Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/10/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Cyrus: I should get back to Grady.
Marina: Keep him away from Daisy.
Cyrus: Can you believe that we're the ones trying to keep people apart now? Are you okay?
Marina: Being with Cyrus was exciting, but that life wasn't real.
Mallet: What are we doing?
Marina: We're celebrating. I am free of Cyrus, and you are free of Dinah. Happy Independence day, Mallet.
Mallet: Happy Independence day, Cooper.
Lizzie: Okay. Okay. Seriously? How cute is your outfit? Mm-hmm.. it's amazing. And, frankly, if I hadn't bought it for you, I would be jealous. I would be. Okay, so don't tell Mom that I bought you something else because she thinks I'm spoiling you, which maybe I am. But let's be serious here, okay? I'm your big sister. I'm supposed to spoil you. And you... there you go. You, my beautiful, you are supposed to be enjoying life while you still can. Because pretty soon you're going to start to notice boys, and then everything gets complicated. It does. Trust me, boys are nothing but trouble. Uh-huh. Especially the ones with dimples. And, like, great smiles and great, floppy hair that looks so sexy in the morning. See? Look at me. I know that I'm supposed to steer clear, and I can't stop thinking about him. Hmm, you know, Bill, you remember him? You liked him. All the girls like him. Even Roxy, even after he poisoned her. I really hate him. I'm supposed to hate him. I should hate him. But it's really hard. You know, the other day, I tried to walk away and he grabbed my hand. And he, like, held onto it like he never wanted to let go of it. And it's a really good thing when they hold your hand like that. (Laughs) Well, I thought it was a good thing. You know something? You don't need to hear any of the awful parts. Uh-huh, nope. You don't need to hear anything about that freakish giraffe, Ava. I just thought that... I just... I don't know. When I'm with Bill I don't feel like I'm alone. And I know I have you and James and Mom. But, you know, Bill made me feel really happy and really safe. And can you just not listen to a word I'm saying right now, because-- uh-huh-- that feeling is not worth it. So just listen to me, okay? The first charmer comes your way, you just turn your stroller in the opposite direction and keep moving. Uh-huh. You'll be much better off.
As I crawl into bed you know I'll tell you one of these days
dreams of you fill my head
the thought of you the thought of you
the thought of you makes me smile...
Lizzie: Wow, he really does think he can have it all.
...Makes me smile... ooh, ooh, ohh.
Bill: No, no. 3:00, 3:00 is perfect. No. No, not a problem at all. In fact, when the governor calls you clear your schedule. So I look forward to it. Thank you. Oh, thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. It was a great wedding, wasn't it? Ava is doing just fine. Thank you very much for asking. I'll tell her you were asking for her. Yeah. I cannot wait to be a father. Can't wait. Great. Great, great. I'll see you then. All right. Thank you. Perfect.
Ava: I wish things didn't have to be so complicated, Max. (Sighs) I do have feelings for Remy. But it's okay. We're all going to be really good friends. Ooh. Max? I guess you're feeling a little restless this morning, aren't ya? It's okay.
Dinah: You cannot order the staff around!
Olivia: Are we really going to have an argument about tomato juice?
Dinah: Yes.
Olivia: Uh-huh.
Dinah: I like orange juice. I look forward to it every single day. Except for today the cook gave me tomato juice.
Olivia: Well, I don't know what to say. Ava had a craving. I thought that it would be okay.
Dinah: Ava can have whatever she wants. It's a big house. It has a staff. That's why I got the staff, so I could have whatever I want whenever I want.
Olivia: Isn't that being a little wasteful?
Dinah: No, no, no. I think that you should move out.
Olivia: Really?
Dinah: Yes, yes. Nobody likes a fifth wheel.
Olivia: What wheel are you?
Dinah: The big wheel.
Bill: Good morning, ladies! Oh, oh, look at this. My goodness, does anyone know, is there still any tomato juice?
Dinah: Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Seriously. (Laughter)
Bill: No, look, this is what matters. I'll tell you what, I just got off the phone with someone who likes to call himself the Governator.
Olivia: Whoa, that's impressive.
Dinah: Wow.
