Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/25/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Doctor: Your son is here, Mr. Lewis.
Bill: I... I don't think this is our baby.
(Baby crying)
Bill: Remy, please, not now. Ava...
Remy: I saw the baby. There's no mix-up. That's my baby.
Today you're gonna leave just like you did the day before
watch by the window sill you disappear into the corner
store I could swear that I saw you
slip out the back door you left your set of keys
and left me alone.
(Knock on the door)
Josh: Hi.
Cassie: Hi. Why didn't you just use your key?
Josh: Well, actually, I was about to, and then I thought maybe it wouldn't be appropriate to... if you... you can have it back.
Cassie: No, hold onto it. You're going to be in and out packing, and I may not always be here. I may not want to be. Coffee?
Josh: No, thank you.
Cassie: Oh, well, I can't talk long. I have to pick up R.J. at the camp bus.
Josh: I know. That's why I'm here.
Cassie: Oh, I didn't think you'd go.
Josh: Well, I didn't want you to have to tell him on your own.
Cassie: I didn't want to.
Josh: You should have called me, then.
Cassie: Well, I don't really know what the rules are.
Josh: Yeah, I don't know, either. I just... I guess I figured they're different for everybody.
Cassie: I can't believe we are about to tell R.J. our marriage is over when I can hardly believe it myself.
Alan: You know, Elizabeth, those sunglasses are too big for your face.
Lizzie: Not by Hollywood standards, and I've got big dreams behind this small face, Granddad. You have the tickets, Mom, right?
Beth: No. I gave them back to you.
Lizzie: No, I distinctly remember handing them to you. Where is the car? Where is the car?
Beth: I just want to say something. If you'd let me drive, we would have been there already.
Lizzie: Your driving makes everyone carsick.
Beth: It does not.
Lizzie: Yes, it does. Okay, this is nice. This is nice. Right, you guys? It's my treat. We've got us a car taking us to the airport... it's nice! Isn't it nice?
Beth: Those tickets. Where are they?
Lizzie: You have them.
Beth: No.
Lizzie: Okay, so I want to get you guys up to speed. Once we get to L.A., the realtor will be showing us some smaller places, but those are just be temporary. That's for me because I'm going out there right away. But he does have a few big, beautiful places to show us. So, when you guys wrap everything up, then join me out there.
Alan: Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute. We agreed to go out with you on this trip. But nothing is in stone.
Beth: Lizzie, are you sure that I didn't give those back to you?
Lizzie: I am absolutely positive.
Beth: You want to work for Bill in L.A., That's fine. I don't understand it, but it's fine. But we have not decided that we're moving out there yet. Alan, did I give you those tickets?
Alan: No.
Lizzie: Okay, you guys just focus here. We need to take our family flag, we need to plant it in some new ground, preferably shaded by some nice palm trees. We need a change. Come on.
Beth: Well, you may need a change, but I don’t. I've had enough of that in my life, and I don't have the tickets.
Lizzie: You have the tickets, Mom!
Beth: No, I don't have the tickets.
Lizzie: Just think about this, okay? Think about how freeing it's going to be, okay? We can be anybody we want to be. We can do anything that we want to do. Springfield is... Los Angeles, California, it's exciting!
Alan: Well, I happen to like Springfield very much. I like who I'm becoming there, and I like what we have in Springfield.
Lizzie: You know, I don't believe that. Because you have been walking all around town searching for something, and I think that you'll find it in California. I have the tickets. Okay, I'm sorry, my bad.
Bill: You better get out of here.
Ava: You guys, please...
Remy: I slept with Ava, man. It's my kid.
Ava: I'm sorry.
Remy: You're sorry?
Ava: I... I don't know...
Bill: No, no, no. That is my son. That is my son in there. I'm the one who's been there. I'm the one who's been going to the appointments. I'm the one who's been reading the books. He knows my voice. He knows that I'm here. He's my son.
When I'm falling on my face I'm falling flat...
Remy: You don't actually believe it's a mix-up, do you?
Ava: I don't know.
Remy: Ava... Ava, when we slept together, it was around the same time...
Ava: I was pregnant. I mean, I thought I was pregnant.
