GL Transcript Tuesday 7/15/08

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/15/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Reva: You kissed me! Don't do that again!

Jeffrey: "Reva and Josh, The Movie" is fiction. There's a difference between a movie and real life.

Hawk: Well, sometimes the two of them are not that different at all.

Reva: Josh kissed me.

Jeffrey: I think that you need to figure this out.

Reva: I don't like the way that sounds.

Jeffrey: I'll stay here.

Reva: No!

Jeffrey: That's the way it has to be.

Daisy: Hello? Is anybody there?

Try to be better...

Frank: Doing some gardening?

Daisy: Um, I... no, my key won't work, so...

Frank: Well, you know that Lizzie’s staying here for the summer, right?

Daisy: Oh, yeah.

Frank: Well, they changed the locks so they probably don't want anybody breaking in.

Daisy: Yeah, I just left my shower radio upstairs.

Frank: It's at the boarding house. I packed it up when I moved everything out.

Daisy: Are you sure? I don't know. I think maybe I should check.

Frank: You don't trust your Uncle Frank?

Daisy: No... I mean, yeah.

Frank: You miss your mom, don't you?

Daisy: I just don't know where I belong.

Frank: Daisy, you belong with us. You're family. We love you. Besides, your mom will be back.

Daisy: When? I have to go to set.

Frank: The set? I thought you were done with all that.

Daisy: Well, they called me, so I need to go.

Grady: Ah, look who it is! The brother love traveling show. Gee, thanks for visiting me. You know, I really appreciate all your support.

Cyrus: I had to stay away so I could control the impulse to knock your sorry ass back to Brisbane. I thought a couple days in jail might do you some good. Drugs? Oh, that's great. Yeah. Why didn't you just open a kiosk on Main Street with a big sign: "Send me to jail."

Grady: All my fault. You get to be the good guy.

Cyrus: Oh, yeah, that's me.

Grady: Yeah, well, not this time, Cy. There are people in this town gunning for me. They want to put me in jail for the rest of my life-- and you, too.

Cyrus: Oh, I get it. You were set up, were you?

Grady: Yeah, I was.

Cyrus: Right.

Grady: Nice place, Springfield. You know, I'm having a great time here. I can really see why you like it.

Hawk: Got you one loud rooster over there.

Josh: How long have you been sitting there?

Hawk: Long enough to want to wring his neck. Where you been?

Josh: I've been... I've been working out at... why are you here? Has something happened with Reva?

Hawk: Reva?

Josh: Yeah.

Hawk: What about her? Huh?

Josh: I'm just asking. I...

Hawk: Calm down, calm down. Everybody... everybody is fine. I just dropped by to invite you to your own wedding.

Josh: You've lost me.

Hawk: No, the big wedding, you and Reva on the lake, her looking like an angel out there on that rickety little boat. It's going to be sturdier this time. I don't want any lawsuit.

Josh: You're talking about the movie.

Hawk: It is going to be one whale of a party. There's going to be lots of extras and lots of food. You gotta be there or be square.

Josh: Yeah, you know what? I'm going to have to pass, okay? I've got a lot going on right now. Look, it's 100 degrees outside. If you want to come inside and talk...

Hawk: No, I don't want to... no! That wedding is the heart and soul of this whole dang-flangled movie. Are you going to look me right in the eye... are you going to look me dead in the eye and tell me that you're going to miss it?

Josh: I'm gonna miss it. But thanks for stopping by.

Reva: What are you looking at?

Carson: Reva.

Reva: Hey.

Carson: What are you doing here?

Reva: This is my house.

Carson: But you made it clear that you would be staying away until we finished filming the movie.

Reva: Oh, I'm sorry I'm getting in the way of your movie. But it's perfectly fine for it to be turning my damn life upside down, right?

Carson: Look, we have tried to be very low-key.

Reva: You know what? Before any of this happened, I was happy! I was with a man who loved me-- not only loved me, but didn't want to change me, which is a really big first for me in my life. And then this whole thing happened, and now I want my life back. But I don't know what that's supposed to be.

Carson: This whole thing has been a shock to you.

Reva: You need to go. Go, please.

Carson: Okay.

