GL Transcript Wednesday 7/9/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 7/9/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Reva: The guy you think you care about is a killer! She is not as blinded by you as you might think she is. He's running town with prescription drugs in his pocket.

Frank: Possession with intent to sell, 15 to 20 years.

Grady: Don't you get it? They're setting me up. Your family is setting me up.

Doris: Honey, look at you sitting here all alone!

Ashlee: Oh, well, I'm not alone anymore, Mommy. (Laughs)

Doris: That's right, because Mommy is here with gifts!

Ashlee: Oh, gifts, Mommy!

Doris: What are you doing?

Ashlee: I'm working, actually. Dinah gave me these projects for WSPR and, like, the interviewing part is great. It just, I'm trying to find more behind-the-scenes editing, camera work, you know? And I feel like it will be really cool once I know how to use it.

Doris: You know, you are such a brave little thing, just picking up the pieces and getting to work after Coop dumped you. It's just great.

Ashlee: Yeah... um, yeah, I dumped Coop, remember?

Doris: Oh. So what's it going to be, just work, work, work?

Ashlee: Well, Mom, work is good.

Doris: Like mother, like daughter, huh?

Buzz: What's with this?

Coop: Huh?

Buzz: Another reading?

Coop: Actually, I was offered a teaching gig at the local middle school.

Buzz: What's that?

Coop: It's kind of a summer enrichment program.

Buzz: You're going back to teaching?

Coop: Well, yeah. I kind of missed it.

Buzz: Well, what about your writing? You've got time for both?

Coop: Dad, I've got nothing but time on my hands, really. Don’t. Don’t... you know, don't, no. No, don't give me one of those Buzz Cooper, analytical, all- knowing looks that you do, all right? I am fine. I'm fine.

Buzz: I'm glad. I miss Ashlee.

Coop: Seriously? Do we have to do this now? Please... okay? Thank you.

Buzz: So what does your agent have to say about you putting your writing on the back burner?

Coop: (Laughing) Wow! Blake and I, we parted ways before this whole thing came about.

Buzz: Was the separation personal or professional?

Coop: Um... hmm, both.

Buzz: Did Blake cause the trouble between you and Ashlee?

Coop: Yes. Actually, no. She... (sighs) Blake was not the problem.

Buzz: I don't understand.

Coop: I know you don't understand, Dad. I'm not doing a very good job explaining this situation. Look, Ashlee and I are just not meant to be together. She wants something... someone else. I don't know, all right? All you need to know is that I'm fine, okay? Seriously, I'm fine. I'm good. And right now, I'm just... I'm just excited to get back to teaching.

Daisy: Um, I'm here to see Grady Foley.

Officer: You can’t.

Daisy: Half my family works here. I know he's allowed visitors. I'm Daisy Lemay.

Officer: You're not on the list.

Daisy: What?

Officer: Foley didn't put you on the visitors' list.

Daisy: Well, then there's a mistake. I mean, if there is a list, he would have put me on the list. Can you just tell him I'm here?

Officer: I'm sorry.

Daisy: It's a mistake. Okay, I'll be back later.

Frank: Here, let me give you a hand.

Reva: Oh, hey. Be careful bending over like that. You're not getting any younger! (Laughing)

Frank: Thanks for reminding me. I... I just wanted to come by and, um... just kind of tell you I'm sorry for coming down on you so hard the other day.

Reva: Oh!

Frank: I actually had a little time off before I picked up Natalia, and, well, I just wanted to know if you needed any help around here for anything?

Reva: Yes. As a matter of fact, I have a fence over there that could use some paint. (Laughs)

Frank: Yeah, I'll get right on that.

Reva: What's really going on, Frank? Huh?

Frank: Well, I'm guessing that you haven't shared your plans of keeping Grady behind bars with Jeffrey yet?

Reva: I don't know what you're talking about.

Frank: That's the worst Australian accent I've ever heard in my life.

Reva: (Laughs) What?

Frank: Your anonymous tip?

