Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/15/08
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Proofread by Melanie
Jeffrey: I really wanted to win.
Alan: I truly feel sorry about what happened, but I was meant to be free.
Jeffrey: Is Josh the reason we're getting married in two weeks?
Reva: No! Jeffrey, I can't wait to be your wife.
Lizzie: I need to bring my daughter home, and to do that I'm willing to give you my granddad.
Jeffrey: What did you just say?
Lizzie: I can hand you Alan Spaulding.
Jeffrey: You would testify against your own grandfather?
Lizzie: For the murder of Tammy Lane Winslow Randall. Yes. You can close your mouth now.
Jeffrey: Okay, Lizzie, I just have one question for you.
Lizzie: Yes?
Jeffrey: Why would you do that?
Lizzie: Because I want my daughter back. I want her here with me every day, and my grandfather refuses to help me with that.
Jeffrey: But why now? All of this time you've been nothing but supportive of your family ...
Lizzie: And loyal, and faithful, and devoted, yes. I admit that I have been trying to resurrect my family. As crazy as they are, they are all I've got.
Jeffrey: But?
Lizzie: Jonathan is keeping my daughter away from me for one reason, and one reason only, and that is because my grandfather is a dangerous man.
Jeffrey: Yes. He's also vengeful and unpredictable ...
Lizzie: Exactly.
Jeffrey: Lizzie, you better listen to me.
Lizzie: No. It's the choice. It's between my grandfather or my daughter, and I am choosing my daughter.
Alan: I want to make sure I understand this. You're going to Chicago to take a class?
Beth: Uh, no. It's initiation and registration for all state colleges and their law programs.
Alan: But you're only taking a class or two, right?
Beth: No. I'm going full-time.
Alan: Full-time? Beth, we should have discussed this!
Beth: (Laughs) We did discuss this. You just obviously weren't listening.
Alan: Well, don't they have a part-time course you could take?
Beth: Oh, Alan, it would take me ten years to become a lawyer going part-time.
Alan: Lawyer! Lawyer! You know, that doesn't sound right for you, you know? If I want a lawyer, all I have to do is go out and hire one.
Beth: Yeah, yeah. And you hire a bodyguard and a stockbroker and a driver and a chef, and a ...
Alan: That's because that is what I do. I will get you whatever you need. I am coming back, Beth.
Beth: I know you're coming back. I need to do this for my growth. I want to be an equal partner in this family. And... I want to be a good example for her.
Alan: Beth, Peyton needs you. This family needs you.
Beth: Oh, don't do that to me. I need to do this for me. And if this family needs anything, it's a really good lawyer.
Alan: Well, Peyton, your mommy is very stubborn, isn't she? But you know something? One day very soon we're going to be back in our house, and you will have plenty of room to run around and play.
Dinah: Budgets, budgets, budgets ... where would you be? Budgets, budgets, budgets.
Bill: Hey!
Dinah: Hey! (Sighs nonchalantly)
Bill: What are you doing?
Dinah: Well, doing some work.
Bill: Um, look, I'm going to call an employee meeting.
Dinah: Oh, today?
Bill: Yeah. Apparently, Alan is making serious moves to get back into this company, and he's reaching out to people inside the operation. And I know who it is.
Beth: Besides, you said you wanted a chance to be a real father to this child...
Alan: I do.
Beth: Mm-hmm?
Alan: I want to be a hands-on father with Peyton.
Beth: Well, now is your chance! Now is the time to, um... step up to the plate.
Alan: Now? Today?
Beth: Yes, now, today. (Laughs) You know what? I can call my mother and ask her to come over.
Alan: Oh, that won't be necessary. I won't need Lillian here. You go and take your classes, your school, or whatever, and I will take care of our daughter.
Beth: I can call her.
Alan: No. I can handle it.
Beth: Are you sure?
Alan: Yes. I can do anything, Beth. I mean, I can be both mother and father to Peyton. After all, how hard could it be to take care of a toddler, huh? There you go, baby.
Beth: Okay. Now, she has a little bit of a cold, so if she throws up ...
Alan: She won't.
Beth: Alrighty, dear. When you give her a bath, make sure you use this baby soap. If you don't, she'll get a rash, because she has very sensitive skin.
Alan: Okay. Throw up, rash, got it.
Beth: Speaking of rashes, don't wait until you smell something bad to check her diaper. You have to check it frequently.
Alan: I will!
