GL Transcript Monday 7/7/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/7/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on “Guiding Light”...

Lizzie: Time to be independent.

Bill: Tell me that you love me.

Lizzie: I have to go.

Bill: No Lizzie, please don’t. We can figure this out.

Lizzie: There’s nothing to figure out, Bill. Oh you don’t know, the baby is not Bill’s.

Remy: I know what you did. I know about the baby.

You won the coin toss.

Now I'm waiting for you.

If you're crazy...

Dinah: What are you doing?

Olivia: Oh, damage control. Hilda is horrible with flowers.

Dinah: That was my arrangement.

Olivia: Oh. That's a nice casual look.

Dinah: Question?

Olivia: Yeah.

Dinah: Why are the newlyweds sleeping in separate bedrooms?

Ashlee: Hey, boss. Sorry I'm late. How are things? How was the wedding?

Dinah: It was perfect. Hang on one second. Separate rooms?

Olivia: Uh-huh. It's the tradition in this house. She has her suite, and he has his. There is no big trouble here. Don't make any. Hey, Ashlee, how are you?

Ashlee: Uh, I'm good, I think. I'm okay. I broke up with Coop.

Olivia: Oh, I'm sorry.

Ashlee: Oh, no. It's okay. I'm okay. Staying busy with work. You know, work, work, work.

Dinah: Smart. That's very smart. In fact, I'm going to need you later at the Josh and Reva screening.

Ashlee: Okay.

Dinah: I need you to take notes, because I'm going to be interested in what you have to say, all right? And we'll get together at the end of the day.

Ashlee: Awesome. Yeah, I love chick flicks. I'll go.

Olivia: Hey, let me know how it ends.

Ashlee: (Laughs)

Olivia: Wow, a movie. What's next, little Josh and Reva action figures?

Dinah: I don't care, because Bill is my priority, and Bill's happiness is my happiness, and I don't really have time to care about the other Lewis’s.

Olivia: Okay. You know, you should stop trying to arrange things. You're not very good at it.

Josh: I thought the fireworks were good. I think they used a new company this year.

Cassie: Yeah, that's what I heard.

Josh: (Laughing) Look at this place. It's a mess. We haven't even made a dent yet.

Cassie: That's the sign of a good party.

Josh: Did you have fun?

Cassie: Yeah. Yeah, it was good to help out Rick and do something normal, and, you know. It's been a rough year for everybody, so I think it was good to see everybody taking a break.

Josh: Yeah. I kind of got the sense that the Cooper’s miss Harley, not to mention Gus.

Cassie: I was missing Harley yesterday.

Josh: Well, I kind of think she wouldn't have come anyway.

Cassie: You still see him, don't you? Every time I start to get close to you, you just see me with Cyrus?

Josh: I'm trying not to.

Cassie: Josh, there's really... (cell phone rings) You better get that, Rev. (Cell phone rings again)

Josh: Sorry. What are dailies?

Cassie: Huh?

Josh: As in the movie company is inviting us to a party where they're going to be showing some dailies?

Cassie: Oh, I think those are like the last scenes they shot or something.

Josh: Do you want to go? I mean, we could... we could just put this off. We could do all this later?

Cassie: No. Why don't you go? I can take care of this.

Josh: No. You know, I wouldn't go to a movie without you. We'll clean this up and then we'll go.

Cassie: Well, this will take hours. No. You should go.

Josh: Okay. Hey, um... we threw a good barbecue, didn't we?

Cassie: A great barbecue.

(Knock on the door)

Reva: Hello, handsome!

Jeffrey: Hey!

Reva: How are you?

Jeffrey: Mm. Wow, what was that for?

Reva: Just being you.

Jeffrey: Being me? Well, thank you.

Reva: You busy? I have an invitation. The movie producers called and they're having a screening party, and I thought maybe you might want to come with me and we could, uh... neck in the balcony.

Jeffrey: Well, that depends. Uh, what part of the Josh and Reva love story are they showing today?

Reva: I'm going to take that as a no.