Bill: You thought you were?
Remy: She obviously wasn’t.
Bill: When, Ava? When?
Ava: When? When? When you were with Lizzie.
Remy: We can get tests, okay? We can prove it. I'll just call my sister...
Bill: No, no, no. No DNA tests.
Remy: That is my son!
Bill: My name is on the birth certificate, Remy! My name!
Remy: He's my son, and I swear, if you stand in my way...
Bill: That is my son, my family. Get out.
Lizzie: How much time are we supposed to give him? I mean, we actually have to catch a plane.
Beth: Okay, I just... I have a question-- what is it, exactly, that you love so much about L.A.?
Lizzie: Hmm, swimming pools and movie stars.
Beth: Something that wasn't pulled from a theme song. I mean, seriously, the beach? The weather? Oh, did you say hello to Gus for us? Do you have your Gus photo and your incense?
Lizzie: Mom?
Beth: I'm just kidding. We were actually just talking about why Lizzie loves L.A. so much.
Lizzie: It's not just Bill, okay? And it's not just the job. It's also the last place that Sarah was before Jonathan took her away from me again.
Beth: Oh, sweetie.
Lizzie: Listen, moving on is different for you guys. You have your daughter. I want mine back. I want to bring her home before I miss any more of her life. And I need to know that you are not going to cause any more trouble for us.
Alan: I'm not going to let you down.
Lizzie: I have been working really hard to pull this family back together, and Sarah is a part of it. And I need your word.
Beth: I need your word on that, too.
Alan: You have my word, because I have changed, Elizabeth.
Lizzie: Okay. Then, tell me where they are.
Alan: If I knew where they were, I would help you find them. But I lost track of them a while back.
Lizzie: Then ask for help.
Beth: What are you talking about?
Lizzie: Well, he can find him.
Alan: No, I just told you, I lost...
Lizzie: Ask Gus.
Reva: Hey, sweet pea, it's your mama. Darn, I was hoping you were there, because I have some news. I'm getting married... again. No, I have to do this. Marah, sweetie, it's me again. I'm sorry I hung up before. It's just I kind of freaked myself out. Uh, it's true. I... I am getting married again. Only this time, I'm not marrying your dad, I'm marrying Jeffrey O’Neill. It's my last marriage; at least, that’s... that's the plan. I hope you're okay with this, because I know it's been a while since the two of you were, well, you know... let's just not go there. Okay, um... I have to call your brother, too. I just wanted to make sure that if you needed any details about any of this, to call me back. We would sure love to have you come, but totally understand if you can’t. Just know that I love you, baby. Okay, Marah, bye. Whew. Okay, that's one down. Now, Shayne. Disconnected? Well, now, that's strange.
Cassie: I want to get there a little early.
Josh: Did you sleep on the couch last night?
Cassie: Well... our bed felt a little too much like... our bed. Not that I slept any better down here.
Josh: Yeah, I didn't sleep very well myself. I... do you think that I should maybe go pack up some of my stuff right now? I mean, I just don’t... I just don't want to come and do that later when R.J. is here because it might upset him.
Cassie: I think either way, he's going to be upset.
Josh: Yeah, but on the other hand, I'm thinking maybe I should leave stuff here for now. Because if it's all done when he gets back, then...
Cassie: Why don't we just go pick him up and be honest with him?
Josh: How honest?
Cassie: Well, it's not like he hasn't been through this before, like... what I've put that poor kid through in his life...
Josh: Cassie, you did the best job you could.
Cassie: All I ever wanted was for him to have a good, stable home.
Josh: And he'll still have that.
Cassie: You think?
Josh: Yes, I do. Cassie, there’s... there's nothing that I won't do to help him get through this, and that goes for you, too. Let's go.
Cassie: Maybe... maybe we...
Josh: What?
Cassie: I don't know. I'm just thinking maybe we should take separate cars. I mean, I don't know, but maybe, you know, we might want to go somewhere after.
Josh: Oh. Yeah, okay.
Cassie: It's the third exit, right?
Josh: Yes, it's the... you take a right at the light that's by the gas station.
Cassie: Okay. So I'll see you there.
