Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 8/5/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: There's something wrong with Max.
Nurse: He's in distress. He's got a fever. He's having trouble breathing.
Bill: But wait a minute. I just saw him, and he was fine.
Mel: It's the baby. You have to come to the hospital now.
Olivia: What's going on?
Mel: He had such low resistance to infection. It was too much for him. He's gone.
Jeffrey: There you go. Tuna casserole. Buzz said it was your favorite.
Olivia: Not today.
Jeffrey: Well, you have to eat.
Reva: You both need to eat.
Jeffrey: I'm fine.
Reva: No, you're not, not after what's happened. I mean, I know you're both worried about Ava, but you have to remember that she's in very good hands.
Olivia: Far-away good hands.
Reva: Yes, but maybe that's for the best. I know that when I was suffering from post-partum depression, the people I loved most were the last ones I wanted to see. But just know that she's with doctors who will take care of her, and you're giving her space. You're doing what's best for your daughter, and she'll call when she's ready.
Olivia: You know what? Thanks, I've got to... I'm going.
Reva: You really should eat.
Olivia: No, I'm going for a walk.
Jeffrey: Well, okay, then I'll go with you.
Olivia: No.
Jeffery: I don't mind.
Olivia: I... I do.
Dinah: Olivia.
Olivia: Hi, Dinah.
Dinah: Hey.
Olivia: I really...
Dinah: Have you seen Bill?
Olivia: No.
Dinah: I've been at the office covering for him.
Olivia: No, I don't know where he is.
Dinah: Oh. Well, you know, I want to say... I want to say something. I know that Bill has been a bit difficult about this whole custody issue, but I think he needs some time, and he will do the right thing.
Olivia: You don't know.
Dinah: Know what? I just told you, I've been in meetings all afternoon.
Olivia: Dinah, the baby...
Dinah: I told him that he needs to face facts, he needs to move on, and Remy is the dad.
Olivia: No, you don't understand. The baby got sicker.
Dinah: Sick? Well, how bad? I mean, Max is okay, isn't he?
Olivia: Max is dead.
Reva: Are you okay?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Like you said, Ava will call me when she needs me. Olivia obviously needs to be alone. The baby... well, the baby's gone.
Reva: And what about you, hm? What do you need?
Jeffrey: I need to... I need to get married.
Reva: What?
Jeffrey: Today, before all of this happened, we were about to get married. And I want to do that. I want to get married. Let's do it today.
(Knocking on door)
Remy: (Crying) Not now.
Clayton: Buddy, it's your dad.
It's not because I'd like to forget you
or bury your memory deep inside
I used to die a little every day
but in the end there's just a will to survive.
Clayton: Your sister called from the hospital. She told your mom and me about, um... I don't know what to say. I'm sorry, man. You know, your mom really wanted to be here, and I said, "Maybe I should come alone so..."
Remy: To say what? How I failed again? Is that why you're here, Dad? To tell me how lousy I would have been, and that things are better off this way? Is that why you're here?
Clayton: Do you really think that?
Remy: It doesn't matter what I think. It doesn't change anything. My kid is still dead.
Late at night that's when I miss you most.
Bill: Lizzie, give me the keys. You don't even want to be here.
Lizzie: You know something? I have to be here, because I understand what it's like to lose a child, okay? I know that right now you don't care about anything.
Bill: I don’t.
Lizzie: I know. You want to go get in that car. You want to drive fast, try to make the pain go away.
Bill: Just give me the damn keys.
Lizzie: I'm not giving you the keys. If you want to hurt yourself, you're going to have to hurt me, too.
Bill: If that's what you want, just give me the keys!
Lizzie: I don't think you'll do that.
God knows I can't ignore your hold over me.
Bill: You drive.
'Cause then the walls come tumbling down.
Lizzie: Okay, so what are we doing here?
Bill: Well, I've got some work I need to do.
Lizzie: You said you forgot something.
