GL Transcript Friday 7/18/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/18/08


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Jeffrey: I don't want you to go back to Josh. I want you to call Josh.

Daisy: Get back together with Josh already.

Reva: Jeffrey and I are trying to work things out.

Daisy: You want it all. Isn't that the story of your stupid movie?

Reva: I know that you said that you didn't really want to go and watch the filming, but, um, give me a call.

Jeffrey: Daisy! Hi.

Daisy: Yeah, I have some place I have to be, so...

Jeffrey: Have you been in touch with Rafe?

Daisy: Even if I had been, why would you tell you? So you can throw all of my boyfriends in jail?

Jeffrey: So you haven't talked to him?

Daisy: No. Have you spoken to Reva? Asked her if she set Grady up with drugs?

Jeffrey: Look, you cannot trust Grady, okay? The guy is completely out of control.

Daisy: No, he's really not. My grandma is the one who is out of control, or else you wouldn't be living alone.

Grady: Sorry. I'm not letting you off the hook on this one.

Cyrus: Letting me off the hook? Grady, all you have to do is stay away from Daisy. Don't be stupid about this.

Grady: It's a stupid deal. You're selling me out, and for what?

Cyrus: To keep you safe, and Daisy.

Grady: I would never hurt Daisy.

Cyrus: Well, you have before. Why are you doing this, huh? Because you love Daisy, or because you hate me?

Grady: You know, if you're willing to leave me in a cage, then you don't exist to me. Why hate someone who doesn't exist, when I can just as easily count the bars on my cell or the spots on the ceiling?

Cyrus: What, so you're going to stay here to prove a point?

Grady: I'll get out eventually.

Cyrus: You're underestimating Daisy's family. They'll keep you here forever.

Grady: Then they're underestimating me. And so are you.

Comfort me, comfort me...

Cassie: Hi. Is that for me? Thank you. Mmm, that's good tea. My name is Cassie. What's your name?

Child actor: Marah.

Jolene: She's already in character.

Cassie: See, that's amazing. Looks like you're going to have a lot of imaginary friends at your tea party, huh?

Jolene: Well, she likes to have the whole imaginary family. Mom, dad, kids.

Cassie: I always like that, too. Can I have some more tea, please? Thank you.

Josh: There have been many films made about the bible, from "The Greatest Story Ever Told" to "The Passion of the Christ," but somehow I always believed that God wants us to read the book before we see the movie. But either way, it's just a story, nothing but words, until we add faith. And in the same way we turn the pages of a book, we keep turning the pages of our lives, forging ahead into the next chapter, refusing to let our past dictate our future. We move on and make our own happiness because somehow we know that if we don't, we'll be stuck in our past forever.

Reva: Nice sermon, Rev.

Josh: I'm still working on it.

Reva: You haven't returned my phone calls.

Josh: I know that. I'm sorry. I've just been very busy.

Reva: They're shooting our wedding today.

Josh: Which one?

Reva: Funny, ha-ha. Come on, good food, great music, you coming or what?

Josh: Reva, I am done with this movie. I really am. I can't seem to forget how well things went at the screening.

Reva: They want us to be extras in it. It would be like watching our own funeral.

Josh: Interesting choice of words.

Reva: Come on, aren't you the least bit curious? I mean, it was one of the most important moments of our life.

Josh: Didn't you catch the last part of my sermon?

Reva: About turning pages and moving on? Yeah, I heard it. But... I'm... I want to be in it. I want to be a part of it. I really enjoyed being a part of it the first time around.

Josh: So did I. It was an extraordinary day, probably the best day of my entire life. No, I can't go.

Reva: Okay. I know the movie doesn't mean as much to you as it does to me. So I'll let you know how it goes.

Cassie: The last time we did the fertility testing was... actually, I'll have to get back to you on that. Yes, I will bring my labs with me. Thanks.

Jeffrey: Hey.

Cassie: Hi. You look like a busy man.

Jeffrey: Every day. What are you doing down here?

