Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/26/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light":
Ava: We are working on the seating arrangements for the shower.
Bill: Cool.
Ava: Do you have any requests?
Bill: I request that I show up at the end, say hello, and take off with my gifts.
Olivia: I want what's best for you, you know that.
Ava: I'm willing to make any sacrifice I have to for my new family and my new life.
Olivia: Even if it's Remy?
Bill: Ava gets me. Do I love her as much as Lizzie? No. But we can have a great life.
Bill: Hey.
Ava: Hi.
Bill: You excited about the shower?
Ava: I'm a little nervous about the shower. I didn't realize it was going to be such an event.
Bill: It's going to be a huge event. I already bombed it three times in the Bahas. Don't go near the... I'm kidding. I'm kidding. It's going to be fine, okay. Going to have family will be there. My mom, and your mom.
Ava: And a lot of really fancy society people.
Bill: Yeah. You already met them when you worked for Alan. So, not a big deal.
Ava: That was different.
Bill: A little bit.
Ava: Yeah.
Bill: A little bit. But it's no big deal. You'll be just, just fine, okay? Listen, I've got to go. I've got to go to the courthouse and wrap up some things over there. I won't be long.
Ava: You're going to be there, right?
Bill: In time for cake. And I will never miss Max’s first party. I won't, I promise. It's going to be fantastic. Are you excited?
Ava: Yeah.
Bill: Tell me you're excited.
Ava: I'm excited.
Bill: Okay.
Ava: It's just a shower. Not that big of a deal.
Olivia: So, here you go.
Dinah: All right. What's this?
Olivia: This is a list. The names with the red dots next to them are people you need to pay very special attention to. The ones that are underlined are folks that are already here. They're out on the terrace getting tanked.
Dinah: Mandy Gladstone, Jennifer Yearly, where do I know them from?
Olivia: Chicago. They cover the society events in the city.
Dinah: Oh, wow! Aren't we fancy.
Olivia: Well, this is about Ava and Bill.
Dinah: Of course it is. Yeah.
Olivia: Hilda, thank you for your help. Do you want a ride back to the house?
Dinah: Hilda is staying. She's actually my guest.
Olivia: Oh! So, listen, keep an eye on the staff. Make sure everyone gets lots of food and drink.
Dinah: Yes, yes. We will hold down the fort, Olivia. Don't you worry.
Olivia: Good.
Dinah: Champagne?
Olivia: Oh, my. Wow.
Natalia: Good to see you, too. Ladies? Would you like a drink?
Dinah: Okay. Take your time. (Whispers) Just never come back, that would be good with me.
Lizzie: I think that the judge is going to hear what I'm saying. I think he is going to squash Bill and his guerrilla takeover tactics. I... I don't know. I... I feel it. I feel like my luck is changing, Mom, I really do. I'm going to call you when it's done, okay? All right. I won't take long. Love you, too. Bye.
Olivia: Hey, those shoes. You going to be okay?
Ava: Yeah, I'm going to be fine.
Olivia: You're going to be on your feet all day.
Ava: Yeah. Well, I was kind of hoping I could sit down and open gifts on a throne.
Olivia: A throne?
Ava: Uh-huh.
Olivia: Well, you know, I hope you get what you want. Because, you know, usually people have time to register for this stuff.
Ava: Oh, I don't really care. It's not that important to me. Having a good husband is a lot more important than fine china.
Olivia: That's true, that's a good point. Because you can return things; you can't return a husband.
Ava: Yeah. I got that.
Olivia: You look beautiful
Ava: Thanks.
Olivia: I have to go get something. I'll be right back.
(Cell phone rings)
Remy: You blowing off your own shower?
Ava: No, it starts later. You're out in the field today, right?
Remy: Yeah, yeah. I just got here.
Ava: I wanted to wish you luck.
Remy: Well, I have my phoenix charm, so I'm cool. Are you okay?
Ava: Yeah, I'm fine. I was just, I don't know, I wanted to say hi. I was thinking about you. Just go save some lives today, why don't you?
Remy: I'll do my best. You have fun at your party, okay?