Reva: Now. I just need some time. Thank you.

Daisy: You set him up, didn't you?

Reva: Oh, Daisy, really, not now.

Daisy: Oh, yes, now. Are you living here?

Reva: Yes, I am.

Daisy: And Jeffrey is cool with that?

Reva: Jeffrey and I are... we're taking some time.

Daisy: He dumped you?

Reva: No, no, no. We're just working things out.

Daisy: Well, I like him. He makes you more normal. I think you should fix things with him.

Reva: Okay. I'll try. I'll try to fix things.

Cyrus: It's not like you and drugs weren't on speaking terms.

Grady: No, I am clean!

Cyrus: So where did the drugs come from?

Grady: I'm not sure where they're manufactured.

Cyrus: Oh, you're an idiot. Who do you think planted on them you?

Grady: Let's see. Psycho Granny Reva attacks me in a car park, and then Uncle Frank nabs me for drugs I've never seen before.

Cyrus: Frank and Reva.

Grady: Yeah, my bet's on Granny. And then Grandpa Buzz shows up and tells me he gets me.

Cyrus: Well, he probably does. He's a smart guy.

Grady: What, are you like the mayor of Springfield?

Cyrus: I'm smart enough to work with people instead of fighting against the world.

Grady: Yeah, well, maybe you should have stuck around longer, made me smart.

Cyrus: Shut up. We need to figure out how to fix this.

Grady: Yeah, I figured out one thing. Daisy's family is going to be very sorry they messed with me.

Cyrus: Daisy is Harley’s daughter, and her family means a lot to me.

Grady: And yours doesn't?

Cyrus: Not when you're being such an ass. Guard!

Grady: I didn't expect you to believe me anyway. This is just like when we're kids-- you're out, you're done, gone. Go on. Get out!

Reva: Do you want some advice?

Daisy: Oh, yeah, please, give me some advice. Fix my life so they can make a movie about me, too. And while we're at it, why don't we give Harley a call, and she can get a shot in, too?

Reva: What is wrong with you today?

Daisy: Are you really asking me that with a straight face?

Reva: I love you!

Daisy: And that makes it okay? My family's crazy.

Reva: You're just realizing that?

Daisy: I'm serious. I can't get into my home because Harley can't deal with Cyrus, and my boyfriend is in jail because of you. My life sucks.

Reva: Let me get a violin.

Daisy: And Jeffrey, now he's mad at you, he won't work as hard on Rafe’s case, and we're never going see him again.

Reva: You know what, Daisy? You have to give Jeffrey some credit. He's working really hard to get Rafe a reduced sentence, and it looks promising.

Daisy: He would have to go to jail?

Reva: Well, he might have to do a little time in minimum security, but you can go and visit him.

Daisy: Well, what exactly did Jeffrey say?

Reva: That he's doing everything he can.

Reva: Well, what makes you think it would be like a little time?

Reva: We can make that happen.

Daisy: "We." There is no "we" anymore. You're not with Jeffrey. And you just want Rafe here so I won't see Grady. You don't care if they lock him up, let him stay there forever. You just want him here to serve your purpose.

Reva: That is so wrong.

Daisy: Look, will you just leave my life alone? Your life is a big mess, too, and you have less time to fix it.

Reva: Don't I know it.

Frank: Don't worry about that, Josh, it's on the house, buddy.

Josh: Well, thank you, Frank. I appreciate that. Is that a clergy discount?

Frank: Why not?

Josh: How are you?

Frank: You know, I'm all right, you know? Worried about the family as usual. How about you?

Josh: Probably not a good time to talk about it right now.

Frank: Well, come on, Josh. You're the... you're a minister. I mean, I know everybody comes to you with their problems and stuff, but it might not be a bad idea to kind of vent every once in a while yourself.

Josh: I just thought that once I put on the collar, I would have all the answers but...

Frank: Well, what's going on?

Josh: Life is just a little too much for me to handle right now, you know? Trying to make the right choice, protect people, things like that.

Frank: But you're Josh Lewis. That's who you are, man. You're a good guy.

Josh: Well, people say that about you, too, Frank, that you're a good guy. But don't you get tired of it every once in a while?

Frank: Absolutely.

