Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/8/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: The movie producers called, and they're having a screening party.
Josh: We could be together again. Cassie, we need to talk.
Actress: The two of you belong together. Good-bye, Josh.
Josh: Reva, I am trying to keep my marriage together.
Reva: Take some notes. You might learn something.
Josh: Like what? We belong together. Shut it down.
Jeffrey: Reverend Lewis, remind me never to cross you.
Marina: So they have designer handbags at, like, a third of a price and a whole shoe warehouse with, like, over 5,000 shoes.
Mallet: Oh, God, no.
Daisy: Since when you do care about that kind of stuff?
Marina: You know, the way I see it, we can stop for lunch, reenergize, and still make it to the outlet mall by two.
Daisy: I can’t.
Marina: Why? You have something better to do than to run up your mother's credit cards?
Daisy: Oh, they canceled those a long time ago. No, actually, I have to go for a work.
Marina: See, you seem to forget what I do for a living. People pay me a lot of money to know when other people are lying. And poker faces? They don't work on me.
Mallet: Okay, guys, so I'm going to throw all this stuff in the car, okay, and then I'm going to drive the car off the cliff.
Marina: Okay, great. Thank you. Okay, now he's gone. So why don't you tell me where you're really going?
Daisy: You can spare me this lecture. I know what this whole shopping trip is about. It's anything to keep me from spending time with G., right?
Marina: Oh, that guy who killed my best friend? Yeah.
Daisy: You dated that guy's brother.
Marina: I've made a lot of mistakes, okay? And I don't think that you need to make them, too. I mean, you saw the way that Cyrus and I ended up, right? Things didn't end well.
Daisy: Yeah. But do you regret it? The time you spent with Cyrus-- was it worth it to feel the way you did? Thought so.
Marina: I just worry about you.
Daisy: Yeah, well, I'm just going to go hang out with Ashlee, so you can safely release me, Detective.
Marina: Okay. Well, you better stop by later to pick up your clothes before I change my mind and return them.
Daisy: You wouldn't dare!
Marina: Oh, I would!
Grady: I'm sick of this.
Cyrus: Too bad, bro.
Grady: Saving money? Spackling Harley’s walls? When are you going to open up a 401(k)?
Cyrus: That money from Lizzie Spaulding is not going to last you very long.
Grady: It only has to last until they nab her gramps, and then I get off with a slap on the wrist and a probation?
Cyrus: Yeah? And what if they don't get Alan? What if they decide that putting you away for Tammy’s death is enough?
Grady: What are you saying?
Cyrus: I'm saying you messed up.
Grady: Yeah, I know, thanks.
Cyrus: Confessing like you did to Daisy's uncle?
Grady: I did the right thing for once in my life.
Cyrus: It could backfire right in our faces. Alan's coming off like this grieving town saint. Meanwhile, you're messing around with the Cooper's teenage kid.
Grady: Yeah, thanks for the faith in me, bro.
Cyrus: It's going to be your word against his when you're up there on the stand.
Grady: What choice did I have?
Cyrus: You could've held out, sat still, let the lawyer do his job.
Grady: You don't get to do this.
Cyrus: Do what? Try to help you?
Grady: You have a life-- or you had one, anyway. That's why we stayed here, isn't it? It's why we didn't run in the first place, because you wanted to stay and prove to Harley that you were sorry for what you did. Sounds awfully familiar to me.
Cyrus: We can’t leave.
Grady: You don't want me to leave, but you don't want me with Daisy.
Cyrus: She's a kid.
Grady: She's Harley’s kid.
Cyrus: She's a kid. And whatever you think you got going with her, it's not worth 20 years in jail.
Grady: I'm not going to jail-- not now, not ever. I'll take care of Alan myself if I have to. It's between my word and a dead man’s.
Cyrus: Shut up, Grady.
Grady: I'm out of here. Good luck, bro.
Cyrus: Grady...
Reva: Did you find it?
Jeffrey: No. Are you sure it's here?
Reva: Positive-- I think.
