GL Transcript Monday 7/21/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/21/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Reva: They're shooting our wedding today. I really enjoyed being a part of it the first time around.

Josh: It was an extraordinary day, probably the best day of my entire life.

Cassie: He is with Reva, who apparently is a free woman right now, with dozens of people running around just trying to recreate their most romantic moment in their life.

Reva: She looks beautiful.

Josh: Not as beautiful as the original.

Reva: You know, they say the eyes are the first thing to go.

Josh: 20/20, baby. 20/20. (Laughs)

Reva: I wish Marah could see this.

Josh: Little Marah.

Reva: Yeah. (Laughs)

Josh: Hey, there, gorgeous. Who are the flowers for?

Movie Marah: Reva and Josh.

Josh: Well, isn't that a coincidence, because you know what? I'm Josh, and this happens to be Reva.

Reva: I know. We get confused all the time, too.

Cassie: Looks like it's about to start.

Jeffrey: Yeah. Okay, so I brought you. I don't think I want to watch this.

Cassie: Oh, come on, you're not curious?

Jeffrey: Well, you know, it's something that Reva and Josh have to do, and it's Reva’s project. I just don't think... it's their memories, it's not mine.

Cassie: I'm not sure if I should actually go on the set or not. I kind of feel like I'm crashing a party now.

Jeffrey: Go. Go. Come on, enjoy yourself. I think I'll just hang out here. Bring food, okay? Go.

Movie minister: Joshua, wilt thou have this woman to be thy wife, and wilt thou pledge thy...

Reva: It’s...

Josh: Troth.

Movie minister: Will thou pledge thy troth to her in all...?

Josh: In all love and honor.

Reva: In all duty and service.

Josh: In faith and tenderness.

Reva: To live with her...

Josh: To live with her in accordance with the ordnance of God in the holy bonds...

Reva: Of marriage.

Josh: ...Of marriage. (Laughter)

Movie minister: Thanks, I need to work on that.

Josh: So do we.

Reva: Well, you do. (Laughter) I can't even remember where I left my car keys half the time.

Josh: I can't remember what I did yesterday.

Reva: Oh.

Josh: Wow! Okay. Casting did a great job. Thank you very much. You look... you look just like my father!

Reva: Your hat looks exactly like the one my mama wore. Thank you.

Josh: You look great, both of you, really. My name is Joshua Lewis, nice to meet you, and this, of course, is...

Movie H.B.: Like I don't know my darling Reva. And you, give your daddy a hug.

Josh: Okay.

Movie mother: I prayed this day would happen. It's a fairy tale come true.

Reva: It's been... it's been quite the experience.

Movie H.B.: What's with these two? They sound more like it's a funeral than a wedding.

Movie mother: Come on, H.B., do your stuff.

Movie H.B.: A toast to the bride and groom. May you be as happy and united as you are today.

Reva: Thank you.

Josh: Cheers.

Movie H.B.: I think I was a little over the top.

Movie mother: No.

Movie H.B.: Really? You feel it was okay?

Movie mother: I'm just unclear about my motivation.

Josh: That was a little freakish.

Reva: I think we... we need a drink.

Josh: Yeah, I... I agree, cheers.

Reva: Oh, damn, it's ginger ale.

Josh: Thank you.

Reva: You're welcome.

Movie Josh: Will you marry me?

Jolene: I think I'd like that.

Director: All right, let's rehearse the next scene.

Josh: (Clears throat) Buy you a beer?

Reva: I think I'd like that.

Josh: Found the real stuff.

Reva: Great. Thank you.

Josh: Cheers.

Reva: I feel like I have to pinch myself. You know, it all seems so real.

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: Oh, look at this guy. He's got the same swagger, he's got the same smile. Right down to the cowboy boots. Now, that is amazing.

Josh: Even got the pot belly.

Billy: Did you see the yoohoo that they got playing me? He's an L.A. guy, got a cell phone coming out of his ear.

Josh: Oh, it's so unfortunate that Russell Crowe wasn't available.