Ava: I'll do my best. Okay. Bye.
Bill: (Laughs) Well, well, look who decided to show up. I was getting real worried there.
Lizzie: I'm right on time.
Bill: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Well, I'll tell the judge that you're here. This won't take long.
Lizzie: Whatever you say.
Marina: No. No, no, no, no. No, we are not seeing Zombie Warfare.
Mallet: Mm-mmm. Absolutely. Absolutely. Have you read the reviews on the sci-fi web sites? Hot. It's a rocking movie.
Marina: I'm sorry, what? Did someone just say nerd?
(Cell phone rings)
Marina: Cooper. Oh, hey, Dad. Oh! Okay. Right. Okay. What? Really? No. It's interesting, that's all. It's not that interesting, it's just, okay, I know. I know! I know! Okay. I've got to go. Love you, bye.
Mallet: What's up?
Marina: Cooper family update. Daisy is, I guess, still crazy about the freakish Grady boy.
Mallet: Yeah. Good girls liking bad boys. What's this world coming to?
Marina: I guess Grandpa took Zach to go see Harley, wherever she is. The thing is just so weird to even think about.
Mallet: Yeah, it is. Anything else?
Marina: Yeah. Harley broke up with Cyrus, I guess. So, my dad wasted no time in mentioning to steer clear of him. I think he's just happy to finally like the guy that I'm with.
Mallet: Are we still on for a movie?
Marina: Yeah. Do you want to go get a drink first?
Mallet: Company?
Marina: Ah, Towers.
Hilda: Excuse me, Ms. Peralta.
Ava: Hi.
Hilda: Hi.
Ava: Hi. It's so nice to see a familiar face.
Hilda: I hope I'm not interrupting. I just wanted to give this to you.
Ava: Oh, thank you. You shouldn't have.
Hilda: Oh, I wanted to. I'm so excited about the baby.
Ava: Me too. Me too. Me too. Thank you.
Hilda: Oh, you're welcome.
Ava: Oh, great. Right over here.
Olivia: So, do you know all of the guests?
Dinah: Yes, I am getting there.
Olivia: Good. Then between the two of us, we can work the room.
Dinah: I want you to trust me. I will be on my best behavior today. I promise. Hey, Emma, Emma, I need to borrow your big sister. Is that all right? Okay. Hey, I'm really sorry. This whole thing is turning out to be a little stuffier than I thought.
Ava: Oh, no, no. Hilda just showed up, and she brought me a gift. It was so sweet.
Dinah: Aww. Well, your mom had a cow, but I wanted her to come. Have you seen the terrace?
Ava: No.
Dinah: It's absolutely beautiful. Flowers. It's gorgeous.
Vanessa: Hello, everybody.
Dinah: Well, hello. Now it's a party. Hi, mother. Hello.
Ava: Thank you for coming.
Vanessa: Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Olivia: Hey, Em? Come here, baby. I would like you to meet Mrs. Chamberlain.
Emma: Is Maureen coming?
Vanessa: Hello, sweetheart. Well, she can't because she is at camp. But she wanted me to say hello to you. So, here. Thank you.
Olivia: Put that on the table. Thanks, baby.
Vanessa: She's really lovely.
Olivia: Thank you. I've been blessed with two wonderful daughters.
Dinah: Reva. I didn't think you'd make it.
Reva: Didn't think I would, or didn't want me to. So who are all these women. They look like a bunch of stuffy Spaulding types.
Dinah: Well, then it's a good thing you came. You can loosen them up for me.
Reva: I need a drink for that. May I? Thanks, Natalia.
Dinah: Cheers.
Reva: Cheers. Oh, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Hello.
Natalia: Ms. Marler, you have a telephone call.
Dinah: Oh, good, thank you. Okay, where is the phone?
Natalia: No phone. You just looked like you needed a breather.
Dinah: Thank you. I need something. Okay. Do the words "private party" mean nothing?
Natalia: Can I help you with something?
Dinah: No. No, I've got this one covered. Thank you. Hello.
Marina: Hi. I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Dinah: Oh, yeah, it's a private party. But stay. Stay. The more, the merrier.
