GL Transcript Friday 7/4/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/4/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: She went to a fertility clinic. I know that you don't want to believe me...

Ava: Get out!

Lizzie: That's what I'm trying to do! Good luck today.

Billy: If the wedding is off, you are going to be needed. You're going to stay.

Bill: We are still going to do this. I am not giving this up.

Minister: I now pronounce you husband and wife. (Applause)

Rick: Hello? Hey, Dad. Yeah, same to you. Same to you. Uh... am I ready? Well, that depends on what you mean by ready. Um, I went out and got a couple of things, but, quite honestly, Dad, I'm not really feeling up to it this year. So I'm just thinking about heading back to the house and making a few phone calls, so... I... I know. I know, Dad. You don't have to tell me. I know it's a tradition. But what's the sense-- it just seems a little crazy to throw a big Bauer barbecue when I'm the only Bauer left, doesn't it? Dad, making me feel guilty is not going to work, okay, so just do me a favor-- it's not the end of the world not having a barbecue. Just say hi to Michelle and Danny for me and give everybody my love, okay? I wish I could talk longer. I'm really actually supposed to meet somebody here in a few minutes. I love you, too, Dad. Happy anniversary.

Beth: It's the barbecue...

Rick: I guess that says everything right there, doesn't it?

Beth: I don't-- I don't want to do this today. This is the day that you look forward to all year around. It's always really special.

Rick: No. Last year it was special.

Beth: Yes, it was.

Rick: You tried to tell me, but I just didn't want to listen. I knew it, Beth. I knew it was over. So don't feel bad about anything.

Beth: I'm sorry.

Rick: Hey, we made it a year, right? Maybe that's all it was meant to be.

Beth: We tried to go back in time... it didn't work.

Rick: We need to move on.

Beth: Yeah, we do need to move on. I should go.

Lizzie: Clipping coupons. Has it really come to that?

Alan: It's a very interesting article here.

Lizzie: Have you seen Mom? We have some things to do.

Alan: Things to do? It's the Fourth of July, I would think you would be running off to the Bauer barbecue.

Lizzie: I was thinking about starting a new tradition: The Spaulding picnic.

Alan: Hmm.

Lizzie: But we have to have Mom there, so...

Alan: Well, she said she has something to do. Besides, Rick’s back in town, you know.

Lizzie: Yeah, but, they're over, so...

Alan: Well, I don't know about that. She struggled with this, and after all, she does care about him a lot.

Lizzie: What if he fights for her? I mean, it is their anniversary, and she could get all emotional.

Alan: If it's meant to be, she'll come back.

Lizzie: But she's happiest with you.

Alan: Look, things that are supposed to work out, work out.

Lizzie: (Sighs) Did you get that one from Gus?

Alan: Their marriage was never a real marriage, Elizabeth, you know that.

Lizzie: Yeah. Well, there are a lot of unreal marriages in Springfield.

(Knock on the door)

Bill: Hey.

Ava: You don't have to knock.

Bill: Uh, do you want to come down and eat?

Ava: You didn't come to bed.

Bill: I had a lot of work to do.

Ava: I waited for you.

Bill: Yeah, well, you know, I think I'm just going to keep the room that I've been using for a while. I think that's what we're going to do.

Ava: But what about...

Bill: I mean, we'll still go downstairs and eat breakfast together and take all of our meals together. And if anyone cares to look, they will see a normal marriage. I think... I think...

Ava: Look, I know-- I know that you're mad.

Bill: Yeah, but you know what? I think that's what we've got to do right now. Okay? It'll be fine. But you know what? You should come on downstairs. The newspaper-- I'll show it to you. It has a nice photo of us.

Ava: I don't even-- I don't-- where do we stand?

Bill: You know what? There are things in this marriage that we both want to get out of it, right? Right? So let’s...

Ava: Well, I guess.

Bill: So let's just keep that. Just come on downstairs. Just read the newspaper. There's a nice article about us. You know, anticipation about the baby. New power couple in town, okay? So let's go down. I think you'll... I think you'll like it. Then after that, I made an appointment for you to see the doctor.

Ava: Today?