Jeffrey: Just being me.

Reva: Yeah, just being you. The one I love. Have a nice day.

Jeffrey: Have fun on memory lane. (Instrumental music)

Alan: I was just thinking of you.

Cassie: Don't think about me.

Alan: I just want to tell you that that's the best barbecue we've had in years, and I want to thank you for including me.

Cassie: You showed up with your family, so I didn't throw you out. But I still feel about you the way I always did. You're still the monster who took my daughter away.

Alan: I understand, Cassie. Losing Gus has helped me understand. But, you know, he still talks to me, and I listen. I just wish there was some way I could connect with Tammy.

Cassie: Please just do not say her name, okay?

Alan: Don't you believe we can connect with them?

Cassie: Even if we can, who would want to talk to you? The man who took away my daughter, and who's taken all his life.

Alan: Who would want to talk to me? I gave up on that question a while back. Right now, the only thing I want, if I can help people.

Cassie: (Scoffs) How are you going to help people?

Alan: I can help people learn to listen, really listen. Sometimes the answer is come, and they can come to you, too.

Cassie: Okay, I can't take this.

Carson: (Laughing) Reva?

Reva: Hey, Carson!

Carson: I'm so glad you could make it. You look fabulous.

Reva: Thanks. Right back at you. (Laughs) So what are we seeing today?

Carson: I wanted it to be a surprise, but I will say that it's some of Jolene’s best work so far.

Reva: You have such a crush on that girl.

Carson: I do not!

Reva: Where is mini me anyway?

Carson: Actually, she has an audition. Apparently, the word of mouth on this project is already working for her.

Reva: It's doing wonders for me, too.

Carson: Oh, here's the husband... (clears throat) I mean your ex-husband. Hey there, Joshua.

Josh: Hi there.

Carson: How are you?

Josh: It's nice to see a friendly face.

Reva: Ditto.

Carson: Guys, this is Mackenzie Matthews. Huh? Wow. She's a free lance entertainment reporter, and this is Reva and Josh, and they are the real stars of our picture.

Reva: Oh, well... (laughter)

Mackenzie: So, how does it feel sharing your intimate love story with the world?

Reva: Well, it's not really a love story...

Josh: It's not all that intimate....

Mackenzie: So, then they're all lies?

Reva: I didn't say they're lies...

Josh: I'm sorry. Did you just call us liars?

Mackenzie: No, I didn't mean...

Carson: (Laughing) You two! Wow. No, of course it's all true, and it's very intimate, but it's also a movie. Mac, I want you to meet Mark. He's the actor who plays Josh. And he's a great guy. Very hot... he's very hot right now. (Laughter) Yeah.

Josh: Hooray for Hollywood.

Reva: (Laughs) Reporters are supposed to ask really annoying questions.

Josh: Reva, just tell me that this is going to be over soon, okay? Because I actually do have a real life.

Reva: Really? What's that? (Laughs)

Josh: That's funny. Okay. All right. I admit it, some of this has been interesting, watching actors pretending to be us.

Reva: Yes, I think sometimes they do it a whole lot better than we do.

Josh: That may be true.

Reva: Oh, by the way, in two weeks, we get married.

Josh: I'm sorry?

Reva: (Laughing) Oh, the wedding at Cross Creek.

Josh: Hmm. Ah, yes.

Carson: Okay, if everybody can take their places, we're ready to begin.

Josh: Uh, speaking of weddings, have you and Jeffrey set a date?

Reva: Oh, no. Actually, we're... we're kind of unengaged.

Josh: Really? I'm sorry.

Reva: No, no, it's okay...

Josh: Are you okay?

Reva: Yeah, yeah, it's great. It's actually really good. We're still living together. It's just that we don't want to rush into anything. I mean, why mess with something that just works? Because for the first time in my life, I feel...

Carson: Hey, you two, over here. (Laughs) Front row, center. (Laughs)

Reva: (Laughing) Stop now. Come on.

Jeffrey: Hi.