Bill: Yeah, I did, because I knew you wouldn't give me a ride over here if I said otherwise, so...
Lizzie: Okay, Bill, you can't just go back to work.
Bill: Yes, yes, I can, because work is the one thing that doesn't go away.
Lizzie: No.
Bill: Yeah.
Lizzie: No, no, no, no, no. Look at me. You need to talk about this.
Bill: No, I don’t. No, I don’t. In fact, I'm going to forget that the whole thing even happened, okay?
Lizzie: You can't forget. No, no, no, okay? Look at me. Trust me. I have tried. You can't forget. It doesn't just go away.
Bill: Thank you for the ride. You can leave now.
Lizzie: (Sighs) You know, you and Remy are both going to be...
Bill: Me and Remy. That’s... that's great. That's just great.
Lizzie: You both felt connected to Max. You both need to grieve.
Bill: Hmm. Everyone in this town was trying to tell me that Max was Remy’s kid, okay? Okay, now that this child is gone, suddenly I matter?
Lizzie: No, of course you matter. Look, Bill, I know that this is the last thing you want to think about, but you guys might want to consider having a memorial service for Max.
Bill: It's a beautiful idea. It really is. It really is. But do you think... do you think one person in this town realizes what this child meant to me? No. These idiots are running around thinking it would be some sort of publicity stunt if I have a memorial for Max. So if you want to talk memorial, talk to Remy, because I have business to handle, so, you know...
Lizzie: "Business to handle?" Who could you be doing business with?
Bill: We're dealing with a company in Japan, so it's tomorrow over there already, so I'm going to...
Lizzie: No, Bill. They can wait.
Bill: Lizzie? Please.
Remy: Just leave me alone. Just get the hell out of here and leave me alone. I don't need you. I don't need anyone like you. Just leave me alone!
Clayton: Really? You don't need anybody? You don't need your family? What about your mother? Why don't you call your mother right now and tell her that? Your mother, who's been crying since your sister came by and gave us the information. Your mother, who is right now heartbroken because her son lost his son. Why don't you call your mom?
Remy: Get that out of my face!
Clayton: Oh, is that what you want? You want to fight me, huh? Maybe I should have put some sense in you a long time ago. What? What? You can't do it, can you? You can't pull the trigger. Just like you quit everything.
Remy: Yeah, that's right. I'm a big failure! That's me, right?
Clayton: Oh, you expect us to take that E.M.T. job more seriously?
Remy: No, I'm good at that job!
Clayton: Good at it? Good at it? Good at it?
Remy: Yes!
Clayton: Then why don't you say it?
Remy: I was good at that job!
Clayton: Say it!
Remy: I was good to Ava.
Clayton: Then say it!
Remy: No, I've got nothing else.
Clayton: You know what, you've go to say! Say it!
Remy: I was going to be a good father! I was going to be a good father! I was going to be a good father!
Clayton: I know. I know, son. I know. I know.
(Knocking on door)
Josh: Reva? (Knocking on door) Jeffrey? Hello?
Maybe I'm not what you think I am
nobody knew how to hold me had room for secrets to breathe only to pull me in tighter.
Olivia: So are you okay? This is hard on all of us.
Dinah: I was, uh... Bill was upset about Ava, Remy, and Max, and I was hoping that, you know, if I could just fix things, you know? So I just started the ball rolling.
Olivia: I don't understand. What were you trying to fix?
Dinah: I wanted Bill to move on. I wanted Remy to take Max and go be with Ava, and I wished the baby away. But I didn't mean "away" away. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. This is... this was for Bill. He just... he couldn't move on, and I wanted him to. He had already been through so much with the lies and losing his dream. I just wanted it to be over. I thought that would fix things for Bill.
Olivia: Okay, you're not making any sense.
Dinah: I just wanted Bill to move on with his life, that's all.
Olivia: You need to snap out of it. A baby is dead. This is not about you.
Reva: Did you talk to Ava?
Jeffrey: Uh, yeah. I left her a message. So, here, look at this.
