Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/19/08
Provided by Suzanne
Announcer: Previously on "guiding light"...
Dinah: Look, buzz, come on, ava's going to be thrilled that you're doing the wedding cake.
Buzz: A wedding? You and olivia?
Dinah: Well, I'm letting olivia make herself useful.
Buzz: You're taking this wedding planning very seriously.
Dinah: I am. This is going to be the wedding event of the year. It's kind of fun being the sister of the groom.
Olivia: Well, mother of the bride trumps sister of the groom.
Jeffrey: Perfect. (Chuckles)
Reva: Thank you.
Jeffrey: Great.
Mallet: Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Mallet: You heard the news?
Jeffrey: What news you talking about?
Mallet: Grady foley, A.K.A. Gillespie, is back in town -- the guy that killed tammy?
Jeffrey: Yeah, we heard. You know, there is a lot I've got to get back to-- rafe, this. But as long as chief doris is at the helm...
Mallet: Yeah, I know, I know. We just need you back at work. Message. I've got to go-- some poor dope has locked his keys in his car. All right. See you later.
Reva: Tammy's killer.
Jeffrey: Don't worry, we'll get him.
Reva: He destroyed everything. Tammy's life, cassie's, jonathan's, sarah...
Jeffrey: You? Is that what this is about? Is that why you cancelled the wedding?
Waitress: Ooh, planning a big one?
Dinah: Yes. Yes, but it's not for me, which is why I can't understand why I'm so excited about this whole wedding thing.
Waitress: All swept up by it-- it's only natural.
Dinah: No. No, you don't understand. I mean, really, this is not me. This is not me at all. But... you're right, I have been swept up.
Waitress: Is this for a friend?
Dinah: No, it's for my brother. We're close. We're close, and there's a lot of power in that. You know, it's given me a lot of joy to give him the kind of life he wants. You know, this wedding is going to be the event of the year. And not only will we lead one of the most powerful companies in the country, we'll be one of the most powerful families, too.
Remy: There's a gentle exercise I can show you if you need to stretch your back.
Ava: Oh, that would be fabulous. I just don't want to do anything to hurt little baby max.
Remy: Oh, trust me, I used to be a physical therapist.
Ava: You did?
Remy: Uh-huh. See, there's lots of stuff you don't know about me. Feel that?
Ava: Yeah, I do, right through my arm and my back and my legs.
Remy: Yeah, yes. Okay, now you do the other side.
Ava: Okay.
Remy: Okay?
Ava: That was nice.
Reva: It's not that.
Jeffrey: I know this is hard, but this grady foley character coming back into town-- it's bringing up a lot of bad memories.
Reva: There's just a lot right now, you know. Too much.
Jeffrey: I'm sorry I got shot.
Reva: No, it'S... just let me explain, okay? I'm not postponing the wedding because of your healing or because you have all these cases that you need to finish work on.
Jeffrey: You know, I don't need some big hoopla, okay, so if you're waiting for the perfect moment for us to...
Reva: No, no. It's not that.
Jeffrey: Is it josh?
Captioning sponsored by
procter & gamble productions,
inc. And cbs
everybody feels low
everybody feels high
everybody's feet are on the
ground and heads in the sky
only love can save the world
only love can save the world
only love can save the world
only love can save the world
only love can save the world
only love.
Reva: It's not josh. It's not.
Jeffrey: Okay. Maybe it was the movie, then. Maybe that's bringing up all of these old memories and it's making you question things.
Reva: I have to say that, at first, the movie thing was a little unsettling, but now I'm thinking it's more about whether I'm in the place that I want to be in my life.
Jeffrey: Okay. You know, I don'T... I don't think we just end up in places in our lives. I think that maybe we make choices and that puts us in a place somewhere.
Reva: I think so, too. So, it's really not a big deal, it's just... it's just my ability to make choices, because I've made some doozies-- bad ones.
Jeffrey: Do you think proposing to me might have been one of those bad ones? Maybe you were trying to prove to yourself that you were in the right place?
Olivia: Hey, you. Could you help me with these?
Remy: Sure. No problem.
Olivia: These, too.
Remy: Okay.
Olivia: Can you take them all?
Remy: Yep.