Olivia: Hi. Busy day?

Jeffrey: Well, actually, I'm trying to file a motion to get Grady Foley’s bail revoked. What's wrong?

Olivia: Did I say something?

Jeffrey: You don't have to.

Olivia: It's Ava and Bill.

Jeffrey: What about them?

Olivia: Well, Dinah made a discovery. It seems that our daughter... you know, the newlyweds, are not sleeping together. They're in separate bedrooms. Any thoughts?

Jeffrey: (Laughing) (sighs) None.

Olivia: You have no thoughts on this? You don't think it is a little strange that Ava isn't sleeping with the man she just married?

Jeffrey: I think it's between Bill and Ava. If we get involved...

Olivia: No, we wouldn't want to get involved. So you did your best to miss the wedding. Why is that?

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, um, I was fairly certain the wedding wasn't going to happen.

Olivia: Why?

Jeffrey: The other day I was up there working, and who was down here? Bill and Lizzie.

Olivia: And?

Jeffrey: Well, let's just say that it was fairly obvious that the two of them are still in love with each other.

Olivia: So what did you do?

Jeffrey: Well, later I cornered Lizzie, and I told her that the baby wasn't Bill's.

Olivia: Jeffrey, why did you do that?

Jeffrey: Come here. Do you really want our daughter living her life based on a lie?

Olivia: Lizzie Spaulding? Of all people, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: I'm glad I told her.

Olivia: You swore you would protect our daughter!

Jeffrey: That's what I was doing.

Olivia: By telling Lizzie that the baby isn't Bill's? Why didn't you just walk into the wedding and toss a grenade?

Jeffrey: First of all, I did not force Lizzie to tell Bill, okay? That was her choice. Olivia, maybe this is for the best. Once Bill learned the truth about the baby, he went ahead and married her anyway. So who knows? Maybe he actually loves her. We've just got to keep an eye on her.

Olivia: No. No, you need to leave her alone. Let her be happy.

Alan: I'd stick with TV, if I were you.

Dinah: Hello, Lillian. Hi. How are you? Who let you in?

Alan: Well, someone left the back gate open.

Dinah: Well, I'm going to have to work on that. What's up?

Lillian: Well, I want to see you, and, um...

Alan: We wanted to bring this to the newlyweds. Don't worry, it's not ticking.

Lillian: And we don't want to disturb them.

Dinah: I'm sure you don't want to see Bill, period.

Lillian: Ooh, you certainly have that right.

Dinah: Well, I'll let them know that you stopped by.

Alan: Well, Dinah, you haven't changed the place very much at all.

Dinah: Well, I was thinking about putting up a limited edition of Elvis, but, what the hell, you and Alex have great taste.

Lillian: Oh, Alex, she wanted to come, but she developed a terrible migraine.

Dinah: Oh, convenient.

Alan: Well, I feel a lot better now that I've seen the place.

Dinah: You don't want it anymore?

Alan: Well, I didn't say that, but I don't have the anger towards you that I used to have, Dinah. I think you and Bill did exactly what you had to do.

Dinah: Now, I've been hearing about these dreams you've been having. What's that all about?

Alan: Well, it started out as dreams, but now I feel Gus wherever I go.

Dinah: Well, what's he saying?

Alan: It's not a conversation. It's a feeling, a presence. I mean, he... he gives me guidance.

Dinah: That's a load of crap. I used to know Herbie, the mentalist? He could guess your weight, but he certainly couldn't tell the future.

Alan: I don't claim to be a psychic, but I would guess about 110 pounds. How did I do?

Lillian: You're really not helping.

Alan: Anymore questions for me?

Dinah: No. No.

Alan: Well, I have a question for you: Now that Bill and Ava are married, I hear that he is planning for a future in politics. And if so, does that mean that the company is up for grabs?

Dinah: Bill and I work together. We make a very good team.

Alan: Are you happy?

Dinah: Yes, I am, Alan. Thank you for asking.

Alan: I almost believe you. Give my best regards to the newlyweds.

