GL Transcript Thursday 8/14/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/14/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Melanie

Alan: I had this vision of leading us to the Spaulding Empire.

Lizzie: When Sarah cries, I just wonder if she ever cries out for her mom.

Alan: You know you've built your house on sand and lies.

Bill: Spaulding is gone.

Lizzie: You want to take on my granddad?

Bill: The man is irrational--you know that.

Lizzie: But he always wins.

Alan: Well, well, well, what a surprise. Come in. Come in.

Natalia: Thank you.

Alan: Just having a little tea, and... as a matter of fact, I'll make you some, as well.

Natalia: Thanks.

Alan: Beautiful day out there, isn't it?

Natalia: Yes, it is. How are you doing?

Alan: Well, as a matter of fact, I'm... woke up this morning happy for the first time in a long time. Things seem to be falling into place.

Natalia: Well, yeah, especially after the trial.

Alan: Yeah. Gus looked out after me, just like he said he would.

Natalia: Mm-hmm.

Alan: And you... have you spoken to Rafe?

Natalia: No. I tried calling him and I left him a message, but I don't even know if he'll get it, or what.

Alan: Don't worry, he got your message.

Natalia: Have you received anymore messages about Rafe? I mean, recently, anything?

Alan: No, other than the fact that I think Gus feels that he would be safer here than in Europe. Which reminds me, I found this pen the other day-- this pen I gave to Gus when he started working at Spaulding Enterprises. I didn't want him signing those multi-million dollar contracts with those cheap pens he used to have. I want to give this to Rafe. Now that I'm free, I think I'll be able to help him with whatever he's going through. Who knows, you know? Maybe one day, he'll be sitting behind a desk at Spaulding, just like his father, using this pen.

Natalia: At Spaulding?

Alan: Yes. I'd like to get my company back. I think it's what Gus would want. And I want it, too.

Olivia: It's about time.

Jeffrey: What?

Olivia: That you realize that, you know, you can't go it alone--that even the great Jeffrey O'Neill might need a little help winning every now and then.

Jeffrey: Didn't win this time.

Olivia: Well, I think it's going to take a little more than divine intervention to nail Alan Spaulding.

Jeffrey: I really wanted to. I really wanted to win. For Tammy. For Cassie.

Olivia: So, you put your abilities above the big guy's, here?

Jeffrey: I know I can use some help. And I know I need forgiveness.

Olivia: It's not you're fault. Neither is what happened to Ava. I heard from her today.

Jeffrey: How is she?

Olivia: She's okay. As okay as can be expected, you know. She said that she's getting good care, and the facility is... she said the people there are really nice. I don't get it. Really, I don't get it. Why her, not him? Why... why does she suffer, why does he get to walk around a free man? I mean, really-- it's just not fair. I mean, I know it sounds trite...

Jeffrey: No, it's true. It's true. Tammy loses her life, Ava loses her baby-- I don't get it, either. I don't like churches.

Olivia: Me, neither.

Jeffrey: So, how did we end up here? (Knock on door)

Reva: Oh! Good morning.

Josh: I have fresh-squeezed orange juice and Danishes.

Reva: That is so weird, because I was just making a list for the grocery store.

Josh: Can I come in?

Reva: I don't think that's a good idea.

Josh: I have apricot Danishes in here.

Reva: You had to go three towns away to get that.

Josh: I know, because in this town, they only have cherry and cheese.

Reva: I like cheese.

Josh: But your favorite is apricot.

Reva: (Laughing) I didn't order Danish.

Josh: Yes, but you're the one who loves surprises. It's hot outside.

Reva: Well, then, maybe, you should get back into your car and crank up your A/C.

Josh: Excuse me.

Reva: Joshua, it...

Josh: Is Jeffrey here, by the way? Because I didn't know what his favorite flavor is, so I brought him cherry.

Reva: He's at the church, Reverend.

Josh: How is he?

Reva: Well, he was upset that he wasn't able to put Alan away, and he is mourning his grandson and missing his daughter. He's got a lot going on.

Josh: Well, then, you should let me take care of you.

