Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/1/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Dinah: Bill is in a very bad place right now. He has just thrown out Olivia and Ava’s stuff-- out of the house-- and he's also saying that he is not going to allow Ava or Remy near Max. And you're the only person right now I can think of who is going to be able to get through to him. Bill needs you. Please come home.
Remy: I put in a request for an apartment with a separate bedroom.
Mel: They have suits here?
Remy: (Laughing) Okay. All right. It's not a permanent solution, but it will be better, right?
Mel: Better for what?
Remy: For him. For him to stay, to... to sleep. I don't know.
Mel: You think the baby is going to come stay with you?
Remy: Okay, Jeffrey is the legal guardian while Ava is away, but I'm making progress. I mean, it's just wild. When I look at him, I never thought I would feel this way about something. It's like I want to jump up and down and out the window at the same time.
Mel: (Laughing) You're a new dad! Oh, my gosh.
Remy: He's just so little. I don't want to hurt him-- I won't hurt him.
Mel: No. Of course not.
Remy: I just want to do things right-- I will do things right. With or without Ava, I've got a kid counting on me. I'm not letting him down.
Mel: It's a big responsibility, Rem!
Remy: Bring on!
Mel: Oh! Is that clean?
Remy: (Laughs) It's about time, right?
Mel: Yeah.
Mallet: Bill? Bill.
Bill: Hm?
Mallet: Bill, what the hell are you doing? Come on, get up. Come on, man, get up. I think you had a little too much to drink there. Maybe you need to walk it off a little bit?
Bill: No. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good.
Mallet: Have you got a little death wish or something?
Bill: What are you talking about? I really don’t...
Mallet: Whoa, watch out, man. You've got to...
Bill: I'm just taking a little break from reality.
Mallet: Yeah, well, why don't you stand up. You've got a nasty cut on your head. Come on, man.
Bill: What?
Mallet: You've got a cut on your head. Come on, get up! Let's walk this off. I've got a first-aid kit in my car.
Bill: Fine. Guess I... guess I do, don't I? Yeah, I'm good.
Mallet: No, no, no, no, no. Come on. We're going to my car. Come on.
Bill: I'm good.
Mallet: It's no life here, Bill. This isn't the way you should go.
Dinah: Lizzie, please hear me out. Bill needs you.
Lizzie: This isn't my problem anymore.
Dinah: He's lost everything, Lizzie.
Lizzie: And I feel bad about that, but I'm not even in his life anymore.
Dinah: I know you still love him.
Lizzie: Of course I still love him. I moved across the damn country to get away from him.
Dinah: Then you love him enough to come back and save him.
Lizzie: Okay, could you just please don't guilt-trip me?
Dinah: I'm just trying to be realistic here. Lizzie, he’s... he's hurting. I have never seen him hurt so much before. I'm worried for him.
Lizzie: I can't do this. Okay? I can't!
Dinah: Maybe you think you can't, but if you do not help him now, I'm telling you, you are going to regret this for the rest of your life.
Lizzie: Dinah, I am sorry, but I have to choose myself this time. Good luck with everything.
No, you don't mean it now...
Emma: Hi, Mom!
Olivia: Hey, jelly bean.
Emma: Are you okay?
Olivia: Me? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Fine. I was just thinking how great it is to be back here, you know, just the two of us. Because it's fun living in a hotel. It's like being Eloise. So are you okay?
Emma: I miss Hilda.
Olivia: I miss her, too. But you know what? Maybe she'll come visit.
Emma: I miss Ava, too, and I want to see the baby.
Olivia: Ava will come back, um, when she's able to, and we'll see the baby. You know what? I'm hungry. Would you run down to the front desk and just grab a couple of those cookies out of Amy’s drawer?
Emma: Okay.
Olivia: Come here. I love you.
Remy: Well, this place Ava’s at...
Mel: Oh, I checked it out. It's an excellent facility. She's receiving really good care. Look, Jeffrey was right to take her there when he did. Some people with post-partum depression, they just-- they ignore the symptoms, and it can be really bad for the mother and the baby.
Remy: Um, but she'll get over it, right? Like, once the chemicals are balanced, she'll be able to come home and be a mother to her kid, maybe even be with me, right?
