GL Transcript Tuesday 7/22/08

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/22/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Actor H.B.: Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Lewis.

Reva: It all seems like such a dream, doesn't it?

Josh: It's not a dream. It's as real as we are.

Cassie: You're still not over her and you never will be. Am I really what you want for the rest of your life?

Reporter: That's a look at your traffic. In other news, Governor Young scheduled a press conference today. Speculation is he'll endorse businessman Bill Lewis to succeed him.

Lizzie: (Sighs)

Bill: Can you...

Ava: Here, let me do that.

Bill: Yeah, thank you. I think we need a mirror in here, okay?

Ava: So this is a big day. You look nice.

Bill: It is a big day. It is.

Ava: This is what you wanted, right?

Bill: Oh, are you kidding me? Of course. The governor's endorsement is going to open a lot of doors for me.

Ava: Yeah.

Bill: For all of us. Just everything is great. Everything working out. Got a son on the way, living large, running a corporation. I just love it. I love it. Get some rest.

Ava: Okay.

Bill: Because it's a big day. We got the meeting with the governor and then that reporter. So take care of yourself and I'll see you later, Max. All right. Take care of Max for me.

Director: This'll be perfect for the publicity pack. The whole before and after aspect. Keep smiling.

Reva: Is this okay?

Director: Don't move. We'll worry about the lighting while you're up there. You want to run lines to kill some time?

Josh: I'm sorry. You want us to run Mark and Jolene’s lines?

Director: Sure. Or you could just kiss the bride.

It's not too late for you to change my mind...

Jolene: You guys are naturals.

Josh: We've done this before. A while.

Jolene: Well, I think we can take it from here.

Reva: No, wait. There's something I want to say. If you want to make this real, if you want it to be right, then don't say the lines as if they're just lines in a script or vows in a ceremony. Say the lines as if you've been waiting to say them your whole life, as if you were put on this earth to say these words to this man in this place at this exact moment. And then you'll know what it was like for me on my wedding day.

Jolene: Oh, Reva, thank you so much. This has been the role of a lifetime.

Reva: Well, it’s... it's been quite a lifetime. And it's not over yet.

Jeffrey: Here.

Cassie: Thanks.

Jeffrey: You ready to get out of here?

Cassie: No, I think you were right before. I think we should stick around and see this through. We can't control their feelings and most of the time I don't even know what mine are.

Don't you worry because I'm on my way home.

Josh: That was something.

Reva: Yeah. I had no idea how powerful it would be just being here. I mean, to see it and remember it. I mean, I knew I'd feel something. Okay, those are costumes, right? And the flowers kind of look like the flowers we had. But to actually see it and feel it. I knew I'd feel it, I just didn't know how much. You think they've started filming?

Josh: I think they're getting ready to, yes. Reva, did you mean what you said before to Jolene about feelings?

Reva: Every word. Standing up there with you like that was like a moment out of time or something. I felt like I was in this little bubble that was stuck between the... what was then and the what is now and what happened to us after that day and where our lives led us.

Josh: Kind of makes you wish we knew then what we know now, doesn't it?

Reva: Oh, come on, and take all the fun out of it? (Laughs)

Josh: Well, I could have used a few less surprises, I think.

Reva: Well, you know, that was always the sticking point with you and me. But it was wild how just standing up there with you brought it all back. It's like we never left this place.

Josh: Maybe we haven’t.

Bill: Hey, glad I found you, I've been looking for you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got the endorsement of the governor today. I just wanted to say thank you because I couldn't have done it without you or your union buddies. So, thanks.

Billy: You're welcome. Hey, this Reva movie outside here and the Craft Services, they're going to get ready to do the big wedding.

Bill: Oh, is that right?

Billy: Yeah.

Blake: Is it anything like the real thing?

Billy: Yeah, a little bit, yeah. I want to say something so just hear me out here.

Bill: Sure.

Billy: You're getting ready to go into politics. They're going to gun for you. They're going to take your life, they're going to pick it apart, every facet. And I just want you to know that you don't have to do this. I mean, you don't have anything to prove to me or anybody else. As a matter of fact, you've far outdone me and better than I could ever do.

Bill: I don't know about that. But, you know, politics is a whole new ball game.

Billy: I know. When I was young there was talk about me running for office.

Bill: Really? You never told me that.

