GL Transcript Thursday 7/24/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/24/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Ava: I think I'm having a contraction. This can't be happening. Max is too tiny.

Doctor: I need the father in the delivery room now!

Ava: If anything happens to me...

Bill: You do not talk like that...

Ava: No, listen. If anything happens to me in there, I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I lied. And I'm not sorry that I made the decision because then we wouldn't have Max.

Bill: Ava, listen to me. I am not sorry, either.


Ava: Ooh, I am so tired of this.

Bill: You're doing just great. You're doing great. Don't worry. You're doing great. You're doing great.

Ava: Why is he coming early? Where is my mother?

Bill: She's gonna be here. They're going to be here. Your mom is going to be here. Jeffrey is going be here.

Doctor: Mr. Lewis, I need you to step outside.

Bill: I'm sorry. Why?

Doctor: We need to page the Neonatologist. The baby might be under fetal distress. His heart rate is going down to 90 with every contraction. We better get set up for an emergency C-section. I'll keep you posted. (Ava breathing deeply)

Vanessa: Hello, hello. Any babies yet?

Dinah: No, not yet. Not yet. But they're nervous.

Vanessa: Well, of course they're nervous. I'm nervous, too. It's overwhelming.

Dinah: I suppose you're right.

Vanessa: You'll see.

Dinah: I left several messages for Billy. I thought he'd want to be here.

Vanessa: Yeah, I did, too. And where in the world are Jeffrey and Olivia?

Dinah: Olivia is stuck in an airport in Canada. And Jeffrey, I've been trying to track him down.

Vanessa: Oh, well. Come on, sit down. I guess we are going to have a bit of a wait.

Dinah: Well, this is weird. I'm going to be an auntie. (Laughter) And you are going to be a granny.

Vanessa: I am! Or grandmother or grandmamma. I can't wait.

Dinah: Yeah.

Vanessa: How are you? How are you doing?

Dinah: I'm good. I'm good. I'm in a hospital, and I am waiting for my nephew to be born. And this isn't about me, so that feels really good.

Vanessa: Well, I've just been thinking about you. I've been a little worried, that's all.

Dinah: Why? Why? Things are better than ever. Bill and I are creating a whole new world. And you know what? I know when this baby comes, it's just going to bring us all closer, closer than ever before.

Marina: Hey.

Mallet: Hey.

Marina: What's up?

Mallet: Cute dress.

Marina: Thanks. Please tell me that's not work? Mallet? Come on, we need a break. You promised. We took the day off. We were just going to have fun, no work. And now I come out here and I see you sitting here and you've got your work face on.

Mallet: It's not a work face. It's, um, "Dinah called me and I don't know why" face.

Marina: Oh.

Mallet: Well, I mean, I know I should call her. Ava is on her way to the hospital. She's apparently in labor.

Marina: Oh, my God!

Mallet: Uh-huh.

Marina: That's kind of early, right?

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, it is, actually. I hope she's okay. Yeah, I think Dinah was excited, and she called me, and the baby thing, the whole family thing.

Marina: Yeah... no... I mean, it's a good thing for her, too, right?

Mallet: Sure.

Remy: Hey.

Mallet: Hey.

Marina: Remy, what's up? You look a little freaked out.

Remy: Yeah, I just need a walk. That's all.

Marina: Hey, I think Ava in the hospital. She's going to have her baby.

Remy: Yeah, yeah. I took her to the hospital. It's coming early. Yeah, uh-huh.

Mallet: You all right? You want to sit down?

Remy: Yeah. I'm just worried. You know, there's nothing I can do to help.

Marina: Oh, come on. You took her to the hospital. That's a really good thing.

Remy: Maybe you... you can go to the hospital. You can be there just in case, you know.

Marina: Remy, Ava and I aren't exactly friends. I don't think that she would really want me there. But you should go... go and be with her.

Remy: No. Bill... Bill, he doesn't want me anywhere near her. You know, I've got to keep moving. I'm going to get some coffee or something. You guys be good, okay?

Marina: Okay.

Mallet: See ya.

Doctor: Your son is here, Mr. Lewis.

Bill: Yeah.

Lizzie: Wow, I didn't think you'd leave the hospital until they forced you.

Remy: I left. I didn't belong there.

Lizzie: Well, why the hell would you want to be there anyway?

Remy: I felt so weird leaving her all alone. I know she's so scared. It's like... it's like I never feel like she's safe with Bill. Okay, yeah, right, I know he's the father.