Mel: It might not happen overnight.
Remy: Well, how long are we talking?
Mel: (Sighs) Rem, I want to tell you that everything is going to be okay, but I can’t. But seeing you like this, I have to believe there is a happy ending in it there somewhere.
Remy: I actually believe that, coming from you.
Mel: Well, you deserve it! I'm going to be there for you any way I can, doctor, lawyer, you name it.
Remy: I think mostly I need my sister right now.
Mel: Okay. I can do that, too, babe. Listen, do you want to grab a bite later? I have to go to the courthouse now, but I'll be back in a couple of hours.
Remy: Okay. Okay. I'll probably be at the hospital...
Mel: Staring at the baby...
Remy: Right. (Laughs)
Mel: Hey, will you behave yourself, please? Stay out of Bill's way, and let Jeffrey do his thing.
Remy: I will behave. I have a kid I've got to set an example for.
Mel: That's right, babe. All right. See you later.
Bill: Ah, this is great service you've got here. Do I get a free meal, too?
Mallet: Well, we could get you some stitches. Maybe we could get you a prostate exam.
Bill: Ah, I think I'm going to leave now.
Mallet: Bill, you're not leaving. Stay here. You know, I could get you on drunk and disorderly.
Bill: Please... I'm not that drunk.
Mallet: You're not that orderly.
Bill: Ha-ha-ha.
Mallet: Excuse me, ma'am? Can we get somebody to check him out?
Nurse: Certainly, Officer. I'll be with you right away.
Mallet: Thank you.
Bill: Why do you even bother with me? Hm?
Mallet: I don't know. That's a good question. I didn't want you to vomit on your suit.
Bill: I've got ten suits just like it. I can buy ten more. Buy you ten more. Give you some style so when you try to pick up my sister, Dinah, and keep Springfield safe, you at least don't look like a gym teacher run amuck.
Mallet: Are you through, Bill?
Bill: Just getting started.
Mallet: Didn't you just have a kid, man? Aren't you a father now? Shouldn't you be getting your act together, instead of being such a mess?
Lizzie: What? No, I just told Dinah that Bill is not my problem anymore, so don't look at me like that. (Sighs) You don't believe me? You think I am so weak, I'm just going to rush off to L.A.X. and jump on a plane back home? Ahhh, I am so mad at him! I like it here! I like shopping on Rodeo Drive, and I love the weather. This is not fair! I'm not going. Okay? No, we're not going. I have worked way too hard to build a little life for us-- I'm not letting Bill ruin it again! And if he is in a bad way, then he is just going to have to pull himself out of it all by himself. Hi! What are you doing here?
Natalia: Um, Alan... is Alan here?
Lizzie: No. You just missed him. He just went back to Springfield.
Natalia: What?
Lizzie: Oh, no.
Natalia: I thought he said...
Lizzie: No, please don't tell me that he told you to come here because of one of his visions.
Natalia: It was about Rafe.
Lizzie: Oh! I am sorry. Do you want to sit?
Natalia: No, thanks. I can't believe that he's not even here.
Lizzie: You want to know what I did yesterday? I went looking for my daughter... because of a tip I got from my grandfather-- from Gus, and you believe him-- and it was a dead end. Actually, it was worse than a dead end because it made me believe I was going to see Sarah again. But it wasn't real, so...
Natalia: Sorry. That must have been terrible for you.
Lizzie: It was. And I don't want you to go through the same thing.
Natalia: Well, I have to. I mean, if it means helping my son, and...
Lizzie: But... but it doesn’t. It won't do anything. These visions aren't real. I think my granddad got lucky once or twice, but that was it.
Natalia: You don't know that.
Lizzie: I know, but you don't know that, either.
Natalia: No, I don’t. But that's-- that's not how faith works. You know, if there is a chance, if there is a way that I can help my son, you know, any possibility-- I mean, you would, too, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you do everything in your power to help the person that you love?
