Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/11/08
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Proofread By Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Jeffrey: She's not here to make our day that much brighter, and that man, sitting right there, is the reason why.
Cassie: Anything can happen. He can get off on a technicality.
Lawyer: I think we're getting off track.
Cassie: No. You asked me, and I'm going to give you a full answer. In my heart, I know he's guilty.
Judge: Mrs. Lewis, are you able to continue?
Cassie: Yes, your Honor, I am.
Lawyer: Actually, that won't be necessary. No more questions. Mr. O’Neill, do you care to redirect?
Jeffrey: No, your Honor.
Lawyer: Good. That's good. What happened is a horrible accident. Looking upset is good.
Grady: I am upset.
Lawyer: You don't need to convince me. Just them.
Reva: She did good.
Frank: Yup, she did. Look at them. Cassie made Tammy very real to them. She did exactly what Jeffrey wanted her to do.
Josh: She doesn't look good.
Reva: He can handle it.
Judge: Any further witnesses, Mr. O’Neill?
Jeffrey: Just one, your Honor, Ms. Susan Lemay. But I would like to request a short recess before we continue.
Josh: Are you okay?
Cassie: Yeah. Yeah, I'm just glad it's over.
Josh: Do you want to step outside for a couple of minutes to get some fresh air?
Cassie: No. Actually, I'm going to go.
Josh: What do you mean go? Don't you want to be here and see Grady’s face when they convict him?
Cassie: I'd rather see R.J.'s face when he comes home from practice. I meant what I said up there. I've done what I need to do, and now I'm going to go.
Josh: I'm going to go with her. Would you call my cell phone if anything happens?
Grady: A break here?
Cyrus: Cassie went outside. I didn't want it to be anymore uncomfortable...
Grady: She got to me. Dalton is good, but how do you beat a dead girl's mom?
Cyrus: Enough.
Grady: Why? I'm sorry, I've just never been on trial for murder before, all right?
Cyrus: I don't want you to worry. We can still beat this.
Grady: Yeah. How?
Cyrus: Daisy is the next witness, isn't she?
Grady: I that you wanted her to tell the truth.
Cyrus: I didn't want her to get caught in the middle. She is. And she's on your side.
Grady: Well, whatever. We don't see her anyway, do we?
Cyrus: Do you think she has changed her mind?
Grady: I don’t know. No. I wish I have never come back here. I was so stupid. I came back for her? I wish I never heard the name of this town.
Cyrus: Really?
Grady: What good has come from me being here? Nothing.
Cyrus: It sounds like I've got my brother back.
Daisy: Alan, so... he's here right now? Can you see him?
Alan: No, I can't see him, but I feel his presence. Don't you?
Daisy: No.
Alan: I don’t... I don't think it's a coincidence that we're together. I think he brought us together like this.
Daisy: Yeah. But I didn't come to see you. I came here because this is the spot where Tammy...
Alan: How often do you come here?
Daisy: I don’t. This is the first time I've been here since that day.
Alan: Me, too. Me, too. And yet, here we are, you and I, together. Huh?
Daisy: But why would Gus want us to be together?
Alan: Well, we're both looking for answers, aren't we? And I think maybe he feels that we might be able to help each other out.
Daisy: I just wish he was still here. He could just tell me what to do.
Alan: I think you know what to do. What did Gus do when he found you in the car? What did she do? He protected you, didn't he?
Daisy: Yeah. Because I was high.
Alan: Exactly. That's my point. You know that Gus at one time was addicted to pills. He realizes that people aren't always perfect. They make mistakes.
Daisy: That's not what Harley would say. Harley would say that there is a right thing to do and a wrong thing to do, and you have to do that right thing.
Alan: Yeah, but I don't think life is always that black and white.
Daisy: Frank would disagree. He has been telling me over and over and over again, that is exactly what Harley would do.
Alan: Where is your mother now?
Daisy: I don't know.
Alan: She's with my grandson. She's protecting him. And she's not going by the rules at all, but I think if you ask her, she would feel she is doing the right thing because she feels that Raphael deserves a second chance, just like Gus felt you deserved a second chance.
Daisy: But what about Tammy?
Alan: Well, Tammy gave Jonathan more than a second chance. Do you know something? I don't think she ever regretted it.