Reva: What is this?
Jeffrey: Everything we need to do today to get married.
Reva: We're not getting married today.
Jeffrey: Well, what did I miss?
Reva: You.
Jeffrey: I've got the suit.
Reva: I'm not talking about the wedding, and you know it. You're worried about Ava, you're worried about Olivia-- everyone but you. Max was your family, too.
Jeffrey: I know, and I... I couldn't save him, Reva, just like there's nothing I can do to save my own daughter right now.
Reva: Ava's with doctors. She's getting the help she needs.
Jeffrey: She doesn't even know. What's she going to do when she finds out her son has died? How am I going to tell her?
Reva: I'm sorry that this is so hard for you.
Jeffrey: I'm going to take a walk, okay?
Jeffrey: Is anybody working?
Josh: Um, he had to get something out of the back. Are you meeting Reva here? Because maybe I can join you.
Jeffrey: Not today, Josh.
Josh: Did you two get in some kind of a fight?
Jeffrey: Ava's baby, my grandchild, has died.
Josh: I'm sorry, Jeffrey. I am really sorry. I didn't know. I haven't touched this yet. Why don't you go ahead and work on it till the bartender gets back? You want to talk at all?
Jeffrey: Not to a preacher.
Josh: Okay.
Jeffrey: It's, uh... it's all random, isn't it, you know? It doesn't really make sense-- life, death. I mean, he was just a baby. He never did anything to anybody, and he dies. He doesn't survive. And you have people-- like myself-- who have lived... well, let's just call it a "morally questionable" life. And, you know, I get shot, I survive. This is wrong. Please don’t... don't tell me it's God's plan.
Josh: I wouldn't presume to know God's plan.
Jeffrey: You know, when Ava came back into my life, I thought, "Well, that is a sign." I thought, this is a chance for me to, you know, start over, right some wrongs. But what is the point of being her father if I couldn't help her, and I still cannot help her?
Josh: Yeah. I heard about the post-partum thing. Look, Jeffrey, I know you're new to this fatherhood business. With your kids, you want to be there for them all the time, to help them and to fix things, but sometimes you just can’t. And you feel helpless.
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Josh: But the bottom line is, bad things happen to everyone-- even to our children. And sometimes, you just have to accept the bad along with the good.
Jeffrey: Is that it?
Josh: Okay, plan B. How's this? I'm going to leave some money on the bar here. You have yourself a few more drinks, and then go down to that batting cage-- you know where it is-- and set yourself up there, and swing that bat as hard as you possibly can.
Jeffrey: That helps?
Josh: It's helped me in the past. It usually takes about 100 to 150 swings. And when you get all of that out of you-- when you get all of that hurt out of you-- you just might be able to help your daughter and be there for her. Good luck.
(Knocking on door)
Lizzie: Hey.
Remy: Sorry, um... I thought you were my mom. (Sighs)
Lizzie: Look, I just came to tell you that I am really sorry. If there's anything that I can do...
Remy: Yeah. You can make people stop asking me that question.
Lizzie: I know. It's so hard. If you want me to go, I will. I just thought, I've been there, so...
Remy: No. No. Your kid's still alive, Lizzie. It's not the same thing.
Lizzie: Right. But I didn't know that. For an entire year, I thought Sarah was dead. Look, I just want to help you.
Remy: There's nothing you can do, Lizzie. You can't help me.
Lizzie: No, I can. I can talk to you. I can tell you what it was like for me. I know this is the last thing you want to think about, and I know it's really soon, but it meant a lot to me to honor Sarah’s life, and I just think maybe you might want to think about having a memorial for Max-- not just for Max, for you, and your family, and Ava, and even Bill.
Remy: That's why you're here, right? Bill.
Lizzie: No, I am here because of Max.
Remy: Ava, she, uh... she doesn't even know he died.
