GL Transcript Friday 7/11/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/11/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on “Guiding Light”...

Lizzie: I am going to come after this company and I am going to win. “Secluded, close to town, pink garden.” Is that a tire swing? Obviously we are not done talking.

Olivia: Bill, Ava, this baby, they have a chance. If you love him, you'll do what's best.

Lizzie: I just need you to meet me.

Bill: I am booked solid.

Lizzie: Make time for me.

Bill: You okay? Just take it easy in there, little guy, okay. Let Mommy sleep for a little longer. Because we've got a busy day ahead of us. That's for sure. But I want you to know something, I'm never going to be too busy for you, okay? I'm going to be there for you. My son. My son. And I'll be the best dad I can be. My dad was okay, he was pretty good. Pretty good. But one thing’s for sure, my mother and I never knew if we could count on him, if he was going to show up. But here is my promise to you: That I will show up, and I will... I'll be there for you. I'm your father, and I love you. I made choices, promises, and I'm going to stick to them, okay?

Ava: Hi. He's a lucky little guy.

Bill: I'm the lucky one. He changed my life.

Reva: Well, you can take the man out of construction, hmm...

Josh: This is not a good time, Reva.

Reva: Okay. But it is a good time to shut my movie down?

Josh: Oh, your movie?

Reva: Yes, it is my movie. And I distinctly remember asking you if you were okay with it, to which you replied yes, you were.

Josh: Yeah, well that was before they twisted reality.

Reva: Yeah, well some people would call it creative license.

Josh: I don't really care what some people would call it, Reva. The fact is, it wasn't fair to Cassie. I mean, think about this for one second, what it must have been like for her sitting in that screening room watching me leave her for you.

Reva: I'm sure she felt terrible. But then again, maybe she's not the only one.

Josh: The only one what?

Reva: I think you know.

Josh: Why don't you spell it out for me?

Reva: You're having a hard time handling watching our memories up there on that screen. Because those memories are bringing up all these emotions in you that you don't know how to handle, so you decide to shut everything down instead of dealing with those feelings. And you know what that makes you, Joshua Lewis? A coward.

Josh: What did you call me?

Reva: You heard me. I've got to go.

Reva: Hey... ooh! Look at what you have!

Jeffrey: Hey, hey, what are you doing? That's mine. Get your own.

Reva: Oh, I'm taking the small half, kind of. It's only fair, right? (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Well, the first thing you learn about here is nothing's fair, including Grady Foley walking the streets.

Reva: Mmm, you've got that right. His bail was revoked?

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, when you've got a record as long as his, and, of course, the drug charge helped.

Reva: Well, that's lucky for Daisy. Because the longer we can keep that creep away from her, the better it will be for her. You know? So, what can I do to thank you for all your hard work?

Jeffrey: Well, let's see. I've got about a half an hour before my next appointment. We could sort of just, like, clear all of the papers from this desk and...

Reva: Ooh, I like where this is headed.

Jeffrey: But you still don't get the other half of my sandwich.

Reva: I hope that sandwich is important to you.

Jeffrey: Oh, it is. Mmm. (Laughs)

Reva: On that note, I'm going to go.

Jeffrey: You going to the movie set?

Reva: No. Actually, I'm going to play hooky. I've had enough drama for the week.

Jeffrey: That makes two of us.

Reva: (Laughs) I'll see you later.

Cassie: Hey, that was fast. Did you finish what you were working on?

Josh: No, no. I just needed a little break, that's all.

Cassie: Well, I made waffles. And there are fresh strawberries. So do you want me to fix you up a plate?

Josh: No, thank you. I'm not really hungry. But you go ahead and eat, and I'll sit a... I'll sit with you for a minute, how's that?

Cassie: Okay. I sent R.J.'s care package today. I'm just hoping that the counselor doesn't confiscate the candy again this year.

Josh: Do you want to hear something funny? Yesterday I found your shopping list, and I, ah... I went and bought all of the stuff for R.J.’s care package that was on the list. I thought I'd help you out and send the package for you myself, which I did, yesterday.

Cassie: The comic books and the gum and...

Josh: The black licorice and the "Harry Potter 7," the whole thing, yeah.

Cassie: (Laughs) Well, then, I guess he'll just have to trade it with the other kids. Thank you for doing that. And thank you for, you know...

Josh: I'm going to go take a shower. What time is the thing?

