GL Transcript Monday 8/4/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/4/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Bill: I'm always going to be there for you. Because I'm your father.

Olivia: What are you doing here?

Bill: My name is on the birth certificate.

Olivia: Just because your name is on the birth certificate doesn't make you a father. I swear to you, you will not walk out of this hospital with this baby.

Bill: I need to get back to my son.

Remy: How is he doing?

Bill: You got to hold him first.

Dinah: He has completely lost his mind.

Remy: So what are we going to do about that?

I think you're so overrated I saw you out dancing around

shakin' and clappin' your hands

if it's useful, you'll use it in time

hope that it comes back again waitin' around for your friends

tellin' them you're buying just to see if they might be around

Jeffrey: Hey, what are you doing?

Reva: Oh, I'm sorry!

Jeffrey: No, it's my fault. I'm sorry.

Reva: Oh, no. We'll call it a happy accident. How's that?

Jeffrey: Did you hurt your ankle?

Reva: Ah, no, my ankle is fine. It's just ... it's a new look I'm trying out. We'll call it the Quasimodo. You know, try it walking down the aisle ... what do you think? (Laughing)

Jeffrey: You think it's funny?

Reva: Yeah. Yeah, it was supposed to be. It's a joke. Something wrong?

Jeffrey: Me? No, it's just these cases, you know, seems endless.

Reva: It always does when someone you love isn't feeling well.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Reva: So that's it, right? It's just Ava and the baby?

Jeffrey: Well, yeah. I mean, it's a lot.

Reva: Uh-huh.

Jeffrey: Listen, I'm going to go for a walk, okay?

Reva: Well, why don't I change my shoes and come with you?

Jeffrey: Um... that's okay. You know, Olivia and I have been exchanging messages. I think she talked to Ava. I won't be long, okay? Quasimodo.

Reva: Uh-huh. Glad you like it.

Now your soul is clear to me and you're 33 going on 15

la da da da

Frank: You must be really, really tired. Why don't you sit?

Natalia: No, no sitting. I've been sitting for hours. That flight was really long. I went all the way to California so that Alan could help me find Rafe and he wasn't even there. How crazy am I?

Frank: Oh, boy, well... I certainly know that flight. That's for sure.

Natalia: Oh, yeah?

Frank: Yeah. Um... well, Marina lived in L.A. for a few years. And, well, I made that flight about, sometimes twice a month.

Natalia: Wow. That's expensive.

Frank: Tell me about it. But you know what? She's my daughter. I'd do anything for her. As a matter of fact, that's all I would do. I'd go. I'd visit. And I'd buy her Thanksgiving dinner.

Natalia: Twice a month?

Frank: Twice a month, absolutely. It's her favorite food. It still is. We'd go to a diner and I would buy her turkey and some cranberry, some stuffing. She loved it, you know? Kids like traditions. What we do for our children.

Remy: So there's different kinds? You know what? It doesn't matter. I bought them all, just in case.

Mel: Diapers?

Remy: Yeah, well... he's so small. I just hope they fit him.

Mel: Well, sweetie, you don't have to worry about any of that stuff until he gets released from the hospital.

Remy: I'm just being prepared.

Mel: Okay. Well, I'll go shopping with you this weekend. How does that sound? Right now, I've got to get back to work.

Remy: Hey, just one minute. I need a referral for a good doctor, a pediatrician.

Mel: Okay, I'll make a list.

Remy: In Chicago.

Mel: What? I don't understand.

Remy: I'm going, Mel. When the baby is released, I'm taking him to Chicago for a life with Ava.

Mel: Remy, it's not that simple.

Remy: We're going. We belong together, and nothing can tear us apart.

Bill: Yup, that's right. Okay, thank you.

Lizzie: Here. Careful, it's hot.

Bill: Oh, no, I'm good. Thank you very much.

Lizzie: Come on. You look awful.

Bill: Oh, no, I'm wired enough.

Lizzie: It's decaf. Take it, please. Take it. To help you relax.

Bill: I am relaxed ...

Lizzie: How did you get hurt?

Bill: That? That... I don't know. That's how drunk I was.

