GL Transcript Monday 7/28/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/28/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Remy: I slept with Ava, man. It's my kid.

Ava: I'm sorry.

Bill: That is my son!

Remy: Wake up! That is my son, Bill.

Bill: My name is on the birth certificate, Remy.

Remy: I think there's a reason for this. Maybe Max’s life is a way of telling us that we need to be together.

Bill: We worked too hard to give up now. Excuse me.

Josh: You know, you might want to hang on to this bouquet-- you're going to need it.

Reva: Jeffrey doesn't like daisies.

Josh: Who said I was talking about Jeffrey?

Reva: That’s the guy that I’m marrying!

Josh: Do you not have branch water, Reva? Because you know I like my bourbon with branch water.

Reva: I don't care how you take your bourbon as long as you take it somewhere else! Jeffrey's going to be home any minute now.

Josh: Do you remember when we carved that?

Reva: Don’t. Don't do that!

Josh: That had a lot of hope attached to that, Reva. That's not just some silly carving on a mantle. That is a promise we made to each other.

Reva: That's history!

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: We are history and it's over now. It's time to move on.

Josh: I'm glad you brought up history because ours has a common thread that has run through it.

Reva: Yeah, disaster.

Josh: Renewal, Reva. We break up, we break up, we break up but somehow we always-- there's that word again-- we always end up somehow finding our way back to each other. And who knows? Maybe the tenth time is the charm.

Reva: Oh, you've been hitting the sauce before you even got here. Because what part of "I'm getting married to another man before the month is out" don't you understand?

Josh: Say it to me again, Reva, and this time make me believe it.

Love in my heart...

Lillian: Remy, you can't be here.

Remy: Yeah, I know, I understand. I just want to check on her.

Lillian: You've got to get out of here now.

Remy: Lillian, please.

Lillian: You don't know.

Remy: Know what?

Lillian: Oh, Dr. Brandon, hi.

Doctor: You're a little far from the E.R. entrance.

Remy: Yeah, I'm off... I'm off-duty.

Doctor: They only permit family and I.C.U. staff here.

Remy: Yeah, Doc, I know. I'm the... I'm the guy that brought the mother in when she went into labor. Okay, all right. The cards are on the table. I am family. The kid in there is my son.

Lillian: Remy, no.

Doctor: Boudreau? Mr. Boudreau, by court order, you're to leave the premises. You have no rights here. And you should know better.

Remy: Who put me out?

Bill: Excuse me, this is a no-smoking zone.

Billy and Lillian: Oh!

Bill: Hey, you two. Hi, Mom.

Vanessa: Hi, darling.

Bill: (Whistles) Cigars, wow. My, my, my. I like the spirit Dad, but isn't that a little old-fashioned?

Vanessa: I told him.

Billy: I said I'd give her a cigar but instead I think I'll give her a little kiss. What do you think? Our boy's a daddy. (Laughs)

Vanessa: Yes, he is.

Bill: Well...

Billy: Tell us about him. Does he have my blue eyes or her blue eyes or your green eyes or my chin or what?

Bill: Well, if he doesn't, would you still love him?

Billy: Yeah, of course I'll still love him.

Bill: Of course, of course. Because it's going to be just fine.

Billy: Fine. What are you talking about? You just had a boy, you should going around here crowing.

Bill: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I am and you're going to love him.

Billy: I know he's premature, so is he big little or is he little little?

Bill: Well, he’s... he's tiny. He's a tiny guy. Tiny.

Billy: Let's go see him, okay?

Bill: Uh... you can’t.

Billy: We're the grandparents, we can of course go see him.

Bill: I don't think you can see him now because it's just not...

Billy: Bill, Bill, why can't we go see him?

Bill: Because...

Vanessa: The baby's not a Lewis.

Billy: I know, he's Ava’s, too, but come on.

Vanessa: Billy, the baby isn't Bill's. So...

Billy: Whose is he?