Reva: This... this isn't right.

Josh: Well, if you prefer, we could have coffee instead of orange juice.

Reva: No, I mean, you can't just come in here. This isn't your home now.

Josh: Reva, look, I realize that this is not easy...

Reva: Joshua, stop!

Josh: Then, again, with you, things never are.

Reva: No, I mean, right now, this time. I'm going to the grocery store.

Josh: But, look, you have food right here.

Reva: I'm... I'm not eating that.

Josh: Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Reva: Where did I put my car keys?

Josh: Sorry, are you looking for these?

Reva: Yes. I'm not...

Josh: Oh, come on, now, that is just... I'm getting to you, aren't I, huh?

Reva: You think so?

Josh: Uh-huh. (Laughs)

Reva: There, I just set a wedding date. How do you like that?

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Oh, no, that was easy.

Josh: You know, I would really love to stay for breakfast, but it appears I only have two weeks and I have a lot of work to do. Ciao.

Jeffrey: Seriously, how can you even come by here?

Alan: Well, I'm on my way to my house... or what will be my house again very soon.

Jeffrey: Tammy's grave is right over there.

Alan: I know. I truly feel sorry about what happened. But... I was meant to be free.

Natalia: Hey. I've got it.

Olivia: It's all right, just leave it. Or take it-- I can't stand to look at it.

Natalia: Did you know her well?

Olivia: Everyone knew her. My nephew loved her very much.

Natalia: So, have you heard from Ava?

Olivia: Yeah. She's settling in.

Natalia: For how long?

Olivia: I don't know.

Natalia: I can help you...

Olivia: No, it's all... I got them for the baby... really early in her pregnancy, because I never thought that... and I wanted to just take them back. But, I guess, apparently it was past the date or whatever.

Natalia: You know what? I can get these out of here for you.

Olivia: No, and put them where, Natalia? I'm sorry.

Natalia: Don't be sorry. This is... it's... I know it's bad.

Olivia: Have you heard from Rafe?

Natalia: I called him and I left him a message. I don't know... I don't know if he's going to get it. I hope he gets it. I don't know if I'm supposed to hear from him quite yet, you know. I think everything that's happening, with you, with me, maybe it's just part of this big plan we're not supposed understand yet. And maybe we just have to be patient.

Olivia: You've been talking to Alan. Wow... wow, you must be thrilled that he is walking around a free man, so he can keep filling your head with all those lies you want to hear. Was I talking to a wall the other day?

Natalia: No, I heard you, I heard every word. And maybe Alan's visions aren't real. But if they aren't, he has no idea-- he really believes in all of them.

Olivia: And you do, too.

Natalia: I want to believe in something. And these predictions he's making-- they are actually coming true, even the ones that you thought were impossible. So, whether you believe or not, you have to admit...

Olivia: I don't have to admit anything! Why are you so naive?

Natalia: Okay, Olivia, calm down.

Olivia: No. Let me just say this-- there are no guardian angels up there. Gus isn't up there pulling strings, Natalia, because if he were, none of this would be happening. Rafe in danger? My grandson dying? Ava falling apart? Alan walking around a free man? Do you honestly want to credit Gus for that? Really! Emma's coming home soon.

Lizzie: I woke up missing Sarah again this morning. Well, I mean, I miss her all the time, of course. But I guess sometimes I kind of forget-- well, I mean, it's not that I forget, it's... you know, sometimes when things are good, I can, sort of, accept that I don't have her here with me-- sometimes, for weeks at a time.

Lillian: Honey, I think that's good. Sarah wouldn't want her mommy to be sad.

Lizzie: Sarah's a baby. Sarah doesn't know what she wants. Sarah hates me.

Lillian: Oh, no!

Lizzie: Yeah-- I'm there and then I'm not. And then I'm there, and then I'm not. What kind of mother comes in and out of her child's life? She doesn't know that it's because Jonathan keeps taking her away from me. You know, I just... when I wake up like this, I feel like I'm in physical pain. And it just hasn't happened in a while, so...

Lillian: Why is that, honey? What's changed?