Bill: Hey, Max. Hey, son. God, I've been waiting so long to meet you. I can't believe you're finally here. I've got a lot... a lot of plans for us. Baseball games! (Laughs) Baseball games and riding bikes, finding snakes, tying ties... I'm always going to be there for you, no matter what. Max, I'm your father. I'm your father. And I want you to know that I love you, and I'll always be there for you. And, um, I'm going to be someone you can count on. And I just want to say thank you. (Laughs) I love you.
(Knock on the door)
Dinah: Hey.
Remy: Hey.
Dinah: How you holding up?
Remy: Um, nervous. Excited, scared, happy, and crazy. Thanks for asking.
Dinah: Hey, you're my friend. You're a good man. I'm sorry that this whole thing has just been complicated.
Remy: Yeah, it has been...
Dinah: Ah, that might be a problem. You know Jeffrey put a guard in front of the I.C.U. to keep you and Bill away.
Remy: He changed his mind.
Dinah: Good.
Remy: I take it Bill doesn't know you're here.
Dinah: No. No, Bill is going through a lot. And he... you know what? He's not helping things with this baby... it's not healthy. And I think he's throwing a lot away, quite honestly.
Remy: He's not going to listen to you, and he's not letting go either.
Nurse: Mr. Lewis?
Bill: Yes.
Nurse: I'm glad you're still here. I tried to find Mr. O’Neill, but he, uh... he wasn't available...
Bill: No, that's okay. Tell me. Is everything okay? Is everything okay with Max?
Nurse: The doctor is ready to take Max out of his incubator.
Bill: You mean I can... I can hold my boy?
Nurse: Yeah!
Bill: (Laughing)
Cutting me down to size
straight line I couldn't take
the way I breathe...
Bill: How is he doing?
Remy: He's great, he's perfect. I... I don't know.
Bill: You got to hold him first.
Remy: Listen, man, I don't know how to do any of this.
Bill: I'll go see him.
Remy: I'll go call Ava.
Bill: Yeah.
(Cell phone rings)
Dinah: Hello?
Mallet: Hey.
Dinah: Hey. Why are you... what's going on? Is everything okay?
Mallet: Yeah. I just wanted to call you and let you know that, um... I found Bill in the park a little while ago, drunk, on a bench.
Dinah: Oh, God.
Mallet: He's fine. He had a little cut on his head, and he doesn't remember how he got it.
Dinah: I was worried that something like this was going to happen.
Mallet: I just wanted to call you in case he hadn't, and to let you know that he is in the hospital right now.
Dinah: Thank you. I mean it.
Mallet: Well, you know... I'm just doing my job-- that's what I do. Remember, you know, I deal with non-crimes and petty theft, and, you know, I deal with guys who cut in the line in front of little old ladies at the bank-- that's what I do.
Dinah: Do you still like it?
Mallet: Yeah-- yes, I do.
Dinah: Good. I get it. Listen, I better go check on Bill.
Mallet: Okay, you go see Bill. But, uh... you know, be careful; he's in quite a state.
Dinah: Yeah. I'm sure I'll see you around?
Mallet: Okay. All right. I'll, um... I'll see you later.
Remy: Hey, Mallet!
Mallet: Hey. How's it going?
Remy: Got a minute?
Mallet: Yeah. What's going on?
Remy: You still have connections in Chicago, the C.P.D. and the Department of Corrections...
Mallet: Yeah, some. Why?
Remy: Well, I'm thinking about being a cop again.
Mallet: What?
Remy: Uh-huh.
Mallet: Yeah, but didn't you tell me you didn't want to be a cop again?
Remy: Yeah, yeah, I know what I said, but, um... things are different. I'm a father.
Mallet: What?
Remy: Yup.
Mallet: You're a father? Come on!
Remy: Yeah. Ava's son, Max... he's my kid.
Mallet: Ahh, that's not Bill's kid?
Remy: Uh-uh. I guess you don't read the gossip, do you? (Laughs)
Mallet: Uh, no, not that much.
Remy: I just want to do right by him, you know. I don't want to screw things up. I just want good things for Max and Ava, you know?
Mallet: Yeah, no, I totally understand. Well, if you're serious, you know, I'll check it out.
