GL Transcript Monday 8/18/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/18/08


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Melanie

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: I pretty much knew what my grandfather was doing and I didn't stop it.

Jeffrey: You'll say that on record.

Bill: Alan confronted me.

Dinah: That's Alan.

Bill: No, no, no. See, this is different. He's got someone on the inside.

Bill: I'm not Gus.

Alan: Gus was right here.

Bill: Look, I think maybe you had a seizure. Okay, this is not about the company or anything like that. I think something is seriously wrong with your grandfather. [SIC]

Daisy: Hi. I would like to apply for the job. Do I need any references?

Grady: Hey, you know, I've been thinking. I need your advice.

Cyrus: Okay.

Grady: It's about Daisy, you know? She put everything on the line giving that testimony for me.

Cyrus: Yeah, she did.

Grady: You know, and no one else would have done anything like that for me.

Cyrus: I would have.

Grady: Not you, mate.

Cyrus: I would have. But I'm not an 18-year-old kid with her whole life ahead of her with lots to lose. They could charge her with perjury.

Grady: Yeah, well, they're never going to find out. Anyway, what I was thinking was, you know, I'd really like to thank her, you know? Maybe get her something.

Cyrus: Grady...

Grady: You know, I don't know, I'm just really ... I'm not really good with this stuff. I mean, if I wanted something out of her, I'd know exactly what to get her, you know? I'd take a leaf out of your book.

Cyrus: You want to do something for her? Leave her alone. See what she was willing to give up for you? You want her to lose everything?

Grady: How the hell can I just walk away? I mean, you couldn't walk away with Harley. Hey, hold up!

Mel: Hey!

Cassie: Hi.

Blake: Brought flowers.

Mel: And treats.

Cassie: You guys!

Mel: How are you doing? Okay?

Cassie: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

Mel: I can't believe they came back with that verdict.

Dinah: Does he know that we're coming by?

Alexandra: I'm the one that set up the meeting.

Dinah: Oh, don't wake him. Maybe he's having one of those dreams with the dead.

Alexandra: Alan, wake up.

Alan: Alexandra?

Dinah: Were you talking to Gus?

Alan: No. No. I guess I just drifted off.

Alexandra: Well, next time you drift somewhere, darling, make sure you lock the front door. Especially these days, you know?

Alan: Why, who's after me now?

Dinah: Well, that would be Jeffrey. He thinks that he has some information that he can use to build a case against you.

Alan: What kind of information?

Dinah: I don't know. But he seems pretty sure it's enough to convict.

Alan: Really? Well, don't worry about me.

Dinah: Well, I worry about me, partner.

Alan: Well, Dinah, he's just blowing smoke, that's all.

Dinah: Did Gus tell you that?

Alan: No. I'm telling you that.

Bill: Lizzie, listen to me. I think something is seriously wrong with your grandfather. This is the second time I had to pick him up off the ground.

Lizzie: People have tried to do this before. They've tried to use his heart problems as a way of getting him out of power. This is not new, Bill.

Bill: He's not in power.

Lizzie: That's what you're afraid of, though, right? Now that he's free, he's going to try to take back the company.

Bill: This is not about Maximus.

Lizzie: Spaulding.

Bill: I am trying to tell you; I think he had a real seizure. It happened right in front of me.

Lizzie: Really? Well, great. The last time I saw him we had a fight. I mean, do you think this was ...

Bill: No, no, do not say that, okay? But, look, I think you need to get him checked out, okay? I know you. If something happens to him, you will never forgive yourself. He's family, so take him down.

Lizzie: He's not going to go for this!

Bill: Work your magic on him. He will do it. Lizzie ...

Lizzie: Bill ...

Bill: This could be serious.

Lizzie: Hi, Jeffrey. Yeah, no, can we do this another time? Yeah, I ... well, talking about the testimony against my granddad's going to take a little while and I can't do it right now. Okay. No, I just... I really can't. When? Yeah, okay, fine. I'll be there.

Bill: Yeah. Yeah, okay, we'll cancel it. I'm going to be over at the hospital for a while. Yeah, just see if we can do it tomorrow. Great, thank you. Hey.

Dinah: Hospital?

Bill: Yeah. I'm going to take off early. There's some stuff I've got to take care of.

Dinah: Are you sick?

Bill: No, I'm fine.

Dinah: I don't get it.

Bill: Alan.

Dinah: Alan?