Bill: I'm meeting him later today. Yeah! I wonder why.
Dinah: Yes, you did it! I told you could do it. Good for you.
Bill: Big, big, big things are happening. Huge for Bill Lewis.
Dinah: You know what? I'm going to call Mom. I'm going to brag a little bit.
Bill: You should.
Dinah: Yeah. I think so. I'm going to get some orange juice.
Olivia: Good luck with that. Squeeze them ourselves.
Bill: I'm so excited. Things are really coming into place. But you don't look too excited. What's up?
Olivia: No, I'm thrilled.
Bill: Oh, yeah?
Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay, you know. Newlyweds, the first few months are kind of hard.
Bill: (Sighs) Okay, okay. You want to know about the baby?
Olivia: The baby?
Bill: Mm-hmm. I know everything that happened, and I know that you helped Ava cover it up. Which I have forgiven, okay?
Olivia: Really?
Bill: But yeah, things are going to be fine. And we'll move forward.
Olivia: They will? What's next?
Bill: What's next? Well, as far as I'm concerned... it hurts me that you lied to me, but...
Olivia: Get off it. So okay, what, she went to a sperm bank.
Bill: Sperm bank for DNA That's right. And I love this child and I will raise this child. And that's the end of the discussion. No further conversations about it.
Olivia: We didn't need to have it in the first place.
Bill: No, we didn’t.
Olivia: Hey, good luck with that Governator.
Bill: Thank you. Thank you for understanding. Hey, how you feeling today?
Ava: Good. Great. Yeah, really good. Wow.
Bill: What?
Ava: You look... you look grown up.
Bill: I am grown up.
Ava: Sometimes.
Bill: Well, I have a meeting with the governor a little later.
Ava: You're kidding me?
Bill: Yeah, yeah.
Ava: Bill, that is so awesome.
Bill: Don't move. I'll come to you. Stay right where you are. Stay right where you are. We don't need any surprises that are...
Ava: No. Wow. Okay, so do you think this is it, the rumors are true?
Bill: Are the rumors true? I don't know. I don't know. He is looking for a successor to endorse, so...
Ava: Hmm, and who do you think that might be?
Bill: We'll see. He was awfully nice to me on the phone. He was. So I don't know.
Ava: This is so exciting. I think we should go out to dinner. I mean, just to hold up appearances for the public so they can see a happy couple.
Bill: You know what I'm thinking about? I'm thinking once Max joins us, the three of us, we go away. What do you think about that?
Ava: The three of us?
Bill: Yeah. I mean, we didn't get a honeymoon, so... we can do a little family vacation.
Ava: Yeah. I think that... that would be really nice.
Bill: Do you want to do that?
Ava: Uh-huh. Really nice.
Bill: We need it, a vacation. Okay, I'm late now. Alrighty?
Ava: Well, good luck.
Bill: Thank you. (Sighs) But... I don't need luck. I've got something better: A plan.
Ava: Bill? I wonder if he needs this. Huh? A secluded, cozy retreat perfect for a family. Right, Max?
Lizzie: Hey, hey, got a minute to chat?
Bill: No, actually, I do not. I'm on my way to a big meeting.
Lizzie: Oh, right. I forgot. A big meeting for a big shot.
Bill: Seriously, Lizzie, I don't have time for this. I've got to go.
Lizzie: How about this? I'll ride along then. I think that I have a valid point. I am not telling you not to run for office. I will probably vote for you. But we both know that you are the world's worst multitasker.
Bill: Oh!
Lizzie: You are. You cannot run for office and run my company.
Bill: Okay, it's my company.
Lizzie: Let it go.
Bill: Okay?
Lizzie: Let it go. We can both move on with our life. You don't even need it.
Bill: You know what? Maybe I'll have Dinah help me run it, okay?
Lizzie: I'll give her a nice, cushy job...
Bill: Will you?
Lizzie: ...Something that she can handle while I'm running things.
Bill: Okay, will you stop it? You're becoming obsessed. It's not healthy. I'm a little worried about you. I'm a little concerned about you.
