GL Transcript Wednesday 8/13/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 8/13/08


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Melanie

Dinah: I decided to invite a friend over tonight.

Bill: You should really clear it with me first.

Dinah: I needed someone to talk to, so I called Remy.

Bill: Yeah? You know, you can always talk to your brother if you need to talk.

Hilda: He cancelled the party. There are still too many chemicals in the pool.

Dinah: He still treats me like I've got something wrong with my brain.

Alan: I thought after our last meeting that I would be hearing from you.

Remy: Hey, Bo, it's Remy. A long time is right. How much to buy in tonight?

Mel: Okay. Okay, I got it. No mention of Ava and the baby. But can I at least ask him why he is late? Look, I know , I know he has been through a lot. But if we just let him behave this... okay. Okay. All right, Mom. You're the shrink. I'm just the big sis. Just call me if you hear from him, okay? Okay, love you, too. Bye. Can I get a coffee, please?

Alexandra: Make it two.

Mel: You want me to buy you a cup of coffee, Alex?

Alexandra: No. It's for Remy. He'll be here.

Mel: How do you know that?

Alexandra: I'm a sister, too, you know. We have special powers over brothers. You can add the sugar yourself. It will make him feel a little bit more loved, and it gives you more control over your brother.

Mel: Hey. I put some sugar in this coffee for you.

Remy: You're always taking care of me. Sorry I'm late.

Mel: Late? I didn't even notice. Was the traffic bad?

Remy: No. I walked. What, did you think I got into a bar fight or something?

Mel: No. (Laughs) Okay, yeah, I did. When Tammy died, you just got so crazy...

Remy: And you think now that I lost my son, I'll do it again, right? I'm not going to explode, Mel. I'm trying... hard, I'm trying to accept it, and I'm not going after Bill.

Mel: Okay, that's good.

Remy: But even if, like, even if I thought Max would still be here...

Mel: If what?

Remy: There's no way in hell you could stop me.

Dinah: Don't be mad. Don't be defensive. Just be yourself. Be your good self. Hey. Sorry that I missed the memorial. I wasn't sure that you wanted me there.

Bill: Yeah, well, it's over now. So Hilda just said something about a party.

Dinah: I'm taking your advice.

Bill: Oh, yeah? I don't remember advising you to have a party.

Dinah: Well, you did say that I haven't been paying attention to things, little things, like my life, and I decided to get involved, and invite a few friends over tonight, the pool.

Bill: Really? Tonight? Huh?

Dinah: Yeah. And you're invited.

Bill: You know, you can't go to the staff every time you have a whim. You should really clear it with me first.

Dinah: The staff is a very good staff. And you're right, we should probably check in with each other and make sure that everything is "kosher." So is it?

Bill: Have your party.

Dinah: Okay. Anything else I should clear with you?

Bill: Mmm... the guest list. I think I'm going to need to know who is going to be here. The press is watching my every move. So that would be helpful.

Dinah: I'm not sure who is coming yet.

Bill: Make a list.

Dinah: Would you prefer I type that list?

Bill: No. Ink will be fine.

Alan: How long has this been going on?

Beth: Since June.

Alan: So you have been sneaking around on me for three months?

Lizzie: What? With who?

Beth: Who?

Lizzie: Rick. Was it Rick?

Beth: Oh...

Lizzie: Are you kidding me?

Beth: She thinks --

Alan: I know what she thinks. No. Elizabeth, your mother has been taking law classes.

Beth: Of course, yes.

Lizzie: That's amazing.

Beth: Thank you. Thank you. It's just a few classes at night, but a couple they only offer during the day, so I signed up.

Alan: Which I would never have known of if I hadn't found your textbooks. Now she has abandoned Peyton.

Beth: Oh, don't, don't go there with me. All your other children were raised by nannies, and this is a few hours a day.

Alan: But Beth, I thought you wanted to stay home with Peyton.

Beth: I do. I do. Which is why I haven't left yet, because this is tearing me up inside.

Alan: Well, just stay home and it won't.

Beth: Alan, can't you understand that this is something that I need to do for me?