Daisy: Who the hell are you?
Grady: I asked you first. I love what you've done with the place.
Daisy: You need to leave. Leave that alone.
Grady: What are you doing here on your Christmas break?
Daisy: What are you doing on my Christmas break. Are you robbing the dorms?
Grady: There’s nothing here worth stealing. Don't take it personally. I'm just looking for another room to crash in. I just like moving around. Short attention span, I guess.
Daisy: So you moved in when everybody left for break?
Grady: Everyone but you, apparently. I was a couple of floors down and it was getting depressing. You know? I figured the view would be better up here. Looks like I figured right.
Jeffrey: Well?
Reva: Buzz hasn't seen her.
Jeffrey: That's not good.
Reva: I talked to Marina and Coop... I can text Ashlee.
Jeffrey: Tell her to let Daisy know if she doesn't get her butt down here in about five seconds, she will be facing contempt of court. I'm not kidding, Reva. And with her record in juvie, that's not going to be good.
Reva: You would do that to my granddaughter?
Jeffrey: For Tammy, for Cassie, to win this case. Daisy is the only one who can I.D. Grady as the driver of that vehicle.
Reva: You've done the best you can. We all know that. And everyone knows you haven't failed Cassie or Ava.
Jeffrey: This is about Tammy, and no one else. I'm sorry, I can't go easy on Daisy, and if you can't handle that...
Cassie: Well, I have good news. It's over. Well, my part is, anyway. Now when I come, we can just talk about new things. We can talk about the future, and R.J. getting his driver's license and going to prom (laughing) I know those things are a long way off, but, I'm telling you, you should have seen him when he came back from camp. He was so big. I just want to spend every moment I can with him. Hey...
Josh: Hi.
Cassie: Did you follow me here?
Josh: No. I... yes, I did. I'm just concerned. That's all.
Cassie: Well, you really don't have to be.
Josh: It's habit, I guess.
Cassie: There is one thing you could do.
Josh: Okay. Name it.
Cassie: I'd like you to file for divorce today.
Josh: You mean, right now? While the trial is still going on?
Cassie: Well, I know it sounds crazy, but the trial is over for me, anyway. And I just need a fresh start. And if we take care of the papers today, then today can be about endings, and tomorrow can be about beginnings.
Josh: Okay. If that's what you want.
Cassie: I'm not angry with you, you know. I mean, I was for a while, but... I really don't feel our marriage is a failure. I believe that you were brought into my life to help me get through loosing Tammy.
Josh: Well, it was through helping you and loving you that I found my faith, so...
Cassie: Well, then, see, we didn't fail.
Josh: No. We just didn’t... last.
Grady: It's nothing.
Daisy: If it's nothing, then why can't I see it? Weird.
Grady: Told you it was nothing.
Daisy: Um, well, I mean, yeah, it's not good for anything.
Grady: It's good for something if it got me into here.
Daisy: Oh, do you use this to pick locks?
Grady: You want it?
Daisy: Don't you need it?
Grady: I don't know. Am I breaking into another room tonight?
Natalia: Hey.
Frank: Oh, hi.
Natalia: How was court?
Frank: It was rough. You know, I really don't care what they do to me. I just don't want to do anything that could hurt the case.
Natalia: How could you do that?
Frank: By leaping across the desk and wiping those smug faces right off of Cyrus and Grady Foley’s faces.
Natalia: But you didn't, right?
Frank: No, I didn’t. I just need to kind of sit and relax here before I take Zach to the park.
Natalia: Zach? Do you mean Jude?
Frank: No, I mean Zach.
Natalia: Is Zach back in town?
Frank: Yeah.
Natalia: Why?
Frank: Well, he starts school in a couple of weeks... Natalia, I told you that Harley was going to keep Rafe safe.
Natalia: Please don't do that. Don't protect me. I don't need protection. If there is something going on, I need to know.
Frank: They were spotted.
Natalia: By who?
Frank: By someone who shoots first and asks questions later.
Natalia: My God.
Frank: I didn't want to tell you, but I know Harley has him safe, and they're going to be fine. They're fine.
Natalia: Is that why she sent her son home?
Frank: He's just a boy.
