GL Transcript Monday 7/14/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/14/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Reva: You're having a hard time handling watching our memories up there on that screen, so you decide to shut everything down instead of dealing with those feelings!

Josh: Reva is questioning every decision she's ever made in her life.

Jeffrey: Maybe you're the one that's questioning every decision.

Josh: Every feeling we ever had, it's all right up there for everyone to see. I hate it.

Take this long distance something is missing...

Bill: You're here.

Lizzie: This place is even better than the picture. It's amazing. Perfect.

Bill: That's what I was hoping.

Olivia: Hey, Ava, look what I bought you! Oh, hi.

Hilda: Hi.

Olivia: Um, where's Ava?

Hilda: Oh, I believe she's out, ma'am.

Olivia: She's out?

Hilda: Yes.

Olivia: Good. I guess Bill took her out then. You know what? I'll just leave these here.

Hilda: Um, they're not together.

Olivia: What do you mean, they're not together?

Hilda: Well, Ms. Ava came back from lunch alone, and then she left again in her car.

Remy: Okay. All right. You know what? Hand it over.

Ava: I won, fair and square.

Remy: Aren't you married to some rich guy?

Ava: Every girl needs a little mad money. Ooh, winning is pretty exhausting.

Remy: I might have a power drink in the fridge.

Ava: Oh, you know, I don't think that's the smartest idea.

Remy: Okay. Well, um... ooh, ooh. You probably don't want a beer.

Ava: Uh-uh.

Remy: How about some water? Hm? Some water?

Just let go there's no way

I would drop you time to shine

rough and raw bright and flawless

underneath what you are...

Lizzie: Give me a push.

Bill: What?

Lizzie: Push me on the swing. Are you okay?

Bill: Um, yeah. I just... I've got to tell you, I'm just really surprised to find you here.

Lizzie: I just had to see the place that you bought for us. I thought about it, but I just had to know what it would feel like to be with you here. And it is so much better than I imagined.

Bill: Lizzie, you don't know how much...

Lizzie: I don't know if we can do this. I don't if I can do this. But you thought of the flowers, and you remembered the tire swing, and it just means so much to me.

Bill: Lizzie, I've got to be honest with you. I didn’t... I didn't get this place for us. I got it for Ava and Max. Sorry.

Mel: Okay, bye. Hey, you. What's wrong?

Cassie: Oh, just mom withdrawal. R.J.'s at camp.

Mel: Oh, I totally understand. I was so happy when Leah said she wasn't going to do the camp thing this year. But she's probably going to make up for it by going to college across the country.

Cassie: (Laughing) Why don't you sit? We'll have coffee.

Mel: Okay, great. Can we have cake, too?

Cassie: You're on.

Mel: Yum. All right.

Cassie: So how are you? How's work? I imagine you're mostly at the law office these days?

Mel: Yeah. You know, Jeffrey left me with a ton of clients when he went to the D.A.'s office, but it's good. You know, I like it. I like being busy, so...

Cassie: Good.

Mel: Yeah.

Cassie: And are you dating anyone?

Mel: No. No, I am not. I don't have time. There's not really anyone interesting around, right?

Cassie: Yeah.

Mel: How's Josh?

Cassie: Well, we've had a rough year, but we're trying. We're in therapy, actually, right now.

Mel: Oh, that's good.

Cassie: Is it?

Mel: Absolutely. It means you both care enough to, you know, give it a try. Oh, I saw the poster advertising the movie.

Cassie: "Always."

Mel: Right, "Always."

Cassie: Yeah, I've seen some of that already.

Mel: Yeah, and?

Cassie: Oh, it's all that I could've imagined and more. Nothing like glorifying past love.

Mel: Oh, I would rather poke my eyes out than watch the Rick and Beth story.

Cassie: Thank you! Finally, someone who understands me. Thank you! (Laughter)

Josh: This movie has made me crazy.

Reva: It's affected both of us. It was bound to happen.

Josh: It's just a movie, Reva. Our lives are moving forward.

Reva: Of course they are. But you're taking this all too seriously.

Josh: And you're not?

Reva: I'm not going to lie to you. I've been struggling with the same feelings, struggling with the same emotions as you are.

Josh: I hate it.

Reva: Do you?

Josh: Yes, I do, because it's too much us. It's too much us. I have to go.

Reva: Joshua...

Josh: I have to go.

Reva: No, let's just back up.

Josh: No, no, Reva. I'm not doing.

Reva: Let's just start this again, because...

