Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/8/08
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Proofread By Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Jeffrey: Don't let your feelings for this guy blind you to what he has done.
Daisy: I might have to testify at this trial.
Ashlee: You have to tell the truth.
Daisy: Look, I don't know what I'll do. They might not even ask me.
Jeffrey: If you help him avoid prosecution in any way, you will be brought up on perjury charges.
Daisy: I get it.
Jeffrey: Well, I don't think you do!
Reva: Refill? It's a fresh pot.
Jeffrey: What are you doing here?
Reva: You left so early this morning, I didn't have anyone to have breakfast with.
Jeffrey: What are you doing serving coffee?
Reva: I'm only serving coffee to you. So, refill?
Jeffrey: Um, Reva, I'm really busy. I'm sorry, I...
Reva: Okay.
Jeffrey: I'm sorry. That was rude of me.
Reva: No, it wasn’t. But you have no reason to be tense.
Jeffrey: No, there's no reason to be tense at all. I mean, it's just a murder trial.
Reva: I meant that...
Jeffrey: Tammy's murder. Tammy's murder. It's like, "of course, I have no reason to be tense."
Reva: Are you done?
Jeffrey: Oops, I did it again, didn't I?
Reva: Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: You know what? Maybe I should just get out of here before you kick me out of here.
Reva: No, it's okay.
Jeffrey: (Sighs deeply) I just, you know, I really want to do this right for Ava.
Reva: You mean for Tammy.
Jeffrey: Did I say "Ava?" For Tammy, of course. I mean Tammy.
Reva: You're going to be great today.
Jeffrey: (Sighs) I've got to go. Thanks.
Reva: I'll see you later.
Daisy: Hi.
Grady: Hi. I was hoping I'd see you today. What's wrong?
Daisy: Um... I'm going to see you later, too. In court. They're going to make me testify.
Grady: When did you find this out?
Daisy: Yesterday. Jeffrey O’Neill told me-- right before he told me that if I didn't do what he wanted, he was going to charge me with perjury.
Grady: No, he's bluffing. How could they prove what is a lie if they weren't in the car? It was just the two of us.
Daisy: It's just that I've never seen him so serious.
Grady: Don't believe him.
Daisy: And that's not all.
Grady: Tell me...
Daisy: If I don't tell the truth, it's like... Tammy was my cousin.
Grady: What do you want me to say?
Daisy: I don't know. What... what's the right thing to do? I don’t... say something. Wait.
McCoy: I got here as fast as I could.
Cyrus: Is that it?
McCoy: Yeah.
Cyrus: This is, uh... everything? Grady's whole life back in Australia from the day I left?
McCoy: My operatives dug up everything there was to get.
Cyrus: I don't want any surprises from the D.A. Once this trial starts.
McCoy: It's all yours. I've got to warn you, though. It's pretty grim reading.
Grace: If I could just have one minute...
Beth: I'm sorry, you're have to go.
Alan: Well what's this?
Beth: I was just telling grace here that you have a really busy day.
Grace: If I could just have a minute...
Beth: That's not a good idea. We're due in court.
Grace: I know, but just a minute.
Alan: Uh, Grace, you'll have to understand that Beth sets the rules here in the house, so, uh...
Grace: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. Maybe we can talk later?
Alan: I'd like that. I'd like that very much.
Beth: I hate being rude, but this is really not a good time for your admirers to come by telling you how much they believe in you.
Alan: I'd say this is a perfect time.
Beth: No, because that is not going to do us any good if Grady decides to speak to Jeffrey.
Alan: I'm not worried about a thing. I think it's all going to turn out just fine.
Beth: Really?
Alan: Yes.
Beth: Really? Then why is it that you were tossing and turning last night? I mean, the fact is that neither one of us knows if everything is going to be just fine.
Alan: I have to believe that it is, though. Hmm?
Beth: Well, I need more than that.
Alan: Well, I guess I'll just have to believe enough for both of us.
(Knock on door)
Josh: Hello?
Cassie: (Sighs)
Josh: Hey.
Cassie: What are you doing here?
Josh: Well, I just thought that you might like some company before the trial.
Cassie: I'm okay.
Josh: Good.
Cassie: You don't believe me. That's why you're here. Because you think I can't handle all of this alone.
Josh: No, I...
Cassie: Yes, and I can. I can handle it. Whatever today brings, I can handle it. After everything that's happened in the past year, I can do this.
Josh: Well, maybe you'll let me go with you, anyway, because, um... I care, Cassie.
Cyrus: (Sighs) I was starting to think you'd skipped town.
