Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/23/08
Provided by Boo
Announcer: Previously on "guiding light"...
Cyrus: I'll get you a lawyer. I owe you.
Cassie: You think you got away with murder, and he just might tell everything.
Lizzie: Once I pay your bail, forget you ever met me.
Grady: They'll fit me for an ankle bracelet. I'll have to stay within the city limits.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, a smart guy like you can figure out how to break out of those, can't you?
Grady: Maybe I don't want to.
Cassie: Harley, are you there?
Harley: Cassie? Hi! Oh, my gosh, it's so good to hear a friendly voice!
Cassie: Yeah, um... I need to tell you something.
Harley: Um, it can't take long. I can't stay on the phone. It's too risky.
Cassie: Well, this is really important. It's about cyrus.
Harley: If this is about his brother, I already know. My dad told me that his brother was the one driving the car that hit tammy. I'm so sorry, cassie. I don'T... I don't even know what to say to you. I'm so sorry. Can I deal with this when I get back please? I... just as long as daisy stays away from him. I told my dad to stay on that.
Cassie: Harley! Stop. This is... this is so much more personal than that.
Harley: Oh, uh... what? Is cyrus dating another woman?
Cassie: He's not the man you think he is.
Harley: Did something happen at the beacon?
Cassie: No... it's not about work.
Harley: Did you see cyrus with another woman?
Cassie: No.
Harley: Okay, then I don't want to hear about some rumor, okay? I trust him. Did frank say something to you?
Cassie: No, this is not about frank. I'm telling you, this is about cyrus.
Harley: Okay, I don't have time for this. Whatever you think you saw, whatever you think you heard... I trust him, and you don't know him the way that I do, cassie.
Cassie: Harley, yes, I do. I slept with cyrus. He was my one-night stand.
Cassie: Harley, are you there? Harley? Would you say something, please?
Harley: I... don't know what to say.
Cassie: I... I just... I need you to know, it didn't mean anything to me. I... I was just in a tough place, and I... will was gone, and it was like losing tammy all over again, and I'm not saying that that justifies any of it... I know it doesn'T. And I'm sorry, but... that was just my part of it. I mean, cyrus didn't do anything to try to stop it. I was vulnerable, but he...he was more than willing.
Harley: I don't need to hear the details, cassie.
Cassie: I know, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to hurt you.
Harley: Then, why are you? Why... why are you telling me this now when I'm halfway around the world? I'm away from my family. (Crying)
Cassie: I know. I'm telling you because you need to know, because you cannot trust this man. He's a liar and worse!
Harley: Then what are you?
Cassie: Your friend. I'M... I'm telling you because you need to know. Because... remember when... um, josh came to you, to try to get you to find out who this man was, and cyrus stepped in and convinced you that he would take care of it? Well, that was because he was trying to cover his tracks. And now he's trying to protect this animal who killed tammy. You just... he's not the man that you thought he was.
Harley: And you are not my friend.
Cassie: Harley! I need you to not go back to him.
Harley: Put my father back on the phone.
Cassie: Harley! You can't go back to him!
Harley: We're done!
Grady: So let's tackle this now, huh?
Cyrus: Yeah, right.
Grady: Let's go.
Cyrus: It's not going to happen, grady. What is that going to get you? A life on the run.
Grady: I can run pretty fast.
Cyrus: (Sighs)
Grady: Fine. If you won't help me, I'll do it myself. It can't be that hard.
Cyrus: It will if you do it like that. The cops will be here in five minutes.
Grady: Well, then show me the right way.
Cyrus: No, I don't think so.
Grady: I'm good at disappearing! Just like you.
Cyrus: Yeah? I got caught. Because they always catch you. Maybe not right away, but... some day, when you're tired, lonely... and you get sloppy, and they catch you.
Grady: Who said I'd be alone?
Cyrus: Absolutely not. I'm not going to let you ruin daisy's life. That's got to stop. Hey! What are you boys doing here?