Lizzie: Wow!

Bill: It's stupid. I know. I know. I know. But, look, why are you here? Why did you come back?

Lizzie: You know, I have my car. Why don't we get out of here?

Bill: You know, I, um... I could lose Max.

Lizzie: He wasn't yours to lose.

Bill: Wow! He's got her totally snowed, so ...

Lizzie: Remy?

Bill: I hope not. Yeah, yeah. That's the reason she went away. And she wants to give him access to Max.

Lizzie: Of course she does. Are you surprised?

Bill: Surprised? I don't know. It's just... I'm going to get cut out. That's what's going to happen. She's going to come back. They're going to be together. She's going to have full custody, and then that's it. That's it. I mean...

Lizzie: I'm sorry.

Bill: It's just, you know, for so long I was thinking ... believing ... you know.

Lizzie: I do. I know.

Bill: How do you give it up? How do you walk away after you spend so much time and love. You're just supposed to walk away? How do you do that?

Lizzie: You don’t.

Some people are born to be proud of your home

I was born dreamin'

Reva: Uh-oh. Is that Olivia?

Jeffrey: Another message. We'll make contact eventually.

Reva: Can you wait for eventually?

Jeffrey: I just want to get her take on what's going on with Ava.

Reva: Are you sure that's all it is?

Jeffrey: Well, that's enough, isn't it?

Reva: Well, it would be for me, but then I don't have all of those cases to wade through...on the table.

Jeffrey: It's a mountain.

Reva: Yeah. How about a back rub?

Jeffrey: (Sighs) Mmm.

Reva: Does that feel better?

Jeffrey: Oh my gosh, you have no idea.

Reva: Yeah, I know. You look like you needed it.

Jeffrey: You know, things just pile up.

Reva: Yeah. Ava and the baby ...

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Reva: The job ...

Jeffrey: Always.

Reva: Marrying me ...

Jeffrey: Ow!

Reva: I wouldn't have even noticed those brochures on the table, had I not been walking right by the dining room table!

Jeffrey: Don't read too much into it, okay?

Reva: Okay. Okay.

Jeffrey: I'm serious. It's just ...

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: Well, I came home, and there was a package waiting. And I was expecting something from work. The next thing I know, I'm knee-deep in brochures.

Reva: They're from Shelley.

Jeffrey: Who is Shelley?

Reva: Shelley, my friend Shelley. She is trying to start her own business as a wedding planner, so I told her to just send over some stuff.

Jeffrey: Well, she sent over some stuff all right. It's ...

Reva: It's not like I was going to waste a lot of time wading through all that stuff. I was trying to be polite.

Jeffrey: Polite?

Reva: Yes, polite. I wasn't doing it to stress you out.

Jeffrey: I'm not stressed out. Really, I'm not. I just ...

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: Reva, with everything that's going on right now, it's just ...

Reva: I know, it seems silly.

Jeffrey: I didn't say that. Maybe, you know ...

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: Well... it didn't seem like us. And "us" is pretty important to me right now. Keeping what works for us, working.

Reva: It's important to me, too.

Jeffrey: You know, all of this, destination weddings, innovative catering, ballrooms that seat 200 people. The only two people I really care about being there is you and me.

Reva: You and me.

Jeffrey: Those are the magic words.

Reva: Yes, they are. (Laughing)

Jeffrey: What?

Reva: Come on. Get your coat.

Jeffrey: Where are we going?

Reva: Come on. Come on!

Frank: M'mm.

Natalia: Thanks for keeping me company.

Frank: Are you kidding me? If it wasn't for you, I'd be playing solitaire.

Natalia: I feel silly. I made that trip to California. I don't even want to go back to work or go to the boardinghouse and have to answer questions, you know?

Frank: I promise you. You're not going to have to answer any questions, but you are going to stuck playing rummy with me here. But, just for the record... there's absolutely nothing wrong with taking a risk to find someone you love.

Natalia: I bought him a t-shirt.

Frank: You did? Rafe? That's nice.

Natalia: At the airport gift shop. We always used to talk about going on a trip to California, you know, like a road trip.