Jeffrey: You know, this place is messier than my office, and that's saying a lot.
Reva: Yeah, well, you know what? It's those movie people. They keep putting things in the most illogical places. You know, the other day I found my detergent in the vegetable drawer.
Jeffrey: Aha! Check it out.
Reva: Oh, you're my hero.
Jeffrey: Ow!
Reva: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Jeffrey: I'm fine.
Reva: No, you're not. You have a bullet hole in your chest.
Jeffrey: I'm fine. I don't feel it-- only when it's raining, or I actually have to breathe, or when people jump too enthusiastically into my arms.
Reva: What other people would be doing that? Do I need to be jealous? Oh, here, take one of these.
Jeffrey: No, no, no. I'll have an ibuprofen later.
Reva: Come on, you haven't had one of these in days. You don't get extra points for being a hero.
Jeffrey: I'm fine. Besides, you know, I've got to get to the office so I can start making some headway on Tammy’s case.
Reva: Oh, you know what? While you're there, can you check on something for me?
Jeffrey: Sure.
Reva: It seems that there have been some complaints filed about the movie people.
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Reva: They're afraid they're going to be shut down. And I'm wondering, why would anybody bother with that? I mean, who would go to that trouble?
Jeffrey: That would be me.
Reva: Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. Josh came to you yesterday?
Jeffrey: He wanted to know if there was any way I could get the movie shut down, yes. He claims he saw a young Marah knocking a few back.
Reva: She's been doing this since she was five. She makes more money than you do.
Jeffrey: I'm aware of that.
Reva: So since when are you and Josh buddy-buddy?
Jeffrey: We have an understanding.
Reva: You know what I understand? That you're both a couple of jackasses. It's a movie, you dope! I thought you of all people would understand that.
Jeffrey: I do understand that, which is why I would never do that without talking to you first. I made a couple phone calls, I checked on some permits, but I put everything on hold until I could talk with you.
Reva: Oh.
Jeffrey: Now, what was this about a jackass?
Reva: (Laughs) Yeah, but you're a really cute one. I'm sorry. Did I overreact?
Jeffrey: You? Never.
Reva: But what about you? You weren't threatened?
Jeffrey: No.
Reva: Even after you saw those scenes?
Jeffrey: Well, maybe I'm too cocky.
Reva: You? Never.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) No, I'm not threatened, Reva. Because you know what? I really love what we have-- whatever that is.
Reva: Whatever it is, which is why we don't have to shut down the movie.
Jeffrey: Why is that again?
Reva: Because it is a movie. It's a fantasy. My real life is here with you, in the present. I mean, let Mark and Jolene act their little hearts out, or let them turn it into "Reva, The Musical." I don't care. Take it on the road.
Jeffrey: Or not.
Reva: Or not. Whatever. It's all going to be done soon, and then I'm going to get my money.
Jeffrey: How much money are we talking about here?
Reva: Enough for us to get on with our lives.
Jeffrey: Ooh, now you're talking. Well, that was quite a speech.
Reva: I could go on.
Jeffrey: No, no, really. I think I do have to get to the office so I can start working on getting Tammy’s killers put behind bars.
Reva: You see? There are more important things for us to do with our lives than some dumb movie.
Jeffrey: Well said.
Reva: Okay. Put that guy behind bars for life, or at least until Daisy is married with three kids.
Jeffrey: I'll do my best.
Reva: Thanks. Sure you don't want those painkillers?
Jeffrey: Not unless you plan on hurting me again.
Reva: We'll see. (Laughs)
Mallet: (Groaning) And I thought walking the beat was tiring.
Marina: Shopping wear you out, big guy?
Mallet: If I never see another shoe again, I will die a happy man!
Marina: Too bad, because we're on again with Daisy for next Thursday.
Mallet: Are you kidding me? Please tell me you're kidding.
Marina: You know what? I don't even they this shopping trip distracted her in the least. She's probably on her way to go see Grady right now. So, yeah, I guess you're off the hook.
Mallet: I don't get it.
Marina: Why women like clothes so much?
