GL Transcript Thursday 8/21/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/21/08


Provided by Eric

Previously on "guiding light"...

Rafe: Hey alan.

Alan: I knew it.

Rafe: Are you still seeing gus? Are you still talking to him?

Alan: Yeah, yeah.

Rick: I got the results from your grandfather's first test.

Lizzie: Is it bad?

Rick: You need to get here to the hospital as soon as possible.

Lizzie: You're sick.

Alan: I'm not sick.

Lizzie: There's something wrong with your brain. If you don't go back to the hospital, you could die. (Knock on the door)

Remy: Olivia!

Olivia: Hey, she's not home. Go away.

Remy: Why didn't you call me back?

Olivia: Because I didn't want to talk to you.

Remy: Okay, well now you have no choice because I'm not leaving.

Olivia: I'll call security.

Remy: Olivia, what's going on? I thought you were on my side?

Olivia: That was a mistake.

Remy: What? Because I told ava the truth, right?

Olivia: Because you told her the truth without me being there.

Remy: This is between me and ava.

Olivia: I'm her mother!

Remy: And max was my.... and I was max's father, all right? She had a right to know that--

Olivia: It wasn't your decision to make.

Remy: I spoke to the doctor. He said the sooner she knows, the better--

Olivia: I don't care what the doctor said. You should have talked to me.

Remy: So that's it, right? That's it. I can't see her anymore.

Olivia: Yes, that's right. You're done.

Remy: No. Wait. Could you... could you at least give her these postcards. I've been writing to her every day, and emails, too.

Olivia: Yeah, and that's part of the problem. You need to stop, okay? It's making her sad.

Remy: Ava said that?

Olivia: The only connection the two of you had was max, and he'S... you need to stop, okay? You're just a bad memory to her.

Remy: That'S... that's not true.

Olivia: I'm her family.

Remy: Yeah? Lucky for me, you're not the only one.

Olivia: Jeffrey's not going to cross me, not about this. He's too preoccupied. Stay away. (Knock on the door)

Jeffrey: No, no. You know, this is not what i asked for. Spaulding was supposed to have surveillance on him 24 hours a day.

Officer: He does. I think. That's actually cooper's case, but she's not due in for--

Jeffrey: You would think... okay, you know what? You're not being useful to me anymore. Thank you. Take that. Good-bye. Thank you.

Marina: I don't want to get up.

Mallet: Me, either.

Marina: Hey, next time let's stay at my place.

Mallet: Really? And say no to all of this comfort? We can't, 'cause you've got daisy.

Marina: Daisy. Oh, my God. I'm supposed to be there for her. I haven't even called her today.

Mallet: It's okay. She's a big girl. She can take care of herself.

Marina: No, that's not what I'm worried about. She's in a room by herself with a bed.

Mallet: That's all right. She knows that grady's not supposed to be over there.

Marina: She's 18, mallet. And she's got a boyfriend who she thinks is hot. And they have a room together, alone!

Mallet: You're right. That's trouble.

(Cell phone rings)

Marina: Cooper here.

Jeffrey: Do you have the key to harley's house?

Marina: Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: Yeah. I thought you were going to have alan spaulding tailed?

Marina: Yeah, we were.

Jeffrey: No. No, you haven'T. He was supposed to be watched around the clock.

Marina: Okay, but I thought

that... I thought that we

were... you know what? I'll call my guy. I'll have him check in on it.

Jeffrey: I just talked to him, okay? No one has seen alan spaulding for hours.

Marina: Okay. Then I will go over to harley's right now.

Jeffrey: I'll be waiting


Mallet: What's up? That wasn't a happy voice.

Marina: No, it wasn't, which means I'm going to be leaving daisy alone, again. And if you even try to protest, I'm going to slug you. (Knock on the door)

Ashlee: Is marina here? I got a text from her. A little cryptic. It didn't really say much. I... I think it had to do with you and grady, actually.

