Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 8/19/08
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Proofread by Melanie
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: You can't just come in here. This isn't your home now.
Josh: I realize this is not going to be easy ...
Reva: Joshua, stop!
Josh: ... But then again, with you, things never are.
Reva: I just set a wedding date. How do you like that?
Billy: If you're going to make a move, better get a move on.
Josh: I'm working on it, Billy, I am.
Reva: Josh says he's going to cause trouble.
Billy: Oh. Well, he will, if you let him.
Cyrus: You're very funny.
Grady: What's this, then?
Cyrus: This? This ... this is us not even frozen dinners in front of the television anymore, okay?
Grady: Okay. So, what is it?
Cyrus: What do you mean, "What is it"? It's hot dogs, corn on the cob and a bit of salad.
Grady: Hmm. Lovely. Hey, hey, hey! Hey! What have you been doing? You look like you've been fixing a car or something.
Grady: Maybe I have.
Cyrus: You didn't steal it, did you?
Grady: I swear!
Cyrus: Well, go wash up.
Grady: What, so now you're Mom?
Cyrus: No, I'm not Mom, but you're going to hate eating corn on the cob with your hands all greased up like that.
Grady: Yeah, yeah. I hate it when you're right, you know?
Cyrus: And when you come back, we're going to eat like real people. We're going to sit at a proper table and talk!
Grady: You better be careful what you wish for, mate.
Cyrus: It's going to be great, you'll see.
Grady: Hmm. I can't wait.
Cyrus: Thirty seconds. Wash each hand very well!
Daisy: Hi.
Cyrus: Hey.
Daisy: Um, is Grady home?
Cyrus: Daisy, um ... I really appreciate what you've done for him, but you shouldn't be here.
Daisy: Yeah. Okay, but he doesn't think that. You do.
Cyrus: I know my brother ...
Daisy: So do I.
Cyrus: ... And I promised your mom that I'd keep an eye out for you.
Daisy: No, you didn't, okay? She just picked up and left, all right? And Grady wasn't even around me ...
Cyrus: He needs to figure some stuff out, and so should you.
Grady: Daisy! Hey, you're just in time for dinner! We've got so much food, and we're even going to sit at the table and eat dinner like regular folks.
Cyrus: This is why you're asking how much I made.
Grady: Oh, I'm sure there's enough for everybody, Cyrus.
Cassie: No, I tried them already, and they said they can't send anyone out today. Yes, it's an emergency. The door won't lock, and I live alone with my son! Okay, fine. Is there anyone else, maybe, that you could recommend? Because I've called, like, five places already. Thank you, thank you. You've been absolutely no help at all.
(Knock on door)
Josh: What is this?
Cassie: It's nothing. I have someone coming out to fix it.
Josh: Well, why don't you just let me take a look at it?
Cassie: Because I've got it. What's up?
Josh: Um, you asked me to come by to talk about the divorce papers.
Cassie: Yeah. Uh, I just didn't re ... oh, fine, come in. I'll ... I'll get them.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: Oh! Oh! Hmm! "To the most amazing, terrific, fantastic, stupendous woman in the world. Love, Jeffrey." (Laughs) "Stupendous?"
Jeffrey: What's wrong with "stupendous"?
Reva: What did you do? Pull down the thesaurus and look up every word under "great?"
Jeffrey: Maybe.
Reva: Yeah.
Jeffrey: You like them?
Reva: I love them. I think.
Jeffrey: You think?
Reva: Yeah, well, for a man of few words, there's certainly a lot of them there.
Jeffrey: Yeah, maybe I did go overboard with "stupendous" ...
Reva: (Laughs) Yeah? I can ... I can smell a guilty conscience from a mile away.
Jeffrey: Well, what are you ... what are you talking about? That must be the roses you're smelling!
Reva: Hmm. What's going on? The wedding's right around the corner. You getting cold feet? (Laughs) Oh, my God. I was kidding.
Jeffrey: It's not as bad as you think, Reva.
Reva: But you've changed your mind about the wedding?
Jeffrey: Um ... yeah.