Beth: And if you have changed her and she has had enough sleep, and she's eaten, and you've played with her, and she's still cranky, she probably has a tummy ache. Nothing to worry about. It's just gas. So you give her a few drops of this homeopathic formula for little tummies, and she'll be just fine.
Alan: Okay. Mm-hmm.
Beth: Okay.
Alan: All right.
Beth: Pots and pans ...
Alan: Mm-hmm?
Beth: She's starting to get around and get into the pots and pans.
Alan: Don't worry. I'll make sure that the cupboards are closed.
Beth: No, no, no, no, no. I like to let her do that.
Alan: Oh?
Beth: Because I think it is good for her development to explore.
Alan: Okay.
Beth: Mm-hmm ... very important.
Alan: Okay.
Beth: Her favorite teddy bear, backup favorite teddy bear. She must have these to sleep, okay? And one other thing: The pacifiers -- and you can use these -- but this is just for emergencies, nothing to depend on. Hmm?
Alan: Is there anything else?
Beth: Well, yes, as a matter of fact. If you take her out, make sure she is dressed for the heat, but also for inside, if you're taking her any place that is air-conditioned.
Alan: Being CEO of a corporation wasn't this hard!
Beth: I'm going to write everything down.
Alan: Well, good.
Beth: Hmm.
Dinah: Bill ...
Bill: No, look, Dinah, I ... I know you hate Alan as much as I do. In fact, you were the one who defeated him. Stole his company right out from underneath him. Okay, but he still has one or two friends inside here, all right? And they're trying to sabotage us.
Dinah: Okay.
Bill: Mm-hmm?
Dinah: You know, look, we do need to be on guard, okay? But don't you think you're being a little paranoid?
Bill: No, no, no, no, no, not at all. In fact, he has a crazy idea that he will be successful if he comes after me.
Dinah: How do you know that?
Bill: How do I know?
Dinah: Yeah.
Office Worker: Mr. Lewis, your conference call has started.
Bill: Tell them to wait, please?
Jeffrey: Lizzie, are you just lashing out at your grandfather again because he's hurt you again? Because, quite frankly, Lizzie, I do not have the time, or the energy, or the patience to go through ...
Lizzie: I was there the day that my granddad ordered Grady to go after Jonathan. And I saw the look on his face, and I know that he did not just want Jonathan threatened or scared off. He wanted him gone. Gone, as in forever, for good!
Jeffrey: You'll say that on record?
Lizzie: God forgive me. I pretty much knew what my grandfather was doing, and I didn't stop it.
Jeffrey: So now ... now you want to stop it?
Lizzie: My hope is just that if my grandfather is put away, maybe Jonathan will hear the news and he'll bring Sarah home.
Jeffrey: Well, there is no guarantee that that's going to happen, Lizzie!
Lizzie: I know! I know.
Jeffrey: And if you do this, you risk Alan's wrath, okay? So do you really think you're tougher than Alan? Do you really think you can go through with something like this? Because Alan is going to come after you! He's going to fight back, Lizzie!
Beth: Mom, listen, I'm in town making some last minute preparations before I go to Chicago. Yes... yes, I'm still going. Anyway, Peyton is with Alan. (Laughs) Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Well, she's with him now. Hmm? No, believe me, I was all set to call Mrs. Jones, and then I said, "Alan really needs to do this." But having said that, um... could you just make sure your phone is on today and just that Alan has your cell number? And, you know, if you have time, maybe you could drop by; make sure they don't need any help? (Laughs) I know. I know. Okay. Thank you. Love you. Bye.
Dinah: Well, you were odd here today... I'm very glad you're not mad at me anymore.
Bill: Who says I'm not?
Dinah: Excuse me?
Bill: Alan confronted me, bold as brass, said he's going to take me down, reclaim his spot at the company.
Dinah: That's Alan. That will always be Alan.
Bill: No, no, no. See, this is different. Like he knows something. He's got someone on the inside, someone in his corner. So, let's see. Who on staff worked here with Spaulding? I mean, you would know because you worked here. Let's see, um, obviously...
Dinah: Bill, do you know what? You should stop. Bill, I want to tell you something. You're right. You're absolutely right.
Bill: Hmm?
Dinah: We cannot let that bastard get his claws into this company, all right? Now, I am already on it. I know everybody who's worked here before. And I will personally see to it that there are no leaks, okay? And I'm going to grill every current and former employee and go through their phone records. Yeah.
Bill: We've got phone records?
Dinah: And you know what else I'm going to do? Yes. Yes. What do you think I've been doing here?
