Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/29/08
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: How about we take a walk and go see little baby Max?
Ava: No, no, no, I don't want to see Max. I wish my baby was gone.
Reva: Postpartum depression. Ava is in real trouble.
Jeffrey: I'm going to get you some help, okay?
Remy: How long are you going to be gone?
Ava: I don't know. I need you to be the father. Take care of the baby.
Jeffrey: Your mom's coming home real soon, little guy. She's going to take good care of you. In the meantime, you're stuck with me. But I'm going to do my best, and we're going to get through this, I promise.
Buzz: Frank. Well, welcome back. Why didn't you find me?
Frank: It wasn't a good trip, Pop.
Buzz: Harley's not coming home?
Frank: I couldn't find her or Rafe.
Buzz: Well, you had the address.
Frank: You know what? Maybe it was a mistake not telling her that we were going to go there. I didn't want anybody following us. But, you know, maybe she got spooked when she heard that somebody was looking for her.
Buzz: Did you phone her?
Frank: No, her phone is turned off. Have you heard from her?
Buzz: I didn't hear from her. I thought maybe everything was going well, you know?
Frank: Well, it's not.
Buzz: What about Daisy?
Frank: I didn't have a choice. I brought her back with me.
Buzz: Oh, well, Grady’s going to love that.
Frank: What was I supposed to do, leave her in Greece?
Buzz: Well, how are we going to keep her away from him?
Frank: I hired a rookie cop to keep an eye on her.
Buzz: Well, that will go over well.
Daisy: You don't look old enough to be a cop.
Cop: You want to see my gun?
Daisy: I'm going to the bathroom. I don't think my Uncle Frank would want you to follow me in here.
Cop: Five minutes.
Daisy: Whatever.
Ashlee: Daisy?
Daisy: Oh, hey.
Ashlee: Did you just come out of the woods?
Daisy: Yeah. It was my only escape route.
Ashlee: Okay. Cool.
Daisy: Let's go somewhere else before my family realizes I'm M.I.A. Come on. Trust me.
Ashlee: Yeah, okay.
Cyrus: Don't even think about it. A little early for that, isn't it?
Grady: My brother.
Cyrus: Where you been?
Grady: Around. So why'd you get me out? You couldn't handle the guilt?
Cyrus: I'm trying to help you.
Grady: Where's Daisy?
Cyrus: Stay away from her.
Grady: No, where is she?
Cyrus: Do you not realize what you're up against?
Grady: Sure, all the Cooper cops, Daisy's psycho grandma. I get it. I'm the bad guy. They want me to suffer, but you, I never know. Thanks for the "get out of jail free" card.
Because when you were 25 you didn't feel that way.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Reva: How's it going?
Jeffrey: Well, Ava’s safe. That's the main thing, I guess, huh? I felt terrible about leaving her there.
Reva: I know you did. But you did the right thing for Ava and for little Max. She'll get the help she needs, and then she'll come home for her baby.
Jeffrey: Well, thank you for alerting me. I... I don't know what I would have done, you know? I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't noticed the signs of this postpartum thing.
Reva: I'm glad I could help.
Jeffrey: Parenting. It's tough.
Reva: Yeah, but you know what? Being a grandparent is all kinds of fun-- most of the time. You'll see. Everything going to be fine. See? I have a list of all kinds of to-do things to keep you distracted. We have to get this place in tip-top shape for our wedding.
Jeffrey: Well, what's there to do? You know, you call a caterer, invite some friends, a few family.
Reva: What do you think? Should we invite Cassie?
Jeffrey: Oh, you can't, huh? Well, maybe I could.
Reva: And what? We invite her to half the party?
Jeffrey: Good point. You're not going to invite Josh, are you?
Reva: Oh, no, no. Definitely not. Ava and Bill?
Jeffrey: Yeah, you're going to have to put them down as "maybe."
Reva: Okay, that's a maybe.
Jeffrey: Is Daisy in town?
Reva: Yeah, she's back, but I don't know whether she's going to want to be there.
Jeffrey: Huh. And what about your father? Does he make the cut?
Reva: Well, I guess we're just going to have to wait and see how this goes.
Hawk: How's the prettiest girl in these parts?
Reva: Hi, Pop. I'm working on my wedding list.
Jeffrey: The wedding to me.
Hawk: You might want to put a pin in that list. You've got to hear about my talk with Josh.
Reva: Well, he's not on the list.
Hawk: He wants you back, sister.