Lizzie: Okay, that's it. I'm taking her.

Alan: What?

Lizzie: Look, it's hard to let go of your child, even if it is only for a few hours, and so I'll take her over to the babysitter's. Is this the babysitter's address?

Beth: Yes.

Alan: Well, I don't know if that's...

Beth: Yeah, honey...

Lizzie: Mom, you won't have to say good-bye, okay? And that is a big deal. And it's hard. Some moms can't do it. I think it would be really good for Sarah to get used to other people. Peyton, no. Peyton. Go to school. Have a great time. It's great. Everything will be fine.

Alan: Um...

Lizzie: This is going to be great. You are going to love Mrs. Jones. You know something, Peyton? Having a baby-sitter gives you independence, it's like a playdate with a grown- up who acts like a kid, so it will be really fun. Yeah, this looks like that place where Hansel and Gretel were stuffed in that oven, doesn't it? There's rabid dogs. They are rabid across the street. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? We don't have to go in yet. We don't have to go in yet. Let's go and have some breakfast. That's what we should do. Let's have a little sister time.

Alan: Maximus is down a couple of points.

Beth: I hope Lizzie didn't have a hard time finding the babysitter's.

Alan: It's not that much, but if Gus comes through for me like he did before.

Beth: Maybe I should call her to make sure.

Alan: It's only a matter of time before I make my comeback.

Beth: Alan? Alan?

Alan: What?

Beth: Lizzie has Peyton. Not that I'm saying anything is going to go wrong, but...

Alan: Beth, if you're worried about Peyton, go get her and bring her home.

Beth: I have a half a mind to do just that.

Alan: Well, then do it. I mean, these law classes are a waste of time.

Beth: Well, thank you. Thank you for your support. You know, I started doing this so that I could help you. I was scared when you started depending on dreams and visions.

Alan: It's called faith, faith in my son. He proved to me that he is worthy and trust worthy in the trial, and he will do the same for this.

Beth: Alan.

Alan: We have a guardian angel. Now, why don't you just drop out of these law classes.

Beth: I don't want to drop out! This... yes, I started this for you, but... I like the classes. I like the classes.

Alan: Do you want to be a lawyer? Is that it?

Beth: I don't -- I don't know.

Alan: Well, is it the money? Because, look, now that I'm free of the charges, Beth, it's only a matter of time before we get back all that we've lost. That's why I'm doing this.

Beth: Look, it's just a few classes for fun, and I'm going to call Lizzie on the way and make sure that everything is okay.

Alan: So you're still going to go, right?

Beth: Yes. And it's not because I don't believe in you. This is for me.

Bill: How late is the party going to go 'till?

Dinah: Well, I'll have everybody out the door before your bedtime.

Bill: Okay. No tabloid reporters, right?

Dinah: No. Just the "Mirror."

Bill: Oh. No Mallet?

Dinah: No, he's not invited.

Bill: Why?

Dinah: Because we're over, and I don't want to talk about it.

Bill: Fine. Just don't add anybody, okay?

Dinah: Okay. Are you coming?

Bill: Mmm, I can't. I have plans.

Dinah: I'd really like you to be there. So if you can free up whatever your doing...

Bill: I won't. Business.

Dinah: This is still my house, Bill. It's still my house. (Sighs) Hey, can you come over?

Remy: What's going on?

Dinah: Well, Bill just left, and I, I didn't know if you wanted to talk about Max, or Ava, or whatever.

Remy: Not now, Dinah. I'm, um... I'm in the middle of a family thing, but thanks for checking in.

Mel: Was that Dinah?

Remy: Yeah.

Mel: You guys aren't -- you're not moving back in?

Remy: We're just friends.

Mel: Okay. Well, you know you can pick your friends, Remy.

Remy: Oh, thank you. Thanks.

Mel: Okay. I just worry about you, okay? Dad said that there was a position opening up at the University.

Remy: (Laughs)

Mel: What? I think you might be interested.

Remy: Oh, that's great.

Mel: It's a security guard. You know, I know it's not ideal, but...

Remy: I'm not working for Dad.

Mel: I know that you guys have had your problems, mostly because he has never approved of any choices that you've made, but...