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: You made an appointment today?

Bill: Well, it's been a little stressful on you, so I just want to get you checked out and make sure everything's okay. Okay? And then once that comes out A-okay, we'll go over to the Bauer barbecue. What do you say? Yeah?

Ava: Listen, I don't feel like--

Bill: No, I think we should do it. It's a tradition. I've been doing it since I was a little kid. So I just want to share it with... with Max. Alrighty? Great. Super.

Marina: Towels and sunscreen?

Mallet: Check.

Marina: Macaroni salad?

Lillian: Check.

Buzz: The best macaroni salad I ever tasted.

Marina: Focus, Grandpa. You two can make out after the fireworks. Cherry pie?

Buzz: Check.

Marina: Excellent. Beer?

Frank: We've got your beer right here!

Marina: What else am I forgetting?

Lillian: Poor Rick.

Marina: We're forgetting Rick?

Lillian: No, no, no. (Laughter) No. Beth just told him she wants to be with Alan, and so I can't imagine he's going to be in any mood for a party.

Frank: You know what, I've got to say, I didn't even see that one coming. I mean, please, Beth choosing Alan over Rick?

Lillian: Well, you know, I mean, he was the sensible choice, Rick, but, you know, her heart wasn't in it.

Buzz: You've got to go with your heart, you know. When it's time to let it go, you have to let it go. Don't let me go.

Frank: Yeah, but what, on the Fourth of July, here? Come on, it has been a tough year. We need a big holiday bash-- a fun one.

Buzz: Well, frank, there's Labor Day.

Cassie: Hey.

Josh: Ah! Oh!

Cassie: I'm sorry.

Josh: It's okay. It's okay. Oh. No, you know what? I'm sorry. I was supposed to come inside. I was supposed to help you cut onions for the potato salad, right?

Cassie: Uh-huh.

Josh: (Laughs) Let's make a pact. How is this: The next person who uses the word "sorry" has to run 20 laps around the barn. How does that sound?

Cassie: Better than fighting.

Josh: Yeah, I guess it is.

Rick: Hey, hey!

Cassie: Hey.

Rick: I hope you don't mind, I was just going to cut through and take a short cut.

Josh: You've got to get home, buddy. You've got to fire up that barbecue. It's time.

Rick: Oh, I don't really feel up to having a barbecue this year, guys.

Cassie: What do you mean? I baked pies, and I was going to bring a salad...

Rick: Yeah, I know. But it just seems kind of weird to have a big Bauer barbecue and there's no Bauer’s. And I'm not up to wearing the hat this year, quite honestly.

Josh: Well, it's a great hat, I mean, you know that. But the bottom line is, you've got to do what you've got to do, so...

Rick: Yeah, well, not this year. Listen, good to see you. I've got to make a couple of phone calls. But good seeing you. Happy Fourth.

Cassie: Happy Fourth.

Rick: Yeah.

Josh: Happy Fourth to you, my friend.

Rick: You, too. You, too, pal.

Josh: All right. We'll see you.

Cassie: Well, what are we going to do today if there is no barbecue? Oh, he left his bag.

Josh: Give it to me. I'll catch up with him.

Cassie: You know what? Don't bother. Who are you calling?

Josh: I thought I would call, Rick, you know? It's a lot of people to have to call to cancel. I figured I'd offer to help.

Cassie: Hold on a second. What if you don't call to cancel, but you call and tell them to come over here?

Josh: What, you mean we host the Bauer barbecue?

Cassie: It's not just a barbecue.

Josh: No, it's not. It's a Springfield tradition. I mean...

Cassie: Exactly. And it's a very nice one.

Josh: I'm just saying it's a lot to take on.

Cassie: Well, I think we can handle it.

Josh: I'm sure we can. But what are the people going to do who come here? We don't have a hot tub. We don't have a pool. People have to be entertained.

Cassie: Well, I did see something at one of R.J.'s friend's birthday parties that might be fun.

Josh: They're going to have to eat my cooking.

Cassie: You're right. We should definitely call Buzz.

Josh: That's funny. That's really funny.

Lizzie: Mom? Hey. Are you okay?