Marina: There's a lot of people in there.
Dinah: Yeah. It's a big event. My brother is a big deal in this town.
Marina: You know what they say? Behind every big man, there's a...
Dinah: Dinah Marler.
Marina: Gotcha. Hey, it's me. Um, I'm thinking maybe we should meet at the movies. You should definitely call me before you come to Towers, okay? Bye.
Dinah: Was that Mallet?
Marina: Yeah. I just didn't think he would want to crash a shower, so...
Dinah: Oh, no. He could come. That's fine. That's fine. I'm not packing. You can frisk me if you want.
Vanessa: Are you feeling ready for the wedding?
Ava: I think so.
Vanessa: Yeah? Good. And how are you feeling?
Ava: I'm feeling pretty good. He's actually started kicking a lot lately. Um... I know that you and Bill, you're not talking right now. And I'm hoping that when this baby arrives, it will bring everyone closer. You, Bill, Billy, all of us.
Vanessa: I hope so, too.
Dinah: Do you want to open up some gifts? Or should we just circulate and maybe just socialize a little bit?
Ava: Oh, yeah. I... well, can you wait a little bit on the gifts because I was hoping and Bill should be here any second, so...
Dinah: Sure, yeah, good idea.
Bill: Okay. That's nice, really nice. Well, that was good. It didn't take long.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, good for you.
Bill: Yeah, well, what do you expect, Lizzie? You knew your case was a long shot. The merger was legal. I didn't do anything wrong. But I am glad that we can get this thing settled and move on with our lives.
Lizzie: Oh, I'm not settled.
Bill: You're not? No?
Lizzie: You'll be hearing from my attorneys.
Bill: Oh, I will be? Really? Is that really how you want to spend the rest of your life? Chasing me down with attorneys?
Lizzie: I want my life back.
Bill: Do you?
Lizzie: Yes. My family's company, my family's house, things like that.
Bill: Okay. Well, here's something: You could have had all of that, but you said no, you didn't want that.
Lizzie: No, because I didn't want to do it your way.
Bill: My way? Really? Well, guess what, my way was the only way.
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Bill: Laugh. You know me, I drifted through my life without a plan. But when I came back to Springfield, I realized if I'm going to make something of myself, then I'm going to need one. So this is me making that plan happen.
Lizzie: Well, I am sorry that I messed up your plan for a little while.
Bill: You did. You did do that. But, I'm back on track. I know what I want. I know what I need. And it is a good, good feeling. Yep.
Lizzie: So you're happy?
Bill: Yeah, very happy.
Lizzie: Good luck.
Bill: You need a ride?
Lizzie: Not at all.
Bill: Wasn't going to give you one.
Dinah: Remy! Hi! Oh, I miss you so much!
Remy: I missed you, too.
Dinah: Hi!
Remy: Hey.
Dinah: Really? You miss me?
Remy: Yes! Yes, yes! But the house got a little crowded, especially with me and Bill.
Dinah: Oh!
Remy: But I'm fine. I'm good.
Dinah: Good, good. Why didn't you tell me about your job?
Remy: I thought it would be a fun surprise.
Dinah: Okay. Well, we will go out and celebrate.
Remy: Okay.
Dinah: I'm glad that we're both okay. I really am. If you need anything...
Remy: Yes.
Dinah: ...You're going to tell me, right?
Remy: Yes, yes, yes. Thanks. You, too.
Dinah: Okay. All right.
Remy: Okay?
Dinah: I've got to go do a few more things. You better call me! You're still my best friend. You can't get off the hook. Wee!
Reva: It's not exactly the party you thought it would be, huh?
Ava: It's great. Are you kidding me? Dinah, Olivia, they really outdid themselves.
Reva: Hmm. Then why is it that the guest of honor is sitting here all alone, staring at the clock.
Ava: It's all new to me, this whole thing. I've never been a guest of honor. I've always wanted to be, but...
Reva: Always on the outside looking in?
Ava: Yeah.
Reva: I can totally relate to that. But let me give you a word of advice: Getting inside isn't always what it's cracked up to be.
Ava: Well, I love Bill, and I love the life that we're about to create together.