Josh: No. Please, I'm just begging you, just leave me out of the film, okay?

Reva: You kissed me! You kissed me! Don't do that again! You're out of it. I...

I should go guess I should get out

try to hang around for too long...

Mel: No. No blind dates.

Cassie: Oh, come on. He's really cute. He's from Josh's church. He teaches middle school Science. He even cooks.

Mel: Stop. Stop.

Cassie: He helps with the kids at the school...

Mel: No, no, no. I am happy the way I am right now. Please, I do not want to get fixed up.

Cassie: Okay. But you'll tell me if you change your mind?

Mel: Yeah, I'll tell you.

Cassie: Good.

Mel: Listen, you and Josh, you've got to hang in there. You guys make such a great couple.

Cassie: Thanks. I really want to. I mean, he's just the most wonderful man. He just makes me feel like I have a family.

Mel: You guys will be fine.

Hawk: Right behind you.

Jeffrey: Reva is not here.

Hawk: Oh, I'm just fine. Thanks for asking. Oh, and just so you know, I am not holding a grudge.

Jeffrey: About?

Hawk: You booting me out of the house.

Jeffrey: Ah. Well, that's good to know. Reva is still not here.

Hawk: Oh, right. No, I'm on the hunt for my P.B.A.

Jeffrey: P.D.A.? You have a P.D.A.?

Hawk: Yeah. I thought I left it here. Oh, thar she blows. I need to check my messages from the coast.

Jeffrey: Please tell me that you're not thinking about a sequel.

Hawk: Oh, I thought about it. But, you know, it would be pretty hard to improve on the ending that we've got.

Jeffrey: Yeah, right. Well, listen, I'll let Reva know that you stopped by.

Hawk: It hasn't been too tough on you, has it?

Jeffrey: The movie? No. I understand that there is a difference between a movie and real life.

Hawk: Yeah, but sometimes the two of them are not that different at all, especially with a story as dramatic as Reva and Josh.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, Reva and Josh, The Movie, is fiction. I met the actors, and I saw the script.

Hawk: Still, didn't it get under your skin?

Jeffrey: I'm bulletproof, remember?

Hawk: Oof.

Lizzie: I just thought, because of the tire swing...

Bill: I know. You told me you had one when were a kid.

Lizzie: Yeah, I did.

Bill: Look, I'm sorry that you thought that...

Lizzie: No, no. It's totally okay. Bill, it's okay. This place is amazing. It is. It's so perfect for a kid. It's great.

Bill: Lizzie, wait! Don't leave.

Lizzie: I shouldn't be here at all.

Bill: Lizzie, look, I... you were right to turn me down, okay, because I could never ask you to be anything less than you are. And I'm sorry about that.

Lizzie: Thank you.

Bill: I love you. I love you, Lizzie. And this thing that we have is not something that just goes away, you know?

Lizzie: I didn't come here to... I only came because... never mind. Okay. I'm leaving.

Bill: No, no, no, no. What?

Lizzie: It doesn't matter at all.

Bill: No, it does matter. It does matter.

Lizzie: No, it doesn’t. You're right, okay? I can't be this. I can't be this. I thought that I could, but you are with her. And you made that choice, and you're sticking with it. And as long as you're doing that, then that just makes me something that I don't want to be, something that I shouldn't be.

Bill: I don't want you to be that. I don't want you to be any of that, okay? I just... Lizzie, I want you. I want you. But I just... I can't walk away from Max.

Lizzie: He's not even yours.

Bill: That doesn't matter. I mean, he's my son. And he's the only thing in this world that means more to me than you do.

Lizzie: And he is going to need you to be the good guy that you are. So that means that you can't, and we can’t...

Bill: Lizzie, listen to me, listen to me, listen to me. Please let us just... I think we can work this out. I really, really do.

Lizzie: No, we can’t.

Bill: I think there is something that we can do. Please just say yes.

Lizzie: Bill, no, we can’t. No, I can’t. I can't!

Bill: Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie, please. Please say yes.

Lizzie: Yes.

Bill: Say yes.

Lizzie: Yes. Yes! (Cell phone ringing)

Bill: What?

Olivia: Is Ava with you?

Bill: Ava? No, she's home.

Olivia: No, she isn’t.

Bill: Yes. I put her in a car at Towers, and she went home, so...

Olivia: Well, then she must have gone out again.

Bill: Well, she shouldn't have gone out again. Let me call her.

Olivia: Bill, she's not answering her phone.