Cassie: 11:00. And you have the address?

Josh: Yes, I do. I'll see you there.

Bill: Hey.

Ava: Hey. Does this work?

Bill: Oh, yeah, it looks great. But, you know, we don't have to leave just yet. We have a little bit of time. You sure you're feeling okay?

Ava: Yeah, yeah. I'm feeling great. I'm feeling really excited. I mean, a big, important meeting, with big, important people. Perks me up every time.

Bill: Are you sure? Because I don't want you to push it. You were in the hospital yesterday, so...

Ava: Oh, come on. It was a false alarm. A false alarm. Yeah. I just had a little bad chicken salad, I'm not going to let that...

Bill: Chicken salad?

Ava: Yeah. For real. I'm not going to let that stop me from having lunch with the governor, right?

Bill: Okay.

Ava: We want people to take us seriously, right?

Bill: Okay. Okay. Well, I know it wouldn't hurt to have Max there with me.

Ava: Ooh, he kicked.

Bill: Wow. For real?

Ava: Yeah, for real.

Bill: Whoa, I feel that. I feel that. Hey, what do you say, Max? Do you want to spend your first birthday in the governor's mansion? Maybe. We'll see.

Lizzie: Okay, did I put that shirt in here? I know that Bill loves that shirt. Okay. Stop. I asked for a meeting. That's all it's going to be. It's just going to be a meeting. We're going to meet somewhere, and we're just going to talk and air stuff out, and that's it. I'm just going to bring the dress. Because I can't wear a suit to the cabin, even though I know I'm not going to the cabin because we're not going to the cabin. And we're just meeting and talking and we're definitely not going to the cabin, so I'm just going to bring this just in case. But I know that we're not going.

Bill: All right. All right.

Ava: Whew! Okay. All right. Let's see. You look good, perfect, fabulous.

Bill: Yeah? Thank you very much.

Ava: You ready to go sit down? We're here a little early.

Bill: Yeah, we are, aren't we? I'll tell you what, you go ahead, and I'll be right there, okay?

Ava: Okay. I was actually thinking about some really exciting, engaging things to talk about with Mrs. Governor. Flowers, actually. Hydrangeas, she loves hydrangeas.

Bill: Does she?

Ava: Actually, I read online that she makes her own arrangements. Isn't that interesting?

Bill: Yeah, that's a good job. Good job.

Ava: I'll make sure I bring that up.

Bill: Good, you should do that. Bring it up. Bring it up. In fact, you do your job, I'll do mine, and we'll seal the deal.

Ava: Okay.

Bill: Okay. Good. Good, good, good.

Lizzie: Here I am.

Bill: Not now, Lizzie, okay?

Lizzie: But we had a meeting scheduled?

Bill: Yes, yes, yes, yes. But Ava and I are having lunch with the governor and his wife, so, we're going to have to...

Lizzie: Oh, you love saying that, don't you?

Bill: Yes, over and over. So please.

Lizzie: You can't just blow me off.

Bill: I'm not blowing you off. I will meet with you later, okay?

Lizzie: Later?

Bill: Later. Later today.

Lizzie: Okay. Then what am I supposed to do in the meantime?

Bill: I don't know. It's a nice day out. Go to the park. Do something, just...

Lizzie: I liked the tire swing.

Bill: What?

Lizzie: The cabin? The tire swing was really cool.

Bill: Right, you saw the picture of the cabin.

Lizzie: Yes. So...

Bill: I know you had one when you were a kid. Good memories. Oh, hey, Governor Young and Mrs. Young. How are you? How are you?

Governor: Please, call me Jack.

Bill: Oh, thank you. My wife's already at the table. So if you want to just go on over there, it would be great. Great, great, great. Great.

Lillian: No, no, no. There is no need to worry. Ava is going to be fine. No, they weren't contractions. That was just a false alarm. Oh, you're being a mom. That's what we do.

Remy: So Ava had false contractions? When? When-- how did that happen?

Lillian: You know I can't give you that information.

Remy: I got a 911 call about her a few weeks ago, and it was a false alarm, too, okay? I'm just following up on...

Lillian: Speaking of 911’s, I've got to go. Oh, and, um... Remy, Ava has a husband now, so I think he can follow up on her case.

Remy: Hmm.

Jeffrey: Whoa. Close call.

Josh: Sorry.