Lizzie: I don't know. Everything's changed, I guess. I don't know. Maybe I was distracted by...

Lillian: By Bill. By Bill.

Lizzie: Yeah, I know, it's stupid.

Lillian: It's not stupid, sweetheart.

Lizzie: Yeah, it's stupid, because I keep losing people.

Lillian: Well, then stay here. You can stay here and not go away to L.A. You can be with your family and me.

Lizzie: Bill is here. Sarah might be in L.A.

Lillian: Mm-hmm.

Lizzie: And the job's good and there's a good benefits package.

Lillian: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Lizzie: I thought that Bill was going to make my life better. I actually believed that he was going to give me more good days than bad days. But the truth is that I'm never going to get away from the pain of losing Sarah. No matter how far away I move, whether I move to L.A. Or Thailand...

Lillian: I...

Lizzie: ... Anywhere, just... I don't know where, somewhere far away, it doesn't matter. I just can't keep living like this.

Lillian: Well, what are you going to do about it?

Lizzie: I have no idea. I... the coffee's cold.

Emma: Natalia!

Natalia: Hi! How are you? Oh, how are you?

Emma: Look what I made Mommy at day camp!

Natalia: Hey, Emma, how about we give Mommy a minute, and then we'll surprise her with your thing that you made her, okay? What else did you do in day camp today?

Olivia: Hey!

Emma: I wanted to surprise you.

Olivia: Oh, well you did. Can I see? Wow, that's, like, the best mannequin I've ever seen.

Natalia: Yeah.

Emma: Can Natalia bring Rafe over to see it?

Olivia: I'm sure that she'd like to, but your cousin's not back yet. But he's going to come home soon.

Natalia: Yes, he is.

Olivia: Okay. Let's get you ready for dance class.

Emma: Okay. Bye, Natalia!

Natalia: Bye, Emma!

Josh: Hey.

Billy: You know, I think you ought to take them trees out over there.

Josh: Yeah, that's right, because we've got to make room for the ramp that's going to go up to the entrance.

Billy: (Laughing) Those old ladies must just love you.

Josh: (Laughing) No, they love church, I'm just the messenger. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Did you look into the height restrictions, by the way, because the steeple we have planned for this thing, it's going to be pretty far up there?

Billy: Okay, okay, I'll make some calls.

Josh: Yeah, I'm just saying, you know. We had trouble with the zoning board when we were building the Veteran's Hospital.

Billy: Yeah.

Josh: I don't want that kind of stuff going on.

Billy: Those "Okies" were kind of tough, weren't they?

Josh: They were. But we were doing it for a good cause. We were helping soldiers and their families. And, don't forget, we also had Cassie with us to help us... to help us... well, she just sort of sweet-talked her way out of all the messes that we got into, so...

Billy: Have you talked to her lately?

Josh: Not really, no. Mainly just working out details for the divorce. But I have talked to Reva.

Billy: Oh, about Cassie?

Josh: No, about us.

Billy: You and me?

Josh: No, about me and Reva.

Billy: (Laughing) Hey, look, she's getting married to Jeffrey...

Josh: I know she is. In two weeks.

Billy: Oh, two weeks-- so if you're going to make a move, better get a move on.

Josh: I'm working on it, Billy, I am, you know. I just... I feel like I've been standing still for a very long time, you know, trying to keep my marriage together, trying to fix things, and basically, we've just been barely surviving. But now that I've got this going on, you know, building a new church, and rebuilding with Reva... it's complicated, it's difficult, but I finally feel like I'm doing something. And it feels good.

Billy: (Laughing)

Josh: What are you laughing at?

Billy: Oh, man...

Josh: Man, I'm pouring my heart out to you right here!

Billy: Look, I haven't seen you this stoked in a long time.

Josh: Yeah. It feels good. (Laughter) feels good. I think we should put a big ol' honking parking lot right there. What do you think?

Billy: Let's go get 'em, killer! (Laughing)

Jeffrey: Hi.

Reva: Hi. You okay?

Jeffrey: I would be if the clerks around here could figure out the filing system. I ran into Alan, and I... you know what, I can't even talk about it. Please, tell me you have some good news.