Olivia: If you ruin my daughter's wedding...
Remy: I just want ava to be happy.
Olivia: Good. Then, we want the same thing.
Remy: But I don't think we agree on what would make her happy.
Olivia: What do you know about that? Let me be clear-- if you mess up what ava has with bill, I swear to you, I will ruin you. Maybe it's time for you to leave the house. Get out.
Olivia: Hi.
Ava: Hey, mom.
Olivia: You all rested?
Ava: Uh-huh.
Olivia: Okay. Well, have a seat. I want to show you a few things.
Ava: Oh!
Olivia: What do you think?
Buzz: I wondered when someone was going to get here?
Mallet: I got a call. They said that some dope had locked himself out of his car. Seen anybody like that around here?
Buzz: No. No one that fits that description.
Mallet: Well, I guess I'll just hang out and wait for the guy to show up. So, buzz.
Buzz: Yes?
Mallet: Grady been snooping around daisy much?
Buzz: Can't do anything about that-- she's as head-strong as her mother.
Mallet: Got a mother and a daughter dating two brothers-- one's a thief, one's a murderer. Think you could use any grandfatherly influence, there, buzz?
Buzz: I can't even keep you from going out with marina.
Mallet: Oh! Ouch! Touché.
Buzz: I'm going to let the police take care of cyrus and grady and all that. I'M... I'm getting ready for dinah's wedding.
Mallet: Yeah, there could be some trouble there.
Buzz: Yeah?
Mallet: I tasted all of the cakes, yeah. The problem is I think she's going to a special caterer.
Buzz: Well, I'm still a contender.
Mallet: Uh-huh. Let's get this car unlocked.
Dinah: Okay. And I found a fantastic florist. They're going to cooperate with us...
Olivia: Oh, no, not that cheap one down on highland.
Dinah: Please, please, can we not do this. I don't want to argue about who's right or wrong, okay?
Olivia: Okay. Who did you pick?
Dinah: Willow tree.
Olivia: Oh. Oh, my gosh, I picked that one, too.
Dinah: Tell me you picked the blue gardenia centerpieces?
Olivia: Oh, that's just weird! Look! I think this is going to work out.
Dinah: Yes! Guess what?
Olivia: What?
Dinah: You can rent the swan from the park. I say we put him in the pond on the east side of the house.
Olivia: Oh, that's wonderful. What about a horse-drawn carriage?
Dinah: Spectacular!
Ava: Um, guys... guys, let's remember this is my wedding.
Olivia: Oh.
Dinah: Sure, yeah. Come on over here.
Olivia: Come sit next to us. Dinah: Of course it's your wedding.
Ava: Ah!
Olivia: Come here, sweetie. Sit in the middle. Here you go.
Ava: Ooh, he's kicking.
Olivia: Wanna feel it. Where is he?
Ava: Oh, he's down here. This kid's going to be a soccer player.
Olivia: Really?
Ava: Yeah.
Olivia: I don't feel it.
Dinah: There he is. Ooh, I felt it! He kicked. We need to have a baby shower.
Olivia: Oh, oh, we can use those little edelweiss garlands. Oh, oh, dinah, look. That's nice, but what about that?
Dinah: Perfect. Ooh, that's perfect.
Olivia: You don't have to do this, you know.
Ava: Do what?
Olivia: This, the wedding. Bill. I'll support you no matter what you decide.
Ava: Just a few minutes ago, you and dinah were acting like this was the wedding of the century.
Olivia: Well, a few minutes ago, I thought you did, too.
Ava: Well... I do want this to happen. But I don't know, I just... sometimes, I feel a little...
Olivia: Scared?
Ava: Yeah.
Olivia: We're not that different.
Ava: You, scared? Never.
Olivia: No, not always. You know, our lives really weren't that different when i was growing up. We were simple people. We didn't have a lot of money. And I used to dream about living in the castle that my mother worked in.
Ava: And you did.
Olivia: I did. And I lived in the big house on top of the hill a few times. And I help shake up some companies. I had a string of love affairs. A few too many marriages. And now, here I am. I am... I have money and a successful business, and two beautiful daughters.
Ava: But...?
Olivia: Sometimes, your dreams don't always turn out the way you thought they would.