Jude: It's our house.
Cyrus: Yeah, well, you're meant to be staying with your granddad.
Zach: I told tommy's mom to drop us off here. He misses his room.
Jude: Do not!
Cyrus: You know, I'm going to have to call buzz.
Grady: Give the kids a break!
Jude: Who are you?
Cyrus: This is... my little brother, grady.
Grady: G. And I'm going out for a smoke.
Cyrus: I've got your phone. You can't call her. Why don't you stay here, help me out with the kids?
Grady: Help you what?
Cyrus: What do you reckon, guys? Football?
Grady: Or would you rather learn how to hot-wire a car?
Cyrus: Oh, my brother's always making bad jokes. Come on, let's leave grady out of this.
Grady: G.
Cyrus: Let's go, guys.
Frank: Hey, daisy. How's it going?
Daisy: Uh... how did you do that? Is that some sort of cop trick?
Frank: Well, don't forget, i raised a teenager. Um... so, uh, where are you headed?
Daisy: I was here to see you. I just... I keep forgetting you don't have an office anymore. Right.
Frank: Okay. Well, that's nice of you. You know what? My shift's almost over. We can catch a movie.
Daisy: What? Oh... sure.
Frank: But my guess is that you really didn't come to talk to your uncle frank.
Daisy: What? Why not?
Frank: Because I went through this with marina and your mother, and I don't want you to make the same mistake, especially with your mother not being around.
Daisy: I just want to talk to him.
Frank: Well, then I'm in luck, because you know what? He's not here.
Daisy: What? I thought he was supposed to be here until his trial.
Frank: Yeah, well, some idiot bailed him out. My guess? Alan spaulding, which makes it stink even more.
Daisy: So, he's out?
Frank: Daisy? Don't get any ideas. He's got an ankle monitor on him, and if he leaves city limits, he's screwed.
Daisy: Yeah. Well, you can't keep me from seeing him. I'm 18.
Frank: Exactly why do you want to talk to him?
Daisy: He is sorry about what happened.
Frank: Well, then, he'll be sorry in jail for a very, very long time.
Daisy: People change! You're a cop! Aren't you supposed to believe in rehabilitating people? I mean, I was in juvie. Are you going to give up on me?
Frank: I will never give up on you. And you're right. But you know what? You didn't murder somebody.
Daisy: Right.
Reva: Hey!
Jeffrey: Hey. You know, this is worse than buying a house.
Reva: I'm sorry I'm late, but I had some things to take care of myself-- canceling a bunch of things and meeting with the caterer, wedding stuff.
Jeffrey: Done! Let's get out of here. What? I am not waiting for a wheelchair!
Reva: No, it's not that. It'S... um... I was just thinking, you know, if you want to move back into a place of your own, I would totally understand.
Jeffrey: Did you dump me, and I missed something?
Reva: All I said was we were going to postpone the wedding, you know? I mean, nobody was dumped, but i just thought that, you know, i was going to give you an out, in case you were heartbroken over the postponement.
Jeffrey: You know, I'm a lawyer. I know a lot about postponements.
Reva: Hmm.
Jeffrey: Listen. I like what we have, okay? So if you can put up with me, I'm yours.
Reva: You're so smooth! That was so smooth!
Jeffrey: Pretty good?
Reva: Yeah. Come on.
Jeffrey: All right. (Grunts)
Reva: Oh, you know what? No. You... just take it easy for a second. Your doctor said that you were not 100%.
Jeffrey: I'm fine.
Reva: Yeah, right. Okay.
Jeffrey: How is your sister doing?
Reva: Uh... cassie... um... actually, josh is going to be taking her out of town for the summer to avoid the trial.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? That's a good thing, because you know what? The last thing that we want is for cassie to have to relive tammy's death over and over again.
Reva: Tell me about it.
Jeffrey: So, I guess josh is going to miss the end of the big movie shoot?