Beth: Yeah. Yeah, I will be. I'm just mad at myself for toying with people's feelings and going back and forth over a decision that I guess I always knew I was going to make.

Lizzie: We are going to be okay. We're all going to be okay.

Alan: Of course we are.

Lizzie: Yeah, we're Spaulding’s. We fight... and we fight and then we do really horrible things to each other. (Laughs)

Alan: But in the end, we're family.

Lizzie: Family. We are family. And that's all that counts. That's what you can trust. Although, not really trust, but you know what I mean.

Alan: You know, it's a beautiful day outside, and I liked your idea of having a picnic, so why don't we have a picnic at the lighthouse?

Beth: (Laughs) Alan, you hate the lighthouse.

Alan: Let's call Lillian and...

Lizzie: No, she's already going to the barbecue with Buzz.

Beth: Thanks to me, there may be no barbecue.

Alan: Well, we'll start a new tradition of our own, you know? We'll invite everyone.

Lizzie: Why don't we just keep it small? We're going to need food, so I will get that, and you guys take care of everything else. Independence Day, time to be independent.

Bill: Hold on one second. Doctor said that we should wait here, so you want to just have a seat here?

Ava: Yeah, sure.

Bill: I've just got to finish this phone call, okay?

Ava: Okay.

Bill: Hello, I'm back. Yes, yes, yes. Max-- that's right, Maximus. Yes, having a son. A son-- a dream come true! (Laughs) Yes.

Ava: Hi.

Remy: Hi.

Ava: Are you working?

Remy: Night shift. Just finished. I'm going to head over to the Bauer’s, you know-- not sure yet. Well, it was a nice wedding.

Ava: Yeah. I wasn't sure that you were still going to be talking to me or not. (Laughs)

Remy: Of course. Absolutely.

Ava: Well...

Remy: What can I say? I'm a sucker for punishment. I've got to get going.

Ava: Okay.

Buzz: No, we've got things covered. We've got chicken, we've got, uh, shish kebab. We've got Greek salad-- Lillian makes one better than me. And, you know, we're on our way to Rick’s. We'll be there in a half hour.

Lillian: Let me guess, let me guess. Rick cancelled the barbecue?

Buzz: I love your kid, but she broke his heart.

Lillian: Well, I love Rick, but he's been in denial for a long time. Hey, where are the artichoke hearts and the...?

Natalia: Hey, there!

Buzz: Hey, that's my girl.

Frank: Hey, Natalia in the house! Happy Fourth of July!

Natalia: Thank you. What's all of this?

Marina: We were going to do the Bauer barbecue, but Beth broke Rick’s heart. So now Cassie and Josh are doing it and we're helping.

Buzz: It's a tradition, you know?

Mallet: Do you remember that year when Gus ate all of the eggs and we couldn't have the egg toss? (Laughter) That was great.

Buzz: Why don't you change and come with us?

Natalia: Oh, Buzz, have you heard from Harley, anything?

Buzz: A message. They're both fine. Rafe and Harley are fine. They're fine.

Natalia: Okay.

Buzz: She has her good days and her bad days.

Lillian: We know there's nothing worse than being separated from our children.

Lizzie: Hello? Is my order ready?

Buzz: Yeah, I got it.

Lizzie: You're missing the first annual Spaulding picnic.

Lillian: Sweetie, I'm going to come by later. You know that.

Lizzie: All right.

Lillian: And I'll be really mean to Bill.

Lizzie: Ooh, I like that! (Laughs) Hey, you want to get a beer?

Remy: No. No, I'm just hungry.

Lizzie: Because I saw the look on your face when they were marching down the aisle, and I think you need a beer.

Remy: You were there?

Lizzie: Yeah. But I'm totally over him.

Remy: Whatever.

Lizzie: I am. If he wants to spend the rest of his life with a manipulative liar...

Remy: Stop, stop!

Lizzie: Hey, the truth hurts, okay?

Remy: What does that even mean, Lizzie?

Lizzie: Oh, you don't know? Okay, the baby is not Bill's...

Remy: Okay...