Daisy: Oh, no. No, I think she would want to talk to you about how crazy you are to break up with the best boyfriend in the world.

Ashlee: Right. Well, I am going to talk to her later about my craziness when the room is a little less crowded.

Daisy: Wait, wait, wait. Ashlee, please. I'm sorry. Marina didn't send you the text message. I did.

Ashlee: Why would you do that?

Daisy: Because I miss my friend.

Ashlee: I don't want to talk about grady.

Daisy: Yeah. What I have to say isn't about grady, so...

Ashlee: Okay. Well, if it's not about grady, then why aren't you talking to marina about it or buzz or any of your family members that would be thrilled to talk to you about anything but your murderous boyfriend?

Daisy: Because despite the fact that you're actually acting kind of like an ass right now, i do really, truly trust you.

Ashlee: Okay, so if it's not about... "g", grady, whatever his name is, what... what is it?

Daisy: Well, it's not about grady. I mean, not directly.

Ashlee: Okay. Well, how about I come in and I'll paint your toenails, and you'll spill the beans, okay?

Daisy: Okay. You know, you really, seriously can't tell anyone.

Ashlee: Okay. Who am I going to tell? Doris?

Daisy: Okay, no, especially her. That's not funny.

Ashlee: Okay, I won't tell anyone. What is this big secret?

Daisy: It's rafe.

Ashlee: Oh, did he call?

Daisy: No. He's back.

Natalia: Thank you, thank you, thank you, God. Oh, God.

Rafe: What about gus, mom?

Natalia: Yeah, him, too. Do you realize that I thought i might never see you again, ever?

Rafe: Mom, I said I was going to come back.

Natalia: You look so grown up.

Rafe: Yeah, well, a lot happened.

Natalia: So... okay, so i don'T... the last thing that frank told me was that you and harley had some kind of trouble.

Rafe: Ma, nobody was supposed to tell you about that. Come on.

Natalia: I'm your mother.

Rafe: Well, I don't want you to worry.

Natalia: Rafe, please, me not worry? I mean, frank telling me that you guys had to move around a lot?

Rafe: Yeah. I mean, we went from, like, city to city... and it happened a lot, yeah.

Natalia: Is harley downstairs? I have to go thank her for bringing you home.

Rafe: No, mom. She didn't come back.

Natalia: Why didn't she come back?

Rafe: She sent me ahead to some new safe house with some people that buzz knew. She'll get there in a few days.

Natalia: Are you telling me that harley didn't even know that you came back here? Why didn't you wait for her?

Rafe: Ma, relax. Look, by the time I got your message saying that it was okay for me to come back, there just wasn't any time.

Natalia: Oh, this is not how I thought it would happen.

Rafe: All right? There was a plane and I got on it.

Natalia: Well, I thought this was going to be different. I thought... this was not the way it was supposed to happen.

Rafe: Gus said everything was going to be fine, right?

Natalia: No. I told you alan said that.

Rafe: Because gus told him. Aren't you the one who's always telling me to have some faith? You were right to call me, okay? You were right to call me. Everything is going to be fine. Gus is going to take care of me. I believe that.

Remy: I'll follow you all day if I have to.

Olivia: I'm not going to change my mind.

Remy: Olivia? Hey, hey. Are you okay?

Olivia: Just leave me alone.

Remy: I have medical training.

Olivia: You're an emt. You're a step above a school nurse.

Remy: Has this happened before?

Olivia: Once or twice.

Remy: What does your doctor say?

Olivia: I haven't seen him. I've been a little busy between taking care of emma and driving an hour each day to see ava.

Remy: You should go see your doctor.

Olivia: You don't care whether I live or die.

Remy: Ava does.

Olivia: I'm not going to let you see her.

Remy: Hey, mel. Yeah, it's me. Have you seen jeffrey o'neill today?

Marina: Shouldn't we have a search warrant for this?

Jeffrey: No, you have a key.