Billy: No, I'm just... I'm thinking, get a guy with a little sand, you know what I'm talking about?

Reva: (Laughs) I'm glad you're here.

Billy: Yeah, well, I wouldn't miss Reva and Josh getting hitched again for the world.

Reva: It's something, huh?

Billy: Could have fooled me.

Josh: I'm going to go check in with Cassie, okay?

Billy: Hey, I want to ask you something.

Reva: Mm-hmm.

Billy: You think it would be a little weird if I hit on the girl playing Melinda Sue.

Reva: (Laughs) It's so weird. It would be more than weird. It would be just...

Billy: Yeah, I thought so.

Reva: Yeah.

Billy: So how are you with all this "This is your life" stuff? It must be tough, even for you.

Reva: You know, it's make believe, Billy. It's dress-up for grown-ups. That's all. That's all.

Josh: Hey. I just thought I would check in.

Cassie: It's a nice day for a wedding, huh?

Josh: Yes, it is.

Cassie: Well, everything looks great.

Josh: You think so? Because... wait a minute. What?

Cassie: Lucky guess.

Josh: Oh. (Laughs) I wasn't sure I was going to come.

Cassie: I was.

Josh: I'm glad you're here. I mean, look at this. It’s... it's amazing, isn't it?

Cassie: Yeah, it's like Reva world. It's like she has her very own theme park.

Josh: (Laughs) Yeah, you could say that, I guess, huh?

Cassie: Look, Josh, we need to talk.

Josh: Yes, we do.

Cassie: That therapy session was one thing, but then lunch...

Josh: You know what? We were just... we were both trying too hard, and that's just not us. That's not who we are.

Cassie: But it is who we are now.

Josh: Well, we have to get comfortable with each other again, you know? We have to be patient with each other and all that good stuff, like we were before.

Cassie: Well, it can't be like it was before. Before when, anyway? When exactly did this start to unravel?

Josh: It doesn't matter when it started, Cassie. What matters is that it's still here.

Cassie: But it can't be like it was. Not exactly, because I'm not like I was.

Josh: I don't expect you to be.

Cassie: And, you know, marriage is not a movie. At least ours isn’t. I do love you.

Josh: And I love you.

Cassie: I know. But we have to... we have to make our marriage about what we are now and who we are now.

Josh: I know that.

Cassie: I hope so. Because living in the past, this just isn’t... it's not healthy. And you know it.

Josh: Cassie, please, don't leave, okay?

Cassie: I'm not leaving. Who's leaving? I'm just going to get a beer.

Jeffrey: Hey, ready for one of these yet?

Cassie: I'm ready for a six pack.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) Do you want to leave?

Cassie: Are you kidding? I missed the real wedding. I heard it's a hell of a party.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Reva: Hi.

Jeffrey: Hi, yourself.

Reva: Of all places.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, what can I say? You know, I got a thing about weddings.

Reva: Really? I thought you were allergic.

Jeffrey: That would be the thing. I'm not going to get in the way, okay? I promise.

Reva: Stay. I want you to.

Josh: Thanks. Now this must be the young gentleman playing Dylan.

Movie Dylan: Pleasure.

Reva: (Laughs) Oh, so handsome. Just like my boy. It's really amazing, the job that they've done with everything.

Jeffrey: Yeah. There's a moral in there somewhere.

Reva: Jeffrey...

Jeffrey: Yes?

Reva: Thank you. For supporting me.

Jeffrey: Reva, I never had a problem with the movie.

Reva: But you're not walking away or running away screaming because of all of this.

Jeffrey: Maybe I should be. You know what? That means maybe it's all worth it.

Movie Dylan: You know the bride pretty well?

Jeffrey: I hope so.

Josh: Hey.

Billy: Hey. You know, there's something missing.

Josh: Really? I think it all looks very authentic.

Billy: Yeah, well, what about the pup tent where we videotaped all those special messages for you and Reva?

