GL Transcript Thursday 7/31/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/31/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Ava: He's really little.

Jeffrey: It's okay, you know.

Ava: Remy's the father.

Jeffrey: They're doing an exam right now, so there are no visitors for a while.

Remy: Is he going to be okay?

Ava: I went down there to see the baby. (Crying) I just wish that he was gone.

Reva: Ava is struggling.

Jeffrey: I'm going to take you to the clinic.

Ava: Thank you.

Jeffrey: Your mom's coming home real soon. We're going to get through this. I promise.

Jeffrey: Hi. Hey, Max, how are you doing? I'm your grandpa. I know that sounds a little weird, but you can call me Jeffrey if you want. If that's cool with you. You know, your mom is not here, and I've been given something that's called the power of attorney, which means that I'm supposed to protect your rights and make sure no one takes you out of here. And as your legal guardian, I'm also responsible to make sure you get the best possible medical care. (Baby crying) You're a lucky guy, you know. Everybody wants you. That's beginning to be a bit of a problem. But, I've got your back, okay? Good thing you won't remember any of this.

Bill: Hey, what's going on here?

Dinah: You're here. Good.

Bill: Of course I'm here. Of course I'm here. Is Max okay?

Dinah: Oh, he's fine. He's fine. But you have a meeting with the governor in less than one hour.

Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just going to go in and see Max because with Ava being gone, he needs his daddy, but I'll be in the office in like 20 minutes, okay?

Dinah: All right. I'll go with you, back you up in case there's any kind of issue, at all.

Bill: No need. No need. No issues. The governor's ready to endorse me, so...

Dinah: Well, I know that. I know that. But I'm very good at P.R., and if he brings up recent controversies, then I'm...

Bill: You know what I'm going to do? I'll just tell him that everything that I'm doing is to give my son the best possible home, okay? And I'm protecting my family.

Dinah: And as your family, I am the best person to back you up, okay?

Bill: Okay.

Dinah: Yeah, let's go see my nephew. Let's go.

Mel: You said there's an emergency? Is it Max?

Remy: Who knows? They won't let me in.

Mel: What do you mean? I thought Ava gave you permission.

Remy: She did, but when I went to see my kid, they said I wasn't on the visitors' list. You've got to get me in there.

Mel: Oh! You know, I'll try, but we have to make it official with the hospital...

Remy: You're a doctor! Just swipe your card and get me in there!

Mel: Sh-sh-sh. I can't do that.

Remy: Of course you can. You are hospital staff.

Mel: You're hospital staff, too.

Remy: Doctor trumps E.M.T., Mel. Besides, I'm on stupid probation since me and Bill got in it.

Mel: I thought that might happen.

Remy: Yeah. Yeah, and he still gets to see him, and he's not even the father.

Mel: I can't do it.

Remy: What do you mean you can't do it? What else is that badge freaking for?

Mel: What, then to break my brother into the neonatal unit and break about a million hospital rules?

Remy: I don't care about the rules, Mel!

Mel: Shhh, you should care, okay? Because if you want to be there for your son. Being in jail does not constitute being there for your son, okay?

Remy: Fine, fine. Don't do it as a doctor. Be my lawyer. Who do I have to sue in this country to see my own kid? What, did you think you can stop me from seeing my son?

Bill: What, what are you talking about?

Remy: You expect me to believe that?

Bill: I don't make the rules here.

Remy: Yeah, but you'd like to, right?

Bill: Maybe Ava changed her mind. That isn't my fault.

Dinah: Okay. Fine. Let's see Max before the meeting. Okay, let's go.

Remy: You do not get to see my kid. You do not get to see my kid!

Bill: I'm here to see my son.

Remy: He's not the father. I am. Remy Boudreau. I talked to the mother. Check the clipboard.

Orderly: I'm sorry, but neither of you are on the list.

Bill: No, that's ridiculous. Bill, Bill Lewis here.

Orderly: Sorry, sir, you aren't on the list.

Bill: That's impossible.

Remy: Looks like your little plan backfired.

Bill: I don't know what you're talking about, there is no plan, Remy.

Dinah: Am I on the list? I am the baby's aunt.

Mel: Actually, that would be the me.

Jeffrey: What's going on? Actually, you're both off the list until I decide to put you back on it.

Bill: Are you telling me you did this?

Remy: What the...

Jeffrey: I filed an injunction to keep you both away from Max until Ava gets back.

Bill: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Jeffrey: And, I have been appointed his legal guardian. So until you can prove to me you can stop fighting.