Do you feel left behind so left behind
daydreamin' about life you thought you couldn't live
do you feel left behind so left behind...
R.J.: I missed you guys so much!
Cassie: Hello! We missed you!
Josh: Hey, bud, come here. Come here. How was camp, huh? And what... what is this?
R.J.: They give away, like, these awards at the end of each session. We totally won the best bunk.
Josh: Very nice. Well done! Well done!
R.J.: I got Frisbee toss, too, and fishing. I've got them in here. Hey, what's up with the two cars? Did you guys race here?
Josh: You know what? Why don't we put your bag in the back of your mom's car, and we can go out and have a bite to eat. How does that sound?
Cassie: Yeah.
R.J.: What's wrong?
Cassie: We're just going to talk, honey. Nothing.
Josh: It's gonna be fine. Let's go.
Beth: Lizzie, I don't want you to set yourself up for disappointment. It's not like you can just ask Gus questions.
Lizzie: Here you go. Read this.
Beth: Lizzie, I'm just saying...
Lizzie: Hey, look, Mom... Mom, he was spot-on about Ava. Gus can tell us anything. And he wastes his time on Ava? I should get a turn.
Beth: Uh... okay, then, um... Ava is Olivia’s daughter. Olivia and Gus were close.
Lizzie: I don't care. I don't care. Okay, Ava and Bill get to play Mommy and Daddy now, and so do you and Granddad, and I want my daughter back. I want my daughter back. If Gus still loves his family, I know he is going to help me find her.
Alan: Four...
Lizzie: If Gran...
Alan: 4139.
Lizzie: What?
Alan: 4139. 4139. Get the map.
Lizzie: I have it.
Alan: Remember that number. 4139.
Lizzie: Okay. We've got it. We've got it. What else?
Alan: Haven.
Lizzie: Right here. Is that where Sarah is? That's where Sarah is.
Governor: Congratulations, Bill.
Bill: Thank you.
Governor: These are for your wife.
Bill: For my wife?
Governor: Uh-huh.
Bill: Thank you. Thank you.
Governor: I, um...
Bill: Thank you.
Governor: I heard that your boy was born premature. Are they doing all right?
Bill: He's still in the I.C.U., but he's fine.
Governor: I'm glad to hear it.
Bill: He's a fighter. And Ava is good. Ava's good.
Governor: Give them my best.
Bill: I will. Look, I wanted to talk to you about some paternity problems that came up. Yeah, um... see, I didn't tell you this before, but Ava had gone to a fertility clinic to get pregnant, and, um... so... well, apparently there was a mix-up. The child is not from the donor that we thought, so... anyway, the child is not biologically mine, but that doesn't really matter, either. What I want to talk to you is about there is someone that my wife was seeing before we got married that is claiming to be the father. This person here making these claims may raise a little fuss, but I just wanted to assure you that this will be handled quickly and quietly, okay? And it'll all be put to rest. Okay, because what's most important here is my son. Because I'm still a family man, you know-- not in the traditional sense of family, but most definitely a family. Sometimes families are tested, and that's all this is. So I just wanted to sit you down and assure you that this in no way will have any effect on my ability to run this state as governor.
Governor: Mm-hmm.
Bill: I'm still your man.
(Monitor beeping)
Remy: Hey. I'm sorry you're so upset.
Ava: I'm not.
Remy: Really? That's great. You want us...
Ava: What?
Remy: You don't want us.
Ava: No... I... I... I don't really know what I want right now.
Remy: You're overwhelmed.
Ava: No. No. Maybe I don't, um... I don't really understand what's happening to me right now. (Sigh)
Remy: I was never the kind of guy that believed in, you know, like things should happen or anything like that, but, uh... I think there's a reason for this. Maybe Max is life's way of telling us that we need to be together.
Ava: Please, Remy, not now. Please.
Remy: You kissed me. You kissed me, Ava, and you want to be with me as much as I want to be with you. So let's go see our son.
Strong arms to hold on stronger shoulders to lean onto.
There's a love in my heart a love I can't give
don't ask me again how it is I live
don't cry in my...
Lizzie: Please be right. Please, please, please be right.
What I believe it's all I know.
Woman: Can I help you?