Reva: Well, you know, I guess it's just going to be you and me.
Jeffrey: Yeah, so... josh won't be able to supervise "josh and reva: The movie."
Reva: No. I guess he's going to have to see it in the theater or something.
Jeffrey: (Laughs)
Reva: Or not as the case may be. Oh... (laughs) sorry.
Jeffrey: (Groans)
Reva: Okay?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Easy. Thank you.
Reva: All right. Oops. Okay, we're all set. You know, you can ask me for help.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? I'm not very good at that.
Reva: Then lean on me, babe. Lean on me.
Jeffrey: (Laughing) okay.
Reva: (Laughing) come on.
I bury your memory
deep inside
I used to die a little
every day
but in the end it's just
the will to survive
what else can I do?
Because when the walls
come tumbling...
Buzz: Come on, ring! Harley?
Harley: Yes.
Buzz: What happened?
What's going on?
I mean, you... I... cassie gave
me the phone back, you weren't
on, and I...
Harley: I just needed a few minutes.
Buzz: Are you okay?
Harley: No, I'm not.
Buzz: What... what's going on?
Harley: You have to do me a favor. You have to bring... you have to bring zach to me.
Buzz: Now?
Harley: Don't make a big deal about it. I don't want to tip anybody off.
Buzz: Are you staying?
Harley: Um... yeah, for a little while. For the summer, anyway. Until the kids have to go back to school. Um... I have to figure things out right now.
Buzz: What about daisy? What about jude?
Harley: Well, I can'T... I've got to leave jude with rick. I can't take him away from his father. And... oh, my gosh! Why is g back in town? You have to keep an eye on daisy. I don't want her near him!
Buzz: Have you talked to
cyrus about him?
Harley: Cyrus and I are done.
Buzz: Because of his brother?
Harley: (Crying) daddy, don't make me talk about it, okay? Because I'll fall apart.
Buzz: Okay, okay, okay.
Harley: Just, um... I'M... I'm going to try and call back so I can speak to daisy and jude, okay? I just... I have to be so careful about this, though, because I have to keep rafe safe. I have to do that for gus.
Buzz: Okay, well, daisy's going to be okay. She's all involved with reva's movie, so...
Harley: Tell daisy and jude i love them!
Buzz: Okay, look.
It's going to be all right.
I just, uh... just know I love
you, okay?
Harley: I love you, too. I've got to go. Bye.
Daisy: Oh, oh! I'm sorry!
Cassie: Sorry.
Daisy: Hi.
Cassie: Hi. Uh... I was just out to pick up some things for josh. We're going away for a little while.
Daisy: Wait, um... I'm sorry for hiding G. Don't be mad at reva, because she had no idea.
Cassie: I know.
Daisy: It's all my fault.
Cassie: I am sure that guy, cyrus' brother, said a lot of things to you, and he probably manipulated you, so I'm proud of you for doing the right thing and turning him in. I can't believe he's out on bail already, but that's not your fault.
Daisy: Well, um... you and josh, you have a good trip.
Cassie: Is that for him?
Daisy: He... he needs clothes for court.
Cassie: You're still helping him? He killed tammy! He killed your cousin! He made you an accomplice. What is wrong with you?
Daisy: He's changed. He's sorry, he really is, and he wants to go to court. He wants to make things right.
Cassie: He wants to make things right?
Daisy: Right. Everyone deserves a second chance.
Cassie: Yeah, well, tammy didn't get a second chance. You are clearly reva's granddaughter because you don't care about anyone but yourself.
Jeffrey: Is this all the mail?
Reva: Fortunately, yes.
Jeffrey: I... I was going to... I was going to get that.
Reva: I don't want you to tax yourself at all. You just take it easy.
Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm going to get out of your hair soon. I've just got to get doris to give me my job back first. Of course she's going to have to start returning my calls for that to happen.
Reva: It's okay to take a break.