Jeffrey: I've had a few of those lately. Where the heck have you been? I've been waiting for you. Listen, I spoke with Carson, and, you know, I explained to him that we weren't happy about this underage drinking going on on the movie set. And so he is going to be made to pay a fine. And then he is going to make a contribution to Mothers Against Drunk Driving. It's just a movie, Josh.

Josh: It's ruining lives, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: Oh, come on now. I thought Reva was the dramatic one. I think it would be in everyone's best interest if we just, you know, try to forget this and move on.

Josh: So that's it. You're just going to let them go ahead and shoot?

Jeffrey: Well, quite frankly, Josh, I don't have time to be doing your dirty work.

Josh: This is not my dirty work, Jeffrey. This movie affects a lot of people, including you and Reva, Cassie, you saw how Cassie was when she walked out of the screening, right?

Jeffrey: Well, maybe it wasn't just the movie that was making Cassie upset.

Josh: What is that supposed to mean?

Jeffrey: I don't know. Josh, Cassie is not the one who came to me, and Reva is fine.

Josh: Reva is not fine. This is not some fun trip down memory lane for her. In fact, Reva doesn't even do memory lane. She does memory freeway. And reliving all of her past mistakes can't be good for her.

Jeffrey: I think she can handle it.

Josh: Are you sure about that? Because I don't think Reva has really been herself lately. Or maybe it is the other way around, maybe she's been too much of herself. Getting all upset over everything that happens, or questioning every decision she has ever made in her life.

Jeffrey: Maybe you're the one that's questioning every decision. Look, I'm sorry, I've got to run. Let them make their movie, okay? They're going to finish it and then they're going to get out of town.

Josh: Ignoring it isn't going to make it go away.

Jeffrey: I don't need to make it go away.

Reva: Hey, you missed one. Or two, or three. (Laughs)

Cassie: Hey, Reva, what's going on?

Reva: Um, I thought you should know that Grady Foley is back in jail. He was arrested on a drug charge.

Cassie: On drugs?

Reva: Uh-huh.

Cassie: How stupid is that guy? He's such a low-life.

Reva: Yeah, well, he's not our problem anymore.

Cassie: Well, thank goodness, because seeing him walking around free like that was one of the worst days of my life.

Reva: Well, hopefully you won't have to see that again.

Cassie: You really think he's locked up for good?

Reva: Well, I know that Jeffrey’s not getting much sleep. Working very hard to make sure that Grady and Alan are both convicted.

Cassie: Thank God for Jeffrey.

Reva: Hey, is Josh home?

Cassie: No. Why?

Reva: He's trying to have my movie shut down. He even went to Jeffrey for some legal action.

Cassie: Reva, I knew nothing about that.

Reva: I mean, I know it's weird and all, but... I mean, there are times when it freaks me out, too, but to shut the whole thing down, it's a bit melodramatic.

Cassie: Well, I'm going to meet him in a little bit. So when I see him, I will get his side of the story.

Reva: Well, there really aren't any sides. Okay.

Cassie: I am so sorry I'm late. I... um... my husband isn't here yet?

Dr. Frankel: Not yet, but make yourself comfortable.

Cassie: Okay. Um... well, I know he wouldn't miss this. This is very important to both of us. But I'm sure you already know that, or why else would we be coming to you? And that's why they call you the therapist. Wow, this is a really small couch. Okay, I'm going to try to call him again. Something must have happened because this is not like him at all.

Josh: Hi, there. I assume you want this closed. You must be Dr. Frankel. I'm Josh Lewis. It's nice to meet you.

Cassie: You're 20 minutes late.

Josh: No. I think I'm ten minutes early.

Cassie: No. The appointment was at 11:00.

Josh: You said 11:30.

Cassie: I definitely said 11:00.

Josh: Are you sure?

Cassie: Why would I say 11:30? That doesn't even make any sense.

Josh: Well, it made sense to me when you said it. I'm just... sorry.

Cassie: We're usually much more organized than this.

Josh: She's always on time everywhere she goes.

Cassie: And he's a minister, so... so what do you want to know first?

Lillian: Ooh, you going on a trip, sweetie?

Lizzie: Oh, umm. Sort of.

Lillian: Oh, reservation for two at Cameron’s? That's that beautiful restaurant out in Woodville. I've tried to get Buzz to take me there. It's really fancy.