Reva: (Sighs)
Cassie: I already signed. You can see "Mel" marked where you have to.
Josh: Yeah, yeah, I do. I see. I hate this.
Cassie: Josh, we said that we wouldn't ...
Josh: I know. I know. This is what's best for both of us, I get that. But this process ... it feels like it's an ending, but it's not, really. It's a beginning. When you take that one person that's meant everything to you up until this point in your life -- everything -- and you start to remove them from your world.
Cassie: Well, I don't know. I don't know. You've done this more than I have.
Josh: Right.
Cassie: I didn't mean it as an accusation.
Josh: Yeah, I know. Why don't you let me fix the door?
Cassie: No, I told you. I have someone coming.
Josh: When are they going to be here, Cassie?
Cassie: Soon!
Josh: Well, just ...
Cassie: It's a bad idea.
Josh: Let me just look at it!
Cassie: It's a bad habit, actually. I let you take care of things instead of just doing it myself, and that's why we got off track in the first place.
Josh: What are you talking about?
Cassie: (Sighs) I just think sometimes we couldn't see when love started and need ended.
Josh: Well, sometimes love and need can go together.
Cassie: Well, in our case it turned out to be one more than the other.
Josh: So, what are you saying? When I ... because I was trying to fix things, I actually broke our marriage?
Cassie: No. That was ... part of it. And I'm just as bad ... I let you help me. I just think that we had too much thrown at us from early on, Josh. I mean, we've never had a honeymoon stage. Between Reva and the cancer and losing Tammy ... I wouldn't have gotten by without you.
Josh: Me, neither.
Cassie: I just think it sets the wrong tone for a marriage, and that marriage should be about more than getting by. Now, R.J.?
Josh: I want to see him as much as possible. As long as that's okay with you.
Cassie: I want you to, you know? You can see him whenever. I want you to, and he loves you.
Josh: I love him.
Cassie: (Sighs) Josh, I need to start taking care of myself and figuring out who I am without you. And I can't do that unless ... (sighs) Josh ... it's going to be okay.
Josh: (Sighs) it's amazing how many times I have said that to you, and now...
Cassie: Well, now I believe it. So, thank you.
Jeffrey: I want to postpone it. Just ... just for a few weeks.
Reva: Well, I don't want to marry a man with cold feet ... or warm feet. If your feet aren't burning hot for me, then ...
Jeffrey: Reva, it's just a few weeks, okay? It's not forever.
Reva: I guess maybe trying to put a wedding together in two weeks is too fast. It's just that ... (sighs).
Jeffrey: What?
Reva: It's just that we keep doing this, Jeffrey. We keep saying we're going to do it, and then we don't.
Jeffrey: Reva, I want to marry you. I want to marry you! I would marry you tomorrow if I could. I would marry you tomorrow if it wasn't for Lizzie Spaulding.
Reva: Lizzie?
Jeffrey: Yeah. She walked into my office, and she offered to turn testimony against Alan. I know, I know. I just left you that long message telling you that I was going to drop the whole case. I wasn't going to go after him, but she comes in and she offers me that. (Sighs) And, you know, Reva, this might be our last chance to nail this guy for what he did to Tammy. If I don't give this case 100 percent of my time, then I'm going to hate myself. And at the same time, if I don't give us and our wedding 100 percent, I ...
Reva: You're rambling.
Jeffrey: Yeah, I do that when you scare me.
Reva: Hmm. If you can convince them to find Alan guilty, then we're even.
Jeffrey: What?
Reva: I mean it. Take all the time you need now to put Alan away for what he did to our family.
Jeffrey: That's the plan.
Reva: Because us -- the two of us -- deciding together to delay the wedding is different than Josh trying to stop it, or Grady saying he's going to ruin it ...
Jeffrey: Grady? What are you talking about?
Reva: He said something to me a few weeks back ...
Jeffrey: Why didn't you tell me?
Reva: Because! I knew you'd go after him, and then you'd land yourself in jail. Same situation here. I'd really rather you take the time now than me have to worry about you delivering your own brand of justice if you run into Alan on the street.