Mallet: No, that I get. I was married to Dinah. We had to take a second mortgage out on our closet. What I don't get is what I she's so into this guy after what he did.
Marina: I don't know. It's horrible.
Mallet: Is it Rafe? The fact that he left town? She needs something else to latch on to?
Marina: I don't know. Maybe. Do you think people can change?
Mallet: Sure.
Marina: Maybe she's hoping that Grady will change, you know? Or she's wanting him to change. Or... I don't know.
Mallet: Hm. I don't know. I don't know. Whatever. Maybe it's a girl thing.
Marina: Oh! What? Who are you to talk? I'm sorry, Mr. "I have an ex who shot somebody." You know that we were this close to having to stage an intervention to keep you away from her?
Mallet: No, no, no, no. I'm sorry, what was your ex-boyfriend? What was he again? What did he do for a living? He was a dentist! Was he a dentist?
Marina: Oh, funny, funny. Yeah, Cyrus was... he was unpredictable, I will give you that.
Mallet: Unpredictable? Are you kidding me? Yeah, in a big-time criminal sort of way. "Unpredictable." That's sweet.
Marina: Please! You were in way deeper than I was. At least I didn't marry the guy.
Mallet: Oh, you mean after Cyrus married Alexandra Spaulding and stole half her money.
Marina: At least Cyrus didn't steal the whole Spaulding house!
Mallet: Okay. Darn it anyway. You're right. It's a tie. Is it a tie?
Marina: Okay.
Mallet: All right. Good point. You win. I so lose.
Marina: (Laughs) Is now a bad time to tell you about my double life as an exotic dancer/Russian spy?
Mallet: Hm. There's never a bad time for that.
Daisy: We should probably....
Grady: Yeah.
Daisy: What if....
Grady: What?
Daisy: What if the trial doesn't go well and you go back to jail?
Grady: Don't think like that.
Daisy: I can't help it, because I'm the one who turned you in. Then it would be all my fault.
Grady: I started this.
Daisy: Yeah. But that doesn't matter now-- not to me.
Reva: Those were Pop’s. He never finished them. These are mine. It's a good thing I have a high tolerance for pain. That should do it. Okay. That ought to do the job.
Grady: Why do you have so much faith in me?
Daisy: Because we're... we're not that different. No one really believes in either of us. (Car horn honks)
Cyrus: He's got a medical condition, newly diagnosed. I thought you'd be interested since it affects your case.
Jeffrey: Not following.
Cyrus: It's a partial kind of amnesia brought about by stressful situations. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure what he'd say in a trial, for example, up on the stand under oath.
Jeffrey: Why don't you just, you know, tell me what you want from me? Because we're already way beyond appropriate here.
Cyrus: I've seen Grady’s file, and I know that the case you have against him is weak. It's circumstantial evidence at best. What happened was an accident. And the only person that can prove otherwise is Alan Spaulding, but he's not talking.
Jeffrey: Well, I hate to break it to you, but your brother already confessed.
Cyrus: Yeah, to Daisy's vindictive uncle. How's that going to hold up in court?
Jeffrey: Are you accusing Frank Cooper of something?
Cyrus: You don't have enough, Jeffrey. Plus, Grady was shipped off by your predecessor, Doris Wolfe, so that she could climb Springfield’s social ladder. I mean, your case is practically a mistrial before it even starts.
Jeffrey: Convicting Tammy’s killer in this town, with any jury in this town, is going to be a walk in the park.
Cyrus: Are you willing to bet on that? Because if you go forward against Grady and you lose, you'll lose any chance of nailing Alan Spaulding, too.
Leave me crazy ever after...
Jeffrey: I just met with Cyrus Foley.
Frank: Why?
Jeffrey: Somehow he got his hands on his brother's case file. Anyway, what he pointed out has some validity.
Mallet: Oh, it's not about the confession, is it?
Jeffrey: Among other things. That confession is not going to hold up in court, Frank.
Frank: Why not?
Jeffrey: Well, there is your personal vendetta against Foley and his brother.
Frank: This has nothing to do with this.