Lizzie: Yeah. Bill bought a cabin. And I'm going, and I'd really appreciate it if you don't say anything negative because I've changed my mind like 15 times, and I don't want to change it again.

Lillian: So I shouldn't mention that he's married and has a baby on the way.

Lizzie: Well, I'm not an idiot. I know that. But I...

Lillian: I know you. You can't help yourself, can you? I really get that.

Lizzie: Well, I know that you think you do, but you don’t. It's really different.

Lillian: Sweetheart, I loved a man very much, and I spent one night with him. He was married to my best friend, and you know how that story...

Lizzie: Ava and I aren't friends, though.

Lillian: All right. So you want to go. Fine.

Lizzie: Yes.

Lillian: But you won't need, you won't need this pretty nighty because he can't spend the night with you. I mean, he's got a pregnant wife at home, right? Oh, you're not going to need Cameron’s-- this pretty dress for Cameron’s because a man who is going to run for public office can't be seen out in public with any woman who is not his wife. Right? So...

Lizzie: He bought a cabin. He bought me a cabin, for me.

Lillian: Well, of course he did. Bill wants to have it every which way. And he can probably have it, but you're going to be left with nothing.

Lizzie: But he doesn't love Ava. And he can still be a good father, even if they're not a real couple. And I don't know why I shouldn't go after him. I think I deserve him more than she does.

Lillian: You deserve anything you want, sweetie, but...

Lizzie: But what? But life's not fair.

Lillian: I just don't want to see you get hurt.

Lizzie: Well, I am hurt. And I don't want to be anymore.

Ava: And the phones were ringing off of the hook.

Bill: Mmm. My wife exaggerates.

Ava: Well, he's my husband. But before I was his wife, I was his assistant. I can tell you that there is no better person to promote a cause.

Bill: Well...

Ava: He's opening the Gus Aitoro Boys Clubs all over the Midwest.

Bill: True.

Ava: Detroit, Flint, Gary, Toledo, and he's convinced half of the board to make donations to the Lewis Education Fund. Seven figures.

Bill: She's bragging.

Governor: Your whole resume is impressive. Your business background, community service.

Bill: Well, thank you. Thank you very much. I'm quite passionate about some of my projects, including my initiatives to get Springfield to go green.

Mrs. Young: Oh, let's talk some more about that. I'm on two energy boards, and I'd love your thoughts.

Bill: Done. Done. We can do that. Absolutely. Would anyone like coffee?

Governor: No, no, no. Thank you. We've got to get going. But I think I can state unofficially, without hesitation, I think you'd be an ideal successor when my term is up.

Bill: Thank you. Thank you very much, Jack. That's a tremendous endorsement. I appreciate that.

Mrs. Young: And there's an ulterior motive, of course. Retirement. I'd like him to have time to mow the lawn. (Laughter)

Governor: We have a lawn?

Bill: Oh, gosh! (Laughter) Okay.

Ava: Well, we'll be in touch.

Bill: Yes, and...

Ava: Thank you.

Bill: Thanks again.

Governor: My pleasure.

Bill: Thank you very much.

Ava: It's nice to meet you. Thank you.

Bill: My goodness. That was fantastic.

Ava: Oh, my gosh. You were great! That was wonderful!

Bill: Well, well, well, I was. I was good, wasn't I? I was fantastic.

Ava: That was so exciting.

Bill: You were good, too. That was good. That was really-- you had a good little spiel there.

Ava: Thanks.

Bill: What do you think? What do you think, Max? Are you ready to move into a big house on the hill, huh? A little bit better. That's great stuff.

Ava: We have to celebrate.

Bill: Ah, yes, we do, but not now. I have a client meeting, so I have to do that. Let me take care of that, all right?

Ava: Okay.

Bill: I'll tell you what? Why don't you have Bruno take you home, and I'll just get a car for me later, all righty? Okay, good, good, good.

Ava: You were really wonderful.

Bill: Oh, well, thank you. All righty.

Dr. Frankel: You said your marriage hasn't been the same. The same as when?

Cassie: Ah, I'm sorry. I guess we're not very good at this. Um... I guess the problems started when my daughter died. That was very hard. It was more than hard, actually. It was unbearable. And sometimes it still is, but Josh got me through that time in a way that nobody else could have.

Josh: What Cassie was going through, it was... well, I don't think I could even pretend that I'll ever fully understand.