Bill: Something's up with him, so it's kind of an emergency. I'm going to go over to Cedar's for a while.

Dinah: Well, what's wrong with him? I was just thinking that he's a lucky man. You know, his hit man is off the hook for Tammy's murder which clears a way for him to come after you and the company ... the jerk.

Bill: Yeah, well, probably next. But right now I'm going to go over the hospital with Lizzie and help him get some tests.

Dinah: I should have figured. You and Lizzie. When you said it was an emergency, makes sense.

Bill: Okay, well, I'm going to go now.

Dinah: You know what? I'm giving you a hard time. Your soon-to-be ex-wife is in a mental facility and you're more worried about Alan Spaulding? Practically called me a stalker.

Bill: What?

Dinah: Mallet. You and Lizzie have been long over, but you can't stay out of her life. But when I do it ...

Bill: It's different. I don't even know why I'm doing this to begin with.

Dinah: You know why? Because when you get caught up with something, you can't let it go.

Bill: Something?

Dinah: I mean someone. You're a good man. You're doing the right thing. Be gone.

Bill: Thank you. Where were you, anyway?

Dinah: Hair appointment.

Bill: Really?

Dinah: Yes.

Bill: Looks nice.

Dinah: Thank you.

Alan: Elizabeth, you're back!

Lizzie: Yeah.

Alan: Good. I was afraid to ... you would leave for L.A. without saying good-bye after I lied to you about the vision and everything.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, I may postpone L.A.

Alan: Really? Well, sit down, tell me about it.

Lizzie: I think we should go for a ride.

Alan: A ride? Where?

Lizzie: To the hospital.

Alan: Are you not feeling well?

Lizzie: I know that you and I aren't exactly cool right now -- but these Gus visions ... have you thought about the fact that it might be something else? Like a medical condition?

Alan: (Laughs) You want me to go and have a drug test or something?

Lizzie: Okay, after a fall sometimes things can happen, and you know, your brain can get a little screwy.

Alan: Well, I'm fine. I'm just fine.

Lizzie: But you haven't had a checkup.

Alan: Because I don't need one. I do appreciate your concern, though.

Lizzie: Humor me. Come on, there could be something going on in your head, waiting like a time bomb.

Alan: Look, I don't blame you for doubting what's going on with me, with Gus, but the visions are real, Elizabeth. He ... he comes to me. He speaks to me. The last time I saw Gus we had words and that he would speak to me, speak through me is a miracle. It's a real gift.

Lizzie: You love Peyton, right?

Alan: Yeah, yeah.

Lizzie: You want to be there for her. Do you think that Gus wants you to take care of yourself?

Alan: You're being manipulative!

Lizzie: Come on! Just let them run a couple tests. Do it for Mom, and for Peyton, and for me.

Alan: All right. I'll call them and schedule some kind of an appointment.

Lizzie: No, we're going to do it right now.

Alan: Now?

Lizzie: Yeah. Come on.

Alan: I believe, I can get up by myself.

Lizzie: Okay. Good.

Blake: I want some of your Rocky Road.

Mel: I knew you were going to do that. No, eat your own.

Blake: I would give you some of mine!

Mel: I don't want yours.

Blake: Thank you. She got the light ice cream.

Mel: Oh. You have a problem with the light ice cream?

Blake: Here, you try it. Try it!

Cassie: It's good.

Mel: Is it really?

Cassie: No, it's not!

Mel: It's terrible, right?

Blake: Although, we should do a beach trip, and I will not wear a bikini.

Cassie: Why should we do a beach trip? Is that the next phase of project cheer up Cassie?

Blake: You're smiling aren't you?

Cassie: Maybe a little. Thank you for coming over. Maybe it's good for me to forget for a little while about Grady.

Mel: Speaking of beach, I've got a great beach read for you. I've got it. It's in my bag. You're going to love it. Oh, wait!

Blake: Blake, I told you not to bring that.

Mel: She said she wanted it rushed.

Cassie: Are these my divorce papers?

Mel: Yeah, I'm sorry. Maybe it's too soon.

Cassie: No, not at all. It's ... you know, I've got to move on and move past my marriage and past the trial. Okay, enough of that.

Blake: What?

Cassie: You guys don't have to treat me like I'm some "china doll" who's going to crack at any second. I'm fine. I'm not great, but I'm fine. I can't believe that Grady walked and that Alan is going to walk, but I'm sure Jeffrey did the best he could. I know he did. And I'm sure Tammy knows that, too.