Reva: The guy had drugs on him, right?

Frank: Yeah, he did.

Reva: So what are you complaining about?

Frank: I'm not complaining about anything. I mean, it's-- you know, drug charges-- that's not going to be able to stay behind bars very long with that. I mean... he's already got an attorney, and Cyrus thinks he can save his brother.

Reva: Everybody wants to save their families. But that guy has got to stay locked up, Frank, otherwise he's going to go straight to Daisy.

Frank: Yeah, well, I understand that. But drug charges-- I can't keep him in there very long. I mean, it's a good thing he has a record now, because that all adds up. But, I'll tell you, Reva, I'm sick and tired of those Foley boys.

Reva: Yeah, you and me both! I spend more time with them than I do with Jeffrey. And I'm sick of it! I want my life back.

Frank: I understand that. Speaking of which, how's that movie going?

Reva: Oh! (Laughing) How would you like to have your life smacking you in the face every day, huh?

Frank: Now I'm confused.

Reva: Me, too.

Frank: Well, that's a first.

Reva: It's like I take one step forward and two steps back. It's not the Reva Shayne you know and love.

Blake: Hey. Natalia!

Natalia: Hi, Blake, how are you?

Blake: Well, you know. (Laughs) Next question. How are you? And why are you sitting on the stairs?

Natalia: Oh, I just got off of work, so I'm just waiting for Frank to come pick me up and take me home because my car died again.

Blake: He's a good guy, Frank. All of the Cooper’s-- they're just a good family.

Natalia: Including your good friend, Harley?

Blake: I know. It must be very difficult living in this town with this whole Gus and Harley thing happening. It's difficult.

Natalia: You know what? I don't begrudge what Gus and Harley had. Just, you know, she has my son now.

Blake: Rafe? She went off... she took Rafe?

Natalia: Well, she managed to convince him that it was a good idea to run away.

Blake: Oh, wow! Oh, I didn't know that. I'm... I mean, I understand, but isn't she trying to protect him from going to jail?

Natalia: Well, now he's in jail forever. And so am I. I get up in the morning, I go to work, I come home, and I ask Buzz, "have you heard anything?" Every day.

Blake: I'm sorry. Well, I have to go pick up my daughter.

Natalia: Oh, lucky you.

Blake: Thank you for reminding me.

Ashlee: Mom, I love my shoes.

Doris: Good, good. So, what was it with Coop? Was it the sex? Was he pressuring you for sex, was he?

Ashlee: Mom, no! Come on, the sex... it was great. It was amazing!

Doris: Okay, okay! T-M-I, okay? Too much information. That's fine. I get it. Um, I just was trying to understand what happened.

Ashlee: Mom, it's not that Coop is a bad guy. He's great. He's the best. It's more about me. It's more about my life being about something else.

Doris: What, like work? School, maybe?

Ashlee: Yeah... no, Mom, there's no quick fix. I mean, that's what I'm learning. I have to wander a bit, figure it out, and when I get there, I'll know. I feel like I should do things like, you know, get my piloting license, or, you know, hike the Grand Canyon, or, you know, run for president or something...

Doris: Okay. Okay. I'm going to just talk to you about all of this later when you have settled down, okay?

Ashlee: Okay, Mom, that's the point. I don't want to settle down.

Reva: Oh, hey.

Buzz: Hey.

Reva: I don't want to talk about Daisy.

Buzz: Good. She doesn't want to talk to us. We should have put that girl on a plane like Harley said.

Reva: Yeah? And then she would have hopped the next flight back because she seems to be crazy about this Grady guy.

Buzz: Oh, she loves him, she says.

Reva: No! She doesn't know what the hell love is. Then again, who does?

Buzz: She's like you.

Reva: Me? No! You!

Buzz: Me?

Reva: (Laughing) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Buzz: Me, you, with a little Billy thrown in.