Lizzie: ...And he doesn't even care.

Remy: Okay. What the hell are you talking about? Then whose baby is it?

Lizzie: We have to ask the fertility clinic that question.

Remy: You're making this up.

Lizzie: Honestly, I don't have that good of an imagination. Happy Fourth!

Mallet: Wow, is that what I think it is?

Marina: Uh, yeah, it's one of those moon bounce things. The kids will love it.

Mallet: The kids?

Marina: What?

Cassie: Hey, thanks for coming! (Laughter) Wow, it's starting to look like a party around here.

Josh: Yeah, yeah. It seems to be a hit. Nice job.

Cassie: Ah, well... do you need some help?

Josh: Um, yeah, actually-- can you find me something to put this stuff on?

Cassie: Sure.

Josh: I think it’s ready? Thanks.

Buzz: Need some help there?

Josh: Hey. How are you? No, I think I've got it covered. Thank you.

Buzz: Glad to hear it. Look, um.... Rick?

Cassie: I don't think he's going to show.

Ava: I think going to the Bauer barbecue could be fun.

Bill: Really?

Ava: Yeah. I just need to sit down and put my feet up for a little while.

Bill: Oh, okay. Well, I'm going to be right back.

Ava: Where you going?

Bill: Ah, I just noticed that you were down low on the prenatal vitamins, so I'm going to just run and get you some...

Ava: No, I'm fine. I have enough for a few days.

Bill: No. I'll be right back.

Beth: Alan, James, find us a good spot! I hope they heard me. This will be good... for both of us.

Lizzie: I'm not going to be upset about a guy I don't care about anymore marrying someone he never cared about in the first place.

Beth: Lizzie, talk to me. What's so interesting in your phone?

Lizzie: This text that I got. The barbecue-- Cassie and Josh are hosting it, because apparently, Rick wasn't up to it.

Alan: Well, James found us an excellent place right over there.

Lizzie: Rick cancelled the barbecue.

Beth: And it's my fault.

Alan: Well, what's the difference? If he doesn't do it this year, he'll do it next year.

Beth: The barbecue is going on, it's just going on some place else.

Alan: Well, you see? So problem solved.

Beth: But you don't understand. It's not the Bauer barbecue without Rick. I've got to go talk to him.

Alan: Elizabeth, will you give your mother and me just a moment, please?

Lizzie: Yeah. I'll just go check on James.

Alan: Beth, believe it or not, I understand more than you think I do. It's terrible for Rick to lose you today, especially on your anniversary. Believe it or not, I actually feel for the guy.

Beth: I-- I have to go convince him to have this party. You know, his life can't come to a screeching halt just because of me. And maybe I can help.

Lizzie: Mom, come on, snap out of it. We all have to move on. I'm going to make some flowers, because we need a pretty little centerpiece for our picnic, and, um... keep an eye on her.

Lizzie: Happy Fourth. I said happy Fourth.

Bill: I heard you.

Lizzie: How are you?

Bill: Great. Great.

Lizzie: Well, you got your picture-perfect family, just like you wanted.

Bill: You think?

Lizzie: Yeah, I do. You found out the baby wasn't yours, and you married her anyway. That says a lot.

Bill: I couldn't give it up, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Well, you still have the company and the house.

Bill: The baby. I love this baby. It's not what I thought, but it's what I want, so...

Lizzie: I get it. Once you start loving a child... Okay, I've got to go.

Bill: Don’t.

Lizzie: I can't stay.

Bill: Lizzie, I can’t...

Lizzie: You can't what?

Bill: Lizzie, I can't be without you. I can't be without you. I can't walk away from you.

Lizzie: You already did.

Bill: Stay. But we can fix this. We can fix it.

Lizzie: Really?

Bill: Yes.

Lizzie: Do you remember this?

Bill: Forget that.

Lizzie: Forget that?!

Bill: Just forget that right now. Tell me you do not feel this connection that we have? Okay? We can be together. We can fix this, okay?

Lizzie: You know, I think that your wife might have something to say about that.

Bill: We don't tell her. Don't tell her. We don't tell her.

Lizzie: Okay, wow, um... you're acting insane right now.