Reva: Pop, I'm getting married to Jeffrey.
Hawk: You keep saying that. It still doesn't sound right.
Reva: You know what? We're kind of working on a project here, if you don't mind. I am so sorry.
Jeffrey: It's all right. He's about as subtle as a category five hurricane.
Reva: Yeah. Well, I can take care of him. Come on, old man, we're going for a walk.
Jeffrey: Here, just in case.
Reva: Good idea. Come on.
Hawk: Good. It's probably better we're alone. I can be blunt now.
Reva: You know, Pop, in some cultures, when a person gets really old, they take a walk in the forest and die.
Hawk: I'll try not to be insulted.
Reva: And I'll try not to be insulted by what you said to Jeffrey!
Hawk: I wasn't trash talking Jeffrey. I was just talking up Josh.
Reva: It's the same thing! I am marrying Jeffrey. I love him.
Hawk: I'm not saying you don’t. I'm saying you love Josh more. I mean, didn't the movie bring back good memories?
Reva: Why is this so important to you?
Hawk: Because...
Reva: I'm going to need more of a reason than that.
Hawk: Because I'm old! This may be my last chance to fix things up for you. It's still my job to make sure you're happy.
Reva: Well, that's very sweet. And it's totally unnecessary, because it doesn't need to be fixed. I am happy, Pop!
Hawk: Look, every time... every time you divorce Josh, you say it's the right thing. How am I supposed to know it's different this time?
Reva: Because it is! Yes, the movie did stir up all kinds of things in me. And, yes, Jeffrey and I did split up because I was confused! I didn't know whether I was supposed to be with Josh.
Hawk: Yes!
Reva: No! No. I don't know. Maybe it was surviving cancer-- I can't be sure-- but I'm not the same person. And when Jeffrey and I first hooked up, it was just for fun. And then one morning, we woke up and we looked at each other, and we realized we were happy. And I laugh! He makes me laugh so much. And after these past few years, I need that.
Hawk: Josh left Cassie for you.
Reva: I didn't ask him to do that.
Hawk: What would you say if I told you that I have got a feeling in my bones?
Reva: I'd say you might have osteoporosis.
Hawk: Now I'm warning you, I feel misery coming. That's what happens when you mess with fate.
Reva: Do you need directions?
Hawk: Why?
Reva: Because you're leaving.
Hawk: Well...
Ashlee: So you went all the way to Greece, and you didn't even see your mom?
Daisy: Yeah. How's that for some super Cooper planning?
Ashlee: Well, you must have been really bummed not to see Rafe. I mean...
Daisy: Can we talk about something else? What's going on with you? Have you and Coop worked things out at all?
Ashlee: No, actually it's not about Coop at all. It's about me. It's all about me. (Cell phone ringing) Oh, shoot.
Daisy: Who's texting you?
Ashlee: I'm lucky enough to have the only mother in the world that knows how to text message.
Daisy: Why don't you go call her, get it over with?
Ashlee: You know what? I might as well. I really can't ignore her forever. You know, I'm really glad that you're back.
Daisy: Me, too.
Grady: Hi. You're back.
Daisy: I'm back.
Grady: I thought you were, like, going to be gone for...
Daisy: No, I'm back.
Grady: Is your mom back, too?
Daisy: No. We couldn't find her. So I'm here for a while at least.
Grady: Well, I tried to get to the airport to stop them from taking you, but my brother was all over me.
Daisy: Yeah, I just ditched this cop that they paid to watch me.
Grady: Good job. Well, Cyrus is around the corner, and I don't want him to know you're back, so I'm going to get rid of him. But will you meet me in half an hour?
Daisy: Yeah. Where?
Grady: The gazebo.
Daisy: Okay.
Grady: All right?
Reva: Hey! Where are you going, and where's your list?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, as much as I love working for you, I do have my real job to get to.
Reva: Okay.
Jeffrey: And Grady Foley’s case is getting closer to trial.
Reva: Well, then go. Put that guy away as soon as possible.
Jeffrey: You know what? There is one part of building his case that I've been putting off.
Reva: Me?
Jeffrey: Daisy. I think we're going to need her testimony.
Reva: I thought you said you could do it without her.
Jeffrey: There's a lot of circumstantial evidence, but she's the only one that can really put him behind the wheel of the car that night.
Reva: Yeah, she's also the only one who could conceivably lie on the stand to protect him.
Jeffrey: Tell me about it.
