GL Transcript Friday 6/20/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/20/08


Provided by Boo

Daisy: He's sorry and, you know, hurting tammy, was an accident.

Cassie: Because his plan was to kill my son. How could you possibly let him back into your life?

Daisy: He put flowers on tammy's grave.

Grady: Daisy.

Cyrus: She's a tough kid. Nailed you.

Grady: Nailed us both. I never really bought into that whole honor among thieves thing, anyway.

After all and all this time

our truth was what we made it the facts were overrated

history's unraveling it's like life

in reverse don't you know I am... (knock on the door)

Alan: Gus? (Knock on the door) gus!

L zie: Granddad, it's me.

Alan: Elizabeth?

Lizzie: I can hear you in the hallway.

Alan: Just a minute. Hi.

Lizzie: Were you having another dream about gus?

Alan: Yes. I think he's trying to tell me something, elizabeth. Something about rafe or beth or peyton. They're like visions.

Lizzie: Well, I've got a nightmare for you. His real name is grady foley.

Alan: Foley?

Lizzie: Cyrus' brother. But whatever you want to call him, this is the guy you hired to get rid of jonathan.

Alan: He's supposed to be in australia.

Lizzie: Well, he's back.

Alan: Why, why would he risk something like this?

Lizzie: It doesn't matter.

Alan: What do you mea doesn't matter? He's got tammy's death on his hands, he could implicate me.

Lizzie: He won'T.

Alan: What makes you say that?

Lizzie: I won't let him.

Alan: Even though--

Lizzie: Even though what? Even though tammy's dead? Even though jonathan disappeared again with my daughter?

Alan: Yes, all of that.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, I should blame you forever. I should hate you forever. But I don'T. Our family has lost enough-- our house, the company, everything we love. I won't let this creep drag us down.

Don't you know who I am by now.

Grady: Well, what are you doing here? You made your bail.

Cyrus: I'm your brother. I have to be here.

Grady: Not necessary. They'rmoving me to county.

Cyrus: When?

Grady: Whenever they feel like it. I don't exactly get a say. But it's better for you, right you got a lot of friends here. Tammy winslow's mother.

Cyrus: Well, she's not my friend anymore.

Grady: See what I mean? You're better off cutting your losses.

Cyrus: I'll get you a lawyer.

Grady: (Laughs) what do you use for money?

Cyrus: I'll find some.

Grady: What about the spauldings?

Cyrus: We're going to stay away from the spauldings. Haven't you had enough of alan?

Grady: Him? One word to the da, and I'll have that coot behind bars. What about his granddaughter?

Cyrus: Lizzie? What about her?

Grady: We had a deal. It would have worked out for everybody, but the cops found me first.

Cyrus: Great. We candd blackma to the list of other charges.

Grady: Look who's talking. Didn't you swindle lizzie's aunt alex?

Cyrus: I married her.

Grady: Do what you need to do to survive. Lesson number one, right?

Cyrus: You should have had a better teacher.

Grady: Yeah, maybe.

Cyrus: I'll take care of this. I owe you.

Reva: Hey, hey.

Cassie: I need to talk to him.

Reva: He's asleep. You can talk to him when he wakes up.

Cassie: How long do you think it will be before he's back to work?

Reva: It's hard to tell. What, are you worried about foley getting out? Nobody wants to see thatappen.

Cassie: Yeah, well, how do you know that that won't happen? You didn't know that daisy was hiding him right under our noses.

Reva: No. I'm sorry you had to go through all of this all over again.

Cassie: This time he'll pay. This time he'll pay for killing tammy.

Reva: What are you going to do, cassie? Cassie!

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everybody feels low

everybody feels high

everybody's feet are on the

ground and heads in the sky

only love can save the world

only love can save the world

only love can save the world

only love can save the world

only love can save the world

only love.

Alan: Hello. Be my guest.

Cassie: Hello, alan.

Alan: I take it you already know?

Cassie: Know what? About the fire on seventh street or the vote on the school board? Or did you mean this? You think you got away with murder. And now the guy who's driving the car came back, and he just might tell everything to take away your life, much like you took away my daughter'S.

Alan: I know I will never be able to make it up to you.

Cassie: There is no making up for this. Not as long as you're still walking the streets. Although, that may not be happening for long.

Alan: If that's the way it's meant to be.

Cassie: Don't try to act all cool because I know you're scared to death.

Alan: A while ago, I would have been scared to death. But I'm much calmer now, now that gus has...

