GL Transcript Thursday 8/7/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/7/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Remy: She doesn't even know he died.

Jeffrey: What do we do now?

Olivia: Did you tell her?

Jeffrey: I think that should be done in person. Hello? Ava? You want me to come and see you? No, that's great. I'll come soon.

Nurse: Are you a friend of Mrs. Lewis?

Remy: Yeah, and um, there's something I need to tell her.

Ashlee: Okay. (Clears throat) Hey, everybody. (Laughs) Everybody. Um, this Ashlee Wolfe's video blog. I was bored at home last night watching tv, and there was nothing on, so I watched this cartoon version of this fable called "Chicken Little." I'm sure you know it. It's like this chicken that runs around screaming "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" And you know, and all her friends are like, "Look, relax, chill out. Everything's fine." And I mean, I sat there thinking that that's kind of how I am. Danger's imminent-- particularly in this town. Mostly because it usually is. It's kind of weird, actually that this silly cartoon would be more enlightening than all the self-help books I've read, or even this blog, which is... I guess it's helping. It is. I mean, me, I think I'm the only one that's watching. So, anyway, back to the whole "Sky is falling thing." I mean, what would happen if the sky actually fell? I mean, what if something was really wrong, like you were dumped by your boyfriend or you lose your dog... or you lose a person. I think we all think we know how we'll deal with it. But then we don’t. I used to use food, and it worked for me, I thought, at the time, but it didn’t. In retrospect, it just made things worse. Loss... it's weird. I'm not talking about weight loss. I'm mean more about people-- my life. I feel like I'm losing my friend Daisy, and I feel like I've lost Coop forever. And I know that that was my decision, but he was my first, and he was my best friend and I miss him, and I miss his family but I don't know what to do. I guess that dealing with these losses shows us who we really are. Some people hold on to hope even when it seems crazy. Or you can stuff everything down, and pretend like whatever big, bad thing that's happening isn't happening. I've done that. It catches up with you, though. Messes you up. Sometimes all it takes is finding someone-- anyone-- who understands exactly what you're going through. But who knows exactly what anyone's going through? Sometimes you pick the wrong person to turn to, but you don't realize it's the wrong person until-- I don't know-- until you lose something bigger than you already lost. And I mean, talk about the sky falling! It's like you can already feel the clouds hitting you on the head. You know the ones I'm talking about-- those dark, angry clouds. But what are you supposed to do when you lose something? Are you supposed to curl up in a ball or put on a smile, fight through the pain? I have no clue. Woo-hoo, Ashlee, great blog! Wow, awesome! So helpful. As if anyone is watching, anyway.

Olivia: I just want to talk about Ava to somebody who understands.

Jeffrey: And what makes you think I understand any more than you do?

Olivia: I don't, just... we're the only two people who can call her our daughter. That's something, at least.

Jeffrey: She's going to be fine.

Olivia: Jeffrey, you say that like she lost a sock! She lost a child-- our grandchild. And on top of the post-partum, how is she ever going to get over not being there at the end?

Jeffrey: She's not. But she's going to get through it, and we're going to help her. I know what we've lost, Olivia, okay? We can't do anything about it. Tammy Winslow lost her life. That I can do something about.

Olivia: Jeffrey, you can't bring her back.

Jeffrey: No, but I can bring her and her mother some long-overdue justice. I'm up to my ears in paperwork, so... what... oh! Oh. I'm sorry, I can't be what you need. Again, I'm sorry... I can't comfort you, and I can sit around here looking at family photographs, okay? I just can’t.

Olivia: If you don't deal with this, you're going to have a breakdown.

Jeffrey: I am dealing with it, okay? I am dealing with it. Maybe not the way that you are, but I am dealing with it. Is there anything else?

Olivia: No... yeah. How is the... how is the wedding planning going?

Jeffrey: It's going, okay? It's a little slow right now because I'm preoccupied by the trial right now so...

Olivia: Okay, well, you just keep ignoring what's happening, and put your real life on hold, and eventually you'll end up with a string of failed marriages and a bad heart, and then we'll have even more in common not to talk about.

Jeffrey: All right, you know what? You're right. You're right about the wedding. I'm going to call Reva.

Olivia: All right. Okay. I'll go then. Take care of yourself.

Jeffrey: Thanks.

Natalia: Maybe this is a mistake. Maybe I miss Rafe and Gus so much that I want it to be true.