Bill: What do you mean? Ask around the house. Find out where she went.

Olivia: No one knows. That's why I'm calling you.

Bill: She's supposed to be resting.

Olivia: Where are you?

Bill: I'm.... I'm close. I can be there... I can be there in no time. Did you call...

Olivia: The hospital? Yeah, I called the hospital, and nothing. But that doesn't mean she's not in trouble.

Bill: I know. No, I know. Look, I'll... I'll be right there. Um, I'm sorry, that was...

Lizzie: Olivia.

Bill: It's just, I need to... I need...

Lizzie: Yeah. No, no. I heard.

Bill: Can I... can I call you in one hour?

Lizzie: Oh, yeah, yeah, in one hour.

Bill: Lizzie, I love you. I love you. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Lizzie: (Crying)

I lose all reason somehow I'm just not allowed

to keep my feet beneath me when you come around

Ava: Hey, hey, hey. Were you going somewhere?

Remy: You're awake.

Ava: Yeah. You're leaving me here to fend for myself?

Remy: No, no. I heard a sound out there. You were out fast.

Ava: Oh, yeah, right, right. It hits me, and I'm down for the count. But when I wake up, I am hungry. Do you have anything else in this place besides beer and potato chips?

Remy: Not really, no.

Ava: But I thought I saw some Chinese food in the refrigerator earlier.

Remy: No. No, no, no. I wouldn't give that to you if you were pregnant-- or not. But if you need something, I can get it.

Ava: Well, I wouldn't want to put you out, except...

Remy: Except?

Ava: I am kind of craving pizza.

Remy: Veggie special?

Ava: Yeah, veggie special. How did you know?

Remy: I remember how you ordered it from Ramondo's.

Ava: Ramondo's? We haven't been to Ramondo's in months. I'm impressed.

Demons like there's harm

in believing in fate guess I'm just scared that I'll make a mistake.

Cassie: Hey.

Josh: Hey. Wow, what did I do to deserve such a greeting?

Cassie: You're a wonderful husband, and I missed you.

Josh: Well, I wasn't away from you for that long.

Cassie: I know. Sometimes you just need somebody. There's not really a rational reason for it. It's just kind of overwhelming. Does that make any sense?

Josh: Yes, it does.

Cassie: I don't know. Just after that therapy session, I just felt like the house is really empty. It feel so much better now that you're home.

Am I getting ahead of myself the way I imagine

it should be easy the stars all align

as if it was just meant to be what if I'm wrong...

Reva: Hey, handsome. (Cell phone ringing) Hey, you.

Jeffrey: Where have you been hiding?

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: You sound tense.

Reva: No, no. I'm not tense.

Jeffrey: Well, listen, I've got some good news.

Reva: Good. I could use it.

Jeffrey: I wrapped things up early at the office.

Reva: Nobody left to put in jail?

Jeffrey: I know, it's kind of weird, isn't it? Because there is no shortage of evil-doers lurking about in this town. So, listen, I figured I'd track you down instead.

Reva: Huh?

Jeffrey: I thought we could steal some alone time together.

Reva: Oh.

Jeffrey: Are you sure you're okay?

Reva: Yeah, I'm peachy.

Jeffrey: Okay. Then how about we meet at Towers?

Reva: I can't wait.

Bill: Hi. Was that her?

Olivia: No. It was the hospital. I was checking.

Bill: What did they say?

Olivia: Well, I wouldn't be standing here if she was there.

Bill: All right. Well, come on.

Olivia: Where are we going?

Bill: We can cover more ground if we split up, okay?

Mel: Lizzie.

Lizzie: Hey. You know what? You-- you have it all figured out. You work and work and work, and then you don't notice that you don't have a life.

Mel: Yeah. Yeah, I guess I've got it all figured out.

Lizzie: I'm sorry. I should work. I should get a job, so that I will stop obsessing. I'm just a jerk. I don't know why I'm telling you. You've never done anything crazy in your entire life.

Mel: Well, yeah, I did. I threw all of Rick’s stuff in the hot tub when I found out about him and your mother.

Lizzie: Right.

Mel: Well, even crazier, I married a guy who was on his deathbed, and I hardly even knew him.

Lizzie: That's crazy!

Mel: Right? Yeah, I guess I thought I could save him. I don't know. But, anyway, but about your situation, it's all about Bill, right?

Lizzie: Yeah, I'm a complete and utter moron.

Mel: Not true. No, we love who we love. We can't help that. I mean, look at my brother and... anyway, Bill and Ava just got married. I think people need to step back and let them figure out who they are as a couple. You know? They deserve that.