Reva: I'll see what I can do.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Reva: Okay. And I'm sorry about my pop. He's harmless, but he can be very annoying.
Jeffrey: He just wants his daughter to be happy.
Reva: I am happy-- with you.
Buzz: The movies! You've been to the movies. How was the movie?
Hawk: We got the right ending, I'll tell you that much: Josh and Reva together, like they should be.
Buzz: You need a drink.
Hawk: Yeah, yeah. Give me something to make my daughter listen to me.
Buzz: I'm fresh out of that. If I had one of those, I'd pour myself a double.
Frank: (Laughs) Don't look at me. I don't have anything, either.
Hawk: Whiskey, straight.
Frank: So what are you telling us here, that daughters don't listen to their fathers?
Hawk: She's more stubborn than ever. Thinks she knows more than her old man.
Frank: Sounds like he's talking about Marina.
Buzz: Sounds more like Harley to me.
Hawk: How can you be a good dad? They won't let you.
Buzz: Well, at least I have an excuse, you know. I gave my daughter lots of reasons not to listen to me.
Frank: She didn't listen to me either. Then that whole thing with Cyrus-- I mean, she got hurt, just like Marina did.
Buzz: Now it's Daisy's turn.
Hawk: Daisy? What's going on with my great-granddaughter?
Buzz: It's her boyfriend. He’s...
Frank: Hold on one second. He's not her boyfriend, okay? She's just infatuated with this guy. His name is Grady Foley. He's the guy that killed Tammy Winslow.
Hawk: What? Why didn't anybody tell me?
Buzz: Didn't Reva tell you?
Hawk: No. What'd she want to get mixed up with a guy like that for?
Buzz: Oh, well, because he's changed. He just needs someone to believe in him. Anyway, believe me, I heard about it for about 12 hours from Daisy on the flight back from Greece.
Hawk: Oh, that girl. Just like her grandmother.
Buzz: Her mother. And once they make up their minds, you just can't change it. I miss Harley.
Frank: I miss Marina.
Hawk: (Laughs)
Buzz: What?
Frank: What is so funny?
Hawk: I'm just thinking about the two of you sourpusses. You're going to be dealing with this for the rest of your natural born days. It's going to torture you for decades to come. (Laughs)
Buzz: Thanks a lot.
Frank: Yeah, good talk.
Hawk: And I was thinking how damn lucky you are to have them, how dang lucky we all have to have them. It never gets better, does it?
Frank: (Laughs)
Cyrus: Seat's taken.
Jeffrey: Well, don't worry, I have a lunch.
Cyrus: Should I get out my tape recorder? Maybe you'll confess this time.
Jeffrey: I'm not having a great day, so don't push it.
Cyrus: I wouldn't dream of it.
Jeffrey: You think I was weak because I let your brother go free?
Cyrus: I don't think you had any choice.
Jeffrey: That's because you don't know who I am or who I used to be.
Cyrus: You're the D.A. Aren't you supposed to believe in justice?
Jeffrey: Well, if there were any justice, Tammy Winslow would be alive right now. I can't make that happen, but I can punish your brother. And if that keeps him from ruining Daisy's life, all the better.
Cyrus: I don't want my brother anywhere near Daisy, either, but I'll do whatever it takes to keep him free.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm make sure that the lead detective who's handling the case is aware of that. By the way, you may know her. It's the same woman that you dumped so you could fool around with her aunt.
Cyrus: Marina?
Jeffrey: And you know what they say about a woman scorned. Give my regards to your brother.
What, oh, what are you going to do?
Reva: (Laughs)
Daisy: You scared me.
Reva: What are you looking for? Someone?
Daisy: No, I just got back.
Reva: I know. Buzz called me.
Daisy: Of course he did.
Reva: So what are you doing here?
Daisy: I was just taking a walk.
Reva: Where's that cop who was supposed to be looking out for you?
Daisy: Oh, yeah. I ditched him.
Reva: Obviously.
Daisy: He was a creep. He was hitting on me.
Reva: Right.
Daisy: He was! You don't believe me?
Reva: I don't believe you came here to take a walk.
Daisy: Yeah, I stopped caring a long time ago.
Reva: Well, I didn't, which is why I'm doing all of this, because I love you, and I want you to be okay.
Daisy: Right, like Frank and Buzz.
Reva: We all love you, Daisy.
Daisy: Yeah.
Reva: What's it going to take to make you understand that?
Daisy: People need to leave me alone.
Reva: No, not yet. Maybe someday. But you're going to come with me.