Billy: It doesn't surprise me that you want to throw your hat in the ring. But as a matter of fact, you can work a room better than I ever could.

Bill: No one could work a room better than you. No, no, no, no, no. Now, why didn't you... what stopped you?

Billy: Skeletons.

Bill: Skeletons. We all got a few of those, right?

Billy: But it only takes one. I don't have any regrets about not running for office. I do wish I'd spent more time trying to win your mother over and spend more time with you. And I'm just saying this because I think that you and Ava are a great couple, I want you to be happy and I just think, you know, politics is nice but maybe you got enough pressure just... just raising your kid.

Bill: I can handle it.

Billy: Yeah?

Bill: Yeah. I think I've always wanted the ideal family, so it will be good.

(Knock on door)

Lizzie: Wow! What do you want?

Ava: I know you're the one who told Bill that this is not his baby.

Lizzie: Because your father told me, and what's your problem? He married you anyway.

Ava: Because you're intruding and I am so sick of it, Lizzie. You have to stop doing this.

Lizzie: I didn't do anything. You just came over here.

Ava: I came over here because I wanted to see...

Lizzie: Oh, you want to see if he's here? He's not here. But you can go look around if you want.

Ava: Bill and I are together. He could have walked out on me at any point, especially when you tried to stop him at the last minute.

Lizzie: I didn’t. Because I don't want him to pick me because I talked him into it or because I trapped him.

Ava: Really? Because that's exactly what happened when you came this close to marrying Coop.

Lizzie: It's not my fault that your husband's in love with me. You know, I think you've got a lot of nerve coming over here acting all self-righteous like you're some woman scorned, when your entire existence right now is based on lies.

Ava: You know how important Bill's image is to his success.

Lizzie: Oh! (Laughs)

Ava: If you keep chasing him you will tank his family, business and his political career. You can hate me all you want, that's cool with me. But if you care about him like you say you do, you will stay out of this, Lizzie.

Lizzie: You want to know something? I have my own life that I am trying to put back together right now, and I do not need to go above and beyond to help him or you. I will not go shouting it from the rooftops that your husband is in love with me, because I can see it when I look in his eyes and there's nothing I can do about that.

Ava: Well, if you love him then you won't ask him to do that.

Lizzie: I think you should go. Now.

Bill: Hey, what's up?

Lizzie: Hey, this will only take a second. I saw the news so I know you've got a thing to get to with the governor.

Bill: Is everything okay?

Lizzie: Yeah. Yeah. No, I've just been thinking. My family's back together. My mom and granddad are happy, and when the baby gets here things are only going to get more complicated for you, me, and Ava. So if I'm going to be rebuilding by family, I don't think here is where I should be. And you know, we're just renting so if there was ever a time to just pick up and go....

Bill: Lizzie, I don't want you to go.

Lizzie: But it'd be easier for you if I did.

Bill: (Sighs)

Lizzie: Look, we would only make each other sad. I know I'd be sad seeing you everywhere with your baby and seeing Ava all happy and proud and watching you try.

Bill: Try what?

Lizzie: Try to fall in love with her. So it wouldn't be so hard to hold everything together. I've been seeing you try a lot lately.

Bill: Lizzie, if you go, it's not going to change the way I feel about you. Okay, yeah, Ava and I just got married, the baby's on the way, I got this thing going on with the governor, but things will slow down eventually and then...

Lizzie: And then what?

Bill: I don't know. I don’t.

Lizzie: You told me once that I could keep working here for the company.

Bill: Yeah.

Lizzie: I'd like to. I mean, it would help me. It would help me.

Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anything you want, just...

Lizzie: Okay. I want a job at Maximus, Los Angeles.

Josh: How did things get so messed up?

Reva: What?

Josh: Reva, when I found out that Cassie had cheated on me, I was surprised and I was hurt, but I shouldn't have been because the truth is we both had one foot out the door already.

Reva: Oh, no, you have to stop. No, because this is none of my business. I don't want to hear this.

Josh: Please, just let me finish, please. I've tried my best to love Cassie. But nothing has been right between us since we found out about your cancer.

Reva: You're blaming me?