Marina: I have a key to harley's house, which she is renting out to the spauldings, and they did not give me a key.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? I told you. We waited for five minutes, i knocked, no one's here.

Marina: Look, jeffrey, I want to nail alan for what happened to tammy just as much as you do, but we don't have a case. Unless something's changed. Do you know something that i don't know?

Jeffrey: Lizzie is testifying against alan.

Marina: Right. But didn't she flake out on her deposition?

Jeffrey: Well, these things get rescheduled all the time.

Marina: Okay.

Jeffrey: Look, lizzie wants her kid back, okay? We just have to remember that.

Mallet: Well, that's great, jeffrey, but what about grady?

Jeffrey: Well, I don't have much leverage with grady right now, but once lizzie gives her deposition, all of that's going to change.

Marina: So your entire case is lizzie?

Jeffrey: You know, I don't have to explain all of this to you, detective.

Marina: Hey, I'm just saying, lizzie is less reliable than daisy is, and now you've broken into her family's house.

Jeffrey: Look at this.

Mallet: What do you got?

Jeffrey: It's a train schedule. If we find out that alan's suitcases aren't here, we can be pretty much sure that he skipped town.

Natalia: I'm upset because i still can't believe you're here, and I want to hear everything. And I will make you something to eat if you're hungry. I'll make you whatever you want. But right after I call frank.

Rafe: Frank? What are you calling frank for?

Natalia: Would you rather i call mallet?

Rafe: Is that what gus told you? We're supposed to call the cops?

Natalia: You know, I think that alan was right. I think that your father was watching over you and making sure that you got back here and that you were safe. But that's just the first step.

Rafe: Ma, I just got home.

Natalia: Okay, and you're lucky no one saw you.

Rafe: Ma, I'm good at getting around without people seeing me.

Natalia: In europe, where no one knows who you are. But in this town, do you know that if one person saw you, do you know how bad that would be?

Rafe: Yes, of course. I went to the beacon and nobody saw me.

Natalia: What? You went to my work?

Rafe: Yeah, but not to look for you.

Natalia: Daisy. That's why you came home.

Daisy: Has doris mentioned anything about rafe?

Ashlee: No. I would have told you. No. I don't even think that she knows that he's in town. You know how tough on crime she is. She would find him. So was it weird? Did you freak out?

Daisy: Oh, my God. It was so bizarre because I'm going to the door, and I'm expecting to see grady-- don't say anything.

Ashlee: Fine.

Daisy: Um, yeah, and so i open it, and there he is. And I didn't even say anything. I was so happy, I just hugged him.

Ashlee: Okay. Well, what did she say, or did you just hug?

Daisy: No. He said... he said that he was sorry for distancing himself before he left, and that he should have come to me and talked to me, you know, after gus died, before everything happened.

Ashlee: Wow. So he came back for you.

Daisy: What? No.

Ashlee: Yeah.

Daisy: He didn't say that. I didn't say that, either. Neither of us said that.

Ashlee: No, he did. He's a fugitive. Why else would he come back?

Daisy: Uh, hello? His mother lives here. His life is here.

Ashlee: Okay.

Daisy: He can't keep hiding forever.

Ashlee: Well, fair enough. But I mean, who did he see first, you or his mother? Yes, you. I knew it, I knew it. You're so cute. Yes.

Daisy: Yes. Yes, he did because we're still friends.

Ashlee: Uh-huh, friends. Friends who love each other! Lovers!

Daisy: We had broken up before he left.

Ashlee: Okay. That's fine. Yeah, I know. But, then again, I was here with you. You were heartbroken. You were a mess. Isn't that why you want to talk to me, to figure out what to do with all of your men?

Daisy: No, no, no. I am with grady, end of story, okay. It just happens to be really horrible, terrible, weird timing that the trial is over, grady's free, we can finally be together, and, of course, that's when rafe shows up.

Jeffrey: Okay, so you're going to search the entire police data bank, okay? State, local, and federal. I want anything, anything at all that has anything to do with alan spaulding, even parking tickets.