Bill: Probably just a mix-up at the clinic, you know? But there's a chance... Remy Boudreaux is... could be the father... biologically, but you know what? It doesn't matter, because he's my son. He's my son and I'm going to take care of him and I love him. So you two better get ready for diaper changes and soccer practice, and...

Billy: And all that other stuff.

Bill: Yeah, you... you bet.

Ava: Can you leave those balloons at the door?

Jeffrey: Excuse me? Hello? Do you know how many cool points I had to lose bringing these balloons in here for you? You know what? This cell phone I have, it gets e-mail, it plays video games, it plays movies, it does everything except get reception. I'm sorry I didn't get your messages and when I did, you know, I was...

Ava: That's okay.

Jeffrey: So how are you, hmm? Other than being the most beautiful mother in the history of motherhood. Well, you must be doing okay, because the nurses say they're going to be throwing you out of here pretty soon. The baby?

Ava: He was... born too soon. He’s... he's really little.

Jeffrey: Well, that's okay, you know? They'll just keep him here a little bit longer. And it will give you and Bill a little bit more time to get ready for him, that's all.

Ava: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Is it Bill?

Ava: There's something that I want to tell you about the baby.

Jeffrey: Well, he's got ten fingers and ten toes, right?

Ava: Yeah. The baby, um... he also looks... he also looks a lot like Remy.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) Well, why would he look like Remy? Oh. Oh! Okay. I think I get the picture. I wish I didn't, but I think I do. You know, your mother... this damn weather in Canada, I just don't know how long this airport delay is going to take.

Ava: Remy's the father. He's the father and... and I'm the baby's mother.

Jeffrey: And Bill?                                                                                                                             

Ava: And Bill doesn't want anything to do... Bill doesn't want Remy to have anything to do with the baby. Bill wants to be Max’s father.

Jeffrey: (Sighs) With you? Hey, it's going to be okay. You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I think you really need your mother. But I don't know how long this airport delay is going to take, so your old man's going to have to fill in for her, okay?

Josh: Come on now, what's the problem here, really? I'm just kissing the bride, that's all!

Reva: You think this is funny?

Josh: Honoring a tradition.

Reva: I love Jeffrey!

Josh: No one says you didn’t.

Reva: He loves me!

Josh: Who wouldn't, Reva?

Reva: So you think that just because you woke up and decided you made this terrible mistake...

Josh: You know what? That's exactly right! I woke up, Reva. Somehow standing there watching the best day of our lives unfold before me, it had that affect on me.

Reva: It's a movie!

Josh: It was magic, Reva, and you felt it, too.

Reva: What are you talking about? When did I feel it?

Josh: You drove off a bridge for me.

Reva: I was sick. Oh, no, wait, how about this? Maybe I was just trying to get away from you!

Josh: I searched the world for you.

Reva: Oh, you married my sister!

Josh: Hey, you know some people... yeah, I understand that. They want to stroll through life, take the easy road, I get it, Reva.

Reva: Oh, Jeffrey O’Neill is not a stroll. He's just as complicated as you are... were. As you were.

Josh: I like Jeffrey. I respect Jeffrey. I'm just saying you've got to stop stringing him along, that's all.

Reva: You know what I think? I think you've been wearing your collar a little too tight because it's cut off the circulation to your brain! I am going to marry Jeffrey! But now I have to leave because I need to go and visit my stepdaughter-- future stepdaughter-- in the hospital.

Josh: Okay, okay. I'm just saying, no matter where it is you register for your wedding gifts, you better make sure they accept returns.

Reva: Out!

Josh: This is the beginning, Reva, just the beginning. Every time you tell me how much you love Jeffrey, I'm going to prove to you that you love me more. Every time you say to me that we are done I'm going to prove to you that we are just beginning, Reva, with every single... hey, hey!

Reva: (Screams)

Josh: And every time, every single time you say that we're history, Reva, I'm going to prove to you that we have a future. We are the future! Have a nice day!