Bill: We're not fighting.

Remy: He's the one fighting, not me. And he's not even the kid's father.

Orderly: I'm going to have to ask you both to leave.

Remy: Forget it. I'm out of here.

Bill: Well, this is not over.

Jeffrey: Thanks.

Jeffrey: I'll help you with that. You look a little tired. You okay?

Olivia: Tired doesn't exactly describe it.

Jeffrey: Well, thank God you're back because with Ava gone and everything else that is going on with Remy and Bill, I don't think I can handle it without you.

Olivia: Clearly.

Jeffrey: What's that supposed to mean?

Olivia: Exactly how it sounds. I leave Ava with you for what, less than a week, and because I'm stuck in some airport for 57 hours and can't get to my daughter, you go and screw everything up! You sent her away? Why? Why? To make it easier for yourself? You let somebody else take care of her?

Jeffrey: That's not true.

Olivia: Then how do you explain it?

Jeffrey: Olivia, Ava was hurting. She was in pain. She was completely devastated.

Olivia: And you think sending her away is going to help?

Jeffrey: Sending her to someone who can help her professionally, yes.

Olivia: You honestly think that someone else can take better care of our daughter than us?

Jeffrey: Yes, I do.

Olivia: No. No, I'll fix it. You know what? I'm going to make this right.

Jeffrey: Don't you even want to see the baby?

Marina: No. I heard that Ava went off to some sort of clinic. I don't know. Depression, I guess. But apparently she gave permission for Remy to see the baby before she left. Well, yeah, but it's his baby. I don't care what any legal papers say. If it's his kid, he should be able to see it.

Remy: Should, but I can’t.

Marina: Mallet, I've got to go. Remy just walk in. Yeah, yeah, okay. Okay. Bye. Hey. Mallet says congratulations.

Remy: I guess I should be celebrating, but right now I just feel like...

Marina: Punching somebody?

Remy: No, not somebody. Bill or Jeffrey. Dude's trying to lock me out from seeing my own son.

Marina: You haven't even seen him yet?

Remy: No. I saw him a couple of times. I just, I just need to be there with him, you know? I mean, he needs his mom. He must be so scared. He's just in that bed, and he's so little, and he's hooked up to all of these machines. I just, I just need to be sure that he's okay. I just need him to know that he's not alone.

Marina: Wow!

Remy: What?

Marina: I just watched you turn into a dad. I mean, you walked in here the same guy that I've always known, and then you started talking about Max. Wow!

Remy: Yeah.

Jeffrey: I hope you have another one of those, you know, those are pretty complicated to replace.

Olivia: You want to know what I was trying to do? I was trying to call that place where you sent our daughter, trying to fix things, get her out of there. And then I realize I don't have the number of the clinic. I don't know anything that's gone on.

Jeffrey: I understand how you feel right now.

Olivia: No. You don't know what I'm feeling. You seem to know a lot of other things, what's best for Ava, what's best for Max. Did you ever stop to think to ask me.

Jeffrey: You know what? You weren't here. So, if you were, I would have asked you.

Olivia: Oh, that was my fault because I wasn't here, that's what you're saying.

Jeffrey: I'm not blaming you. I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just trying...

Olivia: You're trying to control l the situation-- you could be the big hero again!

Jeffrey: Do you think I wanted Ava to leave?

Olivia: I think you do what you usually do. You take control of the situation and you really don't stop to think how it is going to affect someone. She wanted Bill. She wanted him. I wanted to make her happy. I was trying to be a good mother.

Jeffrey: Nobody is saying that you weren’t.

Olivia: I'm not giving up on her just because things are difficult. I'm going to take care of her.

Dinah: Okay, now let's make sure to emphasize your philanthropy, okay, and all of the strides you've made at Maximus to increase workers' wages.

Bill: Can you believe what Jeffrey is doing here? I mean, it's illegal. It's unconstitutional. He is abusing his power as D.A., and he is filing injunctions against me? Is he out of his mind?

Dinah: You know what? He is the legal guardian of that baby.

Bill: Says who? Ava? She's out of her mind. She can't even make a decision in her right mind. She's off in the loony bin.

Dinah: Please don’t. Please do not mention that in front of the Governor, okay?

Bill: No. It's Remy’s fault. That's what this is all about. It's because of Remy and it's his fault.

Dinah: Can we just focus on the meeting?

Bill: You know what I should do? I should talk to Ava.

Dinah: Let's forget about Remy for a moment.