Bill: Hmm.
Dinah: I've got them on the computer, I've got a hard copy right here. I'm also going to go after Alex.
Bill: You are?
Dinah: Yes.
Bill: Okay. Okay. I'm going to let you run with it.
Dinah: Thank you.
Bill: Just don't screw it up, okay? Can you manage that?
Jeffrey: Lizzie?
Lizzie: I know. I know! I know! I told you that I get it, okay?
Jeffrey: You're going to have to look Alan in the eye in that courtroom and tell everybody -- the entire court -- what you know.
Lizzie: I can do it.
Jeffrey: (Sighs)
Lizzie: I can do it.
Jeffrey: What about your mother, hmm? Do you realize you risk losing your relationship with your mother over this? And your sister -- they may never let you see your sister again.
Lizzie: I don't care.
Jeffrey: Of course you care, Lizzie. The question is: Are you tough enough? Are you tough enough to do this? You know Alan's lawyers. They're going to come after you relentlessly. They're going to try to break you down. They're going to attack your sanity. And if I'm going to do this, if I'm going to try to do this, Lizzie, you cannot...
Lizzie: I'm not going to back down!
Jeffrey: You're sure?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Okay. You're a brave ... you're a very brave woman, Lizzie.
Lizzie: My grandfather had a chance for a life with his family, and I want mine.
Lizzie: Wow, Mom, hi!
Beth: Oh, hi! What are you doing here?
Lizzie: Oh, I ... I was trying to arrange something.
Beth: Yeah? Something important?
Lizzie: What are you doing here?
Beth: Um, I am ... (sighs) (laughs) Can you ... can you just hold these for me ...
Lizzie: Yeah.
Beth: ... For a second. You know ... applications and registration forms ...
Lizzie: For what?
Beth: Chicago. Remember? The law program, orientation, and internship conference? Hello?
Lizzie: Oh, you were serious about that?
Beth: Yeah. Yeah, I think it's important.
Lizzie: Where is Peyton?
Beth: Ah, with Alan.
Lizzie: What?
Beth: No, it's ... it's going to be fine. And he has Nana's number if he gets desperate, so ...
Lizzie: That's insane.
Beth: Yeah. And, um ... and he has you. (Laughing) So maybe you could just go over there and make sure everything is okay at some point?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Beth: Come on! Don't look so worried. I'm not. I'm leaving the whole family in your care for this weekend. It's all good, honey. It's all good. It's time for you and I to start taking charge, right?
Lizzie: Yeah. Taking charge.
Beth: Yeah. Okay. Go, go.
Alan: Peyton, here's daddy! Yeah. Hey, Peyton. Yeah, we're doing just fine, aren't we? Look at that. A giraffe.
(Cell phone rings)
Dinah: Can you give me a minute? Okay, one minute. Thank you. Hello, it's me.
Alan: Dinah?
Dinah: I'd like you to listen, because we have trouble.
Alan: Why? Is Bill imploding?
Dinah: Yeah. I think he's on to me.
Alan: How could that be?
Dinah: Because you've been running your mouth, and you haven't been keeping things on the down low.
Alan: Hey, just calm down! You're not the only ace up my sleeve.
Dinah: You know something? I don't know how I'm going to help you, Alan, if you keep outing me.
Alan: Just don't you worry your pretty little head off, all right?
Dinah: Don't talk to me like I'm stupid! You need me!
Bill: I, uh ...
Dinah: Hey.
Bill: ... just want to say sorry about before.
Dinah: Oh?
Bill: For snapping at you.
Dinah: Okay.
Bill: I was wound up about Max and everything, so ...
Dinah: Yeah. Of course. Yeah.
Bill: Do you want to, uh ... do you want to do lunch?
Dinah: Sure.
Bill: Yeah?
Dinah: Yeah. Where?
Bill: Uh, Towers?
Dinah: Okay. Towers.
Bill: Okay. Sure, let's do it. I'll meet you there.
Dinah: I'll see you there.
Alan: Hello, Lillian? Yes ... yes, I'm a man of many talents, I am! Listen, I want to ask you, "What are you doing for lunch?"
Lizzie: Mom. Hey.
Beth: Hey, you. Are you still here?
Lizzie: Yeah. So this has got to be the longest time you'll have ever been away from Peyton, huh?
Beth: Yeah. Tell me about it. That's why I'm a little anxious. I mean, I'm trying not to act that way, but ... I am. But I'm not worried because I've got you. I know I can depend on you.