Grady: Yeah, well, I was at the park.
Cyrus: What's wrong?
Grady: I'm about to go to trial for murder.
Cyrus: I mean since the last time I saw you.
Grady: (Sighs) What's that?
Cyrus: Nothing. Just notes. Here. You've got to look good for this.
Grady: Yeah, I know...
Cyrus: Jury factors all that stuff in.
Grady: I'm very aware of that.
Cyrus: We're going to make it through this. I'm going to be here every minute. I'm not going to abandon you. I'm not.
Reva: Hey, let's take a walk.
Daisy: Ow! You're hurting me!
Reva: This way.
Dalton: O’Neill. Feeling lucky today? I know I am.
Jeffrey: Dalton, I heard you lost last week.
Dalton: Guess that means I'm due.
Jeffrey: I don't know how you do it.
Dalton: Do what?
Jeffrey: Deliver your opening statement while keeping a straight face. It's going to be particularly difficult this time, I would think.
Dalton: Well, you remember first year law, right? "Never get emotionally involved with your clients." Consider that my gift to you. I wouldn't want this to be totally one-sided, but, uh... I'm thinking my advice might be a little too late.
Alan: Wait up, gentlemen.
Cyrus: What do you want?
Alan: Well, you don't have to be so hostile toward me. I've got some good news.
Grady: What, you took out the D.A.? Or better yet, you're going to turn yourself in and save me the trouble?
Alan: If things go the way I believe they're going to go, we could put all this behind us very soon.
Cyrus: What are you talking about?
Alan: I have an in on the jury.
Grady: An in?
Alan: Yes. That's enough for you to know right now.
Cyrus: I don't believe you.
Alan: Why would I lie to you?
Grady: (Scoffs) So you don't have me go in there and confess and put you in it.
Alan: If I'm wrong, and you're found guilty, that's what you'll do anyway. I'm just waiting for the jury to return. But if you lose your nerve, we all lose.
Cyrus: That's funny talk from a man who found religion.
Alan: Depends on what kind of religion you're talking about.
Bailiff: All rise. Court is in session. The honorable Judge Margaret Ellis, presiding.
Judge Ellis: Good morning. Take a seat, everybody. We've got a full day here. Mr. Reid, is the defense ready?
Dalton: We are, your Honor.
Judge Ellis: And the people?
Jeffrey: Ready to go, your Honor.
Judge Ellis: Then let's get the jury in here.
Jeffrey: Ladies and gentlemen, this, right here, is all that you need to be concerned with during the course of this trial. This beautiful girl. This vibrant, smart, loving young woman is no longer with us today. She's not here to be doing the things that she should be doing- - to do the things that she deserves to be doing. Living. Laughing. Loving, and being loved. She's not here to make our day that much brighter; to give it that much more meaning. She's not here to do any of that. And that man-- sitting right over there-- is the reason why. Now, ladies and gentlemen, during the course of this trial, you're going to be hearing a lot of different things from a lot of different people. Some of it is going to be very technical, and some of it is going to be... well, quite frankly, gruesome. So never forget-- never forget-- that Tammy, Tammy Winslow, is at the center of all of it. And if anybody tries to tell you anything different, they will be lying. Murder for hire. That has got to be one of the coldest crimes. But I'm here to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, today it's even worse, because in this case, that man accepted money to murder somebody else for a rich and powerful and vengeful man, and then he got it all wrong. Then he used his car to brutally run down the wrong person-- somebody who was completely innocent. Somebody who was there to try to stop the madness. Somebody, however, who was there and in his way. And he took her life and he crushed it, and then callously drove away to count his filthy money.
Dalton: Your Honor...
Judge Ellis: Let's try to keep emotion out of it, Counselor.
Jeffrey: I will do my best, your Honor. So ladies and gentlemen, please, bear in mind and don't be confused-- just because Ms. Winslow was not the defendant's intended original victim doesn't make this any less of a crime. It is still murder under the eyes of the law, and that's what we're here to talk about today. That's what we are here to resolve. We are here, and you are charged with making sure that justice is done for Tammy. For that beautiful girl. Because she is not here to fight for herself. We have to do that for her, God help us.
Beth: We really shouldn't be here.
Alan: Shhh!
Judge: Mr. Reid?