Reva: Good, then concentrate on that. Because the rest of this stuff, as nice as it is, it's not going to keep you warm on a cold winter's night.
Bill: Doo, doo, we've got a party here, yeah we do.
Ava: Hey. I'm glad you're here.
Bill: How is my little boy. Is he having a good time?
Ava: Oh, yeah. He's loving all of the attention from the women. I wonder where he gets that from?
Bill: I wonder where? That's me boy. And there she is, my mommy.
Vanessa: Hello.
Bill: You look wonderful.
Vanessa: Nice to see you.
Ava: I needed your mom to stick around just so she could point out who everyone is at the party.
Bill: Oh!
Vanessa: It's quite the party. Quite the guest list.
Bill: Yes, yes, yes, yes, it is. And thank you for helping out. Thank you so much. I see Olivia is pretty good at the old shmoozefest over there, working her own Spencer magic. Maybe we should do a little mingling. You want to do a little mingling? Mama, do you want to come with us?
Vanessa: Ah, no. I wanted to check in with Dinah. Because she was a little down.
Bill: She was?
Vanessa: Yeah.
Bill: You know what? I'm going to take care of it. You have fun. Okay. All righty. Okay.
Dinah: Hey.
Bill: Hey.
Dinah: I'm glad you're here. Where have you been?
Bill: Yeah. What's going on? Mom tells me you're a little freaked.
Dinah: You know what? Mom just needs to zip it, okay? Because, you know, between her and Olivia and Reva, they're taking over. They know everyone. You know, and Reva cannot stop talking about the movie, and Olivia is just sucking the life out of my shower.
Bill: Ava's shower.
Dinah: I know-- you know what I mean. You know what I mean? I planned it, you know. And I want it to go good.
Bill: I know.
Dinah: Excuse me, everybody. Can I have your attention, please? I'd like to make a toast to the happy couple. My brother Bill and his beautiful fiancée, Ava. Being a happy couple is nothing to take for granted in this crazy world, but I know that the two of you have what it takes to make it. And I want to welcome you, Ava, to our family. And I'm very excited to be an auntie, and I wish you all of the good things that life has to offer. To Ava and Bill.
Olivia: You should keep an eye on her.
Bill: She's fine.
Olivia: Yeah?
Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Olivia: All right, well, then I want to congratulate you from getting Remy out of the house.
Bill: Oh, well, you don't have to congratulate me. It's not what I wanted to do, but it's what I had to do.
Olivia: Right. Well, I think this family can do great things, if nobody screws up.
Bill: I agree 110%. But I want to apologize about Dinah. I think she was a little overwhelmed at the beginning, but she's working through it.
Olivia: You think so.
Bill: Yeah, yeah.
Olivia: I'm, I'm trying to help her. I really am. I just think she's kind of spinning out of control. I mean, I know the signs. Have you ever really thought to, relocate her after the wedding?
Bill: What?
Olivia: It's just a thought.
Bill: Oh, Olivia.
Olivia: It's just a little thought.
Bill: You look wonderful, by the way.
Olivia: Thank you. So do you, too. Have fun.
Bill: Okay.
Olivia: Hey. What, what... what?
Natalia: You. Trying to come between a brother and a sister.
Olivia: Oh, would you lighten up. Besides, it's none of your business. Where are you going? We have guests.
Natalia: I'm taking my break.
Emma: I'm helping Ava open her presents.
Olivia: Oh, that's good. You know the cake is coming soon, so would you save me a seat? Excellent.
Dinah: She asked me, but I told her to ask her mother.
Olivia: Thank you. Could you do me a favor? I left a gift downstairs, and I could really use your help. I want to give it to Ava.
Dinah: Didn't you already give all of the gifts?
Bill: Lizzie.
Reva: Lizzie, sweetie, over here, honey. I'm buying drinks.
Bill: I saw her at the courthouse earlier. We had this thing I had to wrap up but um... I didn't want to the tell you about it, but I'm going to take care of this, okay? I'm going to take are of this. Sit tight, sit tight. Okay. Hey, hey, hey. What's going on. What are you doing?