Reva: Well, I do, I think. I picked a wedding date.

Jeffrey: Okay. When do you want me to show up?

Reva: Two weeks?

Jeffrey: Wow!

Reva: Yeah. Josh actually stopped by the place, you know, and he's driving me so crazy. I mean, I know he's the father of my children and all, but he... he really needs to back off.

Jeffrey: Is Josh the reason we're getting married in two weeks?

Reva: No! Jeffrey, I can't wait to be your wife.

Jeffrey: Look, I don't want you to rush this because of Josh, okay?

Reva: It's not.

Jeffrey: I know you're not going anywhere.

Reva: It's not because of him. Fact that it's going to get him off our backs is a perk, but we need something good. We need something happy and fun to happen to us. We're due that. We are. We're overdue.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? I'm not sure that I deserve it, for one thing. I couldn't even manage to put Grady Foley away, for God's sake. And that means that Tammy is not going to get any justice. And Ava is not here-- I can't help her. And I couldn't help Max. And I can't even put a case together to get Alan.

Reva: Why not?

Jeffrey: Well... because of you.

Lizzie: Mom thought you might come here. How did you get in?

Alan: Elizabeth, you're just in time. I'm making plans.

Lizzie: You know we don't live here anymore, right?

Alan: I think your mother and I will take the master bedroom. Alexandra and Lillian will have a wing all to theirself. I want the children close to me. I think Natalia and Rafe are moving in, as well. But since you're here right now, that means you can pick your room first.

Lizzie: Great. Well, where do you think we should have Sarah sleep?

Alan: Sarah? What... what do you mean?

Lizzie: Well, I thought you said that family was the most important, and that you were going to help me find her. Now that you're not going to jail, I mean, you can.

Alan: Well, I don't know exactly what I can do. I mean, I don't know where Jonathan is. I certainly don't want to get him riled up again. I mean, things have settled down, now.

Lizzie: Settled down? Nothing's settled down. What's settled?

Alan: I thought you were going to L.A.?

Lizzie: I am, and Sarah might be there... are... are you saying that this house is more important than finding my daughter?

Alan: This house represents our family's rise from the ashes.

Lizzie: Hmm. You know who you sound like? You sound just like you, the way you used to be before you had your head injury and before you had all of your Gus visions. You know what the funny thing is? The only one that you screwed up was the one about Sarah. Go figure.

Alan: Your mother and I just can't take this on right now.

Lizzie: Oh, right, because you already have your baby and your freedom, and who cares about anybody else?

Alan: Jonathan took Sarah away from you. Don't blame me.

Lizzie: I cannot believe that you even just said that to my face. Jonathan took her because of you!

Alan: There is nothing that I would enjoy more than to have our Sarah here in the house with us, but I don't know what you want me to do.

Lizzie: You're unbelievable.

Reva: What did you mean, "because of me"-- that you couldn't get things done because of me?

Jeffrey: I thought we were talking about the wedding?

Reva: We are.

Jeffrey: Reva, before I met you, if I wanted something done and I couldn't get it done through proper channels, I would use improper ones. I would make a deal with someone, I would have someone handle it. And if I really wanted to, I would have Alan Spaulding handled. But... now, I'm with you. You're my family, so I can't... I can't do that. I can't run around like a vigilante anymore.

Reva: Well, gosh, I'm really sorry about keeping you from doing something really stupid.

Jeffrey: Reva...

Reva: I mean it-- I mean, I, kind of, mean it. I mean, if this is the way you want to handle what you do, then fine. But don't... I don't want to be the one stopping you from doing that. But I also don't want you to resent the life that we're going to have together because it's keeping you from having the life you really want.

Jeffrey: Reva, the life I really want is with you.

Reva: I'd like to think that we could, kind of, swing it both ways, you know. And I really don't want to spend our honeymoon visiting you in jail.

Jeffrey: I have to... I have to think. I can't think here.

Billy: (Laughing)

Josh: You know, I could use a hand here.

Billy: Well, you could use the right equipment, too. What are you doing, digging...I mean, we haven't even finalized the plans yet.

