Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/3/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously, on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: Right up to the "I do's," you can walk away.
Bill: Now, why would I do that?
Reva: Well, in case it's not what you want to do or what you need to do.
Bill: Ava... she's the one I want to marry. Please, will you go..
Lizzie: The baby's not yours, Bill. You're not the father.
Bill: (Scoffs) Yeah.
Dinah: Thank you so much for coming. If you want to take some pictures, you just go on down. Feel free.
Reporter: Okay, great.
Dinah: I'm so glad you're here, you look beautiful. Thank you. Okay. Hi, where have you been? Nice of you to show up.
Matt: What's wrong?
Dinah: (Sighs) Nothing. Nothing. I'm sorry. You know what? People are not where they're supposed to be.
Matt: Where's Bill? That's who I'm supposed to keep an eye on.
Dinah: I don't know. But you know what? When you find him, will you make sure that he doesn't go anywhere?
Matt: Yeah. I'll take care of him.
Dinah: Okay. Thank you.
Ava: You pick now to tell me that you love me?
Remy: Why? You got something else going on today?
Ava: Remy...
Remy: I didn't know what it was, okay? I didn't know what it was...
Ava: And you do now?
Remy: Maybe it took almost losing you to be able to say it, you know? To really know it.
Ava: Oh, my God, this is so crazy. I'm getting married.
Remy: Don’t. Don’t. Be with me.
Ava: This is so crazy. This is crazy!
Remy: Just listen to me!
Ava: No! Stop! You can't dump this on me right now! Look at me, I'm in my wedding dress. I'm about to get married!
Remy: You wouldn't be this upset if you didn't feel the same way.
Ava: Look, I do... I mean, I don’t... look, Remy, you and I were friends.
Remy: You know Bill is not the right guy.
Ava: He is.
Remy: Then tell me why? Why is he the right guy? Why? If you're going to spend your whole life with him, you should be able to say it right away.
Ava: There are a million reasons why I want to spend my life with him. I just can’t... you're pressuring me...
Remy: I'm not rich like Bill. I don't own a company, but I can be good to you, Ava.
Ava: I don't know. I don't know.
Remy: Listen, I'm not alone in this. Okay? You feel something, too, and it's more than friendship, and it's way more than what you feel for Bill.
Reva: If you ask me where Jeffrey is one more time, I'm going to pop you in the nose.
Olivia: Find him. Hey. Where have you been?
Reva: Hey, we were worried.
Olivia: No, she was worried. I was ready to kill you. Your daughter has been waiting for you.
Jeffrey: Well, you know, I thought things would be crazy around here, so I didn't want to get in the way.
Olivia: You're the father of the bride.
Jeffrey: Everything running on schedule?
Olivia: Everything except you. Ava thought you were going to stand her up.
Jeffrey: All right. Well, then I'll go talk to her and Bill.
Olivia: What's going on with him?
Reva: I have absolutely no idea.
Bill: Oh, did you really think this through? Huh? Coming in here, and making a scene on my wedding day? No. Don't, Lizzie, please.
Lizzie: No. No, no, no. I am not making a scene.
Bill: No?
Lizzie: I'm just telling you so you know what you're getting yourself into, Bill.
Bill: Oh, really?
Lizzie: It's the truth.
Bill: Then if it's not my baby, whose is it?
Lizzie: She went to a fertility clinic.
Bill: Oh!
Lizzie: She got a sperm donor.
Bill: Oh, oh, that's great, really? See? This is so like you.
Lizzie: What?
Bill: Lying to get back at me. That's what's going on here. Maybe you should leave right now because...
Lizzie: Okay, I know... I know that you don't believe me, okay? But listen to me.
Bill: Hmm?
Lizzie: She did it, okay? She did it to trap you. This life that you're building. It's a lie.
Bill: Okay. So let me guess: Ava just walked up to you and shared this information with you, is that how it worked?
Lizzie: No, she didn’t. It came from a very reliable source.
Bill: Reliable source really?
Lizzie: Yes, someone that has nothing to gain, trust me.
Bill: Trust you? I'm supposed to trust you now?