Lizzie: Wow. I don't know when the right time would be for her to find that out. I can't help you there, but, Remy, she is going to find out. And for me, having that memorial, it gave me a place to go. When the rest of the world kept going, I had a place, a marker that reminded me of Sarah’s life, that she really was real. Ava's going to need that. So are Max’s dads-- both of you.
If I could have you by my side, be yours
and you could just be mine for a long, long time.
Dinah: Hey. What are you doing in here in the dark?
Bill: I'm working.
Dinah: I'm so sorry.
Bill: Yeah.
Dinah: Bill, I wanted you to let go of the baby, but not like this. I wanted to help all of you: You, Remy, Max.
Bill: This has nothing to do with you, Dinah, so thank you.
Dinah: Remy didn't tell you?
Bill: Tell me what?
Dinah: I was going to help him leave town, and I gave him some money. I thought it was time you moved on.
Bill: And now I have to. You must be really happy.
Dinah: Can I please try to explain this?
Bill: Dinah, you should've stayed out of it. This baby was not your child. You're not the parent. You should have just stayed out of it.
Dinah: Bill...
Bill: But you couldn’t.
Dinah: You weren't either. Remy was Max’s dad, not you. And you know what? You were scaring me, okay? I wanted to help you be you again.
Bill: You're right. You're right, I wasn't the biological parent of this kid. But my wife gave birth to our son-- one that I fell in love with, one that I was prepared to raise as my own.
Dinah: I know that. You know what? I didn't want to see you lose everything you had-- everything you have worked hard for!
Bill: You gave him money?
Dinah: Yes.
Bill: How much did you give him?
Dinah: It doesn't matter.
Bill: How much did you give him? Where did you get it?
Dinah: I cashed a check.
Bill: A check? Where did you get the check?
Dinah: Our company.
Bill: It's my company!
Mallet: Is everything all right here?
Bill: Oh, just in time! I want you to arrest my sister.
Mallet: Whoa, all right, stop. Everybody calm down, calm down, calm down.
Dinah: What are you talking about? What?
Bill: Yes-- helping Remy kidnap my child by embezzling money from my company, from my company. That's right.
Mallet: Okay, calm down.
Bill: It's my company.
Mallet: Everybody just calm down. Everybody calm down. The baby died; emotions are running high. We're all upset. But just... everybody calm down.
Bill: I want to press charges right now, so, Mallet, please do your job and take her away right now. Right now.
Dinah: I have been trying to help you. Why do you think Lizzie flew back? Because I called her. I saw that you needed her. That's how much I love you.
Bill: Who do I have to call? Do I have to call the press?
Dinah: Bill! What are you doing? I am telling you I've been trying to help you because I love you.
Bill: You know what's really funny? You hurt everyone you love. Did you ever realize that?
Mallet: Okay, Bill, I can handle it. Let me handle it, Bill.
Dinah: Bill... okay. So what happens now?
Mallet: I take you down to the station for further questioning.
Dinah: (Sighs)
Lizzie: This is the company that we used for Sarah’s memorial. They were really wonderful. Okay, well, there are a lot of other places, I just thought I'd show...
Remy: No, it’s... it's not that. It's just, um... there's something else I have to do first.
Clayton: Mind if I join you?
Jeffrey: Clayton. How are you?
Clayton: Good, buddy. It's rough. How are you doing?
Jeffrey: I haven't seen you since I was working with Mel.
Clayton: Yeah, she told me you might be here. She's a little worried.
Jeffrey: Oh, yeah? About, uh... about me, or about you?
Clayton: I think about both of us. She's a good daughter.
Jeffrey: Yeah, she's a good friend, too, and I miss working with her. You know, the bartender's a little slow today, but, you know, no one has touched this, and I know you like scotch, so, please...
Clayton: Thank you, sir.
Jeffrey: Actually, we should be toasting... you know, we should be celebrating...
Clayton: Yeah, our grandson. (Sighs)
Jeffrey: How's Remy?
Clayton: He's hurting.