Officer: That might take days.

Remy: Hey, you got a minute?

Jeffrey: No, not really.

Remy: It's about ava.

Jeffrey: Has there been a change?

Remy: No. Olivia is banning me from seeing her.

Jeffrey: Yeah, she was pretty upset about you telling ava about the baby.

Remy: I spoke to the doctor. I thought I was doing the right thing.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? Olivia is handling all of that, so...

Remy: I thought you had her power of attorney?

Jeffrey: I do. That's for legal stuff. I'm good at that. I'm not good at, you know, healing people or helping them heal.

Remy: Well, I guess me, either.

Jeffrey: You know what? It's got to be happy hour somewhere, right? I think you could use a drink.

Remy: Why not?

Jeffrey: We're not doing any good around here, right?

Marina: Do you really think he left town?

Mallet: I don't know. Jeffrey's got a point about all the suitcases, but it's not really alan's style.

Marina: That's what i thought.

Mallet: Let's go.

Marina: Hey, hold on a second. Hey, daisy, it's me.

Daisy: Oh, hi. Are you at mallet's?

Marina: No, actually, I'm out on a case. Hey, remember the last time you were at your mom'S.

Daisy: Um, it's been a little while.

Marina: Was anyone else here?

Daisy: What is this about?

Marina: Well, I'm looking for alan spaulding, and I'm at your mom's place right now, but it's empty.

Daisy: Empty? Weird. No, I have no clue. No one really talks to me about harley's house.

Marina: Really? Okay. Hey, are you at the room?

Daisy: Yeah. You said you're not coming back here tonight, right?

Marina: Why do you ask?

Daisy: No reason.

Marina: Are you alone?

Daisy: I... no, yeah, I'm hanging out here with ashlee.

Marina: Ashlee.

Ashlee: Hey, marina.

Yeah, we're using your nail

polish, so... okay.

Daisy: Oops, I just spilled some. Bye.

Marina: On what?

Ashlee: (Laughs) so, you know, I figured, actually, that marina would be okay with you and grady because of, you know, her and cyrus.

Daisy: No.

Ashlee: Oh. Well, I mean, seeing as it ended, you can't really blame her.

Daisy: I thought we weren't going to talk about grady.

Ashlee: Okay. But the thing is, is I can have an opinion. You know, we can be friends, and that doesn't mean I have to like every single thing that you do.

Daisy: Okay. Yes, okay. But remember, I did not rag on you about coop, when you guys broke up.

Ashlee: Oh, I think you did a little bit. But, also, you did have loads of questions.

Daisy: Okay. You have some questions for me?

Ashlee: Could it be possible that grady's just a replacement for rafe?

Daisy: No.

Ashlee: No, I'm not done. Wait.

Daisy: Oh, okay, but no.

Ashlee: Okay. Here's the thing-- I mean, this is how it goes down: Gus died, and if that wasn't enough, you all of a sudden lost your mom, you know, your little brother disappeared and your boyfriend.

Daisy: Ex-boyfriend.

Ashlee: Okay, well, whatever. You had everyone, you had a full life, and then you had nothing. And then grady shows up, and all of a sudden overnight you've gone from nothing to warp speed.

Daisy: I mean, we dated before.

Ashlee: Yeah, but that's besides the point. Maybe all of these feelings you have for grady, maybe they're the actual feelings for rafe.

Daisy: You know that the two of them, they saw each other.

Ashlee: No! Where?

Daisy: Here.

Ashlee: What? No! What happened?

Daisy: It wasn't pretty.

Ashlee: Oh, my God.

Rafe: Mom, what are you doing? Stop.

Natalia: I'm calling frank.

Rafe: Why?

Natalia: Because we need to have a plan, rafe, and frank has been my friend, and I trust him.

Rafe: Okay, well, that's fine. I get that, but do you have to rush things. I just got home like, what, five minutes ago?