Lizzie: Well, no. An anonymous sperm donor is.

Remy: I just can't sit here and do nothing. You know, the baby is premature, her mother is out of town. She's all alone.

Lizzie: She's not alone. She's with Bill.

Remy: Like I said, she's all alone.

Lizzie: Remy, they're together. You have to accept that. Okay, if Bill was going to leave Ava, he would have done it when he found out about the baby. But he didn’t.

Remy: So you're over Bill just like that?

Lizzie: No, I'm not.

Remy: Then why aren't you fighting for him?

Lizzie: Because I'm not going to win! And I'm not going to keep hurting myself or keep waiting for him to come back to me. I'm going to do something drastic, something that will slam that door shut forever.

Bill: What's going on? Is everything okay? I mean, why isn't he crying?

Nurse: Preemies' lungs aren't fully developed yet. They don't always make noise like full terms.

Bill: Can I see him?

Nurse: Yeah. In a few minutes, we'll come get you.

Ava: Where is she going? I want to see my son!

Doctor: We'll take good care of him. He just needs a little help.

Bill: What should I do?

Doctor: Stay here with your wife. We'll be back.

Bill: Hey, hey, hey, everything's going to be okay. What's going on? How is our son?

Nurse: Oh, he's getting set up in the neonatal I.C.U.

Bill: Okay, is he okay?

Nurse: We have him on a respirator. It's helping him breathe.

Bill: He can't breathe on his own?

Nurse: He was just born.

Bill: Can I see him? I just want to see what's going on. I'll be right back, okay?

Mallet: Oh! Come on, what's up with you? You're off your game!

Marina: I don't know. I guess I was thinking about Dinah.

Mallet: Dinah, why?

Marina: You know, called about that whole baby thing.

Mallet: Yeah. I think that's just habit. You know, we were married, and she doesn't have a lot of friends. So she calls when stuff happens, you know?

Marina: Yeah. Yeah, no, I get it. It makes sense. I don't know, I guess I was thinking that... you're right, she doesn't have a lot of friends. And she's got a lot of stuff going on right now. She probably wants someone to share it with. So maybe you should go over there and be with her.

Mallet: No. That sends the wrong message. Because we're finally in a good place, and we've finally got to a good, safe place, and I don't want to mess with that. She's fine. She can take care of herself.

Vanessa: Oh, nerve-wracking, huh? Okay, okay, okay. Do you want some food?

Dinah: No, I don't want any food. Stop mothering me. It's too late.

Vanessa: It's never too late.

Dinah: No, seriously, Mom, I'm letting you off the hook. I have proven myself over and over again. I have the house and I have money, but my brother needs me right now, and that feels good.

Vanessa: Good.

Nurse: Look at this, Bill Lewis. Isn't that your patient?

Nurse 2: That's him, but that's definitely not his wife.

Dinah: Hi. Shouldn't you be working? Saving lives, something like that?

Vanessa: What... honey, was that something about Bill?

Dinah: No. Everything is fine, Mom. Everything is good. It's good.

Bill: Hey.

Dinah: Any news? Am I an auntie?

Bill: He's here! He's in I.C.U., but he's fine. He’s... he's here.

Dinah: Oh!

Lizzie: Should we make a toast?

Remy: To what? We're not celebrating.

Lizzie: Yeah, I know. We are drowning our sorrows. (Cell phone rings)

Remy: Is that the hospital?

Lizzie: No, it's my mom. Hi, Mom. Yes, I know that I said that I would watch Peyton but... what? Well, can they tell that it's me? Oh, my God! Yeah. I'll call you later. I do have a toast for you. To things getting worse. (Glasses clink)

Remy: Do you want to fill me in?

Lizzie: There is a photo of me and Bill on the internet right now.

Remy: What kind of picture?

Lizzie: One that won't get him elected, and one he definitely won't be putting in Max’s baby book.

Remy: I knew it. I knew he would hurt Ava.

Lizzie: Look, he didn't do anything. But the reporters aren't going to see it that way. Oh, I can just imagine what they're saying. "Governor wannabe cheats on his wife while she is in labor." This is bad.

Remy: That's Bill. What a classy guy.

Lizzie: I better get out of here before the press finds me. This is why I'm moving to L.A.

Remy: Yeah, because there is no press in L.A., right?

Lizzie: You know, I don't care if they find me because I didn't do anything wrong. It's their marriage that's a joke.

Remy: That's what I've been saying.