Josh: (Laughs) Man, does anybody actually videotape anything anymore, really?

Billy: Well, thank you. But it just happened to be the best part of your wedding.

Josh: Why is that? Because you thought of it?

Billy: Well, you know something, little brother, for having stole my bride right out from under me...

Josh: Stole your bride, Billy? Really? Is that the way you think of it?

Billy: Oh, you mean after all these years, you're still going to maintain that you really...

Movie H.B.: Whoa! Whoa! You're brothers, remember?

Billy: Hey, you stay out of this.

Josh: Yeah, we can handle this just fine.

Movie H.B.: Handle it how? Fisticuffs? Six guns? Is that what I taught you?

Billy: Yeah!

Josh: Yes.

Movie H.B.: (Laughs) Damn, I'm good.

Josh: Damn, you are good!

Billy: Oh, man! We're lucky we didn't get our butts whupped.

Josh: I'm kind of thinking I'd like to buy you a drink, old man. Would that be all right?

Movie H.B.: Sure thing, son. I'll have a bourbon...

Billy and Josh: And branch. We know.

Jolene: You're not leaving, are you?

Reva: Oh, of course not. It’s... it's all just a little overwhelming.

Jolene: So it's not just me. You get them, too.

Reva: Get what?

Jolene: Cold feet. They say that every bride...

Reva: Wait, stop. This is a reality check. I'm not the bride. You're not the bride. You're an actress in a movie. This isn't real.

Jolene: Well, duh. I know that. Do you?

Reva: Yes, of course I know! Just for the record, on my real wedding day, I didn't have cold feet.

Jolene: Not nervous. This is just what I need to know.

Reva: You mean your character needs to know.

Jolene: Same diff. You want me to be authentic, right? True to life?

Reva: You want authentic? I wasn't nervous or scared.

Jolene: No doubts? No second thoughts?

Reva: Not one. You see that little girl over there?

Jolene: Marah?

Reva: No! I mean yes. I mean... the actress who's playing Marah. I look at her and I see my little girl, and I remember how happy I was on that day because I was blessed.

Jolene: I know. Mark has a little girl from his first marriage and...

Reva: We were talking about me, about my character. I mean your character.

Jolene: It's hard to keep it straight, huh? I don't know where one ends and the other begins.

Reva: I know my head's spinning, but I know this: When you stand in front of the preacher, today or tomorrow, whether it's for the movie or whether it's for real, if you really are in love, you say it.

Jolene: Even if you already know?

Reva: You say it. Because words matter. If you love him, you say it. You tell him. You tell him when you go to sleep at night. You tell him when you wake up in the morning. You tell him when you fight and when you kiss and make up. You tell him when you want to and you tell him even when you don't want to. If you love him, you say it. Every day. And never stop.

Jolene: Wow. Are those lines in the script? Because they should be.

Reva: (Laughs) Oh.

Billy: Hey, you're... you're Jules, right?

Jules: Well, today, I'm you.

Billy: Yeah! Well, you know, about that, you know. Hey, I think you're doing... doing a hell of a job. You got the accent down. I even like the fact that you're kind of pretty.

Jules: Thanks, hoss.

Billy: No! No! See, hoss, I would never say hoss. Now I might say buddy or bud or bubba or maybe even butt face, but I would never say hoss.

Jules: It's in the script, man.

Billy: Oh, see, that's another thing, too. See, I wouldn't eat chicken with a fork. I mean, chicken's finger food. You eat it with the fingers-- no napkin, just fingers. And I would wash it down with beer, not with designer water. ( Laughs)

Jules: Excuse me. Do I tell you how to build buildings?

Billy: Well, I... I'm just trying to help.

Jules: I don't need help. I'm Juilliard trained.

Billy: Is that supposed to mean something to me?

Jules: Never mind. Don't make me have you kicked off set.

Billy: Actors!

Director: Okay, let's rehearse the dance number. Josh, Reva, I need you.

Reva: (Laughs)

Jolene: (Laughs)

Reva: Oh, he doesn't mean us.