Remy: I disapprove, too. I mean, if I was my own son, I would feel the same way. That's the part of being a father... you want the best for your kid, and you'll do anything for him, you know?

Mel: I'm sorry. I don't know what to say right now.

Remy: Working on getting my old job back. I like being an E.M.T., and I'm good at it. And when Ava or if -- Ava comes back to town, I'll be ready. I'm doing it for Max, you know? I'm just trying to be a better person. I've got to go.

Mel: Wait. You just got here.

Remy: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, but I'm not hungry. I'll see you later.

Lizzie: Okay, it's getting late. I should take you back. Ice-cream? That's a very good idea. I can't take you back until we have ice-cream.

Alexandra: Hello.

Lizzie: Oh, hey there, Aunt Alex. What are you doing here?

Alexandra: Well, actually, I'm looking for Alan. And you?

Lizzie: Oh, um... I was supposed to take Peyton to the babysitter but, you know, it's early, so...

Alexandra: Lizzie, what's going on?

Lizzie: The babysitter... I'm sure she's a really great lady, but Mom is having some serious separation anxiety, and, you know, this woman is a complete and total stranger. And Peyton is so tiny. I mean, it's not like she could call if something went wrong, or she needed something, or she wanted a hug or... you know, it's hard for a mother to let go of her little girl. Mom's just having a real hard time because she wants to keep her safe and she wants to see her at every minute. And it's not like she can carry her around with her until she's like...

Alexandra: What, like maybe 40, huh?

Lizzie: (Laughs) I was going to say five.

Alexandra: Oh. Well...

Lizzie: Are you okay?

Alexandra: Well, Lizzie, is there anything I can do?

Lizzie: No. No, it's natural for a mom to feel this way. She just has to get the courage, and deal with it, and let go.

Alexandra: Yes, well. I'm not worried about anyone in this family lacking for courage. And that means you, too, darling.

Lizzie: And you, too, Peyton. (Laughter) Hansel and Gretel got away. Just so you know.

(Knock on the door)

Lizzie: Okay, well, nobody's home. We can go.

Mrs. Jones: Well, this must be Peyton. I was afraid you got lost. Come in. Come in.

Dinah: Hey, where's your family?

Remy: Um... that's, that's done.

Dinah: Good. My place, tonight. You need to get out a little.

Remy: I'm kind of tired, Dinah.

Dinah: Well, you can rest in your own room, until the party.

Remy: Party?

Dinah: Yeah. Just a few friends. You hung up so soon, I wasn't able to tell you. But we'll hang out on the patio, chill out, have some drinks. It will be like old times.

Remy: I'm not up for a party.

Dinah: Come on. The company will do you good, and me, too. I get real lonely in that house, lately.

Remy: It's your place.

Dinah: Well, it doesn't feel like it, not without you there. The walls keep asking me, where's Remy? (Laughs)

Dinah: And Hilda, she will not admit it, but she misses picking up your clothes in the study (Laughing).

Remy: (Laughing) Okay. All right. I guess -- I guess I could come by.

Dinah: Good. Bill won't be there.

Remy: Sold -- sold.

Dinah: Do you want to take my car? How are you holding up?

Remy: Okay, sometimes.

Dinah: Well, people told me that it was going to get better after I lost my dad, I still miss him, but it did.

Remy: I don't think it's going to get better, Dinah.

Bill: Ah, what's going on over here?

Dinah: I needed someone to talk to, so I called Remy.

Bill: Sis, you know you can always talk to your brother if you need to talk. I didn't see his name on the party list.

Dinah: It is now.

Bill: Is it?

Dinah: Yeah.

Bill: Well, that's good. I'm glad you can find the time to party now that there is no real responsibilities. That's great.

Remy: You're not even worth it, man. We still on?

Dinah: Absolutely.

Bill: Dinah?

Dinah: It's my life.

Lizzie: So you worked with my nana at Cedars, in the Neonatal Unit? How many babies do you think you've cared for over all your years?

Mrs. Jones: Hundreds.

Lizzie: You're probably burned out. You know, I'm sorry to use your time...