Frank: Uh-huh.

Natalia: Where we would go to the theme parks and check out Hollywood.

Frank: In your car?

Natalia: Yeah.

Frank: Your car can't even make it across state lines.

Natalia: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Who knows. By the time he gets home, maybe I'll have a new car, or a new used car.

Frank: Maybe I can help you out with that.

Natalia: That would be sweet. Thank you, Frank. Isn't it amazing? You always make your plans based on what they're doing...the kids. I really don't remember what my life was like before I had my son.

Frank: Yeah.

Lizzie: That's fine. You don't have to do this ...

Bill: You'll see what I'm talking about.

Lizzie: I'm sure he's a beautiful baby.

Bill: Lizzie, you'll see ...

Lizzie: I do see, okay? I've seen for a long time now how much Max means to you. I get it. Look, what I'm trying to say is that you don't have to prove anything to me, okay? I know how much this baby means to you. I know that better than anyone else.

Bill: You know, I just have to buy a little time.

Lizzie: And what will that get you?

Bill: My son. It's not like I don't have resources, you know?

Lizzie: Right. No, you do. Which will make up for what you're lacking, which is D.N.A.

Bill: Okay, now why are you doing this? Because you say that you get it, and then say things like that.

Lizzie: Because you are ... you're setting yourself up for a huge fall, and it will hurt. You need to stop this. Please, Bill, stop. Stop this.

Bill: All right. All right, all right. Listen to me. I hear you. I really do. I'm not saying that it's going to be easy, but look at your family, right? I mean, Alan, he took in Phillip, right? Loved him like he was his own son ...

Lizzie: Do you think that that's a healthy example?

Bill: Are you saying that I cannot pull this off?

Lizzie: Yes, that's what I'm saying.

Doctor: Mr. Lewis, I need to talk to you. About Max.

Bill: So what is wrong with my son?

Doctor: He's in distress. He's got a fever, and he's having trouble breathing.

Bill: Well, wait a minute. I just saw him, and he was fine.

Doctor: Things change pretty quickly at this stage of the game.

Bill: This is not a game. This is my kid's life we're talking about.

Doctor: I'm sorry.

Olivia: What's going on?

Lizzie: There's something wrong with Max. They're in there.

Bill: I'll fill you in, Olivia, but can you please just go in there and fix it?

Doctor: We'll do everything we can.

Olivia: Oh, my God!

Bill: He'll be fine. He's gonna be fine.

(Cell phone rings)

Remy: Mel, you're not changing my mind.

Mel: Rem, it's the baby. You have to come to the hospital now.

Jeffrey: Okay, I get it.

Reva: You do?

Jeffrey: Yeah. You want me to take out my frustrations on some inanimate objects. And you know...get physical. It's a little cliché, but I like it.

Reva: Really?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Reva: Well, I guarantee you in the years to come, that word, "cliché," will be the last word that comes to mind when you remember this day.

Jeffrey: What am I going to remember about playing mini golf?

Reva: Actually, it's what you did here. You got married.

Jeffrey: Are you serious?

Reva: Yes, of course I'm serious. You see over there ... hello! Hi! That's Reverend Matthews. And he would be happy to marry us as soon as he's done with his game. So what do you say? Do you want to take a few practice swings while we're waiting, huh?

Jeffrey: Wait a minute. I don't get it. How did you know he would even be here?

Reva: Because it's Monday. They're the Holy Rollers. On Monday, they play miniature golf. And on Tuesday they bowl. Wednesday, they play bridge.

Jeffrey: The Holy Rollers?

Reva: (Laughing) Yeah. Father Cahill. You know Father Cahill, and Rabbi Freedmond is around here somewhere, I'm sure. (Laughing)

Jeffrey: You really want to do this?

Reva: You want this to be about us, right? Well, I want that, too. I don't need row boats and carriages and lovebirds being freed on cue when we say our vows. I just need you.

Jeffrey: Yeah, and a windmill and a sand trap.

Reva: Kind of a metaphor for marriage, don't you think?

Jeffrey: Well, you would know better than me ... a lot better.