Ava: Well, sometimes they do.
Olivia: For your sake, I hope so. I am going to do whatever I need to do to make that dream happen for you. I promise.
Ava: Thanks, mom.
Olivia: Okay. Let's go. I'll have bruno bring the car around.
Ava: Okay.
Tonight's our anniversary a month ago I slept alone
but something started the same wait another star...
solitary, cold
I found my way found my hope
no more looking back now, I linger in a dream
when you cross my path and we float away
and there's a star to roam you come bring me home
I see you run in front of me I reach for you and then you're gone
time with you goes by so quickly
and now, it's gone how could I know?
How should you know I've I've found my way
found my hope no more looking back
now, I linger in a dream when you cross my path
and we float away and there's a star to roam
you come and bring me home you come and bring me... home.
Olivia: Okay, so ava is with her doctor down the hall. So she'll be here in a minute. You can'T... what are you doing? What is this? You can't look at that, okay? And you have to be happy for her. Just... just paste a smile on.
Jeffrey: Olivia, I don't think this is a good idea.
Olivia: Just let her have a moment.
Jeffrey: Ava, hi!
Ava: Dad!
Jeffrey: It's so good to see both of you.
Ava: How are you? I have great news. Bill and I, we've decided we're getting married.
Jeffrey: What, really? I didn't know.
Ava: Oh. How did you know?
Jeffrey: Sorry.
Ava: You knew!
Olivia: No, we're both very happy for you.
Jeffrey: Yeah, but are you happy? Are you happy with this?
Ava: I... me? Of course I am, I'm so happy. Are you kidding me? And the both of you are required to be happy with me. This is so exciting. This wedding is going to be... it's going to be like a royal wedding. And the best part is dinah is throwing a huge, enormous baby shower for me and little max.
Jeffrey: Great. No, I mean, it's wonderful, it really is.
Ava: Dad!
Jeffrey: And, you know, dinah is good at putting things like this together, she is.
Dinah: Okay, women really do some of the dumbest things.
Remy: No kidding.
Dinah: Okay, get this. It's called "dress the baby." You have each team race to see who can dress the baby doll the first. That's just, like, ridiculous.
Remy: Ooh, no thank you.
Dinah: "Guess the mom's weight." That's cruel-- not good. This is a baby shower favorite, okay-- you're not going to believe it. "Hand each guest a diaper with a melted candy bar in it, and let them guess which kind."
Remy: (Laughing)
Dinah: Okay? That's disgusting. That's almost offensive. Okay. Try this-- you have to make an item of baby clothing, okay, out of toilet paper. You've got 30 seconds.
Remy: Okay.
Dinah: Go.
Remy: All right. You know... you know, I'm amazed that olivia is letting you have this much input.
Dinah: Letting me have what?
Remy: Uh-huh. Well, she said to me that she was going to make her daughter the queen and that I, you know, should stay out of it and mind our own business.
Dinah: Excuse me, this is my family. I put bill where he is, and if anyone is going to be queen, it's going to be me. All right?
Remy: What are you doing?
Dinah: I don't want you to worry, you know. I mean, I'm the head of this family and I want you to stay.
Remy: Thank you.
Dinah: Yeah. I'm going to keep ava and olivia exactly where they need to be. Bill and I have come a long way. You're here, and everything is going to be fine.
Remy: Okay, what did we make? Ace bandage.
Dinah: Baby hat. What do you think? We'll sell them, we'll make millions.
Remy: (Imitates buzzer) (laughs)
Buzz: You just going to jiggle it open? You need some help with your slim jim?
Mallet: They don't make cars like they used to, okay? You should have roadside assistance.
Buzz: Not on this year's budget, I can'T.
Mallet: Yeah, I hear that. You've seen my place.
Buzz: Yeah, it's not easy. You need me to help you with this thing?
Mallet: No, I've got it. Stop breathing over my shoulder, you're making me nervous. Buzz.
Buzz: Yeah?
Mallet: I think the whole starting over thing is going to do me some good.
Buzz: Usually does.
Mallet: Do you ever feel like doing that, just selling everything and starting something new?
Buzz: Not really, mallet.
Mallet: Right. That's right, because you've got a family. And they all need a central place to come home to. And you're the guy that holds it all together.