Remy: I am. I am. Have you seen him? Dude, you should see him. He’s... his eyes... I'm sorry. I'm becoming one of those guys. Wait until I get the pictures, I'll be a pain, but that's the way it goes, you know?
Mallet: Congratulations.
Remy: Thank you. Thank you. Well, I'm going to get going.
Mallet: All right, man.
Remy: Be good.
Mallet: Congratulations. I'll check it out for you.
Remy: See my boy.
Mallet: All right.
Remy: See my boy.
Mallet: I'll see him soon. Hm.
Lizzie: Here.
Natalia: Thank you.
Lizzie: (Sighs) So tell me, what was this vision?
Natalia: Uh, he wasn't specific. He just said that the vision-- Gus mentioned Rafe, and that was enough for me.
Lizzie: To get on a plane and fly the whole way across country because of something a dead guy told my granddad? Okay, wait... that's not how I meant stuff to come out--
Natalia: No, you just said you did the same thing in looking for your daughter based on something that your granddad said.
Lizzie: You're right. I would do the same thing. I did. I don't want you to hurt. These visions aren't real, Natalia. They're not real. This is a dead end. You're wasting your time.
Natalia: Maybe it's a little different for me because protecting Rafe-- maybe even getting him to come home-- that makes me feel closer to Gus, like I'm honoring him, like he's still with me. You know, I just... I know that I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't do something. I play the "what if" game every single minute of every single day. What if I don't do enough, and something happens to Rafe? What if I don't listen to Alan, and it's the one reason that Rafe doesn't come home? I could never live with myself then. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to drop in and bother you.
Lizzie: No, you didn't bother me. You didn't bother me. But I have to, um...
Natalia: I should get going. You know, faith and these visions-- I have to start looking.
Lizzie: I hope you have better luck than I did.
Natalia: Thanks. And I hope that, you know, you find what you're looking for here.
Lizzie: Thanks.
Bill: Hey, you are just like your old man. If you have something to say, you let it out. You let it out. (Baby is crying) That's right. That's my boy.
Olivia: What are you doing here? Did Jeffrey give you permission?
Bill: I don't need permission.
Olivia: That's not what the courts say, Bill.
Bill: My name is on the birth certificate.
Olivia: For now. Jeffrey is taking care of that, too.
Bill: Oh, I cannot believe this, that you want that child with Remy.
Olivia: I want him with Ava.
Bill: Yeah, well, she's not here, is she? She's off in some looney bin.
Olivia: Stop it!
Bill: I'm sorry. That was... all right... uncalled for. I don't want her to suffer, I really don’t. But she's not even well enough to be around her own child, and I'm supposed to cave to all her wishes? Are you kidding me?
Olivia: She is his mother!
Bill: I'm well aware of that. I was here when she gave birth. Where were you?
Olivia: Don’t. I'm here now.
Bill: Yeah.
Olivia: That's not good news for you.
Bill: Oh, no, no, no. And are you sure you really want to jump into the middle of this fight?
Olivia: I'm in this fight. I've been in this fight. My job is to make sure you never hurt Ava or my grandson again.
Bill: I'm sorry, did you just say "hurt Ava or that child again?" First of all, I'd never hurt your daughter, okay?
Olivia: You're innocent? Wow!
Bill: That child...
Olivia: You're boring me.
Bill: ...Is sick. Why don't you leave now?
Olivia: Just because your name is on the birth certificate, it doesn't make you a father! I swear to you, you will not walk out of this hospital with this baby!
Bill: (Sighs) I need to get back to my son.
Felicia: Let's just go away. Let's go to an island, or something nice.
Clayton: We can take a break for a minute.
Felicia: Oh, honey, I've been so worried about you! You never returned any of my calls.
Remy: Uh, yeah. I, um, am going through a lot of stuff. Mel knows, but I asked her not to tell you.
Felicia: What's wrong, sweetheart?
Remy: Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Um... there's this girl, and I am in love with her, and it's real complicated. But there is one part that’s... that's perfect. Um... we have a son.
Clayton: What?
Felicia: A baby? And you took this long to tell us?
Remy: No, I didn't know. It's complicated. The baby came early. He's in the I.C.U.
Felicia: Oh, my God, is he all right?