Buzz: I miss Harley every day. I miss Jenna. We miss the people that are important to us.

Natalia: Okay, so you miss your wife. What if someone told you that they could talk to her from beyond? Would you believe them?

Buzz: I think...

Natalia: And what if that person was Alan?

Buzz: I'd want to know what Jenna thinks and what she wants. Even from a politician.

Natalia: What if Alan’s crazy?

Buzz: What if he's not?

Natalia: What if I'm just willing myself to believe in this just because of grief and guilt?

Buzz: What if you have more faith than the rest of us?

Natalia: What if...

Buzz: What if?

Beth: Alan, I need you to remember that when you're finished with your followers, you must meet me at your lawyer's office. No, he is not going to be the person to save your soul, but he is the one who's going to save your butt-- at least here on earth. (Knock on door)

Buzz: Anybody home?

Beth: Uh, yeah; come on in, come on in. Just call me and let me know that you got this. Buzz, hi! Natalia. Um, Alan’s not here right now, he's with his gaggle of girls.

Natalia: Are they talking to Gus?

Beth: Buzz, um, can I get you something to drink?

Natalia: I know it all must seem crazy, and I know I must seem crazy...

Beth: We have water... juice... beer.

Buzz: Beer.

Natalia: Alan called me. He said he had a vision.

Beth: Yeah. He's had a lot of visions.

Natalia: Anything about Rafe? Gus sending a message about Rafe?

Beth: How about I get that beer? (Phone ringing)

Buzz: I'll open the beers, you get the phone.

Beth: Hello? It's for you.

Natalia: Hello? Hi, Alan. Yeah, I came here to find you.

Alan: Well, I'm on my way to Grace’s, but I do have some news to tell you.

Natalia: About Rafe?

Alan: Yes. Gus is, uh, worried that he is not safe in Europe.

Natalia: You mean not... not safe how? Someone's trying to hurt him, or an accident?

Alan: Well, that I don't know. But I know that he wants him to come home.

Natalia: Yeah, but he could be facing jail time.

Alan: Well, so could I, but I'm here where Gus wants me to be.

Natalia: Really? Because then that would make sense if he really wanted Rafe to be home, too. It's what I want more than anything.

Alan: He keeps pointing to Springfield. It's very clear.

Natalia: What if he's not safe here?

Alan: Well, he indicates that Rafe will be safe here, if he comes home. Now, I've got to get back to work. I've got more lives I need to touch. But we'll talk later.

Natalia: Thank you, Alan. He says Gus thinks that Rafe should come home. That he'll be okay and we'll protect him.

Beth: Natalia, there's something that you need to know. When we were in Los Angeles, Alan had a vision. There were random numbers and a street name... but nothing gelled. And with something as important as your son’s...

Natalia: Okay, that was probably the first time he made a mistake. Everything else... I want to believe it.

Buzz: But it's Alan suggesting these things!

Natalia: Okay, but, you know, it's the whole thing about not knowing but believing. Faith.

Beth: Yeah, and faith is great. But what are you putting your faith in? Now, in my situation, as soon as I can find a sitter, I am taking Alan to see his lawyer.

Natalia: I'm off today. I mean, if you need a sitter, I can take Peyton.

Buzz: Oh, well, I... we'll just take her to the park and then we'll go the restaurant.

Ashlee: Oh, hey.

Daisy: Hey, um... thanks for calling me.

Ashlee: Uh, yeah.

Daisy: I'm sorry about the other day.

Ashlee: Let's not even talk about it. It's kind of weird.

Daisy: Yeah, I know, I hate fighting with you. Just seems to keep happening.

Ashlee: Um, so, you need a job?

Daisy: Yes, I do need a job.

Ashlee: You should fill this out. Come and sit. So, how is it living with Lauren?

Daisy: Um, I'm living with Marina, actually. Lauren kind of blew me off.

Ashlee: Oh, well, that's great. You know, not the Lauren part, but Marina, you know, she's a great girl. And, you know, family and a good cop.

Daisy: Yeah. And, just so you know, things with Grady and me are kind of messed up, so...

Ashlee: Really? I... uh...

Daisy: Yeah. We, um... we had a fight. He thinks I don't trust him, and we talked about it, so it’s... I don't know. But I, um... I might have to testify at his trial, and what I say can either hang him or free him, and I can't decide.