Natalia: Yeah, well, Rafe is just a boy... he's my boy.
Lawyer: You okay?
Grady: Yeah, maybe. Maybe not.
(Music playing)
Cassie: So those are the papers?
Mel: Yes.
Cassie: Good. That's why we came to you, because we both knew that we could trust you.
Josh: Right. We want this to be as easy and amicable as possible.
Mel: Well, um, the papers are pretty standard. You're just going to have to take a look at them and... okay, you know what? I'm sorry. I just have to ask: Isn't this kind of fast?
Cassie: Well, you knew we were talking about divorce.
Mel: Well, yeah, you mentioned it to me last week, once. I mean, maybe you guys should do some counseling. I know my mom could probably recommend somebody good.
Cassie: Is that your advice as our lawyer?
Mel: Yes, as your lawyer and as a friend. You don't end a marriage casually.
Josh: We've been to a counselor.
Cassie: Nothing about this is casual.
Mel: Okay. Then why?
Josh: Why?
Mel: Well, I have to file a reason. Is there somebody else?
Cassie: No. No, that's not what this is. I was thinking we could just file, you know... what's the term you use when it's neither person's fault?
Josh: Irreconcilable differences.
Cassie: Right.
Mel: So is that what this is, irreconcilable?
Cassie: Yeah.
Josh: Yeah.
Mel: Okay. Well, you're not obligated to answer this question, but... how? I mean, you guys have been through so much. How can you not work this one out?
Cassie: There wasn't just one thing.
Josh: It's kind of like what you just said, we have been through so much. It's just...
Cassie: And we realize that so much has happened...
Josh: And so much has changed.
Cassie: You're not even the same two people who fell in love anymore.
Josh: I'm sorry. I didn't, um, expect it to end this way.
Cassie: Me either.
Reva: I've been trying to call you.
Daisy: Yeah, I know. Everybody has.
Reva: Are you trying to give me a heart attack? I didn't know where you were. I called everyone. No one had seen you.
Daisy: Yeah. I know. I went to the spot.
Jeffrey: What spot?
Daisy: The spot on the road where Tammy died.
Reva: Oh, sweetie, why did you go there?
Daisy: I don't know. I guess I wanted to know what she felt like when the car was coming towards her. When the light flashed before her eyes, did she realize she was going to die? She didn't deserve that.
Jeffrey: No, she didn’t.
Reva: Sh-sh-sh, it's all going to be over soon.
Daisy: I'm so sorry. Tammy was such a good person and she is gone. And then me, with all of my screw-ups, I'm still here.
Reva: Don't talk like that. We all make mistakes, but at least now you have a chance to correct it.
Judge: Mr. O’Neill, call your next witness.
Jeffrey: The state calls Ms. Susan Lemay. Ms. Lemay, the date that Tammy Winslow was struck by a car, you were in that car, were you not?
Daisy: Yes.
Jeffrey: Where were you sitting?
Daisy: I was in the back seat.
Jeffrey: Who was driving the car?
Daisy: "G"... Grady. I call him "G."
Jeffrey: And do you see him here today?
Daisy: Yes.
Jeffrey: Let the record reflect that the witness pointed to Mr. Grady Foley. Ms. Lemay, how did you know Grady Foley?
Daisy: We were dating, kind of.
Jeffrey: And you had a relationship with the victim as well, did you not?
Daisy: Yeah. Tammy was my cousin.
Jeffrey: Ms. Lemay, did you like Tammy?
Daisy: What?
Jeffrey: Well, it's just that if you were aware of what Mr. Foley was intending to do that night, some people might think you didn't care for her.
Daisy: That isn’t...
Jeffrey: That isn't what?
Daisy: I love my cousin.
Jeffrey: Then would you please tell the jury and the court what happened the night that Grady Foley so callously took Tammy Winslow’s life.
Daisy: That's not... "G's not... it wasn’t... it was my fault. It was all my fault.
Jeffrey: What do you mean it was your fault? Do you mean it was your fault you couldn't stop Mr. Foley from doing the job he was supposed to do?
Daisy: No. It wasn't like that. There was no job. We were just out for a drive. That's all.
