy could have . . . could have been killed!
Natalia: Rafe, I didn't know that Daisy was with you. So how could I have told anybody that you'd taken her hostage?
Frank: She's telling the truth.
Rafe: Shut the hell up!
Natalia: Rafe . . .
Rafe: I wasn't talking to you.
Natalia: Stop.
Rafe: Get her out of here. Get her out. I don't want her here.
Natalia: Have I ever lied to you? Have I?
Frank: Maybe we should go.
Natalia: I know you're afraid that you're not going to get out. But you will. It's just like Alan said -- we're not going to be abandoned by Gus. It's going to be fine. And something good is going to come out of this. You just have to wait and see. I didn't do this!
Frank: Natalia . . .
Natalia: I didn't do this to you, and I will prove it.
Frank: Listen, Rafe doesn't mean what he just said, okay? He's . . . he's scared, Natalia.
Olivia: Don't worry about a thing. I called my lawyer. He's going to get the best defense money can buy. We'll get a PR person to offset the bad press . . .
Natalia: What are you trying to do, kill yourself? Just go see the doctor and leave me alone!
Grady: Just why didn't you let me know Rafe was here? I would have protected you from that little loser.
Daisy: He's not a loser. He . . . he gave himself up so I wouldn't get shot or, even, like, thought to be a part of it all. If anything, he's . . .
Grady: Oh, what? A hero? I mean, the guy almost gets you blasted, you want to give him a medal? You know, maybe I should have . . .
Daisy: What? Should have - what?
Grady: Maybe I should have never come to town. That way, you and your boyfriend could make babies, go off together, buy a little house . . . maybe get a van.
Daisy: He's not my boyfriend, and I don't want a house or a van.
Grady: Then what do you want?
Daisy: You, okay? But that doesn't mean that I all of a sudden stop caring about Rafe. You can love people in different ways.
Grady: So you love him?
Daisy: I'm with you now. Would you stop, Grady?
Cyrus: I heard what you said.
Grady: Oh, later.
Cyrus: You set the kid up.
Grady: (Imitating woman's voice) Oh, my God! I can't believe it! The kid's got a gun! Oh, my goodness, he has a girl hostage. I think he might shoot her or even kill her! Ahh!
Blake: Okay, here are the rules: There's no talking about Josh, no talking about Ross, nothing about anything or anyone we have lost. We're only going to talk about what we've still got.
Cassie: What have we still got?
Blake: Our legs, honey. Oh, come on. It's like riding a bicycle.
Cassie: Hmm. Yeah, well, I feel like I could use some training wheels.
Blake: Ha! Not with that body. Uh, Mister Bartender, please may I have a martini? And my friend here would like . . .
Cassie: A club soda, please.
Blake: Club soda! Live a little.
Cassie: How about a twist of lime?
Blake: Oh, wow!
Cassie: Blake, the last time I did any real drinking I ended up on the side of the road having sex with a total stranger.
Blake: I should be so lucky!
Cassie: It ruined my marriage, Blake.
Blake: Honey, this time there is no marriage to ruin. You've got to look on the bright side.
Cassie: And that's the bright side?
Blake: If the right stranger comes along? Yeah.
Cassie: Okay, I know you're kidding, but really . . . I don't ever want to be that desperate again.
Blake: Darling? We have friends. We have kids. We have work. And we have really good facial products!
Cassie: (Laughs)
Blake: That is worth living for, okay?
Cassie: (Laughing) I've missed you! All right, I have to admit, it's kind of good to laugh. Okay, all right, um . . . excuse me? On second thought, could I have a martini?
Blake: Oh, yes! Yay!
Natalia: Every time I turn around, there you are, trying to fix everything! You won't even fix yourself.
Olivia: Did I miss something that I should know about?
Frank: I just took her in to see Rafe.
Natalia: Did you know that my son has been arrested again on new charges, and he blames me for all of them? He doesn't want to see me, and you won't get your heart checked.
Olivia: (Laughs softly)
Natalia: It's not funny! I'm not going to have you on my conscience along with everything else. You have to go and check everything out.
Olivia: (Laughing) I'm sor . . . no! I'm sorry! It's just that you sound like me, which means I get to sound like you! "Calm down. Everything's going to be fine, you'll see." Come on. You make a lousy me. Too much faith. I want to see Rafe.