Cassie: Well, and then I got angry, then I got really angry.

Josh: And then I got to a point to where I couldn't really help her anymore.

Cassie: Maybe I need you to accept me as I am now. Because I don't know if I'm ever going to be the way I was before.

Josh: I wouldn't expect you to be.

Cassie: Anyway, I'm, I'm better now. I know. It's just that the house is empty, and R.J. is away at camp, and Will is away, and I just don't even feel like a mother anymore.

Josh: But you are a mother.

Cassie: Do you and Reva still feel like parents?

Dr. Frankel: Reva?

Josh: My ex-wife.

Cassie: Yeah, that's my sister. They were married before, before Josh and me. Reva got sick, but we didn't know about it.

Josh: By the time we found out, the cancer had progressed to a point that we weren't really sure that she would survive.

Cassie: But she did, and then even after she survived, Josh still stayed with me.

Dr. Frankel: That shows commitment.

Cassie: Yeah. Yeah. To be the woman your guy left his dying wife for is... well, it's, it's a lot of pressure, it's just a lot of pressure.

Josh: I didn't know you felt that way.

Cassie: How could I not?

Josh: I thought I did the right thing by choosing you.

Cassie: Well, I'm not blaming you. The time has got to be up right now, right?

Jeffrey: Ooow!

Remy: You okay?

Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just getting the last stitches removed today. How's the new job?

Remy: Oh, it's good. It's good. I like it.

Jeffrey: I'm glad to hear that.

Remy: I've got to go, man.

Jeffrey: I know you have feelings for my daughter.

Remy: What are you talking about?

Jeffrey: Olivia told me.

Remy: Olivia? What a pal.

Jeffrey: Yeah. (laughs) Well, Olivia is a mom who is trying to make up for everything she wasn't able to do when Ava was little. And if Ava wants Bill, then Olivia is going to do everything that she can to make that happen. I personally don't believe that Ava wants Bill. I think that she somehow got caught up, maybe for the right reasons.

Remy: No. No. Wrong man. Wrong reasons.

Jeffrey: Ooh, boy, you're in trouble, aren't you? Do you think that she returns the feelings?

Remy: Well, maybe. The truth? Yeah, I do. But it doesn't matter now, does it?

Lillian: (Laughs) No, Buzz, I don't have poison ivy. I'm sorry, I don’t. I know you-- oh, wait a minute. I'll call you back in just a minute.

Bill: Hey, Lillian, have you seen Lizzie?

Lillian: Yes. I just left Lizzie a little while ago.

Bill: Really? Really? I thought maybe...

Lillian: Would you like me to give her a message?

Bill: Um, no. No, no, no message necessary. I don't know, she must have misunderstood me, so.

Lillian: Yeah, but isn't that funny. Because I don't misunderstand you at all.

Bill: Okay. All right. I know you think you know me. Okay? But my life has been very complicated lately. I've had to make some tough choices. That's why...

Lillian: (Laughs) Oh, please. We choose to complicate our own lives or we choose not to. But don't you dare hurt my granddaughter.

Bill: I have no intention to.

Lillian: Good. Go.

Bill: I will.

Lillian: Lizzie? Lizzie, it's nana. Pick up the phone. Honey, pick up the phone. I know you're there. Lizzie, okay, I know you don't want anymore lectures, so I'm going to make this short. Please, honey, don't do it.

Jeffrey: Small world.

Bill: Small world, indeed. What are you doing here?

Jeffrey: Just getting the last of my stitches removed. It's no big deal.

Bill: Oh, good, good, good, good. Because I know Ava worries about you, so...

Jeffrey: I'm glad that you're worried about her worrying.

Bill: Look, she's my wife. We're family, so...

Jeffrey: Yes. Yes, you are. Well, at least that's what you're selling, and that's what Ava and Olivia are both buying into.

Bill: Okay. No need to worry, okay. Olivia already has her eye on me every step of the way, waiting for me to screw up, okay? She's a little smoother than you are, but... you know.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm the father. I don't have to be smooth.

Bill: All right. I guess there's no need to worry. Ava and I are going to have a great life together. Okay? Good luck with that.

Cassie: I think that went well.

Josh: Well, we got some things out in the open.

Cassie: Yeah, it was, you know, we worked out some stuff.

Josh: It's hard, talking to a stranger like that.