Jeffrey: Did I ever tell you how fabulous you are?
Reva: And amazing, and terrific, and -- what was it -- stupendous? Yes.
Jeffrey: Stupendous!
Reva: I believe you said that.
Jeffrey: Reva, Reva, I'm going to marry you after this.
Reva: (Laughs) Oh. I have no doubt.
Cyrus: Look, I went through this with Buzz before. She can't stay, Grady.
Grady: Want a hotdog?
Cyrus: Did you hear me?
Grady: Yeah, I heard you.
Cyrus: I'll give you a minute to say good-bye.
Grady: All right. Hey. Want a drink?
Daisy: Are you going to have any?
Grady: Oh, no, he's grilling me another one.
Cyrus: Grady?
Grady: Okay!
Daisy: You sure?
Grady: Yeah. Yeah. You like it?
Daisy: I'm being such a pig!
Grady: You look like you haven't eaten in days!
Daisy: Yeah, I feel bad, you know, stealing from Marina's minibar and trying to avoid company. Except for when I want to be yelled at. Then it's really good for that.
Grady: Look, I'm really sorry I went there. I didn't mean to cause any problems.
Daisy: Company? No. I'm actually kind of glad you did. This is really good. What is on this?
Grady: I think ... oh! It's the special sauce that Mom used to make Cyrus and I. It's got barbecue and ketchup, kind of, mixed to together. That's it, isn't it, Cyrus?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Daisy: Okay. I'm going.
Grady: No, Daisy, just ... look. Relax.
Daisy: No. Yeah, it's fine. I heard you talking before. I don't know if I was meant to ...
Cyrus: No, you weren't meant to ...
Daisy: No? Because you were talking pretty loud.
Grady: Look, Daisy, just ... sit down.
Daisy: No!
Grady: Enjoy the food.
Daisy: No, it's fine. You finish, you call me when you're done. I mean, I can't stay one more place that I'm not wanted. Thanks for the food.
Cyrus: Daisy, sit. Here. I'll have the next one.
Grady: So, what's the catch with this?
Cyrus: No, no catch. I give up! You going to eat that? Because it's getting cold.
Grady: So, you mean it, Cyrus? You're okay with us being together?
Cyrus: Look, I wouldn't choose this for either of you, but you risked a lot -- your family, your freedom. And you don't need somebody else to get in your way.
Daisy: You know, everyone's going to be against you if you're on our side.
Cyrus: Hey, what else is new?
Grady: Well, cheers to that!
Cyrus: It's not funny, Grady, having the whole town hate you.
Grady: I've been messing up in this town way before you arrived. In fact, you sort of took my place for a little while. But now I'm back ... and I'm bad!
Cyrus: That wasn't funny, either.
Daisy: No, I get that it isn't funny, I mean, it's never been easy for me, here. So it gets a little harder? So what? As long as we have each other, and ... I mean, it would be great if we had you, too.
Cyrus: Well, you've got me on one condition.
Grady: You said no conditions!
Cyrus: You can't hide out. You have to be able to show your faces ... live a normal life here. Which means you have to start making things right with the people that you hurt.
Daisy: That's it?
Cyrus: "That's it?" That's a lot!
Daisy: I know, I just mean ... I feel like I'm ... I'm already trying.
Grady: Yeah. And then, Cyrus, you know I'm really sorry for everything that I've done.
Cyrus: Well, sometimes you make it seem like it's their fault that their mad. You love this whole, "he's back, he's bad," thing.
Grady: Look, I know what I have to do to make it all right again -- and I know it's going to be a lot.
Cyrus: Well, now, what's standing in your way? You know, you're lucky you're together, because you're going to need each other.
Daisy: Thank you!
Cyrus: No, let's not get carried away!
Daisy: Thank you! (Knock on door)
Jeffrey: Well, that was fast!
Cassie: Yeah, I was right here.
Jeffrey: You got a sec?
Cassie: Yeah, sure, just watch your step.
Jeffrey: What's wrong with it?