Josh: I guess I'm just at a crossroads right now. Like I said, life is... it's just a little much for me to handle.

Frank: You're depressing the hell out of me right now, you know that?

Josh: Sorry.

Frank: What are you talking about, man? You've handled Reva for how many years? Come on, Josh. You can handle anything, buddy.

Guard: You have a visitor.

Daisy: Can I go inside?

Grady: You're persistent.

Daisy: I hate that you're in here.

Grady: Me, too.

Daisy: And I can't believe how my family is treating you.

Grady: Well, mine's no better.

Daisy: Can I bring you anything?

Grady: How about a saw? Or maybe a stick of dynamite? You know, I saw that in a film once. (Imitates sound of explosion) Whole damn place went up.

Daisy: So I saw my grandma.

Grady: How is my good friend Reva?

Daisy: She's out of line, and we got into it. But she told me something that I should probably tell you.

Grady: What, she's going to shoot herself in the head and blame it on me? I'm all for that.

Daisy: No. She told me that my ex, Rafe, he might be coming back.

Grady: Oh.

Daisy: But right now, all I can think about is you and getting you out of here. But I'm not sure how.

Grady: I got it handled, all right?

Frank: What's going on here?

Reva: Hey, let go of her!

Grady: There she is. Supergranny to the rescue.

Daisy: Look, we were just talking.

Frank: Yeah? Well, not anymore, you're not. Let's go. Come on, Daisy.

Daisy: We weren't breaking any laws!

Frank: Yeah, well, your buddy here has broken every single one of them.

Reva: Looks like Daisy's almost through with you.

Grady: We'll see. Maybe she's almost done with you.

I am broken, choking on the edge of love.

Daisy: You're treating me like I'm some stupid kid.

Reva: Because you're acting like one, Daisy.

Hawk: Okay, okay, girls, time out. I'm too old for a catfight. Now what is going on here?

Daisy: Oh, nothing. She just humiliated me in front of the entire police station.

Reva: I was trying to save her from....

Daisy: Oh, go save yourself!

Reva: Daisy! Oh, that girl!

Hawk: Been a while since you raised a teenager, huh?

Reva: She thinks she's in love with the bastard who killed Tammy.

Hawk: And she doesn't believe it when you tell her it's not real. Go figure.

Reva: No, I know what it's like. I know all those feelings-- that pain, that heartache, that breathless feeling you get when they look at you or when they touch you or when they call your name. I know that feeling that you're going to die if you don't see them.

Hawk: Sounds like a movie.

Reva: Grady and Daisy are not me and Joshua. Josh and I are not me and Joshua.

Hawk: Jolene and Mark are you and Joshua.

Reva: Bingo.

Hawk: Guess what we're shooting next week?

Reva: The wedding at Cross Creek.

Hawk: It's going to be the biggest party this town has seen in decades. I already invited Joshua.

Reva: Oh?

Hawk: Yeah. He said he couldn't make it, but we'll see about that. Maybe he'll be your date.

Reva: Oh, Pop.

Hawk: I can't imagine old Jeff wanting to be around.

Reva: Yeah, why would he?

Hawk: He's your boyfriend, right?

Reva: Why don't you like him?

Hawk: I like him just fine. But there is only one man for you, sister, and we both know who he is. Come on, I'm going to give you a ride to the beach.

Reva: Why would I want to go to the beach?

Hawk: Steamy goings on there, you and Josh in the sand.

Reva: I'm not going to the beach. I'm not going to the beach.

Hawk: Why not?

Reva: Because! I'm busy today, okay? I can be busy. See you. Bye. I love you.

Hawk: You miss this, you're going to regret it. You can always change your mind!

Grady: Hey, guard! Hey, where are you? Guard! (Clanging on cage)

Guard: What?

Grady: I need to unburden my soul. I'd like to speak to my minister, the Reverend Joshua Lewis.

Frank: Have you tried calling animal control? No, I'm sorry, I can't arrest the owner, I... what the hell?

Cyrus: Yeah, "What the hell" is right. I just saw my brother. He told me how you set him up, you and Reva.

Frank: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Cyrus: So who planted the drugs, and where did they come from?