Cassie: Traffic violation. I swear that light was yellow. I swear it. I don't suppose you know anyone in that department? Actually, no, don't, I don't want to ask you to do anything that might compromise that unwavering integrity of yours.

Jeffrey: Let me see that.

Cassie: I did try to flirt with the officer.

Jeffrey: That didn't work?

Cassie: I guess I'm losing my touch.

Jeffrey: Nah!

Cassie: So can I ask you something?

Jeffrey: Ask me what?

Cassie: You and Reva... did something happen?

Jeffrey: No. No big deal. We're just taking a little break to make sure we're on the same page before we move on, that's all.

Cassie: I get that. It sounds smart.

Jeffrey: Well, I've got to get going.

Cassie: Yeah, sure. I've got to take care of this. So you're not going to the wedding-- the movie wedding?

Jeffrey: Ah, no.

Reva: Oh, where's my phone! I can't believe, oh, I hate the thing.

Josh: Your phone.

Reva: Oh, thanks.

Josh: It was on the floor of the chapel.

Reva: Well, then it's a good thing you're a man of God and returned it to its rightful owner.

Josh: Reva, Reva, you have to be more careful.

Reva: I have a lot on my mind.

Josh: Yeah, I understand, but look, right there, you've got money hanging out of your purse. Anyone could come along and take that from you in a moment, Reva.

Reva: I hate this purse anyway.

Josh: I'm just saying, I'm just saying that you're always losing things. Isn't that why women carry purses in the first place? So they have some place to keep their stuff so they don't lose stuff?

Reva: I actually don't like carrying purses, period.

Josh: You, you've got to slow down, okay? And you've got to think. You're all over the place. Who knows what you're going to lose next?

Reva: Well, then, it's a good thing I don't worry about stuff like that. Did you really come all the way over here to lecture me?

Josh: I care, okay? It's who I am. I'm not going to apologize for it. I... would you rather nobody care about you at all?

Reva: Thanks for worrying. I guess I've given you a lot of practice over the years.

Josh: Yes, you have.

Reva: Well, um, I should get going. And thanks for saving me from myself again.

Josh: I...

Reva: What? What is it?

Josh: I, I just want to say that I'm sorry that I can't go to the filming of the wedding with you. I wish I were more free with my life and that I could do things like that and not really worry about it or care about it, but this is just hard for me.

Reva: It's okay. I'm the one that green-lighted the project anyway. You don't have to like it.

Josh: Maybe I'm just worried about what they're going to do to that day. You'll end up marrying Hamp, and I'll run off with Wanda. Wouldn't that be lovely?

Reva: Oh, no! Who told you? Look, it's a movie. They're going to do what they're going to do.

Josh: I understand that, Reva, but that day, that particular day holds a lot of wonderful memories for me. And maybe if things turned out differently, maybe if things were simple now, like they were then, and we were still together, maybe I would find this whole movie thing kind of fun. But I have to keep, I have to keep my head in the present right now. There's no point... I'm sorry. Listen to me, I'm talking about how life was so much simpler back in the old days. I sound like an old man. Sorry.

Reva: Things were never simple. If they had been, they wouldn't be making a movie about us, right?

Josh: Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Reva: (Laughs) I have to go.

Josh: Me, too. Actually, I have an appointment... um. Have fun.

Reva: You know me, I make fun wherever I go.

Frank: You know, there is an adjoining cell right next to your brother's, if you're interested.

Cyrus: There is only so much you can do, Frank. And he's going to beat these charges.

Frank: Really? Well, he didn't beat these.

Cyrus: What's all that?

Frank: These are crimes that date back at least ten years. You know, your brother must feel right at home in a jail cell. He's probably been in and out of jail since he was what, 12, 13? You must be very proud.

Daisy: I just forgot to tell him something. Hey, I've got like two seconds before someone tells Frank that I'm here, but you have to take Cyrus’s deal.

Grady: No, I'm not going to.