Mrs. Jones: No, no, no, no, no. I love babies! Now, why don't you come in, and I'll make you some tea.

Lizzie: I'm sorry. I just -- I can't... I just can't.

Alexandra: Oh, well, my dear, you're a hard man to track down.

Alan: Well, you found me.

Alexandra: Yes. And I have the figures that you wanted from accounting.

Alan: From your friend. Good.

Alexandra: You're lucky I'm still popular there and still loved dear, because I can still get in.

Alan: Well, it won't be long until I have everything back. And Beth and Peyton will be home, where they belong, along with Elizabeth. And I will be in the driver's seat, where Gus wants me to be.

Alexandra: Your son?

Alan: Yes. I know you don't believe this, but just wait and see. Everything is falling into place, Alexandra. Even Dinah, you know, you were right, her brother treats her like an imbecile. Which will work to our advantage.

Alexandra: (Laughing) Can you imagine that?

Lizzie: Look, Peyton, look at the swans. Aren't they cute? You know, Sarah loves swans. Oh, you know what? The next time we come here, we should feed them. Hey. Hi.

Bill: Hi there, Peyton.

Lizzie: I was supposed to drop her off at the babysitter's today. But I got there and she was really old.

Bill: (Laughs)

Lizzie: But she was. It looked like she was going to have a stroke at any minute.

Bill: No.

Lizzie: And I just don't think that she can take care of Sarah.

Bill: Sarah?

Lizzie: Peyton. Peyton. And, she looked like one of those ladies who has, like, 55 cats.

Bill: (Laughing)

Lizzie: No. And it is very serious, okay,

Bill: It is?

Lizzie: Because, yes, it is. If a cat scratches a baby, they can get cat-scratch fever.

Bill: No, no, no, no, no. You know what? I also read about the baby scratching cats, and getting baby-scratch fever. So...

Lizzie: Okay. It's not funny. I know, look, okay, I know it sounds ridiculous, but it just didn't feel right.

Bill: Oh, okay. Hey, Peyton. Hey, cutie.

Lizzie: No, don't give her a big head.

Bill: Look, I know what it is like to have a big sister who is insane, okay, but, remember, you need patience and understanding.

Lizzie: Thanks for that, that's great. You know, my mom left me, like, several messages. I'm ignoring them right now.

Bill: Did she... did she?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Bill: Do you think she contacted the F.B.I., yet?

Lizzie: I don't know. Maybe she's too busy.

Bill: Maybe.

Lizzie: I was supposed to drop her off this morning.

Bill: All right. You know what I'm going to do?

Lizzie: What?

Bill: I'm going to go over there with you, and if everything checks out, Peyton stays. If not, we come back here, and we talk to swans.

Lizzie: You don't have to do that.

Bill: I owe you.

Lizzie: That's true.

Bill: Hmm, come on.

Alan: You know I had this vision that Dinah and a chariot were leading us to the Spaulding Empire. (Laughs)

Alexandra: (Laughs) And then what? You and Gus went out for a beer?

Alan: Well, maybe it wasn't a vision. Maybe it was just a snapshot, but befriending Dinah was very smart. I would have never thought of that myself, but you did.

Alexandra: Well, she and I do have a lot in common.

Alan: I think she is the key to all of this. And once she's on our team...

Alexandra: If, Darling, if. And that's a big if because I don't want you to forget how hard she plotted and worked to take the company away from you.

Alan: Yes, but her brother took it away from her. Now who would you side with?

Alexandra: All right, if you win.

Alan: I am going to win.

Alexandra: Okay. What about Lizzie? I mean, she's not with Bill, but she still does love him.

Alan: She'll get over it.

Alexandra: (Laughing) Oh, sure? Listen darling, she's a lot like her father.

Alan: No, I don't think so. I don't think she's like Phillip, at all. I think she is the next generation, and that she is destined to take this family back to greatness.

Alexandra: You know, mental illness can be inherited.

Alan: There is nothing wrong with her. She is not going to go over the edge, but Bill will.

Beth: Great. Thank you very much. Oh, whoops, whoops, whoops.