Cassie: Don't even know.
Jeffrey: You want me to help you?
Cassie: No, no. I'm going to figure it out. What's going on?
Jeffrey: Well, I'm ... I came over here because I ... I think you should know ... I'm building a case. I'm going after Alan now.
Cassie: (Sighs) Don't do that to me again! Do not get my hopes up again. I can't take it.
Jeffrey: Cassie, I wouldn't do it if I didn't think I had a real shot. Somebody came forward, okay? I may have some testimony that I can use to put Alan on trial.
Cassie: You "may"?
Jeffrey: Yeah. They came forward. I didn't ... I didn't seek them out. Now it's just a matter of getting their statement on record and I'll have something I can work with.
Cassie: Well, I don't understand. Who ...
Jeffrey: You know what? You don't have to. You have been through so much already, and I just want you to know, I am going to handle it, and I'm on your side.
Cassie: Well, don't do it for me. Do it for Tammy.
Jeffrey: Okay, I will. I'm going to put Alan behind bars, Cassie.
Cassie: Thank you. I don't quite believe it yet, but thank you.
Jeffrey: Okay. Um ... that's the wrong tool. I mean, I don't know what's wrong with it, but I can tell you that much.
Cassie: Okay.
Jeffrey: Are you sure you don't want me to help you?
Cassie: Yes! In fact, you've got work to do, mister, Tammy's counting on you.
Jeffrey: All right. Well, you know what? I'm going to call you when I know more.
Cassie: Okay.
Jeffrey: Okay?
Cassie: Thank you.
Jeffrey: All right.
Cassie: Thank you.
Reva: Oh, good, Buzz.
Buzz: Mm-hmm?
Reva: Guess who needs to talk about catering?
Buzz: Oh, God. What now?
Reva: Well, the wedding's off -- not off, it's just not going to happen in the next couple of weeks like we talked, so that whole catering order that I talked to you about needs to be, um ... what?
Josh: The wedding's off, huh?
Reva: It's postponed! Jeffrey has a case that he's working on that's very important.
Josh: Well, work is important.
Reva: Yes, yes, it is, and he seems to be more committed to his than you are to yours at this particular time.
Josh: More committed than he is to you, evidently.
Reva: So Billy tells me that you are, um ... showing up at the construction site a lot these days. One job isn't enough for you?
Josh: What can I say, I'm a multitasker.
Reva: (Laughs)
Josh: And you've been asking Billy about me?
Reva: No, I didn't ask. He just offered. We were just chit-chatting, and I think it's great that you're getting back into construction.
Josh: I'm trying to get back a lot that I've lost.
Reva: You're making Buzz uncomfortable.
Josh: Yes. Am I making you uncomfortable?
Reva: I can take it.
Josh: That's a start.
Reva: No, Joshua. It really is the end.
Josh: We'll see.
Cassie: Okay, how about you talk me through it? If you talk ... I'll do it myself. I'd rather do it myself. (Knock on door) Don't ... don't ... don't do that! No, it's not you. Let me just ... let me just call you right back. (Sighs)
Cyrus: Hi.
Cassie: Hi.
Cyrus: Door broken?
Cassie: Yeah, the lock and the latch and ... I don't know. I don't know what else.
Cyrus: Oh, I can get someone over here right now to fix it for free.
Cassie: You have a handyman?
Cyrus: Grady can do it.
Daisy: Marina's a good one to start with -- especially if I'm going to be staying here for a while.
Grady: Do you think we should have called her first and tell her we were coming around?
Daisy: Well, I've got to live here, so ...
Grady: Yeah, well, she's not going to be too happy to see me at her door.
Daisy: No. You're with me now officially. And she did love your brother once, so I'm hoping that if we can get anyone to come around, it's her.
Grady: So how about if I wait out here and you go in first, huh?
Daisy: No! Cyrus said no more sneaking around.
Grady: Okay.
Daisy: Hey, Marina?
Grady: Not here.
Daisy: She's supposed to be.
Grady: Is it wrong that I'm glad?