Cassie: I know all about your dreams. If you think that's going to fool a jury...

Alan: I've been seeing gus long before foley reappeared. But tell me something, do you think that seeing someone that you loved and lost is impossible? I mean, I thought I was crazy at first. Thought I was grieving. But then I got to where i enjoyed hearing his voice and seeing him, and it brought me a certain...

Cassie: Peace.

Alan: Yeah, peace. Cassie, I never knew what it cost you to lose a child until i lost a child of my own.

Cassie: I really wish that made me feel something for you, but it doesn'T. I still hate you for what you did to my daughter. And I'm stilcoming after you.

Lizzie: Hey. Give me my dog.

Cyrus: Relax. I'm not going to hurt her. But you and I need to do a little business.

Lizzie: Okay, well, give me my dog, and then we'll talk. Come here, roxy.

Cyrus: Wh z can I? Girls like me.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, she'll sniff anything. Talk.

Cyrus: Apparently you tried to get my brother to lve town.

Lizzie: And he should have taken the money and run. Apparently, you're the one with the brains.

Cyrus: Apparently, I've still got them.

Lizzie: I'm listening.

Cyrus: Grady needs a lawyer.

Lizzie: No kidding. I have one. Good old henry hirsch. Been my family's criminal lawyer for years. He's expecting your call.

Cyrus: So much for twisting your arm.

Lizzie: I want this over as much as you do.

Cyrus: Yeah, I'll bet. Your grandfather's in it as deep as my brother.

Lizzie: Take care of your family, and I'll take care of mine, thank you very much.

Reva: That bad, huh?

Josh: I haven't been feeling terribly inspired lately.

Reva: Well, I wish I uld inspire you, but I'm a little freaked out right now. I just saw cassie, and she's heading for trouble. I mean, with this grady guy popping up out of nowhere, she's headed down a very dar road and it's up to you to encourage her to steer clear.

Josh: Well, I haven't been leo help cas! E much latel8

Reva: What's wrong with you?

Josh: Nothing. How was she when you left her?

Reva: Not good. But I'm grateful that grady foley is behind bars.

Josh: What about alan

Reva: I don't think she's going to hurt alan. But she needs to step back and let the legal system do their job.

Josh: Well, the legal system failed her last time.

Reva: Yes, but jeffrey wasn't prosecuting the last time.

Josh: I thought jeffrey was still in the hospital?

Reva: He'll be out veryoon. Cassie needs to know that someone's there taking care of her and tammy.

Josh: Okay. I'll tell you what. Why don't you go feed jeffrey a gallon of chicken soup, or whatever it takes to get him on his feet. And I appreciate you coming here. And I will track down cassie, okay?

Reva: Okay.

Josh: Thank you. Reva?

Reva: Huh? What?

Josh: What about you?

Reva: What about me?

Josh: Foley's target was jonathan. Do I havto worry about ya ,too?

Reva: Wow. No more than usual.

Lizzie: Judge brennan? Hi. It's so nice to see you. Elizabeth spaulding, alan spaulding's granddaughter.

Judge brennan: Oh, yes, yes.

Lizzie: May I? How long has it been? It feels like just yesterday you were bouncing me on your knee at my granddad's dinner parties. (Laughs)

Judge brennan: Well, I have to get back to court.

Lizzie: You c 't spare a second for your little elizabeth? Remember when you used to call me that? I need you to do me a little favor. I'm sure you're already aware of grady foley's arrest? The guy accused of killing tammy winslow?

Judge brennan: You know i can't talk about a pending case.

Lizzie: Oh, right. Of course. I'm sorry. That was my mistake. Are you still a member of the caesar's club? You like them young, brunette, 34d? Oh, and wearing leather collars, I almost forgot. You see my granddad, he keeps a file on everyone. You never know.

Judge brennan: What do you want?

Lizzie: I could make that file disappear if you could set a reasonable bail for a certain prisoner? Do we have a deal?

Cassie: Yes, I know I said i was taking the dff, but i changed my mind. I want to see the event planners in the lobby in ten minutes. You're fired. Get the hell out of here.

Cyrus: Fine. No problem, but we have to talk.

Cassie: No. Why don't you talk to your brother, the killer?

Cyrus: I didn't know, cassie. It was some kind of sick coincidence. I'm so sry about your daughter.

Cassie: Maybe you didn't know it when it happened, but when you found out, you could have done something. How could you help him?

Cyrus: Because I felt like it was my fault. I left him. He was a kid.