Blake: I have a hard time believing Daisy, you know? That she lied just to protect her stoner boyfriend. Talk about love being blind.

Grady: So what's with the silent treatment?

Cyrus: What?

Grady: Well, I say the "h" word and you go quiet, you know? I think you should grow up.

Cyrus: Me grow up?

Grady: Well, you know, you said Harley gave up her family when she went on with you.

Cyrus: I didn't say that.

Grady: Not in so many words, so ...

Cyrus: So?

Grady: When people told you to stay away from Harley, you told them to stick it. So I don't see why I should listen to anyone, especially you, when everyone else says the same thing about Daisy.

Cyrus: Well, the reason you should listen to me is because you're putting her on the spot with everyone that she loves.

Grady: Same way Harley was. And since when do you care that much about her any way? Or is this really about her?

Cyrus: Okay, sit. Sit down. Here's the thing. You got a shot at a decent life now, Grady. You're going to let a crush get in the way of that?

Grady: A crush? Man, this is real.

Cyrus: Okay, wrong word.

Grady: Yeah, damn right it was.

Cyrus: I'm sorry!

Grady: You know, me and Daisy ... I don't have to explain this to you. I mean, I really appreciate what you did for me when you got up in court, but you know what? That doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do for the rest of my life. I know I should probably leave town and give up Daisy. But you know what? I don't want to.

Frank: What happened to your job at the TV station?

Daisy: That ... that didn't work out. But I think this would be much better.

Frank: Why is that?

Daisy: Because I know that it's going to take a lot of work to earn your guys' trust back.

Frank: And you think by busing tables and waiting on customers that's going to happen?

Buzz: Frank, Frank. Honey, there's not enough dirty dishes in the world for you to make up for this.

Daisy: I know, okay? It's not about that kind of work. You know what I mean? I just want to be around here so you guys can see that I'm still a good person.

Buzz: We know you're a good person. We also know you have incredibly bad judgment.

Daisy: I mean, I just ... I would think you, of all people, would understand why I wanted to give someone a second chance.

Buzz: You lied on the stand. That's perjury. That's a felony. You gave a killer an alibi.

Daisy: He's not a killer.

Frank: He's the one who murdered your cousin. You understand that, right?

Daisy: Yes.

Frank: Daisy, you compromised your integrity, your values, everything that you believed in, for a guy who's probably left town by now, Thanks to you.

Daisy: He didn't leave.

Frank: When Jeffrey O'Neill charges you with perjury and you're at the defendant's table, do you think that loser's going to be here for you? He's not. Guess who will be? Your family will be here for you. You know why? Because we love you. This guy used you, and you let him!

Daisy: Okay. Okay. Please, I will do whatever it takes, just don't kick me out of this family.

Buzz: Honey, you can't be kicked out of the family. Not ever. But we're a little disappointed, you know? And we're a little more than scared.

Daisy: Because I might go to jail?

Buzz: You lied on the stand. You're a better person than that.

Frank: Pop, don't coddle her, all right?

Daisy: Do I have the job?

Frank: No. No, you don't, actually. As a matter of fact, we're going to go to Marina's right now, we're going to pack your bags, and I'm going to take you to your mother's. Even if I have to search all ends of the earth.

Daisy: You tried that already.

Frank: Let's go.

Daisy: Can you do something?

Buzz: Sorry.

Daisy: Wait, wait, can we talk about this?

Grady: Hey, leave her alone. You can take your best shot out on me but you're not going to take it out on her.

Grady: Come on, Daisy, let's go.

Frank: What happened to wanting to prove yourself to your family, or is that just talk?

Grady: Back off. You put enough guilt in her already.

Frank: You did that yourself by getting her to lie for you.

Daisy: Grady, I can handle this, it's okay.

Grady: Look Daisy, you don't need to go running back to them. I'll take care of you.

Frank: Oh, that's great.

Daisy: It's okay. You don't owe me anything.

Grady: I haven't seen you since the ...

Frank: She said go. Are you deaf? Get out of here!

Daisy: I can't do this right now. Grady, you really ... you have to go.

Grady: All right, I'll see you later.

Frank: Yeah, like hell you will.

Daisy: He wasn't even doing anything wrong!

Frank: Daisy.

Daisy: I'm not my mother, okay? I understand you took care of her when you guys were growing up, okay? But I don't need that. I know what I want.