Natalia: No, you just got to

me five minutes ago.

Rafe: What? Did you really think I wasn't going to see her?

Natalia: No. I really didn't think that you would put your life in danger, no?

Rafe: Ma, stop. You're being really overdramatic.

Natalia: No, you need to be smart.

Rafe: Did I get caught?

Natalia: Not today you didn'T.

Rafe: No, no.

Natalia: But you went to the beacon of all places, and to see daisy? She has a new boyfriend, rafe, and he's the guy that killed cassie's daughter. Did you know that?

Rafe: I know. I know, ma. I came home and found my girlfriend is hooked up with a murderer. I know.

Natalia: She's not your girlfriend! And what if I had told you? Would you have hopped on the first plane to come back here? I'm telling you, if even one person sees you before we can get to the police-- (knock on the door)

Olivia: Natalia, buzz said that you were alone. I guess he was wrong.

Rafe: What are you doing here?

Olivia: I'll tell you if you tell me.

Rafe: I'm not here, all right? You didn't see me, okay?

Natalia: Rafe, let me handle this, please. Just don't go anywhere.

Jeffrey: So how's work?

Remy: Work?

Jeffrey: Yeah, your job. You're back on an emt, right?

Remy: Um... it took them a while to take me back, but yeah, it's okay.

Jeffrey: Well, do you like it? Is it something that could--

Remy: Why are we talking about my job?

Jeffrey: I don't know. Because I can'T... everything that's going on with ava, i can't fix that. Jobs are something that maybe we can fix, right? This whole dad thing, I'm still new to it. I don't have much of an instinct for it, maybe I never will.

Remy: Yeah, yeah. With ava, you know, I thought i did the right things, you know? Giving her the news and did not put too much pressure on her, making sure that she knows I'm there. And then it turns out I did everything wrong. I mean, my emails and postcards just made her feel worse.

Jeffrey: Emails and postcards? Ava never got any emails and postcards. I was just there. I mean, the nurses always show me everything that she gets...

Remy: No, no. Olivia...

Jeffrey: Olivia, what did you say about olivia?

Remy: It's karma.

Jeffrey: Karma? Olivia and karma, that would be a first.

Remy: I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Olivia: Why would I tell anybody about your special delivery upstairs?

Natalia: You just made a joke about it?

Olivia: That? Look, I may never win ms. Congeniality, but I just had to send my own daughter away. I know how happy you are to have him back. I wouldn't spoil that.

Natalia: He's still in so much trouble, and all he can think about is daisy. He actually went to see her. He went to the beacon.

Olivia: Do you hear yourself?

Natalia: What?

Olivia: You have your son back. You've been apart for months, you can actually reach out and touch him. Why don't you let yourself enjoy that for a minute? I know gus would have wanted you to.

Natalia: You know, I opened the door and he was sitting right there, right in front of me, like three feet away from me. I couldn't believe it.

Olivia: And guess what? He still doesn't like me. It's like some things never change.

Natalia: I waited a really long time for rafe to learn how to have some faith, and now he does. And it's in alan's visions.

Olivia: You don't believe in them anymore?

Natalia: I do. You know, now that he's back and he's wandering around town like some lovesick little... gus said that it would be safer here. But it's not going to be safer here, not if rafe doesn't start taking some precautions.

Olivia: How about I talk to jeffrey for you?

Natalia: Really?

Olivia: Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's what gus would have wanted. I don't need a vision to tell me that. (Cell phone rings)

Ashlee: Oh, is it rafe? Oh, my God! Pick it up! Come on. He came all the way from... greece to see you.

Daisy: Hello.

Rafe: Hey, it's me.

I need to see you.

Daisy: Okay.

Ashlee: Go see him.

Rafe: Who is that? Are you still with this guy?

Daisy: No, that's ashlee.

Rafe: Dais, please, there's

just so much I have to tell


Daisy: Okay. Oh, yeah, I know a place -- i know a place where we can be alone.