Daisy: I've been thinking about this, and we can make it work. We can still see each other. Who can stop us once you're out, you know? I mean, it won't be perfect, but it's better than you being locked up in here.

Grady: Daisy, as soon as they let me out, your family are going to lock you up.

Daisy: Please, look, I will outsmart them. And technically, I am an adult. They can't lock me up. That's illegal.

Grady: Daisy, no.

Daisy: Please take the deal.

Grady: I'm not going to hurt you.  

Jeffrey: How did you get in here?

Cyrus: There was no one out front.

Jeffrey: Well, I'll have to speak to my assistant. Get up.

Cyrus: You're going to drop the drug charges against my brother and release him on his original bail.

Jeffrey: Well, now you're not only trespassing, you must be out of your mind.

Reva’s voice: So what if I did? What's my crime compared to Grady’s? I didn't mow down a young girl with my car. I didn't destroy the life of the boy, my son, who was married to her. So what if I planted a few pills on him? Who the hell is going to care or believe you?

Cyrus: So what's the customary bail when the D.A.'s girlfriend breaks the law?

Jeffrey: No deal.

Cyrus: Offer's good for 24 hours. Drop the charges or this tape goes public.

Reva: I'm not going to argue about Grady.

Daisy: Yeah, well, I'm still fighting for him.

Reva: Oh, the drama.

Daisy: This isn't funny. You know he's in jail because of you. And everyone knows what you did. It's going to come out. It's just a matter of time.

Reva: Which of these do you like for the wedding?

Daisy: What? Whose wedding?

Reva: Mine.

Daisy: You're like mental.

Reva: You know, you can come and be an extra, too, you know. They'll find you a great, big, old hat to wear.

Jeffrey: Yeah, get me Chief Wolfe on the line. Chief Wolfe, it's Jeffrey O’Neill. I'm authorizing the immediate release of a prisoner that you have. I'll be dropping all the charges.

Daisy: What is that?

Reva: What?

Daisy: That thing in the plastic.

Reva: That thing is my wedding dress.

Daisy: It's frilly.

Reva: You've seen the pictures.

Daisy: It's a nice souvenir. Do you keep all of your wedding dresses, or just the ones from your weddings to Josh?

Reva: It was in storage, but the costume designer wanted to see it for the movie.

Daisy: And you decided to keep it?

Reva: Just until the shoot is over, and then I'm going to put it right back into storage. Look, I know you hate me right now, but you have to help me with this!

Daisy: What is the big deal?

Reva: I want to look good on film. I'm going to be captured forever.

Daisy: Always.

Reva: I heard that.

Daisy: Yeah. I don't care.

Reva: Come on. I know I'm just going to be in the background, but I want to look good, you know. For the day when your kids grow up and see this and...

Daisy: Oh, yeah, my kids. The kids I have with my cookie-cutter husband that you guys pick out from like a mail-order catalog, because everyone has a say in my life, except for me.

Reva: Jeffrey loves this dress.

Daisy: Wear this one. Didn't you wear this at that country club thing you went to with Josh?

Reva: Why, would I wear that?

Daisy: God, you are such a hypocrite. I'm so over this!

Reva: Me, too.

Cassie: It happens to me all the time,

Doctor Frankel: And then you're standing there with a handful of garbage, and your keys in the trash. I know.

Cassie: Exactly. Sometimes I don't even realize I've done it until my son points it out to me.

Doctor Frankel: Oh, well, you know, when you have so many things going on at once. (Knock on the door)

Josh: Hi! Sorry. I just --

Cassie: Come on in. It's okay, I just got here a little early.

Josh: Oh, okay. Good. Is everything okay?

Cassie: Yeah, we just thought we would wait for you before we get started.

Doctor Frankel: You seem much more relaxed today than our last session. That's good.

Cassie: Yeah, well, Josh and I decided something big, that we are going to try to have a baby together. We were going to try before, after my daughter died.

Josh: And then her other son, Will, came into our home and into our lives.

Cassie: And it was just really hard after we had to send Will away, so...

