Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/24/08
Provided by Suzanne
Announcer: Previously on "guiding light"...
Reva: Do you think you could keep daisy out of this?
Jeffrey: Well, she's a witness.
Reva: I think she has feelings for the guy.
Jeffrey: I am not going to let this foley guy get away with this. I'm going to make sure that this kid gets put away for good this time.
Cyrus: Stay away from daisy.
Grady: You take care of you, and I'll take care of me. What is wrong with you?
Frank: Okay, while pop's gone, everybody needs to pitch in.
Coop: Well, I'm just going to let you know right now, if i poison anybody, it's on your head.
Ashlee: I miss buzz.
Frank: Yeah, well, you know what? Harley needed him, so he went, and uh... well, hopefully she's over him.
Coop: Well, I have to say, after meeting his brother, cyrus is pretty okay in my book.
Frank: Well, he seems worse to me.
Coop: You know, I just can't stop thinking about daisy. I mean, what... what does she see in this guy? I mean, he comes in, pays her a couple of compliments, maybe a little bit of attention, and she falls head over heels for him.
Frank: Is it the accent, or is it the bad boy thing? Because I'm just not getting it.
Coop: No, maybe it's just having a little too much time on her hands.
Ashlee: You know what? I think that daisy has the right to like whoever she wants.
Frank: Ashlee, we're just worried about her.
Ashlee: No, I don't think you really know the whole story.
Coop: Okay, well, do you? Has she told you the story?
Ashlee: Yeah, a little bit, actually, but you know what? That's beside the point. You know what? I'm sorry. Forget it. I'm going to go for a walk.
Coop: No, wait, hold on. I'll go with you. I need to take a break, anyway.
Frank: What are you talking about? You haven't even done any work yet.
Ashlee: I'm just a little cranky, I'm sorry, because i haven't eaten much today.
Coop: Ash, why don't you let me cook you something up? No?
Jeffrey: Uh, lizzie.
Lizzie: Hey! Oh, you're out of the hospital.
Jeffrey: Yeah. Just barely.
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Jeffrey: Uh... do you got a sec?
Lizzie: Oh, yeah.
Jeffrey: I just want to tell you, if there's anything that i can do to help, I will. Alan, you know, is he pressuring you?
Lizzie: Pressuring me? Uh... no. How?
Jeffrey: Well, you put up the money for grady foley's defense, I mean, you know. This is the guy who killed tammy.
Lizzie: Allegedly.
Jeffrey: Lizzie?
Lizzie: Look, it's not that i don't miss tammy, because I do. I miss tammy every single day.
Jeffrey: And this is how you honor her memory?
Lizzie: No. My family has just been through enough.
Jeffrey: Well, alan has caused most of it. Or maybe you want to talk to cassie about that? Or how about jonathan and sarah...
Lizzie: I'm sorry, do you have a wedding to be planning? A daughter to marry off?
Jeffrey: I'm sorry. I know-- you and bill.
Lizzie: Bill who?
Jeffrey: Lizzie, if you keep protecting alan and his people, you're just going to turn into one of them.
Lizzie: I am one of them. You worry about your family; I'll take care of mine.
Bill: Okay. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Well, that's fantastic. And tell him that we will have a front row seat saved for him, okay? All right, great. Thank you very much. Bye-bye. You voted for governor young, right?
Ava: No.
Bill: No?
Ava: But I was wrong, if he's coming to our wedding.
Bill: Yes.
Olivia: The governor? Put him at my table. He loves me.
Bill: Wow, those are rumors.
Olivia: Yeah...
Ava: This wedding is going to be... going to be big!
Bill: It's going to be bigger than big. It's going to be huge. It's actually one family tradition that I don't mind holding on to.
Olivia: Translation: We're going to be square dancing, right?
Bill: Well, we just may, so keep limber!
Ava: Great.
Bill: Okay.
Ava: There are a lot of strangers on the guest list, i noticed.
Bill: Those are no longer strangers. Those are our new best friends. And those new best friends will be standing while you walk down the isle.