Bill: Listen to me, listen to me. I wish I said something to you sooner. But you are the only one. You are the one I want to be with, okay? And I just... I can’t... I don't want to live without you. I want you to feel the same way about me, okay? Because you, Lizzie, are the only one. Just... I love you. I love you. Tell me you love me.

Lizzie: Do you... are you asking me to have an affair?

Bill: Lizzie, just tell me... just tell me that you love me.

Lizzie: I... ...have to go.

Bill: No, Lizzie, please don’t. Lizzie, Lizzie, please, we can figure it out!

Lizzie: There's nothing to figure out, Bill!

Ava: Hey. How did you get in? I mean, I'm glad to see you...

Remy: Nobody cares. Nobody even cares. Then why do you care?

Ava: What are you talking about? I thought we were okay.

Remy: I know what you did. I know about the baby.

Ava: Please, I don't want you to mad at me.

Remy: Don't touch me. Don't touch me. I thought that I got to you.

Ava: You do... you have me. You understand me more than anybody...

Remy: Then we're both in trouble, Ava!

Ava: What was I supposed to do, huh? Listen to me. My life was spiraling out of control. My mom was dying. Bill left me... he moved on, okay? I had one shot at this.

Remy: And you took it!

Ava: Of course...

Remy: You took the shot.

Ava: I did.

Remy: You know what? I thought you were something. I thought you were different. I thought I was something being around you, you know? I was wrong.

Beth: Some barbecue you're having.

Rick: It's Cassie and Josh's barbecue. What are you doing here?

Beth: You have to go to the barbecue. It's not the real deal unless you're there.

Rick: Beth, it really doesn't matter to me. I mean, if Cassie and Josh enjoy it, fine. They can do it every year. I don't care anymore.

Beth: You know what? You're right. It doesn't matter where it is. But it does matter what it is. And what it is is you. It's you and it's Ed and Burt and Meta and Mike and Michelle and Maureen...

Rick: I'm the only one that is left now, Beth.

Beth: You know something? It's not something that you can hold in your hand, and it's not even something that you can describe, but it is important. It means a lot to me. To people. Just... just think about it, okay? Just think about it.

Lizzie: (Sigh) Well, so much for our picnic.

Alan: Well, we'll do something else, won't we, Peyton? Now, I want you to, um, look after your big sister here, okay? Because your mommy is going to be home real soon. I'm going to go down into the basement, so I'll be right back.

Lizzie: Granddad, oh, my gosh, what happened?

Alan: Well, I guess I-- I guess I fell.

Lizzie: Are you okay?

Alan: Yeah. Actually, I never felt... I never felt better. Happy Fourth!

Josh: All right, who wants more? Hey, hey, hey. Hey, look who's here! (Cheers)

Frank: Just in time!

Mallet: Rick! Rick, you've got to get on the grill. Josh won't wear the hat.

Rick: Oh, he's not going to wear the hat?

Josh: No. Hey, hey. Look at me. Tell me you're sticking around.

Rick: I'm sticking around.

Josh: Here's the hat, the spatula-- I'm going to go drink.

Rick: This is a Bauer burger not a Josh burger.

Josh: Happy Fourth of July.

Rick: Happy Fourth, folks!

Lizzie: You're sure that you are okay?

Alan: Yeah. I'm fine. I'm fine.

Lizzie: And now you want to go to the barbecue?

Alan: Yes, because I think it's the right thing to do. By the way, Elizabeth, where did you disappear to a while ago in the park?

Lizzie: I just went for a walk.

Bill: Hey.

Ava: Hey.

Bill: So, uh... you ready?

Ava: Yeah. We're both ready.

Bill: Good, good, good. You sure?

Ava: Yeah, are you kidding me? I don't want to miss out on the one day of the year the entire town looks forward to. And Frank called a little earlier. He said it's going to be at Josh and Cassie’s.

Bill: All right. All right. All right. Well, as long as you're sure, so...

Ava: I want to show up. I want to show them what a great couple we are, right?

Bill: Uh-huh.