Josh: Yes, actually, we have.

Billy: Oh, we did? Well, I didn't sign off on it.

Josh: Since when... since when have you cared about technicalities?

Billy: Since when haven't you cared about technicalities? You're always busting my chops about flying by the seat of my pants.

Josh: Yeah. Well, sometimes I would like to kick you in the seat of your pants, that's true.

Billy: Oh, I see, it's the right Reverend Josh spontaneous now? Dig holes wherever we want, the heck with the plans. Let's do it like Reva would do it.

Josh: Gee, how did I know you were going to go there?

Billy: Well, buddy, you can't have everything. You can't be a Reverend, a builder, and a home-wrecker. I mean, what are you going to do, break all the rules?

Josh: Why the hell not?

Billy: Because somebody's got to follow the rules, because I am not going to.

Josh: Oh, oh, I see. So my purpose on this earth is to  keep you on the straight and narrow, is that the way it works?

Billy: Now, you've got it! Welcome back, bro.

Josh: All right, okay, fine. Where are the plans? Bring on the plans.

Billy: Give me the shovel.

Josh: "Home-wrecker," Billy, really? What's that about?

Billy: (Laughing)

Josh: Yeah, keep laughing, big guy.

(Knock on door)

Reva: Hey.

Lizzie: Hey. Can I come in?

Reva: Yeah, of course. Come on in.

Lizzie: Oh, you're cleaning. Can I help?

Reva: (Laughing) Are you okay?

Lizzie: Yeah. Yeah.

Reva: Um, actually, I was just dusting up there.

Lizzie: Oh. Wow. Sarah was such a beautiful baby.

Reva: Oh, yeah.

Lizzie: You think she still looks like that?

Reva: I don't know. You've seen her more recently than I have.

Lizzie: Yeah, but Jonathan keeps in touch with you, right? I mean, he used to, so maybe you can give me his phone number or his address?

Reva: Look, Honey, I already told you that he hasn't been in touch with me.

Lizzie: Don't lie to me.

Reva: Okay. Sit. What's going on?

Lizzie: You're the only other person that cares how she is or where she is, and I think she needs to come home now. So I think that you should tell Jonathan that you're sick again.

Reva: I won't do that.

Lizzie: Well, then, tell him something... anything. Just tell him that you need him. Just something that will make him come home. It is time for them to come home.

Reva: I miss her, too. I miss both of them.

Lizzie: I'm sorry, I'm freaking out.

Reva: I have my days.

Lizzie: Okay, I need your honest opinion. Do you think they're going to come home? Like, do you think there will be a day when Jonathan will think that it's safe enough to bring her home?

Reva: I don't know, Lizzie. I mean, if Grady's trial had played out differently and if Alan had ended up in jail... I mean, when Cassie was up there on the stand, and it looked like things were going really bad for those guys, I thought there might be a chance. But as long as Alan's out there, Jonathan is not going to bring Sarah home. You both know it's not safe.

Lizzie: But my granddad doesn't even care about that anymore.

Reva: I don't believe that.

Lizzie: He promised me that he would not hurt her. He even offered to help me go find her. I really think that it's okay now.

Reva: Jonathan keeps tabs on what's going on in this town, especially anything that has to do with Tammy's trial. Believe me, I imagined so many times the phone ringing when the guilty verdict hit the news, and Jonathan was calling, saying he was bringing Sarah home, that both of them were coming home. Look, I know, I'm disappointed, too. I miss my kids every day. And I would love nothing more than for at least one of them to be here for my wedding.

Lizzie: I just can't keep living like this. I can't keep missing her like this. I have no idea how you do it, but I can't do it. Maybe it's because you have love and a wedding and you got all of this great stuff going on, but I don't have anything like that in my life.

Reva: If I hear from him, I'll let you know. And believe me, Sweetie, I will try.

Jeffrey: I just... I just want to look over the court transcripts one more time and make sure I didn't miss anything. Yeah, someone might have said something that could have been... Grady Foley, that's right. Thanks. Can you have it on my desk? Great. Hi.