Ava: Well, when you put it like that... such a way with words!
Olivia: You do.
Bill: Thank you.
Olivia: Sure.
Ava: Speaking of words: Vows. I was... I was thinking, maybe we could work on our vows.
Bill: Our vows?
Ava: Yeah. You're...
Bill: All right.
Ava: Well, I don'T... it's not that big of a deal. It's not as important as having the governor come to our wedding, but it would really... it would really mean a lot to me.
Bill: If it means a lot to you, guess what? It means a lot to me. That's right. That's right. Will you excuse me?
Ava: Sure.
Bill: I've just got to take some business calls. You can grab a seat, if you like.
Olivia: Oh, it's okay.
Ava: (Laughing) well, things are going well, right?
Olivia: Yes! Yes, they are.
Captioning sponsored by
procter & gamble productions,
inc. And cbs
everybody feels low
everybody feels high
everybody's feet are on the
ground and heads in the sky
only love can save the world
only love can save the world
only love can save the world
only love can save the world
only love can save the world
only love.
Coop: Oops, uh, sorry about that. My apologies. (Sighs) hey, look, I'm sorry. It's just really busy here.
Blake: I know, I can see. Where's buzz?
Coop: Buzz? He had to go out of town for a little bit. Um, did you get those chapters that I sent to you?
Blake: Yeah. Look, you know what? We can do this later.
Coop: No, no. Look, now... now is fine. It's great.
Blake: Are you sure? Because, you know, we can talk about this at another time.
Coop: Hm? No, no, no. Like I said, now is... it's perfect.
Blake: I know. You're very distracted.
Coops: No, it'S... it's just... okay, yes, I'm a little distracted right now. It's just something with ashlee happened.
Blake: Okay, this is none of my business, and don't tell me anything more... unless you want to.
Coop: No, it was just me making something big out of a stupid, small issue. That's all.
Blake: Got it.
Coop: I mean, it's not... no. It's not like we were fighting or anything. That's not what I'm insinuating. It's just...
Blake: Ah. Understood. Moving on, okay?
Coop: Well, I don't know. She's just being really... whatever. She's doing whatever right now. She's just freaking out. She's edgy all the time. I can't talk to her.
Blake: Coop?
Coop: (Sighs)
Blake: She's been going through a lot, right, lately?
Coop: Yeah, she has.
Blake: All right. Let's do this another time. It can wait, okay?
Coop: Okay. Thank you very much. Um... I'm just going to need, maybe, like a couple hours, and then we can meet...
Blake: Here? Or are you going to be pulled back into the kitchen every time there's an emergency?
Coop: Yeah, okay. Maybe we can meet somewhere else, then.
Blake: All right. I would suggest my place, but they're doing some work on it.
Coop: No, at my place. My place. It's no problem, okay? I just need a couple of hours, that's all.
Blake: Done.
Coop: Okay. Thank you.
Grady: God! Not so tight! I've got to walk with this leg!
Bennet: Chief's orders. He's doesn't want to risk any more "accidents."
Grady: It's legit! It fell off right in the middle of sunday school.
Bennet: You know the rules?
Grady: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Back inside at sundown. Actually, I've got my lost kid tag here, if you want to verify the address... (mocking tone): "Officer bennet." (Laughs) ah, you cops have got no humor at all, do you? Ow!
Bennet: No sense of humor at all. You're free to go, mr. Foley.
Grady: Hey. How did you find me?
Ashlee: You're pretty famous.
Grady: I guess I am. What do you want?
Ashlee: You lied to me.
Grady: A little.
Ashlee: You killed my friend, and that is way worse, but you lied to me and you used me.
Grady: I took you for a swimming lesson. I caught you when you fell. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
Ashlee: The only reason why you spent any time with me is because of who my mother is.
Grady: Maybe. But I like you for yourself, too.
Ashlee: Stop it! Just stop it!
Grady: What are you going to do? Shoot me? Because I hear that wouldn't be the first time. What do you want?
Ashlee: I want the last few days back. Is that too much to ask?
Grady: I took you for a swimming lesson. It wasn't like I stole your virtue.