Ava: I mean, isn't that the entire point of having a huge wedding and all of the publicity and all that fancy stuff?

Bill: Well, I mean...

Ava: I-- I think if we're going to be a power couple, that we need to actually go out on the town and be a power couple on the town.

Bill: Yeah. Right, no, you're right. I'm going to get changed.

Ava: Oh, the vitamins?

Bill: What?

Ava: The vitamins? You went and got my vitamins?

Bill: Yeah, I did. Right there.

Mallet: Happy Fourth, man.

Remy: Happy Fourth.

Rick: Do you want a beer?

Remy: All right.

Rick: Doesn't that look beautiful, son?

Jude: Uh-huh.

Rick: Yeah. See, here are life lessons, son. A woman likes a man who can cook a good burger.

Jude: Uh-huh.

Rick: Okay? You watching very closely?

Jude: Yeah.

Rick: All right, so, it's all in the wrist. Watch Daddy here. You scoop and you just sort of flip it.

Jude: Ewwwww!

Rick: Okay, no, no. It's the five-second rule. As long as there's nothing crawling on it. There you go.

Jude: Gross!

Rick: We'll give that to Alan, okay?

(Screaming and laughing)

Frank: All right, all right, ladies. Come on out of there. It's our turn.

Mallet: Share! Hey, hey, hey.

Josh: Look at me. Hello. Put some sunscreen on. You're going to get burned.

Cassie: Oh, oh!

Marina: Oh, it's the protective husband.

Josh: Come out of there! Come on, come on, come on.

Mallet: You two. Let's go. Come on.

Marina: Those are fighting words!

Mallet: Come on.

Bill: Hey.

Rick: Hey, Bill!

Bill: Dr. Rick Bauer, everyone, on the grill! Is that safe?

Rick: That's it, that's it

Bill: Michelle called me. Said if you weren't here, I was supposed to go looking for you. So I'm glad you're here.

Rick: Where's your beautiful wife?

Bill: Where is she? Ladies' room. Stopped twice on the way over.

Cassie: Ah, yes, the joys of being pregnant.

Bill: Yes. On the bladder, as they say.

Cassie: Excuse me. Lizzie!

Natalia: Want a plate?

Alan: Yep.

Natalia: I so do not fit in here.

Alan: Please! I'm never invited to these things. I just show up.

Natalia: Why?

Alan: Well, you never know what's going to happen, that's why. One year my youngest son landed in a parachute on the Bauer lawn.

Natalia: So you're saying I should just keep my eyes up on the sky?

Alan: Yes. Besides, you know, I think that Gus would want us here today.

Natalia: Gus. You know, I'd rather Gus didn't worry about us and just kind of keep an eye out on his son.

Alan: Don't you worry about that. He is. Ah, will you excuse me just for a minute?

Natalia: Uh-huh.

Alan: Happy Fourth of July, Rick. I think it's great that you're having this barbecue, especially for your children's sake.

Rick: Just trying to do the right thing for my kids, that's all.

Beth: Uh, Alan, why don't we go get something to eat, huh?

Alan: I also wanted to say I know what it's like to lose Beth.

Rick: Oh, you do?

Alan: Yeah. And if throwing this party can distract you a little, so be it. Now, I know that you two need time to talk, and I don't want to get in the way. So if you'll excuse me.

Beth: Um... he actually had a good idea. Why don't we go for a walk?

Rick: Okay.

Remy: I thought you were going to a picnic?

Lizzie: Oh, uh, change of plans.

Remy: About before, I...

Lizzie: Uh-uh. No, no. Stop there. Nothing about Bill or Ava.

Remy: Hear me out.

Lizzie: I just don't want to talk about it today.

Remy: I just want to say thank you.

Lizzie: Huh?

Remy: I just wish I knew yesterday, before I... before I asked her to come away with me and ditch the wedding.

Lizzie: (Laughs) Oh, shut up! No, you didn't!

Remy: Right before.

Lizzie: Okay, well, she obviously said no.

Remy: It was closer than you think.

Bill: (Laughs) See? I knew you'd have some fun, okay? Besides, Max gets his first Bauer burger. So this is... it will be good.