Mel: "Cases and Comments of Criminal Procedure."

Beth: Yeah. Yeah, I'm, I'm just taking a few courses at Springfield U. You know, I just thought it would be interesting.

Mel: Have you-- can I see that. Have you checked out the teacher on this one, yet?

Beth: Why, um, do you know him?

Mel: Actually I do, very well. It's me.

Beth: Oh, great.

Mel: Yeah.

Beth: Great. I guess I'm not going to get an "A" in that course.

Mel: No, probably not.

Beth: Look, I'm -- I'm sorry about what happened with Rick. It was a bad time for me. Not that I'm excusing what I did.

Mel: But you're all set now with Alan, so...

Beth: I love him. And I guess it took me being with Rick for me to figure that out. You know, sometimes things have to happen before we know what we want and what we need.

Mel: Not taking into account what Leah wanted or needed?

Beth: Correct, that was a lame excuse. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to drop that course.

Mel: That would be stupid. You could learn a lot from me. See you in class.

Lizzie: So how long have you lived in Springfield?

Mrs. Jones: : All my life.

Lizzie: Do you have any DUIs?

Mrs. Jones: Well... what's that?

Bill: It's drunk driving.

Mrs. Jones: Oh, good heavens, no!

Bill: Of course not. You're not going to do any driving today, are you, Mrs. Jones?

Lizzie: Do you have any pets? Dogs, cats, that still have their claws?

Bill: Lions, tigers, bears, anything.

Mrs. Jones: I love animals, but I'm allergic to dander.

Bill: Well, that's just dandy, isn't it? Lizzie, I think we...

Lizzie: No, no, no. That's great. That's good. Can we just go over this one more time. Okay? You did work at Cedars with my nana and ah...

Bill: And don't forget her degree in early childhood development, and a quite impressive blood pressure of 118 over 70, which is good for you.

Lizzie: Yeah. You know, that is great. But did you actually have any children of your own.

Mrs. Jones: I have three girls and two boys.

Lizzie: Any grandchildren?

Mrs. Jones: Ten. And they stay with me all the time.

Lizzie: Oh, really? Okay. Do any of them have any violent tendencies?

Bill: (Laughing) I think that's enough, Lizzie. I think we got all the...

Lizzie: I think that's a perfectly legitimate question. I mean, I do not want Peyton to get hit in the head with a block.

Bill: Of course not. Of course not. Now, I think we...

Mrs. Jones: Now, now, now, no, I like a protective sister. I have one. And you... don't you worry about Peyton, Sweetie. I'm going to take good care of her.

Bill: We know you will. Okay. Take care.

Mrs. Jones: Bye-bye.

Bill: All righty. Wow, see that's smooth. I think we're all good to go.

Lizzie: You know, I think, I just have one more question.

Bill: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, I think... I think we've seen enough, okay? I approve. I approve. I think she is going to be fine. I think we should probably go, and I should get you out of here, right about now.

Lizzie: Bill, come on, Bill, Bill.

Bill: Okay. She's going to be fine. That woman's a cross between mother Theresa and Mrs. Claus.

Lizzie: No. A baby belongs with her mom, okay? Did you see the look on her face when I handed her over? She looked like I was betraying her. She looked like I was abandoning her.

Bill: I think she burped and smiled, to be quite honest with you. I think she's going to be just...

Lizzie: Oh, my God. I am missing everything, aren't I?

Bill: What are you talking about?

Lizzie: I'm missing Sarah's first tooth. I'm missing her first day of nursery school, and reading her a bedtime story, and just being there in the middle of the night you know, when she gets scared. I mean, you remember the boogeyman? I was terrified of the boogeyman.

Bill: Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Look, okay. I just wonder, I just wonder if when Sarah cries, I just wonder if she ever cries out for her mom.

Bill: Oh, Lizzie.

Lizzie: No. I just wonder if she's understanding why I'm not there. (Sobbing)

Bill: Hey listen, to me. I'm sure Jonathan explains everything to her.

Lizzie: That's not enough! It's just not enough!

Remy: Oh, thanks for talking me into this. It feels good to get out of my room and away from all those memories.