Ashlee: Shut up!
Grady: And you didn't make it all that difficult.
Ashlee: Screw you!
Grady: You going to tell your mom? Tell her to throw me in jail for the rest of my life? Because I would advise against that.
Ashlee: (Crying) I can't believe that I... no, never mind. You're not worth it.
Bill: Maximus, that's correct. Yes, we're naming it after our son, max. Okay. Great, thank you.
Olivia: Press?
Bill: Yeah. I've got to get the girl at the office to handle these calls, because it is too much...
Olivia: Draining?
Bill: Draining.
Olivia: Yes, well, I'm sure you will. You know, it's good to see you working with the big boys now.
Bill: It's the idea, you know?
Olivia: Glad to hear it. Let's go.
Bill: All righty. Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy. Sorry about that. Now... vows.
Ava: Vows.
Bill: Vows.
Ava: Yes, okay. Okay, so, do you have any ideas?
Bill: Yes, I do. I had the secretary back at the office send me some links, and i think some of these sites are really, really great. Yeah.
Ava: Sites?
Bill: Yeah, for the vows. I mean, they've got all kinds of choices: Long vows, short vows, ones that will make people laugh, ones that will probably get tears in the crowd. There are so many different choices...
Ava: Are you talking about wedding vows that you found on the internet?
Bill: Well, yeah, I can guarantee you it's going be better than anything that I...
Olivia: That's true, he's not a very good...
Ava: No, it won'T. It will not.
Bill: No, listen. We can find something that'S... when I say it, people will say, "oh, my goodness, that..."
Ava: But it's not personal. It doesn't come from the...
Olivia: Hey!
Jeffrey: Hey, there he is.
Olivia: When did you get here?
Jeffrey: Uh, just now.
Ava: Hi.
Jeffrey: Hi. Bill?
Bill: Yeah, hey, what's up? We're just talking wedding stuff, which is so much fun.
Olivia: And they need a moment to figure some things out.
Ava: Yeah, we do, right?
Olivia: I mean, we'll just go over here.
Bill: Thanks.
Olivia: That's nice, bill.
Bill: Oh. Great daughter, by the way.
Olivia: (Sighs)
Jeffrey: Everything okay?
Olivia: What, that?
Jeffrey: Ava looks upset.
Olivia: This... this is a huge undertaking, this whole wedding thing, but they're figuring it out. They'll be fine. They'll be fine.
Remy: Oh!
Lizzie: Uh! What, are you made of oak?
Remy: Steel. What's going on, lizzie?
Lizzie: Everything. Nothing.
Remy: Same here.
Lizzie: Okay.
Remy: I'll see you around.
Lizzie: Did you rent your tux yet, for bill and ava's big day?
Remy: You know what? I think I'll skip that one.
Lizzie: Because of your feelings for ava?
Remy: Hm. How do I feel about ava?
Lizzie: Right. So, are you trying to tell me that it isn't torture to have feelings for somebody and have it shoved in your face, every single day, that they're with someone else?
Remy: We're still talking about me, right?
Lizzie: I am totally done with bill. Moving on. If he wants to waste his life on a loveless marriage, I'm going to be nothing but supportive.
Remy: Good. Good. Good for you.
Lizzie: Mm-hmm.
Remy: You are so supportive!
Lizzie: I am.
Remy: You are. Mm-hmm.
Coop: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down, calm down. What is going on?
Ashlee: (Crying) nothing. You know, I'm just having a bad day.
Coop: I can kind of see that. Ashlee, look, I can'T... I can't force you to tell me what's happening here, but I can certainly listen.
Ashlee: I love you, okay? Okay, that's the first thing that I need to tell you. And... (sighs) ...there is a second thing. Um, there was this guy.
Coop: A guy?
Ashlee: Yeah, nothing happened-- not even close. It was... it was that I was running in the park, and i almost fell, and he came out of nowhere, and he caught me, and I... he was... he was really nice to me-- you know, different nice, and since then, well, we've been...
Coop: You've been what?
Ashlee: Well...