Reva: No wonder I'm exhausted. And I'm out of ideas. I mean, I tried reasoning with-- and threatening-- this Grady guy. But it's just that every time you think you've got everything figured out, then wham!

Buzz: Really?

Reva: Yeah. I just make him madder every time I try to talk to him.

Buzz: Really?

Reva: Uh-huh.

Buzz: (Laughing) Well, what are we going to do? We're going to, like, round up the posse and throw him on the railroad tracks?

Reva: We just have to make sure he stays locked up.

Buzz: Maybe I should pay him a visit?

Reva: Absolutely. Be my guest.

Buzz: I'm getting too old for this.

Reva: (Laughs)

Coop: Frank?

Frank: Yeah?

Coop: Hey, where are you off to?

Frank: Oh, I've got to pick up Natalia at Towers. Her car is in the shop.

Coop: Ah.

Frank: Hey, listen, Dad told me about you and Ashlee, man. Are you okay?

Coop: Yeah, of course he told you.

Frank: I'm sorry.

Coop: No, it's fine. Really, it's fine, Frank. You know, right now there are other Cooper’s that you should be worried about and looking after, okay?

Frank: You're my brother, all right? I love you. But right now Daisy's at the top of the list because we don't know how long we can keep Grady behind bars.

Coop: What? The drug charges aren't going to last?

Frank: Well, we'll see. I need to talk to Jeffrey about that. But, anyway, listen, I've got to get going. But if you need anything, you call me.

Coop: Oh, thank you.

Frank: All right?

Coop: I appreciate it.

Frank: I love you, bro.

Coop: Frank, love you, too, man. Thank you. Yo, whoa! Hold on a second there. Where are you off to? What's going on?

Daisy: Coop, you are such a jerk.

Coop: Oh, I'm a jerk? Really? That's funny, because I hear you kind of have a thing for jerks?

Daisy: Do you all want me to leave town? Is that it? So, what are you doing here? Are you a cop now, too?

Coop: Me? No. (Laughing) I'm no cop. I am just a mild-mannered teacher, who also happens to be a very concerned uncle of yours, all right? So... can I give you a lift somewhere? Can I take you somewhere?

Daisy: Coop, go fix your own life.

Coop: Ouch! Wow!

Daisy: I'm sorry.

Coop: No. You know what? I'm going to let it slide. It's fine. So, let's talk about you. Let's talk about you and this freak Foley that I've been hearing about.

Daisy: Yeah, let's not.

Coop: No, actually, let's talk about it, all right? Because the guy is a loser. You deserve better. You are better than that. I don't want you mixed up in it, all right? So tell me, please, why the hell you care so much about him?

Daisy: Because he picked me. You know, all of you are telling me what to do because you're my family? Yeah, okay, you haven't been around half my life. And now you spend half the time arguing about who gets stuck with me since my mom left without saying good-bye. So, you know what? No. He's with me because he wants to be. Not because he is stuck with me. He picked me, and I pick him. I pick him over all of you.

Frank: Oh, hey, Natalia, I'm sorry I'm late.

Natalia: No. That's fine. Actually, Blake was here. She kept me company for a bit.

Frank: (Sighing) Oh, Blake.

Natalia: Why do you always say that, "Oh, Blake?" She seems so nice. We talked about the kids and stuff.

Frank: Yeah... no, no. Blake's cool. She's all right. And she is a mom, so...

Natalia: Have you heard from Harley?

Frank: No. And I'm sorry.

Natalia: Me, too. I cannot believe that I am stuck in this town, where I lost Gus, with the family who let my kid go on the run. It's just... the whole thing is crazy.

Frank: I know, but you're still here.

Natalia: Yeah, I have to be here for when Rafe gets back and looks for me.

Frank: I really wish I could help you out.

Natalia: A ride is enough.

Frank: Look, are you hungry? Because, you know, we could get something to eat...

Natalia: No. A ride is fine, really. I am not mad at you, Frank. I know it seems that way. I am just mad at everyone and everything.