Natalia: Sorry. Rafe? Rafe, no.

You are more that i can handle

I tremble as I watch you... (knock on the door)

Daisy: I was starting to get worried. I thought maybe someone saw you or...

Rafe: I still would have come.

By myself all night long...

Jeffrey: So why did you want me to meet you here?

Olivia: I came to see max's memorial.

Jeffrey: Oh.

Olivia: Have you been here?

Jeffrey: No. So, is there something going on with ava?

Olivia: No, she's the same.

Jeffrey: Remy told me that you banned him from the room.

Olivia: I'm not changing my mind.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Olivia: Okay.

Jeffrey: I don't know, i don't know. I don't know how to help her.

Olivia: Neither do I. Just let her rest. I'm not very good at just sitting back and doing nothing.

Jeffrey: You and me both.

Olivia: That's why I thought, you know, maybe if we can't help our own daughter, we could help somebody else's child.

Jeffrey: Tammy.

Olivia: No, rafe.

Jeffrey: Okay. Yeah. I mean, I already told natalia that when he comes into town, I'll handle it. I'm on it.

Olivia: He is back in town.

Jeffrey: Okay. Then I'm going to handle it. I'm going to handle both cases.

Olivia: No, you're not getting it.

Jeffrey: What? What don't I get?

Olivia: You... ever since ava got sick, ever since the baby died, you've spread yourself too thin. You're trying to fix too many things. And what happens when...

Jeffrey: You're not making any sense.

Olivia: I am. What I'm trying to say is that if you keep this up, you're going to fail everyone, including yourself.

Jeffrey: Olivia? Hey, hey, come on. Just take it easy. Breathe. Wow. What happened? Did it just hit you?

Olivia: It'S... it's nothing, really.

Jeffrey: You looked like you were about to pass out there.

Olivia: I'm not sick. It's gus.

Jeffrey: Okay. Don't tell me you're jumping on the alan bandwagon, too?

Olivia: Well, maybe. Sometimes. All I know is that ever since i got gus' heart, every once in a while he likes to talk to me. Not talk, it's more like a karmic kick in the ass, but it's in my chest.

Jeffrey: Like when you're too hard on remy?

Olivia: No, like when I need to defend alan.

Jeffrey: You are kidding me?

Olivia: No, no. Gus is talking to alan to protect rafe. It just makes sense.

Jeffrey: No, it doesn'T.

Olivia: Okay. Well, neither does you putting your entire life on hold to fight a case for tammy, jeffrey. She's gone. If alan spends one day in jail or 100 years, do you think that it's going to mean anything to her?

Jeffrey: Olivia, I just... i don't know. You know, maybe you should ask gus.

Olivia: Uh-huh. Okay, look, ever since I got this transplant, for the longest time I didn't want to live. I didn't deserve to live. People like gus and tammy, they deserved to live. They should have lived. And then I realized one day that me dying wasn't going to bring gus back. And you, you postponing everything that's important to you isn't going to bring tammy back either.

Jeffrey: Well, that's my job, okay? It's what I do.

Olivia: All right. Then help rafe. Help rafe, or visit ava more. Or for pete's sake, just marry reva already. But if you think you're honoring tammy's memory by punishing yourself, you're wrong.

Marina: That's right, double the teams. No, this is coming from jeffrey o'neill. Look, alan didn't just disappear into thin air. Okay, thanks. Sorry about that.

Remy: What was that about?

Marina: Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it. Hey, I'm glad you called. I've been wanting to talk to you ever since... the baby. How are you?

Remy: I've been better.

Marina: Is there anything i can do?

Remy: Yeah, you can tell me what to do?

Marina: About ava?

Remy: No, no, about someone else. I found out some new information about somebody, and it could be bad. It could be very bad, and she's been nothing but trouble for me, so why should I help her, you know?

Marina: (Laughs)

Remy: That's funny?