Coop: You've been what?
Ashlee: I don't know! I don't know. God, I can't describe it. It was flattering, I liked it, so I didn't really do anything to prevent it.
Coop: Uh... ah. Um... okay. So this flirtation that you had-- that's all it was? I mean, nothing...
Ashlee: He was the guy that killed tammy. Yeah, it'S... his name's grady. He's cyrus' brother, and...
Coop: Okay.
Ashlee: That's who it was.
Coop: Okay. Wow. Um... I'm really... I'm not getting any of this right now, ashlee. I'm really not.
Ashlee: What aren't you getting? He was only hanging out with me to get near doris so that he wouldn't go to jail. That's the only reason why he paid any attention to me.
Coop: Well, you know what? Now I'm going to pay some attention to him.
Ashlee: No, wait, coop! Stop it.
Coop: What?
Ashlee: Stop it.
Coop: What, what?
Ashlee: Stop. I already... I already feel so stupid about it, okay? But he didn'T... he didn't really do anything wrong. I'm fine.
Coop: Okay. He didn't hurt you? He didn't do anything to you?
Ashlee: Yeah, only because i let him.
Truth be told you can't hold back
crash or burn do it anyway.
Ava: See? It can be simple.
Bill: Yeah.
Ava: It doesn't have to be complicated. Simple is better.
Bill: Yeah, simple is the way to go. You're right, as usual, okay? I just thought... I don't want to screw this up, that's all.
Ava: Even if you screw this thing up, I would still want to marry you.
Bill: Aw!
Olivia: So, look, how is the project coming along?
Bill: We're getting there. We're getting there.
Ava: It's good, yeah. You know, I'm actually feeling a little tired.
Bill: Are you?
Ava: Yeah, I think maybe i should go home.
Bill: Well, you want me to take you home?
Ava: No, no, that's fine. You have a lot to do.
Olivia: You want me to take you home?
Ava: Yeah, that would be good. Thank you.
Olivia: Okay.
Ava: Bye. I love you.
Bill: Oh, okay. See you at home.
Olivia: I'll meet you by the elevator in a minute, okay?
Jeffrey: And I'll walk you to the elevator.
Ava: You don't have to do that.
Jeffrey: Hm. And you don't have to do this.
Ava: Where is this coming from?
Jeffrey: I want you to be happy.
Ava: Dad, does this have something to do with the vows? Because there are a hundred other things that bill and i totally agree on. Having max, giving him a good life-- oh, that's a big one.
Jeffrey: Max isn't even his.
Ava: Stop! I know what you're thinking, but I'm not thinking like that. Why can't you just be happy for us? Why can't anybody be happy for us? We just want to have a nice family and be happy, and we're going to be great.
Olivia: Yes, you are. Come on.
Lizzie: What are you doing? What are you doing? I thought we had a deal!
Grady: I've been rethinking that.
Lizzie: Is this about more money?
Grady: Well, that wouldn't hurt.
Lizzie: You want more money? Okay. We'll get more money. We'll get you more money on your way out of town. Come on.
Grady: I've decided to stay.
Lizzie: What, are you an idiot? Are you serious? You're going to end up in prison.
Grady: Yeah, maybe.
Lizzie: Oh, my God, you're going to confess!
Grady: I'm going to protect myself.
Lizzie: What is going on? Do you know how hard it was to talk my granddad out of doing the same damn thing?
Grady: Yeah, that's sort of the point. It's only a matter of time before alan rolls over on me.
Lizzie: No! No, no, no! He is going to stay strong as long as you stay quiet.
Grady: Or he'll hire someone else to rub me out.
Lizzie: (Sighs)
Ava: What's in the bag?
Remy: Nothing.
Ava: Nothing?
Remy: Uh-uh.
Ava: Well, why won't you let me see what's in the bag? Is it my wedding present?
Remy: No.
Ava: Is it?
Remy: No, no!
Ava: Give me it! Give me it! What's in the bag? Is it your uniform?
Remy: No!
Ava: Emergency medical technician. Emt it is! Look at this! It's very professional.