Frank: Do you? One second you're filling out a job application and the next you're running off with this creep. You don't know what the hell you want.

Daisy: Yes, I do. I want to be treated like an adult.

Cassie: Okay, so I'll walk you guys out.

Blake: Well, why don't you come with us? We're going to get pedicures and nails ... no, martinis.

Cassie: After all that ice cream, you want martinis?

Mel: Maybe, we'll just get the pedicures then.

Cassie: Well, I can't. I have a doctor's appointment.

Mel: What kind of doctor? Are you okay?

Cassie: It's not a shrink, if that's what you're worried about.

Mel: I think everyone should see one.

Cassie: It's just a checkup.

Mel: Well, you'll call us, right, if you need us?

Cassie: Thank you, yes.

Mel: Listen, about the papers. You and Josh sign them, send them back to me, whenever. And if you have any questions, just let me know.

Cassie: This divorce is the one thing I'm not questioning. Josh and I are ready for this. We're ready to divide our things and come up with a plan for spending time with R.J. It's done. So, see, fine. Okay. You guys are going to make me late. Let's go.

Blake: All right.

Lizzie: Do you have your insurance card?

Alan: Yeah. You know, I can fill that out.

Lizzie: But I have better handwriting.

Alan: Well, you keep looking at your watch. Do you have an appointment or something?

Lizzie: Well, I have a little meeting thing later, but it's not a big deal.

Alan: You know, the last time they kept me waiting here, Gus had died. They wouldn't even let me see my son. I can't lose anyone else.

Lizzie: I'm sorry, Granddad.

Alan: I know he loved me, and he still does and that's the reason why he wants to save me.

Lizzie: Well, I really want you to be okay.

Alan: Well, I'm fine. And these tests will prove that to you.

Lizzie: Okay. I think they're ready for you in exam room 2.

Alan: How do you know that?

Lizzie: I just know. Take them with you. They'll need you sign some stuff before they run the tests.

Alan: Okay. I know this has been a little bit of a test for you and me, too. And I want to thank you for taking care of me.

Lizzie: Sure.

Alan: Will you wait here for me?

Lizzie: Yeah, I'll wait.

Alan: Good.? The Global 1 helicopter -- only on Global Edmonton ...

Daisy: Cassie, I'm so sorry. I was going to call you to explain.

Cassie: Don't bother.

Cyrus: Hey, Buzz.

Buzz: Oh, hi, Cyrus.

Cyrus: Have you seen Grady around?

Buzz: Yeah. He was right outside, but I said a little prayer, and he left.

Cyrus: Was Daisy with him?

Buzz: I don't know where Daisy is, but I know what she is. She's gone a little bonkers. Put the family at odds, and you know what's the center of it all? A Foley brother -- again.

Cyrus: Look, I'm trying to keep them apart, too.

Buzz: She lied on the stand. That's perjury. That's a crime.

Cyrus: Buzz ...

Buzz: We don't do that in our family.

Cyrus: I know it's complicated.

Buzz: No, it's simple. She jumped ahead without thinking about anything. Protected your brother. He killed Tammy. You know it; I know it. Probably the whole damn town knows it.

Cyrus: He's sorry about what happened.

Buzz: Oh, gee, well, you should have told me before.

Cyrus: I get why you're upset.

Buzz: Or maybe tell Cassie. No, Tammy's still dead. But maybe it's not too late for Daisy.

Cyrus: I'll come back later.

Buzz: You want to see things from my perspective? Four women in my life: Marina almost turns her back on the family because of you; Tammy's dead because of your brother; Harley, I don't know where she is. We can't find her because she doesn't want to be in the same country as you. And now the whole catastrophe is going to repeat itself with your brother and Daisy.

Cyrus: You're such a hypocrite.

Buzz: I'm a hypocrite.

Cyrus: You and I both know if somebody we both loved was up against it, we'd lie, cheat, steal, do whatever we had to save him.

Buzz: Maybe, you're right, we would. But that doesn't mean that they had to. If you had a shred of decency left in you, you'll do whatever you can to stop this insane crush your brother has on Daisy. We're doing what we can on our end.

Cyrus: See, that's the thing. I'm starting to think that it's more than a crush.

Daisy: Cassie, Cassie, please wait! Cassie, Cassie! Please, wait! Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't ... I didn't mean to hurt you, okay? I just ... I didn't want Grady to be just yet another person who gets hurt in all this, okay? Enough people have been hurt. He's not as bad as you think he is and I really ... I tried to do what Tammy would have done.