Daisy: Well, I mean, it does buy us more time to figure out how we're going to say sorry and convince her to give us a break. Oh.
Grady: What?
Daisy: Oh, it says that she's spending the night at Mallet's, so it's just me here tonight.
Grady: And maybe me?
Daisy: And maybe you. (Laughs)
Grady: Yeah.
Reva: Buzz, I really shouldn't complain near you, because I am the one that's changing the order, but you know ...
Buzz: Yeah, I worked for hours on these menus.
Reva: Yeah, I'm not changing it, I'm just rescheduling. You know, what's up with these ... can't you organize this stuff a little better?
Buzz: Well, I'm a little understaffed.
Reva: Hire someone!
Buzz: Well, as a matter of fact, our granddaughter has applied for a job.
Reva: Daisy? Daisy did?
Buzz: Yeah, well, you know, Frank ...
Reva: That's great.
Buzz: Frank and she had words because Grady showed up, you know, and she gets her head on ideas ...
Reva: Yeah, I know. She's stubborn.
Buzz: Like me?
Reva: Like me! (Laughs)
Buzz: Well, it's going to take a while for people to believe it.
Reva: Well, you know what? She could start by organizing these forms!
Buzz: Yeah, about that ...
Reva: What about it?
Buzz: Um ... you know when I was a bridegroom ...
Reva: Mm-hmm?
Buzz: ... I took a whole day off to get married.
Reva: Yeah, I believe the last time you were a bridegroom, it didn't quite work out. Good thing for you.
Buzz: So, is Jeffrey taking a day off to get married to you?
Reva: It's not just any case, it's the ... I can't really say anything about it until he gets his ducks in a row. When did you start having lobster on your menus? You've got to hire someone! Hire Daisy -- hire Josh. Didn't he just say he was a multitasker?
Buzz: Oh, about Josh ...
Reva: He could go to all the tables and say grace! (Laughs)
Buzz: ... Um, he ... he was just sitting over here.
Reva: Yeah, I noticed that, and he always gets free coffee. What's up with that?
Buzz: Yeah, well, he's already signed his divorce papers.
Reva: Oh. I didn't know.
Buzz: What is it? Like, fate has to hit you in the head?
Reva: (Sighs)
Buzz: And you just say, "Well, what the hell? I'm marrying Jeffrey."
Reva: Well, that's so funny you say that, because that's what Jeffrey and I say to each other all the time. "What the hell?"
Buzz: You could ... it's like a Greek tragedy!
Reva: You and Greece! What's with everyone in this town? Why can't they understand this? Things happen. People reschedule. I am in love with Jeffrey. I'm committed to Jeffrey. I'm going to marry Jeffrey ... sometime. But right now I don't need the "I do's."
Buzz: Well, maybe some of us need that. Lobster?
Reva: It's your menu.
Buzz: You ordered it.
Jeffrey: Lizzie, our meeting that we were supposed to have about your testimony was supposed to be half an hour ago. I'm still in my office, so give me a call and let me know what's going on. Thank you. (Knock on door)
Josh: Hello, Jeffrey. You got a minute?
Jeffrey: Uh, actually I have a meeting now ...
Josh: Well, I can wait out in the hallway if you like, until you're done.
Jeffrey: No, come in.
Josh: No, seriously. It's okay. I can wait -- I mean, if Reva can wait, why can't I wait?
Jeffrey: Have a seat.
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: Okay.
Buzz: What are you doing here?
Reva: I have something to show you.
Buzz: It couldn't wait?
Reva: Nope!
Buzz: This from a women who's keeping her wedding on hold?
Reva: Once I show these to you, you're going to apologize to me for ever questioning my commitment to Jeffrey.
Buzz: Well, I didn't question ...
Reva: Oh, come on! "Greek tragedy?"
Buzz: Well, you know. People talk.
Reva: And you are the hub of this town, so maybe you should start spreading the rumor that me and O'Neill are the real deal. Hey, that rhymes! (Laughs)
Buzz: Towels? You had me come over from the bar for towels?