Bill: That's just it. It's not like I have anything to hide.

Billy: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You don't have to defend yourself. We know how much that baby meant to you.

Bill: Means to me, Dad. Max is the most important thing in my life right now, so...

Vanessa: Look, honey, we're... you know, you don't have to work so hard with us to make everything okay. We don't care if you become governor or not. That doesn’t...

Bill: No, no, no, you don't understand...

Vanessa: We just want to talk to you about a difficult situation...

Bill: I don't think you're hearing me. Yes, yes, the governor's endorsement, that's important to me-- and the whole life-style that goes along with it, yes. But nothing is more important to me right now than Max.

Billy: But Max is not your...

Bill: What? He's not my what, Dad? Not my flesh and blood?

Billy: No!

Bill: I knew that before the wedding, okay? I'm not the biological father, okay? But that doesn't change the fact that he is still my son.

Vanessa: We understand that. We don't have a problem with that. We understand that you don't have to be the biological parent to feel like a parent. But...

Billy: The situation is more complicated.

Bill: Yeah...

Billy: I'm going to come right out and ask this. Are Ava and Remy still...

Bill: No, no, no. It was a one-time thing and... no.

Vanessa: You know what? I'm not so sure about that.

Bill: Why do you say that?

Vanessa: Because I saw them together in her room and I watched how they related to each other.

Bill: Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, please! It's over, it's done. Ava and I, Max, are a family. Remy is out of the picture, okay? Out of the picture.

Vanessa: Well, we're very proud of you for wanting to take care of the baby.

Bill: Thank you. Thank you. We're cool. The governor's cool. It's going to be fine. It's going to be just fine. So, please, just don't look for trouble, okay? There's none. Smoke this at the mansion once we get Max home safe. It's going to be fine.

Vanessa: (Sighs)

Billy: You buying any of that?

Vanessa: Oh, not for a minute.

Billy: I didn't think so.

Jeffrey: Hey, shh! Come on, don't cry.

Ava: (Crying) I know, it's just that I want to... I just want to be happy again.

Jeffrey: I'm going to take care of that, okay? Because I'm going to tell you a bunch of happy things right now. First of all, the weather outside right now is so beautiful. The Cubs won last night. And, oh, yeah, I'm going to get married.

Ava: (Laughing) You're getting married to Reva?

Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm really going to do it this time, too.

Ava: Oh!

Jeffrey: I can't even believe it myself but, you know what? I really... I really want to. I do. It’s... it's crazy, you know? But it feels right. Go figure.

Ava: Go figure.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. I know you and Bill are trying to work things out and I know that you were hoping that the baby would...

Ava: No, it's fine, Dad, it's not you.

Jeffrey: How are you? Are you feeling tired or...

Ava: I'm just feeling really, really... just confused. So confused.

Jeffrey: Okay, you know what, honey? I'm going to go outside and I'm going to get you some food, okay? Some real food from outside, not this hospital stuff, okay? Because I think you're just exhausted. And I think some nice, hot food from outside is going to help, okay?

Ava: Okay.

Jeffrey: Okay. I'll be right back.

I get tired of using big words

desperate to be seen I just want to breathe

and make that mean everything.

Remy: It's nothing personal? That's supposed to make it better?

Jeffrey: Hey. This might not be the time to say this, but... congratulations.

Remy: Well, keep your hand shake. Tell your son-in-law to back off and get me my job back.

Jeffrey: What are you saying? Did Bill...

Remy: Just a coincidence, he finds out I'm the father of his bouncing baby boy, then all of a sudden, I'm suspended.

Jeffrey: Why would he bother?

Remy: If I have nothing to offer, I have nothing to offer Ava. They won't even let me in there. Have you been in there?

Jeffrey: Yeah, they're doing an exam right now, there's no visitors for a while.

Remy: Is he... is he okay?

Jeffrey: It's just routine, I think.

Remy: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Do you?

Remy: Do I what?

Jeffrey: Have something to offer?