Vanessa: I really want Bill and Ava to be happy, but I don't know if they're ready.
Bill: So, what, did you follow me here? What happened?
Lizzie: No, I didn't follow you here.
Bill: Did you know this was going on?
Lizzie: No, I didn't know it was going on.
Bill: You didn't know that this was going on.
Lizzie: I didn't know it was going on.
Bill: Sorry. You okay?
(Telephone ringing)
Ava: Is that yours?
Olivia: No, it's Natalia. It's annoying isn't it? (Telephone ringing)
Ava: Yeah make it stop.
Olivia: Hello? Rafe, is that you? It's Olivia. Your mom stepped out.
Rafe: Don't tell anybody, please.
Olivia: No, no. Of course not.
Rafe: Yeah, um. Is she there? Can you get her for me, please.
Olivia: Yeah. Yeah, I'll find her. Just stay with me.
Reva: So what do you think of all of this?
Vanessa: Well, I really like Ava. She's a lovely girl. And I can't wait to be a grandmother. But it's a little... it's a little fast, a little intense. It makes me nervous.
Reva: Me, too.
Vanessa: And I guess in a funny way, ah, I feel responsible.
Reva: You?
Vanessa: Yeah. I mean, I know I shouldn't, but, you know, when Bill first came back to town, he had that chip on his shoulder. And he had to prove to everybody-- everybody-- me, Billy and the whole town, and I have a feeling that maybe he's trying to prove to the whole town that he has got to have the perfect family, the family that everybody is going to want to envy. I don't know, but maybe it has something to do with his not having had, as a boy, what he wanted from Billy and me.
Reva: Vanessa, no, no, no, no, no.
Vanessa: I think maybe because we tried to give him a good home, but I'm not so sure we did.
Reva: We never really feel like it's quite enough, huh?
Vanessa: And they are our babies. They're our children. And really, the only thing that really matters to us at all is to see them happy, right?
Reva: But at what cost?
Vanessa: Well... I know. That's the question.
Remy: Hey, hey, hey, don't even think about it.
Ava: I was just checking out the glass, it's pretty. What are you doing here?
Remy: Well, I got off work early. I was in the area, coincidence.
Ava: Yeah. You had your first day at work today. How did it go?
Remy: Yes, it was good. It was good.
Ava: Yeah?
Remy: Yeah. So how are things going on around here?
Ava: Yeah, well, it was a... it was a lot of things. Dinah and my mom were competing over hostess of the year, and then, of course, Lizzie shows up. Which was interesting.
Remy: Wow, I need a drink.
Ava: Ah, yeah.
Remy: Ah, man. Well, I'm sorry it's not more fun for you.
Ava: It's fine. It's not your fault. I'm just happy that you showed up. I was kind of hoping you were going to stop by and... cheers.
Bill: I am going to take you out of here because...
Lizzie: Okay, wait. Why? Are you afraid I'm going to embarrass you? Or is the press on its way here?
Bill: The press is already here. Do not do this. Please, do not do this.
Lizzie: What if I want to stay? You obviously have a lot of food and drinks, right?
Ava: Look at that, Lizzie’s staying.
Lizzie: You bet I am.
Olivia: Hey, Rafe, listen, I'm in a stairwell, I might lose you, okay. Just hang on. Your mother should be here somewhere. I'm going to have to just take the phone away from my ear. Just stay with me, okay. Natalia! Natalia!
Mallet: You looking for something?
Dinah: Oh, Olivia wanted me to look for... you know what? It doesn't matter. I'm just going to head up to the shower.
Mallet: You taking a shower?
Dinah: No! No. Ava's wedding/baby shower. Yes, I am the hostess. Everybody is just waiting for me to screw up and wreck the whole thing.
Mallet: Do you want to wreck it?
Dinah: No. No. I like Ava, and this is a big day for my brother. Just made a nice toast.
Mallet: Nice. Nice. Good for you. I'm sorry I missed it. I'm supposed to meet Marina here.
Dinah: Oh, well, she's actually upstairs, too. Lapping up my free booze.
Mallet: She’s... free booze?