Frank: Why don't you ask your brother?

Cyrus: Come on, Frank, this is getting old. You did this to me.

Frank: I'll do whatever I have to to protect my family and Daisy...

Cyrus: I want Daisy to be okay, too.

Frank: I don't want you protecting Daisy. As a matter of fact, I want you and your brother to be out of this town.

Josh: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This guy, this is the reason... no! No.

Grady: I know you don't like me, but I need your help, your guidance. I had nowhere else to turn.

Josh: You caused Tammy’s death.

Grady: And I've asked God for forgiveness, and now I'm asking you.

Josh: Why did you have them call me down here?

Grady: There is this woman. She's trying to frame me, trying to tempt me back into my old ways and send me straight to hell, and she's got this way about her, you know? She pushes all the right buttons, huh, you know?

Josh: No, actually, I don't know.

Grady: She knew I did drugs, and she planted them on me. I'm a walking target.

Josh: So what? Tell the police.

Grady: They don't care. See, I'm dating this girl that's related to her, Daisy. You might know her, Reva Shayne? No one can believe what she's doing! Do you believe me? Do you believe that this nice, sweet, respectable granny could have another side? Hey, Reverend Lewis, where are you going? Are you going to pray for me, Reverend Lewis?

 (Knocking on door)

Reva: Oh. What's going on?

Josh: Grady Foley claims that you set him up. And knowing you the way I know you, I'm guessing he's telling the truth.

Reva: Well, he can't prove anything.

Josh: Reva, this is a desperate guy. You have to be careful.

Reva: Yeah? I'm not afraid of him.

Josh: This is a man who has nothing to lose. You should be afraid of him. He's up on murder charges, Reva. He could get life. If he gets out on bail...

Reva: He's not going to get out.

Josh: If he gets you, somehow, he might come after you.

Reva: I've handled worse than Grady Foley. You don't have to worry about me.

Josh: Famous last words.

Reva: I can take care of myself.

Josh: Okay. I guess you can. You and Jeffrey moving back in here?

Reva: Uh, just me. You know here, I thought it would be easy just to move back in here -- pack up a suitcase... actually more like a double-wide trailer or something, moving van.

Josh: Reva...

Reva: Joshua...

Josh: Reva, are you and Jeffrey apart right now because of us?

Reva: No, of course not. Not really.

Josh: What does that mean?

Reva: I don't know. I've been a little confused lately.

Josh: I know the feeling.

Reva: It's all just been, you know, a little rough for Jeffrey lately, you know, with everything -- the movie, our past being splattered all over the place. And he's handled it really well, but I just might have pushed him too far. We might have pushed him too far.

Josh: I'll help you unpack.

Cyrus: Hey, no loitering in the park.

Daisy: That would be funny, except it's not.

Cyrus: What are you doing here?

Daisy: I have nowhere else to go.

Cyrus: What about Reva's or Frank's or Buzz's?

Daisy: I can't live with them anymore. And I tried to go home, but my key doesn't work.

Cyrus: You really want to get into the house?

Daisy: Yeah. I can't explain why. I mean, if Harley were here, she'd be on me just like everybody else.

Cyrus: You just want to be somewhere that felt right.

Daisy: Yeah -- home. I just want to go home. God, what is happening to us? Like, a few months ago we were living here like a family. Now what? Harley is in Greece, Grady's in jail, Gus is dead, and Rafe is... no one knows where Rafe is. I feel like my life ended before it began.

Cyrus: Okay. We're in.

Daisy: You're amazing.

Cyrus: I'd like to think so.

Reva: Is that the last of it?

Josh: Praise the Lord.

Reva: How many times have we done this?

Josh: What, moved? Too many times to count.

Reva: I didn't like all the places we lived in. But we had some good memories in most of them.

Josh: Some bad memories, too.

Reva: Oh, yeah. Those.

Carson: Look at you two. The chemistry.

Reva: Carson, you're back.

Carson: I mean, it's like... lightning in a bottle.

Josh: Yes, exactly similar to that.

Carson: Reva?

Reva: Yes, Carson?

Carson: I know that you want to stay in this house.

Reva: I am staying in this house -- my house.