Remy: I love her. She loves me. Isn't that enough?

Ava: (Sobbing)

Reva: What's wrong?

Ava: Reva, I'm sorry.

Reva: What's wrong, honey, is it the baby?

Ava: No, I must have just dozed off. I don't know.

Reva: What about... is it Bill? Did you and Bill have some kind of a fight?

Ava: No, no. Bill doesn’t... Bill...

Reva: Do you have a pain? Do you have a pain somewhere? You know what we need to do? We need to get you up and out of this bed. I know the nurses here can sometimes treat new mothers poorly. How about we take a walk? I'll put you in the wheelchair and we'll take a walk and we'll go see little baby Max.

Ava: No, no, no! I don't want to see Max!

Reva: Hey...

Ava: What are you doing?

Reva: I'm just sitting. I'm just sitting. Oh, honey. What's wrong? Do you know how you're feeling? No? Do you feel sad? Oh. Shh. It's okay. It's okay. I know. It's like you've got this big hole of nothing inside, right? That you're dead and you're empty inside and it scares you? Huh? Shh. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Ava: So I went down there to see the baby.

Reva: And?

Ava: My... my... my baby.

Reva: And, go on.

Ava: And I know in my head that I'm supposed to... I know that I love him, and I know that I love his father. But...

Reva: Tell me.

Ava: No!

Reva: Tell me what's wrong.

Ava: I just wish that he was gone. I wish my baby was gone. And I... I wish I could just disappear. (Sobbing)

Reva: Shh.

Mel: Drink this. Water.

Remy: Can we file an injunction or something?

Mel: Are you sure it was Bill?

Remy: Yes.

Mel: He told the hospital staff to not cooperate with you? To keep you out?

Remy: Yes.

Mel: Did you see him do this? Listen, Rem, I'm so proud of you for wanting to be there for your son, I am. But I've got to be honest with you, Bill's name is on the baby's birth certificate. I mean, he is the legal father.

Remy: I don't care. I don't care!

Mel: Look, I'm going to do what I can for you, okay? But I just can’t... I can't make any promises.

Bill: (Sighs) How's Mommy? (Laughs) So, listen, I just talked to the doctor, he said everything is okay. So I can take you home if you're ready, and I think you're ready. I think you're ready. I've got to tell you something, I just saw Max, I think he's actually getting stronger by the minute. I really do. I really do. God, I got such plans. Plans, plans, big plans. You and I are going to talk more about it once I get you home, okay? So we can prepare, get ourselves ready.

Jeffrey: Come on, answer. Please.

Reva: Jeffrey...

Jeffrey: Hey, I'm just calling... damn.

Reva: Work?

Jeffrey: Olivia.

Reva: Well, that's good.

Jeffrey: You feeling okay?

Reva: No, I'm fine, but Ava is struggling.

Jeffrey: I know. She's dealing with this whole situation with Bill and Remy, the baby, it’s...

Reva: She's still with Bill, right?

Jeffrey: Reva, the baby is Remy’s.

Reva: (Sighs) Oh, no.

Jeffrey: Yeah. So she's understandably upset. She's feeling guilty. She doesn't know what to do.

Reva: Postpartum.

Jeffrey: What?

Reva: Postpartum depression.

Jeffrey: Well, she's upset about the situation, but I wouldn't say she was depressed.

Reva: It's not just that. She's in trouble, Jeffrey. Ava is in real trouble.

Jeffrey: Isn't that something that all new mothers go through, Reva?

Reva: This is not that. That's baby blues. This is something far more dangerous.

Jeffrey: Dangerous?

Reva: Dangerous, yes, she could hurt herself or little Max.

Jeffrey: Don't you think if she just spent a little bit of time at home along with the baby...

Reva: Postpartum depression does not just go away. She could stop eating. She could become paranoid. She could stop sleeping. No, no. This is not something that you just play around with.

Jeffrey: What are you doing?