Lizzie: Oh, wow! You telling me what's healthy? That's hilarious. (Cell phone rings)
Bill: Bill Lewis? Yes, yes, yes. That's right, that's the one. Secluded, yet close to town, right. All right, look, I'm on my way to a meeting right now. Can I... can I call you back? Great. Thank you. All right, I have to go now.
Lizzie: We're not finished.
Bill: Yeah, we are.
Mallet: All right. So you're sure you're up for this?
Marina: Uh, you just need to worry about how you're going to keep up.
Mallet: But your knee... how's your knee?
Marina: It's fine.
Mallet: You'll be okay? You're sure? You can tell me.
Marina: I'm fine. You're the one who wanted to go for a run.
Mallet: Yeah, exercise. I said exercise. All kinds of ways do get exercise. Hey.
Dinah: Hey. Ooh, chill out, it's a public park.
Marina: Sorry. I guess it's a reflex.
Dinah: No. No, it's all right. Let it go. I am beginning a new life. I think I'm a changed woman.
Mallet: No kidding. Wow! When did this happen?
Dinah: My brother's wedding. I had an epiphany.
Mallet: Wow, good for you.
Dinah: Yeah. I figured if I am ever going to have a chance at real love, I can't keep following you around and hanging onto what's not there. I have a great family and a great brother who loves me very much, and I get a lot of security from that.
Mallet: Well, I'm glad that he's there for you.
Dinah: Yeah. I'm really sorry if I've caused you any trouble. I really am very sorry.
Mallet: I'm sorry, too.
Dinah: You have a good life, A.C. Mallet. You deserve it. Bye.
Mallet: Bye.
Olivia: I wasn't sure if you would be awake.
Ava: Are you kidding? It's like Max is at soccer practice.
Olivia: (Snorts) I had a conversation with Bill. He's saying all the right things. I can't help but notice you guys are still sleeping in separate rooms.
Ava: Well, it might not be a storybook romance, but we'll get there.
Olivia: How do you know?
Ava: Well, because he found out the worst possible thing that anyone could ever find out before a wedding, and he still went through with it.
Olivia: Did he tell you why?
Ava: Well, because he sees the future. He has dreams. And Max and I are in it.
Olivia: Even though he knows Max isn't his son?
Ava: I told you, that when I went to the clinic I picked a donor that was exactly like Bill. It's not like this kid is going to come out with flaming red hair. There's absolutely no reason why he would think anything or be suspicious, really.
Olivia: Anyone would be suspicious if they saw the two of you together.
Ava: We'll make it work.
Olivia: This isn't what I wanted for you.
Ava: Well, you know what? Sometimes dreams change.
Olivia: No, they don't have to. Come on, it's not too late to get out of this deal.
Lizzie: Wait, wait! Will you wait?
Bill: Listen to me, I'm going to be late, okay?
Lizzie: Okay, you know what? You're not the only one who has a busy day. I just happen to have my priorities in order.
Bill: Oh, is that right? Will you stop doing this, okay? Will you stop it? Because you're making everything so difficult. I did give you options, by the way.
Lizzie: Oh, you gave me options?
Bill: Yes, I did.
Lizzie: Oh, you wanted me to be someone who you wouldn't even want to be with. You know what, just forget it.
Bill: Fine.
Lizzie: Forget it!
Bill: Fine, I will.
Lizzie: Forget it. Go! Go! Keep in mind that I am going to come after this company, and I am going to win.
Bill: Good luck.
Lizzie: So just go to your meeting, go run for president, or whatever your plan is. I don't know how you can even run for town dog catcher, you're so forgetful. "Secluded," "close to town," "pink garden." Oh, my God, is that a tire swing? He bought this for us.
Bill: Oh, no, no, no, Lizzie, this is not a good time.
Lizzie: You forgot something.
Bill: Sorry? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah.
Lizzie: That's all you're going to say? It's really pretty.
Bill: Yeah, it is, isn't it?
Lizzie: Well, obviously we're not done talking.
Bill: No, we're not. Definitely not. You know what, I have to go to a meeting. Why don't you come by the office later and we can talk there. Okay?
Lizzie: Okay.
Bill: Good. Good.
Lizzie: It has a tire swing.