Daisy: Where are we going?
Reva: Someplace I should have taken you a long time ago.
Grady: Hey, Daisy, it's me. I went to the gazebo, ditched Cyrus, but you weren't there. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I can't wait to see you again. (Cell phone ringing)
Reva: I wouldn't take that call if I were you, considering where we are.
Daisy: You don't know who it was.
Reva: So why don't you tell me?
Daisy: Because whenever I tell you stuff, you just tell me I'm wrong, so...
Reva: Well, that's because you're not telling me the truth.
Daisy: It was Grady, okay? It was Grady. Are you happy? And I know why you brought me here, to remind me that Tammy is dead. I know. And G., he knows. And we both feel horrible. Do you know that he comes here, and he leaves her flowers? Do you know that? No, you don't, because you can't hear anything good about him.
Reva: So you think you know Grady so well?
Daisy: Is that a trick question?
Reva: No, I just want to know. Do you know him as well as you know Rafe?
Daisy: What?
Reva: Well, because last winter, you were in love with Rafe, and now you're in love with this guy.
Daisy: This has nothing to do with Rafe. He's gone.
Reva: But when Rafe shot Jeffrey, you said you understood why he did it.
Daisy: Yeah.
Reva: So do you understand why Grady did what he did? I mean, was he just too high, or does he enjoy killing people?
Daisy: No, he's not like that.
Reva: Well, then why don't you tell me what he's like! I mean, because I just... I want to know, Daisy. I want to know. I get that he's handsome. I get that he's had a hard life, just like you have. And I can see why you would be attracted, or that you could relate to that. I understand when you say he regrets what he did to Tammy.
Daisy: He does.
Reva: So what about that day? Hm? The day that he hit Tammy? You were in the car with him. He brought you there, and then he left you. Is that the kind of guy you want to love?
Daisy: Look, you don't know, okay? You just... you don't know him.
Reva: A good man... a good man stands up for you, and he protects you. That is not this man. He hurts people and he's dangerous. What happens when he does it again? Who do you think is going to be his next victim? Daisy, honey, Jeffrey needs you to testify against Grady.
Daisy: I don't know anything.
Reva: Yes. Yes, you do. Don't just do it for Tammy. Do it for yourself, sweetie. You have to protect yourself.
(Knocking on door)
Hawk: What can I do for you, Counselor?
Jeffrey: I thought we should have a talk.
Hawk: About?
Jeffrey: I'm a father, a recent one, but I think I'm beginning to understand a father's need to do what's best for his daughter.
Hawk: Oh, you are?
Jeffrey: I know that you have a history with Josh, and I know that you want him back with Reva. But that's not going to happen. Now, hopefully we have years of holidays and birthdays and weddings ahead of us. And I don't want Reva to miss out on having her father around.
Hawk: What are you suggesting?
Jeffrey: Well, I want to settle this once and for all.
Hawk: Okey-doke.
Jeffrey: Um, what are you doing? I'm not going to fight you.
Hawk: This is the way we settle things in Oklahoma. Come on!
Jeffrey: Hawk, I want to do this right, okay? I'm going to ask you for your daughter's hand in marriage.
[ Hawk shuts the door ]
Jeffrey: Great.
Frank: Oh, good, you found her.
Cop: Her grandmother brought her back in.
Frank: Good deal.
Daisy: I don't need a bodyguard.
Frank: Yes, she does. Same time tomorrow, all right? So let's go home. I'll take you to Reva’s.
Daisy: I have a car. I don't need you to drive me around.
Frank: All right. Well, just let me call her and make sure everything's okay.
Daisy: No, I'm not moving back in with her. I can't live with any of you.
Frank: Well, you have to live with someone.
Daisy: I'm not a kid. I'm 18. You can't make me go anywhere I don't want to. I know the law.
Frank: Sweetheart, you can't afford your own place.
Daisy: Yeah, that's why I'm going to move in with Ashlee. It's all worked out.
Frank: I don't think that's a good idea, either.
Daisy: Well, I didn't ask you. Good-bye. If you need me, call me on my cell.
Frank: Damn.
Buzz: Lynn will be out in a minute to take your order.
Cyrus: I don't want food.
Buzz: Well, I hope to hell you're not here looking for a favor.
Cyrus: Even if it's about Marina?
Buzz: What do you want with her?
Cyrus: I want her not to be hurt anymore.
Buzz: Is that right?