Frank: Look, it's understandable, okay, everything that you have gone through. But you've got to keep something in mind, and, that is, that I would love to have my sister back here, too.

Natalia: What could she be thinking?

Frank: I don't know. Sometimes, unfortunately, when you go too far, it's really hard to turn back. And ever since Gus died, well, I mean, she had a serious meltdown.

Natalia: She put a spell on my kid. He knows better. You know, he knows he has to come back here and face what he did.

Frank: He's got to be scared to death.

Natalia: Yeah. So am I.

Coop: Hey.

Ashlee: Uh, uh... hi.... hey. How... how... how are you doing?

Coop: I'm okay. What's going on?

Ashlee: Um, well, I was just walking in the park, where we are, and... you seem a bit overdressed. Thank you.

Coop: Well, um... how are you doing?

Ashlee: Pretty miserable.

Coop: Me, too.

Ashlee: You know, I feel like it’s... um, it's been really hard not seeing you... trying not to see you. And also, I guess it's kind of hard now, seeing you. I mean, Company's sort of like this fiery monster that I have to drive around now, you know?

Coop: You know, it's not as if you can't go in there. Everyone over there misses you. The whole family, they... they all love you. Hell, I still...

Ashlee: I still love you, too.

Coop: You miss us? Look, I understand giving up on the bad stuff. But, you know, we also gave up... you gave up a lot of good stuff.

Ashlee: Well, that's the thing, I don't know what's good and what's bad. And I don't know what I'm even looking for.

Coop: I get that.

Ashlee: You know, my one fear is that it's going to take me too long to find out what it is, and then I'm going to lose you forever. Um... uh, Daisy-- I meant to meet Daisy...

Coop: I saw her earlier today, and she's a little-- having a bad...

Ashlee: Yeah. It's good to see you.

Coop: ...Bad day. (Sighs)

Grady: I don't remember putting Grandpa grill cook on my visitors' list.

Buzz: Grandpa grill cook? (Laughing) I have a lot of pull here. A lot of my family are cops, you know?

Grady: Yeah, no kidding.

Buzz: I'll get to the point.

Grady: That's refreshing.

Buzz: Daisy's a great girl, you know? And you might be smart enough to realize that, and if you do, you can understand how our family feels about her. You have a family.

Grady: My family's the reason I'm here. I was abandoned.

Buzz: Look, I happen to be a father who left his children. They turned out great. Life's about choices. You're a big boy. Get over it.

Grady: Or else? You don't know me.

Buzz: Why? Are you unique? You're not unique. You're a screw up. And screw ups are all the same. But I'm not here to threaten you today. But you keep messing with Daisy's mind...

Grady: Here's the threat.

Buzz: Here's the threat. I'll do what I have to do. You know why? Because I'm an old man, and I've got nothing to lose.

Daisy: Is it okay for me to be here?

Ashlee: Well, yeah. It's, you know, take your best friend to work day.

Daisy: Do you want some coffee? Should I...

Ashlee: Yeah, sure. Let me just go through this stuff first.

Daisy: Oh, yeah, oh yeah. Okay. So, um, Grady won't even see me. I can't blame him, but...

Ashlee: Oh, um, yeah... don't touch that.

Daisy: Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, I mean, he was trying to do a good thing, confess, and it's like Frank is treating him worse for it.

Ashlee: It's kind of his job.

Daisy: I don't know. I mean, the first second he gets out, the cops find drugs on him? He was totally set up.

Ashlee: Uh-huh. Stop!

Daisy: Oh, I'm sorry. I mean, how is he supposed to change his life if he's stuck in jail? You know? And they wouldn't let me leave a message for him. Can you believe that?

Ashlee: Well, there are rules, see?

Daisy: Yeah, but they're breaking all of the other rules, you know? And I just... I can't believe they're treating him like this.

Ashlee: Okay, maybe he deserves it, okay? Maybe... oh, I'm sorry, he is! He's a killer. He's a liar. These a thief. I don't even know how you can look at him.