Reva: Ava's going to be okay. She's going to get through this, and she's going to come back to that little baby.

Jeffrey: I know.

Reva: So you should have some fun, right? Live a little? Are we going to do this?

Jeffrey: What the hell!

Reva: (Laughing)

Jeffrey: What the hell!

Reva: (Laughing)

Bill: I can't stand this. I just want to help him. I just feel helpless.

Lizzie: I know.

Olivia: Come on, Jeffrey, where are you?

Lizzie: Are you going to call Ava?

Olivia: No, I can’t. She can't handle this. We have to call Remy...

Bill: We don't have to call Remy ...

Olivia: Bill, yes, we do.

Bill: No, you don’t.

Remy: Mel called me. Is he okay?

Olivia: We don't know anything yet, but they're doing every they can.

Lizzie: Just sit ...

Remy: If he's okay, I'm okay.

Lizzie: Remy, they don't know.

Olivia: What can you tell us?

Mel: It's serious. They have an excellent neonatal I.C.U.

Bill: I don't get it. He was fine. He was fine. Max was fine.

Remy: But he came early. Ava was under stress.

Bill: Yeah, she was under stress. And she was supposed to be off her feet, but you kept coming around...

Remy: You're trying to blame this on me ...

Lizzie: Hey, hey. Stop!

Bill: If something does happen though, I'm gonna tell you something...

Lizzie: Ok. Ok. Sit. Sit!

Reva: Hey, how do you like them apples?

Jeffrey: Over here!

Reva: What are you doing? We're playing a game.

Jeffrey: Come here. Tah-da! Tada!

Reva: Where did you get those?

Jeffrey: A bride has to have flowers.

Reva: Oh, I have no one to toss them to.

Jeffrey: Well, the guy behind the counter looks pretty lonely.

Reva: Oh, they're beautiful. (Cell phone rings)

Jeffrey: I've got to get this.

Reva: Okay.

Jeffrey: Oh, I've got to take this. Yeah.

Olivia: Hey, it's me.

Jeffrey: I've been trying to get a hold of you.

Olivia: You need to get down here.

Jeffrey: Where?

Olivia: I'm at the hospital.

Jeffrey: Are you all right?

Olivia: No, it's not me. It's Max.

Jeffrey: Tell me.

Olivia: You just come down here. I'm sure that everything is going to be fine, but it's just going to be a little better if you're here. So just... I have to go.

Jeffrey: That was Olivia.

Reva: I didn't hear you ask her to come and join us.

Jeffrey: Listen, I ...

Reva: It's okay.

Jeffrey: What?

Reva: Whatever it is, it's okay. We can do this any time ... any time!

Jeffrey: It's Max.

Reva: Let's go.

Jeffrey: What about Reverend Matthews?

Reva: Obviously, he's never heard about the power of prayer. Come on.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Olivia: He better be okay.

Remy: I want to talk to Ava.

Olivia: You can’t.

Remy: He was okay before. He was perfect. I was getting everything ready. I was going to take him to Chicago, and start a life with Ava.

Olivia: You were going to run?

Remy: You're damn straight I was going to run. I was just doing what you told me to do.

Olivia: What?

Remy: You wanted Bill away from your grandson. That's what you said. I just wanted Ava to see him as soon as he was released. And I know she's sick, and you're not supposed to, but... if she got to hold him like I did this morning, I know she'd be okay.

Olivia: Your sister ... she's good, right?

Remy: What?

Olivia: Your sister, she's a good doctor. She's going to figure out how to help Max. I'm not worried. You shouldn't be either.

Bill: How long does it take?

Lizzie: It hasn't been that long.

Bill: It's been long enough.

Lizzie: You want to know about long? Let me tell you about long. Long is my flight here from Los Angeles. That was long. Back of the plane, right next to the bathroom, middle seat.

Bill: You flew coach?

Lizzie: I took whatever flight I could get. And the only thing I could get was the back of the plane, next to the bathroom ...

Bill: I got it.

Lizzie: Oh, no, I'm not done because it gets better. The fine gentleman next to me, he packed his lunch.