Ava: It's cute, right? Oh, I love it. I love all the wood. And I think that we could put some cots in, so that when you and Jeffrey come to visit you can have a place to sleep.
Olivia: Wow, you know, that's exciting. But I'm not really a camper gal. I'm glad you like it.
Ava: Yeah, well, I... I like the fact that Bill put in the effort.
Olivia: Is that enough for you?
Ava: Things will happen in time, right?
Olivia: I thought so, Ava. Look, whatever deal you've made, I've made the same, and in this house, and it cost too much.
Ava: Maybe not.
Marina: (Laughs) Hard to keep up, huh, Gimpy?
Mallet: You're a showoff.
Marina: Sore loser.
Mallet: Oh, don’t. Oh, don't you dare. Are we talking wet t-shirt contest?
Marina: No, I don't think so.
Mallet: Huh?
Marina: No.
Mallet: Huh?
Mallet: Oh! Hmm, you make jogging fun.
Marina: Thank you.
Mallet: You so started that.
Marina: So, are we going to talk about it?
Mallet: What are we going to talk about?
Marina: The fact that every time you see Dinah, you freeze and get all rattled.
Mallet: I don't get rattled.
Marina: Rattled!
Mallet: Oh, come on. She's my ex. It's not... okay. All right. You're right. That was good. You're right. Because that was honest. And that's something I don't always have with Dinah. So, I don't know. I guess I'll probably always feel a little something for her. That's all that that look was about.
Marina: Okay.
Mallet: Okay? That's it?
Marina: Yeah. I don't want to have to always be worried about it. It's not fun. Nor is me kicking your butt in another race.
Mallet: Hey!
(Cell phone rings)
Ava: It's the realtor.
Olivia: Let it go to voicemail.
Ava: No, no, wait. This cabin is a really good sign for us. We might have a long way to go, Bill and I, but this is important. Hello? Hi, it's Ava Lewis. Yes. Oh, the listing on 6 Woodland Road? Uh-huh. Yes, it's been purchased by my husband. I think it's perfect for our family. I can't wait to see it. I'll definitely tell him. Thank you so very much. Okay. Bye. See? It's all good.
Lizzie: (Sighs) Well, wasn't it nice of Nana to wake you up before I got home? What do you think, Peyton? Huh, what do you think? It is the cutest cabin I've ever seen. Yes, it is. It has pink flowers and a tire swing, and he knows that I am crazy about tire swings. We used to have one at our house in Arizona. My dad used to push me on them. I don't know if I can do this, but I know that Bill loves me.
Ava: Ooh! This is perfect for the cabin. Whatever, Mom. Ooh! Oh!
Dinah: Hey, what's wrong? Hey, what's wrong?
Ava: Hey. I think I need to go to the hospital.
Dinah: Okay. Okay. Come on.
(Cell phone rings)
Bill: Hey, hey. I was just about to run in, but he's running late, which is fine because...
Dinah: Yeah, yeah. Listen to me. Listen to me. Okay? There's a problem.
Bill: Is it Ava? Is everything okay?
Dinah: Look, I think she might be having an early contraction. I am going to have the car pull around and I'm going to take her to Cedars.
Bill: All right. All right. I'm on my way.
Dinah: What about the governor? I can meet him in your place.
Bill: Look, fine. Whatever. Just tell Ava I'm going to be there as soon as I can, okay?
Dinah: All right.
Bill: All right. Bye.
Dinah: Come on, sweetie. Let's go.
Marina: Ooh. You need to stretch.
Mallet: It's more fun to watch.
Marina: Uh-huh. But don't come crying to me if you pull a muscle.
Lizzie: Hey.
Marina: Hey. Oh, my gosh. Is this...
Lizzie: Yep, it's my little sister.
Marina: Oh, she's adorable.
Lizzie: You know, she's the only person that I can safely say is significantly cuter than me.
Mallet: Come on. I don't see it at all.
Marina: You want to go fill up our water bottles?
Mallet: Yeah, sure. Yeah, I get it. Girl talk. I get it. I expect you to tell me everything they say about me. Okay, deal.
Lizzie: You guys seem really friendly. Are you, um...