Daisy: You sure liked looking at him.

Ashlee: I'm...

Daisy: I'm really glad I came to bring your best friend to work day.

Ashlee: I don't know what to say.

Daisy: Maybe you could try listening. I don't have anyone. My mom is two time zones away, and the rest of my family is attacking my boyfriend.

Ashlee: Boyfriend? Yeah. (Laughing) Okay. Oh, my God...

Daisy: When the only person who takes me seriously is Cyrus, you know things are really bad.

Ashlee: Okay. I'll be a really good friend. I'll stop telling you the truth, and I'll start lying to you. Because that's obviously what you like, like Grady.

Daisy: Are you jealous?

Ashlee: Excuse me?

Daisy: Well, I mean, you were really into him the couple of times he flirted with you. And then you found out that he was with me, and now he is the devil or something?

Ashlee: I'm sorry if I'm inexperienced about all of this because, at least I don't usually date killers.

Daisy: You... you would have been a killer if you had been a better shot. All I'm saying is, who are you to judge? And the only person you've dated is Coop. And as much as I'm mad at him right now, he's a really good guy, and he loved you, and you blew it.

Ashlee: Yeah, you're right. I'm trying... unlike some people who just stand around and whine about it.

Daisy: Whatever.

Ashlee: I have a big-girl job, and I need to go do some work. And I need for you to go.

Daisy: Okay, fine. You do your work.

Clarissa: What are you doing?

Blake: Watching you. How was your day?

Clarissa: Good. Hey, have you eaten?

Blake: Ugh! No.

Clarissa: I had to order. I was starving. But I can nuke this for you. They were out of sweet potatoes again, so I got you the regular ones.

Blake: Oh, I'd be lost without you. I hope you're as proud of me as I am of you.

Clarissa: Mom, you're being weird.

Blake: I know. I'm sorry. Go back to what you were doing.

Blake: Um... how do I open this? Oh. Here we go. It’s... ten? What?

Clarissa: Ten for two minutes.

Blake: Ten for two, okay.

Clarissa: You want me to do it?

Blake: No, no, no. I've got it. I got it. Okay, all right. School book! What are you... what are you reading?

Clarissa: Shakespeare. I want to go to London some day.

Blake: Ooh, London! Wow, I love London. We could go shopping and, I don't know, have tea and scones and maybe some clotted cream.

Clarissa: They have museums, too... historical landmarks?

Blake: That, too. Oh, it's still cold.

Clarissa: Try another minute on ten.

Blake: Minute, ten. Okay. All right. Yeah. I think we need to shake things up, don't you? I'm tired of changing jobs every five minutes, and I'm tired of living in hotels. This hotel living is really boring, especially when they keep running out of sweet potatoes!

Clarissa: Where will we live?

Blake: Well, I don't know. I don't know. It just seems that you and I have been holding our breath since your dad died. You know, Kevin and Jason, your brothers, they had a routine to go back to. They could... ah, there we go... they could go back to boarding school. Right? You and I... well, we just need something that's real. Don't you think?

Clarissa: Hot enough?

Blake: Oh, yeah. It's perfect. Here, scoot over.

Clarissa: You hate routines.

Blake: Not fun routines. I like fun routines. Like... London. I'm booking it next week, okay?

Clarissa: I'm taking summer enrichment. It starts today.

Blake: What?

Clarissa: That class I was talking about, for extra credit?

Blake: Oh, that's right, right, right! Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, my goodness. Sometimes it feels like you're raising me. That's not good. Okay. What play are you reading? I'm going to read along with you. Where are my glasses?

Clarissa: Actually, we're starting with the sonnets.

Blake: Ooh!

Clarissa: You'll like them. They're very romantic.

Blake: Very romantic. Smarty. Smarty.

Clarissa: Class starts in an hour.

Blake: It does? Oh, okay. All right. Class. You know what? Give me 15 minutes. Um, I have to do something. I have to make sure I'm worthy to hang out with my daughter. Okay? I'll be right back.