Dalton: Thank you, your Honor. (Sighs) She was a beautiful girl. It's always a tragedy when someone is taken too young. But ladies and gentlemen, the thing to bear in mind here is that it isn't always a crime. You've all heard this simple truth since your earliest days: Accidents happen. I want to share with you another secret of real life: Sometimes, it's just not fair. It's not fair that Tammy Winslow lost her life. It's not fair that those she left behind must now find some way to cope with the loss. But it is also not fair-- it is supremely unfair-- to scapegoat this young man in some desperate search for justice. That's not going to bring Tammy back. All it will do is ensure another victim gets caught up in this tragedy. Now, did Grady Foley drive the car that struck Miss Winslow? Yes. Did Miss Winslow die from her injuries? Yes. But was he aiming the car at her? Was he on some mission to kill that night? And does all of this add up to murder? No, no and no. Emphatically, no. Now, Grady Foley is no saint. He's made some mistakes-- you'll hear testimony. But the biggest mistake he ever made was driving his car down that dark road one night. This is very important, ladies and gentlemen; there is one charge you are to consider here today. Murder. Guilty, or no. Now, murder doesn't mean an accident happened. Murder doesn't mean it's a tragedy all around. Murder is murder. And the obvious emotion the D.A. feels for this case cannot turn an accident into a murder. It's in your hands to keep that from happening. Justice-- what we are all here for today-- demands it.
Judge Ellis: Mr. Reid, if that concludes your remarks, it would appear that this would be a good time to take a short recess. (Gavel bangs)
Reva: You were great.
Jeffrey: I don't know.
Reva: I wouldn't just say it. Is something else wrong?
Jeffrey: I'm getting a funny feeling about the jury.
Reva: The blond in the front row?
Jeffrey: How did you know?
Reva: I don't know anything. Not yet.
Reva: I'm sorry, excuse me. Do you have the time? I didn't wear a watch.
Grace: Sure, yeah. 1 :30.
Reva: Oh. Hey, I recognize you! You, uh... you were just in the courtroom, right?
Grace: I'm on the jury.
Reva: Ah, yeah. My sympathies. (Laughs) I hate jury duty.
Grace: I don't mind. I'm happy to do it.
Reva: So, what do you think?
Grace: I'm really not supposed to discuss the case...
Reva: Of course not! I'm sorry. That's my bad. It's just so unfair, though, isn't it? What they're trying to do to Mr. Spaulding? I mean it’s... I know you're not supposed to talk to me about this, but it's so obvious, you know? That the D.A. was talking about him during his opening statement? I mean, isn't that-- what do they call that-- slander? It's slander, really, I mean implying that Mr. Spaulding paid that guy to run someone down. I mean, if it's not slander, really it should be.
Grace: You're a believer, aren't you? In the visions?
Reva: Yes. Yes, I am.
Grace: I thought you might be. He is just so...
Reva: I know. Inspiring.
Grace: That's the word.
Reva: Yeah. I just... I hope he comes through all of this all right, you know? I mean, I know it's the kid that's on trial, but Mr. Spaulding really seems to be the one that they're going after.
Grace: Don't you worry about Mr. Spaulding. Oh, speaking of which, I have to get back. It was nice talking to you.
Reva: My pleasure. I need to talk to you.
Jeffrey: What's up?
Reva: Can we go someplace?
Jeffrey: Um, I don't know if there's going to be time...
Bailiff: All rise!
Reva: It'll only take a minute.
Jeffrey: I can’t.
Jude Ellis: Can we get started, Mr. O’Neill?
Jeffrey: I have to call a witness.
Reva: Okay. Um, hey, look, excuse me.
Bailiff: I need to be in that room...
Reva: That's okay. I need you to do a favor for me, if you wouldn't mind. Um, can you give this to District Attorney O’Neill, please? I appreciate it. Thank you.
Frank: I do.
Jeffrey: Detective Cooper, would you state your name for the court, please?
Frank: Detective Frank Cooper, Springfield Police Department.
Jeffrey: And how are you related to this case?
Frank: I was the acting Police Chief at the time of the crime.
Dalton: Objection, your Honor.
Frank: The alleged crime.
Jeffrey: Detective, do you recognize that?
Frank: Uh, yes. It's a rental car receipt.
Jeffrey: This is people's one, your Honor. Here's a copy. And do you find anything unique about this?
Frank: It's, uh, for the car that hit Tammy Winslow.
Jeffrey: And do you recognize whose signature that is, down there?
Frank: I sure do. It's the defendant’s.
Jeffrey: Thank you, Detective. You've been very helpful. Your witness.
Dalton: Detective Cooper? Let's talk about your personal grudge against my client.
Frank: I don't have any personal grudges against your client.
Dalton: No? Okay. Well, then let's talk about your personal grudge against his brother and work our way up from there.
Frank: I don't know where you're going with this, but I'm a professional. I take my job seriously...