Jeffrey: Daisy, that's not what you told me before. Your Honor, the court should know that the witness has completely changed her story from what she testified to in her pre-interview.
Judge: Ms. Lemay, is that true?
Daisy: Yes. I was afraid that if people knew that it was my fault, what I was doing...
Jeffrey: What were you doing?
Daisy: Um... I had gotten some pills, ecstasy, from a kid from my school. And I had a fight with my mother, and I was upset, and so I took one. And I hadn't eaten, and so it hit me really hard. I felt sick, and "G" was taking care of me. I thought I was going to throw up, and so I called out to him, and he looked at me. And for that split second, that was when the car hit Tammy. So, I mean, if I hadn't gotten sick, if "G" wasn't trying to take care of me, it wouldn't have happened.
Jeffrey: You're lying. You're a known liar, aren't you, Ms. Lemay?
Daisy: What?
Lawyer: Objection, prosecution is badgering his own witness.
Jeffrey: I just got finished saying she is lying. I think the jury and court has a right to know who we're dealing with.
Judge: Sustained.
Jeffrey: You spent some time in juvenile hall?
Daisy: Yes.
Jeffrey: As a matter of fact, it was your own mother who sent you there...
Daisy: What does that have to do with anything?
Jeffrey: We're trying to get an accurate picture here of what is going on. So you claimed that you loved your cousin. Maybe you can tell us what happened after the car struck Tammy. Because you loved her, you must have called 9-1-1 or have done something to make sure she got some help.
Daisy: I was high.
Jeffrey: You were high?
Daisy: There wasn't anything I could do for her.
Jeffrey: You were high? Were you also high when you met another known fugitive, Mr. Raphael Rivera?
Judge: Mr. O’Neill, what is the point?
Jeffrey: The point is that Ms. Lemay is known for having a thing for bad boys. She met Raphael Rivera in juvenile court. She hid Grady when he came to the town. No one in this courtroom should believe a word in her mouth.
Grady: Stop it right now!
Jeffrey: She and her boyfriend would do anything to protect each other, including covering up the murder of her own cousin! No further questions for this witness, your Honor.
Mel: Okay, everything looks good. We just have to talk about R.J. and Will.
Josh: Well, as far as I'm concerned, nothing changes there. I adopted them for life, and I meant it.
Cassie: Yeah. I'll have custody, but, yes, I want Josh to be in both of their lives forever.
Mel: Okay. Well, I just have to make some copies, and I'll need some more signatures, and that's it. I can have this filed by the end of today.
Cassie: Thank you.
Josh: For what?
Cassie: For going through with this so quickly. I mean, the thought of a drawn-out divorce... I really just want to concentrate on R.J. and Will now.
Josh: When you left the courthouse, I was concerned. I didn't know what to expect.
Cassie: If I'd be going after Alan, like a year ago?
Josh: No one would blame you, Cassie. Losing Tammy... if it had been Marah or Shayne, I don't know how I might have reacted.
Cassie: Yeah, well, it's been enough time... all I know now is I only have a few years left with R.J., and I just want to make sure they're really happy years.
Reva: Daisy! Stop! Just wait. I want to talk to you.
Daisy: Go ahead, say it. You're going to tell your boyfriend to charge my with perjury.
Reva: Why? Honey, why did you lie?
Daisy: Who says I was lying. Were you in the car?
Reva: No, but you were. And everything you testified to in there was a complete lie. Why? When you came in here, you said you wanted to make things right.
Daisy: Yeah, I did.
Reva: For who? Not for Tammy.
Daisy: Tammy... Tammy is dead, okay? I can't change that. But "G", he has his whole life ahead of him. If I had said anything different, okay, all that would mean is that two lives were ruined.
Reva: So you don't think Grady deserves any kind of punishment for what he did to Tammy?
Daisy: I don't think he is going to hurt anyone else. And I think what he needed was someone to believe in him. Someone to give him a second chance.
Reva: Is that what he told you?
Daisy: Is that such an awful thing? Didn't Tammy give Jonathan a second chance?
Reva: It is so not the same thing.
Daisy: Why not? Tammy understood Jonathan. I understand "G." We're both outsiders.
Reva: Outsiders? Sweetheart, you have so much family here in Springfield.