Lizzie: Okay. You know, I wanted to tell you, okay?
Bill: Really? How long have you been sitting on this gem?
Lizzie: I just found out yesterday.
Bill: Did you really? Yesterday? Wow, that's very convenient.
Lizzie: I didn't even know if I should tell you, okay? I know how much this baby means to you...
Bill: Okay, stop it, Lizzie! We have hurt each other many times before. But I never thought you would come in here and sink this low.
Lizzie: I am not making it up, Bill!
Bill: You want to destroy everything that I'm -- yes, you are. I do not believe you.
Lizzie: You don't believe me?
Bill: No, I don’t.
Lizzie: You don't believe me?
Bill: I don’t. I don’t.
Lizzie: Fine. Would you believe her father?
Bill: What?
Lizzie: Jeffrey O’Neill, Springfield’s honest District Attorney... he's the one who told me, okay? He ratted out his own daughter. Do you believe me now? I overheard Jeffrey on the phone, he was talking to the fertility clinic or his lawyer or something. He wanted to make sure that Ava would be okay. He's worried because he doesn't think that you love her.
Bill: No. Do you realize I've got a wedding that starts in five minutes? Lizzie, five minutes!
Lizzie: Okay, look, I didn't go out looking for this. Okay, but once I found out, I knew that you had to know.
Bill: No, see, no. This is a mistake, Lizzie. It was a misunderstanding. Some kind of joke.
Lizzie: I am so sorry, Bill. It's not!
Bill: What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do with all of this?
Lizzie: I have no idea.
Bill: What am I supposed... I've got a house full of people waiting for a wedding, and a son who... who's not even here yet, but might as well be. That's how much he means to me. I love him with all of my heart. How could she-- how could she do this to me?
Lizzie: I can't tell you what to do. I really didn't want to ruin this day for you. I just couldn't keep it to myself. I thought you deserved to know.
Ava: I can't talk about this right now.
Remy: Now is all we have. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me you have no feelings for me, and I'll walk away.
Ava: You're not wrong. My life is better when you're part of it. I don't have to act. I can be myself. When the phone rings, I always... I always hope that it's you. When something good happens in my day, you're the first person that I want to tell. I feel safe with you. I can laugh with you. I don't have to pretend to be something that I'm not. And it’s... it's okay. But Remy, it's too late. I've already made a commitment to Bill.
Remy: Break it.
Ava: I can’t.
Remy: You're going to choose a commitment over your own happiness?
Ava: No, I'm not. I am happy.
Remy: Oh, come on.
Ava: And I do love Bill. And I love this baby...
Remy: You're making yourself believe it.
Ava: I believe it. We're going to have a home, with my mom and dad. I'm going to have a family. I'm going to have something normal. I've never had anything normal. And this is life is better than normal.
Remy: I can't give you all of that stuff, okay? But I can give you something better.
Olivia: Get out!
Remy: Ava...
Olivia: No, you get out.
Remy: I'm talking to her...
Olivia: You just get out of here, or I'll call security now!
Remy: I'm telling you, Ava, it's on you; it's your call. I'll leave if you say so.
Ava: Just go!
Olivia: Are you okay?
Ava: Yeah, I'm fine. I did what you said. I kept my distance. I didn't kiss him. It's fine.
Olivia: Did your father come to see you?
Ava: No, um, he didn’t. Is he here?
Olivia: Yeah. Do you want to do this?
Ava: I think I just need ten minutes. Just ten minutes.
Olivia: I'll go tell everyone.
Reva: Oh, hey! I'm so glad you decided to come!
Billy: Well, you know, my boy's getting married. I couldn't very well let him, you know, hang out to dry.
Reva: Heck, no. It's been a long time since this family's had a big, old wedding celebration.
Vanessa: Yeah. Well, I just hope this is what he wants.
Billy: Well, he's a little confused, but I think we'll work things out.
Vanessa: Oh, we will. We will. We will.
Reva: Hi, Hilda, can I do something for you?
Hilda: Do you know a woman named Wanda?
Reva: Yeah. Wanda is supposed to be here with Lowell.