Jeffrey: I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same thing. But the reality is, we risk losing both Grady Foley and Alan Spaulding if Foley doesn't turn over on Alan in the courtroom.
Mallet: Well, Grady’s confession can't go out the window.
Jeffrey: Well, there's the entire case, which is why I'm recommending that Grady gets a lesser sentence, so that we can guarantee Alan Spaulding’s conviction.
Frank: What the hell, man? I mean, really, what the hell? What is it going to take, really? What is it going to take for these guys to get what they deserve?
Jeffrey: Someone is going to pay for Tammy’s death, okay? So let's just make sure that we get Alan Spaulding.
Frank: Oh, terrific! And where does that leave Daisy?
Mallet: Come on, man, isn't there another way we can do this?
Jeffrey: If there is, I'll find it. In the meantime, I am not going to let Cassie down.
Mallet: Right. Well, that's why I like the beat.
Jeffrey: Okay. Well, if you come up with any great ideas on how to bust Foley when you're out there writing traffic tickets, let me know.
Woman: Enjoy.
Marina: Thank you.
Cyrus: Is this where the Cooper’s round up the posse to take down my brother?
Marina: I don't know what you're talking about.
Cyrus: You mind if I sit?
Marina: Wouldn’t matter if I did?
Cyrus: Your dad sold Grady a load of crap about taking care of him if he confessed. Now Grady’s in worse shape than he was before. I'm pretty sure Frank's doing a victory dance.
Marina: Well, my dad always plays by the rules. He arrested Harley when he had to.
Cyrus: Seems like the rules have changed.
Marina: Well, sometimes rules are made to be broken.
Cyrus: I should get back to Grady, make sure he stays out of jail.
Marina: Yeah, well, just keep him away from Daisy, okay?
Cyrus: Can you believe that we're the ones trying to keep people apart now?
Marina: I should go.
Cyrus: You're eating.
Marina: I'm not really hungry anymore. You know, you look better than the last time I saw you.
Cyrus: Well, that's not saying much.
Reva: I am so damn sick of this.
Grady: Then back off, Granny.
Daisy: Grady, don’t. She just wants me to be okay.
Reva: You need to go back to your grandfather’s.
Daisy: Don't I even get to...
Reva: No. You heard what I said.
Daisy: You're being so unfair. You're supposed to be the one who gets it, who understands what it's like to be young and in love. You and Josh...
Reva: Me and Josh nothing, Daisy. You think this is all so wonderful and exciting, when the man you think you care about is a killer?
Daisy: He messed up. But he's sorry.
Reva: He tells you that now, but it's not real. It's a dream. It's a fantasy.
Daisy: A fantasy? Just like your stupid movie?
Reva: That has nothing to do with this. You are 18 years old. You're too young to know.
Grady: She knows.
Reva: You shut up! And I'm not kidding.
Daisy: You and Josh were 18. Jonathan and Tammy, they were just as young, and you supported them. But I guess with me, what, you don't want me to be happy?
Reva: I want you to be happy.
Grady: Maybe you should get a life.
Reva: I have a life. I have a life that I'd like to get back to. But I can't do that until I know Daisy's going to be safe. Come on. I'll drop you off at Buzz’s.
Daisy: I'll walk.
Reva: No. Get in the car.
Everyone can tell you look a lot like hell...
Marina: Hand it over. There.
Frank: Thank you.
Marina: You have ten unanswered text messages, by the way.
Frank: Yeah, well, anybody who knows me would never text me, so...
Marina: Well, true that.
Frank: Where you heading?
Marina: Back to the good ol' Beacon.
Frank: Alone?
Marina: Oh, yeah. All by myself.
Frank: I saw you with Cyrus.
Marina: Oh, please! I ran into Cyrus, right? Dad, I am not with Cyrus. I'm with Mallet.
Frank: Right, right, right, right, right.
Marina: What is with the look? Oh, come on! Dad, I know that Mallet might be a little older, and there's the whole family history thing, but, come on, you've got to admit, he's more socially acceptable than my previous choices.