Bill: I should tell her that I am the best parent to raise this child. I don't know what she's thinking.

Dinah: Bill!

Bill: Okay. Okay. Stay focused. Governor Young is here, okay? Yeah. Pull it together. Maybe you should give us some privacy, okay?

Dinah: No. I don't think so. You're very distracted right now, all right? You need to focus. Bring it together. Button your shirt.

Bill: Oh, there he is. Governor Young.

Governor: Bill.

Bill: It's good to you. You remember my sister, Dinah.

Governor: Pleased to meet you.

Dinah: Of course he does. Please, have a seat. We're thrilled to have you here.

Bill: Well, well.

Remy: Is this necessary? They know I'm the father. Jeffrey's just being a jerk.

Mel: Having D.N.A. evidence that Max is your son is the best weapon you have against Bill, okay. If they decide to take you to the courts, you have undeniable proof that Max belongs to you.

Remy: Right now I just want to see him. He's so tiny. He needs his mom.

Mel: I'm proud of you, you know that? For stepping up, doing the right thing.

Remy: I'm not doing the right thing, Mel. I'm doing the only thing. He's my kid. I just never knew how much he meant to me until I couldn't see him.

Mel: All done.

Remy: Batman?

Mel: Get used to it, Dad.

Remy: They didn't have superman?

Dinah: (Laughs) Well, I can tell you that this is just the beginning of what my brother is capable of. Now, have you taken a look at his clean air proposal? The mayor has given it a lot of attention, along with several other environmental committees. Page one, right there.

Bill: And, of course, there's the issue that is closest to my heart, helping young families cope with the problems that come along with premature birth.

Governor: How is your son doing?

Bill: He's doing, he's doing all right. He's doing all right. He's got a long road ahead of him, but he's got the best doctors by his side. So with love and support, he's going to pull through.

Governor: Good. He'll be just fine.

Bill: Sir, I can't tell you how much your support means to me. Thank you.

Governor: Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about today. I'm afraid I'm going to have to endorse someone else.

Dinah: What?

Bill: I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand it.

Dinah: Sir, with all due respect, I think it would be a mistake to think people don't understand what my brother is going through. If anything, it makes him look more human.

Bill: Okay, I think what my sister is saying here is that I am the best man for the job. I am tough on issues that are important to you, that you care about. I can bring in a young demographic--

Governor: I have no doubt about that.

Bill: Then, sir, please, reconsider your decision here. I know there is a lot of controversy in the press right now with his biological father making waves, and the fact that my wife has gone off to be treated for post-partum depression, but I mean, these are just problems we're dealing with-- speed bumps, yes.

Dinah: Yes, and people do support, people support the fact that a candidate stands by his wife and child, even though his child is not biologically his, they see that.

Bill: And we know how quickly the tides change. Yes, okay, this month it's Bill Lewis, all about him. And the next month it's something else, and I can focus on the issues that are most important here. Speed bumps.

Governor: Bill, I'm going to have to stick with my decision. I'm very sorry, Bill. Ms. Marler, nice to see you again.

Dinah: I'm sorry. Come on, let's go home, okay? Bill, you are the C.E.O. of Maximus, and there are going to be some opportunities coming very soon.

Bill: I just don't think you get it. You answer my calls, and please don't tell anyone what happened today?

Dinah: Of course.

Bill: I'm going back to the hospital to see Max.

Dinah: I'll drive you.

Bill: No, I'm good. I'm good. (Cell phone rings)

Dinah: Ava? Yeah, Bill just left. Let me see if I can get him for you.

Remy: Can I do that?

Marina: Hey, you came back to sweep?

Remy: Um... I have nowhere else to go. I can't see my son. The D.N.A. takes a while, so...

Marina: You have to wait.

Remy: Yeah.

Marina: But, hey, if pushing a broom makes you feel better, have at it.

Remy: You know, I really don't feel like sweeping.

Marina: Me, neither. I have some time before my next shift starts. We could go see a movie or play some basketball.

Remy: (Laughs) I think I'd win anyway.

Marina: I know.

Remy: Yeah.

Marina: I could go with you to the hospital.

Remy: No, no, no. I don't want to run into Bill.

Marina: No, no, especially with that cartoon band-aid.

Remy: Kind of wimpy, huh?

Marina: No. Kind of like a dad.

Olivia: Hey, Bill, are you home?

Jeffrey: So you think you know what went on around here when you were gone?

Olivia: I can imagine.