Ashlee: Can't decide? I... what's to decide? You have to tell the truth.

Daisy: Yeah. But I... I just want him to know that I believe in him. He was so hurt before when he thought that I didn’t.

Ashlee: I, um... I'm confused. You need to lie-- under oath-- to prove to him that you're trustworthy? That makes... that makes perfect sense.

Daisy: It's not lying. It's not so cut-and-dry. It's the... the light I put on it. It’s...

Ashlee: You know what?

Daisy: I know what he has.

Ashlee: I... I... I kind of don't care, actually. I'm kind of really, really exhausted hearing you sitting here complain, and not even realize how horrible you're treating yourself. How unhealthy this whole thing is.

Daisy: You're so upset... ever since your surgery...

Ashlee: What?

Daisy: You're obsessed with this... this idea of self-help and self-improvement and healthiness...

Ashlee: Do you think that that's a bad thing?

Daisy: Yes, it is a bad thing! Yeah, if it makes you bail on your friends. Do you know how many millions of times I've helped you with your guy problems?

Ashlee: I'm sorry. You've helped me millions of times with my guy problems?

Daisy: Yes! Yes, and now you refuse to help me!

Ashlee: You think you want help? Really? I think that you want someone to feel sorry for you-- to pat you on the back and cry with you, because you and Tammy’s killer you're not doing well. That "Killer paradise" is not all it's cracked up to be. Daisy, he wants you to lie under oath. What kind of guy is that?

Daisy: I didn't say I was going to lie, and... God, would you just help me instead of judging me?

Ashlee: Okay, I'll help you! You want a job?

Daisy: No. I don't want your help in this. Stick with you self-help, okay? God forbid you help someone else.

I hear you...

Olivia: Hey, excuse me.

Ashlee: Oh, hi.

Olivia: Hey.

Ashlee: Olivia? I, uh... I heard about Ava and the baby, and I'm not really close with her, but I, uh, just wanted to say that I'm sorry.

Olivia: Thank you.

Ashlee: So, um, how are you feeling? You know, with your heart and all?

Olivia: Well, the last couple of days have taken it out of me, but I'm okay.

Ashlee: Good. Well, I mean, if you need anything... I'm... I'm around.

Olivia: Thanks.

Ashlee: I think I'm going to go get some fruit or something.

Olivia: Um, I meant to tell you that Emma really likes your blog.

Ashlee: What? Your daughter, Emma?

Olivia: Yeah.

Ashlee: Well, I... how old is she?

Olivia: Seven... going on 23. One of her friend's sisters-- she's in junior high-- she really likes it, so... there’s... there's nothing dirty on there, right?

Ashlee: Uh, no, no, not at all. (Laughing) Don't worry. I find it really funny. I didn't know that anyone watched it.

Olivia: Well, Emma and her friends love it. They really look up to you.

Ashlee: Really?

Olivia: Yeah. I think you're on to something, Ashlee. I think there are a lot of really lonely people out there who just want to connect with someone who understands. Good job.

Natalia: You know, my baby used to kick his blankets off, too. (Baby cries) I'm sorry, Peyton. I'm sorry. I'm not going to cry. Grown-ups don't cry. I'm sorry... it's just I miss my son very much.

Daisy: Hey. Hey, what's going on?

Grady: Did you have a nice talk with Cyrus?

Daisy: What?

Grady: I was there. I heard everything. One minute you're saying you want to help me, the next minute your trying to turn my brother against me.

Daisy: Well, I don't know what you think you heard. Cyrus and I care about you. We were trying to figure out a way to get you out of this mess without getting into one ourselves.

Grady: Yeah, I came back here and got caught because of you. And you can say you care about me, but I've already showed you.

Daisy: You know, some of us, we have better things to do than to look for ways to hurt you. I just got into yet another fight with my best friend, defending you. I don't want to get into a fight with you, now, too, okay? And I've isolated myself from my entire family. This is very hard for me.

Grady: Hey, uh...

Frank: Hey!

Grady: Great.

Frank: So I guess the warnings and threats, they don't mean anything to you, huh?

Grady: No, not really, no.

Daisy: Grady...

Grady: What?

Frank: Let's go, Daisy.

Daisy: What? No. To Greece again? No.

Grady: She said no.

Frank: Don't touch me again you...