Remy: I passed my courses. I got the gig.
Ava: You did?
Remy: Yes, yes.
Ava: Congratulations!
Remy: I start tonight.
Ava: Why didn't you tell me?
Remy: It's no big deal. Don't make it a big deal.
Ava: Well, it is. It's really something special. Really. Wow. I guess I haven't even asked you what made you decide that you wanted to do this.
Remy: Well, this is just something to do.
Ava: "Something to do." Hm.
Remy: I don't know. I guess some of it's because of gus, you know? Like everyone misses him so much, and they have nothing but great things to say about him. I just wondered...
Ava: You wondered what people would say about you?
Remy: I don't want to be a cop again, but I do want to be somebody.
Ava: You are somebody! I am so proud of you.
Remy: Don't be. Don't be. I'm just... I'm just a guy who drives a cool ambulance and saves lives.
Ava: (Laughing) yeah.
Remy: I'm still trouble.
Ava: Good. Good, I'm glad, because I like the person that you are.
Bill: No, no, that's right. Get it right. Maximus. Yes, yes, our son, max. Yeah, yeah, well, it'll be here before we know it. Yeah. Yeah, you, too. How's the wife? Oh, okay. Sorry about that. All right. Take care. So are you about that.
Jeffrey: Must be getting tired, huh, having to repeat the same thing over and over again? You know, how enthusiastic you are, and how much in love you are, blah, blah, blah.
Bill: Okay. Did you really think I was going to fall for that?
Jeffrey: Well, it was worth a shot.
Bill: Yeah, I guess so. Look, I'm glad you stuck around, because I realized that I... well, I missed a step. I have not asked you for your daughter's hand in marriage.
Jeffrey: Do people still do that?
Bill: Well, I don't know if they do, but they should. Probably afraid of getting a "no."
Jeffrey: And you're not?
Bill: Well, no, not at all. (Laughs) come on!
Jeffrey: Okay, fire away. But, you know, I might have to share my concern with you, though.
Bill: Okay.
Jeffrey: About lizzie spaulding?
Bill: What about her?
Jeffrey: Well, you're still in love with her.
Bill: That's crazy.
Jeffrey: Okay, well, then she's still in love with you.
Bill: Well, that's even crazier.
Jeffrey: I just saw her.
Bill: Did you? That's good.
Jeffrey: I just saw her not that long ago, and she seems really beat up about this wedding, even though she will never admit it. You know, I haven't got this "father" thing down quite yet, but one thing I think i understand is that it's my job to make sure that my daughter doesn't get hurt.
Bill: Completely, 100% understand, and I can assure you that the last thing I want to do is hurt your daughter, okay? She is safe with me, baby and daughter. Safe with me.
Jeffrey: And lizzie?
Bill: Okay, I don't know how to make this any clearer, but ava and the baby: Future. Lizzie: A memory. And I love my family, so yeah.
Jeffrey: Okay. Well, then, I'll just have to take you at your word.
Bill: Good, goood, because I'M... good. So do I have your permission for your daughter's hand in marriage?
Jeffrey: How could I say no?
Bill: (Laughs) phew! That's what I thought. Excuse me a second. Oh, unbelievable. Unbelievable!
Jeffrey: So I urge you, the jury, to look past what the defendant says and judge him, rather, by what he does, what's in his heart.
Blake: That's what they all say.
Jeffrey: Blake.
Blake: Jeffrey! It's really nice to see you up on your feet.
Jeffrey: Yeah , well, you know, I'm working on it. You know, I must've used that line a half a dozen times in a half a dozen summations, and i never really even thought about it before, you know? It was just boilerplate. But you know what? I think... I think I get it finally.
Blake: Ross used to practice his summations on me. Man, I loved to watch him work! (Sighs)
Jeffrey: You okay?
Blake: Oh, I'm fine. I'm fine. I just didn't expect to see anybody here, that's all.
Jeffrey: Hm.
Blake: You know, I used to... I used to sneak up in there, and I used to watch him give his opening statements. You're almost as good as him.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) I wish. I wish that were true. We all miss ross. Why don't I, uh... let you have the room?