Dinah: Yeah, come on, I'll take you up there. It'll be like a test from God.
Marina: You should have a drink. This is like the zombie movie, but better.
Bill: Um, okay, Lizzie, you need to leave now, okay? This is Ava’s shower, all right? And you being here is making everyone uncomfortable. So could you please leave?
Remy: Wow, bravo, man, bravo! Kicking her out of her family's company wasn't enough, huh, Bill?
Bill: Don't, don't do this, okay, Remy. Maybe you can walk her to her car. That would be helpful. Could you do...
Remy: Women aren't disposable, Bill.
Ava: Remy, don’t. Don't, just, it’s...
Lizzie: I'll go.
Bill: Thank you very much.
Remy: You don't have to.
Lizzie: No.
Ava: Yeah, go.
Remy: Okay, I'll go with her.
Bill: I am so sorry about that. I am so sorry, okay?
Ava: It wasn't your fault.
Bill: No, no, but... it's still, it's still a great shower. All the people, the presents.
Ava: I just pictured something different.
Bill: Ava, it's a whole new world, you know? It’s... it’s... it's, we're going to do it our way, all right? This is just a transition time. (Laughs) Come on, smile. Give me a smile. There it is. Okay? Okay.
Natalia: What were you doing? Why are you taking the stairs?
Olivia: It's Rafe.
Natalia: Rafe? Are you okay?
Rafe: Yeah. You okay? You all right?
Natalia: I miss you. I was praying that you were going to call. Listen, um... Jeffrey got his job back, and he wants to help you.
Rafe: Yeah well, Mom, it's really cool that people want to help and everything, but...
Natalia: Yeah, no, he told me that he wants to get the charges reduced.
Rafe: We don't have the money for all of that legal stuff. Even flying me back would...
Natalia: Don't worry about that. I'm working a couple extra jobs. It's fine.
Rafe: Don't do that, please Ma, you should be living your life, not going crazy over me.
Natalia: You are my life.
Rafe: Ma... I'm going to stay out here for now.
Natalia: Why? For how long? You don't even no one anyone. There's no one there. You don't know anyone there.
Rafe: Yeah, but that's how it was when we first moved to Springfield. Now we're okay, right? If we had gone back to Chicago, like I wanted, I would have never met Gus. I'm with Harley now anyways, so... look, I'll be okay.
Natalia: I can come over there, and I will take care of you.
Rafe: Let me do this, please?
Natalia: Rafe.
Rafe: Look, I'll call you when I can, all right? I love you.
Natalia: No, no, no, don't go. I miss you! I love you! (Sobs)
Bill: (Laughs) Ladies, um, Mallet. I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing this time with us. This... this wedding, this baby, they mean the world to me. And, ah, thank you again for sharing your time with us. And I can't tell you how amazing these past few months have been. The most amazing time in my life, really. And I just want to make sure that I express my gratitude and my love for the woman who made it possible. My beautiful fiancée, Ava Peralta. I wouldn't be here without you. And that's the truth. That's the truth.
Natalia: (Sobs)
Olivia: Baby what are you doing here?
Emma: Looking for you. (Whispers) Why is she crying?
Olivia: (Whispers) She's crying because she's sad.
Emma: (Whispers) Should we get her some cake?
Olivia: We'll get her some cake in a minute. I think right now she needs some alone time, okay?
Marina: Well, that was fun.
Mallet: That was fun.
Marina: Uh-huh. Next stop, zombies.
Mallet: So, let me ask you something. Did you know that Ava’s shower was going on up here in Towers?
Marina: What?
Mallet: Well, it's just Dinah has been kind of having a tough day, and I don't know if our presence helped her much.
Marina: No! No, I didn’t. No! She asked me to stay and have a drink.
Mallet: Okay. That's cool. All right. She's just, you know, getting on her feet, and I'm happy for her, and I just don't want her having any setbacks.
Marina: No. Absolutely. I don't-- to be totally honest with you, I rather just stay out of Dinah’s way. I don't want a complicated life.
Mallet: Okay. Want to go see a movie?
Marina: Okay.
Mallet: You’ll love this movie.