Cassie: I don't know. Sometimes I think it's easier than... do you think that she was like spacing out when I was talking about the P.T.A. meeting and stuff?

Josh: Actually, I'm pretty sure I saw her nod off. (Laughs)

Cassie: You did not.

Josh: I'm glad we did it.

Cassie: Me, too. I really want this to work.

Josh: It will.

Cassie: Well, I guess I'll see you back at the house. I kind of just feel like taking a walk, I mean, if that's okay with you.

Josh: Of course it is. Enjoy.

Cassie: Okay.

Ava: Hey, you.

Remy: Um... aren't you supposed to be resting?

Ava: I am resting. But don't you know that hanging out with you makes me feel so much calmer? That is, if you're talking to me.

Remy: I'm not supposed to be mad that you lied about your kid being Bill's?

Ava: I understand that you're, um... angry, and obviously you're still mad at me.

Remy: I just don't get it.

Ava: All right. Well, it's about family. And as superficial as this might sound, Bill can give this baby a family life that, quite frankly, I could never give him.

Remy: It sounds crazy to me. That's what it sounds like.

Ava: I came here because I missed you and you're my friend.

Remy: No, stop. Don't say that. Don’t...

Ava: Don't say what?

Remy: The "F" word. I don't want to hear that right now.

Ava: What is wrong with being friends?

Remy: Listen, I don't know-- I don't know if I can trust you or forgive you, okay? I mean, that day that I admitted how I felt about you, and then...

Ava: Okay. I don't know, I don't know what to say. But I think and I hope that we can be friends. And I know that the life that Bill wants for me and for Max and for our family, is going to be a big, fancy, exciting one. And one of the things that I love about spending time with you is that we enjoy each other, and it's just easy and it's normal.

Remy: Normal, huh? Okay. I'll give it a shot.

Reva: So have you had time to think?

Josh: It's been a busy day, Reva.

Reva: Well, my issue isn't all that complicated, really. And if you thought about it, you would realize that I'm right.

Josh: Aren't you always right?

Reva: Don't do that! And no, as a matter of fact. I was rarely right in all of the years that we were together. But then, it's a whole new world!

Josh: Is it, Reva? Because somehow I don't think it is. Excuse me, I've got to go find some more screws.

Remy: I'm not letting you win just because your pregnant. You know that.

Ava: (Laughs) I'll win, regardless of being pregnant or not. I always win.

Remy: Oh, wow! Ooh, ooh, ooh, well, you know what?

Ava: It's hard to beat.

Remy: It's kind of-- yeah, you put me in an interesting predicament, but I'm going to fold.

Ava: (Laughs)

Cassie: Hi, honey, it's Mom! I just-- I miss you so much. I wanted to hear your voice. Yeah, well, I know you're going to be coming home soon, but I can't wait. And that's when things are finally going to get back to normal again around here.

Bill: Lizzie. You're here.

Josh: You're still here?

Reva: We didn't finish.

Josh: You're right, I'm wrong. What else is there to say, Reva?

Reva: You're making too big an issue of this.

Josh: I can't believe I let it go on as long as I have. I knew from the moment this damn movie started, you were going to get sucked into it, and get to a place where you would be incapable of thinking about anybody but yourself!

Reva: Wait a minute! You want to shut the whole thing down because you made a wrong choice, and yet I'm the one who is selfish?

Josh: It's not about you, Reva!

Reva: It's all about me!

Josh: No! It's a movie! It's not real life! Real life is the fact that my marriage is falling apart! Real life is the fact that this is way too much for Cassie to handle!

Reva: So her feelings come first, even though she slept with someone else, she's still the saint, and I'm the one who is ruining your life!

Josh: Don't! Don't you do that. Hey, hey, hey, don't you ever throw that up in my face again. That is not your business!

Reva: And the movie is none of your business.

Josh: Yes, it is, Reva. Because it's not just your life up there on that screen! It's our life together! Every kiss we ever shared, every feeling we ever had for each other, it's all right up there for everyone to see. And you want me to say it? I'll say it, fine. Watching that screening was like torture for me. I hated it. I hate it.

Reva: Liar. You loved it.

Coming up on “Guiding Light”...

Josh: This movie has made me crazy.

Reva: You’re taking this all to seriously.

Josh: And you’re not?

Reva: I’m not going to lie to you, I have been struggling with the same feelings, struggling with the same emotions as you are.

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