Josh: Yeah. But we both feel that bringing a child into our lives will mark a new beginning for this family.

Cassie: Another new beginning.

Josh: Yes, yes. But this child would be ours, you know, together. And a new baby, you know, I mean, I just, I so much loved raising my own son and daughter when they were so little, the kind of energy and life that a baby brings into our home is just so... and we feel that it will be good for R.J. as well.

Cassie: He was really excited about being a big brother, I mean, before the problems with Will started.

Josh: Yeah. And this time around, too, the fertility treatments-- I think we know what to expect this time, and so we'll be able to handle those much better.

Cassie: Yeah. I just think it feels like the most right thing in the world. I'm just really excited to have another baby, and to bring a child into a loving, stable environment.

Doctor Frankel: So you consider your current situation to be stable?

Josh: Sure.

Cassie: Absolutely.

Grady: Time for more gruel.

Frank: District Attorney O’Neill has dropped all drug charges against you for insufficient evidence. But your murder charges are still pending. You're being released at your original bail.

Grady: This has to be tough for you, Dudley.

Frank: Real tough.

Grady: I thought so. But thanks for the heads up. Hey, who knew I'd be out before my phone lost its charge?

Frank: Stay away from her.

Here for I am

where you can guess I should ask myself

stuck in a dream, you were there waiting

and I felt how I live,

how I die in your arms how I live,

how I die where you are

(cell phone ringing)

Reva: No. Pop, I told you, Josh isn't going. Yes I am, ouch. You know what? Hold on a minute, I've got-- let me call you back. So annoying. Ooh!

Jeffrey: Careful. Careful.

Reva: Hey!

Jeffrey: Hey.

Reva: What are you doing here?

Jeffrey: Just taking a walk.

Reva: I didn’t... I didn't even see you.

Jeffrey: Lucky coincidence.

Reva: Uh-huh. Are you following me?

Jeffrey: Maybe a little.

Dr. Frankel: And what are you expecting from this baby?

Josh: Well, I think we both feel that this child... having a child would bring us closer together.

Cassie: Not that he means necessarily that we've drifted apart.

Josh: No, no, no. We're definitely drifting together, I...

Cassie: It's just this would give us something to focus on.

Josh: Right.

Doctor Frankel: Is that the baby's job?

Josh: I'm sorry, job? The baby would haven't a job. It would just be a natural benefit.

Doctor Frankel: And what can the baby expect from you?

Josh: I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.

Doctor Frankel: If you could talk to your baby right now, what would you tell her about the life she'll have? It's an exercise, it's not a test. Just go with it. Go with how you feel.

Cassie: Do you mean, like, what would we tell her about the state of the world?

Doctor Frankel: The state of your life specifically.

Josh: I would tell her, we would tell her, that she's being born into a good home and that she would have parents that love her.

Doctor Frankel: Our session is almost over, but we should talk more about this at your session next week.

Josh: Next week is not good for me. I'm sorry. Work-related issues and other things. In fact, we have a fertility treatment appointments, right? I mean, last time we went through this, didn't we have two or three in the first week? Isn't that right?

Cassie: I don't remember exactly.

Josh: We'll call you.

Jeffrey: I love that dress.

Reva: Do you?

Jeffrey: I never told you that?

Reva: I guess not. So the other day at Towers, were following me then, too?

Jeffrey: I had to eat.

Reva: I see more of you now than I did when we were living together.

Jeffrey: Yeah, um, Cyrus Foley came sniffing around the other day trying to find out who set up his brother, and I was worried about you. But it's even worse now. Grady's out.

Reva: You let him out?

Jeffrey: Cyrus had a tape of you admitting that you planted drugs on him.

Reva: (Sighs) Oh, when I was talking to him, I wasn't even thinking. I just wasn't, I wasn't thinking, but you, you didn't have to let him out. I...

Jeffrey: Well, I couldn't, I couldn't just let that tape go by, you know, that's going to hurt you.

Reva: Since when do you negotiate with blackmailers?