Hilda: Oh, okay. They had a fight and she's not coming, I think. She talks really fast.
Reva: Yeah, well, that's Wanda. She's a bit, uh...
Billy: Eccentric?
Reva: Yeah, that's one way of putting it. Thank you. Oh, boy.
Billy: And we thought we were late, right?
Reva: (Laughs) Well, actually, the whole day is a little behind schedule.
Billy: Is everything okay?
Reva: Ah, yeah. Yeah, everything is fine. I mean, you're not the only late arrivals. Jeffrey just arrived, and I haven't seen Josh and Dylan yet.
Vanessa: Oh, they're here. They pulled in right after us.
Billy: Yeah. And they went right to the bar.
Reva: To the bar?
Billy: Yeah.
Reva: That sounds like a fantastic idea. Let's see if I can find them there. See you guys later.
Vanessa: Bye. Well, it's not exactly the wedding I imagined for Bill, but...
Billy: Say, do we know anybody here?
Vanessa: Oh, yeah, sure, of course. It's just that, it's just-- oh, what's the word I'm looking for.
Billy: Um, I think it's "excessive."
Vanessa: No. "Calculated." That’s it.
Billy: Yeah. I've always been a big fan of spur of the moment weddings. Haven't you?
Vanessa: Me, too. (Laughter) But, anyway, our boy's getting married.
Billy: Yeah, and that's not all, Grandma. (Laughter) Oh, you'll get used to it. I thought that about being called "Grandpa," but once Daisy called me "Grandpa," I...
Vanessa: I'm fine with "Grandma."
Billy: Yeah.
Vanessa: I just want my children to be happy.
Jeffrey: What's wrong?
Olivia: Everything. Nothing. Nothing. You ready to go?
Jeffrey: Well, uh I haven't, you know, talked to Ava or Bill yet, so...
Olivia: All right, well, be my guest
Jeffrey: Maybe it's best not to push this.
Olivia: Push what? We're already running late.
Jeffrey: The marriage. You know, we both came to a couple of close calls ourselves. And it's perfectly understandable that we would want to set up our daughter for life, but a life based on false pretenses?
Olivia: Shh would you stop it? What are you doing?
Jeffrey: Lizzie's talking to Bill right now.
Olivia: Why? Why don't you stop her? I had to kick Remy out like, I don't know, six times.
Jeffrey: Do you want to sit?
Olivia: No! Do you know what they're talking about?
Jeffrey: Let's just say that, um, I don't think there's going to be a wedding.
Olivia: Well, you're being awfully calm about this. This is your daughter's wedding day. She asked you to walk her down the aisle. Doesn't that mean something to you?
Jeffrey: More than you can possibly know.
Olivia: Well, you're standing around like some innocent by-stander.
Jeffrey: (Sighs) Ava means everything to me, okay? And sometimes things just happen, and there is nothing we can do about it, no matter how much we love her.
Bill: Hey.
Dinah: You feeling all right? You okay?
Bill: Yeah. Have you seen Ava?
Dinah: No.
Bill: No?
Dinah: And neither should you. Not before everything starts.
Bill: No, I've... I've got to go.
Dinah: Go? What are you talking about?
Bill: Yeah.
Dinah: What are you talking about? The Governor is sitting in the first row. A couple of Fortune 500 guys who wouldn't have bothered with Spaulding a year ago. They're all waiting for you to get married. We're living the dream, Bill. Let me tell you something, Ava looks absolutely beautiful, she looks like a princess...
Bill: Dinah, not now, okay?
Dinah: Bill? What the hell? What am I going to tell the minister?
Ava: What are you doing here? Crashing my shower wasn't enough?
Lizzie: I was just leaving.
Ava: This is supposed to be the happiest day of my life, and now I'm... what, supposed to deal with you?
Lizzie: I haven't done anything. But if you're looking for somebody to blame...
Ava: Just get out!
Lizzie: That's what I'm trying to do. Good luck today. Oh, and I just talked to Bill, and it seems like he just can't wait to talk to you.
Bill: Hey there, kiddo.