Remy: Yeah, yeah, he's great. I held him earlier.
Clayton: And what about the mother?
Remy: Um, the mother's, um... it's Ava Peralta, Jeffrey O’Neill’s daughter.
Clayton: She's married.
Remy: Yeah, that was a mistake.
Felicia: Hey, you know we're here. And we will support you, no matter what it is that you want. You know that, okay?
Clayton: You've got to tell me something here. Wow!
Remy: I know this is coming out of nowhere, and I know that you don't probably don't know what to think about it, but when I looked at the baby, when I saw him... it just all made sense to me. And Ava... Ava, you'd really like her. She’s... she's a great girl. She's just been under a lot of pressure, and she kind of... she kind of fell apart.
Felicia: That happens, honey, all the time.
Remy: She made a stupid decision in getting with Bill, but none of that matters once we're a real family. And I talked to Mallet about doing corrections, so we can save and buy a house. I know it's not law school or med school, but, um...
Clayton: But... when are we going to get a chance to meet our grandson?
Felicia: Oh!
Remy: Soon. Soon. Ma, what are you doing?
Felicia: I'm getting some champagne and glasses, so that we can toast to the newest and the littlest Boudreau, and the fact that my baby-- our baby-- has come home.
Clayton: Wait, wait. What's his name?
Remy: Oh, Bill... Bill named him Max, but, um, I want to try something different.
Clayton: Different? What?
Remy: I have to run it by Ava, first, but I kind of like the name Clayton.
Felicia: I love it!
Remy: Hey, let's have a drink.
Felicia: Okay. Hey, easy on the champagne!
Clayton: Paper cups? (Laughter)
Bill: Yeah, well, um... listen, I'm going to need to answer to those charges as soon as possible, about the injunction, because every minute that goes by makes it that much more... okay. Okay, fine.
Dinah: You okay?
Bill: Bump on the head. No big... no big deal.
Dinah: Mallet called me and told me he found you drunk in the park.
Bill: Did he?
Dinah: What were you thinking?
Bill: Huh. Well, I'm fine now, so spare me the lecture, please.
Dinah: I'm just glad you're all right. Okay? All of that stuff that happened before-- none of that matters. None of that matters. Have you been here all day?
Bill: Yup, yup, yup.
Dinah: You know, Bill, um... I have to tell you something. I just came from seeing Remy, and he's, um... he loves Ava, and he loves that baby. And I'm sorry, but I love you. And I'm telling you it's time to let go. You can go forward with your life and let go of that whole bad chapter with Ava and what you lost...
Bill: What is wrong with you? I mean, what's wrong? How come you don't get what this baby means to me? You don't get it.
Dinah: You know what I think? I think you're still half drunk, that's what I think.
Bill: No. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Dinah: You think I'm trying to hurt you? Don't you think maybe I'm trying to help you.
Bill: Why does this sound so familiar, hm?
Dinah: You threw all of them out of the house. You asked Olivia to do that. You said you didn't want anything to do with any of them!
Bill: Because I don’t. Because I don't! I want Max. I love Max. That's all I need.
Dinah: Well, I'm sorry, Bill, he's not yours. You're going to have to face that. And you're going to have to let go of the dream, all right? When it is so obvious to everybody that it is over!
Bill: No, no, it's not. Do you think it's that easy, that I can just stop loving him, just like that? Like this was some sort of stunt? Like this was some sort of act for the press to get them to like me? Is that how it works in your world? Because in my world, when something really matters, when something means something to you...
Dinah: You're going to love something that isn't yours?
Bill: No, no, no, no, no. Do not do that to me. You have no right to talk about love to me. Every relationship you've ever had has ended in disaster.
Dinah: What?
Bill: Yes, that's right. That's right. You have no clue. You have no clue what love is. You never have and you never will.
Dinah: Don't you say that! I do know what love is. And I love you! And you know what is going to happen when all of this calms down? I'm going to be right here waiting because I love you. Through and through!
Olivia: Hey, we need to talk.
Remy: No. I want to see my kid.
Olivia: Well, good luck. Bill is standing guard.
Remy: How did that happen?