Josh: No, Reva. No, I'm not blaming you. The only one to blame is me. Me, Reva, for trying so hard to convince myself that I didn't love you anymore. When you told me back then that you still loved me, I should have fought for you right then and there, but I didn’t. And instead I ended up hurting a whole bunch of people that I care about. And for what? Because everyone knows, Reva, everyone knows the truth. Reva, Reva, it's you and me. We belong together, we always have. Look around us right now. They're making a movie about it. How many people... how many people are lucky enough to live a real, live love story?

Reva: I do love this. The memory of us. The memory. But it’s... it's love, I mean, the love that we had for each other it’s... it's changed. And we can't go back to that again because too much has happened. Too much time, it's just too much time. Look at them. You see them? That's not us anymore. It's not. It can't be us anymore. I mean, how many marriages have we tried to live up to this one? How many times have we tried to do it? And we can’t. And if we try to do this again, Joshua, we can't do it because we'll just be setting ourselves up for more hurt. For more disappointment. And our kids? Our kids, the cancer, I don't know. I believe in miracles, but I don't believe in fairy tales. And the cancer, going through that made me realize that it was time to move on. Come on, you said it, too.

Josh: I know you still love me.

Reva: I do. And I will always. It's just not our time anymore.

Bill: So, our L.A. office is barely off the ground, so the amount of work that's got to be done over there...

Lizzie: It's work I can handle. I mean, if you trust me with it.

Bill: I trust you.

Lizzie: I don't think you've ever just come right out and said that. I don't think either of us have.

Bill: Yeah, well, I wish there was more that I could offer you, but...

Lizzie: No, but you can’t. We don't have to make a big deal out of it.

Bill: You know, I'm really happy that you're free to come back to the company, but I have a meeting and we can talk after about what division...

Lizzie: You know, I want to start right away.

Bill: Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I can make that happen.

Lizzie: Thank you.

Bill: All right. Listen, we'll just take it as we go along and fly you in for meetings, we can...

Lizzie: No. No. Bill, I really need separation.

Bill: Oh. Okay. Well, why'd you come to me?

Lizzie: I need a job. I need a fresh start and I don't have a lot of options.

Bill: Lizzie...

Lizzie: I'm putting my family back together. It's the first time anyone's needed me since Sarah. So...

Bill: Well, not the first time.

Lizzie: This is really hard for me. I'm going to miss you. I've already been missing you.

Bill: I miss you, too.

Lizzie: I think the distance is going to be good. I leave tomorrow.

Bill: Tomorrow?

Lizzie: Yeah. You know, I've got to go look at places for my family. But I'll keep in touch, so just let me know when you have the details for that contract and...

Bill: Yeah.

Lizzie: You have a meeting. What time is your meeting?

Bill: Soon. Soon.

Lizzie: Well, if I stay here any longer I think I'm going to lose it, so... I don't want anyone to see us here.

Bill: No...

Lizzie: I just don't want to be the one to ruin things for you.

Bill: You're not going to ruin anything, okay? You're the best thing... best thing that's happened to me since I came back to town. And I wish I told you that before and I didn't and... I just... I want good things for you, Lizzie.

Lizzie: I want good things for you, too. Good luck with the baby. I know you're going to be a really good dad.

Bill: I hope so.

Lizzie: Well, you will be. You have to go to your meeting.

Lost and surrender hopeless but somehow alive

it seemed to me that I...

Cassie: That was some kiss. Part of the wedding vows?

Josh: No, that was us. Cassie, this day has made me realize something.

Cassie: I get it. I really get it. I've known for a long time. It's not something I felt every day, but in moments. And I guess I just thought that the longer we were together the fewer of those moment there would be and the more that there would be between us that would make our love strong and lasting. Maybe that's what made our love so special is every day I could hold on to it.

Josh: I promised you I would never hurt you.

Cassie: It's okay. I'll survive this. I'm not sorry. Loving you is one of the best things I've ever done. Maybe letting you go will be one of the best things I've ever done, too.

Jeffrey: Well, you made your choice.

Reva: Yeah. It wasn't easy.

Jeffrey: It never is.

Reva: But it was right. I went with my heart.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) Well, of course you did. I mean, I can't fault you for that. That's one of the things I love about you. Well, no sense in dragging this out, huh? I mean, we're practically broken up anyway, right? Reva, I really just want you to be happy. Okay?

Reva: Where are you going? I chose you, you dummy.

Jeffrey: What?