Lizzie: I'm Lizzie. I'm not here to cause trouble. I just really need to see my daughter. Sarah? Sarah?
Woman: I don't know who you're talking about.
Lizzie: I know he probably told you to do that, to say that, but it's okay. Is Jonathan in there? Can I just talk to him for one second? Jonathan!
Woman: Sorry, we've been here three years. My husband and me, and our boys. Are you okay?
Lizzie: Yeah. No. I... I just... I'm looking for my daughter. I don't know if I'm going to see her again. I'll go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'll go.
Josh: Bill.
Bill: Oh, hey, Josh. I didn't see you there. Just checking some messages.
Josh: Well, actually, I was just coming by to check on you guys, to see how you're doing. How's Ava and the baby? Any changes at all?
Bill: Um, Ava is doing all right. She's going to be coming home, so that's good.
Josh: Great.
Bill: But Max is going to stay at the hospital. He's getting stronger-- fighter.
Josh: Of course he's a fighter, he's your son.
Bill: Yeah. Yes, he is. And no, but... it’s...
Josh: Excuse me?
Bill: Oh, Josh, there's a... long story, but there's a chance that Remy Boudreau is actually the biological father. There... I... I know. I know. I know. But it's fine. Ava and I are working it out. So it's going to be good. It's going to be everything... Max is still my son, so life goes on. Still running for governor, and everything's right on track.
Josh: I'm sorry, Bill. Is there anything at all that I can do to help or...?
Bill: No, no, no. It's good. But how about you? How's Cassie doing?
Josh: Cassie and I have split up.
Bill: Oh, gosh, I'm sorry, I didn’t...
Josh: Me, too. We tried.
Bill: I know. I know you did.
Josh: Yeah. Listen, I can't pretend for a minute that I know what you're going through. I don’t. But I know this must be difficult for you. I know you had a plan and it’s...
Bill: This isn't about plans. I know what people might think. But this is about my son.
Josh: I know. I understand that, but I'm just saying...
Bill: But it's fine. It's fine. But, um... if you could pray for him, that would be great. But I'm going to be... fine. So, thanks.
Mel: Hey, I got your message. Congratulations.
Ava: Thanks.
Mel: You said you needed my help?
Remy: Yeah, yeah, you bet I do but, um... I'm going to go see the baby now. We'll talk in a few minutes?
Mel: Okay.
Remy: Hey, um... are you okay?
Ava: Yeah. I just feel like I'm missing something. But I don't have anything here, so I don't know why I'm feeling like that.
Remy: Tomorrow, we can wheel you over to my place and get you set up.
Ava: No. No, no, no, no.
Remy: Don't say no. Don't do that. I'm not going to push, okay, but I won't let you go through this alone, Ava. All right? You can lean on me. I mean, I don't know what I'm doing either, but... but I promise I won't let you down, or our son, okay?
Ava: Okay.
Bill: Hey. I think it... I think it really went well with the governor. He got you flowers.
Ava: He did?
Bill: Yeah.
Ava: Oh.
Remy: You're still trying to save this?
Bill: We've worked too hard to give up now. Excuse me. Baby, we can work through this, okay? We've been through so much. We've been through so much together, and that's how I know. Now, we can work through this. We're tough. We want the same things, right? I'm not saying it's going to be easy, I'm not. But this is about you and me pulling together for Max, our family, our marriage. Okay? I think you owe me that much.
Remy: She doesn't owe you anything.
Bill: Leave, Remy. Just leave.
Remy: You know what, Bill? I'm not going to start a fight with you, okay? I'm not going to whip up a big speech and start making demands. I have a son, and Ava and I will raise him together.
Bill: Hmm.
Cassie: Josh is still going to be around a lot. He's not going anywhere.
R.J.: You said he's moving out.
Cassie: Yes. Well, he won't be in the house, but he'll still be in your life. We both love you so much, baby.
R.J.: I'm not a baby.
Cassie: Hey, R.J., I know you need to be strong when you're with Josh, and that's a guy thing. I get that. But this is you and me time. You don't have to be strong around me. I know this is hard for you. Okay?
R.J.: Okay. Can we just go get my ice cream?