Natalia: Oh, no.
Olivia: Please.
Natalia: Frank?
Olivia: Frank?
Frank: It's worth a try.
Natalia: He's not in the right state of mind. If she's too harsh . . .
Olivia: I will be as gentle as a lamb, I promise. You selfish, thoughtless, ungrateful little twit! What are you doing to your mother? She has sacrificed everything for you. She lives for you!
Rafe: She ratted me out to the police.
Olivia: Oh, like hell, she did. And if you believe that, you're even stupider than you look right now. She would rather have her fingers and her toes cut off than sell you out, and you know that deep down inside. Hey? Who has given you everything? Everything? Who has taken care of you since the day you were born, without any help from anyone? You know, when you were in Greece, you were all she could think about? Hey, tell me something. Have you thought about her once since you've been back?
Rafe: Yes. She's my mother.
Olivia: You love her? Why don't you tell her that the next time you see her? Rafe, do you want to get out of here?
Rafe: Yes.
Olivia: Then you need to listen to me.
Cyrus: I really don't get you, Grady.
Grady: Ain't that the bloody truth!
Cyrus: I thought you care about Daisy.
Grady: I do! That's why I helped her get rid of the little parasite.
Cyrus: Yeah, well, you almost got rid of both of them! What if Rafe hadn't surrendered? What if someone had opened fire with Daisy inside?
Grady: Well, I didn't think of that.
Cyrus: Yeah, you never think, do you? Huh? You just grab what you want and you lash out at anybody that gets in your way. And I'm the sucker who keeps defending you and keeps begging Cassíe to forgive you. Why do I even bother?
Grady: Yeah, why do you? I've done just fine on my own without you.
Cyrus: Listen. There's something I have to tell you.
Daisy: Go through. Go through. Hi, Harley, it's me. Um . . . it finally went through. Your line's been dead over there. Um . . . I wish I knew where you were, it's kind of like leaving a message in a bottle, but . . . anyway, I hope you're doing okay, because, uh . . . Rafe's not. He . . . he left that safe house that you sent him to, and he came back home, and now he's in jail for a lot more than just shooting Jeffrey O'Neill. So if you still want to help him, then you need to come home, okay? Because Rafe needs you, and . . . I need you, too, kind of. More than kind of. I miss you, and I just . . . I just miss you.
Cyrus: I know I failed you when you were a kid.
Grady: You think?
Cyrus: Will you stop being a smart ass for a second? If I had it to do over again . . .
Grady: What? You'd give up the high life, the rush, the babes, the cars?
Cyrus: I was 15 years old when I left. What were you doing when you were 15?
Grady: Getting my head flushed down the toilet by one of my foster moms.
Cyrus: I know, I know. You had a really rough time, but it wasn't that much easier for me. Yeah, I made mistakes, but I've done a lot of growing up since then.
Grady: Gotten soft, you mean?
Cyrus: If you think I've gone soft, you're making a serious mistake. Look, you're my brother, and I'm on your side. If you . . .
Grady: What? Huh?
Cyrus: If you hurt Daisy or anyone else that I care about . . .
Grady: Yeah? Just say it.
Cyrus: I will take you down.
Daisy: I just got through to Harley's voicemail. It's been going dead for the past few days. What is going on?
Cyrus: I'll tell you what's going on. Grady here . . .
Daisy: What? Grady what?
Cyrus: He owes me some money, but uh . . . we've worked it out. You take care of yourself.
Daisy: What's the real story?
Grady: Look, Cyrus was just on me for not taking care of you.
Daisy: You didn't know I was going to go see Rafe.
Grady: He cares about you. What can I say? It runs in the family.
Cassie: Come on! You were all over that vet!
Blake: Oh, well . . . he had nice hands . . . and he works with animals!
Cassie: (Imitating Blake) "Yes, I should have been a cat. I haven't felt that ever since I was a kitten."
Blake: Well, at least he paid for the drinks.
Cassie: Well, are you going to call him?
Blake: If I get fleas.
Cassie: So, why'd you get his number?
Blake: Oh, I just do that. And sometimes, you know, when it's late at night and I miss Ross, I just take my little cards out, my little matchbooks, and line them up. I just look at them and I think, "You could be with any one of these men. See? You don't have to be alone." Then I put them away and go to sleep.