Ava: Thank you for bringing me.

Bill: Oh, well...

Ava: You can go and mingle if you want. I'll be okay.

Bill: Oh, in a minute. In a minute. In a minute. Okay... um, let's not... let's not do that.

Ava: What? I thought that we were pretending to...

Bill: No, you know, let's not... not here. Not now. Okay? Oh, what are you trying to do here, Ava?

Ava: It was a simple kiss.

Bill: Yeah? Well, nothing is simple anymore, okay?

Ava: Oh, stop. Don't be like that.

Bill: Well, I can't help it.

Ava: I thought that's what you wanted. We're supposed to be newlyweds?

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: Most newlyweds can't keep their hands off of each other, Bill. I mean, come on, I thought that's what you wanted. I'm just...

Bill: You're right. You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry. Okay, you know what we're going to do? There's a party outside. So we're going to go back out there, and we're going to have a good time. Okay?

Ava: Okay.

Bill: All right. Good, good, good. Good.

Cassie: Big day, huh?

Josh: Yeah. I'm really glad we were able to help Rick out.

Cassie: Yeah. Maybe he helped us out.

Josh: Nice turnout, too, don't you think?

Cassie: What do you think happened to Reva?

Josh: She said she might come later. And I think Jeffrey is working.

Cassie: I think Jeffrey just hates picnics.

Josh: His loss.

Cassie: Well, I'm just glad to be doing something normal.

Beth: You know, I had a best friend in high school. Maybe I'm idealizing that, too, but I don't think so. He was someone that I loved, and someone that I could always count on. Someone that I still love, and still count on. Oh, Rick, maybe we just... maybe we just reached too high. We should have just appreciated what we had.

Rick: What did we have?

Beth: Rick, did I... did I lose my best friend today? Because I really... I really hope that I didn’t. I really hope that I didn't lose my best friend.

Josh: All right, can I get everybody's attention, please, for just a minute? I promise I won't take up much of your time. But I do think somebody has got to make a speech. And I don't want it to be me, so where is Rick Bauer? There he is! Ladies and gentlemen, Rick Bauer! (Cheers and applause)

Rick: Thank you. Thank you. That's overwhelming. Thank you, please. First of all, I want to thank Cassie and Josh for saving the day. And, quite frankly, getting me behind that grill, where I belong. (Laughter) Hey, listen, happy Fourth of July! Thank you all for coming. And that's all I'm going to say. No "Yankee Doodle" this year. (Groaning)

Frank: Who, whoa, wait. No "Yankee Doodle Dandy," Rick? Come on.

Lillian: Somebody has to remind us of why we really are here. I mean, not just to be with good friends and family and good food. But why we're here.

Rick: Come on, Buzz, why don't you say something?

Marina: Yeah, step up!

Frank: Come on, Dad, you say something.

Marina: Yeah.

Mallet: Well, we are here for good food and friends, especially Cassie’s cherry pie, which is pretty amazing. And we are all here, uh, for the moon bounce. Which, I've got to say, that thing has changed my life. But, um, I'm sure everybody wants to hear something else. So I'll let myself say it. Well, we're here today in a great land and in a wonderful town. And over 200 years ago, some pretty brilliant people conceived a dream, a dream for something better, a dream for all of us. Something that would connect us. Kind of like we're connected to those stars on the flag. And, um... our land and our country is a place of differences and divisions, but it's also a place of unity, and it's also a place where together we can shape our destiny. It's a pretty cool country, is what I'm trying to say.

Frank: All right.

Mallet: Here's to us, and here's to our country, and here's to the holiday that brings us all together!

(Cheers and applause)

("Yankee Doodle Dandy" music playing")

(Cheers and applause)

Rick: Happy Fourth of July, Springfield!

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Josh: Have you and Jeffrey set a date?

Reva: We're kind of unengaged.

Mark: I never should have married her. It was only because I couldn't have you. Cassie was a mistake. You're the love of my life.

Josh: Stop putting your version of us up there on that screen.

Reva: I'm not interested in your husband, Cassie. It's just a movie.

Cassie: In real life, I'm still with Josh.

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