Dinah: It's good cake, huh, Hilda?
Hilda: Who doesn't love cake, Ms. Marler?
Dinah: Exactly.
Vanessa: Well, that was better than I expected. I mean, maybe I'm-- maybe it's just wishful thinking, but your brother seemed happy.
Dinah: Yeah. It's really coming together for Bill. I'll tell you, Mom, you ignored me throughout this whole party. You fawned all over Ava like she was the grown daughter you never had. You kept looking at me to screw up.
Vanessa: Dinah, if you've had a bad day, why make it worse?
Dinah: I'm trying, Mom. I am really trying. But nobody trusts me. Nobody trusts me, except for Bill. And I don't know what I would do without him, really. I don’t. I know he appreciates me. I do. I know he does. So, you enjoy yourself.
Remy: Lizzie! Lizzie, wait up! Wait up!
Lizzie: I'm going to cry. You don't want to watch.
Remy: Maybe these will cheer you up.
Lizzie: What?
Remy: I swiped them before we left.
Lizzie: "Bill and Ava, happiness forever." You're right. That cheers me up. Now I think I'm going to throw up.
Remy: Let's see who can throw it the farthest. Try it. Again, with feeling! Let's go. Come on. There it is. Again, again! Come on, let's go! One for Bill! Give it, yes! How do you feel now?
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Remy: How you feeling now? How do you feel?
Lizzie: (Laughs) I feel good.
Remy: You feel good, right? Right? Now...
Lizzie: I wish we had more.
Remy: Me, too. Let's get out of here before some park rangers, you know, give me trouble.
Bill: You okay?
Ava: Yeah. My feet hurt.
Bill: Here. Bring them up.
Ava: Oh, man.
Bill: I, um... I'm so sorry, okay, about this, turned into such a scene. It really should have been a good day for you. Okay? I don't like to see you upset. It's not good for you and the baby.
Ava: It was nice... whatever that was. I wasn't really ready for it, though. And, besides, it wasn't about you and me and baby Max.
Bill: I know. I know what you're saying. But you know what? There's going to be a lot of parties in our future. You got the wedding coming up, right?
Ava: Yes.
Bill: It's going to be a good time. It's going to be a good time. I'm going to make you a promise, okay? Olivia, one side of the room. Dinah, the other side.
Ava: (Laughs) Oh, it's not that bad.
Bill: It's not?
Ava: No.
Bill: Okay.
Ava: They just want us to be a family.
Bill: Yeah, well, see, this is what everyone needs to understand. The family is right here. Right here. I never thought I was going to be the one with all of the baggage. Really, sometimes I think you're getting a raw deal.
Ava: Well, I still want to marry you. What does that say about me?
Bill: You have good taste. So Dinah was talking me up to some of Ross' old political friends.
Ava: Ah.
Bill: Yeah, yeah. Some people want me to run for office.
Ava: And how do you feel about that?
Bill: Don't know. Don't know, you know, you got so much going on right now, so...
Ava: What do you think, little baby Max? Daddy for president? Daddy for president!
Bill: No, president, well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Ava: I think your daddy can do anything that he wants to. And as long as I'm around, I'm going to make sure that he never sells himself short. I think that you can do anything that you want, and I can't wait to be right here by your side and do it with you.
Bill: Well, I haven't thought about it much, but political life. Public service, it has a nice ring to it, doesn't it, buddy?
Ava: Charity work. I could do some charity work. That would be fun.
Bill: Uh-huh.
Ava: And maybe every once in a while, I could wear some designer clothes.
Bill: Yeah, if that's what you want.
Ava: And you could travel around and do speeches about saving the world.
Bill: Saving the world, now?
Ava: Well, we have a future to think about now.
Bill: Yes, yes, we do. But we've got to get this little guy out first, right?
For the life of me, I would die for you
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Cassie: There is something else about that day that I slept with that guy. It was Cyrus.
Josh: What, he got you drunk? Took advantage of you? He probably had the whole thing planned.
Cassie: It wasn't him. It was me. I needed him.
Josh: I've got to get out of here.
Cassie: You are coming back, right?
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