Reva: Hey, you're back from camp.
R.J.: Yeah, it was fun.
Cassie: You should see all of the awards he won.
Reva: Yeah?
R.J.: I could have won more, but I let some other kids win.
Reva: Well, that was very nice of you.
Cassie: Josh and I just picked him up.
Reva: Oh.
Cassie: Sweetie, why don't you go get that ice cream?
R.J.: Okay.
Cassie: Josh and I broke up.
Reva: I know.
Cassie: But he came with me today because he wanted to be with me to tell R.J. together.
Reva: How's he doing?
Cassie: Josh or R.J.?
Reva: Cassie, please, this was not my fault.
Cassie: Oh, really? I think it is your fault, Reva.
Reva: I'm not going to take the blame.
Cassie: Okay, maybe you didn't do what people usually do when they get in the middle of someone else's relationship, but you were just you. You and Josh, and that thing is bigger than all of us.
Reva: Cassie, I'm marrying Jeffrey.
Cassie: Well, I hope it works out.
Reva: Really?
Cassie: You know, Jeffrey is a strong guy but, I'm sorry, there's the Josh and Reva thing; the rest of us don't have a chance. We may have had a chance before that damn movie company came along and splattered your big love story all over the whole town.
Reva: Please go on.
Cassie: "Jolene, do you want to make it real? Say your vows like the universe meant it, meant it to be like the stars align and the angels sang..."
Reva: You knew who you were marrying, Cassie!
Cassie: Yeah, and you knew how to do just enough to wreck any chance we might have had. And then, now he's available, you don't want him? It's all just a game to you.
Reva: I didn't ask Josh to leave you.
Cassie: You didn't have to. You win, Reva. Congratulations.
Reva: I didn't know it was a contest.
Cassie: No, it's not a contest because no one wins here. And now I've had to tell a little boy that the one man he counts on isn't going to be around much anymore.
Remy: You're not going to get rid of me, Bill. I'm standing here protecting what's mine.
Bill: Oh, oh! Remy, nothing here belongs to you.
Remy: You don't run the world, Bill. You know, I can play nice man. It doesn't have to be a big scandal for you. Just a quiet annulment, that's all.
Bill: No. Would you please just shut the hell up and get out of here?
Remy: I'm this close to just knocking you...
Mel: You guys-- both of you stop it.
Bill: Mel, you really shouldn't be getting involved in this, okay?
Mel: No. I need to get in the middle of this, because if my brother is the father of Ava’s baby, he's got rights!
Bill: Mel, Mel, my name is on the birth certificate...
Remy: Big deal!
Mel: Shh! Calm down!
Bill: Okay. You know what, I'm going to back off and I'm just going to have to get security.
Remy: Be my guest.
Mel: No. Listen. You don't need to get security.
Bill: Okay, listen, Mel, Mel, he's your brother. Can you talk to him and straighten him out, please? Can you do that?
Mel: You know what? I'm going to go back in there and I'm going to have a little conversation with my brother. And then I'm going to be back, and I'll let you know.
Beth: So?
Lizzie: They weren't there. Is that supposed to be funny?
Alan: Elizabeth, I just started having the visions. It's not an exact science.
Lizzie: I... I don't care, okay? That was just a random address. That woman probably thought I was out of my mind. I just asked her if my daughter was hiding in her house!
Beth: I... I'm sorry. I told you not to get your hopes up.
Alan: I'm sorry.
Lizzie: Just because you gave your word that you would stop hurting Jonathan and Sarah does not mean that you can start hurting me.
Alan: If I had any doubt that this was not the address... but the numbers were very clear to me.
Lizzie: This wasn't even an address that meant something else to Gus! This was a big, fat pile of nothing! You put all of your hope into something because someone tells you to trust them, but they always lead you the wrong way, or they disappear on you, or they choose a life that you can't be a part of.
Beth: Listen, everything is going to be okay...
Lizzie: No. No one knows that. That's why I wanted to believe you so badly. I need something to believe in. What's the point?
Reva: Jeffrey and I really aren't the formal garden type. No. No, no. No, no. Listen, Shelley, I'm going to have to call you back, okay? Thanks. Bye. Hi!