Jeffrey: Well, imagine this: Imagine your daughter being in so much pain and being so upset and feeling so depressed, that she didn't even want to see her own newborn child. She wanted Max to be gone. She wanted to disappear herself. And with all of this going on with Remy and Bill, the sick baby, it was just too much for her to take.

Olivia: Jeffrey, I'm...

Jeffrey: And you think it was wrong to send her away to get some help? No. Keeping her from getting any help, keeping her here, waiting for something to go wrong with that baby, or something to happen to her, that would have been wrong. But you know what? I know you've been very busy with this governor's race, and too busy to think about any of that. So I'm going to go finish with the injunction papers.

Everyone disapproves...

Remy: Hey, Ava, it's me. Listen, I just want you to know that... that... that Max is doing great. And he misses you, and he can't wait for you to come home. Okay? Bye.

That's the truth about me that's my love...

Dinah: You seen Bill around?

Remy: Nope. But do me a favor, keep him away from me.

Dinah: Do me a favor and cut him a break, okay?

Remy: Are you kidding me? He's trying to steal my kid.

Dinah: Well, that's before he knew it was your kid. And he was preparing for it all of those months and he fell in love with it.

Remy: Whatever.

Dinah: He lost the endorsement from the governor today.

Remy: Who the hell cares, Dinah?

Dinah: I know you're angry.

Remy: I'm not angry. I just... I just want my kid to be strong, I want him to be healthy, and I want that for Ava, too. I don't know, maybe we can be a family together. I just want Ava and Max. They mean the world to me. And I gotta go.

That's the truth about you that's the truth about me

and that's my love to you

Bill: Oh, hey. I spoke to the doctor, and they won't let me see Max again. What?

Dinah: Ava called, right after you left.

Bill: She did? Why didn't you call me?

Dinah: Because I couldn't get to you. You were already gone. I have your phone, how could I call you?

Bill: Well, what did she say? Did you tell her that Jeffrey is not letting me in to see Max?

Dinah: Yeah.

Bill: And?

Dinah: Yeah, and she's not too concerned about that.

Bill: What are you talking about?

Dinah: The fighting between you and Remy, that's what put her over the edge. And she wants you to stop.

Bill: Well, first of all, if anyone, it was Remy who's the one who upset her. It couldn't have been me because I'm the one...

Dinah: She wants you to find a way to let Remy into your life, to be a part of Max’s life and that is the only way things will ever be right.

Bill: No, no, no ,no.

Dinah: ... And that is the only way things will ever be right. That's what she said.

Bill: You see, I can't believe that's why she would call. For me to let that jerk into my kid's life, it's not going to happen. I mean, what is she thinking? I'm going to let someone like Remy raise my kid? No, no, no. You can't count on him, you can’t. He's untrustworthy. He's not the father. I am the father.

Dinah: She loves him. She loves Remy, and he loves her. It's written all over his face, and I can see it. I'm sorry. Bill, I'm sorry.

That's my love for you.

Dinah: Hey! I know that you wanted things to work out differently between you, Ava, the baby. We still have the company, and we still have all of the things we have been working toward.

Bill: Is that what you think? I mean, is that what you really think? That I could just walk away and everything is going to be okay?

Dinah: Eventually, yeah.

Bill: What is wrong with you?

Dinah: With me?

Bill: Yeah! First I lose the governor's endorsement, and Ava sides with Remy, and now you?

Dinah: I'm not siding with Remy.

Bill: Yes, you are.

Dinah: I'm trying to keep things realistic for you.

Bill: Oh, is that what you're doing?

Dinah: You have to stop believing that you can raise Max all on your own. Not with Remy having rights, too.

Bill: Oh, see, I can't believe that I would expect anything different from you. I mean, you can't even decide who's side you're on.

Dinah: I'm on your side. I'm your sister.

Bill: Are you?

Dinah: Yes. Do you honestly believe that I don't want what is best for you? That I would try to hurt you?

Bill: You know what? I don't know what to think anymore. I really don’t. I have to go. Because I'm going to get Max’s home ready for him for when he leaves the hospital.

Jeffrey: And I need the paperwork processed as soon as possible. It would be on your desk.

Remy: That's Max’s paperwork?

Jeffrey: Yup.

Remy: So you're really going through with it, huh? This whole injunction thing, or whatever.

Jeffrey: Well, I don't really think I have any choice, do I? Ava had to leave because of you and Bill fighting.

Remy: Ava left because she was sick, because of the condition that made her so upset she couldn't see her own kid, okay?

Jeffrey: And you and Bill acting like children didn't help.