Bill: Yeah, I know, they all do that nowadays.

Lizzie: He had a nice, big, meatball sub, onions, peppers it was great.

Bill: Did you sit next to my dad?

Lizzie: This guy makes your dad look like a dwarf. Let's go get some fresh air. We'll tell the nurse where we are.

Bill: So you, um, really put up with all of that to come back here?

Lizzie: Come on. Come on.

Frank: Yeah, um, thanks for filling me in, honey. I appreciate it. You let me know if there is anything I can do. All right. I love you.

Natalia: Marina?

Frank: Yeah. Yeah. Um... Ava Lewis had her baby.

Natalia: Oh, really? Already?

Frank: Yeah, I know. Tell me about it. Unfortunately, the baby is in neonatal I.C.U. right now. But Olivia is there and they're all at the hospital. That poor kid is going to have a tough time of it, you know. Well, they said to be optimistic, so ...

Natalia: I hate that word. I'm going to go to church. I'm going to pray for her son.

Bill: So... when are you going back?

Lizzie: I'll go back when I go back, I guess. Soon, though.

Bill: Don't put yourself out on my account, you know?

Lizzie: You said you wanted me to meet Max, so I will at least stay to meet Max. You are terrible at this game.

Bill: Can you believe I was All State?

Lizzie: Ah, no. No, I would not believe that at all. You know, I never really got this game.

Bill: What's not to get?

Lizzie: You run to one end and you score, and then run back to the other end and then you score, and then you run back to the other end and then you score, and you just keep doing that until the timer goes out, and then whew! Exciting!

Bill: Yeah, that sums it up right there. That's it.

Lizzie: I didn't think you were into it.

Bill: Play a little horse?

Lizzie: Horse? Horse? I think my dad and my uncle use to play that, but I did not pay attention, so I have no idea how to play it.

Bill: Well, it's easy enough. I'm going to take a shot.

Lizzie: Okay.

Bill: If I make it, you have to do the same thing. If you miss, you get a letter.

Lizzie: Okay.

Bill: The first one to spell out horse loses.

Lizzie: So why is it horse?

Bill: That's what it's called.

Lizzie: So it could just be any word?

Bill: Mmm, that's what it's called.

Lizzie: So you could call it gold or diamond?

Bill: No, you can’t.

Lizzie: You can’t. What about Max?

Bill: We can do Max.

Lizzie: Give me the ball.

Bill: I don't know if you want to shoot from there, but...

Lizzie: You think I won't make it?

Bill: (Laughing) Okay.

Lizzie: All right. I really like this game. You do the same shot, right?

Bill: Yeah.

Lizzie: Okay.

Bill: Beginner's luck.

Lizzie: Miss it. Miss it. Miss it! Um, it's a good game. I like this game.

Bill: Um... you know... I never said thank you for coming out here.

Lizzie: Well, honestly, beating you is really just reward enough.

Bill: Seriously, Lizzie, thank you.

Lizzie: You're welcome. I am going back, though, you know, once everything gets worked out.

Bill: But he's my son, you know.

Lizzie: Bill, you haven't listened to anything I've said.

Bill: Yeah, I have.

Some day soon some day soon

most days I feel like I might be the only one

we've all got our plans make out the best that we can

Olivia: Oh, good.

Jeffrey: What do you know?

Olivia: Nothing yet.

Reva: Can I get you something? Maybe a coffee?

Olivia: No. No, no thank you.

Reva: Well, you know what? We should sit.

Olivia: No, I'm okay.

Reva: Are you sure?

Olivia: Yeah, I just need to...

Bill: Where's Mel?

Olivia: She's with the baby.

Lizzie: Well, they just told us to come inside.

Olivia: Why? What doctor? I didn't see a doctor?

Bill: The doctor said to come in here and wait.

Mel: Where's Remy?

Bill: He's not here. What is it?

Mel: I need to find Remy.

Bill: Mel, what's going on?

Mel: I need Remy.

Bill: He's not here. I'm here. If there's something, you've got to tell me. Just, please, tell me now.

Mel: Lizzie, I need you to help me find my brother.