Lillian: Alan, I'm going to stay here and get some cookies from Hilda. I'll bring them back.

Alan: Good.

Lillian: Okay. I came because I'm really concerned about you. Now, Alex is the one that noticed it, and, um, maybe it's because she is the sister of a powerful, sinister brother. But we're both worried that you could be heading for trouble.

Ashlee: Okay, hey, guys, maybe you can help me. Um, I'm looking for the screening.

Cassie: The screening?

Jeffrey: The screening.

Cassie: Right.

Ashlee: Yeah. I mean, you guys must be going. I'm covering it for WSPR. And it's obviously not inside. So you guys are going to go, right? Right?

Cassie: To the movie?

Jeffrey: Right. Why not? Let's go.

Cassie: Are you serious?

Jeffrey: Well, it's important for Reva, so we should be there.

Cassie: Okay. I guess I will drive.

Ashlee: (Laughing) Come on, it'll be fun!

Jeffrey: (Laughing)

Dinah: You know, it's so sweet of you to have this much concern, but you know what, Bill is the star of the moment right now, so he's getting on all of the society pages.

Lillian: Uh-huh, but who gave him the house and who gave him the company?

Dinah: You know, Lillian, to be fair, Bill has taken this company to a whole new place.

Lillian: You're proud of him, and that's wonderful. I just... I just don't want him to treat you the way Alan treats Alex.

Dinah: Bill is not Alan.

Lillian: Of course he's not. Just ask Lizzie.

Dinah: Bill is the best brother in the whole world, believe me.

Lillian: I hope so. I really hope so. For your sake.

(Cell phone rings)

Ashlee: Okay, save... save me a seat. I'll be right in, okay? Ashlee Wolfe?

Dinah: Ashlee, it's Dinah.

Ashlee: Hey, boss, how are you? What's up?

Dinah: Hey, you know what? Listen, I want you to bag that idea. I want you to do an interview on Alan Spaulding-- the new Alan Spaulding, the guy who talks to his dead son.

Ashlee: I don't know.

Dinah: Yeah. Trust me, it's gonna be good. Find him, talk to him, and get back to me at the end of the day, all right?

Josh: Is it time to run out and get some popcorn, maybe a six-pack of beer.

Reva: Shh!

Josh: Margaritas, bloody mary's.

Reva: Stop!

Mark: It's not too late to fix this.

Jolene: It's too late.

Mark: Don't you give up hope. Not when I've just come on board with a whole new batch of it. There is no way in hell it's your time to go yet.

Jolene: No rescue.

Mark: Reva...

Jolene: Not this time.

Mark: Reva, you're just trying to push me away.

Jolene: Cassie...

Mark: I never should have married her. It was only because I couldn't have you.

Josh: Was that in the script?

Reva: No, not in the script I read. It wasn’t.

Mark: You can’t... no one can. You're the love of my life. My life and yours. Always. Live, Reva, live so we can be together again.

Jolene: Joshua! Miracles only happen... in the movies.

Mark: We'll make our own miracle. I'll leave Cassie.

Jolene: You have to be sure.

Mark: I'm sure. Look... Cassie was a mistake.

Josh: I'm out of here.

Reva: Wait, wait, wait!

Ashlee: You know, that's a big no-no.

Alan: Excuse me? What's a no-no?

Ashlee: That bag. It was recyclable.

Alan: That bag is recyclable?

Ashlee: Yeah, well, I would think that even Mr. Alan Spaulding would want to care about the environment.

Alan: Well, yes, I suppose I should.

Ashlee: It's a nice day today.

Alan: Yes, it's beautiful.

Ashlee: Can I, um... can I sit down and we'll catch up?

Alan: Well, sure.

Mark: No, you're still too weak.

Jolene: You make me strong.

Mark: Cassie, we need to talk. I want to be with Reva. I don't want to hurt you, but...

Actress: I should have known. I'm so sorry. The two of you belong together. Good-bye, Josh. (Crying) (cheers and applause)

Jeffrey: Well, that was interesting. You, uh, look a little pale. Maybe we should get out of here.