Daisy: Okay, okay, okay! I'll leave. I'll leave, okay, guys? I'm just... I'm parked in the lot across from the lake. Let me just...

Frank: Not anymore. I had your car towed.

Daisy: What?

Grady: These are the people you trust, huh?

Frank: Here's the deal. If you keep seeing him, I keep harassing you. It's your call.

Daisy: Grady, wait!

Beth: Peyton is with Natalia.

Alan: I think that that will be good for her.

Beth: You're leading her to believe that Rafe will be safe if he comes back to town.

Alan: My son is looking after both of us.

Beth: Just meet me at your lawyer's office, and please don't be late. (Knock on door)

Jeffrey: Hi, Beth.

Beth: Hi.

Jeffrey: Is Alan here?

Beth: Uh... no. I'm on my way to meet him at his lawyer’s.

Jeffrey: Well, I just... I wanted to let him know that this is his last chance to make a deal and to confess before we go to trial. And it's a trial that's going to last, well, long enough to drag you and your family through the mud again.

Beth: You can't just barge in here and start threatening me.

Jeffrey: Do you think Alan is going to miss your little girl when he goes to prison?

Beth: I'm not talking to you.

Jeffrey: Do you think he's going to miss her as much as Cassie Winslow misses her child?

Beth: I'm going to see a lawyer.

Jeffrey: A lawyer? Great. Alan's deal just got a lot worse.

Beth: (Scoffs) What, are you crazy? You can't just walk in here and start harassing me!

Jeffrey: And Alan can't pay other people to kill people with their cars and not expect consequences.

Beth: I have to go, so...

Jeffrey: She made some bad choices, Beth, okay? She didn't hurt anyone. She just wanted to be with the man that she's in love with and start a family. She didn't deserve this. All right, so I'm getting justice for Ava and her family.

Beth: Ava?

Frank: I know why you moved in with Marina. You think it's a lot easier to give her the slip.

Daisy: No.

Frank: Hmm. Okay, well, this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to drive you to work, and then I notify security there, and if you even crack a window or open a door, they're going to call me.

Daisy: You realize you're treating me like a criminal?

Frank: I'm trying to prevent you from becoming one. You know, your mother would be...

Daisy: My mother? My mother nothing. My mother is hiding out with my ex-boyfriend, and I went to see her in Europe, and she didn't even show up!

Frank: That was a communication problem. She was trying to help Rafe.

Daisy: She should try and help me. (Cell phone rings)

Frank: What? Is Detective Mallet there? Okay, where? I'm on my way. I've got to take this call.

Daisy: Can I ride shotgun, or are you going to put me in the back with the perp?

Frank: Young lady, you march yourself to the Beacon right now, and you stay there until you hear from me. And if you want your car back, you need to prove it to me that you deserve it.

Grady: Hi. I didn't get to the car in time, but I know where they're taking it.

Daisy: Yeah. Somewhere where I'll never see it again.

Grady: No. I saw the tow truck. I know which impound lot. (Laughs)

Daisy: Grady, no! You're in enough trouble already.

Grady: You remember that night when we went into the city?

Daisy: And you parked next to the hydrant...

Grady: By accident. And the guard would only take cash.

Daisy: No, we are not doing that again!

Grady: Come on. You climb a mean fence.

Daisy: You almost dropped me!

Grady: You almost fell!

Daisy: (Laughs)

Grady: Come on. I won't let you fall this time. You know you want to!

Daisy: (Laughing) I have no choice!

Take a moment to breathe slow...

Olivia: Hi.

Natalia: Hi.

Olivia: Do you think maybe I can give her her bottle? Hi.

Beth: Why don't I get you a drink, huh?

Jeffrey: No, I'm... thanks, I'm working.

Beth: And... you're also upset about Ava.

Jeffrey: Yeah. And I'm working.

Beth: Look, you've lost a lot. You're bound to be upset. I know, I understand. Look at Alan since he lost Gus.

Jeffrey: What do you think Gus would say about all this? Gus was a good cop, he was a good man. Do you think he would want Alan to confess? Do you think Alan’s had any "visions" about that?

Beth: I'm not going to talk to you about this right now.

Jeffrey: I'm serious.

Beth: You can't be objective. Ava has left, the baby is gone, and you're hurting and you want everyone else to hurt, too.