Lizzie: Yeah, it would probably be better if the truth came out.

Remy: It always does.

Lizzie: And he is the one that's running for office, you know? The press is going to be all over them. Do Bill and Ava really think that nobody is going to figure out that their marriage is a joke?

Remy: You know what? You should go public. No, really. And if it ruins his political campaign, oh, well. It's not like he can't do something else.

Lizzie: And the baby?

Remy: The baby.

Lizzie: The baby would be okay, right?

Remy: Of course.

Bill: I saw him. The doctors... the doctors are still working. But my mom said this is not uncommon, not to go crazy. But, you know, it's Max. And I just want him to be with us, you know. He's just... he's so small. I know they start out like this. But it's fine, it's fine. It's fine. You did such a good job. You were perfect, by the way.

Ava: You always make me feel so much better.

Bill: Yeah. Well, you should get some rest. It's going to be fine. It's going to be fine. I love him. I love him. I love you, and we're all here and it's good. So thank you. Thank you.

Ava: You love me?

Bill: I love our family more than anything. Get some rest, okay?

Bill: Hi.

Dinah: Hey, where have you been?

Bill: I got Ava flowers...

Dinah: Very nice. Very nice. The doctor is looking for you.

Bill: He's looking for me? Is everything okay?

Dinah: Yeah, everything is fine. Max is stabilized, and you and Ava can go see him.

Bill: He's okay? Can I see him?

Dinah: Yeah. He's in an incubator still, but everything is okay.

Bill: Yeah, yeah.

Dinah: You have everything, you know that?

Bill: Yeah. Yeah.

Dinah: We have a meeting with the Brits in one hour. I think we should cancel it.

Bill: Oh, that's today. That's today. Yes, yes, yes. Where did Mom go?

Dinah: I don't know. I don't know. But I'm very sorry about that whole Lizzie mess.

Bill: Oh, don't worry about, okay? Just don’t. It's going to go away.

Dinah: Yeah, it is. You know why? Because we're a beautiful family. And we're going to fix everything else.

Bill: Yeah. Could you cancel that meeting for us?

Dinah: Sure.

Bill: Thanks. Thank you very much. Hey, these are for you. Hey, guess what? They're going to let us see him.

Ava: What? Now?

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: No.

Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ava: I don't feel like seeing him.

Bill: Ava, listen to me, I get it, you're scared, okay? I understand. But, come on, I'm with you, all right? And he needs us. It will be good for him. It will be good for us. The doctor said he's stabilized. All right? So, come on. I can't believe we're going to meet our son in a few minutes. (Laughing)

Ava: Yeah, we did it. But why don't we just wait a little while longer and...

Bill: What? No. Come on, no need to wait anymore. We finally get to meet Max. Come on. I'll help you up. Now, easy. Steady, steady.

Marina: This whole baby thing really has them all running in circles.

Mallet: Uh-huh. Babies are scary. I could do that. (Crunching chips) I could do that. I could do a hundred of those things.

Marina: Really?

Mallet: Uh-huh.

Marina: All right. Why don't you show me what you're made of. Remy, hold on, darling. Mallet here, he's going to show you how it's done. Please don't have a heart attack. Remy, come on.

Mallet: Good. He's done. I didn't want to make him feel bad.

Remy: Okay, all right. I know you might think I'm crazy, but I've just got to keep moving.

Marina: You want a chip?

Remy: Mm-mm. (Cell phone rings) Yeah? Okay. Okay.

Mallet: What you got? You got some baby news?

Remy: No. I've got to pick up Annabelle.

Mallet: Hmm, Annabelle. I love her!

Remy: Yep.

Marina: Annabelle.

Remy: Yeah, I don't think you have to pick her up. She's this really sweet, old lady that lives by herself. About once a month we get a call to pick her up, take her to the hospital, get her checked out. She lives alone. You'd like her. Well, I'm going to get going. You guys be good, okay?

Mallet: All right. Tell Annabelle I said hi.

Marina: For the road. And tell me when Ava has her baby, okay? Call me.

Remy: Cool.

Mallet: You don't like Ava.

Marina: I like babies.

...Seems like you wanna just go home...

Bill: Here we are.

Ava: Stop, please.

Bill: What's wrong?

Ava: I'm scared.

Bill: Oh, baby, listen to me. Listen to me. The doctor said everything is going to be okay, okay? Everything is going to be just fine, okay? All things considered, we're lucky. We're lucky. We're going to take care of him.

Ava: How do you know everything is going to be okay?