Marina: Yeah. We're... we're dating. It’s... we're taking it slow, but, yeah, it's nice.
Lizzie: Good for you.
Marina: Thank you. Can I say hi?
Lizzie: Yes.
Marina: Come here, sweetheart. Oh, she is getting so big.
Lizzie: I know. I know. I love baby-sitting her. She's really fun.
Marina: I'm sorry about Bill and Ava.
Lizzie: Yeah, thanks.
Marina: I mean, the whole wedding thing. I just never really thought that was going to happen.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, you and me both.
Marina: You just seemed so happy.
Lizzie: It was complicated.
Marina: Yeah. Well, I guess it always is, right?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Marina: You must miss Sarah so much.
Lizzie: Yeah, I do.
Marina: I'm sorry. I'm listing every horrible thing that has happened in your life over the last year. I'm sorry.
Lizzie: No. It's okay. It's okay.
Marina: Listen, I know this is going to sound totally wacky, but you've had a bad year and I've had a bad year. And that time in the nail salon, I just needed somebody to talk to, and you were there for me.
Lizzie: Good.
Marina: And, um... okay, I know we've had a really horrible past and we've not been the best of friends, but, hey, I appreciated it then. And, um, if you ever needed someone to talk to, or if you just wanted to go...
Lizzie: We could go shopping?
Marina: I was going to say grab a beer, but, yeah. We could shop, yeah.
Lizzie: That would be really fun, actually. (Laughter)
Marina: Or we could stay in the park and play with you, right? Gosh, she's just so big. Getting so big, so fast. Yes, you do. You guys just grow up so fast. You're so beautiful.
Security: Sorry, this is a secure area.
Dinah: Yeah, I know that. I'm here to see the governor. My name is Dinah Marler.
Security: Your name is not here.
Dinah: I'm representing my brother, Bill Lewis. He was supposed to take the meeting, but he was called away on a medical emergency. His wife. I'm sure he called you.
Security: He did. To reschedule. He didn't say anything about a sister.
Bill: Ava, what's going on? How come you're not in a room?
Ava: Oh, well, they gave me something to stop the contractions, I guess. I'm waiting for my sonogram.
Bill: Okay. Okay. Off your feet. You were having contractions? It's too soon to have contractions. What's going on?
Ava: No. They stopped. They stopped. It's fine. I'm really glad that you're here.
Bill: Of course I'm here. Where else am I going to be? You're okay?
Ava: Yeah.
Bill: The baby's okay?
Ava: Uh-huh.
Bill: So, you're telling me he's just a trouble-maker, like his old man. That's what it is?
Ava: He's full of surprises like his old man.
Bill: But in a good way, right?
Ava: Uh-huh.
Bill: Good, good, good. What?
Ava: I know about the cabin. The realtor called today. She said it's ready to close.
Bill: Surprise.
Ava: (Laughs) It's going to be so fun.
Bill: Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's going to be great, great, great. Great for Max.
Nurse: Is this the proud father?
Bill: The one and only.
Nurse: We're ready to start the sonogram.
Bill: Let's do it. Come on.
Ava: Yeah.
Bill: Easy.
Dinah: Sir, you're wrong, okay? The governor is waiting for me, and now I'm late.
Mallet: Hey, Dinah? Excuse me. Can I... can I talk to you for a minute?
Dinah: Yeah. I'm coming back, and I am getting your name, okay?
Mallet: Dinah? Just a little tip, okay? The guys with the guns usually win the arguments.
Dinah: You know what? Let me tell you something. He does not have the right information, okay? He doesn’t.
Mallet: Well, why are you meeting the governor?
Dinah: Bill was supposed to meet the governor. Ava started to have some pains. He wanted to be with her at the hospital. And I was supposed to handle the meeting.
Mallet: Right. Okay. Well, then, they probably just don't have your name on their clearance list. That's all.
Dinah: Yeah, Bill was supposed to call and give them my name, okay? But Mr. Wannabe cop over there said that Bill didn't do that, and that he just rescheduled. Okay? Which, that is why we were arguing, because I know that Bill wouldn't do that. He trusts me.