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Clayton: How's Ava?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, she's still in the hospital. She has that post-partum thing. And she doesn't know yet.
Clayton: Oh! Oh, man. I'm sorry.
Jeffrey: I don't know how you do it, this parenting thing, you know? Nobody told me about the part where you have to break your daughter's heart.
Clayton: You know, when Mel told me she was divorcing Rick, and it was over him cheating...
Jeffrey: How did you not kill him?
Clayton: Man, it took everything I had to not. But then I realized at that second that it wasn't about me. It was about her. It was about putting her needs first, man. Like, as soon as we as parents realize that, that we put our kids' needs first... you know, Ava’s going to be all right. She'll let you know when she's ready for the news. You'll know.
Jeffrey: Will you excuse me for a minute?
Clayton: Sure.
Jeffrey: Hello, Ava? Yeah, you're answering your phone. No, that's good. That's good. I've been leaving you messages, that's all. What? You want me to come and see you? No, that’s... that's great. I'll come soon, yeah. Now, listen, you get your rest, okay? Yeah. I love you.
No more sad songs tonight.
Mallet: Are you going to call your mom?
Dinah: No.
Mallet: You're not going to call Vanessa? Um... Matt? Blake?
Dinah: Are those my options?
Mallet: I'm here.
Dinah: Is Marina working?
Mallet: I don't know.
Dinah: She's going to get a great laugh out of this. Here's Dinah getting screwed over again by her brother-- not only screwed over, but arrested. Why don't you just cuff me, give everybody some joy?
Mallet: Okay, okay. First of all, Marina's not like that, and second of all, let's just not talk about it anymore.
Dinah: Why?
Mallet: Hey, Remy. I'm really sorry about everything.
Dinah: I'm so sorry.
Remy: It's okay. I just wanted to thank you for trying to help me and Max.
Dinah: Don't do anything crazy. Don't go after Bill, okay?
Remy: Why are you still trying to protect him?
Dinah: I am not trying to do that. I'm trying to protect you. When you moved into my house and I got to know you, you reminded me of myself. You work and you work, you do everything you're supposed to, and just when you think you're going to be happy, something happens. And it's like we're right there, we can't even touch what we need because it's out of reach.
Remy: No. No, I'm going to fix this. I'm going to... I'm going to fix this.
Dinah: The day after Tammy, you were so angry. You were hurt. And here we are, a year later. I think maybe we should just stop trying.
Remy: No, no, no. Not everyone gives up, not this time.
Mallet: Come on. I'll take you inside.
Bill: You know, I just want to say thank you, for coming back to get me.
Lizzie: No problem. Look, I know that you're hurting, but, this is as far as I go. I'm not going in that house.
Bill: Right. Right, right, right. Um, you know, also, I've been wanting to say that I am sorry.
Lizzie: For what?
Bill: A lot of things. But, I mean, when I first came back to town and I read your diary, and I was reading about your daughter, and I knew how vulnerable you were, and I used that to take advantage of you, and I just...
Lizzie: It's all in the past.
Bill: No, it's not. That's one thing I understand now, losing Max, you know? I'm not just... how could I hurt you like that?
Lizzie: You didn't know.
Bill: Well, it doesn't excuse the fact that I did it.
Lizzie: Hey.
Bill: And I'm sorry, okay? You don't deserve that.
Lizzie: You don't have to say anything else, Bill. Come on.
Olivia: Hi.
Jeffrey: Are you following me?
Olivia: No, I'm just kind of wandering around aimlessly.
Jeffrey: I figured maybe you went to, you know, go see Ava.
Olivia: I wanted to, but I just... I can’t. I spoke with Dinah. She thinks she wished this.
Jeffrey: She wished it?
Dinah: Yeah, she gave Remy some money and told him to take Max away. With all of the fighting between he and Bill, she thought it would solve things, you know? She told him to go to Ava.
Jeffrey: So what do we do now?
Olivia: I don't know. I just know that I need to calm down and do what's best for our daughter.