Reva: Look at the monogram, Buzz.
Buzz: Jor?
Reva: "J," "O," "R"! I don't need a ring on my finger when I have these hanging in my bathroom!
Buzz: (Laughs) you're losing it!
Reva: (Laughing) Yeah, I might be! I mean, because I've always been the one who's been all over the place, you know? Spontaneous and indecisive? And now here I am, standing right here, absolutely, positively sure about one thing -- that I am going to marry this man, and I'm having one hell of a time getting anyone else on board with it, like you and Josh and Hawk and Billy. I have never ordered monogrammed towels before!
Buzz: Ever think it isn't because it's not you?
Reva: Well, they are me right now.
Buzz: Okay. I'll come back tomorrow.
Reva: Oh, wait! Wait, wait, wait. Here, take these with you. Really, because you can dry dishes with them. Or better yet, hang them behind your bar -- that'll shut up all those naysayers!
Buzz: (Laughing) Sure.
Reva: (Laughing) thanks, Buzz. (Sighs) Great.
Jeffrey: Well, zoning permits aren't really my expertise, you know?
Josh: Yeah, I just ... I think it's always a good idea to have an extra set of eyes, and I was just picking it up down the hallway, anyway, so ...
Jeffrey: Well, they look okay -- I mean, but what do I know?
Josh: So ... so this is it? It all happens right here, right? This is ... this is what keeps you so busy?
Jeffrey: You got something to say?
Josh: I think I already told you, I ... I'm pretty much set on getting her back.
Jeffrey: Yeah, but Reva's going to be my wife.
Josh: But not soon.
Jeffrey: Well, soon enough.
Josh: So, it's an open and shut case, is that what you're saying?
Jeffrey: (Clears throat) You heard something?
Josh: Yeah, I overheard Reva talking about canceling the wedding and catering because you had some big, honking case that you were working on.
Jeffrey: Your point?
Josh: I just want to say, "Thank you." for giving me more time to prove to Reva that she's making a mistake.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) Okay. Well, you know what, Josh? You can have all the time you want, but that's not going to happen.
Josh: Hmm.
Jeffrey: Okay, well, I guess my meeting is going to be here pretty soon.
Josh: Thanks for taking a look at these. I appreciate it. I'll see you.
Jeffrey: Uh, Josh? You know all that time you were planning on spending with Reva? Why don't you use that time to figure out how you became such a selfish person?
Daisy: So, do you want to go back to the house and, I don't know, get some stuff and I'll try to make this place look a little nicer?
Grady: Okay. So ... I guess I'll see you in a little bit?
Daisy: I'll be here.
Cassie: Grady! I can't believe it.
Cyrus: He's good at this stuff. He can help out around ...
Cassie: You want the man who ran down my daughter and left her to die to come help me do odd jobs around the house?
Cyrus: Cassie, the trial is over ...
Cassie: Get out!
Cyrus: ... Grady's free -- what's done is done!
Cassie: Oh, good. Is that what you came to tell me? Because I almost forgot!
Cyrus: You could stew on this, you can stay upset, you can think about getting revenge, or you can think about what I said. Grady was a stupid kid who made a terrible mistake that he's very sorry for.
Cassie: (Sighs)
Cyrus: He would literally do anything for you, knowing that he can never make it up to you, but just trying to make your life easier -- starting with that door.
Cassie: I ... I ... I cannot even listen to this!
Cassie: I'm letting you do this one thing for me, and then we're done. And I'm only letting you do that because R.J.'s going to be home soon and I need the door to lock tonight.
Cyrus: (Sighs)
Cassie: What?
Cyrus: What?
Cassie: (Sighs) What's that all about?
Cyrus: Well, aren't you that forgiving type? Haven't you ever needed someone's forgiveness?
Cassie: Oh, yes, thank you. You know what? Sometimes things don't go exactly the way we want them to.
Cyrus: I'm really sorry.
Cassie: It had to happen. We just finished signing the ...
Cyrus: Is this because of what happened with us?
Cassie: It's more complicated than that. And yes, I did use to be that kind of person until Tammy died ... and that part of me died with her.