Cassie: Alone.
Blake: But that could change.
Cassie: If you get a fur ball. (Laughter)
Blake: I miss you. We should do this more often. I had fun.
Cassie: Yeah, me too.
Blake: Consistently, okay?
Cassie: Okay.
Blake: Okay.
Cassie: Coffee?
Blake: No, actually, I'm going to have to go.
Cassie: Ooh! You don't want to miss a call from your secret lover?
Blake: No, I have to pay the sitter. Bye.
Cassie: Bye. Thank you.
Blake: See ya.
Grady: Nice place, huh?
Daisy: Yeah.
Grady: And it's empty, too.
Daisy: I know.
Grady: What, you come here, too?
Daisy: Um, no. Actually, Gus bought this place for Natalia and Rafe.
Grady: Huh.
Daisy: Yeah, it's . . . it's really sad, actually. Gus died before they got a chance to live in it.
Grady: Well, then it needs us.
Daisy: What?
Grady: To give it that happy vibe. Come on, let's go in.
Daisy: Uh, I just . . . I feel weird. Breaking into a . . . a house that means so much to Rafe.
Grady: Sure, um . . . whatever. I just wanted to be, you know, alone with you, and seeing as your cousin Marina's always at her house, I figured that we could . . . look, let's just go.
Daisy: No, no, no, no, no. I . . . you're . . . you're right. It's . . . it's just a house. And like you said, we should be alone together.
Grady: Hmm. Hey, the basement's a cinch to open. Come on, I'll show you.
(Hammer pounding)
Frank: Have you eaten anything? Well, why don't we go over to Company and get Pop to whip us up something to eat?
Natalia: I guess I should be counting my blessings, huh? At least I'm not standing in a funeral home, or . . . it's just I don't see any way out of this.
Frank: Natalia, I have orders to send Rafe off to the county jail.
Natalia: No!
Frank: But I'm not going to do that, okay? I'm going to keep him here as long as I can.
Natalia: What does that mean? "As long as you can?"
Frank: Um, I'm not going to lie to you, okay? This is just a temporary solution. They can come in here and ship him off whenever they want.
Natalia: Well, what about bail? There's bail, right?
Frank: No, there's not bail. Unfortunately, Rafe fled the country and he's considered a flight risk right now, and no judge in the state is going to grant any bail for him.
Natalia: If Gus were here . . .
Frank: No. Unfortunately, this is beyond Gus, and beyond the Springfield P.D.
Natalia: How is he?
Olivia: Well, visiting hours are tomorrow at nine, Frank, right? So he's expecting you.
Natalia: Really?
Olivia: Nah, I'm making it up. Yeah!
Natalia: Thank you! What did you say to him?
Olivia: I told you. I was as gentle as a lamb.
Natalia: God, I'm . . . I'm sorry. I've just been . . . I've been doubting myself, I've been doubting everything. I've been doubting Gus, and I shouldn't. This is just like Alan said. This is all going to turn around.
Frank: Natalia, um . . .
Natalia: It's true. Just like in the bible. "Everything you ask for in prayer will be yours if only you have faith." You just did me a huge favor. I want to do something for you, so we're going to go see your cardiologist.
Olivia: Oh, no, I'm sure his shift is over. We don't need to do that.
Natalia: No, no, no. There's no excuses. This is what Gus wants.
Cyrus: Can I get you anything?
Cassie: What the hell? How did you get in here?
Cyrus: I was working on the roof and I looked in the window, and I saw you.
Cassie: I have the door locked downstairs.
Cyrus: Yeah.
Cassie: Why?
Cyrus: Why did I come back? I thought that if I keep fixing things around here, then somehow, maybe . . . it's pretty lame, isn't it?
Cassie: No, I get that you're trying to be a good guy. I believe you really are a good guy. But it's just your brother . ..
Cyrus: It's not Grady's fault. I left him . . .
Cassie: Some people are just born bad.
Cyrus: He was the sweetest, most trusting kid you've ever seen. I betrayed that, and . . .
Cassie: Hey, you know what? I can't listen to that again.
Cyrus: I don't like the way he thinks or the decisions he makes . . .