Blake: No, that's okay. I'm fine, really, I'm fine. I just need to keep busy.
Jeffrey: Well, you feel you can do that and stay out of trouble at the same time?
Blake: (Laughing) me?
Jeffrey: (Laughing) yeah, you. Well, I am going to get some coffee. Can I get you some?
Blake: No, thanks.
Jeffrey: All right.
Blake: You know what ross said, right before... you know?
Jeffrey: What?
Blake: "Life is for the living."
Ashlee: Coop, I'm sorry. I am. I'm just trying to help you understand.
Coop: I will try, but no promises, ashlee, okay?
Ashlee: Okay, no, I can't even really understand it myself, okay? I don't really understand it, and I'm just... I can't explain it.
Coop: So, what, once you do explain it, everything's going to be great again? Everything will be perfect, back to normal?
Ashlee: Okay, I'm trying here.
Coop: If you're trying, ashlee, then you wouldn't be spending all your damn time hooking up with a guy who is a killer!
Ashlee: I didn't hook up with him. It was just flirting.
Coop: Flirting?
Ashlee: Yeah.
Coop: Is that what does it for you, huh? Is that what turns you on, flirting with some guy who's absolutely dangerous?
Ashlee: I didn't know who he was. I didn't know that he was dangerous.
Coop: Oh, God.
Ashlee: He was just... he was...
Coop: He was what?
Ashlee: He was different, okay? Whether you realize it or not, we're not exactly equals.
Coop: No, no, no! Don't even start with that. That's absolutely crazy to think that.
Ashlee: Crazy?
Coop: Yes, crazy.
Ashlee: Okay, coop? I was your student. You think that has no reflection on how... what... how our relationship is? This guy, he was...
Coop: He was what? Tell me!
Coop: (Sighs) I met a guy one day, randomly, and, stupid me, I thought the fact that he was flirting with me, it meant that he liked me. I actually thought that I might be attractive.
Coop: You are attractive, ashlee. You always have been.
Ashlee: You say that.
Coop: What is this now? Where is this coming from?
Ashlee: I don't know!
Coop: You don't know?
Ashlee: I don't know.
Coop: You have no answers for me, ashlee. You can't answer a single question about this. That's great. That's just great, ash. Thank you very much for that. You know what? I can't do this right now, all right? I don't want you here, and i simply just can't be in this room, all right? I'm done.
Ashlee: No, um, coop, why don't we... can we just talk about this?
Coop: No! I have nothing more to say to you.
Ava: Well, you're lucky you stopped talking when you did, or else I wouldn't have given you your present.
Remy: You brought me a present?
Ava: Well, not exactly. I've been wearing this since my mom got sick.
Remy: It looks indian.
Ava: It's navajo. It's a phoenix-- as in, rising phoenix.
Remy: Yeah.
Ava: I bought it from the gift shop at the hospital, and now, my mom, she'S... she's doing better. So, I know it sounds a little corny, but, I also wore it when my dad was in the hospital, and now he's better. And I was thinking that maybe you could wear it when you are on the ambulance. Maybe it will protect you and keep anything bad from happening to you.
Remy: I don't know what to say.
Ava: "Thank you"?
Remy: (Laughs) it feels like I owe you more than just "thanks."
Ava: Well... hey.
Remy: What?
Ava: Hey. That's the...
Remy: Who is that guy?
Ava: That's the guy. I can't believe it...
Remy: Who?
Ava: That's the guy who... who... who kidnapped me! That's the guy!
(Struggling noises)
Break it up! Break it up! Break it up! (Knock on the door)
Lizzie: Oh! I already gave at the office.
Bill: Listen...
Lizzie: Oh, no, I'm sorry. I don't have an office.
Bill: Okay, that's not even funny, all right? Um, look, get it out of your system now, because I came here to do you a favor.
Lizzie: Oh! I am scared to ask.
Bill: Okay, don't make this hard for me, okay? Because it's not easy for me to come here and tell you what i need to tell you. The wedding. It's next week at the house.