Lizzie: I tried that. I did. I really tried that. But I can’t. I can’t.

Mel: Yeah. You can do it.

Bill: Ava, it's me. I have no idea where you are, but when you... when you...

Jeffrey: I thought we were going to meet at Towers?

Reva: Yeah, well, it's such a nice day, I though maybe we could walk over there together.

Jeffrey: Really?

Reva: Mm-hmm. Have you seen gas prices? I'm doing you a favor.

Jeffrey: Always thinking of me, huh?

Reva: And it's good for the environment, too.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? You've inspired me. I think I'm going to walk everywhere all the time now.

Reva: You should be careful, though. The money you spend on gas, you're going to have to buy yourself some new shoes.

Jeffrey: No. I'm going to spend it on you.

Reva: Yeah. Well, gas isn't that expensive.

Jeffrey: Maybe we'll go on a trip, just the two of us, huh? Maybe the desert. We can spend the day wrapped in mud, and then the night...

Reva: Josh kissed me. And I kissed him back.

Jeffrey: I guess we have something to talk about on our walk.

These feelings that I have inside

I know shouldn't stay but I can't spend another day

without you more than a friend

for just tonight let me be right by your side

more than a friend for a while...

Josh: Well, um... here we are. We've got the rest of the day to ourselves. We can do whatever you want. Maybe go for a drive, stop for dinner someplace.

Cassie: It's funny, right, being able to make last-minute decisions like this? I mean, maybe this is one of the reasons that we've been so stressed, because we're still figuring out who we are without the kids around.

Josh: Maybe we should look at it as an opportunity. No more stress.

Cassie: As long as we're in this together, everything will be okay.

(Knocking on the door)

Ava: Did you forget your keys? Oh!

Bill: Oh, well, you're okay.

Ava: I'm fine, yeah. How did you figure out...

Bill: That's good. You know, I've been looking all over the place for you? Your mother has been calling you? But you haven't been picking up the phone?

Ava: My phone was on.

Bill: Do you know what was going through our minds? I mean, we... I'm thinking that you're at home. I don't know, maybe you're in a ditch somewhere. We can't track you down.

Ava: I don't know where my phone was. Maybe it was in the car. I'm sorry. I don't know.

Remy: I should have ordered a large.

Ava: Don't be mad at Remy.

Remy: I can handle it.

Bill: We can't stay, Remy.

Ava: I just wanted to hang out and just be normal and chill out and...

Bill: Well, guess what? You're not in a normal state. You're supposed to be on bed rest, okay? Something could happen. You've already had a couple of scares. We don't need any more. I'm going to take you home. But I think first you should call your mother, let her know that you're okay. Here, use my phone, okay? Thanks a lot, Remy.

Ava: I'm sorry, Remy, I...

Remy: Don't worry about it.

Ava: Bill!

Bill: What is wrong with you? How many times do we have to have this conversation, okay? She's supposed to be taking it easy, not hanging around with you, okay?

Remy: (Laughing) You know, when you get angry, you get these little veins that start to vibrate in your head?

Bill: I'm glad you think is funny, okay? But she's supposed to be... you know what? I thought you were my friend.

Remy: Oh, wow, bravo! Bravo! This is where you pretend to be the loving, caring husband. I love it. It's so good!

Bill: Okay. You want to judge me?! You want to judge me? That is my wife and my son. If something happens to her when she is out with you, oh, God help you.

Remy: She's out there, man, and we're in here. Make your move, pretty boy.

Bill: Oh, don't tempt me.

Remy: That's cool.

(Cell phone rings)

Ava: Bill? Hello? Hello?

Bill: Are you ready to go?

Ava: Yeah, I'm ready to go.

Bill: Let's get you home.

Ava: Olivia is on her way home.

Bill: That's fantastic.

Ava: If you have something to say to me, you should just say it.

Bill: I think, uh... I think maybe you need a little rest is what... I think you should...

Ava: Any more orders for me?

Bill: You know what? I'm not giving you orders, Ava, but since you're asking, maybe you can stay away from Remy. That would be nice.

Ava: What if I don't want to?

Bill: Are you sure you want to do this, Ava? Because you can't have it both ways.

Ava: Oh, and you can? You can have it both ways? Remy and I are friends.

Bill: A friend? He's obviously in love with you, and I can't believe I didn't see it before. Okay? What if you're out with him and something happens? Okay, not that that wouldn't be bad in itself, but how would that look if you were out...