Cyrus: We're going to fix this. You'll see, we'll fix it.
Josh: Psst!
Reva: (Gasps)
Josh: Hi, there!
Reva: You scared me to death! What, did you break in here?
Josh: You left this at the chapel.
Reva: I did? Again?
Josh: Yes, again.
Reva: Oh. You know, actually, I thought it was gone forever! I was just getting ready to replace it.
Josh: Huh. Interesting concept.
Reva: What's that?
Josh: Thinking you've lost something forever, and rushing out to replace it with something new.
Reva: You can't keep doing this.
Josh: You know, I've been thinking lately about the whole ... the last time we went through the divorce thing, and we were up at the top of the lighthouse, remember? We changed our minds, we tore up the divorce papers, through them off into the wind.
Reva: Yes ...
Josh: It's interesting to me how there always -- always -- seems to be something that brings us back together.
Reva: We ended up getting a divorce anyway. Just not right then.
Josh: Yes, I know that, but it seemed like a sign to me, you know? And now I feel like I see signs everywhere ...
Reva: Hmm.
Josh: ... Like ... like the movie wedding.
Reva: Yeah, you didn't even want to go to that.
Josh: Or the fact that your wedding to Jeffrey keeps getting postponed ...
Reva: Yeah, well, that's because Jeffrey is working ...
Josh: Jeffrey is working.
Reva: Yeah, that's right. You know what, Joshua? The next time you decide to just waltz in here, I am calling the cops.
Josh: Well, now that I've so kindly replaced your cell phone, you can do exactly that.
Reva: (Laughing) Yeah. Thank you.
Josh: No problem. And by the way, I did a little reprogramming, so now I'm number one on your speed dial.
Reva: Where's Jeffrey?
Josh: Number two. Jeffrey will always be number two.
Reva: I am reprogramming this right now.
Josh: Yeah, good luck with that.
Reva: Right now!
Josh: Okay, okay, Reva.
Reva: I'll figure out ... you ... you're not going to wear me down, Joshua!
Josh: I'll talk to you later, Reva Shayne!
Reva: Ahhh!
Jeffrey: Going somewhere? Don't go far, because I have just come into some evidence that I'm going to use against Alan Spaulding. It's probably going to be enough to hang him for what he did to Tammy.
Grady: Look, I'm trying to turn my life around, man. I don't want anything to do with that guy. And I've been in and out of the court system long enough to know a little bit about the law. There's this thing in the states. Maybe you've heard of it? It's called "double jeopardy."
Jeffrey: I know I can't try you again, but you are going to help me build a case against Alan.
Grady: And why would I do that?
Jeffrey: Well, because if you don't, then I'm going to go after Daisy for perjury.
Grady: You wouldn't throw your fiancé's granddaughter under the bus.
Jeffrey: You don't know who you're dealing with. Over the last few weeks, I've watched my grandson die, I watched my daughter go off the rails, I watched you walk out of the court a free man after killing an innocent girl -- a girl who happened to be like a daughter to me. I haven't always been such a good guy, but I have always been a good prosecutor. Daisy committed a crime, and if she goes to jail for that, I am certainly not going to lose any sleep over it. But maybe you will. You want to roll the dice with her future, go ahead.
Grady: So what do I need to do?
Jeffrey: Okay. If I subpoena you to testify, you will do it with a smile. You're going to get your hair cut, you're going to wear a new suit, and you are going to make sure that the jury believes every word that comes out of your mouth. If you do that, we're not going to have any problems.
Grady: Done.
Jeffrey: Really?
Grady: I'm not going anywhere. I don't know you? You don't know me, either. You weren't always the good guy? I wasn't always the bad one. But I would do anything for Daisy.
(Knock on the door)
Daisy: Uh ... just a sec.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Grady: Honey, I'm home!
Daisy: Hi. I ...
Grady: Daisy?
Daisy: Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait. Guys ...
Grady: You know, thanks to our little Daisy chain here, I'm a free man -- which is more than what we can say about you.
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