Carson: Yeah, we need to move your things into the back room.

Josh: Hey, you know what, good luck with that one. I think I'm going to go. By the way, I dropped my complaint against the movie, so the show will go on.

Carson: Thank you, Joshua. You won't be sorry.

Josh: You heard what I said to you before, right?

Reva: Yes, I heard what you said.

Josh: Okay. I'll see you. Excuse me.

Carson: He's always there for you.

Cyrus: More eggs?

Daisy: Well, my mom never taught me how to bake, so I'm just winging it.

Cyrus: How many cookies are you making?

Daisy: Like, a dozen-- a dozen, for Grady and then there's going to be another dozen for Jude. He has a bicycle race tomorrow. Oh, God, if he loses... oh, this is kind of ruined.

Cyrus: Well, add some more flour.

Daisy: Baking is very wimpy. Are you going to have to turn in your jewel thief card or something?

Cyrus: No, no, no. We did a little breaking and entering before, remember? It kind of balances it out.

Daisy: Right, cool. Oh, the other ones are done.

Cyrus: Wait, wait, careful. Oh, are you all right?

Daisy: Ow.

Cyrus: Hang on a sec. I'll grab some more ice. Are you all right?

Daisy: (Groans)

Cyrus: Here, here, here. Just put this on it. There you go.

Daisy: I can't do anything right.

Cyrus: Don't worry about it. There's more important things in life than cookies.

Daisy: It's not just the cookies.

Cyrus: Well, what is it then?

Daisy: I can't say because you'll hate me.

Cyrus: I may not like what you have to say, but I won't hate you.

Daisy: It's Grady. He just keeps getting madder and madder at the world and at me, and as soon as things get rough, he doesn't want to be with me anymore. Do you know what that's like?

Cyrus: Yeah, I got a pretty good idea.

Daisy: It's not fair.

Cyrus: Tell me about it. Listen, I know you want to save him, but that's my job. I owe him. I have to save him and protect you from him.

Daisy: It is not your job to protect me.

Cyrus: I told your mom that I'd keep an eye out for you. When I last saw her, she made me promise to look out for you.

Daisy: Well, look what you got yourself into.

Reva: Hey. I thought I told you I wasn't going to the beach.

Hawk: Who said I came to take you?

Reva: What is that?

Hawk: An invitation to the Josh and Reva wedding party. You can go as an extra. Don't lose it, because they won't let you in.

Reva: Ha!

Hawk: What is all this? I mean, why are you cleaning out the...

Reva: I'm moving back in.

Hawk: All by your lonesome?

Reva: Yeah. Jeffrey and I are taking a little break.

Hawk: Is that a fancy way of saying you're sick of each other?

Reva: No, that's a fancy way of saying, "We're taking a break." Just until we know which way we're going.

Hawk: Aha! I knew it! You and Josh are on the glory road again. I never thought that that D.A. fellow was right for you.

Reva: You don't know what you're talking about! My life with Jeffrey is safe and easy and fun.

Hawk: Yes, but he's not Joshua. I'd almost given up hope. I mean, you were taking so dag-burn long. I figured this would happen in the first week of principal photography... that's the way we say shooting.

Reva: What the hell are you talking about?

Hawk: I didn't get into this film business just to make a few bucks and be a big Hollywood honcho. I knew that if you and Josh would watch your love story played out right in front of your very eyes, you'd realize you were meant for each other. And now... and it's finally happening!

Reva: You! You did this because you thought it would get me and Josh back together again?

Hawk: Am I good or what?

Reva: I should give you a swift kick in the butt!

Hawk: But instead... but you are going to give me a kiss, because you know I did you a favor.

Reva: No, you messed up my life.

Hawk: No, I saved it! I saved you from safe and easy.

Reva: Jeffrey makes me happy in a way Josh never did.

Hawk: Hooey! Hooey! I've got the script to prove it.

Reva: That script is a fantasy!

Hawk: Maybe it is. Don't mean it can't come true! (Laughs)

[Josh stares at a family photo]

Carson: Hey, Josh, thanks for stopping by, and thanks for dropping the lawsuit, too.