Josh: Sorry. I just... I keep forgetting.

Jolene: No, we need you two for this. Once we start the first dance, everybody joins in.

Movie H.B.: Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Mr. And Mrs. Joshua Lewis. ( Applause)

Reva: We look so happy. Oh, I mean...

Josh: No, I... I know what you mean.

Jeffrey: Hey. Not into the dancing, huh?

Cassie: Not here, no.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? Technically, this is all Beacon property, right? So...

Cassie: Yeah, well, I signed the contracts. I had them notarized. By you!

Jeffrey: Wait a minute. You're not suggesting that I...

Cassie: What if the papers just got lost?

Jeffrey: Yeah, right. I'm sorry, I can't do that.

Cassie: Oh, but you can just sit here and... and watch while Josh and Reva skip down the aisle?

Jeffrey: You're not the only one with someone to lose here.

Cassie: Well, then do something!

Jeffrey: I am. I'm doing it, okay? I'm letting Reva choose, okay? Reva can choose me, she can choose us, okay? If I don't let her face the past, how is she ever going to get over it?

Cassie: Well, that sounds noble, but doesn't it hurt?

Jeffrey: Like I'm getting punched in the gut. Yeah, it hurts. But I can take it, you know? I have to take it, right, if she's going to come back to me.

Cassie: Well, I can't take it.

Jeffrey: Well, what's the alternative, okay? You going to live your life like you've been living it? Always looking in the rearview mirror to make sure that Reva isn't going to pass you by?

Cassie: Well, anything is better than this.

Jeffrey: Well, no, wrong. You know, because if we... if we did stop this wedding, you know, we would be bad guys, and that would push Josh and Reva even closer together.

Cassie: So what? We just let them keep on dancing?

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, today it's a dance. Tomorrow, it's Marah’s homecoming or Shayne’s wedding or Hawk's new R.V. There's always going to be something that pushing those two together. We just have to face it, you know, and get past it.

Cassie: Well, I'm sorry, I sat on the sidelines, I let life just happen, and Tammy paid the price. So, no, I can't do that ever again.

Movie mother: I wouldn't if I were you.

Cassie: Mom!

Movie mother: Yeah. (Laughs)

Josh: That song.

Reva: You remember?

Josh: I remember everything, Reva.

Reva: It all seems like such a dream, doesn't it?

Josh: It's not a dream.

Reva: If you say it's just a movie...

Josh: No, it's real. It's as real as we are.

Cassie: Is this what Reva feels like, seeing faces that she's forgotten or never known?

Movie mother: Well, I can't speak for your sister but it's high time we met. Howdy, Cassie.

Cassie: I have wanted this forever! You have no idea.

Movie mother: You know my work? I'll bet it's that margarine commercial. I have done Broadway and features, episodics, but you do one silly commercial and everybody...

Cassie: I'm sorry. I just got confused there. Forgive me.

Movie mother: Well, maybe I can help you out.

Cassie: That's very kind of you, but you're just an actress.

Movie mother: Just an actress?

Cassie: Well, I mean...

Movie mother: Darling, I read your back story. You never knew your mama, so why not give me a try?

Cassie: Don't you think that's a little weird?

Movie mother: You're looking at a woman who did a love scene with a tub of margarine.

Cassie: (Laughs) Well... I just... I just don't know what I'm doing.

Movie mother: Talk to me.

Cassie: It just seems like ever since Josh and I got together, Reva has been in the middle. And it seems like she always will be. The way he talks to her, the way he looks at her. I mean, even when he's furious at her. You know what? I really don't know why I'm talking to you about this.

Movie mother: Well, once you had a wedding like this, it's hard to let go.

Cassie: Yeah, well, she did let go. She stepped away. She just won't stay away.

Movie mother: Well, it takes two to tango.

Cassie: Okay, I pushed him away. But I can't let Reva swoop in and crowd me out.

Movie mother: All right. Is this all about Josh, or is this about two sisters?