Lizzie: And this is a "favor"?
Bill: Well, yeah, I just wanted you to hear it from me. That's all, so...
Lizzie: Other than?
Bill: Reading about it in the papers, the web. It'll be all over the place, I'm sure.
Lizzie: I'm sure it already is! This is going to be the wedding to end all weddings!
Bill: Okay, not quite.
Lizzie: Hm. I'm sure it's pretty close.
Bill: Okay, I get it. This is not easy for you, me getting married at the old family homestead...
Lizzie: Yeah, actually, I'm fine with it.
Bill: Oh, really?
Lizzie: Yeah, yeah. I'm really, really fine with it.
Bill: Really?
Lizzie: Yeah, no.
Bill: I get it, okay? I am trying to work with you here, so could you please work with me? All right? And do me one little favor? Do not try to screw up my wedding.
Lizzie: No, no, no, no, no. Let's think about this...
Bill: Ah! Here we go...
Lizzie: Let's think about this. Maybe I could run bulls down the lawn, towards the tent, just like in spain.
Bill: I don't think they'll fit in the car.
Lizzie: Okay, okay, that's a good point. I could have a helicopter circle over and over and over with speakers playing nine inch nails.
Bill: Oh, it would save me the trouble of getting a band.
Lizzie: Yeah!
Bill: Thank you very much.
Lizzie: Yeah, you think this is a joke? You think that I'm a joke?
Bill: No, I do not think you're a joke.
Lizzie: How many times do i have to tell you that I am walking away for you to believe me? Listen carefully to the words that are coming out of my mouth: I do not care.
Bill: No?
Lizzie: Uh-uh. Get married. Get married at the house. Get married in the house. Get married on the house. Have a kid with ava-- have a dozen kids, okay?
Bill: Okay, I... I got it.
Lizzie: Yeah, I don't think you do.
Bill: Hm.
Lizzie: Maybe it's because you like the idea of, you know, stringing me along. You like the idea of me digging myself into some dark hole, pining away for you, missing you.
Bill: And maybe you like me suffering, is that it?
Lizzie: Maybe I do.
Bill: Hm.
Lizzie: Maybe you deserve it.
Bill: What do you want from me? I mean, what is it that you want from me? You want me to admit that I'm not going to love ava as much as I... lizzie. Bye. Okay? Good-bye.
Lizzie: Good-bye. (Sobbing)
Ava: Hey.
Remy: (Crying) this is embarrassing.
Ava: You've done more embarrassing things.
Remy: I mean, you bailing me out.
Ava: It was relatively cheap.
Remy: (Crying) it's just, uh... just seeing that guy again, you know, stirred up a lot of stuff.
Ava: Yeah?
Remy: She called me. She called me for help that day, and I said, "no." I could have changed everything, okay?
Ava: No, don'T...
Remy: I couldn't help her.
Ava: Don't do that to yourself.
Remy: It's too late. It's too late. I mean, he drove the car, but i killed her.
Ava: No, you didn'T.
Remy: I didn't save her. And then, today, seeing you, i just had to know you were safe, okay? I just couldn't let anything happen to you, you know? I'm sorry. (Sobbing)
Ava: It's okay.
Remy: I'm sorry.
Ava: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Look, I, um...
Remy: You've got to go.
Ava: I'm sorry. Bill is going to wonder where i am.
Remy: Yeah. Let's go.
Frank: So, when you going to cut my brother a break?
Ashlee: Right now is not a good time.
Frank: Well, that's obvious.
Ashlee: No, what do you know?
Frank: Look, I don't know a damn thing, other than the fact that my brother really, really loves you, and he's very frustrated right now and confused, because he wants to help you.
Ashlee: Was he here? Did you see him?
Frank: Ashlee, he doesn't no where to start, because you've completely shut him out. But to answer your question, no, I haven't seen him, and no, he hasn't been here. But am I right?
Ashlee: You're not wrong, but things are...
Frank: Complicated?