Olivia: Look, Ava may be having problems right now, but he has completely lost his mind.
Remy: So what are we going to do about this?
Olivia: You're going to help me protect that child. Between you, me, and Jeffrey, we can figure a way out of this mess, so that when Ava gets back, she'll have her baby.
Remy: So you want me to help you?
Olivia: Help the baby.
Remy: And what do I get?
Olivia: What do you want?
Remy: I want to start a life with Ava and Max, and I need your backup.
Olivia: Remy... earn it. I want nothing but the best for my daughter. I want to give her a good life, yes-- a house and money-- but I want her to have respect and love.
Remy: She didn't get that with Bill.
Olivia: No. I see that.
Remy: I may never have the cash, the house, but if you really care about that love and respect...
Olivia: I do.
Remy: ...You'll never, you'll never have to worry about me and Ava. I'll do everything I can for her.
Mallet: Hey. You all right?
Dinah: No. Yeah. I don't know, I can't even answer that question. What kind of person does that make me?
Mallet: I don't know. Maybe... maybe you're just a complicated lady.
Dinah: Thank you for your help with Bill today. It's probably more than he deserves.
Mallet: I thought you two were pretty tight these days?
Dinah: We were... at least I thought we were. I don't know, then again, I'm an idiot when it comes to relationships and love.
Mallet: Oh, come on. What are you talking about? What's going on with you, hmm?
Dinah: Bill and I got in a fight today. He said to me that I don't know what it means to love.
Mallet: That's ridiculous. You know that, right?
Dinah: I don't know. I don't know. I think maybe he might be right, you know? He tells me that I don't know what love is. And maybe, um... I don't know, maybe as a kid I... I saw that love doesn't really make people stay. It doesn't guarantee a damn thing. Maybe that's why I don't have a clue what unconditional love is even about.
Mallet: You know what I think? You want to know what I think? I don't just think you know what it's all about. I think you feel what it's all about. I think you feel deeper than most people. I think you feel love right down to your bones. That's what I think. That's why you're so passionate. That's why you're so loyal. And that's why you'll do anything all the time to people you love. It's ridiculous what he said. Anyway, that doesn't make you less lovable than other people. It makes you more lovable.
Dinah: Why doesn't Bill see that?
Mallet: I don't know. He's an idiot. So why don't you answer me this? Who got the company away from Alan? And who bought the Spaulding house when they weren't looking?
Dinah: Me.
Mallet: Ah, you. What about that? Yeah, you. Why don't you remind Bill of that, okay? And why don't you let him know that he hurt you. And why don't you just tell him how powerful and strong you are. And that he can never, ever, ever make you to doubt yourself again. Can you do that? Can you tell him all of that? Because if you don't tell him, I will. I'm going to tell him I've got a lot of motivation. I have ways to make his life miserable. Can you do that for me?
Dinah: Thank you.
What am I to do? So when I find you...
I was wrong and I was waiting
for something I was meant for
getting what I can
I should have known for
Mallet: "Dinah, if you need to talk again... call me. This is not a ticket. Mallet."
Bill: What are you doing here?
Lizzie: I came back for you.
Remy: Hey, Ava, it's me. I know you need your rest, so you don't have to call me back. Although it would be really great to hear your voice. Our kid's doing great. He looks like a tough guy. I see him as much as I can. And every time I see him, it makes me miss you even more. So anyway, I'm taking care of stuff, so you don't have to worry. I'll call you tomorrow. Bye. (Knock on the door) What?
Dinah: I've got something for you. You're a friend. And he was almost my nephew. Kids are expensive. You buy him good stuff. You're going to need it to start a family. Congratulations, Daddy!
Remy: Huh!
I always had someone to lean on
I never really moved on...
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Doctor: Mr. Lewis, I need to talk with you. It's about Max. He's in distress. He's got a fever, and he's having trouble breathing.
Bill: Well, wait a minute. I just saw him, and he was fine.
Doctor: Things change pretty quickly at this stage of the game.
Bill: This is not a game. This is my kid's life we're talking about.
Olivia: What's going on?
Lizzie: There's something wrong with Max.
Doctor: We'll do everything we can.
Lizzie: Come on.
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