Dalton: Today you're in court, and I ask the questions and you do the answering. In conclusion, Detective, may I ask is there any reason this jury should trust you? He has connections to your daughter, your sister, your niece...
Frank: Of course they should trust me, because I'm telling the truth about Grady Foley. Any connections that I may have to this case should not let that man walk away from murder.
Dalton: Okay, well, we'll let the jury sort that one out. No more questions.
Judge Ellis: Next witness?
Jeffrey: Your Honor, before we continue, I have a few questions for juror number two-- Ms. Grace Wistern.
Dalton: What is this, your Honor?
Jeffrey: Ms. Wistern...
Judge Ellis: Mr. O’Neill, I'm in no mood for stunts!
Jeffrey: And, your Honor, I'm sure you would be in no mood for this trial to be compromised. If you'll just allow me... Ms. Wistern, how well do you know Mr. Alan Spaulding?
Grace: I don't know Alan Spaulding.
Beth: Alan, that's Grace.
Jeffrey: Ms. Wistern, I'm not sure lying to the court is the direction you want to take right now.
Dalton: This is outrageous.
Jeffrey: Your Honor, I can produce a witness right now who will testify that she saw Ms. Wistern and Mr. Alan Spaulding in deep conversation, and that she is known of something as a follower of his.
Grace: I... okay, I know him.
Cyrus: Uh-oh.
Jeffrey: Your Honor, all of the jurors were previously asked if they had any prior knowledge of Mr. Spaulding. The people's case is based on...
Judge: I know, I know. (Gavel bangs) We're going to stop now and get this sorted out. Juror number two, my chambers, now. And Bailiff, tell the alternates to be prepared to fill in.
Cyrus: We'll be okay.
Grady: And what if we're not?
Cassie: I need to get some air.
Josh: I'll go with you.
Cassie: No. Let me go alone. I'll be okay.
Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? Make copies of that. You better hope that I don't find out that you put her up to anything.
Alan: Jeffrey, I was as shocked as you are!
Jeffrey: Yeah. I've got to go. But Alan? Once I'm done with that loser in there, you're next. I've circled my calendar.
Alan: Don't worry. I'm going to fix everything.
Beth: Yeah, I've heard that before.
Grady: I'm not going down alone.
Alan: No one is going down, Grady.
Grady: Well, you know what? I should get my meeting with the D.A. right now.
Alan: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You do that, you're not going to get a good deal.
Grady: Yeah, well, that's the only thing that's keeping you from getting fitted for an orange jumpsuit. You better hope things change.
Cyrus: Careful. You'll hurt your eyes.
Cassie: My eyes?
Cyrus: I know this is a tough day for you.
Cassie: I'm handling it all right.
Cyrus: It's, uh... (clears throat) It's tough for me, too.
Cassie: Now that takes guts. Saying that to me.
Cyrus: Tough, because I got a real wake-up call about my brother. See, because I always thought that I knew everything that he went through when I left Australia, but it turns out, I couldn't even imagine. I hired a P.I.
Cassie: Yeah, you know, I'm really not interested in any of this.
Cyrus: See the plan was go abroad, make a big score, send money home to take care of him-- give him a good life. Maybe boarding school. But it... everything went wrong, and he ended up in a bunch of foster homes. Just one after another after another. He was bounced around constantly, just kicked around, like a can you kick around on the street. Just...
Cassie: Okay.
Cyrus: Treated like that, like garbage.
Cassie: Why are you telling me this?
Cyrus: Because maybe it's important for us both to truly understand what a horrible start to life I gave him. I need you to know how sorry I am and I want you to know that Grady’s sorry, too.
Reva: Okay, you really need to get out of here now.
Cassie: It's okay, Reva, it's okay.
Reva: No. You shouldn't be talking to her!
Cyrus: Right. Right. Take care of yourself, Cassie.
Reva: How are you holding up?
Cassie: People really shouldn't feel the need to keep asking me that. But thank you for coming.
Reva: You want to go sit for a minute?
Cassie: No, actually, I need to get back inside. Jeffrey's going to put me on the stand next.
Beth: Alan, I really don't know what to say to you anymore. It's like, you're putting all your faith in these visions. Like, you believe that everything that is going to go wrong is going to be made right because Gus says it is. But you heard Jeffrey.
Alan: Beth, everything is going to work out just fine.
Beth: Look at yourself! You don't even believe that anymore. Now, I did not sign up for this. Not at all.
Alan: Whoa, wait a minute. You're not going to leave me, are you?
Beth: No, I'm not saying that, but I am saying my time is better spent working on my back-up plan.