Blake: Hey, do you have a minute?

Ashlee: Uh...

Blake: It won't take long.

Ashlee: Okay. What's up?

Blake: I just want to apologize for what happened with Coop. I'm sorry that it blew things up between the two of you.

Ashlee: You're not the reason why we broke up.

Blake: Oh.

Ashlee: Mm-hmm.

Blake: Oh, well, that's good. I mean, it's not good but...

Ashlee: Don't freak out. Everyone has their own issues. And, I mean, I knew that you liked him, so...

Blake: Well, he dumped me as his agent.

Ashlee: Maybe he just needs a break from writing.

Blake: Well, I hope he gets back to it, because he's really good.

Ashlee: He is really good. I'm... I'm sure he'll get back to it.

Blake: What about you two?

Ashlee: I have a lot of work to do. Uh, I'm going to do it. But thanks for stopping by.

Coop: Good morning. Good morning. How's everyone doing? Good? All right? Well, my name is Mr. Bradshaw, and first off, let me say that this is kind of interesting, isn't it? I mean, me, personally, I have never taught classroom in a chapel. Hopefully you guys are going to be comfortable, and we'll have some fun here. All right. Let me just say that the great thing about having a class like this is that we are a small, small group. Which means a couple of things: We're going to have fun. You guys are going to get a lot of individual attention. I mean, you guys can ask a lot of questions. And most importantly, there is going to be a lot of interaction between us, which means you all are going to get a chance to participate in this class. All right? It's going to be great. Now, one thing I want to do is go over the class attendance. First off, we have Tom Gerardi? Tom?

Tom: Here.

Coop: Hi, welcome. Kristy Kershaw? Hello, Miss Kristy. Uh, we have Clarissa... Marler?

Blake: Oh, I'm sorry she's late. It's my fault.

Coop: (Laughs)

Frank: Oh, hey, Pop.

Buzz: Hey. Natalia. How are you doing?

Natalia: Fine. Have you heard anything?

Buzz: No, nothing. Sorry.

Natalia: (Sighs) Okay. Well, thanks for the ride, Frank.

Frank: Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the company.

Natalia: Oh, yeah, I'm great company.

Frank: (Laughing) You are good company. Hey, listen, there's a concert in the park this Saturday...

Natalia: I work on Saturday.

Frank: Oh, well, I actually wasn't asking you out on a date. I was just kind of passing out the information.

Natalia: Oh!

Frank: I'm kidding, Natalia. I'm kidding. (Laughs) But if you are working...

Natalia: Yeah.

Frank: Then, um... yeah.

Natalia: I'll see you.

Frank: Okay.

Natalia: Thank you.

Frank: Yeah. No worries. Bye.

Reva: Stop!

Daisy: I can't deal with you right now.

Reva: What?

Daisy: What?

Reva: Where have you been?

Daisy: Out.

Reva: You didn't check in with your Grandpa Buzz, and you haven't called Harley.

Daisy: Yeah, I know. Can I just go?

Reva: We need to talk. (Loud vacuum cleaner noise) Turn it off. Turn it off, Daisy!

Daisy: I'm cleaning!

Reva: I mean it. They want to keep this area dirty for some scene they're shooting.

Daisy: That's stupid.

Reva: Come here. Your grandpa went to see Grady.

Daisy: Oh, my God! Can't you all just leave him alone?

Reva: Better Buzz than me.

Daisy: I guess. Yeah, I guess he's less crazy than you are.

Reva: Okay. Here's the deal: Buzz is as worried about you as I am. He wants Grady gone.

Daisy: You're all out to get him. What, do you hate that I love him?

Reva: I know what love is, and this is not it. He is a dangerous man, Daisy. And I know that there's an attraction there, and I know that it's intense, because it always is. But he is not going to change, no matter how much you think you can change him or... don't you smile at me. You cannot fix this man, Daisy. I know it.