Marina: No, no. No, that's not funny at all. It's just... I don't know. After all this time, whenever i see you, I just think of tammy, and when we were all living together.

Remy: Yeah. Those were the good times.

Marina: Tammy would know what to do. You know, we never did this when you were around, but... sometimes we'd stay up really late and have a few girlie slumber parties. And we'd hang out on her bed and we would talk all night about, oh, everything, everything and nothing all at the same time. Even stupid things, like should I cut my hair.

Remy: Good call. It's totally hot.

Marina: Or more serious things, like should I trust alan-michael again?

Remy: Definitely not.

Marina: That's what she said. You know, and it's not like i didn't know that... those weren't the right things, you know, I did, I knew that. But it's like I just needed this extra little voice in my head.

Remy: You could have used that voice when you met cyrus.

Marina: Oh, my God. You're right. You are so right. The whole time I was dating him, I had this pit in the center of my stomach. And I just kept feeling like something wasn't right, you know, like I did with alan-michael and with danny. And it was that feeling like you know you're going to get hurt, but then you just choose to totally ignore the warning signs. It's not like that with mallet. Mallet's a really good guy.

Remy: Did you and tammy talk this much?

Marina: (Laughs) I'm sorry. I am so sorry. No, seriously, I'm sorry. This is about you. This is about you.

Remy: Mm-hmm. Yeah. So what would tammy say?

Marina: I'll give you a clue. Think of what alan-michael would do, and then do the exact opposite. Or cyrus, or just about anyone I've ever dated.

Remy: You're all right, cooper. Yeah, rick, it's remy. You didn't hear this from me, but... olivia's been skipping her doctor's appointments. I think she might be in trouble.

Rafe: So alan lives here now?

Daisy: Ah, yeah. It's weird. I've snuck in here a few times. It just feels wrong.

Rafe: I liked it better when we lived here.

Daisy: Yeah. That's not what I was talking about.

Rafe: Yeah, I messed it up, huh?

Daisy: Really?

Rafe: Yeah. When you're in another country and you don't speak the language, you have a lot of time to think. There was a lot that happened between us, and it wasn't really even about us.

Daisy: The abortion was about us.

Rafe: Okay, but... my dad and your mom, right? Harley and gus, my mom and gus, and I felt like I had to choose. Even after my dad passed away, i felt like I had to choose. I don't know why. Maybe I should have been choosing you.

Daisy: Rafe...

Rafe: I want you back. Daisy, I love you. You and me, that's all that supposed to matter.

Natalia: Excuse me. Is officer mallet here?

Mallet: Hi natalia.

Natalia: Hi.

Mallet: Are you all right? You want to sit down? You don't look so good.

Natalia: I don't want to sit. I'm going to lose my nerve.

Mallet: Did something happen?

Natalia: It's rafe.

Mallet: Have you heard from him? Natalia, listen. I didn't handle this whole thing the first time around, very well, and I'm sorry about that. I feel awful about that. I should have dug deeper right from the beginning, and figured this whole gus thing out on my own instead of handing the case over to jeffrey. I didn't do that. I should have known that if gus was up to no good, he probably had good reason. And I should have probably known that he was trying to save a life, not hurt one. And I didn't do any of that and I'm sorry. Maybe you can trust me again.

Natalia: I trust you.

Mallet: Okay. Listen, what did rafe say? Does he want to come back?

Natalia: He's already back. And he's not thinking straight, and he's putting himself in a lot of danger, and I need to help him, even if... you know, even if...

Mallet: What are you asking?

Natalia: I want you to arrest my son.

Coming up on "guiding light"...

Grady: Of course I wasn't expecting to walk in see and see you with him.

Daisy: I told you about rafe.

Grady: You told me he was gone.

Rafe: Daisy, it's me.

Daisy: Rafe, are you there? What is going on?

Rafe: I'm all alone in this.

Daisy: I'm not going to abandon you.

Grady: (Imitating an elderly woman) the young guy. I've seen him in all the police photos. Hurry!

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