Cassie: You know what, i really don't want to...

Cyrus: I wanted him to turn himself in.

Cassie: You just didn't have the guts to do it yourself.

C : I barely kk him anymore. I was trying to figure out what to do.

Cassie: You're pathetic. Both of you are just pathetic.

Cyrus: Okay, listen. I'm really sorry about you're suffering, but I had nothing to do with what happened to tammy. If I could go back and change things, I would.

Cassie: Get out of my sight.

Cyrus: There's no fixing this, is there?

Cassie: You're damn right there's no fixing this. There is no fixing this! And yet you're standing here trying to con me? Explain to me why I shouldn't hate you the way I hate your brother.

Lizzie: (Clears throat)

Grady: I was wondering when you'd show up.

Lizzie: Your brother's very persuasive.

Grady: Runs in the family.

Lizzie: I'm going to make this fast before it's all over town that I was here. I got your bail knocked down to five figures.

Grady: Really? I'm impressed. Who's paying?

Lizzie: I am. I've bú n running from the last name spaulding for a while, decided to embrace it.

Grady: I can think of better things to embrace.

Lizzie: Please save it. I am not daisy, and it's not going to happen.

Grady: You know, the guy who ran out on you, he must have done a real number on you.

Lizzie: I'm talking about survival. My family's and yours. And when they left you out of here, I expect you to stick to our agreement.

Grady: They'll fit me for an ankle bracelet. I'll have to stay in the city limits.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, a smart guy like you can figure out how to wiggle out of one those, can't you?

Grady: Maybe I don't want to. Maybe I want to settle here.

Lizzie: Not an option. Take daisy, cyrus, whoever you want to do, but you make sure you are out of that country before there's a trial.

Grady: Is that it?

Lizzie: No, one more thing. Once I pay your bail, forget you ever met me.

Reva: Alan.

Alan: Cassie's not there.

Reva: Have you seen her?

Alan: Yes.

The park.

Reva: How is she? And?

Alan: She was very emotional.

Reva: Can you blame her? Alan, if there is a trial...

Alan: The nightmare begins all over again.

Reva: You have the power to stop it.

Alan: You give me too much a it, reva. Since I lost my money, doris wolfe won't even return my calls.

Reva: I'm talking about healing, peace, reconciliation.

Alan: You need a holy man for that.

Reva: No, just a man. A man with the courage to turn himself in.

Alan: For cassie's sake?

Reva: For her, for tammy, for you. It's just a matter of time before the law catches up to you.

Alan: So I should do it for all of them, huh?

Reva: No, you should make a deal. You're still a businessman, right? Smart. What if grady foley makes a deal first? Who do you think's going to be left holding the bag then? Are you still having dreams about gus?

Alan: Why do you ask?

Reva: What do you think he'd tell you to do?

Josh: Look, what do you mean she cancelled her meeting? Well, did she say where she was going? Because I've been trying to reach her on her cell phone, but she... never mind, she just walked in.

Cassie: I'm sorry to have worried you.

Josh: That's okay. You have nothing to be sorry for. Reva came by earlier. She was worried about you.

Cassie: Oh, right. So the two of you are on homicide watchow, huh?

Josh: No. Cassie...

Cassie: Look, let me tell you. I actually saw alan and cyrus, and they're both still alive. At least they were when walked off.

Josh: Well, you need to stay away from both of those guys, okay?

Cassie: Yeah, really?

Josh: What are you doing?

Cassie: I'm hiding the knives.

Josh: Don't do that.

Cassie: Lord knows what i might do with this. Alan, grady.

Josh: Ouch, ouch!

Cassie: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Sit down. Sit down. I'm so sorry.

Josh: It's okay. It's not that big of a deal.

Cassie: Sit.

Josh: It's okay.

Cassie: It's my fault.

Josh: No, it's not.

Cassie: I'm sorry. I... maybe you're right. Maybe I can't handle this.

Josh: You don't have to handle this at all, cassie. That's the da's job.

Cassie: Yeah, well, sorry, but jeffrey's out of commission right now.

Josh: Reva said he's getting out of the hospital soon, okay? So just let him worry about foley. You need to steer clear.

Cassie: How can I do that when everywhere I turn there's another reminder?

Josh: Rj's going off to camp tomorrow, right?

Cassie: Yeah.

Josh: So we drop him off, we come back here and we pack up a few things, and we just take off. Go to the lake maybe. Get ourselves a little cabin, and lock ourselves away from the rest of the world.