Ava: Since you are so concerned, where were you when I was with Remy?

Bill: What are you talking about, where I was? That's not the point.

Ava: Yes, it is the point. It's exactly the point. You can't put rules on this marriage while you go out and do whatever you want with whomever you want. I'm supposed to stay here in this house and wait for you to come back? I don't think so.

Bill: No. I never said that. I never said that.

Ava: That's exactly what you're saying right now.

Bill: That's not what I'm saying! We're talking about Remy here.

Ava: Okay. Let's switch the subject, okay?

Bill: What? I'm sorry?

Ava: Let's talk about Lizzie.

Bill: Lizzie?

Ava: Yeah. She just called.

Bill: Okay. Don't mention her name, okay? Just don't even talk about her, okay?

Ava: I'm going to...

Bill: No, no. Listen to me.

Ava: I'm not finished. I have something else to say.

Bill: Before you get worked up, why don't you put your feet up and rest, okay? Because I'm concerned about this child.

Ava: Of course you are.

Bill: Yes.

Ava: And I have something else to say: This little deal...

Bill: I'm sure you do.

Ava: ...That you and I have together?

Bill: Yeah? Mm-hmm?

Ava: It's not working. Maybe we should revisit it and see if we can make it work for the both of us.

Bill: You know what? You're a little emotional. I think this has....

Ava: This is crazy.

Bill: This has gone a little too far. Yeah.

Ava: You think that you can just take me for granted because you think that I just want to be married to you?

Bill: Well, you do, obviously, because I'm giving a life that you want.

Ava: Well, don't forget something. There is something in this relationship... you can talk over me all you want. I'm just going to keep talking.

Bill: Keep going.

Ava: Okay, fine. You want something in this relationship, too.

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: Don't forget it. This. I'm done talking about my friend Remy, okay?

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Ava: I'm going upstairs, I'm going to lay down and that's it. I'm going to go take care of Max.

Josh: Hey.

Lizzie: Hey. Do you have a sec?

Josh: Me? Yeah.

Cassie: I'll meet you inside.

Josh: Okay. So how are you?

Lizzie: Mm...

Josh: And when are you going to go back to working with Billy? Because I kind of think he's missing you.

Lizzie: I miss him, too. I miss everybody. But it's just weird, you know, ever since the Bill thing, so...

Josh: Well, things happen.

Lizzie: Yeah. Have you been in contact with Bill much these days?

Josh: No. No, not really. I think he's sort of staying away from us right now.

Lizzie: Would it be too much for me to ask you to... I don't know, maybe reach out to him or call him or something?

Josh: Can't stop caring, huh?

Lizzie: It's harder than it looks.

Josh: I don't think you're going to like what I'm about to say-- sorry-- but I think he's doing okay, I do, with the marriage and the baby. And I understand he might be going into politics.

Lizzie: Yeah. You know, you just never know, so...

Josh: But I will make an effort to talk to him, if you'd like.

Lizzie: Thanks.

Josh: Sure. Aside from the Bill thing, are you okay?

Lizzie: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

Josh: I'm just asking, because for some reason, I've been thinking a lot about... I'm sorry, but I've been thinking a lot about Sarah.

Lizzie: Well, I think about her every single day.

Josh: I'm sure you do. But if you don't mind my asking, when did life start to get normal for you again?

Lizzie: Hmm. You know, um... I'll just have to let you know when that happens.

Josh: That's kind of what I figured. Thanks.

Lizzie: Thank you.

Josh: I'll see you.

Lizzie: Okay.

Josh: Hey.

Cassie: Hey. How is Lizzie?

Josh: She just wanted to talk, that's all. I guess she's going through some changes.

Cassie: She trusts you. Everyone does. I love that about you.

Josh: Let's order.

Reva: I don't know why it happened, but I do know that the one thing we have is honesty. I respect you, and you respect me, which is why I'm telling you about that, so that it's out there.

Jeffrey: What's out there?

Reva: What I'm telling you-- the kiss.

Jeffrey: That's not what I mean. What did that kiss mean to you?

Reva: Ask me when the movie is over.

Jeffrey: I'd rather not wait that long.

Reva: I know you're angry. I totally understand.

Jeffrey: Angry? Why would I be angry? You're out there kissing your ex, you know, wading through these memories...

Reva: It wasn't like that. It wasn’t.

Jeffrey: We're being honest here, remember?

Reva: I don't want to get back with him, and that is the truth.