Bill: Because I'm saying it. Okay? The hard part's over, all right? Let's go meet Max. All right?

Ava: Yeah.

Man: We'll push the meeting until the morning. The Governor will update everyone then.

Lizzie: Hi. I'd like to talk with Governor Young.

Man: So would a lot of people.

Lizzie: My name is Elizabeth Spaulding. I want to talk with the Governor about his proposed successor.

Man: Bill Lewis?

Lizzie: I have some information about Mr. Lewis I think the governor would find very interesting.

Bill: Okay, okay, okay. Hi. Can you tell me which one is Max Lewis? Oh, hey, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. I, um... I don't think this is our baby.

Nurse: Oh, I helped deliver him. He's got a tiny little birth mark under this arm. That's Baby Lewis.

Ava: He's so...

Bill: His skin is... I'm sorry. I don't know a lot about premature babies, but, um... is he okay? Does he have enough oxygen? His skin...

Nurse: His oxygen levels are fine. What happened with your son is not uncommon. He'll probably get darker. Sometimes it takes hours or days for the melatonin to come in.

Bill: Melatonin? What do you mean? I'm sorry? Did you say he's going to get darker or he's going to get lighter? Because, um... this is his skin color?

Nurse: Yes. Why don't I give you two a few minutes alone?

Bill: Ava, I'm stunned. You told me you chose a donor that looked exactly like me, so I...

Ava: I did. I did. You can ask the doctor at the fertility clinic. I picked a donor that looked as close to you as I could get.

Bill: Wow. Wow. Well, we need to call the clinic then. We need to call the clinic.

Lizzie: Hello, your Honor. Thank you so much for speaking with me.

Governor: Ordinarily I don't take spontaneous meetings, but your last name is Spaulding and you want to speak to me about my potential successor.

Lizzie: Yes. I'm sure you heard from the gossip floating around about me...

Governor: Unfortunately.

Lizzie: That's why I wanted to talk to you. I want you to know everything.

Governor: No. I'm going to stop you right there. I don't want to know any details.

Lizzie: Not details. I just don't think that you understand the situation.

Governor: What I understand is that I'll be leaving office very soon, and my agenda is not complete. That's why I was supporting Bill. Now I find out he's got a pregnant wife and a sex scandal. He'll never get elected.

Lizzie: There is no sex scandal. Those photos, they aren't what they look like. It wasn't a secret rendezvous. It was an ex-girlfriend who couldn't let go of her ex- boyfriend. It's true. Bill let go of me a long, long time ago. And I just haven't been able to let go of him. I followed him. And that day at the cabin, I tricked him into meeting with me. That's what those photos are. And I am not proud of what I've done, but I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with Bill. And I think that people would understand that.

Governor: Well, I appreciate your honesty. But I'm afraid it's too late.

Lizzie: Well, then the people who are really going to lose here are the citizens of this state, because Bill is a good man. And he would make an excellent governor. And you don't have to worry about me. I'm moving to California. In a week's time, no one will even remember me.

Dinah: Are you glutton for punishment?

Remy: I dropped somebody off in the E.R., Dinah. It's my job.

Dinah: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I figured you were here trying to see Ava. My mistake.

Remy: The baby?

Dinah: He was early. He's little, but he is a fighter.

Remy: He's in the I.C.U.?

Dinah: Yeah. Yeah. They're not going to let you in, you know.

Remy: Have you seen him?

Dinah: Not yet. Just Bill and Ava.

Remy: Don't let Billy boy shut you out.

Dinah: He has a lot going on. He's stressed out.

Remy: How's Ava?

Dinah: She just had a baby. She's tired, and she's probably a little worried. That's all.

Remy: I just want her to be okay.

Bill: Yeah, yeah. I'm just trying to track down some information. For my wife. My son was just born. And there was obviously a mistake made on the donor application, so I'm trying to get that corrected so I can get the proper medical background for him. Yeah. Well, I'm just trying to help my son. So... no, please don't put me on hold. I already was... hello? Hey, Mom. Hey.

Vanessa: Hey, honey. The baby's not yours?

Bill: No. I mean, yes, yes. The baby is mine, but Ava used a sperm donor, so...

Vanessa: Ava what?

Bill: Well, she was pregnant. And then she wasn't, or lost the child, and she went to a clinic to get pregnant again, so...

Vanessa: And you knew this?

Bill: Yeah. Yeah.

Vanessa: You knew this all along?