Cassie: Well, she did get everything. She got to know you... you, and I didn’t. And she got Josh before I did, and she got to have Josh's children. She got everything.

Movie mother: Life's unfair. Beautiful, precious, wonderful, but damned unfair. You can't change that.

Cassie: Well, I can try.

Movie mother: Well, when I started out in show biz, I thought I could manage everything, pick my parts, dialogue, even leading man. But then I learned. Sometimes the parts you want isn't the part you should play.

Cassie: But I want Josh. I do.

Director: All right, let's try the "Down home" number. Five, six, seven, eight. (Music playing)

Cassie: Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me!

Director: Cut.

Cassie: If you think I'm going to let this go on for one more minute. I can't let this go on for one more minute without saying on behalf of the Beacon welcome, and if there's anything you need, you just ask and my staff will get right on it. So thank you.

Movie Reva: That was nice.

Josh: Yeah. Excuse me.

Billy: You know, now I prefer John Wayne movies, but if this lives up to the party, it might be kind of... you still want all this back, don't you?

Reva: With the music, the memories?

Billy: No, I'm talking all of it.

Reva: I'd be a fool not to.

Movie mother: You go ahead and cry. Mama's here.

Cassie: You're not my mom.

Movie mother: I'll do. Oh, that's it. I was somebody's younger sister, too.

Cassie: Well, then, you know.

Movie mother: Oh, being the older sister isn't always a dream, either.

Cassie: At least you're not living in somebody else's shadow 24/7.

Movie mother: Then get out of her shadow. Find somewhere else to stand. On your own.

Cassie: Is that from the movie?

Movie mother: No, darling, that's from my heart.

Josh: Excuse me. You mind if I cut in?

Movie mother: All yours.

Josh: Thank you.

Cassie: If only.

Josh: You okay?

Cassie: Well, at least it isn't "Groundhog Day." I only have to go through this once.

Josh: Well, look at it this way: Tomorrow, the circus leaves town.

Cassie: And then what?

Josh: Then we go back to whatever it is we do. We work on our marriage.

Cassie: I get that marriage is work, but does it have to be heavy lifting?

Josh: Sometimes I think it does. Until we can...

Cassie: You know what? Don’t. You can lie to yourself, Josh, but don't lie to me.

Josh: Cassie, this... this is the truth. I want us to be together.

Cassie: I believe you mean that because you made a vow, and vows are very important to you. But vows aren't everything to me. I care about the feelings behind them. And let's face it, you're still not over her, and you never will be.

Josh: Okay, you know what? We should go, because this movie is upsetting you.

Cassie: You're upsetting me. Life is upsetting me. The truth is upsetting me. But to live a lie would just be worse.

Josh: I love you, Cassie, and that is not a lie.

Cassie: And I love you, too, but that only makes it harder. I mean, I knew Reva was going to be there. I just believed that we'd be able to make our own life.

Josh: We have. We... we will.

Cassie: How? You're supposed to be my rock, my anchor, my compass. And now when I'm with you, I just feel lost.

Josh: So what are you saying?

Cassie: We've been talking about having a baby like that's going to make things better.

Josh: It will.

Cassie: Only if we are solid and constant and committed, and not just for a week or a year, but for the rest of our lives. Tell me honestly, is this what you want? Am I really what you want for the rest of your life? The vows.

Josh: Cassie, it's not just the vows. I love you, and I would never...

Movie Dylan: Hey, your brother needs you.

Josh: You know what? I'm busy right now. Why don't you tell him to talk to the director, okay?

Movie Dylan: Not the actor, your real brother.

Cassie: Go. Go, you should go.

Josh: Okay.

Billy: Hey, look, hoss, I know I've been riding you all day, but, see, if you really want to be me, you've got to drink beer out of the bottle and lose the glass.

Jules: I don't need this. I won an Obie.

Billy: Oh, yeah, one of those wannabe awards that you win for being on stage, right?