Cassie: Hell, no, they've got free food. Ooh! Eclairs! Yum!

Jeffrey: You're sure you're okay?

Cassie: Absolutely. I mean, who wouldn’t love to see her husband trash a marriage and then go crawling back to the drama queen who left him? I give it two thumbs up!

Jeffrey: It's a movie.

Cassie: Uh huh, yeah, well, I think we should get the hell out of here.

Josh: This just wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be.

Carson: It's good stuff, huh? Jolene is amazing.

Josh: It's a lie, and it's an insult to my wife!

Mark: I told you he was getting ready to blow.

Carson: It's a movie, man. It's passion-- both of them. We took what was most important and just made the most of it.

Mark: Heightened reality.

Carson: Heightened.

Mark: I was totally hooked into this, Josh. I knew it, underneath all of this nice, nice preacher stuff...

Josh: Preacher stuff? Preacher stuff?

Reva: Okay, you know what? Let me put out this fire, and you guys go handle the room in there. Now!

Josh: This isn't right, and you know it.

Reva: I told you I believed that this was about our story, a love story.

Josh: Reva, that scene we just watched... the one where, ...where ... where he breaks up with Cassie... really?

Reva: Well, they changed the ending a little late in the game. I have to agree.

Josh: They made it up.

Reva: They wanted a happy ending, okay? It doesn't always turn out that way in real life.

Josh: Reva, I am trying to keep my marriage together. Can't you understand that? Do you have any idea what this will do to Cassie when she sees it? When the world sees it?

Reva: The actress was beautiful.

Josh: They did everything but throw a pie in her face! This will upset her, Reva, you know it will. And don't tell me you didn't know about it!

Reva: Right! They should have stuck with the real stuff. You miserable and me happy! That would have worked.

That would be easy, oh,

but we got lost in love

lost along the way...

Dinah: I'm lost.

Lillian: No, no, no. It's easy. Now, feel for the button.

Dinah: Oh, wait, no, I can't feel it.

Lillian: It's up, not down.

Dinah: Oh... (laughs) (laughing) Wow!

Olivia: Aren't you two a little old to be playing hide and seek?

Lillian: Never too old for hide and seek. You lived, didn't you, Olivia?

Olivia: Yeah, sorry about that.

Dinah: Lillian was showing me some secret passages in the house.

Olivia: How come you never showed me?

Lillian: Because you never were really part of the house.

Olivia: So is that the closet where Brandon locked up Alex and Alan?

Dinah: Oh, really?

Lillian: Olivia.

Olivia: Sorry, mother.

Lillian: Sweet heart, I'm going to go get some cookies from Hilda, but you call me whenever you need me, and Alex, too, okay? I'll always be there. Bye.

Olivia: Bye. Now there is a club you want to belong to.

Dinah: Well... she's just trying to help me, Olivia.

Olivia: Yeah, well, some people like to meddle into other people's lives. And since Lizzie and Beth won't listen anymore... (laughs)

Dinah: She thinks that Bill is like Alan. But I... I think she may be wrong on this one.

Olivia: Of course she is.

Ashlee: So, I mean, there is no way that you're possibly missing the boardinghouse?

Alan: As a matter of fact, I am, in a way. I think the boardinghouse was the first place I ever truly felt at home in.

Ashlee: Well, you're with family now, so...

Alan: Yeah. I think it's the right thing for me to do. I had my doubts at first, but Gus...

Ashlee: Oh, uh, Gus what? What about Gus?

Alan: Gus wants me to be with family.

Ashlee: Yeah. And I... I'm sure that he would want that. And also to have the house occupied. I mean, he loved it so much. We used to have so much fun there with, you know... I got to see Gus and Harley and the kids, you know?

Alan: I'm afraid that I missed out on a lot of that.

Ashlee: I miss... I miss Gus... and Harley. I'm... I'm gonna miss being a part of the Cooper family.

Alan: But you are.