Ashlee: I've been going through lots of changes, and i don't even understand them all, and I don't know... I don't know how coop is meant to, and i don'T... I don't have any easy way to explain it to him.
Frank: Fear?
Ashlee: Excuse me?
Frank: Fear is a great motivator. But I promise you, if you meet him halfway, he'll meet you halfway. And he's afraid if he doesn't, he'll lose you.
Ashlee: He was afraid he'll lose me?
Frank: Aren't you afraid of losing him?
Coop: Hi.
Blake: Hi.
Coop: Sorry.
Blake: Well, this is... we were supposed to meet now, right? I mean, this is the time?
Coop: Yes. Yes, we were. Actually, I'm sorry, I... i forgot all about it. It must have slipped my mind.
Blake: Oh. Well, I just think it's best that we do this away from company.
Coop: Agreed.
Blake: I mean, don't you think?
Coop: Yeah. No, I...
Blake: Unless you're busy? With ashlee?
Coop: No. No, I'm not busy. Let's do it.
Blake: So I hope you don't mind. You worked so hard on that tour, and I know that this next book is going to be even better.
Coop: (Laughs) well, don't count on it.
Blake: Uh, too bad, because we're going to toast.
Coop: We're going to toast?
Blake: Yes.
Coop: Uh-huh. Okay. Here. Open it, please.
Blake: You sure about this?
Coop: The glasses are right there. I'm going to grab some ice. And, uh... just make yourself comfortable, okay? (R & b music playing)
Olivia: Hello, again.
Jeffrey: This whole wedding is a mistake.
Olivia: When did you get so paternal?
Jeffrey: Bill is in love with lizzie.
Olivia: I don't think so.
Jeffrey: That's your answer?
Olivia: If they're so in love, why aren't they together? Look, I... they aren't making it work. They can'T. They get together, they break up; they get together, it just gets uglier. Our daughter wants this. I just want to be supportive, okay?
Jeffrey: Don't you think ava deserves better than someone who's just settling?
Olivia: Yeah, of course she does. But don't you think it's possible that bill loves her in a different way-- I mean, a real way, but different? Besides, there's a baby involved, and if it doesn't work out...
Jeffrey: Exactly. If it doesn't work out...
Olivia: If it doesn't work out, then they'll figure it out. It's up to them.
Coop: What? Blake, come on.
Blake: You said "get comfortable."
Coop: Yeah, and you thought that this was what I meant...
Blake: Oh, get over here, coop.
Coop: No, blake, we can't keep doing this...
Blake: Coop?
Coop: We can't keep going on...
Blake: You're not happy with ashlee.
Coop: What?
Blake: Life's too short to not be happy, coop. Don't you want to be happy?
Coop: Yeah.
Ashlee: Hey, coop, hi. I...
Bill: You heard right, that's right. That's right. Maximus, yes, after me boy, max. Okay, take care. See you later. Hey, what's going on? I thought you were still up in bed.
Ava: Yeah, I just went out for a little while.
Bill: Oh, did you?
Ava: Remy brought me home.
Bill: Oh, really?
Ava: Mm-hmm.
Bill: That'S... that's good.
Ava: Yeah, it was... um... it was a long story.
Bill: Oh, yeah? I've just got to make a quick call. Can it wait just one sec?
Ava: Yeah, sure. It was nothing interesting, anyway.
Bill: Oh, really?
Ava: Yeah.
Bill: Okay. Hey! What's going on? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bill. That's right.
Now that it's too late did you find
what you were looking for? There's nothing left to break
till you find what you're looking for.
Announcer: Coming up on
"guiding light..."
Bill: From what I hear, you're beating up known criminals on the street, what's going on with that?
Remy: I don't know. The guy who killed tammy's a piece of filth.
Bill: You're not going to do it while you're dragging around my soon-to-be-wife with my soon- to-be-child...
Remy: I would never hurt ava!
Bill: Remy, he's out, okay? He's gone. I'm taking his stuff and I'm going to send it to him, all right? I don't want him here anymore.
Remy: Bill won't be too happy about this.
Ava: Who says bill needs to know?
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