Dinah: Yeah. Has Ava called?

Remy: I call her.

Dinah: You're a good man. People don't know what to do with good people like you. I'm glad you're my friend. Margarita?

Remy: Scotch. The rocks. Yes.

Dinah: Oh, perfect. Hilda! But, you know what? She might take a while. There's lots to do before the party.

Hilda: Yes, ma'am.

Dinah: Hello, (laughing) Remy and I would like a beverage.

Hilda: Yes.

Dinah: Hey, how many people RSVP'd for the party, so far?

Hilda: Oh, your brother didn't tell you?

Dinah: What?

Hilda: He cancelled the party. There are too many chemicals in the pool, so now it's being drained.

Dinah: Like hell there's chemicals. Fill it back up!

Hilda: But there are construction workers in the pool.

Dinah: I don't care. Damn him! You know, he still treats me like I've got something wrong with my brain, you know that? I'm going to make a phone call.

Hilda: Nice to see you again, Sir. Are you doing okay?

Remy: Yeah, I'm hanging in there, Hilda. Thank you.

Hilda: Keep hanging in.

Lizzie: Granddad, okay, I know. I got Mom's messages. I know you guys are worried about Peyton, but it's...

Alan: Did you have any trouble?

Lizzie: No. No, no, no, no. I just went over to Mrs. Jones's, rang the doorbell, and she was very sweet. I handed her Peyton, and it was great. Right? You should tell Mom that. Oh, I forgot to give Mrs. Jones Peyton's blanket.

Alan: She doesn't need that.

Lizzie: No, no, no. Sarah couldn't sleep without her blanket. It will just take me one second. I'm sorry.

Bill: Wait a minute. Hold up.

Alan: Bill, I'm sorry to hear about your son.

Bill: Yeah.

Alan: If it helps, I still believe he's with you.

Bill: Okay. I'm late.

Alan: About Spaulding.

Bill: It's Maximus.

Alan: I'm going to take it back. I don't know when or how, but it's going to happen.

Bill: Okay, Alan, I'm sorry, but it is over. I don't know if the voices, are telling you, but it's over.

Alan: The forces guiding me are bigger than both of us. That's why I think it's only fair to warn you that I am coming after you.

Bill: Okay -- okay but I want to let you know that I'm being guided, too, by common sense and logic, okay? You've lost your house. You've lost your company. The only power that you have left is whether or not you're going to order cheese on your Buzz burger.

Alan: Power comes from unexpected sources. I mean, there are a group of wealthy women in this town who think I'm a prophet, and they're very influential, Bill.

Bill: (Laughing) My goodness. I don't mean to laugh, but are you telling me that you're using your visions to gain support? Is that what's...

Alan: The visions are real, and they've been quite lucrative for these ladies. And Gus's messages have never been clearer.

Bill: Okay. I think I'm feeling a breeze here.

Alan: You know, you built your house on sand and lies. You've even named a company after a boy who is not your son.

Bill: Max was mine.

Alan: Max is Remy Boudreau's son, and Maximus is my company. Gus told me that, he was right. He was also right about another thing: It's over for you.

Bill: Spaulding is gone.

Alan: That's what they said about Rome.

Bill: Yeah, it's Bill Lewis.

Remy: Yeah. Yeah, I'm coming back to work. Who do you think it is? It's Remy Boudreau, the best paramedic you've got. Yeah, yeah, I know, but I guess I'll just have to work for free until you can trust me again, but I'm not taking "no" for an answer.

Lizzie: Bill?

Alan: Well, I just got your call. Lucky for you, I was close by.

Dinah: Have a seat, please.

Alan: You know, Dinah, I have never been a big fan of yours. But you've proven to be a very savvy and smart entrepreneur.

Dinah: Cut the crap. I would normally allow you to fawn all over me, but we have some business to settle. Let's get a bottle of champagne, the most expensive one they have in this place, and talk.

Remy: You're just the man I came to see. Which crew am I on?

Dispatcher: I told you on the phone --

Remy: Yeah. I know, you hired somebody when I got suspended, but you're always shorthanded.