Ashlee: Uh... I'm not, actually. Coop and I broke up.

Alan: Really?

Ashlee: Yeah. But, um... at this point, at least I'm okay. I think it's okay.

Alan: Well, I want you to know one thing: Gus thinks you're special. And no matter what you decide to do, Ashlee, he will support you 100%.

Ashlee: Thank you. That's so nice of you to say. Uh, wow! You know, it's so interesting. I feel like we should talk about your, um... your connection with Gus some more.

Carson: We have one more scene to show you, so places, people.

Cassie: Let me guess: Reva walks on water and Cassie gets herpes?

Jeffrey: Maybe someone will do me a favor and shoot me again.

Cassie: Let's get the hell out of here.

Jeffrey: Yeah. We don't want anyone to think we're upset or anything.

Josh: My life with Cassie has nothing to do with you, Reva. We're going through a lot right now... not that you care.

Reva: I don't care, because I have a life of my own. And I don't want to be stuck in the middle of your drama.

Josh: Fine. Then stop putting your version of us up there on that screen.

Reva: You know what? Maybe you should sit and take some notes. You might learn something.

Josh: Like what, Reva, we belong together?

Reva: In my version, I get Jeffrey... and the Oscar.

Cassie: Wow, this is even better than what they're showing in there!

Josh: I thought you said you weren't going to be here.

Cassie: Well, I changed my mind. It's a good thing I brought a hanky, too, because, wow, is that a tear-jerker.

Josh: That last scene... they just tacked that scene on. You can ask Reva. I knew nothing about it.

Cassie: It's no big deal. In fact, I think it's going to be a really big hit.

Josh: Can we just go?

Cassie: I have my own car. Thanks.

Reva: (Giggling) Oops.

Josh: Cassie, just...just wait, please.

Cassie: I hated it! I hated seeing you go back to Reva.

Josh: It was just make believe, that's all.

Cassie: Whatever you say.

Reva: You haven't said anything.

Jeffrey: Well, you know... I'm no critic.

Reva: I want your opinion.

Jeffrey: Well, what did you think, huh, when you saw that fantastic Hollywood ending, huh? Were you outraged, or did you secretly wish it would come true?

Reva: I thought that Jolene was wearing way too much makeup for someone on her deathbed. (Laughing)

Jeffrey: (Laughing)

Olivia: You know what? I think we should save that white ribbon for Ava’s scrapbook.

Dinah: Yeah, especially if we can't save the marriage.

Olivia: Uh-uh. There is no need to panic now. I spoke to Ava. The only reason she is staying in her own suite is because of the baby.

Dinah: She said that?

Olivia: Yeah. I was like that when I was pregnant. You know, you get uncomfortable, and you're up all night. She probably wants Bill to get his rest so he can, you know, conquer the world.

Dinah: Well, I'm all for that, but, I don't know, I mean, there's something going on between the two of them. I sensed it at the wedding. I could talk to them, I'm sure...

Olivia: No! No, I think the only thing that is wrong is the tension between us. I want a do-over.

Dinah: You want something.

Olivia: I want us to make an effort to do the family thing.

Dinah: I wonder what's up with Lillian?

Olivia: I think that she and Alex have seen a lot around here. They're probably trying to just help you in their own way.

Dinah: Fine. I like Lillian very much, I mean, but this whole brother-sister thing that Alex and Alan have, I mean, it's creeping me out a little bit.

Olivia: Yeah. Can you imagine being dependent on your own brother for happiness?

Lillian: So, how are you enjoying your new place?

Alan: Believe it or not, Lillian, I'm enjoying it very much. You know, this is where Gus used to live. I feel very close to him here.

Lillian: You know, I was so sure being in the Spaulding mansion today was going to upset you.

Alan: No, I wasn't upset. I'm realistic about the situation. And we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

Lillian: How very Zen of you.

Alan: I'm full of surprises.

Lillian: (Laughing) Don't flatter yourself, Alan! (Knock on the door) Dinah, hi.