Jeffrey: That sounds like the time-honored Spaulding tradition of blaming the whole world for their own sins. I'm sorry, Beth. Alan is not getting away with this.

Beth: Oh, Alan.

Grady: Hey, come on! We don't even have to climb!

Daisy: I'm so not in the right shoes for this right now, I'm sorry.

Grady: Shh! You're a little rusty, aren't you? Huh?

Daisy: Shut up!

Man: We're closed.

Grady: Oh, you're here

Daisy: The gate was locked. We didn't want to bother you.

Grady: Well, if you're calling the cops, her mom's a former Springfield P.D. detective.

Daisy: Oh, and, uh, my Uncle Frank's a detective, too...

Grady: Yeah, he's going to be really mad they towed it for no reason.

Daisy: So if we could just take the car...

Man: Some cop brought that one in.

Grady: Murphy!

Daisy: I knew it!

Man: I didn't get his name...

Grady: The guy gives you tickets for just looking at him the wrong way. He probably didn't realize it was yours. Man, he's going to be busted. Your uncle is going to have someone on this lot day and night making sure he don't pull a stunt like this again!

Daisy: I guess that will make your job less boring, right? You'll have a cop on duty here all the time to hang out with you. What are you playing? Is that space warriors?

Grady: Oh, it's a great game! Do you want to beat your high score, or should we report Murph to Uncle Frank?

Man: Stay here. I'll get the keys.

Daisy: "Murph?"

Grady: "Murph," "Murph," "Murphy," I don't know. Is there one?

Daisy: I don't even know. That was probably more fun than I've had in days. How sad is that? Thank you so much.

Grady: Sure. No problem.

Daisy: I love how you used Frank as a reason why we should get the car back. "Wait until we tell Uncle Frank!"

Grady: We’re a good team.

Daisy: Yeah. I've gotten good. I've had to lie so much just to survive in this town. I don’t... I don't mean that I lie all the time, or anything...

Grady: Look, I get it.

Daisy: Grady...

Grady: Yeah, you'll lie, but not for me.

Daisy: Not in court! That's different, and... look, I don't know what I'll do, and they might not even ask me. Can I give you a ride anywhere?

Grady: No, I'll walk.

Daisy: Thank you. I mean it.

Grady: Yeah, no problem.

Jeffrey: Wait.

I've sung a million songs,

still I feel like I belong

I still hide...

Natalia: Do you know how long Ava will be gone?

Olivia: No.

Natalia: I know it's so hard to be away from your kids.

Olivia: I still have Emma. Rafe?

Natalia: It's been a while since I've heard from him.

Olivia: I'm so sorry.

Natalia: Have you slept at all?

Olivia: I'm fine.

Natalia: I'll make you something to eat. You're not feeling well.

Olivia: It won't help. I mean, I appreciate it, but I... I don't know what to do anymore. (Crying) My heart can't take it. (Sobbing)

Jeffrey: Daisy, if you jeopardize this case-- if you give Grady an alibi, if you help him avoid prosecution in any way-- you will be brought up on perjury charges.

Daisy: I get it!

Jeffrey: Well, I don't think you do. This isn't a hypothetical anymore. You are going to be brought up on that stand to testify.

There's something you see

in me maybe I could try to be...

Grady: Hello, Mr. Spaulding.

Alan: Well, I'm surprised you didn't come by sooner.

Grady: My trial's in a few days.

Alan: I know, I read it in the paper.

Grady: I withdrew my confession. I'm planning on beating the charges.

Alan: Oh, you think so, huh?

Grady: Well, if things get rough, I've always got you. You're Mr. Big business. You know how these negotiations work. If it buys me a shorter jail sentence or gets me out completely, I'll sell you out in a second, old man, same as you did to me.

Alan: Hmm. I don't doubt that you would.

Grady: Look. If you have any pull in this town, old man, now is the time to be using it. Because it is in your best interests to get me a free man. Are we clear?

Alan: I'm not clear on a lot of things these days, but when I am, I know it. My son died in an accident. He comes to me in visions and dreams, and his message is very clear and very true.

Grady: So, what? You found religion?

Alan: No, I didn't find religion. I know what you've done, and I know what I've done. What comes next is out of our hands.

Grady: No. It is in our hands, because I am telling you what to do, friend.

Alan: If it's all the same to you, I'll let Gus tell me what to do. He'll keep me safer than any lawyer will.