Remy: Do not include me and Bill in the same category. I just want to see my kid.

Jeffrey: You and me both.

Remy: I know why you did it. If I were you, I would have done the same thing. But we both know that this kid to Bill is just a big photo op.

Jeffrey: And you want to be father of the year? Why don't I believe that, Remy?

Remy: I never thought about being a dad until Max. I never thought I would be good at it, or it never... never mattered to me. But now, now it is like something I never knew I wanted is the most important thing in my whole life. I love your daughter, and I'll stand by her until she is ready to come home. And then we'll raise our son together. You know, nothing else matters. It doesn’t.

Emma: Mom!

Olivia: Hi!

Emma: I missed you so much!

Olivia: Yeah. Was camp fun? Yeah? Good.

Emma: Did you see the baby? Was he cute? What does he look like?

Olivia: I don't know. Come on Emmy.

Vanessa: Hi, honey.

Dinah: Somebody scratched my car.

Vanessa: Oh, well what do you say we go down to the cafeteria and get a nice cup of coffee.

Dinah: No. No, I am going to call my lawyer because this is not over by a long shot.

Vanessa: Dinah, it is a car and a scratch. You have money, you can fix it.

Dinah: Do you think that that's all I care about, Mom, money? And not other things, like people? Like brothers who use their sisters to get on top and then blow them off when they get their hands caught with a certain blonde?

Vanessa: What's going on?

Dinah: Mom, look, I really-- you know what, you are the last person that I want to talk to about this right now. Make that second to last because only Bill right now would be worse.

Vanessa: Now that, I really don't believe.

Dinah: He is so ungrateful. It's like he has no idea what I've done for him at all. You know, he just... he has no appreciation.

Vanessa: Do you remember the first time you ever went to one of his little league games? You know, it was right after you'd found your dad.

Dinah: Mommy, you know what? I have to call my lawyer, okay?

Vanessa: And I couldn't go, but you insisted on going. Matter of fact, you sat right down in front of the bleachers, right between your dad and Billy...

Dinah: Lawyer’s office, please.

Vanessa: ...And you cheered and you cheered and you cheered.

Dinah: Yes, I'll hold.

Vanessa: And he struck out three times. Remember that? But at the end of the game, he felt as good as if he'd hit a lot of homeruns.

Dinah: What's your point?

Vanessa: My point is that you made him feel good. You are the person who made him feel good. But do you remember what happened when you tried to hug him in front of his friends?

Dinah: He got all embarrassed and he pushed me away.

Vanessa: Yeah, he did. Because he's not perfect. And you're not perfect, but he loves you very much. And if you ask me, the two of you make a very good brother and sister team.

Dinah: Know any good body shops? (Laughs)

Bill: (Sighing) Hey, Mom, this is not really a good time right now. I'm a little busy. I've got a lot of work to do.

Vanessa: I have to talk to you. Your sister is worried about you.

Bill: Oh... she's a little worried because I lost the governor's endorsement, maybe? Or is it because Ava is trying to keep me out of being a part of Max’s life? Could any of those reasons be why she may be a little worried about me? Because there is no reason to be, no need.

Vanessa: Ava's what?

Bill: Yeah. She's lost her mind. I mean, she's going behind my back and she is telling Remy that she wants him to be Max’s dad. Um-hmm. Um-hmm.

Vanessa: Well, maybe that's not the worst thing in the world, for Max to have two dads. I mean, I can think of a lot of little boys who would want to have two dads. And your sister, as a matter of fact, when she was growing up, probably would have...

Bill: Okay, I can't even believe that you're saying this. I can't even believe you're telling me this. No! Because Max is my child! Max is mine. Ava is my wife. She gave birth to a child that I will raise, my child. I'm the one who has been planning for this. I'm the one who -- (cell phone rings) it's probably work. I have to take this. I'm sorry.

Vanessa: Bill, call me, please. I want to talk with you.

Bill: Yeah, look, um... do me a favor. I'm not going into the office today, so hold all of my calls, okay? That's right. Thank you.

Love takes me deep underground

earthquakes, heart awakes as you got to up to go down

earthquakes and my heart awakes

'cause you got to go up to go down,

got to go up to go down

Olivia: Hi, Olivia Spencer for Max Lewis. Thanks. Oh, he's beautiful. Hey, Ava, baby, it's me. Guess who I'm looking at right now? It's your beautiful little boy, Max. He's breathtaking. I miss you. I miss you, too, but you need to stay where you are, okay, until you get better. I want to come see you tomorrow. Do you want me to bring you something? Okay. I love you.