Cassie: What about work?

Josh: I'm sure olivia can handle things at the beacon. And I need to get away anyway. I'm not much good to my congregation these days.

Cassie: Just go? Just like that?

J yes.

Cassie: Well, I guess I'll need a day or so to get organized.

Josh: That's fine. Cassie, we both know that we've just been going through the motions lately. Pretending to be a couple. But we can change that. We can forget about the things that have torn us apart. We can start working towards coming back together again. But you need to ask yourself this question. What's more important to you: Love or revenge?

Cassie: That's not fair. You know the answer to that. I guess you're right. Something has been broken. And if we can fix it...

Josh: We can fix it.

Buzz: Alan? Alan? Senior moment?

Alan: No, actually, I was sitting here thinking... about how lucky I am as a man.

Buzz: You got to love that. (Laughs)

Alan: What?

Buzz: You lost your house.

Alan: Uh-huh.

Buzz: Your fortune, your standing in the community, and you think you're lucky? Are you feeling okay?

Alan: It is hard to believe, isn't it? You see, now I have time to stop and smell the roses.

Buzz: Well, good for you.

Alan: I'll tell you something else.

Buzz: What?

Alan: I am going to hate moving out of the boardinghouse, and I'm going to miss the gang down there, and I'm going to miss you, too, buzz.

Buzz: You're going to miss me?

Alan: Yeah.

Buzz: Can I quote you on that?

Alan: If you do, I'll deny it.

Buzz: Now there, there. I knew you were in there some place. So do we have beth to thank for all of this?

Alan: I think beth, peyton and I are going to have a wonderful life together. I think I have a chance with elizabeth, too. Gus has made me feel that everything's going to be all right with the rest of the family.

Buzz: Are you still having dreams about him?

Alan: Yeah. I read a lot of books that tell me that it is possible to channel the dead. And en there are other books that say it is nothing but a projection.

Buzz: Oh, who cares. You know, either he's talking you, speaking to you from some other place, or it's your mind in overdrive. But you know, who cares? It's what you do with it.

Alan: So you think that these dreams might mean something?

Buzz: I.... you know, I think gus has parked himself in your head some place. It's a gift. So don't screw it up.

Reva: Impressive.

Grady: Ah. Daisy's grandmother.

Reva: And tammy winslow's aunt.

Grady: You know, you're not going to believe this, but I am sorry about her.

Reva: Maybe you are, maybe you're not. But it won't bring her back, or my son and his little girl.

Grady: Jonathan?

Reva: Yes, jonathan. I lost them, too, because of you.

Grady: The way I hear it, your boy's no saint.

Reva: But he's my saint. So is his little girl. And I don't get to see them much anymore.

Grady: You can go now.

Reva: How much did alan pay you? What's the going rate for a life these days? Was it worth it?

Grady: No. Not even close. How's daisy?

Reva: Don't you dare pretend to care about anyone but yourself. I shouldn't have even bothered. But alan...

Grady: What about him?

Reva:Lan seem have found a tt piece of his soul. It looks like he's going to step up, make a confession. Who knows, maybe you two will be jail mates. (Laughs) I just had a very interesting conversation with your brother. Does harley know about any of this?

Cyrus: Not much.

Reva: She doesn't know your brother's a killer? If you love her, you'll keep grady away from her daughter. He doesn't need your protection, but daisy does.

Lizzie: Wait, wait. I can help you.

Cassie: Oh, all right. I'm just getting some supplies for the cottage.

Lizzie:He cottage?

Cassie: Yeah, josh and I are going to go away for a day or @two.

Lizzie: That's a good idea. You should go and forget about everything.

Cassie: Have you heard from jonathan?

Lizzie: No. He's long gone.

Cassie: It's probably for the best. I mean, I know you miss sarah.

Lizzie: Yes.

Cassie: Maybe you should go away. You know, get away from everything that's about to happen with alan?

Lizzie: You know, that's probably a really good idea.

Cassie: You know he deserves it, right?

Lizzie: Of course. Have a great time.

Cassie: Thanks.

Buzz: Hey there.

Cyrus: Hey there. Thanks for nothing.

Buzz: What?

Cyrus: Oh, I might have been better off in jail. I tried to explain a few things to cassie. It didn't go too well. She fired me, which means I lose my room at the beacon, too. Kind of funny, isn't it?

Buzz: You think?

Cyrus: No. I mean, I don't blame cassie for reacting the way that she did, but I have to try to help my brother. You know, he's my brother. Maybe it was crazy, but I... i had to see if there was something there worth saving.