Jeffrey: Well, it's done. And he's dangerous and he's out, okay? But that's why I've been watching you.

Reva: Well, you know, you have to stop, really, because I, I just, I can't be this-- but thanks for letting me know. I, I'll keep an eye out.

Jeffrey: Do you know what I love about you in that dress?

Reva: I can't even guess.

Jeffrey: It reminds me of your laugh.

Reva: My laugh?

Jeffrey: Yeah. The first time I ever saw you in it I didn't really even see you in it.

Reva: Well that makes a whole lot of sense.

Jeffrey: Sorry. I was... I had just gotten through with this very grueling case and I was holed up in my office and I was ready to drown my sorrows in a bottle, and suddenly I hear this huge laugh. It was too loud, it was too big, it was too everything. And it just completely filled up the room. And it was the most wonderful, beautiful laugh that I had ever heard. Anyway, but you were wearing that dress. So, you call me if, you know, you see Grady Foley.

Reva: Yeah, of course. I will. And, um, thanks, you know, for the shoe thing, catching. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Sure.

Reva: Okay, well, I need to go. I've got that movie wedding thing, and I... just got to go.

Cassie: Thanks. Thanks.

Josh: So, what are you having?

Cassie: Well, we have pasta for dinner, so I was thinking about a salad. What about you?

Josh: I was thinking about having the ravioli, but, um...

Cassie: Well, get it. I think there's a steak in the freezer, too.

Josh: But you just said you were planning pasta for dinner, right?

Cassie: Well, it's not a problem. I'll just make something else.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: So, what did you think of Dr. Frankel today?

Josh: I think she takes a lot of notes.

Cassie: Yeah, right.

Josh: Or she was drawing cartoon characters for all we know.

Cassie: Did you see her shoes?

Josh: I'm a man. Why would I notice her shoes?

Cassie: Oh, because they were Manolos.

Josh: And that means something important?

Cassie: That means they are very high-end designer, and so she's probably doing pretty good.

Josh: Well, we're paying her $180 an hour. How many appointments do you think she has throughout the course of a day?

Cassie: I don't know. In this town she probably has a waiting list.

Josh: (Laughs)

Cassie: So, you think we'll go back on Tuesday if we make an afternoon appointment?

Josh: Cassie, I don't think we're going back to see her.

Cassie: Well, you told her we'd call her.

Josh: I know. Do you think she helped us today?

Cassie: I don't know.

Josh: I'm just saying... you go ahead.

Cassie: I just... we didn't finish talking about the baby, so I thought...

Josh: Don't you think, though, that therapists do that sometimes? They end sessions with a big cliffhanger so you'll come back the next time and pay for their next pair of shoes.

Cassie: Fine, we won't go. And, you know what, you really don't even have to go to the fertility clinic with me, either.

Josh: Cassie, come on. That doesn't have...

Cassie: I didn't mean it to sound like that. I'm just saying if you're busy with work...

Josh: I'm not.

Cassie: ...Or the movie or whatever.

Josh: I'm done with the movie. Okay? I've had enough of the movie. I told Reva that this morning.

Cassie: You saw her this morning?

Josh: She came by the church, yes.

Cassie: Oh, for what?

Josh: To talk about the movie.

Cassie: Do you know what time they're starting the wedding?

Josh: No, I don’t. I think our waiter has disappeared from the face of the earth.

Cassie: I think he's over there somewhere.

Josh: I actually didn't notice what he looks like.

Cassie: So you're getting the pasta, then?

Josh: You said that was okay.

Cassie: Yes, it is. I was just asking. I don't know which salad I want.

Grady: Nice day.

Cyrus: Wait, wait, wait.

Daisy: You are such a liar. I thought things were getting better between us.

Cyrus: The message was true. Grady's out.

Daisy: He is? Where is he?

Cyrus: The message was true. Grady's out.

Daisy: He is? Where is he?

Cyrus: I don't know. Come on.

Daisy: I'm not going with you.