Reva: I choose you, Jeffrey. I love you. What did you think this was?

Jeffrey: I don't know. The... the big kiss-off scene, you know? I wouldn't be surprised if there was some writers hiding behind those trees taking notes right now.

Reva: What are you talking about?

Jeffrey: You know, the big kiss-off scene. If your movie runs short, you can run the credits over it. You know, it's where the crestfallen D.A. walks off in the sunset and Reva goes running back to Josh.

Reva: I am here with you, Jeffrey. Josh and I are over. We're done. Don't you want to be in my life instead of in some movie?

Jeffrey: Only if you want me to.

Reva: I do.

Jeffrey: Reva, I can’t... I can't give you all of this.

Reva: I don't want it. I don't want all of that. I've had that. I want you, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: But I thought, you know, you were so caught up in this wedding, this movie.

Reva: This... this, it was all perfect with Josh, but it was a perfect memory. And I’d like it to stay that way.

Jeffrey: What am I? Imperfect?

Reva: You’re perfect, for who I am right now.

Jeffrey: What about tomorrow? (Laughter)

Reva: We will have to just wait and see. Will you take me back?

Jeffrey: What the hell!

Reva: What the hell.

Governor: Well, I have consulted my advisors and it's just about a done deal. I will officially endorse you at my press conference.

Bill: Thank you, Jack. You won't be disappointed.

Governor: Everybody loves your family-man image.

Bill: Well, family has always been important to me.

Governor: Well, you ought to be a cinch to win this election. (Cell phone ringing) Excuse me, I better take this, but we'll start planning strategy.

Bill: Right, and thanks again. It means everything to me.

Ava: Thank you. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you. See, Max, Daddy's going to be the governor. (Laughter)

Jeffrey: So, when did you know?

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: When did you know it was me?

Reva: When you talked about the dress and that you loved my laugh. Nobody's ever said that about my laugh before.

Jeffrey: Before?

Reva: Yeah. Before it was always too loud, too... too big, too everything.

Jeffrey: It's perfect.

Reva: I don't think you're supposed to touch those things. They're props.

Jeffrey: What? Did you have this at the original?

Reva: No, nothing like that at all.

Jeffrey: All right, then. Perfect.

Reva: Perfect?

Jeffrey: Yeah, because I'm going to buy you a real one of these with diamonds and everything real soon. But I want you to marry me.

Reva: You're proposing to me at my so-called wedding?

Jeffrey: Yeah, that's a good one, huh? That's a good story. We ought to let the director in on that one. What do you think?

Reva: What do I think? What the hell? Let's get married.

I need more than make believe

it's not enough for me to just be happy...

Cassie: I don't even know what to do now. I mean, we could sit here and watch TV and talk some more. But... I mean, I understand what's happening, I just... what do we do right now, tonight?

Josh: I don't know. Cassie, I'm sorry for everything. You must have asked me a million times before we got married if I still had feelings for Reva.

Cassie: I wanted to be sure.

Josh: So did I. I thought I was. I never wanted this to happen to us.

Cassie: Josh, you saw me through the worst time in my life. You helped me when I was a total mess. You loved me when I didn't deserve it.

Josh: I still love you and you always deserved it. The fact is, you deserve better.

Cassie: I wouldn't have survived losing Tammy without you. And I'll always be grateful to you for that. You know, they say people come into our lives at a certain time for a certain reason, and sometimes we don't even know or understand why at the time.

Josh: I needed you, too. I can move out tonight if that's what you want.

Cassie: Okay.

Josh: Unless...

Cassie: Unless what?

Josh: I just want to make sure you're going to be all right.

Cassie: Well, don't stay because of that. I wouldn't want you to. Just having you here, being with you, knowing we're worlds apart...

Josh: Yeah, I guess that would kind of suck, wouldn't it?

Cassie: This isn't you leaving me, Josh. This is me letting you go. Your past isn't just on a movie set. It's been here with us every day and I just can't live with it anymore. It's not good for either of us. It's not good for R.J. Dr. Frankel is going to be really disappointed in us. (Laughs)

Josh: I'm sure she'll muddle through somehow.

Billy: Oh, darling.

Lizzie: Oh, hi, I'm okay. I'm fine.

Billy: You want some of my wedding cake?

Lizzie: I hate weddings.