Dispatcher: Not today. Go home, son.

Remy: I'm not going anywhere. And I'm going to stand right here until you need me.

Dispatcher: Waste of time.

Remy: My time to waste. Have a good day, Sir. Day one, I'm going after my old E.M.T. job, and I'll get it, too. I saw Bill, yeah, I really -- I really wanted to punch him out, but I didn't. I, um, thought of you and Max, and I just walked away. I think of you every day, Ava, and I miss you. Both of you.

Beth: Did you like spending time with Mrs. Jones? Huh? I hope so, because you're going to be seeing a lot of her. Look, I know that this is tough, but it's going to be worth it, I promise you. See, when your mom was young, she just depended on men, in fact, she did that ever since she was in high school. And now I'm going to fix that.

Alan: I thought after our last meeting, I would be hearing from you.

Dinah: After our last meeting, I had no intention of calling you.

Alan: Really. What changed your mind?

Dinah: Chlorine. It's a chemical they put in a pool. Don't ask.

Alan: I won't, but it probably has something to do with your brother. Let me ask you this: If he knew you were here with me, would he take your car keys away?

Dinah: Probably not a good idea to insult your next meal ticket. Besides, you can't be much of a prize as a brother, yourself.

Alan: Well, now, that's not true. Alexandra and I have our differences, I'll admit that, but in the end we get along.

Dinah: You get along because she works at getting along with you. In our case, it would be the reverse. You would work at getting along with me. I'm the boss, and I want that in writing.

Alan: Dinah, you're a very smart woman, I'll admit that, but I am the one with the experience and background. Now, I am not going to share my company with you. I will, however, cut you a piece.

Dinah: A piece, of my company? Now, who stole what from whom? I've got twice as much going on for me as you do for you. When and if you want to consider my deal, you call me. If not, I'm going to have to take my chances with my brother Bill.

Alan: Dinah, I'm sure we can work out something. I do need to know one thing, though. I need to know your feelings about my connection with Gus because this is a very important part of my life, right now.

Dinah: I don't care if you're talking to Elvis or writing songs with Johnny Cash. I need to show my brother that I am still in charge. I'm the boss. I can "giveth," and I can damn well "taketh" away. Anymore questions?

Alan: Not a single one.

Bill: That's right. No, no, no, I want you to change all the access codes, and on every account that we have, okay? Yeah. And then call me once that is done. All right? Good. Thank you.

Lizzie: Hey. So Mrs. Jones let me hold Peyton again. And when I was holding her, and talking about Sarah, and...

Bill: Listen, I've got to get back to the office, okay?

Lizzie: Hey, hey, hey. Did something happen?

Bill: Well, big mistake to leave me alone with Alan.

Lizzie: Why? What did he say?

Bill: Okay, this man is still hearing voices from the great beyond. And he believes that Maximus is his. If he thinks he is going to take my company away from me, he is delusional, okay? I'm going to burn him.

Lizzie: I'm sorry... you want to take on my granddad?

Bill: The man is irrational.

Lizzie: But he --

Bill: You know that.

Lizzie: -- always wins.

Bill: No, he doesn't. Only if you let him. And you've been letting him win. Why is Tammy gone? Why is Jonathan not here? Why is Sarah not with you? Here's a man that you keep siding with! You pay his rent. You buy his food. And why? So he can keep taking more, is that...

Lizzie: You don't understand. You don't understand.

Bill: What's to understand here? You want to be with your child, right? But you can't because Alan doesn't want that to happen. So now you have to live in misery and protect this man, and pretend that he is not the one responsible for being closed up as a...

Lizzie: I don't want to fight anymore, okay? And my daughter is safe.

Bill: Is she?

Lizzie: I can't do this again.

(Bill sighs as Lizzie walks away)

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: Where do you think we should have Sarah sleep?

Alan: Sarah? What do you mean?

Lizzie: You were going to help me find her.

Alan: I thought you were going to L.A.?

Beth: As long as Alan's out there, Jonathan's not going to bring Sarah home.

Alan: I wanted you to believe in me, to believe...

Lizzie: So you lied to me. About the most important thing.

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