Alan: Back-up plan? What back-up plan? What...
Beth: We'll talk later. I have to go. But put your family first. And that's not going to happen by dreaming about it.
Jeffrey: Thank you for letting us get to know your daughter a little bit better.
Cassie: Oh. She was pure. I mean, I know that sounds...
Jeffrey: I think we all know. So far, we've focused on Tammy. Now I'd like to ask you some questions about Grady Foley.
Cassie: All right.
Jeffrey: Do you see him here today?
Cassie: Yes, I do. That's him, right there.
Jeffrey: And, uh, when did you first see him?
Cassie: In the hospital, the night I lost her. He was there.
Jeffrey: And did you ever speak to him about that night?
Cassie: I did. He told me that he was the driver of the car that killed my daughter.
Jeffrey: And did he ever tell you that it was an accident, or did he ever indicate to you that somehow it could have been avoided?
Cassie: No. He did not. He did not!
Jeffrey: That's all. Thank you very much.
Judge Ellis: We can break now if you'd like, before the defense begins its cross.
Cassie: Thank you, no. If it's okay, I'd rather keep going.
Judge Ellis: All right.
Dalton: Mrs. Lewis, let me join everyone else in saying how sorry I am for your loss.
Cassie: Thank you.
Dalton: It's been a hard year and a half, hasn't it?
Cassie: Of course.
Dalton: I mean, extraordinarily tough. I'm talking about your mental health.
Jeffrey: Objection!
Judge Ellis: It's relevant, Counselor, but careful, Mr. Reid.
Dalton: Of course. Mrs. Lewis, were there times when you didn't know how to handle your grief?
Cassie: Uh... yeah. Yes.
Dalton: And would you, in fact, say it took control of your life?
Jeffrey: Your Honor...
Dalton: Withdrawn. Have you found yourself in need of closure?
Cassie: Without a doubt.
Dalton: And is it fair to say that a conviction in this trial would help you get it?
Cassie: Okay, what exactly are you implying?
Dalton: Just asking, Mrs. Lewis, if the last year hasn't been so hard on you-- so wrenching-- that you'd do anything to feel happy again. Including sitting here on this witness chair and sending an innocent man to jail.
Judge Ellis: Mrs. Lewis, we're waiting for an answer to Mr. Reid's question.
Cassie: You want to know if I would frame your client?
Dalton: Yes.
Cassie: To make myself feel better about losing my little girl?
Dalton: Yes.
Cassie: (Sighs) Yes. The answer is yes. There was a time when I might have done that. But that time has passed. There was a time when I would have done anything to feel better. Absolutely anything. But time is an amazing thing. And that stupid cliché about how it heals... it turns out, it's true. I'm better now. I know who I am, and I know what I want. And I know who I have to be on the inside. I can't be bitter; I can't have that hunger for revenge anymore. It's not who I was before, and my Tammy wouldn't want me to be that way now. And I have two sons, and I want them to know love and happiness and forgiveness and everything else so that they have a chance of growing up to be the kind of person that their big sister was.
Dalton: I think we're getting a little off track right now...
Cassie: No. You asked me, and now I'm going to give you a full answer. Whatever happens here today, I'm not going to let it determine the rest of my life. I know the truth. I know why my daughter is gone. And I know how she would react, even if-- God forbid-- this trial doesn't go the way she would want it to. I know that she would move on, and she wouldn't let the past drag her down. In my heart, I know he's guilty. The courtrooms, trials... anything can happen. He can get off on a technicality or a mistrial, whatever. I don't have any control over that. But I do have control over me. So, no, Mr. Reid. The real answer to your question is no.
Alan: Are you all right?
Daisy: I don't know.
Alan: You're thinking about Tammy, huh?
Daisy: Yeah. I'm thinking about a lot of things.
Alan: You were in the car that night, weren't you? Do you still think about, uh...
Daisy: You have no idea. Thank God Gus was there.
Alan: Yeah... what do you mean?
Daisy: You know how he... he covered for me. He took care of me. Thank God for Gus.
Alan: Yeah, thank God for Gus.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Judge Ellis: Any further witnesses, Mr. O’Neill?
Jeffrey: Uh, just one, your Honor. Miss Susan Lemay.
Daisy: I want to... I want to make things right.
Jeffrey: Who was driving the car?
Daisy: Grady. I call him "G."
Jeffrey: They're back?
Cyrus: They jury reached a verdict.
Grady: What, already?
Juror: We the jury, on the charge of first degree murder, find Grady Foley...
(Gavel bangs)
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