Natalia: Hi. How are you? How you feeling?

Jeffrey: Um, okay. You know, not 100 percent, but they... they patched me up pretty good.

Natalia: Good. Well, you look good.

Jeffrey: Thanks.

Natalia: I'm glad. I just wanted to ask you... and I know I've asked you already, and I'm not going to ask you again, but if Rafe were to come home now and turn himself in, what do you think would happen?

Jeffrey: Well, did you hear from him?

Natalia: No.

Jeffrey: Okay. Well, I mean, I promised that I will do everything that I can to help him and to make sure that he gets as much leniency as possible. You deserve to have him home with you. You know, parents should be with their kids.

Natalia: Thank you.

(Telephone rings)

Jeffrey: Yeah? Okay, what do you got on Spaulding? Good. That will help.

(Knock on door)

Alan: Well, Olivia...

Olivia: This is your fault! It's all your fault!

Alan: Emma... look at Emma out there playing in the yard. She's growing up so big...

Olivia: I didn't bring her over here to play in the yard!

Alan: Well, then, why did you come here?

Olivia: It's what you've already done! Filling everyone's heads with Gus ghost stories. You know, I almost showed up at one of your groupie meetings?

Alan: You did? Well, that's good.

Olivia: No, it's not good. It's not good. It's crazy, okay? It's not me. You've got half the town hooked into believing that you're some kind of prophet because... because you're off the hook with that trial. You've got Natalia... her head is all messed up. You know what? I know that Gus's heart inside of me is just an organ, okay? It's not out there, and it's not in here.

Alan: So why did you come here?

Olivia: I don't know! What?

Alan: I think it's because you want to believe this. You want to believe this is possible, but you're scared...

Olivia: You... you should be scared once your groupies figure out you're a scam artist.

Alan: You have Gus's heart inside of you and it could quit at any moment, and you want to believe that it is possible for me to have this connection with him. And I am telling you that it is.

Olivia: All right. I want to believe... in something. I want to believe that Gus is okay, that he's okay with me living with his heart, that I'm deserving of it. So what?

Alan: He is okay. Olivia... I know that Gus is very happy that you have his heart inside of you.

Alan: I think this suite, right here, will work very well for you and Emma.

Olivia: Hmm. And what about Ava?

Alan: Well, we'll put her right next to you in this one. I'm glad to see that you're thinking about this.

Olivia: I'm not. I'm not thinking about this, Alan, I... is this real, even, you know? Or is this one of your visions or something, getting the house back?

Alan: It's real, and so are my visions.

Lizzie: Hi.

Alan: Hello.

Lizzie: I need to talk to you. Hi.

Alan: Elizabeth, I was just telling Olivia about the house.

Lizzie: I-I need to talk to you right now.

Olivia: I have to get Emma.

Alan: Well... wait.

Olivia: No, I have to get her to dance class, and I... I don't know why I came here. I... I'll think about it.

Lizzie: Granddad, wait, wait. Granddad, wait. Um... okay, I need to talk to you about Sarah.

Alan: I-I told you that I can't help you with that.

Lizzie: Yeah, I know, I know. I know that's what you said, but you tried to once, and you got that address in L.A. I know that I've been saying that this whole visions thing was, you know, bogus, but I think it's because I was really disappointed that that didn't turn into anything. And, um... I'm ready to listen. And I need my daughter back. I can't tell you how much I need her back. I want to bring her home. I can't live like this anymore, Granddad. It's really killing me.

Alan: Um... let's sit down. I want to tell you something. Uh... Elizabeth, I made those numbers up.

Lizzie: What?

Alan: I made the numbers up. I heard you talking with your mother one day and telling her how much you wish that Gus would help you find Sarah. And so I made some numbers up. I pretended that... that Gus was giving me a message, and I found the realtor's map, found a street...

Lizzie: So your visions aren't real? You're scamming everyone.

Alan: No, my visions are real. Just this one wasn't, and there's a reason why.

Lizzie: You let me go the whole way there. Do you know that I went up to that door like a crazy woman? I begged that woman to let me see my baby.