Billy: Hey. Look, I was, um... I was hoping I was going to get a minute with you alone. You know, you and I have been-- we've been butting heads on just about everything, but I love you. And I want you to be happy, and so does your mom. We both do.
Bill: Thanks, Dad.
Billy: Son, you proved yourself. You got the house, you got the business, and you're starting a family with Ava, and, I don't know-- I mean, I know that this is what you wanted when you came back. You wanted to show people that you didn't get where you are simply because my name is on the letterhead. You didn't wait for Josh and I to give you the business. You took it. And... (laughs) I was real angry about the way you did it, and I still am, but I am proud as hell of you.
Bill: Really?
Billy: Yeah. You know what H.B. is doing right now? H.B. is sitting there going, "Look at little Bill, living in the big house, showing up his dad." Okay? And as soon as you have family, you'll get the first look at that beautiful little face of your boy. And when you do, you will see clearly that nothing can make you as mad or as proud. I mean, I'm talking the kind of pride that just... it just bursts your heart with love. That's the pride you feel for your own flesh and blood. And I... well, I just wanted to say that to you. And I'm going to go get lost now. You okay?
Bill: I'm just glad you're here, Dad.
Olivia: Gosh, I thought I kicked you out!
Remy: You did.
Dinah: You did what?
Olivia: I don't want him around Ava today.
Dinah: Wait a minute. He's my friend, he's staying.
Olivia: I'm calling security.
Dinah: Olivia, knock it off. He's my guest. That's what it said on the envelope, "Dinah Marler and guest." You didn't tell her?
Remy: I forgot. Yeah, maybe you should be less worried about us and find out what's holding up the wedding. Thank you.
Dinah: Your welcome.
Jeffrey: Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie, wait. Did you tell him?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Jeffrey: So, tell me something? Why didn't you tell him yesterday?
Lizzie: I almost didn't tell him at all. The last thing that I want to do is hurt Bill. He really loves the baby. And this is probably the worst day of his life, and I will always be the one who gave him the news. He's never going to look at me the same way again.
Jeffrey: Wait. What do you think he's going to do?
Lizzie: You know, I don't know. Lots of people live with lies and have a fine time doing it. Look at my granddad. He raised my father, lied to him for half of his life. He loved him just like Bill loves this baby.
Jeffrey: You really think Alan is a good example?
Lizzie: I couldn't tell him what to do. I don't even think he believed me. He thought I was working some kind of angle.
Jeffrey: Well, Ava’s going to be humiliated now in front of all of these people, and that's my fault.
Lizzie: Ah, no. It is her fault. And, let's not forget that Bill is going to be humiliated as well, and he didn't do anything but take care of her and that baby that she bought for herself. It's up to him now.
Olivia: Maybe we should bustle the back until we get down there...
Dinah: No, no! That will crinkle it. Mindy can't stand crinkles, okay? That won't be good for the photos.
Olivia: Yeah, I don't care. This isn't Mindy’s dress. This is New York Couture. It's not the Oklahoma sewing circle. Okay? I don't want grass stains on it before she even gets down the aisle.
Ava: Look, you guys, please, enough! Geez!
Dinah: Are you ready?
Ava: Yeah!
Bill: Hey.
Olivia: Hey. You can’t... you can't see her.
Bill: I saw her before.
Olivia: In the dress?
Bill: Uh-huh.
Ava: It's okay. What's wrong?
Bill: What’s... how can you do this?
Ava: Do what?
Bill: How can you let this go for so long?
Ava: What are you talking about?
Bill: You know what this family meant to me.
Ava: What? Bill, the only person that I want is you. And this whole thing is so much better than I could ever have dreamed of. You, me, our life, the baby...
Bill: Okay, stop it! I know the baby is not mine.
Ava: Why are you saying that?
Bill: Am I wrong? Is it mine?
Ava: Yes! Yes, it's yours!
Bill: You're lying, Ava. I can see it in your face.
Ava: Bill...
Bill: What? What could you say that could possibly make this any better?
Ava: You love him?
Bill: Yes!
Ava: Okay, Max is yours in every single way that counts.
Bill: Okay.