Dinah: Alan, you can keep your present, and you can keep your distance. My brother and I have something very good going. It's healthy, something you wouldn't understand.

Lillian: Whoa, why didn't you speak up? I mean, don't you want your house back? And don't you want your company back? And all of the things that were taken away from you?

Alan: Lillian, I'm going to get it all back... just not the old way.

Don't you know I am?

Don't you know who I am...

Lillian: Alan, Gus is gone. I really wish he were here to help this.

Alan: Gus is going to be the one to lead us to the promised land.

Don't you know who I am...

Jeffrey: Hey. So how's Cassie?

Josh: Still upset.

Jeffrey: Do you blame her?

Josh: No, I don’t. How about you? How did you feel looking up at that big movie screen watching Reva ride off into the sunset with yours truly?

Jeffrey: Well, I laughed, I cried, I... kind of spit up a little bit in my mouth, but what can you do?

Josh: Shut it down.

Jeffrey: (Laughing) Yeah, right.

Josh: You're the D.A., you can do stuff like that, right?

Jeffrey: Well, you see, there's this little problem of a matter of these things called laws. And until they've broken one...

Josh: The young actress who plays teenaged Marah was chugging champagne at the party.

Jeffrey: So?

Josh: So, she's under age.

Jeffrey: That's pretty lame.

Josh: Maybe so, but it's illegal, right?

Jeffrey: I actually could use it to get an injunction, find out what other things they might be doing wrong.

Josh: Violation of child labor practices?

Jeffrey: Reverend Lewis, remind me never to cross you.

Josh: I'm filing a formal complaint. Look, you know what, don't sit there and pretend like this movie thing is not driving you nuts, okay?

Jeffrey: I really don't care.

Josh: Well, I do. And I take care of the people that I love, no matter what it takes.

Jeffrey: Got it.

Josh: I figured you would.

Jeffrey: (Clears throat) (sighs deeply) Hi, Ava. It’s... your dad, you know, the one you probably never want to talk to again. But I... I really need to see you. So please call me.

Mark: He may accept you, Reva, but he'll never be able to satisfy you, not like I will. No man will ever love you the way that I do.

Jolene: Joshua, you don't understand.

Cassie: Well, it sounds like you're at my favorite part.

Reva: They sent me a copy.

Cassie: And you just couldn't wait to get home and watch it again?

Reva: Actually, I was looking at it to suggest some changes, maybe making you a little less of a heroine, make this is a little less of a fantasy.

Cassie: Well, fantasy sells.

Reva: It can also hurt people.

Cassie: I know. That's why I was trying to clear the air about me and Josh.

Reva: It's not my business.

Cassie: Still, it must have gotten your attention when I told you I'd had a one-night stand.

Reva: Who am I, Mother Theresa?

Cassie: No. But, I mean, hey, if my marriage is on the rocks, then maybe there is a chance.

Reva: I'm not interested in your husband, Cassie. I have an incredible life with Jeffrey now, and I'm not going to waste another precious moment worrying about what's going on in your house.

Cassie: Well, let me tell you, I may have cheated on Josh, but it wasn't about our marriage. It wasn't about Josh. It wasn't really even about sex.

Reva: Well, that's a new one.

Cassie: It was about me. It was my problem, and it has been ever since I lost Tammy. I've been needing something... needing an escape.

Reva: So being with other men is some kind of therapy? Did Josh buy that one?

Cassie: Okay, so much for clearing the air.

Reva: You're not trying to clear the air, Cassie. You're here to mark your turf.

Cassie: I get that the movie needs a happy ending, but it's just a movie. In real life, I'm still with Josh.

Reva: I know. I know you are, so please go. Go and be with Josh, Cassie! Find some peace!

Coming up on "Guiding Light,"

Jeffrey: That confession's not going to hold up in court, Frank.

Mallet: Come on, man. Isn't there another way we can do this?

Jeffrey: If there is, I'll find it.

Reva: That ought to do the job. You don't give a damn about my granddaughter.

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