Josh: Yeah, I just... I have a lot going on in my life right now. I can't really worry about that. So you feel free to finish your movie, wrap it up, and go back to wherever it is you people come from. Why did you ask me to come here?

Carson: How about a producer's credit in return?

Josh: (Laughs) I'm not a producer.

Carson: Well, neither are the others. So are you in?

Josh: No.

Carson: No?

Josh: Thank you. I forget how small she was at this age.

Carson: Marah, right?

Josh: Yes, that's right. The photographer was trying to get her to smile, and she wouldn't do it, and then all of a sudden, Marah let out this huge belch, you know, coming from this little tiny kid. He snapped the picture, and we all ended up laughing. It was... it was amazing. You know, babies, they seem to make everything all right.

Carson: Are you sure that you don't want that producer's credit?

Daisy: Hey, I'm back. And I brought chocolate chip cookies. They're kind of burned, but if you scrape off the top and the bottom, then they're really good. I am sorry about Reva before. I'm sorry about all of it.

Grady: Why don't you just shoot a video of me in here and put it on your blog? Hit your whole with what a train wreck I am.

Daisy: What?

Grady: I get it, okay? I make that D.A. shooter boyfriend of yours look like a Sunday School teacher. You go with me, your parents think, ' Wow, Rafe's a bargain.' Nice plan.

Daisy: No, it... I don't have a plan. Rafe and you, it's completely different. No. I mean, when Rafe and I were together, we were kids, you know? I mean, of course, we're still friends, but you and I... I love you. I mean, yeah. And, you know, you might never get out of here, but at least now you know. And I wasn't totally sure until I just said it, but, yeah, it's the truth, because when I look at you, I just... I just want you to hold me, and I just... I want you to love me back.

Honesty is all I need just lay it on me just lay it on me...

Guard: Time's up.

Daisy: Can I just have one more minute?

Just lay it on me....

Guard: Sorry, no. Let's go.

Daisy: They're better with milk.

Tell me I'm wrong tell me you want me

I can take anything you can lay it on me.

Reva: Oh! Where'd you come from?

Cyrus: Most times they don't see me at all. I'm in, out, on my way before they know what's hit them.

Reva: What do you want?

Cyrus: Pretty good, what you did to my brother.

Reva: If you have a complaint, you can tell it to the police.

Cyrus: Well, the police are all your friends, which is why you think you're above the law.

Reva: Your brother deserves to be in jail for what he did to Tammy -- not to mention what he's going to do to Daisy.

Cyrus: But he doesn't deserve to be in jail for dealing drugs or assaulting you. He's innocent of that, and you know it.

Reva: He's a dangerous man.

Grady: You framed him. And don't deny it, because I talked to Frank. You want to keep Grady away from your granddaughter. You saw them together, and you came up with a plan. You set him up.

Reva: So what if I did? What's my crime compared to Grady's, huh? I didn't mow down a young girl with my car. I didn't destroy the life of the boy-- my son-- who was married to her. So, so what if I planted some pills on your brother? Who's going to care or even believe you?

Cyrus: You're right. You're Reva Shayne, and we're nobody.

[Daisy lies on her bed thinking while Grady does the same in his jail cell]

Yesterday I witnessed everything for the first time

for the first time everything that seemed

so ordinary to my eyes to my eyes

and I found what I need a missing melody.

Josh: Please show me a direction, Lord. I want to do your will. I want... I don't know what I want.

Reva: (Laughs) Hi, it's me. No, I'm just... I'm just calling to say that I'm thinking about you, and I guess I miss you. No, not like that I don't. I mean, I do, I do. Of course, I do. But, I mean... I miss you, Jeffrey. I miss you.

[Cyrus listens to a recording he just made]

Reva's voice: So what if I did? What's my crime compared to Grady's, huh? I didn't mow down a young girl with my car. I didn't destroy the life of the boy-- my son-- who was married to her. So, so what if I planted a few pills on him? Who the hell is going to care or believe you?

Coming up on ' Guiding Light' ...

Reva: You know I miss you, right?

Jeffrey: You need to call Josh.

Reva: You want me to go back to Josh?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Reva: Hey, Josh, it's me. The movie wedding. I was thinking maybe we should go, you know? It might actually be fun.

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