Cyrus: You're going to stay with Harley.

Daisy: Oh, yeah, like you know where she is.

Frank: He doesn't know where she is, but I do.

Daisy: Frank!

Frank: Come on. So, what, what did I overhear you tell you Grady, huh? That you're really good at outsmarting your family and sneaking around?

Daisy: You were listening to us?

Frank: What, you think I'd let you talk to him all by yourself?

Daisy: Okay, okay, there's no way that Reva is going to let you take me.

Frank: Really? Okay, why don't we call her from the car, because I think she'd be on board.

Daisy: I'm not going.

Frank: We are on a flight in two hours.

Daisy: Both of us?

Frank: I am personally delivering you to your mother because you know what? I couldn't trust you to go alone and stay away from Grady.

Daisy: He'll come find me.

Frank: Really? Okay, well, you know what? I thought you were more mature than this, that you could handle this. But obviously you can't stay in this town.

Daisy: Cyrus...

Cyrus: You know how much he hates me, and we're working together on this. That's how important this is. We're that serious.

Frank: Look in your bag here. Well, I'll just be taking this.

Daisy: You guys are crazy.

Frank: Sit down. I appreciate your help. But you know I'm not going to hesitate to lock you or your brother up if need be.

Cyrus: Yeah, I never doubted it, Frank. Just get her to Harley.

Frank: Let's go.

Daisy: Cyrus, come on. (Cell phone ringing) That's probably Grady. Are you going to answer?

Frank: Let's go.

Grady: Dais, it's me. They just let me go. Call me, tell me where you are and I'll come get you.

(Knock on door)

Cassie: Come on in. Hi. What's going on?

Jeffrey: Grady Foley was released from jail. The drug charges were dropped.

Cassie: Why?

Jeffrey: Well, it's a long story, but he's going to get what's coming to him. I couldn't keep him in custody, so I wanted to come over here and tell you.

Cassie: Well, thank you for telling me. You want some coffee?

Jeffrey: Is Josh here?

Cassie: No. I don't think he'll be back for a while.

Jeffrey: Went to the wedding?

Cassie: Probably. He said he's had enough of the whole movie thing, but I'm pretty sure he's there. We had kind of a rough day.

Jeffrey: Mmm, I'm sorry.

Cassie: Well, it wasn't anything terrible like a breakup.

Jeffrey: So you had a fight?

Cassie: It wasn't a fight. It was a non-fight, which is worse. You know when you think you're never going to run out of things to say to somebody and then one day...

Jeffrey: You'll be fine.

Cassie: We should go.

Jeffrey: Where?

Cassie: To the wedding.

Jeffrey: What for?

Cassie: You can't tell me that things are going to fine with Josh when he is with Reva, who apparently is a free woman right now, with dozens of people running around just trying to recreate their most romantic moment in their life.

Jeffrey: It's for a movie, Cassie. For a meaningless movie.

Cassie: Meaningless? If it were meaningless, that's what they would have called the damn thing. Instead it's called Always.

Jeffrey: So what are you going to do? You're going to go and drag Josh out of there?

Cassie: If I have to.

Jeffrey: And then what? More non-fighting?

Cassie: I don't know, okay? I don't know what I'm going to do.

Jeffrey: If you care about what you have with this guy, then you have to trust him, you know? I mean, what will happen will happen. We can't change their feelings.

Cassie: That's easy for you to say. Josh and I aren't over yet. I mean, Josh and I aren't over.

I look to the sky and wonder

what it is that I am doing here

what am I to do?

Josh: It's like stepping back in time.

Reva: I didn't think you were coming.

Josh: I changed my mind. You said there would be free food. They did a great job. It looks incredible.

Reva: Yeah.

Director: Okay, this is a dry rehearsal, everyone.

There is a light in the shadows

burns from a love that's true you know it's true

when I find you

Director: And action.

Coming up on "Guiding Light":

[Reva and Josh watching the movie wedding]

Give it back to me

I'm not ready give this chance to me

and make them believe

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