Mallet: Of course he does. And he wouldn't be meeting with the governor if it wasn't for your help, and I'm sure he knows that, too.
Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, you would think.
Mallet: Okay, well, Bill's probably just freaked out right now. I mean, he just had a baby. He's got, you know, baby on the brain.
Dinah: You know what's weird is that he has told me that we're... we're in this together, you know? So it’s... it's got to be the baby, you know? It's got to be.
Mallet: Mm-hmm.
Ava: Come closer.
Bill: I'm... I'm good.
Ava: Can you please turn up the volume? I just want to hear the heartbeat.
Nurse: The volume's all the way up.
Ava: Well, I usually hear something by now. What's going on? Is there something wrong? There's something wrong!
Bill: No, no, it's just...
Ava: But I usually hear something by now.
Bill: It's going to fine, it's going to fine, it's going to fine. Just let her do her job. She'll find it, she'll find it. She will find it. (Heartbeat)
Nurse: There it is.
Ava: That's it. Everything's okay? So he's okay?
Bill: (Laughs)
Nurse: Yeah. Everything...
Bill: Of course!
Nurse: Everything looks great.
Ava: Okay, good. Phew! Really got scared there. I thought... thought that something...
Bill: Me, too. Me, too. (Heartbeat continues)
Lizzie: Wow, I am so not in the mood for this.
Olivia: Well, how do you know you won't like this visit, huh?
Lizzie: Hmm. Let me think. We're not friends, and I seriously doubt that you're selling skin care products.
Olivia: No. Baby sitting?
Lizzie: Yeah. My little sister.
Olivia: You know what, Emma should spend more time with you and James.
Lizzie: Okay. Is that why you're here? You want to set up a play date with me and Emma? Cool. We'll go shopping next weekend.
Olivia: You should see her these days, Lizzie. She's happy.
Lizzie: Oh?
Olivia: She’s... I don't know, most of her life it’s just been the two of us, but now she's got this little weird family-- Ava, Bill, the baby.
Lizzie: Whose daddy came from a sperm bank. Wow! I can't believe you. You can't defend Ava, so you're using Emma.
Olivia: No. What Ava did...
Lizzie: Is horrible.
Olivia: I think that's a little bit dramatic.
Lizzie: (Scoffs)
Olivia: It was an emotional decision, Lizzie. I was dying. She thought she was pregnant...
Lizzie: What do you want? Do you want to come here and tell me that Ava’s only choice was to go to a sperm bank and trap a man for the rest of his life?
Olivia: You can say what you want, but Bill loves that baby. And Ava, she's happy. Why don't you just leave them alone?
Marina: Hey. So, they just brought in a whole bunch of stolen baseball cards, and I have to take inventory. Want to help?
Mallet: No.
Marina: What is up with you? Come on. Did you hear what I said? Vintage baseball cards.
Mallet: (Sighs)
Marina: Okay, you've been in a funk ever since we left the park. What's going on?
Mallet: Yeah, I know. I don't know. I saw... I saw you in the park with Peyton.
Marina: Yeah?
Mallet: Yeah. You're really good with Peyton. I mean, you're just great with her. And I started thinking, well, yeah, of course she's good with Peyton. She's great with her nephews, too.
Marina: Well, I like kids.
Mallet: I don't know if you remember-- um, probably don't-- when I was married to Harley, that I had an injury and I can’t... kids, I can't have kids.
Marina: Wow! Hmm. Well, do you think we should plan our retirement first? I mean, talk about premature.
Mallet: Come here. I don't think it's premature. I don’t. I... I think something like that could be a real deal-breaker for people. And I know you've been hurt before. And I think if that's something you really, really want, then you should get everything that you want, because you deserve all that.
Marina: Wow. I mean, I... I don't even really know what to say. We haven't even, um...
Mallet: Yeah, I know. Yeah, I know.
Marina: Is that weird?
Mallet: Yeah, it's kind of weird.
Marina: Is that what you want?
Mallet: Well, we're taking it slow. Slow's good. Slow's good, because it shows how much it means to both of us. And it shows that neither one of us wants to screw it up.
Marina: Well, I do like kids. I love kids, and I would love to have them some day.