Lizzie: Well, you know I will do anything I can to take care of Peyton, no matter what happens.
Beth: I know that.
Lizzie: I just wish Sarah was here, you know? We could raise them together. It would be like they were sisters. It would be nice.
Beth: Is that what is going on? Are you missing Sarah?
Lizzie: Law school is a very good idea. It just took me a little while to wrap my brain around it. (Laughs)
Beth: I'm glad you approve.
Lizzie: You just really need to be self-sufficient, Mom. You know, you need to have your own life, your own interests. You know, just in case ...
Beth: What?
Lizzie: Well, just in case things with you and granddad don't work out ...
Beth: Oh, Lizzie!
Lizzie: They didn't work out last time, did they? And I just want to know that if something were to happen, that you and Peyton wouldn't suffer.
Beth: We won't. We won't! He's being great. You should see him. When I left, he was trying to learn words to the "Dora the Explorer" song. He's being "Mr. Mom." (Laughs) Yeah, okay. Um, I've got to go.
Lizzie: Mom, look out for yourself, okay?
Beth: I will. You, too.
Lizzie: I love you. I love you so much! And no matter what happens, I'll always be here for you, okay?
Bill: (Sighs) that's a nice suit. Is that new?
Dinah: Ah ... no, no, no. It's been around for a while. Thank you.
Bill: Look, I'm sorry that I've been a little rough on you lately. It's just that I've been lost inside my own head. I guess you know how that could be, hmm?
Dinah: Yeah, I guess. When you're mad at yourself, you're mad at the whole world.
Bill: (Laughing) That is right.
Dinah: And you tend to lash out at those closest to you.
Bill: Exactly. What do you mean by that?
Dinah: Never mind.
Bill: Oh, all right. Hey, you know ... (clears throat) ... Mom's worried that we're not getting along. I said, "Relax, it's just a brother and sister squabble. There is still love and respect there."
Dinah: Respect?
Bill: Loyalty.
Dinah: Loyalty!
Bill: Yes.
Dinah: Oh, really?
Bill: Okay, don't start.
Dinah: No. I just want to know what to say to people, you know, when they start asking -- and, actually, they are asking, "What's the trouble in paradise?" You know, "What's really wrong at Maximus?"
Bill: Enjoy your lunch.
Dinah: Bill. I am trying --
Bill: I hope you brought your credit card.
Dinah: -- to understand.
Waiter: Check?
Dinah: No. You know what? I'm going to actually have some dessert, and the gentleman just left, so you can take his plate. That's fine. Thank you.
Alan: Well, what did they do? Take away your key to the executive washroom, Bill?
Bill: That would be at the office, Alan. We're at Towers. Maybe you didn't realize that.
Alan: Yeah, well, it won't be long, will it?
Bill: Long until what?
Alan: Before we're working together -- actually, before you're working for me -- right before I fire you.
Bill: Okay, look, you know what? I don't have time for this. I really don't. But I will level with you. I know you have someone on the inside, and I know you and Alex are trying to work your old contacts.
Alan: Is this where you tell me I'm wasting my time?
Bill: You are wasting your time. I pay my employees much better than you ever did, okay? So any loyalty that you think you're going to get -- imaginary.
Alan: Hmm. If I'm imaginary, then why are your palms sweating?
Bill: Oh, Alan, you never knew how to treat people decently. You treat your own granddaughter just horribly. You'll never learn.
Jeffrey: Are you alone?
Dinah: Please, sit down and order something. By the way ... you're buying.
Alan: How dare you talk to me about Elizabeth, as if you treat her any better than I !
Bill: Will you please just back off?
Alan: Ah!
Dinah: Thank you. So, how's Ava? Have you heard from her?
Jeffrey: She's getting better every day.
Dinah: Good. Good. Will she be back in time for the wedding? Isn't that soon?
Jeffrey: Well, um ... I might be too busy for the wedding right now.
Dinah: Too busy to get married? I think you need to check your priority list! Cold feet?
Jeffrey: No, no. Reva and I are still going to get married. It's just a matter of scheduling.
Dinah: Oh.
Bill: Alan? Alan? Alan! (Sighs) This is not gonna look good. (Sighs)
Alan: Gus ...
Bill: Alan?
Alan: Gus ...
Bill: Alan! Alan, hey, let me help you up, huh? Let me get you off the ground.
Alan: Gus ...
Bill: Alan? Here, drink some of this.
Alan: Gus ...
Bill: Hey, drink some more.