Daisy: You know. You know... you don't know anything, okay? Maybe you've been living in this, you know, make-believe Josh and Reva world for a little bit too long. But don't put your labels on me, okay? Because whatever you had or have with... you know, whatever... it's not what we have, okay? So you can go do whatever you want. I just don't care anymore. Just know that I am not going to leave him.

Coop: Uh, Clarissa, this is for you. Okay. Um... I'll tell you what? Why don't you all read the sonnets, and, yes, I mean both of them. And we'll talk about them in just a moment, okay? Could I?

Blake: I had no idea you were teaching, okay? Up until 20 minutes ago, I didn't even know Clarissa had a class.

Coop: Look, I just got my class list when I got here.

Blake: All right, well, please, I know you think this is a setup, but it's not. I promise, the next time I won't even walk her into the building, okay? Just don't hold it against her. She's a really, really good kid, in spite of her mother. She's got a lot of Ross in her, thank God.

Coop: I don't have a problem with Clarissa, okay? This doesn't have to be a big deal, you know? We don't have to make it a big deal. (Laughs)

Blake: Thank you.

Coop: You're welcome.

Blake: Thank you. I promise, I'll stay out of your way.

Coop: Clarissa is a great kid. I can tell. Okay?

Ashlee: Hi, um, this is Ashlee Wolfe’s blog. I just... I wanted to document my life, what's going on with my surgery, everything that's happened since. I don't know, maybe no one will want to watch this. No one will need to. But I can look back on it, and maybe learn something about myself. Um, so, okay, here is where I stand now: My ex is, um, kind of devastated without me, which is not something that I ever thought would happen. And my best friend, well, she, uh, isn't really a friend right now. She's kind of a frenemy. We had this big fight, and, I don't know, she had some valid points. I just... might have screwed things up. I don't know. I guess everything's going well. I lost a lot of weight. I've lost 55 pounds. My clothes fit better, and I've actually had to get rid of a lot of them. And I feel good. People... people keep saying how wonderful I look and how different I am. And it makes me wonder what I was like before, that they didn't think I was beautiful. My mom said it to me today, but I kind of feel like I'm floating. I don't know where I'm going to land, and... I don't know whether it is because of the surgery or it's just paralleling it or what, but I guess that's what I'm here to figure out.

Reva: So... how is Grady?

Buzz: Tougher than his brother. I can't get a read on him.

Reva: It's called ice in the veins.

Buzz: You know, they've got this whole "It's us against the whole world" thing. We've just got to keep our guard up.

Daisy: Grady, wake up.

Grady: I am awake.

Daisy: Are you okay?

Grady: Oh, swell, Dais. What do you want?

Daisy: What?

Grady: They weren't supposed to let you back in here.

Daisy: Yeah. I set off a car alarm to distract them. Why don't you want to see me? Will you talk to me, please? Okay, at least look at me. Okay, if you want me out of here, then you at least have to look at me. I will stay here all night and stare at you not looking at me. I have nowhere to go. You're staying here, so...

Grady: Forget us, Daisy.

Daisy: No!

Grady: You're family are going to make it their life's mission to keep us apart.

Daisy: Come here.

Grady: Look, I am tired. Just go.

Daisy: Come over here. They're all such hypocrites, especially Reva. I mean, her story about it changes every second. I mean, it was okay for Tammy and Jonathan to be together. It's okay for her to make this movie that proves she loves Josh, even though she's with Jeffrey. Look, I'm going to put a stop to this, and we'll be together.

Grady: It's a tough fight.

Daisy: Well, I mean, Cyrus will get you out of here. He wants that. I know he does.

Grady: And then what?

Daisy: And then we'll leave. We'll leave. And they'll never be able to find us.

Coming up on "Guiding Light,"

Lizzie: Oh, my God, he bought this for us.

Ava: Secluded, cozy retreat. This is it? The rumors... they're true?

Bill: The rumors are true.

Olivia: Come on. It's too late to get out of this deal.

Ava: Hey, I think I need to go to the hospital.

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