Reva: I remember years ago when I had the talk show we were going to do a piece on postpartum depression. There's a facility in Chicago-- I can't remember the name of it-- but it's supposed to be the best for postpartum.

Jeffrey: Facility in Chicago? Reva, don't you think that's a little drastic? First of all, the baby cannot even leave the hospital.

Reva: That's why this is so perfect. Because Ava can get the treatment she needs and the baby can stay here and be well taken care of. Jeffrey, Ava needs you to make this tough decision for her.

Remy: How's it feel being snuck up on?

Bill: Remy, what are you doing here?

Remy: You went behind my back. You got me suspended.

Bill: Okay, no. Listen to me, you got yourself suspended, all right? You're making things very difficult for my family, Remy.

Remy: Your family? It's my son. It's my son! All you've got is cash. You what else do you got?

Bill: My name is on the birth certificate, okay? Ava's my wife, that is my family, okay? I'm going to take care of them. You don't even have a job anymore. How are you going to take care of them? You can't even take care of yourself!

Remy: Ask Ava what I can give her.

Bill: Yeah? Well, listen. Ava as had her choice. What is it going to take to get rid of you?

Remy: My son.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well I'm just glad I got through to you, that's all. She's recovering... but the, you know, doctors think that she may be suffering from some sort of a serious depression so... I know. Yeah, well, then there's the whole legal issue with Bill and Remy. So, listen, I'm in way over my head. I need you. Your daughter needs you. Hold on, I'm going to have to call you back. Get back here as soon as you can, okay? Ava? Ava? What are you doing? Why did you come outside?

Ava: I don't know. I don't know.

Jeffrey: Honey, you need help. I'm going to get you some help, okay?

Ava: What kind of a mother leaves her baby in the hospital?

Jeffrey: The kind of mother who knows that she needs to be well so that she can take care of her child.

Ava: I don't know. I don't know. But I know I should know.

Jeffrey: Shh. Don’t. Okay? Don’t. Don't worry about this.

Ava: But what kind of a mother leaves her...

Jeffrey: The kind of a mother who knows that her baby is in good hands.

Ava: These hands?

Jeffrey: Yes. And these hands are going to drive you to Chicago.

Ava: You're going to take me to Chicago?

Jeffrey: Yes. But I want you to know there's a whole hospital here that's going to be looking out after Max. And Reva, and Bill.

Ava: And Remy.

Jeffrey: And Remy. Remy will be right out there waiting night and day, I'm sure. And this hospital has a great staff, and I should know. So I'm going to check you out of the hospital now, okay? And I'm going to take you to the clinic. And your mother will meet you there.

Ava: Thank you.

Jeffrey: I want you to get dressed, okay?

Ava: Okay.

Jeffrey: I'll be right back.

Reva: Pretty good, Daddy.

Jeffrey: You think?

Reva: Uh-huh. It was brave and heroic. That took a lot of courage. I'm impressed.

Jeffrey: Well, I wish I felt that way.

Reva: Yeah? Well, right now you're just talking about it. Wait till she gets there.

Mel: Vanessa.

Vanessa: Yes?

Mel: Do you have a minute?

Vanessa: Yes.

Mel: I assume you know that my brother is the father of Ava’s baby.

Vanessa: Yes, I know.

Mel: And do you also know that your son banned Remy from the hospital and got him fired from his job?

Vanessa: I don't think we should talk about this.

Mel: Your son needs to back up off of my brother.

Vanessa: My son is a grown man, he makes his own decisions.

Mel: Listen to me, Vanessa. Family is the most important thing to me. Now, I lost the one I created with Rick because I let someone get in the way. I'm not going to let that happen to Remy. If Bill gets in Remy’s way, I promise you, he'll be sorry.

Vanessa: Mel, you don't know me very well. But I suggest you don't cross me. Watch yourself. You mess with Bill, you mess with me.

There's something about you I just can't push away...

Bill: Okay. I think she's going to like this. Um, where are those... sunglasses?