Daisy: Yeah, since when? The past few years? I was given up for adoption, remember?
Reva: Harley was a kid. Your dad didn't even know, and she couldn't find him. She did what she thought was right?
Daisy: And maybe it was. And maybe it was if my adopted parents hasn't died, but they did. And every few years it has been a new town and a new house and a new family. And when I went back to Harley, she was with Gus. And that felt good and stable, but then they broke up. And then what, it was Dylan, then you, and then Buzz.
Reva: That only means that you belong everywhere.
Daisy: No. That means I don't belong anywhere, and I know that's what "G" feels, too, okay? I know because he was left behind, too. And what he needed was just someone... you know, anyone who understood. I don't know if you believe it or not, but I know I did the right thing.
Reva: I don't get it. I hear what you're saying, and I get your reasons, but you have no idea what you've done. And some day you're going to have to face Cassie.
Cassie: Well, thanks for the ride.
Josh: Um... are you sure you want to be alone?
Cassie: Yeah. I'm okay. R.J. will be home soon.
Josh: Okay.
Cassie: Wait. Um... just... I just want to know that if anything ever happens to me, you will be there for R.J. and Will, right?
Josh: Of course. I'm their dad, end of story.
Cassie: Good. Because they've been through a lot of upheaval in their lives already.
Josh: I know. I'll try to spend as much time with both of them as I can.
Cassie: Good. Okay. Okay, then good. I feel like we've, you know, handled everything.
Josh: Yeah.
Cassie: Or did we forget something?
Josh: I just... I just think you should know something. I think Reva and I have a chance, and I'm going to make a go of it.
Cassie: Yeah. I mean, I knew that.
Josh: I just wanted you to hear it from me.
Cassie: Thank you. So I guess this is good-bye.
Josh: I'm around if you need me for anything.
Jeffrey: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you will be taking a break soon so you can decide on a verdict. But before you do, let me remind you of one thing: The defense was only able to muster up two witnesses for their cause. The first was the defendant's own brother, a known criminal. The second was his girlfriend, a troubled youth who has her own criminal record, and sadly just cannot be believed. So... who do you believe? Well, you can start with Cassie Winslow, the victim's mother. And if you can only remember two things, remember this: Remember the look on Cassie’s face when she spoke about her daughter, this beautiful girl. And remember that Tammy Winslow will never see another day because of the actions of Grady Foley. Not an accident. He knew what he was doing. They were deliberate actions. And you know that there is only one verdict that you can deliver: Guilty. Guilty of murder. In the first degree.
Jeffrey: They're back?
Cyrus: The jury reached a verdict.
Grady: Already? Well, is that good or bad?
Cassie: Well, thanks for letting me know, Jeffrey, but I don't think I'm going to make it. I'm kind of busy.
Judge: Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?
Jury foreman: We have, your Honor.
Judge: And what say you?
Jury foreman: We the jury on the charge of first-degree murder, find Grady Foley not guilty.
Daisy: We gave you a second chance.
Grady: We?
Daisy: Me and Tammy.
Jeffrey: It's not right.
Reva: It's done. I mean, the jury delivered their verdict, not guilty. It's over.
Jeffrey: It's not over. It's not over.
Josh: I just got here. What happened?
Reva: Not guilty.
Josh: What? Are you okay? Reva.
Reva: Not now.
Natalia: Why did you bring me here?
Alan: I brought you here because this place is symbolic, it doesn't have a hold on me anymore like it used to. Grady Foley got off, and I am now free to help Rafael. Do you believe me now?
Natalia: I don't know. I don't know.
Alan: You do want your son to come back home, don't you?
Natalia: Hi, Rafe. It's your mom. Your grandfather got a message from your dad, and he says that you need to come home now. And we will do everything that we can to help you.
Cassie: I'm sorry, Tammy. I'm so sorry. I... what I said on the stand about R.J. and needing to move on for him, I... it's true, I have to. I've spent so much time trying to get even for you. I know I have to move on. I just... I just don't know if I can now. Not now.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Bill: My need to be here prevents me from feeling sorry for myself.
Billy: Bill, it's okay to grieve.
Lizzie: You get to view the world through their eyes like it's the first time. That's why it's so hard.
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