Frank: Well, when you put it that way...
Marina: Dad, face it, no one will ever be good enough for me.
Frank: No, they will not. But I have to say, you know, the Mallet thing is a little weird. But you know what? I'm actually okay with it now, you know? I... I just want you safe. And you know what? You and Harley, you know, I would love if you guys could just branch out a little bit. I know it's a small town, but...
Marina: Hey, I could put in a transfer, go look for some fresh meat in a new town.
Frank: Or I could call one of the relatives in Greece and have them send over a nice Greek boy for you from the old country.
Marina: Oh, please! Because that worked oh so well for you.
Frank: It did, actually. I've got the most beautiful daughter in town-- in the whole world, actually. And I just want you to be safe, you know? But with you and Daisy and Coop and Harley, oh, my, God!
Marina: Oh, Papa, you're losing a lot of sleep at night! Don't worry about me, okay? I'm totally over the Cyrus thing. I'm over the whole bad boy thing in general.
Frank: Just as long as you're with Mallet for the right reasons.
Marina: Wow. You're tough, man. Mallet's a great guy, you know? He's my best friend, actually. And I trust him, and we have so much fun together. So that's healthy, right?
Frank: Now you're getting a little too cerebral on me, all right?
Marina: Come on!
Frank: I just want you to be in love, you know?
Marina: Well, loosen up a little bit, all right? I'm doing better than the rest of the family. I mean, let's talk about you.
Frank: Let's not.
Marina: Come on, Dad! It's time for you to step up to the plate!
Frank: Step up to the plate? I'll tell you what. I'll do that when my three girls are all safe, okay? And then we don't have any problems. And the Foley brothers are out of town.
Marina: Dude! You've got to find some balance, all right?
Frank: Dude?
Marina: Dad...
Frank: Dude?
Marina: Dad!
Frank: Dad, yes. Much better.
Marina: Dad/dude. Seriously, I don't want you to have a heart attack because of the whole Cyrus and Grady thing, all right? Now, look, I'm helping you out with Grady’s case, and I'm over the whole Cyrus thing, honestly. It's finito, done. So if it makes a difference, cross that off your list, okay?
Frank: Thanks for fixing my phone.
Grady: What the hell? What are you doing? Are you crazy?
Reva: I might be. Or I might just be really pissed off.
Grady: You don't like me dating your grandkid. I get it.
Reva: I find that hard to believe, considering you came back here for her.
Grady: Daisy wants to be with me. Is that so hard to believe? I mean, let go, lady. She's a woman now. I guess I'm the only one that understands that. I'm the only one who really knows her, if you know what I mean. What is the matter with you?
Reva: You don't give a damn about my granddaughter. And she's not as blinded by you or that accent or that head of hair of yours as you might think she is. And believe me, one day she's going to realize that turning you into the police was the smartest thing she ever did. Ha ha ha.
Cyrus: Hey, you upset?
Daisy: Wow, you are perceptive.
Cyrus: Were you with Grady?
Daisy: Yes, yes! I was with Grady, okay? And I know I'm a kid and I don't know what I'm doing, and he's going to ruin my life, okay? I know all that. I'm out of here.
Cyrus: Wait. That's not what I was going to say.
Daisy: Oh, yeah?
Cyrus: He's my little brother, but he made a terrible mistake that's pretty hard for me to forgive. I can't even imagine how Tammy’s family could ever get close to forgiving him.
Daisy: You know, I was in that car, too. Does that make me terrible?
Cyrus: It makes you young and stupid.
Daisy: Thanks.
Cyrus: And it makes you human, just like Grady. And I know I'm not supposed to say this, but a part of me is grateful that you care about him, that you understand. He needs that right now, someone who believes in him.
Daisy: You mean that?
Cyrus: Yeah, I do. And that's why I'm counting on you. Daisy, please, break up with him. Stop seeing him now so that he's got a chance at a life, and you've got a chance, too. Because the longer you stay with him, the harder your family's going to fight to keep him in jail and away from you.
Daisy: You're as bad as the rest of them.