Cassie: Oh, you think Tammy would have lied on the stand to save a killer?

Daisy: I think Tammy believed in second chances. She gave that to Jonathan and I wanted to give that to Grady.

Cassie: That's right. You wanted that for him. Don't pretend it was about Tammy. You were just thinking of yourself.

Daisy: He's changed. I might be the only person who sees that, but he would have done the same thing for me.

Cassie: Okay, good. Then you're both liars.

Daisy: I'm so sorry. Look, I did what I felt was right.

Cassie: You need to get out of my face right now. I can't even stand to look at you!

Daisy: Cassie ...

Cassie: She was your cousin! She was your cousin, and you sold her out for some fling!

Daisy: It's not a fling.

Cassie: Get the hell out of here! Just shut up!

Daisy: I'm sorry!

Cassie: Shut up!

Cyrus: Go home, Daisy. Go home.

Bill: Hey, what's going on?

Lizzie: What are you doing here?

Bill: Just following up, that's all. So he's in there?

Lizzie: Thanks to you.

Bill: We do what we can.

Lizzie: So you just ... you're going to stay here?

Bill: Is that okay?

Lizzie: Is it okay with you? After what you've been through here, I would think this is ... this would be the last place on earth you would want to be.

Bill: It's where I want to be. I brought cards.

Lizzie: Oh, thank God! I've read these magazines twice! Thank you.

Bill: What are we playing?

Alan: Where's my doctor? The one that was here before.

Rick: His shift just ended so I'm picking up his cases.

Alan: Well, I want another doctor.

Rick: Not unless you want an orderly.

Alan: What the hell; I'm going to get another doctor.

Rick: Alan ...

Lizzie: Don't cheat! See, you're cheating!

Lizzie: Seven?

Bill: Go fish. Lizzie ...

Lizzie: What is taking so long?

Bill: If you want to go somewhere; I can stay here. It's not a problem.

Rick: Hey, guys, I'm sorry. I had an accident victim brought in and we needed to do a C A T scan, so I'm really behind.

Lizzie: You are granddad's doctor, now?

Rick: Alan is my patient so now my life is complete. If you guys can do me a favor, can you give me some of his symptoms?

Lizzie: Well, Bill was with him.

Bill: He was fine, it looked like he had a seizure, though. He collapsed, and then next thing I knew he was out cold.

Lizzie: Granddad, what are you doing out of bed?

Rick: Would you get back in that room, please.

Alan: I cannot believe you talked me into doing this. And you, Bill, have you know shame right in front of my room? How many other friends and family do you have working for you.

Bill: What are you talking about, Alan?

Alan: You had me convinced that you cared about me. That you were worried about me.

Lizzie: I am worried about you.

Alan: Why don't you tell me what this is all about?

Lizzie: Finding out if you're okay. What else would it be about?

Alan: I'll tell you what it's about. It's about getting me declared incompetent. Oh, why are you looking so surprised?

Lizzie: That's not what's going on!

Bill: Easy, Alan.

Alan: I've got to hand it to you, Bill. Making me out to be nuts would make it very difficult for me to make a serious play for the company, wouldn't it?

Rick: Go back in your room, Alan, please. Would you just go back in the room?

Alan: Why did you let him talk you into this, anyway?

Lizzie: Bill didn't talk me into anything.

Alan: Yes, he did. He talked you into betraying me, your own family legacy!

Lizzie: That is not what is happening here.

Alan: I'm not a fool, and I'm not a fool to this scheme here. A lot of things are coming together in my life right now, and I won't be a part of this little scheme! So good-bye, Elizabeth.

Lizzie: Granddad! Granddad, you still need to have the tests!

Rick: I'll get him back in there.

Bill: It's all right. It's all right. It's all right.

Lizzie: Ooh!

Daisy: Oh, hey, what are you doing?

Grady: When was the last time you washed this car?

Daisy: What?

Grady: Changed the oil, too. It's disgusting.

Daisy: Grady ...

Grady: You know, that's the first time I've seen you smile in I don't know how long.

Daisy: So what is this? Why?

Grady: Well, you won't let me fight your family, and you know I can never see you for a conversation, so I just wanted to do something to thank you. I know it was a stupid idea and if ... if I ... I'd be a lot better at doing this stuff if I hadn't had a ... you know, you deserve better than me. And I just want you to know that no one's ever stood up for me like you did in that courtroom, not ever. I am so sorry. I'm sorry that I made you choose between me and your family and ... look, this is a stupid idea. I'll just go.