Cyrus: Look, I know what I did to her and to Harley. I caused a lot of damage to your family, and at the time I don't think I really got it.
Buzz: But now you do?
Cyrus: I've been away from my own family a long time. But since Grady got here, I get it. You do whatever you have to do to take care of them.
Buzz: What do you want?
Cyrus: Marina has been assigned as lead detective on my brother's case, which means she's going to be seeing me a lot. I know that won't be easy for her. And since this case is about her friend, Tammy, she won't want to walk away.
Buzz: So you want know talk Marina into transferring herself off the case?
Cyrus: If she's got a good thing with Mallet, she should be focused on that.
Buzz: This isn't about Marina; it's about you and it's about your brother. You know if she stays on the case, she won't stop till he's behind bars. I was at the funeral.
Cyrus: I really am trying to look out for her.
Buzz: Get out of here.
Daisy: Hey!
Ashlee: Hey, where did you go? I went to make the call with my mom, and then I came back and you were gone.
Daisy: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. But can we just forget that for a second, though, because I have a really great idea. What if we were roommates again?
Ashlee: Where?
Daisy: Your place.
Ashlee: I have a one-bedroom. You'd have to sleep in the bathtub.
Daisy: Yeah, okay, or the couch. And it would just be for now. And then, in the future, we could get a bigger place. Wouldn't that be awesome?
Ashlee: You know, what would be awesome is if you had money to pay rent.
Daisy: I do. I do have some, and, you know, I would do all the cooking, all the cleaning.
Ashlee: Really? Keep talking.
Daisy: Yeah. And just... it was so much fun. Remember, like, we would stay up all night talking.
Ashlee: Yeah, juvie was a blast.
Daisy: I know. But it was fun being together.
Ashlee: It was, you're right. It was.
Daisy: So what do you say?
Ashlee: Okay, don't ever, ever, ever tell my mother this. But I... I don't love living alone.
Daisy: You don't?
Ashlee: No.
Daisy: So is that a yes?
Ashlee: Only if I can get this whole cleaning thing in writing. I know! I know, I know, I know!
Hawk: You can knock till your fingers fall off. I'm not giving my blessing for you to marry Reva.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm not going anywhere. And you know what? It's going to happen, all right? Your daughter happens to be the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Hawk: She'll be coming back here to Josh one day. That's all I've got to say.
Jeffrey: You know, I have had a rough day because of my daughter, worrying about her. And I think that this vintage bottle of bourbon that I'm holding in my hand right now, that I just went and got, could do us both a lot of good. Nice-looking bottle. Yeah.
Hawk: You got family troubles? I'm sorry to hear that. Well, don't just stand there, boy, get us some ice. We'll have a little talk. I've been a daddy for a long time. Maybe I can help.
Jeffrey: I'll get the ice.
Hawk: Mm-hmm. Tasty stuff.
Reva: I like you better behind bars.
Grady: Where's Daisy?
Reva: I don't know.
Grady: Well, she's not returning my calls, so I figure you've got to be involved.
Reva: Yeah, well, she wants does what she wants to do.
Grady: Right-- so long as it's what you tell her to do.
Reva: We did have a talk at the cemetery, Tammy’s grave. She told me you put flowers there.
Grady: She did, huh?
Reva: Yeah, she did. But, see, Daisy tends to remember only the good things, not the bad. So I had to remind her of the bad. And if she's not returning your phone calls, I'm guessing that it's finally sinking in. And the way I see it, the closer you get to your trial, she's going to start seeing you the way everybody else does: As a bad memory. I have nothing more to say to you, but thanks for visiting.
Grady: You know, you really aren't afraid of me, are you?
Reva: Should I be?
Grady: Well, we are out here in the middle of nowhere.
Reva: So is this how you trapped Daisy, huh? Got her in your web by intimidating her and threatening her?
Grady: I have never threatened Daisy.
Reva: No, it's true. You just take her on your hit jobs with you, and then you ditch her, high and alone. I call that true love.
Grady: You just... you have to be in control of everything, don't you? It kills you to think that Daisy might have thoughts of her own.
Reva: Why? Because I'm the only person that finds it a problem of you and Daisy together?
Grady: You can try and fool everybody else, make it seem like what you're doing is noble. But it's not. It's just a personal vendetta.
Reva: You know what you need to do? You need to say that very thing, word for word, to the jury. How you were hired to kill my son and ended up killing my niece instead; how you left my granddaughter stoned, alone in a car, but yet none of it is your fault. I thought that might shut you up. I have a wedding to plan.