Yeah, I lose all reason like somehow
I'm just not allowed to keep my feet beneath me
when you come around in every direction
my intention scatters and stalls it's hard to stay focused...
Mallet: Hey.
Marina: Hey.
Mallet: Okay. So I was just talking to Jeffrey, right, and your dad, he really needs to chill out. He needs to chill out. He's going to blow this whole Grady Foley case.
Marina: He's fine.
Mallet: No, I don't think he is. He's out of control.
Marina: Okay. Okay, what do we need to do?
Mallet: Hey, are you okay?
What if I'm wrong and you don't feel the same.
Jeffrey: Hey, hey! Whoa! Still haven't cooled down yet, huh?
Frank: Look, you have a daughter, right? I mean, about the same age as mine.
Jeffrey: Yeah, and you want to protect her, I know-- and Daisy, too.
Frank: Yeah, well, you know, there's only one thing in life worse than being helpless as a cop.
Jeffrey: It's feeling helpless as a parent. I'm beginning to learn that. Hey, I'm not going to have a problem with you on this, am I? Because I need you at the top of your game if we're going to make this happen.
Frank: You don't have to worry about me. (Cell phone ringing) Detective Cooper here.
Reva (speaking with an Australian accent): I've got a tip for you, Detective.
Frank: Who is this?
Reva: Grady Foley, the man who killed Tammy Winslow. He's running around town with prescription drugs in his pocket. I'd check it out if I were you.
Frank: We've got him.
Jeffrey: Who? Foley?
Frank: Sit down.
Grady: Look, I swear they aren't mine, mate.
Frank: I personally guarantee you, they're not mine, either. Let me guess: I bet you don't have a prescription for this, do you?
Grady: What would I be doing with painkillers? I don't even know what they are.
Frank: How about getting high. Just like you were when you hit Tammy Winslow with your car.
Grady: This is a setup. Your family is out to get me.
Frank: I need somebody to help me log this. You know what? I've got enough stuff here right now to up to possession with intent to sell.
Grady: What happened to helping me out?
Frank: Oh, I'm going to help you out. I'm going to get you a nice, big, fat cell, and you're not going to see the light of day for 15 to 20 years. And then hopefully, we'll be able to put you in a cell right next to your brother. Let's go.
Marina: So, you know, I was thinking that we should rent one of those little cottages, you know, down by the lake, and we could have our friends up on the weekends. I just thought it would be fun, you know? Take advantage of the summer weather while we still have it.
Mallet: Yeah, that's a nice picture.
Marina: It's not what you think.
Mallet: Oh, that's okay. I'm not thinking anything in particular.
Marina: I don't miss Cyrus.
Mallet: It's okay if you do, you know. You can tell me.
Marina: Yeah, I know. Of course I could. Just like you could tell me if you still miss Dinah, which of course you do.
Mallet: Says who?
Marina: Could you pass me those bags? You know, I was thinking today, when we were shopping with Daisy, being with Cyrus was exciting, you know? And it was adventurous and sexy and spontaneous. But it was really scary, too. You know, I was going to have to leave my whole family and everything that I know and I love here, my friends and my work. And I was going to have to move to France, where I've never been, and I don't even know the language, and I'd probably have to eat baguettes every day, which I don't even like, and I know in the end I'd take up smoking because I'd be so bored, I wouldn't even have a choice! Being with Cyrus wasn't life. I mean, it wasn't my life, anyway. And I guess I kind of lucked out, because he walked away from me. But, you know, in the end, I... I think I would have walked away from him, because that life wasn't real. And this? This here, everything that we have right now, this is. And I love it.
Mallet: Who doesn't like baguettes? You don't like baguettes? Crisp on the outside but chewy on the inside.
Marina: Come on.
Mallet: Where we going?
Marina: You'll see. Come on. Let's go.
Mallet: Huh?
Cyrus: Well, you're not even going to talk to me now?