Jules: It's in Chicago, yeah. I'm going to kill my agent. You know, she said I'd steal the picture, but let's face it: You've seen one drunken hillbilly, you've seen them all.

Billy: Hey, why don't I show you where you can stick that Obie?

Josh: Billy!

Billy: Yeah?

Josh: It's a movie! Okay?

Jolene: I need your help.

Reva: Well, maybe you should find someone else, because if you have questions about who Reva Shayne is, I don't have a clue.

Jolene: Well, if you can't help me with these vows, I don't know how who can.

Reva: Vows?

Jolene: The vows that you say to Joshua. I can't get them right.

Mark: Maybe that's why I'm getting stuck on these wedding vows.

Josh: These are the same vows I said to Reva.

Mark: They're just words to me. I can't even remember them.

Josh: I was kind of the same way. I had all these things that I wanted to say. I'd worked it all out in my head, but when I stood there with Reva and looked in her eyes, all those words that I had so carefully chosen just... they went out of my head. And I just... I don't know that there's anything left that we haven't already said to each other.

Reva: I just said what was in my heart. We've kept secrets and we've made promises to each other since we were kids.

Josh: I was six years old and I fell in love. And now it's hard for me to remember a time that I didn't love you.

Reva: And now I'm going to make the biggest promise I've ever made to you: The rest of my life is yours.

Josh: I love you, Reva. And I love our little girl. And from this moment on...

Reva: I want to give you a home, a home that will make you safe in the storm.

Josh: We are going to be the family we were always meant to be, the family we always were.

Reva: Because giving to you makes me feel full. And that's how it's supposed to be. I love you, Bud.

Josh: Always, Reva.

Reva: Always, Bud. I will.

Josh: Reva, Reva, just... be careful.

Reva: What are you doing?

Josh: I... I don't know. I just... I thought that you were going to...

Reva: What, jump? It's like four feet deep.

Josh: No, not jump. I thought... I was afraid you were going to fall in.

Reva: Oh, I sure keep you busy, don't I?

Josh: Do you ever have just a normal day?

Reva: Oh, define "normal."

Josh: Yeah, yeah, that's kind of what I thought.

Reva: Nobody asked you to come running over here, you know? I'm fine.

Josh: All right, I'm sorry, okay? I just... I get nervous when you're around water because I never know, Reva, when you're going to go under and then come up again on some island somewhere.

Reva: I've always loved the water.

Josh: I know. I guess I was just afraid that you were going to dive in and swim away.

Reva: It's tempting. It would be a whole lot easier than going back to the life I love. A life that's gone forever.

Josh: Maybe it's not gone.

Reva: Well, that's what we have to keep telling ourselves, you know? Because this isn't real, it’s... it's just...

Josh: I made a mistake. I never should have walked away from you.

Reva: I know what this is, I do. People do this all the time, you know? They fall in love when they're shooting movies. Or think they they're in love. And it lasts until they're done shooting, and then they go back. They go back with their wife and their kids.

Josh: I can't go back to Cassie, Reva. There's something that's broken, and I don't think it's going to be fixed. In fact, it was probably wrong from the very beginning.

Reva: We're going in circles.

Josh: We've been going in circles. It has to stop right now.

Reva: You want honest?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: Ever since you took up with Cassie, I have been waiting and wishing for you to say these things to me.

Josh: Then why fight it? Reva, that is not make believe right there; it's not. That's a reminder of what we once had together and what we could have again. Tell me. Tell me you'll take me back.

Director: All right, hurry up. You're standing in for the bride and groom.

Reva: It's not our wedding.

Director: Publicity. The two of you standing together where you stood 20 years ago. Hurry up, we're losing the light.


It's not too late for you to change my mind.

Director: Okay. Thank you very much. That's enough. You can stop now.

Coming up on "Guiding Light,"

Reva: I had no idea how powerful it would be just being here. I knew I'd feel it, I just didn't know how much. It's like we never left this place.

Josh: Maybe we haven’t.

Reva: There's something I want to say.

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