Grady: You think you get to do all this and walk away?
Reva: All this?
Grady: Set me up, throw me in jail, turn Daisy against me? Bad karma. You know, what goes around comes around.
Reva: I hope so.
Grady: Me, too, Granny. Me, too.
Ashlee: Okay. Okay, I know that this stuff is-- hello?-- Is way out of our price range, but I figure, like, it'll give us some good ideas, you know?
Daisy: How many texts can you ignore before someone gets mad?
Ashlee: Well, if it's my mom, then, like, one.
Daisy: Oh, gosh, that's three.
Ashlee: So what Cooper is it? It's okay if it's Coop.
Daisy: Nope, it's not Coop. I don't know if I should say nothing, because saying nothing is saying something, and I don't know if that's what I want to say.
Ashlee: Well, is it Rafe?
Daisy: No, it’s... it's G.
Ashlee: G.? Okay, I thought... I thought you went to Greece to see Rafe.
Daisy: No. My family dragged me there to keep me away from Grady.
Ashlee: So, um, you're still going out with G.?
Daisy: I don't know. Maybe. I just... the point is, I don't want my family to decide for me. I want to make that choice.
Ashlee: That's why you want to move in with me.
Daisy: What? No. I just... I just need space. I mean, if G. were to come over, that’s... I mean, we wouldn't get in your way or anything. That wouldn't be...
Ashlee: I don't want him in my apartment. Actually, I don't want him anywhere near me.
Daisy: Look, I need a place to live.
Ashlee: You have many places to live, but not if G.'s around.
Daisy: Look, I... I already told Frank I was living with you.
Ashlee: I don't care! Daisy, you said that this was about us, our friendship. This has nothing to do with me. Do you realize how selfish you're being?
Daisy: Wait, no...
Ashlee: No, no. You just need a place to shack up with your boyfriend.
Daisy: Ashlee, no, this is... it's not about whether I'm with G. or not with G. I just... I can't stand everyone trying to control my life. You have no idea how out of control my family's getting. Frank hired a cop to follow me around all day. He practically went into the bathroom with me. I can't live like this.
Ashlee: There's a reason why Frank had to do that. Look, I've had a really rough year. It's not only you. And you know what? I have enough drama without yours.
Daisy: Okay, yeah, I'm sorry. I don't want to upset you. I didn't know you were still so upset by this.
Ashlee: You know what I love most about G.? I love the way that he makes you act.
Daisy: Okay, fine. I'll find another place to live. I don't know, maybe I'll stay with Lauren.
Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah, I think that would be a great idea, seeing as you don't even like her.
Daisy: Yeah. Well, she liked me when I got her that fake I.D., so, seeing as I think I need to find a new best friend...
Ashlee: Yeah, I think you do.
Jeffrey: (Laughs)
Hawk: The third time Reva ran away, she's gone for two days. She's hiding in a neighbor's barn.
Jeffrey: And you knew? You knew the whole time?
Hawk: We just had to wait. She always had to come back on her own terms.
Jeffrey: Oh, you know, I had to catch up with her once at a ministers' convention.
Hawk: Joshua?
Jeffrey: Yeah. And when I got there, she's pretending to be Cassie.
Hawk: And that didn't frighten you off?
Jeffrey: You know what? As a matter of fact, that's when I realized. That's when I realized I wanted to be with her.
Hawk: You really do love her, don't you?
Jeffrey: I do. I do. I've got a question for you. Why do you always call her "sister"?
Hawk: Oh, well...
(Cell phone ringing)
Jeffrey: Hang on to that thought. Hey.
Reva: How's it going?
Jeffrey: Not quite as expected. How about your day?
Reva: Um, fine. Fine. Nothing I can't handle.
Hawk: That my daughter?
Reva: Is that my pop? Where are you?
Jeffrey: We're just, you know, relaxing after a very rough day, swapping daughter stories. I'll explain later.
Reva: Are you drunk?
Hawk: Come on, son! Hang up that phone. I have just poured you another. (Laughs)
Jeffrey: I'm... listen, I've got to get... can I call you later? Bye.
Reva: "Son"?
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Grady: You know, you don't have to worry about her.
Daisy: Reva.
Grady: She's not going to bother us anymore.
Daisy: How do you know?
Grady: 'Cause I'm taking care of her. Hey!
Reva: Daisy, it's me. I'm at the hospital. I need you. Now.
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