Jeffrey: I don't think that you know what the truth is. I think that that's maybe something that you need to figure out.

Reva: Well, I know I love you.

Jeffrey: I love steak. And I love swordfish on Thursdays. Or is it the other way around?

Reva: Now you're making fun of me.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, I'm a little.... just a little frustrated here.

Reva: Well, you can imagine how I feel.

Jeffrey: Reva, that must be the single most selfish thing that you've ever said in your entire life.

Reva: It was meant to be funny, okay, to lighten the moment.

Jeffrey: Well, it's not working.

Reva: Tell me about it.

Jeffrey: So what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to say? Josh kissed you-- that's one thing. You kissed him back?

Reva: I know.

Jeffrey: That's something else.

Reva: I know. I know.

Jeffrey: I think that you need to figure this out.

Reva: I don't like the way that sounds.

Jeffrey: I'll stay here...

Reva: No.

Jeffrey: And then you can go back to the house.

Reva: I said no!

Jeffrey: And if it's something that truly, honestly, doesn't mean anything, then maybe we can pick it up where we left off.

Reva: This isn't what I want.

Jeffrey: Well, that's the way it has to be.

Mel: Hey, baby brother. Thanks for calling.

Remy: Yeah, I was hungry. Have some pizza. It's just a long story. Red wine? I'm buying.

Mel: You're buying?

Remy: Mm-hmm.

Mel: Well, yeah, that sounds good. So what did you do today?

Remy: Played cards, went to the gym-- no big deal.

Mel: That sounds like fun.

Remy: Hung out with Ava.

Mel: Hmm. How did that go?

Remy: How do you think?

Mel: Well, I used to think that she was the one thing keeping you honest.

Remy: (Laughing) Then I'm in trouble. I am in trouble.

Mel: Yeah, no kidding.

Remy: Ah, but please, no lectures.

Mel: No lectures?

Remy: Uh-uh.

Mel: Yeah, you called me. I know you need some advice, okay? Just be careful, Rem. Okay? There's a baby involved. I know you care about Ava, but you just have to... Lizzie, come join us.

Remy: No, no! Don't!

Mel: My brother's buying.

Remy: No, no, no. Don’t. She's just going to lecture us on how not to be in love with people who are married and having a baby with somebody who’s...

Mel: No, no, no, no it's just going to be the opposite, okay? Come, join us. Have a seat.

Lizzie: Okay. But I can only stay for a minute, so...

Olivia: Hey. I thought you might be resting.

Ava: Yeah. I'm not tired.

Olivia: No?

Ava: No.

Olivia: So where did you go?

Ava: I went out.

Olivia: I ran into Bill. He's a little, like, worried about you.

Ava: Really?

Olivia: Uh-huh.

Ava: Everything is going to be just fine. Everything is going to be fine.

Olivia: I'll leave you alone then. (Knocking on the door)

Bill: Hey, hey. I hear someone wants to be normal in here. Well, I can do normal.

Olivia: I guess so.

Bill: Hey, you laugh, but I am serious. We're going to have pizza. That's what we're going to do. You know what? We're going to have pizza. And I may have to have three beers, because the two of you can't drink.

Ava: That's normal.

Bill: It's going to be a party.

Ava: Yeah, well, I am hungry.

Bill: Of course you are. Of course you are. So what would you like on your pizza, Mrs. Lewis?

Ava: The veggie special.

Bill: How about pepperoni?

Ava: No, I don’t. The veggie special.

Bill: Veggie special it is. No need to argue about it, right? Good. Good, good, good, good. Okay. I'll be right back.

Cassie: That was really nice, just hanging with you today. You know? It was fun.

Josh: Cassie, um... I know we have a lot of work to do, and I'm really trying to listen to you these days.

Cassie: I know.

Josh: Last year, when I told you I didn't want to have any more children, I think I made a mistake. But I don't think it's too late to fix it. So I'm just wondering what you might think about, um... do you want to try to have another baby?

Cassie: (Laughing)

Josh: (Laughing)

Reva: I do love you. And I'll be back.

Jeffrey: I believe that. But you need to do this.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Cyrus: Drugs? Who do you think planted them on you?

Grady: Psycho Granny Reva attacked me in a car park and then Uncle Frank nabs me for drugs I've never seen before.

Cyrus: I just saw my brother. He told me how you set him up.

Frank: I'll do whatever I have to, to protect my family.

Reva: It looks like Daisy's almost through with you.

Grady: We'll see.

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