Josh: Hi, there. Are you busy?
Reva: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I am kind of busy. What's going on?
Josh: I just think we have a few things we need to say to each other.
Reva: No, really, I'm talked out. I really am. And I just saw Cassie and... never mind. Never mind. And Jeffrey has moved back in, and he's due home here any minute now.
Josh: Well, then, you should probably let me in and let me say what I have to say. Thank you.
When you're out there looking out of another man's
Mel: Eat.
Remy: You don't have to feed me. I'm not a kid.
Mel: No, you're not a kid. And you might even be a father.
Remy: I can take care of them, Mel. I mean, I know it’s taken me a long time to get my act together, but I want this. I'm motivated. And I just want to do what's right. What are you thinking?
Mel: I'm thinking my little brother's a great guy.
Remy: I have a son. And I know it's mine. And his mother... she loves me. That's the thing. We belong together.
Mel: Rem, I can’t... I can't tell what Ava is thinking.
Remy: She's afraid. I'll help her see it my way.
Mel: I don't know what she wants, but you have to work with her if you're going to be in this baby's life.
Remy: That's your legal advice? That's great.
Mel: No, that's my sister advice. I mean, I'm going to be here for you, legally. I just need to know that you're committed.
Remy: I'm committed.
Mel: Okay. You say that, but, you know, you've had commitment issues before, you know, when you were on the force. I don't know.
Remy: She makes me different, now. I have a steady job, you know, I'm focused. I have a son. Whoo! Man.
Ava: Do you think... that you can ever forgive me?
Bill: I have to, right? Or I lose everything.
Ava: Do you love him?
Bill: More and more every second. I'm not going to give this up. I'm not a quitter. I'm not going to quit this life that I've been... that I've been making. So... can I trust you?
Ava: Yes.
Bill: Okay. We're going to do this.
Alan: I know I failed you again, Elizabeth, and I don't want to do that anymore.
Lizzie: It's not a big deal, okay? I just don't want to hear anything about your visions anymore.
Alan: Maybe the vision meant something else, something I don't understand yet. They're coming in much clearer, much stronger now. So maybe the next one will explain what the address meant. In the meanwhile, we need to go back to Springfield. I'm... I'm facing charges there, and it's where we belong.
Lizzie: Did you get Nana?
Beth: Ah, yeah. Yeah, I did. Um, she dropped James off on her way to the hospital. Honey, there's something that you need to know about Ava’s baby.
Lizzie: Is it okay?
Beth: Yes, yes, yes. He's okay. He's still in the I.C.U., but fine.
Lizzie: Okay. Then, what is it?
Beth: Well, it seems that...
Lizzie: Tell me.
Beth: It's not Bill's. It's Remy’s.
Lizzie: Oh! (Laughs) That's terrible!
Josh: Those look very nice in here.
Reva: Oh, yeah. Someone left them at the front door.
Josh: Really?
Reva: I thought it was the movie people. (Laughs) Here, take them.
Josh: You don't want them now because they're from me?
Reva: Ah, when I thought they were from a leftover prop from the movie, from that phony wedding thing, it was one thing. But now that I know that they're from you, no, they don't belong here, and neither do you!
Josh: Yeah, well, this won't take long, Reva.
Reva: Jeffrey’s... thank you. What?
Josh: I just wanted to say, um... "Always" means "Always."
Reva: No. No, no, not with us. With us, "Always" means "Sometimes, but just not now."
Josh: I'll wait.
Reva: The movie's over, and, yes, it was chock full of emotion. I didn't know what I was feeling half the time.
Josh: Well, neither did I. But, funny thing-- now, I do.
Reva: Listen to me carefully-- when the movie wrapped and the dust settled, all that was left there were my feelings for Jeffrey. I had fun with you. It was so much fun getting to relive that perfect memory. But that's over. I thought we were clear about that.
Josh: No, you were clear, Reva. I was not. Um... I want you back, and I'm going to win you back. So...
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Ava: I wish I could just disappear.
Reva: Ava is in real trouble. She could hurt herself or little Max.
Remy: I just want to check on him.
Nurse: You don't know?
Remy: Know what?
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