Bill: Yeah... yeah, well, I found out right before the wedding, so, yeah.

Vanessa: And you still wanted to get married to her?

Bill: Of course I do, Mom. I mean, it's my wife. She's carrying my child, my son. I was with her through the whole pregnancy, so I'm not going to turn my back on this child. I love him, okay? You understand?

Vanessa: Yeah. Yeah, I got that.

Bill: There's just now some sort of mix-up at the clinic, and I'm just trying to... I'm trying to get it straightened out.

Vanessa: What do you mean there was a mix-up at the clinic?

Bill: Ava chose a donor that looked exactly like me, but somebody made a mistake. And, um... the baby doesn't look like me, so...

Vanessa: Well, that doesn't matter. That doesn't matter because he is a preemie. He's tiny and nobody knows...

Bill: He's African American, Mom. And the whole time I've been trying to pass this child off as my own, that... that was the point. She chose a donor who looked exactly like me so I've been telling everyone that this is my real son. And I just can no longer do that. Now, all of a sudden I'm putting this pressure on this child, and I don't want to do that. I don't want to... I want him to be protected. I want him to feel safe.

Vanessa: Well, very few people go through life feeling protected and safe. I mean, honey, life's not like that. But he'll be okay. The baby will be okay.

Bill: You think so?

Vanessa: Yeah, I do. I mean, do you love this baby?

Bill: Of course I love him. He's my son, Mom.

Vanessa: Well, okay.

Bill: Thank you.

Doctor: The nurse has your mother on the line.

Ava: Not now.

Doctor: Your son is getting stronger every second. He's a fighter.

Remy: Congratulations, Mom! I heard the baby is okay. I came to check on you. These are for you.

Ava: Thank you.

Remy: So, what can I do for you? Can I get you something to drink? I can roll you down to see the baby.

Ava: I saw him. He's beautiful.

Remy: Wow. Man, so what can I do? I need to do something. Put me to work.

Ava: Oh, I... I don't know. I just feel a little overwhelmed.

Remy: Yeah. Wow. Wow, I can't imagine. I haven't taken care of anyone, much less a baby. (Laughs) What a crazy feeling.

Ava: Yeah.

Remy: So, some stats. Some stats. Height? Weight?

Ava: Oh, yeah, um... I don't know. I don't know.

Remy: That's a lot to think about.

Ava: Is everything going to be okay?

Remy: Absolutely. Hey, congratulations, Grandma! Um, well, I'll go. Other mothers to rescue.

Ava: Thank you for the flowers. Sunflowers are my favorite.

Vanessa: Well, how are you feeling?

Ava: Fine.

Vanessa: Good. I just saw your baby. He's very beautiful. My son loves him very much. (Baby crying) Well, would you like to go down to neonatal?

Ava: No.

Vanessa: Well, I think we need to have a talk.

Ava: Okay.

Vanessa: Bill loves his son. And you've made choices and you are a family. And I'll help you in any way that I can, but before I do that I need you to promise me something. I need you to promise me that you will never take this baby away from Bill.

Dinah: Can I have a word with you, please?

Alexandra: Of course.

Dinah: You don't work at Maximus.

Alexandra: No, I don’t. But these gentlemen hired me as a consultant. We go way back.

Dinah: Ava had a baby today, so Bill is at the hospital with her. And he has asked me to postpone the meeting.

Alexandra: Well, having a baby is very important. I'm sure these gentlemen will understand, even though they flew in from overseas. Tell me something, Dinah, is Bill planning to continue handling this as a one-man company, or is it just that he doesn't think anyone else can handle it as well as he does?

Dinah: I know what you're doing...

Alexandra: Doing?

Dinah: Yeah. You're not nearly as subtle as you think you are.

Alexandra: Well, I do relate to your situation, being the sister of a very powerful brother.

Dinah: (Laughs) So, I've heard. Maybe we should agree on a secret handshake, or like some t-shirt, something like that.

Alexandra: Dinah, I don't want to see you trampled.

Dinah: And I don't trust you.

Alexandra: I can help you with the meeting.

Dinah: I can handle the meeting.

Alexandra: Of course you can.

Dinah: Gentlemen, are we ready to get started?

Mallet: What are you doing? What are you doing?

Marina: Uh-uh.

Mallet: Give me those. Are we sharing?

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Mallet: You know, I wonder what's up with the baby?

Marina: I think I'm going to swing by Cedars on my way home and see if Ava had the baby. And if she did, I can peek inside and just, like, wave hi or something like that. They're just so cute and squishy when they come out...