Ava: It just...
Bill: What did you do, Ava?
Ava: What? Just... I thought I was...
Bill: Just tell me what you did, Ava!
Ava: I thought I was pregnant. Okay?
Bill: Uh-huh.
Ava: And I wanted to be pregnant so bad, and I thought it was yours. My mother was dying. I was losing my family. And when I found out that I wasn't, I just-- I was so sure, Bill. I was. And I thought if time went by, you and I-- we would eventually learn to love each other. I did it for you, so that you and I could have a family. For us.
Bill: Ava, so you went to a fertility clinic? Are you...
Ava: How... how do you know about that?
Bill: Yeah.
Ava: I did go to a fertility clinic, okay? And I picked a donor who was just like you.
Bill: Oh, that’s...
Ava: Who just looked like you...
Bill: Mm-hm.
Ava: Same blood type, everything -- because I wanted...
Bill: Ava, listen to me. It's not me, okay? It's not mine. This child that you are carrying is not mine. You lied to me! Why would you do that?
Ava: I didn’t... look, okay? Look where it got us. We're having... we're making a family. We have a beautiful home. We're having a gorgeous wedding. We're going to have a successful company together.
Bill: You let me fall in love with this child. This child-- you let me believe that this was my son. And I couldn't wait to raise him and watch him grow. It's all a lie, Ava.
Ava: I'm sorry, okay? I really want him to be yours.
Billy: Hey, darling, what are you doing here?
Lizzie: I have no idea.
Billy: Well, you know they haven't even... wait. Is there something up?
Lizzie: I don't think there's going to be a wedding. I'm pretty sure. And I can't tell you anything more about it.
Billy: Well, then you're going to stay right here.
Lizzie: Nobody wants me here, Billy.
Billy: No. Darling, you're going to stay. Hey, look, wait a minute-- if this thing is blowing up, the wedding is off. It's not just this wedding that is off, his whole entire life is down the tubes. Everything! You are going to be needed. You're going to stay.
Lizzie: It isn't my place, okay? I'm only going to make things worse, Billy.
Billy: Lizzie! Lizzie, stay.
Vanessa: Hey. Hello. Is everything all right, Hilda?
Hilda: It's the girls. Emma and Maureen? Grape juice... not good. Got to go.
Vanessa: Oh! Well, as far as bridesmaids dresses go, that is a good one.
Dinah: Yeah. It was just me, so I got to pick it out.
Vanessa: Yeah. You look lovely, just lovely.
Dinah: Thank you. I was going for "hot," but I appreciate it.
Vanessa: I'm really sorry about you and Mallet. I really am.
Dinah: Where did that come from?
Vanessa: Oh, oh, I don't know, just the day, you know, weddings and love and stuff like that. But... you'll be fine.
Dinah: I have what I need.
Vanessa: I hope so.
Dinah: You know what? Don't say it like that, like you don't believe me at all. I know that this is a great day, and I have my family here.
Vanessa: I know. What I meant was that a person can't count on other people to make them happy. And Bill is going to have his own life now, and I... I guess I feel that once you really understand that you're responsible for your happiness, that's when you'll find the right person, the right person for you.
Dinah: I'm going to go outside and just see what's holding things up.
Vanessa: Okay.
Reva: Hey. Uh-oh, your bow tie is crooked.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? It doesn't matter.
Reva: Of course it matters.
Jeffrey: No, because, uh...
Reva: Now you're perfect.
Jeffrey: There's not going to be a wedding, okay? They haven't said anything, but they will soon enough. So I think everybody here should get very drunk.
Reva: What is going on?
Jeffrey: You don't want to know.
Reva: Well, I'm glad I found out this about you-- the whole wedding thing makes you nervous. I'm glad we decided not to have one.
Jeffrey: No, no, no. When we get married, okay, it's not going to be this. We'll elope or something.
Reva: When we get married? What can I do?
Ava: Bill-- Bill, I know that you don't want to believe this, okay, but everything-- me, the baby, this whole situation -- it's coming from a good place. Because I love you.
Bill: Here's what's going to happen-- or not going to happen, okay? I am not going to let you take this away from me.