Mallet: Yeah, me, too.
Marina: Good. Well, then we both agree, so some day, when that happens, then we'll figure something out.
Mallet: Okay.
Marina: Okay?
Mallet: Yeah, okay.
Marina: You want to go check out those baseball cards?
Mallet: Yeah, I do.
Bill: There you go.
Ava: Thank you.
Bill: Nice tea for... mother of me child. Oh...
Dinah: Hi.
Bill: ...Hey, you.
Dinah: How you feeling?
Ava: I'm feeling okay.
Dinah: I'm really glad that this wasn't serious.
Ava: Thanks.
Bill: Well, everything is serious when it comes to the baby, so...
Dinah: (Sighs) Yeah, I know. I told the governor that.
Bill: I cancelled that. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
Dinah: I found out when the governor's security tossed me out. Do you know how humiliating that was?
Bill: Okay, um, you know, I'm sorry.
Dinah: Do you not trust me to cover for you? Because I got you everything that you have.
Bill: Okay, you...
Dinah: I made that happen.
Bill: ...Stop it. Stop making this about you, okay? This meeting had nothing to do with you or the business or anything else. It's about me. Okay? I rescheduled. I'm the one who should be there. I'll take the meeting next time with Ava. That's the best way to handle it. Okay?
Ava: Bill? Bill, could you come here for a second, please? I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt.
Bill: No, not at all. Oh! Oh, hey, how is little Max feeling?
Ava: He's great.
Bill: Oh, good, good, good. Good, good, good.
Lizzie: Wow.
Olivia: How's Peyton?
Lizzie: She's fine. Are you ever leaving?
Olivia: No. I'm moving in. I came here to talk to you about Bill, not just Ava.
Lizzie: Oh. Tell me something, do you and Ava swap stories, compare notes about Bill?
Olivia: That's gross, even for me. Look, um... Bill had a choice, Lizzie. He could have walked away when he found out about this baby, but he didn’t. He wants to be a father to this little boy.
Lizzie: The baby is innocent.
Olivia: And he'll be a good dad. He's good with kids. It's easy to understand why you love him. I did. And he loves you. I can see it in his face when he looks at you. But for whatever reason, this is the choice he made for his future. Bill, Ava, they're... they're fragile right now. They're not even sleeping in the same room. He needs to spend time with his wife. He needs to bond with his family. But instead, I have a strange feeling he's trying to find ways to be with you. Look, Lizzie, they have a chance. Lizzie, Bill, Ava, this baby, they have a chance, but only if you walk away. If you love him the way you say you do, you'll do what's best for him.
Lizzie: You are right. I do love Bill.
And I'm scared that I'll make
a mistake and I wait here...
Bill: Can we just do this, there. Is that better?
Ava: Yeah. Thank you.
Bill: (Sighs) Can I get you anything else? Needs some water? You need anything?
Ava: No. Thank you for taking care of me.
Bill: Anything you need, okay?
Ava: You know what I thought?
Bill: What?
Ava: I thought that maybe you wouldn't love him.
Bill: Max? Why would you think that?
Ava: I saw your face at the hospital, and you were really scared.
Bill: He's going to be just fine, right?
Ava: Yeah.
Bill: And so are you. And so are we. So...
Ava: Yeah. (Cell phone rings)
Bill: Yeah. Sorry. I gotta take this, okay?
Ava: Okay, yeah, take it. Business is business.
Bill: All right. This is not a good time.
Lizzie: I just really need you to meet me. Tomorrow.
Bill: Tomorrow I am booked solid.
Lizzie: Make time for me, okay? You won't be sorry.
Bill: Yeah.
What if I'm wrong
and don't feel the same
am I getting ahead
of myself?
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Jeffrey: It's just a movie, Josh.
Josh: It's ruining lives, Jeffrey.
Cassie: Do you and Reva still feel like parents?
Dr. Frankel: Reva?
Josh: My ex-wife.
Dr. Frankel: So her feelings come first.
Reva: Even though she slept with someone else, I'm the one who's ruining your life?
Josh: Watching that screening was like torture for me.
Reva: Liar. You loved it.
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