Alan: I know, but I had no idea that the house existed. If I had known that...

Lizzie: You would have let me do the exact same thing. You set me up to be disappointed and humiliated, and you knew it the whole time.

Alan: I didn't want to disappoint you. I wanted you to believe in me.

Lizzie: So you lied to me! About the most important thing.

Alan: It was an impulse on my part. It was an impulse. You see, when I gave you those numbers, I saw your face light up. I saw hope within you for the first time. I wanted to see that in you.

Lizzie: I am so glad you got what you wanted.

Alan: Elizabeth, you've been so lost, so sad lately. And I just didn't think this through, that's all.

Lizzie: You could have told me. When we got back here, you could have told me. You even had Mom believing you.

Alan: It was a big mistake.

Lizzie: How could you do this to me?

Alan: Elizabeth, please wait! Please!

Reva: Okay. There we go. Let me know if it needs anything like sugar, milk. You take it black, though, right? Is it hot enough? Because it's, kind of, been sitting there in the pot for a while.

Billy: It's fine.

Reva: Okay.

Billy: Are you fine?

Reva: I'm fine.

Billy: Fine, good, good.

Reva: I mean, there's been a lot, of course, going on with everything, and I'm getting married in two weeks. (laughing)

Billy: Two weeks? (Laughing)

Reva: Yeah. It's fair warning.

Billy: Ah, well, I think you're running down the aisle, and I don't know if I can keep up, girl.

Reva: Well, I just think something good has to happen for us. We need to do this, soon. I may need your help, though, because Josh says he's going to cause trouble.

Billy: Oh, well, he will if you let him.

Reva: Well, I'm not going to let him.

Billy: You know, I don't think Jeff is ever going to measure up to Josh in your heart, and I'm, kind of, glad that Josh is on a mission to get you back, because if you and Jeffy can withstand that, then, you know, you'll be a match worth making, and, um, you'll be able to handle anything.

Reva: You make it sound like it's a competition, but it's not. Because as far as I'm concerned, with Jeffrey, it's no contest.

Billy: I think it's going to be fun to watch. (Laughing) May the best man win. Because you deserve it.

Reva: Yeah, well, I got the best man sitting right here. Just don't let him hear you call him "Jeff," let alone "Jeffy."

Billy: Okay.

Jeffrey: Reva, it's me. You're not answering your cell. So, listen... um... you're right, I'm wrong. I know you love to hear that, but it's true. And I think that we should... I think we should get married now... or two weeks from now. You know, we... we have a lifetime full of good things ahead of us, so let's... let's just get that life started, okay? I'm going to drop this whole Alan thing. It's done. I'm tired of wasting all the phone calls. I'm tired of wasting my life, okay? So, I've also put in for a month off, and I'm going to take you on a honeymoon anywhere you want to go. You hear that? Anywhere. I love you. Talk to you soon.

Lizzie: Hey. Is this an okay time?

Jeffrey: Actually, I was just on my way out. Why? What's wrong?

Lizzie: Well, I never thought I would be doing this. Because I really love my granddad, and despite of everything, I've... I've really tried to protect him. I know you don't understand that but, um...

Jeffrey: No, I'm sorry, Lizzie, I don't.

Lizzie: Right. But you have a daughter, and you miss her, so I think you'll understand this.

Jeffrey: Yes, I miss Ava. So what is this all about?

Lizzie: It's different, though, isn't it? It like hurts more than when you've missed anyone or anything else in your life.

Jeffrey: It hurts more than I could have possibly imagined.

Lizzie: Yeah, I know that hurt.

Jeffrey: I know you do, Lizzie.

Lizzie: So you're not going to go after my granddad?

Jeffrey: Nope. I can't win, so I'm not going to start another losing battle.

Lizzie: What if I testified against him? Then, could you win?

Jeffrey: What are you saying?

Lizzie: I need to bring my daughter home, and to do that, I'm willing to give you my granddad.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Alan: How dare you talk to me about Elizabeth as if you treat her any better than I do!

Bill: Back off!

Alan: (Yells out pain)

Bill: Alan. Alan? 

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