Daisy: About what? About how ever single person in my life is against me? And at least they're my relatives. Who are you? You're the guy who screwed over my cousin and my mom. And you're the reason why Harley isn't here right now when I need her. I can't give up on Grady, okay? I can’t. (Cell phone ringing)
Cyrus: Springfield P.D.? All right, yeah, I'll be right there. Grady's been arrested again.
Daisy: Oh, my God. Let's go.
Cyrus: No!
Daisy: I'm going. You can ride with me if you want, unless you've been knocking off convenience stores for gas money.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm on my way over there right now, so I'll expect it on my desk.
Frank: Legal briefs?
Jeffrey: No, pepperoni pizza.
Frank: We just arrested Grady Foley for possession of prescription painkillers without a prescription.
Jeffrey: What? How much did he have on him?
Frank: Enough to bump him up to a grade two felony.
Jeffrey: Enough to revoke his bail and get him behind bars until a trial?
Frank: You got it.
Jeffrey: What kind of drugs were they?
Frank: Your garden-type variety of painkillers.
Jeffrey: You know what? I got a whole lifetime supply of those things at home. I can't stomach them myself. Excuse me a minute, I've got to take care of something.
Frank: Okay. (Phone ringing)
Reva: Hello?
Frank: Reva, it's Frank Cooper. Listen, I thought you might like to hear this news first. We just arrested Grady Foley on drug charges-- unless you already knew something about it.
Reva: Why would I know anything?
Frank: Just a thought.
Reva: Well, Frank, all I can say is, thanks so much for the call.
Frank: Anytime.
Mallet: What are we doing?
Marina: We're celebrating. I am free of Cyrus, and you are free of Dinah. It's like our own little Independence day, only there's no fireworks, and Rick Bauer isn't burning all the hamburger buns.
Mallet: And all that's missing is the moon bounce.
Marina: You're funny.
Mallet: I love the moon bounce.
Marina: Happy Independence day, Mallet.
Mallet: Thank you. Happy Independence day, Cooper.
I guess what I really mean is I can't wait till the day
it's making mistakes wishing it would be tomorrow.
Cyrus: Where's my brother?
Frank: Daisy, what are you doing with him?
Cyrus: I heard he was arrested.
Frank: No kidding.
Grady: Well, he didn't skip bail. What were the charges? I've got to go call the lawyer.
Daisy: What did you do? Was it drugs? You promised that you wouldn’t.
Grady: I didn’t.
Daisy: You got arrested.
Grady: Your uncle arrested me. Go figure.
Daisy: I don't understand.
Grady: Daisy, don't you get it? They're setting me up. Your family is setting me up!
Jeffrey: Hey.
Reva: Hey!
Jeffrey: Got some good news.
Reva: Oh?
Jeffrey: They got Grady Foley on a drug charge. He's back in jail.
Reva: Really?
Jeffrey: Hm.
Reva: Now all we have to make sure is that Daisy doesn't become a jailhouse groupie, and then we're all set.
Jeffrey: Mm-hmm.
Reva: So you think she'll come around to her senses eventually?
Jeffrey: Well, eventually. I mean, you came around to yours, right? And you found the man who was capable of domesticating you.
Reva: If you think you can tame me, you've got another thing coming.
Jeffrey: They sent you a copy?
Reva: Mm-hmm. We should watch it. It went so well the last time.
Jeffrey: I'll pass.
Reva: So, are you having second thoughts about not shutting down the movie?
Jeffrey: No, because if we did shut down the movie, then I wouldn't get to see the ending, and actually I'm kind of curious.
Reva: Well, I could tell you how it ends-- or show you, if you prefer.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) Well, there is only one request that I have.
Reva: There's always a request.
Jeffrey: Yes. I get to go to the premiere, so I can walk down the red carpet and wave to all the fans, and I want the leading lady on my arm.
Reva: I like that. You want to follow the leading lady down this red carpet?
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Reva: We just have to make sure he stays locked up.
Grady: You don't know me.
Buzz: I'll do what I have to do, because I'm an old man, and I got nothing to lose.
Daisy: Why don't you want to see me?
Grady: Forget us, Daisy.
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