Remy: Do the people who work here know you've got that there?

Jeffrey: Are you kidding? If they did, it would be gone in a couple of seconds. But I think we need to have a drink to your son.

Remy: You miss her, don't you?

Jeffrey: Ava? Yes, I really do. And I kind of like being her father.

Remy: She's amazing.

Jeffrey: Now, do you think that I did the right thing, sending her away to get help?

Remy: Yeah. Yeah, I did. She needed it.

Jeffrey: You know, all these years I've been avoiding children. I think it's because I wasn't into the whole changing the diaper thing. Right now that would seem like a walk in the park.

Remy: Oh, speak for yourself. I just had a bunch of pampers delivered to my apartment. Just wait until it's your turn to baby-sit.

Jeffrey: Okay. I'll keep that in mind. (Laughs)

Remy: Is this what it was like when you found out that Ava was your kid?

Jeffrey: You mean, being terrified, nauseous, or like you're going to throw up or something?

Remy: But happy like you never thought you would be, full of love and joy...

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, you know, Ava wasn't so young when I met her. And things were a little different. But, yeah. I think that you, I think you need to go see your son. Finish up.

Remy: You for real?

Jeffrey: Yeah. Come on. And behave yourself. And don't forget who you're dealing with.

Remy: The D.A. from hell?

Jeffrey: No. Grandpa.

As a cool breeze goes through

the grasses sway I see your way

so we swing, don't go too fast

Doctor: We're doing everything we can to keep Max healthy, but there are risks to being this premature.

Olivia: What kind of risks?

Doctor: Blood clots, chronic lung disease, vision loss, infections.

Olivia: But you're not saying Max is going to have those problems, are you?

Doctor: No. No, but we just need to focus on getting him stronger.

Olivia: Yeah. Thank you. Hey, little guy. Wait until your mama gets home. She loves you so much. She really does.

Dinah: What's that? What the hell? Bill, what are you doing?

Bill: Hmmm, getting rid of Ava’s stuff. Olivia’s, too.

Dinah: You're throwing out their stuff?

Bill: Um-hmm.

Dinah: Bill, now come on. Hilda can put this stuff in boxes. And why don't you want to hang on to Ava’s stuff until she comes home?

Olivia: Oh, good, you're here. We need to talk about Ava.

Bill: Really?

Olivia: Uh-huh.

Bill: Hmmm.

Olivia: Hey, that's my stuff.

Bill: That's right.

Olivia: And Ava’s stuff.

Bill: Yup, and Ava’s, too. Very perceptive.

Olivia: Thank you.

Billy: There is a lot more upstairs I'm going to be piling up here, so...

Olivia: I don't understand. What are you doing?

Bill: You don't understand? Oh, well, I'll help you with that: I'm throwing you out, and Ava, too.

Remy: Thank you. Thank you, Jeffrey. Hey, Max. I'm your dad. (Baby crying) Hey, hey, you don't have to cry. It's okay. I won't let anything happen to you, buddy. Oh man.

Olivia: All right there, Sally, let's calm down and talk about this.

Bill: There's nothing to talk about, Olivia. I'm throwing you out and Ava too.

Olivia: Come on, she didn't mean to leave without saying good-bye.

Bill: She said good-bye to Remy, didn't she?

Olivia: She's sick. She's in pain. She's not herself right now.

Bill: I don't know. I question that. I think she is herself. She is manipulative, she's selfish, yes, that's what is going on here. She called here today. She called here, she didn't even ask about Max or me. You know what she wanted to say? She wanted to say, I want Remy to be Max’s father. Guess what? That's not going to happen. She is done. She is out. Max will not get within 50 feet of Remy.

Olivia: Is that right?

Bill: Yeah, done. You're both out of here. In fact, I want this stuff out of here in one hour. Okay. Thank you.

Dinah: Don't you hang up on me! You hear me out! Bill's in a very bad place right now. He has just thrown out Olivia and Ava’s stuff, out of the house. Okay? Yes. And he is also saying that he is not going to allow Ava or Remy near Max. And you are the only person right now that I could think of who is going to be able to get through to him. Bill needs you. Please come home.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Remy: Just wild, when I look at him, I never thought I would feel this way about something.

Mel: (Laughs) You're a new dad. Oh, my gosh.

Remy: I just want to do things right. I will do things right.

Clayton: When are we going to get a chance to meet our grandson?

Remy: I'm just being prepared.

Mel: It's the baby, you have to come to the hospital now.

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