Grady: (Scoffs) Your dead son. What, he's going to save you?

Alan: Yes.

Grady: Well, what about me? Is he going to save me, too?

Alan: Well, he hasn't given any indication of that.

Natalia: Do you feel better?

Olivia: Yeah, a little bit. I'm sorry. I'm not really myself these days.

Natalia: Oh, please. I've cried plenty over Rafe.

Olivia: That's what I'm worried about. I mean, I'm afraid that Ava’s just going to disappear, you know? She's going to take off and not come back and not stay in touch.

Natalia: No, it's not the same thing. Rafe can’t.

Olivia: Well, what do you mean?

Natalia: Well, I told you that I haven't heard from him in a while, but I don't think it's because he hasn't tried. He's not safe where he is in Europe right now, and I don't think he's able.

Olivia: How do you know he's not safe?

Natalia: Well, we don't know yet. Alan had a... a vision-- a message from Gus-- and he said that Rafe is not safe where he is and he needs to come home.

Olivia: Okay.

Natalia: Just because you don't believe...

Olivia: I think... I believe that you want your son home so badly that you're willing this to be true. Rafe may not be any safer here.

Natalia: I know. But Alan sensed that Gus may be able to protect Rafe if he came home... that he's better off here.

Olivia: Well, that's good news. What are you doing?

Natalia: I'm just, I have to...

Olivia: Calling him could put him more danger.

Natalia: He doesn't know about Alan’s visions, so I just think maybe I should...

Olivia: What are you going to say to him? Just wait. You're going to call Rafe, who is hiding in Europe, and you're going to tell him that his dead father wants him to come home because his grandfather's having visions. Think about it, Natalia.

Natalia: You know what? I tried to help you today.

Olivia: And I am trying to help you. As much as we want the people that we love in our lives everyday, sometimes they can't be here, because they're gone. All we can do is hang on to those people we still have left and protect them and love them.

Natalia: I miss him so much.

Olivia: I know. But just... before you decide to call, just make sure that these messages are more than just Alan’s wishful thinking.

Grady: What are we looking at?

Alan: Depends. What do you see?

Grady: An insanity plea! Wait, are you taping this?

Alan: You're very paranoid.

Grady: Oh, it's good, I'll give you that. I sell you out, you start ranting about visions and eating paste...

Alan: I just told someone that there was no such thing as crazy.

Grady: Oh, if you're the only ace on my pocket, I'm screwed.

Alan: Just have faith that we both get what we deserve.

Grady: I sure as hell hope not.

Daisy: Reva said that you'd go easy on me.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? All bets are off.

Daisy: What does that mean?

Jeffrey: That means that if you choose to help this guy and lie on the stand, you're going to be committing perjury, and I will put you in jail.

Daisy: Reva would kill you!

Jeffrey: Grady killed Tammy. Don't you get that? Grady killed Tammy. She was his collateral damage. And if you lie and end up going to jail, you're going to be his collateral damage, too. Daisy, don't let your feelings for this guy blind you to what he has done. Wake up.

Ashlee: Okay. Um, hello! Hello, everyone! I'm so sorry that I left you... left you all hanging before, because I thought it was only me hanging myself, so um... now that I know that there are some of you out there-- or even two, or three, or maybe even four of you--um... I just... I wanted to come back and say that I'm really excited. I think that it's really important to help yourself, it's totally great. But to be able to help other people is, you know, that's way beyond great. So, I'm not saying that I know any more than I knew an hour ago, or that I had a clue even to begin with, but... but here it goes: Sometimes the world won't tell you what you want to hear, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't listen. Because if you don't face your problems, they'll keep hounding you wherever you go. I don't mean to be a total downer, but every once in a while, life cuts you a break and gives you a time-out from whatever you're going through. Even if it's just for a few minutes. You've got to hang on to those minutes. The sky is falling... sometimes a little at a time, sometimes all at once. But if there's a silver lining to those clouds tumbling down around you, it's that you're never alone. I'm not alone, and neither are you. So until next time, Chicken Little.

Coming up, on "Guiding Light":

Grady: I'm about to go to trial for murder.

Alan: Good news!

Grady: What? What are you talking about?

Alan: I have an "in."

Jeffrey: I'm getting a funny feeling about the jury.

Reva: The blond in the front row?

Jeffrey: How did you know?

Reva: I don't know anything. Not yet.

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