Alan: Thank you, Gus. Thank you.
Dinah: So what's so important you'd have to postpone your wedding?
Jeffrey: I'm reopening Tammy's case.
Dinah: Didn't you just close that?
Jeffrey: Things have changed.
Dinah: You're serious? Well, you miss your daughter.
Jeffrey: You know ... Ava's had a lot of tough breaks in her life, and I might be the cause of a lot of that. I want to make sure that I do everything I can to help her.
Dinah: Ah, well, are you talking about Ava or Tammy? You know, you are fanatical about things, but as far as I know, you can't try a man twice for the same crime.
Jeffrey: Maybe.
Dinah: Maybe what?
Jeffrey: Maybe we'll nail him this time.
Dinah: You know something. Do you have an eyewitness? Do you have some more information?
Jeffrey: Let's just say it's a new angle.
Bill: All right, here. Sit down. Sit down, take it easy. Alan? Alan? I'm not Gus. I'm Bill, the man you love to hate. Are you ... are you okay?
Alan: Bill?
Bill: Yeah, that's right. That's right. Okay? I'm not Gus.
Alan: Gus.
Bill: It's ... Alan, Bill -- it's Bill Lewis.
Alan: I saw Gus. He was right here.
Bill: No, look, I think maybe you had a seizure.
Alan: No. It was a vision.
Bill: I think maybe you hit your head.
Alan: I received a message from Gus ...
Bill: Okay, look, I'm going to take you over to Cedars so you can be looked at, okay?
Alan: ...? and he told me that I was doing the right thing fighting for his legacy, and fighting you with a vengeance!
Bill: I'm going to take you to Cedars now so we can get you looked at, okay?
Alan: I don't need to be looked at! I've got family to take care of! But you need to see a doctor ... very soon.
Bill: Lizzie.
Lizzie: Do you have a pen?
Bill: Come on ... Lizzie!
Lizzie: I'm busy. What?
Bill: We need to talk.
Lizzie: No, we don't!
Bill: Yes, we do. Please.
Lizzie: No. We don't have anything to talk about.
Bill: It's about Alan.
Lizzie: That's funny, I don't want to talk about my granddad.
Bill: Okay, then just listen to me.
Lizzie: The last time we talked about my grandfather, we got in a huge fight.
Bill: Lizzie, I don't want to fight you.
Lizzie: Okay. Maybe you don't. But I do not want to get pulled into whatever is going on between you guys.
Bill: Just listen ...
Lizzie: You're not listening to me, Bill! Bill?
Bill: Mm-hmm?
Lizzie: I'm not interested anymore. The fighting is not good for me. I have found another way to handle him.
Beth: Um ... everything go, okay?
Alan: Everything's just fine.
Beth: Did she have a bath?
Alan: Yes, she had her bath. And now she is taking her afternoon nap.
Beth: No problems?
Alan: No. Well, I had to call your mother at one point because I needed to step out and get some supplies.
Beth: Okay. That's okay. That's okay. Yeah! You did a good job. Thank you!
Alan: And you know something? I heard from Gus.
Beth: Alan, don't do that to me. Don't say that to me just before I'm leaving town.
Alan: Beth ...
Beth: You know how I feel about that.
Alan: Now I know I'm on the right track.
Bill: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going?
Lizzie: Ah, Bill, let go. No, no, no, no, no, no! I do not want to hear it. I don't want to hear it. Let go. Come on, you've got to leave me out of it!
Bill: Would you please listen to me, okay? This is not about the company or anything like that. I think something is seriously wrong with your grandfather.
Alan: Beth, everything is going to be just fine. You're going to school. Gus is guiding me. I'm going to go after Bill Lewis with a vengeance!
Beth: You're scaring me.
Alan: It's going to be okay, really. I'm going to spend a wonderful weekend with my little girl, and I'm going to miss my big girl very much.
(Cell phone rings)
Beth: Are you going to get that?
Alan: No. Whoever it is can wait because nothing is more important to me right now than you.
Dinah: Come on, pick up. Pick up. Pick up. (Sighs) Great, voicemail. Alan, they're coming after you again. Something is up. We need to talk.?
Cyrus: Coming up on "Guiding Light" ...
Daisy: I tried to do what Tammy would have done.
Cassie: Oh, you think Tammy would have lied on the stand to save a killer?
Grady: I'm a free man. Thanks for saving me.
Cassie: You need to get out of my face right now! I can't even stand to look at you!
Grady: You know, you deserve better than me.
Daisy: What?
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