Jeffrey: You know, I've always had a job, you know? Since I was a teenager, I've had a job. Can't work without a job. (Sighs)
Reva: You know what? It's lucky for you I love baseball. I do.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) yeah?
Reva: We can pop corn, drink beer, follow the entire season. How about that?
Jeffrey: Uh-huh.
Reva: Or movie marathons. We can do that, too. This is going to be great!
Jeffrey: You think so?
Reva: Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: Well, you know, you've never spent so much quality time with me before, so I'm not sure you could handle it.
Reva: Hmm. (Gasps) you look at... that's a great... look at that! We need more volume here. I like him.
Jeffrey: I've got to work...
Reva: He's got a cute...
Jeffrey: Look, I can't do this! I've got to work.
Reva: He's got a great butt!
Cyrus: Hey! Take that, little man!
Zach: Cheap shot!
Cyrus: Well, keep your guard up.
Grady: All right, let me see that.
Zach: Did you guys play this when you were kids?
Grady: Never! You know, you have gotten soft. Hanging out with kids, cushy house...
Cyrus: Yeah, I wouldn't be too sure about that.
Grady: Oh yeah?
Cyrus: Listen, back off. The kids are here.
Grady: Nice excuse.
Buzz: Hey, guys.
Zach: Grandpa, they're about to fight!
Buzz: Oh, um.... uh, can you guys run upstairs? I've got to talk to cyrus...
Cyrus: We'll finish this is a sec, guys.
Buzz: ...Alone. Please.
Grady: I'll be outside.
Buzz: Is that your brother?
Cyrus: Look, before you say anything, he's wearing an ankle monitor. He's just sticking around for his trial.
Buzz: Keep him away from daisy, okay?
Cyrus: I wish he was still in jail. I'm just trying to keep him in check, control the situation, make sure he doesn't run. But he's really pushing me, I'll tell you. What are you doing here? Did you hear from harley?
Buzz: Yeah, she wants me to bring zach to her. Jude's father won't let him go, but she wants me to take zach, anyway.
Cyrus: Okay, well, tell me where she is, and I'll take zach to her tonight.
Buzz: No, she wants me to do it. Um... and she's going to be away, um, longer than she thought.
Cyrus: Because of grady? I didn't know what he did. Not at the start. Listen, I... I need to explain all of this to harley. She'll understand.
Buzz: I don't know what's going on. I don't know what's going on. I just... but there's another part of the message. She says the two of you are through.
Cyrus: Well... no, you... you've got to have that wrong...
Buzz: No, I don'T.
Cyrus: Well... why wouldn't she call me herself?
Buzz: She was on the phone with cassie. She got off, and then she told me what to do, okay? Now I have to get upstairs with the kids and bring them down now. Be gone when I come down here.
Jeffrey: You think doris is hiding from me?
Reva: Of course she's hiding from you! She has absolutely no reason to keep you from your job!
Jeffrey: She doesn't need a reason.
Frank: Please tell me you're back on the job.
Jeffrey: Working on it.
Frank: We need to put this foley kid away for good.
Frank: Well, that's the plan.
Frank: And while he's out on bail, we need to keep daisy away from him.
Reva: Yeah. That's what I'm working on.
Frank: Well, you're not working hard enough, because she came here today to talk to him.
Reva: I'll bet she did, frank.
Grady: There she is!
Daisy: I'm so glad you're out! (Laughs)
Grady: Hey! What's wrong?
Daisy: Um... I've just had a bad day. But I'm better now, after that! (Giggles)
Grady: Well, I'm not going anywhere.
Daisy: Yeah. I went to visit you in jail.
Grady: I got bailed out.
Daisy: My uncle frank told me. And then he yelled at me.
Grady: About me.
Daisy: And then I thought, "I'm going to do something useful." So I went t and I got you some clothes for court.
Grady: Oh! You did that for me?
Daisy: And who do I run into but tammy's mom.