Cyrus: Cassie, wait. Just stop. Stop, stop, stop. Just stop!

Cassie: She said she was sorry as if she just cut me off in line! As if it was that simple! She gives me this starry-eyed look like ... like that makes it okay. And it is okay for her because she would do anything. She would sacrifice everything for this guy who she knows hurt her! The same stupid look Tammy used to give me about Jonathan.

Cyrus: It's all right. It's all right.

Cassie: He killed her, and she helped him get away with it, and now they get to have the life that Tammy and Jonathan were supposed to have! It's just not fair! Tammy's gone! She's gone! They get to ...

Lizzie: You know why I'm staying. It's not like he's coming back.

Bill: Look, he had no right to blow up on you like that. He's just being an ungrateful jerk. I mean, there could be something seriously wrong with him and you're trying to help. All you ever wanted was ...

Lizzie: He was right.

Bill: What?

Lizzie: I went to Jeffrey and I told him that I would rat out my granddad. That I'd testify against him so they could put him in jail. Because then it would be safe for Jonathan to bring Sarah home. And if it's between him and her ... you were right, Bill. The only thing that is standing between me and my daughter, is him. But then you come and you tell me what happened, and then the thought of him being sick, and it's just like everything just goes right out the window.

Bill: Listen, whether he is sick or nothing, has nothing to do with you getting Sarah back.

Lizzie: But it does! But it does because I will end up alone. And I know that it sounds stupid and selfish, but I am so sick of not having anybody in it with me! And if I go and I testify against him, my whole family will hate me! And then I will lose all of them! And if he is sick, then I am going to lose him, too, and I have already lost Sarah, and I have no idea if I will ever be able to find her! And then I lost ...

Bill: Okay, hey, hey, hey, listen to me, listen to me, listen to me. I don't know what we are right now, okay? And I ... I don't know what we could be. But as long as you need me, I'm going to be here. Okay?

Cassie: Thank you for the ride, you can go now.

Cyrus: I can stick around.

Cassie: I want you to go. You would have done the same thing she did.

Cyrus: Let me just get you settled.

Cassie: I knew it.

Cyrus: He's my brother.

Cassie: Go! Don't try to touch me!

Cyrus: Cassie ...

Cassie: Go! I don't want you in my house, I don't want you anywhere near me!

Daisy: So what happens now?

Grady: All good things. I'm a free man. I've been in jail more than I've been out. I think I would have died if I had have gone back in. Probably would have made a lot of people happy.

Daisy: No.

Grady: Thanks for saving me. Really.

Daisy: You know, I read somewhere that if you save someone's life then you're responsible for it.

Grady: Uh-oh.

Daisy: I know!

Grady: I'm a lot of work.

Daisy: That's what my family says about me, too.

Grady: Cyrus, too.

Daisy: Actually, I just saw Cassie and I could literally see the hurt in her eyes, and I know that I put that there.

Grady: No. Not you, Daisy.

Daisy: It just feels like this whole town hates us.

Grady: I'm used to it, but, you know, you shouldn't have to deal with that.

Daisy: It's fine, I can handle it, it's not like I'm a kid anymore.

Grady: But you shouldn't have to, you know? The only thing you did wrong was choose me.

Daisy: But you chose me, too, and that's what no one here gets. Because they were all born into something. They were born into something real, you know? Like a family. They came into this world with, like, their own pit crew. You know, like when we used to go to the raceway and we used to watch through the fence.

Grady: Yeah.

Daisy: And the cars would be speeding along and then they'd spin out of control, and you thought they were going to crash but then the pit crew would run in and fix them. What?

Grady: So that's what you are? You're a car and you're waiting for a pit crew to come in and fix you up?

Daisy: No. I don't know. But you did fix my car.

Grady: I like being your pit crew.

Daisy: This is going to be hard, Grady because no one's going to understand.

Grady: Well, that's why we've got each other.

Coming up on "Guiding Light..."

Josh: Am I making you uncomfortable?

Reva: I can take it.

Buzz: What is it, like fate has to hit you in the head? It's like a Greek tragedy.

Josh: I think I already told you, I'm pretty much set on getting Reva back.

Jeffrey: Yeah, but Reva's going to be my wife. I want to postpone it just ... just for a few weeks.

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