Cassie: Grady killed my daughter! I'm sorry, I would like to be sympathetic, but I can't. He ran my baby down with his car. You see Grady every day. I only see Tammy in my dreams, and believe me, I don't want to wake up.
Cyrus: I know . . .
Cassie: No, you don't know! You don't know. (Sighs) If you want to do something . . . do you want to do something for me?
Cyrus: Yes, anything.
Cassie: Okay. Then you can take your brother and get the hell out of town.
Cyrus: Cassie . . .
Cassie: Grady . . . every time I see Grady, I see Tammy taking her last breath. When I see Grady, I see Tammy covered in blood. I see her in her coffin, and I don't want to see that anymore! Now, you asked me what you can do, and I told you, so do it!
Olivia: The doctor may not even be able to see me.
Natalia: Well, then we will get you another one.
Olivia: I'll reschedule for tomorrow!
Natalia: Will you stop trying to put this off?
Olivia: I'm not.
Rick: Hey! Welcome back! Welcome back. Um . . . did you know that the morgue is actually downstairs? To the left side? I want to give you a tour. We have a new body that just went there five minutes ago. It was a liver patient waiting for a transplant that didn't come. He wasn't lucky as you, but, you know, since you seem so determined to join him . . .
Natalia: Yeah, she was helping me and Rafe.
Rick: . . . I just want to make sure there's a drawer down there available for you.
Olivia: That is not funny.
Rick: I'm not trying to be funny. You need to take care of your heart, okay? Or you won't be with us much longer. You have to be careful. It's the most important part of your life right now. After care is important . . .
Olivia: I know, I know.
Rick: Okay, then why did you run out of here like that?
Natalia: She's here now, and she's going to be fine.
Rick: Oh, she is? And what do you base that on?
Natalia: Gus.
Rick: On Gus.
Natalia: Mm-hmm.
Rick: Ah. Well, I hate to break this to you but Gus is dead.
Natalia: Yes, in some ways.
Rick: (Sighs) Do you guys listen to yourselves? You're ignoring your health, and your son's in jail. Now why is that? Because you're listening to the rantings of a crazy man who's having visions because . . .
Olivia: Because of what?
Rick: It's complicated.
Olivia: Because of what?
Rick: Well, you know what? I don't want to see you throw your life away, so I'm going to tell you something I'm not supposed to. There are certain rules, patient/doctor confidentiality. And guess what? I'm breaking every one of those rules because I don't want to see this happen to you. Alan is sick.
Natalia: Sick?
Rick: These visions have nothing to do with Gus and God and whatever. It's nonsense. Unfortunately, Alan has a blood clot in his brain. So if you continue to follow a man who's talking to dead people, guess what? It's going to be bad for you. It's going to be really, really bad. So I would go see a doctor if I were you.
P.A. System: Paging Doctor Bender. Paging Doctor Bender.
Olivia: (Clears throat)
Daisy: Where'd you get those?
Grady: I snuck them in earlier. I have your favorite cookies, too.
Daisy: Oh, these are the . . . the chocolate chip ones we used to eat in my dorm room, right?
Grady: That's right. In your dorm room. You think I forget about these things, but I don't. And there's a blanket here if you're cold.
Daisy: Oh, I'm okay. Thank you.
Grady: Are you sure? Because you had quite a scare today.
Daisy: Yeah, no, I am . . . I am okay. I'm worried about Rafe. I mean, we met in juvie, but this is jail.
Grady: Hey . . .
Daisy: But, is he going to be okay?
Grady: Your family practically runs this town. You're the one we need to worry about. Look, I'm just glad I'm here at the moment, because I don't want you being alone.
Daisy: I just . . . you always make me feel better. My family . . . they try to understand me, but it's like they're so mad that they can't. You . . .
Grady: Shh. You make me feel good, too. Look, I know how much you've been through today, so I'm just going to hold you tonight.
Daisy: If you do, I will never forgive you.
Grady: Hmm. We don't have to, okay?
Daisy: I love you.
Coming up on "Guiding Light" . . .
Josh: Heard from Mom today -- she's still marrying Jeffrey. Think it's time to take off the gloves? You want to try this on for me? Give me a sneak preview? Dresses go out of style the longer you wait. If I'm bothering you, I could . . .
Reva: No.
Josh: Don't think for one minute that you'll ever have these kinds of memories with him.
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