Ava: I didn't try to take anything away from you...
Bill: No, Ava, you don't understand. You won’t. The house, the family, the baby? It is mine, okay? I had it and I am not going to lose it. You got that?
Ava: No, I don't get it.
Bill: We are still going to do this.
Ava: Do what?
Bill: Okay, it's not going to be like before, okay? I don't think I could ever love you like that. You're going to have your life, and I'm going to have mine. Okay? And we're going to do it under the same roof. Do you understand? When we're out in public, we're going to look like the perfect couple, okay? I am not giving this up! Do you understand me, Ava?
Ava: You still want to marry me?
Bill: I still want to marry you, and I am going to be the father of this baby because I love this baby more than I am mad at you right now. You made your bed, okay? And you will lie in it. And we will be Mr. And Mrs. Lewis.
Ava: But, Bill...
Bill: ...Till death do us part.
Ava: I can't believe that you want to do this.
Bill: As long as you understand my terms.
Ava: You're not going to kick me out?
Bill: You know what I want. Now, I'm going to go downstairs and I'm going to talk to the guests, okay? Hurry up. We're already running late.
Today a moment frozen time just for
me and I look around,
as it all can be found in the
circles made of sand
oh, today.
Never know
would it be too much to ask
for all this just to fall into
From the world give it back the
moment it was mine.
It all comes around in the
circles made of sand
and I see the world from here.
And I see the world from
And if this moment moves to
we'll find a way to make this
oh, today.
If we take it day by day
if we take it day by day
if we take it day by day
before it all goes away,
when it all goes away, we can
say it was just today.
If we take it day by day
if we take it day by day
if we take it day by day
when it all goes away, we can
say it was just today.
Jeffrey: Ava? If there's anything that you need, okay, anything at all, I'm here.
Ava: You told him, didn't you?
Jeffrey: What?
Ava: You and Olivia were the only ones who knew. You told Bill. When did you tell him, today?
Jeffrey: I didn't tell Bill. I told Lizzie. Okay, hate me. Hate me forever, if you have to, okay, because I couldn't let you do this. Ava, you deserve someone who really loves you. I don't expect you to understand.
Ava: I do understand. I understand.
Jeffrey: What? Okay? Can I do anything?
Ava: Actually, there is something that you can do, since you're asking. You can walk me down the aisle.
Jeffrey: But you just told me that Bill knew.
Ava: He does know. And he's waiting for me. Dad, he knows, okay? I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it ever again. This is a decision that Bill and I have made together. That's it.
Jeffrey: A decision you've made-- Ava...
Ava: It might not be the way that you want me to live my life. And it may not be the dream that I had envisioned for myself, but who said that it's not going to work?
Jeffrey: Are you sure about this?
Ava: I'm sure.
Jeffrey: You've made up your mind?
Ava: It's made up.
("Wedding March" playing)
Ava: It’s a deal.
Minister: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to turn in holy matrimony this man and this woman.
Bill: You okay?
Ava: Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little kick. It's all right. We can continue. Just maybe the short version. Thank you.
Bill: Ava... when I look in your eyes, I see my future. You, me, our... the baby. And this is for him. Max. Giving him a home, two parents who love him and understand each other. And, Ava, as long as you and I are together, anything is possible. The future is ours.
Ava: Bill, I've waited for this day for so long. And now that it's here, I couldn't imagine it any other way. I am looking forward to our... life together. I'm looking forward to raising our son together. I know that our life is going to be full of love and endless possibilities. And, you're right, there is nothing that we can't do together as a family.
Minister: Do you, Ava Peralta, take Harlan Billy Lewis to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?
Ava: I do.
Minister: Do you, Harlan Billy Lewis, take Ava Peralta to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?
Bill: I do.
Minister: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You can kiss your wife. (Laughter) (Applause)
Coming up on “Guiding Light”...
Lizzie: There are a lot of unreal marriages in Springfield.
Bill: Tell me that you do not feel this connection that we have, we can be together. We can fix this. I wish that I had said something to you sooner, but you are the only one that I want to be with.
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