Reva: Excuse me? What are you doing?
Josh: Actually, I'm, uh... undoing.
Reva: Undoing?
Josh: Yes, I brought you flowers-- yellow roses, one for every year that we've been more or less together. But I've changed my mind. I just don't think the timing is right.
Reva: Well, that's good. Good, because... it's a shame you wasted all that money, but I'm glad that you're getting it, finally, that we're not getting back together.
Josh: Well, actually, I haven't given up on us. I'm just not going to do anything about it today. I ran into Jeffrey a little while ago, and he told me what happened with Ava’s baby. I'm sorry.
Reva: Yeah, it's been very hard for him. He's crushed, and he's worried about his daughter. I think he was really looking forward to the whole family thing, experiencing that.
Josh: I understand that. It's amazing, the family thing. I should go.
Reva: Actually, um... since you're here...
Josh: You want to call Marah and Shayne?
Reva: Yeah, I do.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: Okay. Argh! I can't believe none of Shayne’s numbers are working!
Josh: It happens.
Reva: Yeah, well, it happens too much.
Josh: I'll e-mail him, get his new number.
Reva: Voicemail. Marah! Sweetie, hi, honey. It's your mom.
Josh: And your dad, too. I'm here. We just wanted to call and say hi.
Reva: Yeah, we want you to know that we're thinking about you.
Josh: We're always thinking about you, sweetheart, and your brother.
Reva: Yeah. You want to do us a favor and call one of us sometime when you get a chance?
Josh: (Laughing) We love you!
Reva: We love you!
Bill: Um... thank you, for today.
Lizzie: You're welcome.
Bill: I think I'm going to be okay, so...
Lizzie: Yeah, I'm sure you'll be back to your bad-ass self soon.
Bill: Yeah.
Lizzie: You want me to fix you a drink?
Bill: No. I just want to be Max’s father, you know? That’s...
Lizzie: I know. Come on. Come on. Sit. Sit. Lie down. (Sighs)
Bill: Lizzie? Will you stay? Just for a little while?
Lizzie: Sure.
Jeffrey: How old do you think those kids are over there?
Olivia: Um, four or five. Probably getting ready to start kindergarten.
Jeffrey: Four or five?
Olivia: Yeah.
Jeffrey: See, I was going to say seven or eight. You're much better at that than I am.
Olivia: It's because I have Emma, so...
Jeffrey: I was really looking forward to...
Olivia: Seeing everything we missed with Ava?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Olivia: Me, too. I'm just really glad that you've been here for everything. What?
Jeffrey: Don't get mad, but...
Olivia: Oh, what did you do?
Jeffrey: I called... I called her. I called Ava.
Olivia: Did you tell her?
Jeffrey: No. No. I couldn’t. I think that should be done in person, don't you?
Olivia: How did she sound?
Jeffrey: Tired.
Olivia: I'm really worried about her.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? We're just going to have to do everything that we can, okay, to help her through this together. All right?
Olivia: Yeah. I made a copy of this for you. I figured you wouldn't have one.
Jeffrey: (Sighs) What are we going to... how are we going to tell her about Max? I don't know how to do that.
Olivia: I don't either.
Nurse: Are you a friend of Mrs. Lewis?
Remy: Yeah. There's something I need to tell her.
Nurse: Did you clear this with her doctor?
Remy: Yeah, I spent a half an hour with him. "Sooner than later," that's what he said, so I'm going to talk to her.
Nurse: Are you sure you're okay?
Remy: It's not about me. It's about Ava. She comes first.
Nurse: She's very lucky to have someone who cares so much.
Remy: (Sighs deeply) Hi, Ava.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Vanessa: He's not that vindictive.
Dinah: Mom, he is hurting everyone he can, including himself, which is why I have to get to him.
Bill: Remy Boudreau is not the father. He has no right to this child.
Lizzie: Bill, let's go. You have to let go of the anger, that need to hit back. We've got to find something else.
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