Grady: Yeah. Cassie winslow.
Daisy: She saw the shirt, and so she figured out what I was doing and... it was terrible. I mean, she... she was so good to me, and she, um... she told me I was selfish.
Grady: I'm so sorry.
Daisy: Yeah, and then my mom called from overseas, and she wants me to go over there and be with her.
Grady: She wants you to be awayrom me. Look, I'm sorry about all the problems I've caused you. When alan spaulding came to me with that job, I didn't think that... I just didn't think. Maybe you should go with her.
Daisy: What?
Grady: Well, alan might turn on me. He's a lot more connected in this town than I am, and I might have to run to beat it.
Daisy: Run? I don't believe this! I've been telling everyone how much you've changed and how you're different now, and now you're going to run? No! I can't deal with this!
Grady: Daisy!
Jeffrey: Ha! Of course, huh? She chose lapdog stackhouse. The guy's a flunky.
Reva: Well, how do we get rid of him?
Jeffrey: Bug spray?
Reva: You have to get your job back, jeffrey. Otherwise, doris is going to see to it that that grady guy goes free again, and that can't happen because daisy needs to get her life back on track! And that guy needs to suffer.
Jeffrey: What if I don't do anything to get my job back?
Reva: What do you mean?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, what if I just did my job until someone told me not to?
Reva: That's brilliant!
Jeffrey: Then what are they going to do? Come here and throw me out?
Reva: The hero who got shot in the line of fire? They couldn't!
Jeffrey: No, they couldn'T.
Reva: Yeah, hello. This is laura from dtrict attorney o'neill's office. He'd like to arrange for a press conference. Yes, he is back on the job, and he wants everyone to know. Yes, he can be reached at the same number. Thank you! Ha, ha! She didn't even think twice. You see? People want you back on the job.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well doris ain't people, laura.
Reva: What's she going to do? Tell the truth and say alan wasn't prosecuted the first time around because she blackmailed him into marrying her? You must really want me out of the house!
Reva: Only until tonight. Then I want you back in my bed!
Jeffrey: Deal.
Cassie: I wish I could say, this makes us even, but it doesn'T.
Cyrus: Even? You've got be kidding me. Because I bailed my brother out of jail?
Cassie: Because your brother took my daughter away from me forever. And now you lost someone, too.
Cyrus: I haven't lost harley.
Cassie: Yeah, I've known harley a lot longer than you have, and I can tell you, she can handle a lot of things, but cheating isn't one of them. She left gus over that. She sure as hell is not going to take you back.
Cyrus: Wow! You're supposed to be her friend. You know how rough things have been for her, losing gus, being away from her kids. Why would you hurt her like this?
Cassie: She needed to know.
Cyrus: (Scoffs) oh, please! You didn't do this for harley. You did it to hurt me.
Cassie: That's right. I did it to hurt you.
Cyrus: Yeah, yeah.
Cassie: Because I want you to know what it feels like to wake up in agony every morning, to think you're not going to make it through the day because you are in so much pain because you lost someone.
Cyrus: And if it ruins your friend's life, so be it?
Cassie: Harley is going to be better off without you.
Cyrus: I'm going to get her back. I'm going to find her, and I'm going to get her back.
Cassie: Has she called you? I didn't think so. She's never going to forgive you.
Cyrus: Yeah? And what about josh? Is he going to forgive you when he finds out it was me? When he finds out that you've been lying all this time, that we've made a fool out of him?
Cassie: That's really not your problem.
Cyrus: No. Well, I hope all this was worth it.
Buzz: Unbelievable! Did I not make myself clear? When I told you to get out of here, it wasn't to get out of here and stay in the yard!
Cyrus: You need to give me harley's address.
Buzz: Look, my grandkids are in there. Do you want them to see this? Do you really want them to see this?
Cyrus: I don't want to scare the boys, I don't want to threaten you, but I have to see harley.
Buzz: That's not what she wants.