Mallet: They're squishy?

Marina: Uh-huh.

Mallet: I thought they were like wet and stinky.

Marina: No.

Mallet: Squishy? That's cute. And you're cute. You like babies, don't you?

Marina: Uh-huh.

Mallet: You're going to be a great mother.

Marina: Thank you. For now, one goal at a time. I was thinking about balancing my checkbook this month.

Mallet: Oh, that's a good goal.

Marina: Right? I mean, I thought so.

Bill: You got to get in a little closer. You need to bond with your child.

Ava: No, it's okay. I'm fine.

Bill: Oh, my goodness. He's just so amazing, you know? He's just so amazing. Look at him. I mean, so what if he doesn't look like me, right? It's fine. It's fine. And the clinic said they're going to track down his medical background, so that's good, right?

Ava: Yeah, good. So, what do you want to do?

Bill: Wow. What do I want to do? I'm going to stick to the plan, that's what I want to do. You, me and baby Max. Okay, initially, there was a little curveball there. I'm going to admit that to you. But we knew the child wasn't biologically mine, so, I mean, that doesn't change anything. I love him. I love him. And that's all that's important here, you know? You know? We just tell people we had artificial insemination. You know, we couldn't conceive. You know, it's common these days. So it doesn't really... it doesn't matter at all. Look at him. What matters is we love him, and we're good and we're happy. One big, happy family.

Remy: Hey, how do I get to the neonatal I.C.U.? My wife had a baby, and I want to see him. Thank you.

Dinah: So, this is exactly why it is so important, as we're expanding into the European market, that we know, and that we're focused; that in our process of becoming a worldwide corporation, that we respect the local companies who know their clientele. And we don't want you to become a clone of Maximus. We want you to be part of the Maximus family.

Man: This isn't at all what I expected to hear. It's so refreshing to hear your respect for our traditions.

Alexandra: What did I tell you? Dinah is the real brains behind this company.

Man 2: I'll agree to the deal right now. On one condition: That you be the point person for all further transactions.

Dinah: Deal. Deal.

(Baby crying)

Remy: Hi. Hi. Which one is Ava Lewis' baby?

Nurse: Right here, sir. (Baby crying)

Remy: That's Ava Lewis' baby?

Nurse: Yes, sir. (Baby crying)

Alexandra: Oh, Lizzie, are you here looking for Bill? Because he's at the hospital.

Lizzie: I know. I was just there.

Alexandra: I'm sorry, darling.

Lizzie: Yeah, no, I am, too. That's why I'm here. I'm looking at the information on my new job assignment in L.A.

Alexandra: Are you really leaving?

Lizzie: Yes, I am really leaving. I can't keep running into Bill.

Alexandra: But why L.A.? Darling, I mean, there's Chicago?

Lizzie: No, no. That's way too close. And I know me. I need a clean break. I need something completely different.

Alexandra: But you're still going to be working for Bill's company.

Lizzie: Well, I still need a job. And I'm not going to be working directly with Bill. I made sure of that.

Alexandra: What about Bill? Is he going to still try to deal directly with you?

Lizzie: Well, if he does, then I'll try something else. Why don't you come with us?

Alexandra: "Us?"

Lizzie: I'm trying to get Mom and Granddad to come along.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, thank you for thinking of me, darling. But, no, L.A. is not my kind of town. (Laughter) While you're there, though, are you going to think about...

Lizzie: Yeah. As soon as I get settled, it's the first thing I'm going to do. I am going to find Jonathan and Sarah.

Alexandra: Good. Well, I hope you do, darling. At least one Spaulding woman deserves to raise her own child.

Lizzie: Oh. Come here. I'm going to miss you.

Alexandra: Don't be upset. I'm going to visit. They have wonderful boutiques out there.

Lizzie: I just need something different. You know, something new. A new life.

Alexandra: Well, you are certainly overdue, my darling.

Bill: Remy, please, not now. Ava's tired...

Remy: I saw the baby.

Bill: Right. Right. He doesn't look like me. There was a mix-up at the clinic. It's no big deal...

Remy: No, there's no mix-up, man. That's my baby.

Coming up on "Guiding Light,"

Remy: I slept with Ava, man. That's my kid.

Bill: That is my son. That is my son in there! Okay, I'm the one who has been there. He knows my voice. He knows that I'm here. He is my son! Get out.

Remy: I have a son, and Ava and I will raise him together.

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