Buzz: Any answers?

Cyrus: Well, one good thing, it can't get any worse. I've pretty much bottomed out. All I can do now is crawl out of the hole I'm in and get on with it.

Lizzie: There, baby girl. Guess what I have for you. Oh, you smell it, you smell it, you smell it! There you go. There you go. Look, right here I missed you so much today. Yes, I did. You should have seen me. I did my job. You would have been so proud. It turns out that granddad happened to have taught me some really important lessons. Do you want to know what? You shou h e seen the judge's face. He looked like he was going to pass out. You should see what else is in my granddad's folder. Ew! Hello?

Grady: What happened to our deal?

Lizzie: What's your problem? I told you I was going to pay for the bail.

Grady: And who's taking care of daisy's grandmother from hell?

Lizzie: Reva?

Grady: Yeah. Nice lady. They should put her to work at guantanamo bay.

Lizzie: What did she say?

Grady: Maybe she's bluffing.

Lizzie: Well, damnit, what did she say?

Grady: Gr ddad1 developed a conscience apparently, he's going to turn himself in.

Lizzie: Yeah. No. No way. He knows I'm taking care of everything.

Grady: You know, if alan rats me out, then all bets are off.

Lizzie: Grady. Mommy will be right back. Okay, honey?

Buzz: How's cassie?

Josh: How do you think?

Buzz: What a mess. For everyone.

Josh: Yeah. I'm going to take her out of town for a while. We both need a break. It's been a tough year.

Buzz: Good idea. You know, leave all of the bad here. Take care of each other.

Josh: Thank you. I'll give it my best shot.

Buzz: You got it.

Josh: I'll see you.

Cassie: Hey, sis.

Reva: Hey. You look okay.

Cassie:El iig get there eventually. Josh is taking me away. He thinks I need to get away from all of this grady stuff. And maybe when we come back, it will be old news and he'll be in solitary confinement.

Reva: You need to let it go. Tammy would want you to be happy.

Cassie: Yeah, I know. Thanks.

Alan: If this is what you want me to do, son, show me a sign.

Officer: Can I help you?

Alan: Yes, officer. Cod you tell me grady foley is still in custody?

Officer: He was just let out on bail.

Alan: Really? Well, then I need to speak with chief wolfe.

Officer: What's it about?

Alan: Tell him I would like to make a statement.

Offer: About what?

Lzie: Granddad, sp! Stop

Officer: Hey, what'S... what's going on?

Alan: I just told you. I want to make a--

Lizzie: I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. My granddad hasn't been the same since the accident.

Alan: I've never been more sane in my life.

Lizzie: Come along, granddad. Come on. I told you I was going to takecare of everything.

Alan: Gus would want me to do this.

Lizzie: There's more than one way. I'm going to save this family whether you want it or not.

Grady: There's no food in here.

Cnobody lives here.

Grady: To freedom. Oh, what's wrong?

Cyrus: There's nothing to toast, nothing to celebrate. We've got a big problem.

Grady: You'll fix it. And you owe me. So what's the plan? You get a hacksaw to this ankle bracelet, and then we get out of here? I like it.

Cyrus: This is harley's house. Don't get comfortable. You're not staying.

Grady: What's wrong? She's not here.

Cyrus: She'll be back.

Grady: Are you so sure?

Cyrus: I'm sure of very few things, but harley's one of them. And when she walks through that door, I want to be here.

Grady: Wellwhat about that feou're spning? Thfoley brothers take on the world?

Cyrusyou need to fix things here or you'll spend your life on the run, and that's not a life. Time to make some changes, grady. You've got a great lawyer on your side.

Grady: I don't need a lawyer. I need something to take this ankle bracelet off so I can get the hell out of here.

Cyrus: You've been on your own, right? So have I. It's not so great. Just... try something different.

Grady: Why?

Cyrus: Why the hell not? (Knock on the door)

Josh: Come in.

Reva: I had to come back. Do you believe in miracles? I mean, it's not up there with the parting of the red seas or anything, but it's close. Are you listeng to me?

Josh: Y reva, I'm listening.

Reva: Alan spaulding is thinking about confessing.

Josh: So you got through to him, huh?

Reva: Well, I don't know if i got through to him or if it was the visitations he's having by gus, but he's thinking about making a plea.

Josh: Hmmm.

Reva: If he makes a plea, that means there is no trial. Which means cassie can rest easy, and tammy, too.