Billy: Oh, dear, I brought two forks.

Lizzie: Wait, I like cake, though. Don't mess with me today.

Billy: I wouldn't think of it, darlin'. You want to tell me what happened?

Lizzie: No.

Billy: Okay.

Lizzie: No, hey, hey. You know I'll tell you eventually.

Billy: Okay.

Lizzie: I'm moving to L.A.

Billy: What?

Lizzie: Tomorrow. I'm going to look at places. I'm going to be working at Maximus out there. Bill gave me a job.

Billy: Oh, you're going to work for Bill.

Lizzie: I needed a job. So I asked him and... I just... I really, really need to go. I can't stay here. I can't keep seeing him with her knowing what I know.

Billy: Okay, well, what is it exactly that you know?

Lizzie: Just forget it.

Billy: Look, I don't think you need to pack up and give up on your whole life just because my boy's a butt-head.

Lizzie: I'm not giving up on my whole life. I'm starting it over. I think it'll be good for my family.

Billy: Yeah, well, I don't like it.

Lizzie: I didn't think you would. Thanks for, you know...

Billy: For you know what?

Lizzie: I think you're my best friend.

Billy: Well, I know you're my best friend. And my sweetheart.

Lizzie: You know, you gave me a job when my own granddad wouldn’t. You really were the first person to have faith in me.

Billy: Yeah, well you were the first person who didn't judge me. We're quite a pair, aren't we?

Lizzie: Take care of him.

Billy: Hey, darlin'...

Lizzie: I want him to be okay, you know?

Billy: You know I'm going to take care of him. Now, have some cake.

Lizzie: (Laughs)

Reporter: I hate to be a buzz kill, but I just need one more statement.

Bill: Sure.

Ava: It's what we're here for.

Reporter: It's about the aspiring politician and his blond mistress.

Bill: There's no story there.

Ava: You can see I'm sitting right here and you have the audacity to ask a question like that?

Bill: I see what you're doing here. I see what you're doing. I get it, it's very cute. You're talking about Lizzie Spaulding. Well, she and I split up long before we got married. Okay? If I read anything other than that in your paper I will bring you up on slander charges. Am I clear?

Josh: I can't seem to find my cell phone. I don't know what I... there's a lot of stuff in here, isn't there?

Cassie: Just R.J.'s art supplies from school and drawings and stuff. What's that?

Josh: Some of the original plans for the veterans' project.

Cassie: Why did you stick that back here? Everything else is at the office. I remember that day. We were stuck in that meeting with the contractor and he brought in that huge file, a huge stack of files.

Josh: I thought we were never going to get out of there.

Cassie: Yeah. Me, either.

Josh: Do you mind if I keep these? Thank you. I guess I'll come back another time for the rest of my stuff.

Cassie: Yeah. We can just talk tomorrow about, you know, what to tell people and how to deal with everything. I mean, it's not like we're angry and bitter. At least I'm not.

Josh: I'm not, either. I just... I'm just sad. I'll miss the life we had.

Cassie: Yeah. It was good when it was good.

Josh: I better go.

Cassie: Josh, hold on a second. Your cell phone.

Josh: Thank you.

Cassie: So I guess we'll just talk tomorrow about what to tell R.J. and everything.

Josh: I'll call you.

Still we find a balance to pull us through

time enough to dance across the lines

left to chance that's when I find you

will you find me waiting for you under

a quarter sky a chorus of colors floating by...

Reva: That was quite a romantic proposal, O’Neill. It's going to be hard to top it when it comes to planning our wedding.

Jeffrey: Well, leave it to me.

Reva: Even when we were apart I had a hard time shaking you.

Jeffrey: Well, you make it pretty easy to follow you.

Reva: I'm serious. You understood me. You defend me. You... even when you're not obligated to, you still do it. You even stood up to me.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Reva: Most people know better than to do that. I'm glad you don’t.

Jeffrey: Thanks.

Reva: I'm never leaving you again.

Jeffrey: You're damn straight, woman.

Reva: (Laughs)

Director: Okay, that's a wrap. Thanks, everyone. Good work.

Coming up on "Guiding Light,"

Bill: Somebody get a doctor.

Ava: This can't be happening, Max is too tiny.

Remy: Are you all right? It's a public waiting area, Bill.

Ava: I need you, please!

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