Cyrus: She's alone! She'S... she'S... she's hurt! You just don't get this... what cassie told her, I have to fix that.
Buzz: Is it true, what cassie told her?
Cyrus: Oh, please, buzz, just...
Buzz: Oh, my God. Do you have any idea the damage you've done to this family? Do you have any idea? I get it, you know. Everyone deserves a second chance. You got a second chance. I gave it to you. The rest of the town hated you! I needed to trust you! My daughter trusted you, even after the whole marina thing.
Cyrus: I can fix this.
Buzz: No. I'm done. My daughter's done with you. With you and your brother. Now, I'm going to tell you what you are going to do. You're going to walk away from here, because the kids aren't going to come out here and walk into a scene. Do you understand me? You're going to walk away, because that's the least you can do for this family.
Cyrus: This isn't right.
Reva: We need to talk. I ran into frank at the police station. Are you listening to me?
Daisy: Yes, I'm a horrible person.
Reva: No, daisy, you're not horrible.
Daisy: Not according to uncle frank.
Reva: I can't believe he meant what he said to you. He's just worried. I mean, your mom's out of town, okay?
Daisy: Cassie hates me. Why shouldn't she?
Reva: Honey, you helped the man who killed tammy. I mean, of course she's not going to be happy about that. I'm not happy about that!
Daisy: I know, I know. I don't want to help him, i just... I do, I... wasn't it kind of like this with jonathan? I mean, he did terrible things, right? But you still loved him, and he turned out good.
Reva: Jonathan didn't kill anyone. It's different.
Daisy: How do I know that? I see something in G. I see something good! And... you know, maybe that's what he needs. For me to believe in him, like you did with jonathan.
Reva: I'm his mother. It's different.
Daisy: I don't want to give up on him.
Reva: He came back at a bad time. Rafe was gone...
Daisy: Yeah. Rafe, harley, gus...
Reva: They never gave up on you!
Daisy: Yeah, well, they're not here, so it feels like that. I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be that kind of person. I... you always say, "follow your heart." That's what I'm trying to do.
Reva: There are limits, though. Daisy, there are limits. Even for me. And this guy... he's off limits!
I feel the change
I feel the ones I love.
Do I really give a little
when I think I give a lot?
Am I lost in some translation
with my mind in frustration?
Do I get no extra credit
having my intentions right... (knock on the door)
Jeffrey: Yeah, come on in.
Cassie: Hey.
Jeffrey: Hi. Sorry I didn't get up. I'm moving a little slow, you know?
Cassie: It's okay.
Jeffrey: Uh, reva's not here.
Cassie: Good, actually. I was looking for you.
Jeffrey: Oh, okay. Well, come on in. Sit.
Cassie: If I tell you something, will you promise not to tell reva?
Jeffrey: Uh... is this about her?
Cassie: No. No. But she would want to know.
Jeffrey: Okay, this sounds like a no-win situation to me...
Cassie: Oh! I'm sorry, I don't mean to get you in trouble, I just need to talk to somebody, and I trust you.
Jeffrey: I won't tell reva. What did you do?
Cassie: I slept with someone other than josh. And it was stupid and thoughtless and I told him about it right away.
Jeffrey: He knows?
Cassie: Yeah. I mean, I... not everything. I... I told him that it was a one-time thing, which it was, but I just didn't tell him who.
Jeffrey: Why not?
Cassie: Well, for one thing, he was already angry and jealous enough. I didn't think it would help.
Jeffrey: Okay. You know, this explains a lot, because I think he thinks it was me, because he's been acting real strange around me.
Cassie: Well, that could be. He's suspicious of every man i talk to now.
Jeffrey: You have to tell him.
Cassie: (Sighs) that'll just hurt him all over again.
Jeffrey: Well, he's already being tortured by it.
Cassie: I know, I just... he's so good to me, and, you know, he's offered to leave his job to take me away for the summer.
Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. Reva told me. By the way, I think that's a good idea that you stay away during the trial.
Cassie: What if I tell him and then he leaves me?
Jeffrey: What if he finds out from someone else?
Cassie: (Sighs) yeah. Okay. Do you ever just feel so out of control that you want to hold onto something? Just anything?
Jeffrey: Hold onto your marriage if you want to. Do you?
Cassie: Yeah, I want to. Of course. Of course, I do.
Cassie: Hi, josh, it's me. Um, I know I kind of disappeared after I agreed to go away with you. It's not because I changed my mind. I haven'T. I... I think it would be really good for us. I... I really do believe that we can put us back together. I do. So... I'm home. Come home.
Reva: Hey! Did doris kick you out already?
Jeffrey: No... uh... but while I was there, I sent out a bunch of emails telling everyone I was back to work, so I figured I better get out of there before the... before it hits the fan.
Reva: Hi.
Jeffrey: Mm. Hey.
Reva: Hi.
Jeffrey: Oh, uh, your sister came by earlier.
Reva: Oh. What did she want?
Jeffrey: Well, she wanted to tell you that she and josh were headed out of town.
Reva: Oh, right.
Jeffrey: Yeah. I think she's pretty upset about this grady foley character being back in town and free. I've got to make this case stick. I'm lucky I managed to dig out the original police file. I'm surprised doris didn't have it shredded by now.
Reva: Do you think you could keep daisy out of this?
Jeffrey: Well, she's a witness. She can I.D. The guy as the driver. She just has to say that she didn't know what he was doing. I mean, we're not going to bring her up on any charges.
Reva: I... I'm not saying this as an overprotective grandmother or anything, but I'm just not quite sure what she might say on the stand.
Jeffrey: Why?
Reva: Because I don't know what she's going to do or say, because I think she has feelings for the guy.
Jeffrey: What?
Reva: I'm not defending her. I'm just warning you because between rafe and grady, I'm not sure what she might say if she's put on the witness stand.
Jeffrey: Great. All right, we'll just... I'll have to figure out a way to keep her out of it. But I am not going to let alan or this foley guy get away with this, okay? No more slaps on the wrist. I'm going to make sure that this kid gets put away for good this time.
Reva: How much time would that be?
Jeffrey: 20 to life.
Cyrus: Great. Hold that flight for me.
Grady: Hey. For court.
Cyrus: Good. You should look respectable.
Grady: You got a suit?
Cyrus: I'm not going to be here. I'm going to europe to find harley.
Grady: Yeah, what about my trial?
Cyrus: I'll call lizzie. She'll find you a place to stay. I want you to keep a low profile.
Grady: No. You want to fix your life? Go. I'm going to fix mine. I'm not holing up in some hotel room. There are things I've got to do.
Cyrus: Oh, yeah? Like what?
Grady: Like be with daisy.
Cyrus: Daisy.
Grady: Yeah. She cares about me. Can you believe that? For the first time in my life, someone actually cares about me.
Cyrus: Stay away from daisy.
Grady: Screw you. You take care of you, and I'll take care of me.
Tattered photograph
my heart is cold
I keep you secretly
study every line
you're etched upon my mind
not a million soldiers
could take you from me
I know the reason
I search...
Cyrus: What is wrong with you?
Should our fire turn to
Harley: Everything happens for a reason, right? That's what gus would say. I'll be all right. I'll be all right. I'll be all right. I'll be all right. I'll be all right.
Announcer: Coming up, on
"guiing light..."
Coop: I'm a little distracted right now. It's just something with ashlee.
Blake: Then maybe we can meet somewhere else then? I would suggest my place, but they're doing some work on it.
Coop: No, look, at my place.
Blake: I just think it's best that we do this away from company. Unless you're busy with ashlee?
Coop: No.
Blake: You sure about this?
Coop: Just make yourself comfortable, okay?
Blake: Don't you want to be happy?
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