Josh: Well, I do believe in miracles, but when it comes to alan spaulding, I'll believe it when I see it.

Reva: Ah. So it looks like you and cassie are going away.

Josh: Yes, we are. Trial or no trial, she needs to move on and... well, we both do for that matter. So... but that means I won't be around for the rest of the movie shoot. I'm sorry.

Reva: Oh, boy. You know what that means don't you? My character gets all the juicy lines.

Josh: Well, I never doubted that for a moment.

Buzz: Jude he thinks he looks butch with it. And zach won a swimming medal. And daisy, daisy's busy.

Cassie: I need to talk to her. It's harley, right? I need to talk to her.

Buzz: It's cassie. Not too long.

Cassie: Harley... look, there's something I need to tell you about cyrus. And me.

Coming up on "guiding light,"

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Cassie: I need to tell you something. It's aboutus.

Harley: Wha is cyrus dang another woman?

Cassie: This is really important.

Harley: I trust him and you don't know him the that way i do, cassie.

Cassie: Harley, yes I do. He's not the man you think he is.

Mallet: Pardon me, miss marler.

Dinah: You scared me. Don't call me miss marler-- you sound so formal.

Mallet: You are not allowed to park on the grass.

Dinah: You know, I'm wearing heels. I didn't want to sink into the mud as I walked around. I'm looking around here and I'm trying to find out where I'm going to get most bang for my buck, here or the house? Now, the house is wonderful, it makes a statement, but this is very public and it makes a statement. What do you think? What do you think makes the most powerful statement?

Mallet: Does it matter? It's bill and ava's wedding.

Dinah: I know that. And I'm doing this for them, you know, and it's going to give them everything they want. You know? It's good, right?

Mallet: Do me a favor-- just don't get hurt in all of this, okay? And don't do any hurting.

Dinah: No, of course not. Mallet!

Mallet: Mm-hmm.

Dinah: This is a real ticket.

Mallet: Mm-hmm. You need to obey the laws.

Dinah: Mallet!

Mallet: Have a good day.

Dinah: This is a real ticket!

Remy: Okay, that's gross.

Ava: That is not gross. Oh, we are just waiting to see.

Buzz: Here, here, here, try this one.

Ava: What is it? Chocolate. Ooh, that's not too bad.

Remy: Yeah, yeah.

Ava: Yeah. Want to try it? Okay, ready? The double dunk.

Remy: Oh, man!

Ava: Ready? Open the hatch.

Remy: Oh, man.

Ava: Open the hatch.

Remy: Oh! Okay, okay, that... that one was so gross. That is nasty!

Ava: (Laughing)

Remy: Oh, you want to play with fries now.

Ava: (Laughing)

Remy: Buzz is going to be mad at you. Stop it.

Reva: Hey. You a full service owner? Making your own deliveries now, too?

Buzz: Actually, this is for your man, jeffrey.

Reva: Really?

Buzz: Really.

Reva: He shouldn't be eating that stuff.

Buzz: Ava ordered it. He didn't order it. Ava's busy now eating the ten orders she did order for herself.

Reva: She's pregnant. She's entitled to eat ten orders of french fries.

Buzz: You look like you could use some comfort food. You do. Come on. You okay?

Reva: Am I ever really okay?

Buzz: Oh, I forgot, you're reva shayne. Trouble follows you all over the place. As a matter of fact, you have looked happy, even, you know -- even care-free, let's say.

Reva: I am happy, maybe for the first time in a long time.

Buzz: Happiness makes you nervous?

Reva: I'm confused, though-- daisy and jeffrey and my past and my future. I just don't know where today ends and tomorrow begins.

Buzz: Midnight.

Reva: Be serious for one second. I'm just afraid, okay? I don'T... I don't want to stir up a bunch of trouble just because I'm afraid of how I feel about jeffrey.

Buzz: Do you love him?

Reva: Yeah.

Buzz: Just don't think about it. I mean, just live for the day. It's your time, baby.

Reva: My time?

Buzz: Yeah, time to sit back and enjoy it. You've earned it. You know, I'm not one of those "happy ever after" people, but you never know.

Reva: (Laughing) that's true. You never know.

Buzz: Have a fry.

Reva: (Laughs)

Dinah: I can control everything. Everything. Just you watch me.

Olivia: Hi.

Reva: Hey. Thanks for meeting me.

Olivia: We... oh, wow, what are these for?

Reva: Ava, they're for ava. I... I don't need them anymore.

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