Billy: Hey.

Bill: Oh, hey, hey.

Billy: You going to rescue her?

Bill: Yeah, I'm going to pick Ava up at the hospital, yeah.

Billy: Is she ready?

Bill: Yup.

Billy: And the baby's going to stay there?

Bill: Uh, at the hospital, yeah.

Billy: You get the nursery all ready?

Bill: Working on it. Working on it.

Billy: Look, Bill, have you... have you thought this whole thing through?

Bill: Yeah, Dad, I have.

Billy: Because you, you know, put together a little happy family, just because you put it together doesn't mean it's going to be happy.

Bill: I'm going to try.

Billy: Just like that?

Bill: Just like that.

Billy: Just like that, yeah. Well, what about the fact that Remy’s the father?

Bill: What about it?

Billy: Hey, look, you married her knowing she was having somebody else's baby, but it was an anonymous donor, you could have still been the dad. Now Remy’s not anonymous. You know who he is. He knows he's the father. As much as you kid yourself about raising that boy, he's always going to be in the picture.

Bill: Dad, Max is my son. He's my son. The fact that I'm not the biological father doesn't matter. Doesn't change a thing. The only thing that matters here is the fact that I love him and I am going to give him a loving, safe home to grow up in. One without fear and one without conflict.

Billy: Well, you're not going to be able to make up for what I put you through. I was a bad dad.

Bill: You weren't that bad, okay, for the record. But, yeah, I'm going to do better, okay? That's what I'm going to do. No one is going to take anything away from me. I want my son. I want Max.

Billy: That's what you want?

Bill: That's what I want.

Billy: Okay. If that's what you want then I think you ought to bring him home... wearing these.

Bill: Those are mine.

Billy: Yeah.

Bill: Yeah.

Billy: You wore these the first month of your life.

Bill: I told you you wouldn't be that bad, right? Um, thanks, Dad, for the advice.

Billy: You know, I saw Max. He’s... he's little, but he's a fighter just like his dad.

Like a rare expedition she is there.

Remy: Hey, I'm surprised to see you up and about.

I look to the sky and wonder

what it is that I'm doing here.

Reva: Oh, oh, no! No! I don't want to hear anymore about how you're going to win me back. Not now.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Tell me a story.

Josh: What kind of story?

Reva: About Shayne. Something from when he was little.

Josh: What is this about?

Reva: (Crying) I miss my baby. (Sobbing)

I find you there...

Remy: How long are you going to be gone?

Ava: I don't know.

Remy: Listen, I would steal you away from here, but we have a kid. I can't leave and neither could you.

Ava: I can't stay.

Remy: I mean, I... I can come to visit, right? I mean, Chicago’s not that far. Ava, don't go.

Ava: I need you to be the father. Take care of the baby.

Remy: I can’t.

Yeah. I lose all reason.

Bill: What?

Vanessa: Bill, listen, Jeffrey has taken Ava to Chicago. He took her to a clinic for depression.

Bill: What are you talking about? What are you talking about? No, no, wait a minute, I'll... I'm going to stop her. I have to go after her.

Vanessa: No, don’t. Don't you dare. Bill?

Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm still here.

Vanessa: Listen, she needs help. And your son needs you. Now more than ever.

Bill: I know. I know. I'm here for him.

I'll wait here out in the open, exposed

the way I imagined it should be easy

the stars all align as if it was just meant to be

it should be easy with the stars all aligned as if it was

just meant to be what if I'm wrong and you don't feel the same

am I getting ahead of myself

the search might be better if I just wait note?

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Cyrus: I'll do whatever it takes to keep him free.

Jeffrey: Well I'll make sure the lead detective who's handling the case is aware of that.

Cyrus: Marina?

Buzz: What do you want?

Cyrus: Marina's been assigned as lead detective on my brother's case.

Buzz: This isn't about Marina; this is about you and this is about your brother. You know, if she stays on the case, she won't stop until he's behind bars. Get out of here.

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