Lizzie: I don't know where he is.

Bill: What ... is there a specialist? Do you need to see a specialist?

Mel: Jeffrey, please, can you help me find my brother?

Bill: What's going on?

Olivia: Okay, just ... just calm down. Just tell us what's going on.

Mel: He had such low resistance to infection. It was just too much for him.

Olivia: Please, God...

Mel: He's gone.

Bill: What do you mean he's gone?

Mel: I'm sorry. I have to find my brother. (Music playing)

when I reach for you, baby, you know I do

and I reach for you, baby, you know

I do in a world of hellos and

good-byes fast trains and wandering eyes

somedays I will run to tell you inside

and I reach for you, baby, you know

I do

and I reach for you, baby, you know

I do

Lizzie: Hey, hey, what can I do? Can I do anything?

Bill: Nothing. There's nothing that ...

Lizzie: Let's talk. Let's talk, okay? It helps to talk, okay?

Bill: Everybody says that, right?

Lizzie: It helps. I know that for a fact.

Bill: I know it doesn't make any sense.

Lizzie: What?

Bill: Me, Max, that I even care, but I love him.

Lizzie: I know it. You know, you just do. Sometimes feelings don't always make sense. Sometimes they just are.

I'll just wait here and I'll let you decide

it's not too late for you to change my mind

Mel: What are you doing?

Remy: I had a picture, before it's gone.

Mel: Of Max? Okay, we'll find it.

Remy: I was going to give it to Ava. She doesn't even know. She has no idea her baby is gone.

Mel: Okay. One step at a time. What?

Remy: I bought all those diapers. All those diapers ... I bought a bunch of stuff. I bought him some toys ... some clothes... I was going to be a good father. When I held him today...

Mel: Yeah?

Remy: He looked at me. He looked at me, Mel. I swear. I swear he knew who I was.

Reva: I'm sorry.

Jeffrey: Sorry?

Reva: For dragging you away to miniature golf. You needed to find Olivia, and you two of you needed to be here.

Jeffrey: No, no. Don’t.

Reva: What can I do?

Jeffrey: There's nothing to do. I'm used to always being able to do something, but that’s...

Olivia: I'll sue you! I'll sue this entire hospital! Because of you, he's dead! Okay! Something went wrong! No, something went wrong!

Jeffrey: It's okay. It's okay.

Olivia: No, it's not okay!

Jeffrey: Don't get worked up.

Olivia: Well, somebody has to!

Jeffrey: Your heart, Olivia. Your heart ... think about your heart. Come on, just breathe. Breathe.

And cut down to size don't they realize

Lizzie: Hey, want to give me those keys?

Bill: No. I'll ... I'll keep them. I'll hold onto them. They're fine.

Lizzie: Oh, come on. Just give them to me.

Bill: No. It's good. Lizzie, really. In fact, you can ... you can go back to L.A. now because I really don't need someone to talk to...

Lizzie: You know the thing is is my car.

Bill: I know.

Lizzie: And I don't want to see it get wrecked.

Bill: It's a car, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Yeah, but that's not my point.

Bill: It's a car I'll get you a new one. I've got a lot of money. I've got a lot of money, so I can get you a new one.

Lizzie: I know that, Bill.

Bill: Is that what you're worried about, a car? You can't watch a car grow up. You can't have a car love you back. You can’t... he is my son, you know. He's my son. You're worried about a car.

Lizzie: I'm worried about you. Look. Fine. You know what, you want to take the car? Take the car. I know I can't talk you out of anything, so take it. Crash it. Smash it into a wall. You can drive it off a cliff. Do whatever you want. But you're going to do it... with me sitting right here. I'm not going anywhere.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Remy: Is that why you're here, Dad, to tell me how lousy I would have been ...

Clayton: Do you really think that's why ...

Remy: Get the hell out of here. Leave me alone. I don't need you.

Clayton: You don't need your family? Why don't you call your mom ...

Remy: Get out of my face.

Clayton: You want to fight me? Huh?

Lizzie: This is the company that we used for Sarah’s memorial.

Remy: There's something else I have to do first.

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