Buzz: Thank you, officer camaletti. Hope you get all of the change you want.
Mallet: Thank you. You've got your keys, right?
Mark: You still look beautiful.
Reva: Now I know you're a good actor.
Mark: Ooh, my own personal fan club.
Reva: (Laughing) so... wow! So, you like playing josh?
Mark: I love it. But I wish I... I don't know, i wish I got a little bit more of his character down.
Reva: What do you mean?
Mark: Well, josh is a pretty complex guy, and jolene has tons of research, but mostly it's on you.
Reva: Yeah. Yeah, that's what worries me.
Mark: I just... I wish I knew josh the way I feel like I know you.
Reva: Well, um, do you want me to take a look at it for you?
Never thought I'd ever feel this way
I didn't think you'd ever feel the same
I'm searching reasons why these feelings burn deep inside
my love starts racing when you come around
no need for searching, true love I have found...
Buzz: (Laughs) you need some help over there?
Mark: Yeah, sure. Thanks. I should know how to do this.
Buzz: Where are you from?
Mark: I'm mark. I'm playing josh in the reva movie. You know them?
Buzz: Yeah, yeah, I know them.
Mark: I just had this most incredible meeting with reva. I feel like... I feel like I'm finally getting a handle on who josh really is, you know-- why reva always comes back.
Buzz: I... I wouldn't go into that right now, you know. She's with somebody else.
Mark: I'm just following the script.
Buzz: (Laughing)
Mark: You know, the part that worries me most, though, is this wedding. I mean, was it really like this? Ah, how can it not look corny-- the row boat, daisies, this outfit?
Buzz: Yeah.
Mark: Yeah?
Buzz: Well, sometimes love conquers all, you know? (Knock on door)
Mallet: Hey.
Reva: Something's happened.
Mallet: No, no, no, nothing like that. I just... I just wanted to come over. I... I don't know, raise the alert. I didn't really want to say anything earlier.
Reva: Earlier, as in front of jeffrey earlier? Alert about what?
Mallet: Daisy, grady, their past, their future. I'm a little worried about all that.
Reva: I am, too. Nobody wants that creep around here, especially me.
Mallet: I just got a feeling. I can't put my finger on it, i just have a feeling that something's going to happen. Something is wrong.
Reva: I couldn't agree with you more.
Mallet: So, you want me to keep you informed?
Reva: Yes.
Mallet: Especially if I find out anything about him?
Reva: Please, absolutely. I mean, he hurt my family once. I'm not going to let him do it again.
Mallet: Okay.
Reva: Thanks.
Mallet: Deal. Movie?
Reva: Yeah.
Mallet: Shooting a movie? I'll tell you what-- you know what, reva? You're a fighter. Tougher than most of us because, if someone put my past up in front of my face like this, i don't know. I've made so many mistakes, I'd want to go back and fix everything, maybe make different choices. But you're strong. Got a part for me?
Reva: Get out of here. Thanks, though, mallet. I appreciate it.
Mallet: You betcha. Take care.
Reva: Bye-bye.
Reva: We need to talk.
Jeffrey: All right. Thanks.
Ava: Who was that on the phone?
Jeffrey: Just some meeting. So, now, back to what we were talking about...
Ava: Oh, wait, he's kicking! Feel. Feel right here. Feel-- no, lower. Right there. Say, "hi, grandpa, I'm kicking." Can you feel it?
Jeffrey: That's it?
Ava: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Is that him?
Ava: Did you feel it? Yes!
Jeffrey: I felt something.
Ava: I am so happy to be having this baby with bill. I know, biologically, it's not his, but he is already in my heart and in bill's heart, too, and we're going to make a great family.
Olivia: What did I miss? What did I miss?
Ava: He's kicking.
Jeffrey: Max has been kicking.
Ava: He's been kicking.
Olivia: Wow.
Ava: He's quiet now.
Jeffrey: I don't know why i got this craving for some greasy french fries.
Olivia: Hmm. You want me to get you some?
Ava: No. Why don't I go pick them up? I'm starving. That sounds really good.
Jeffrey: Yeah, let her go, because, you know, the air is going to be good for the baby.
Olivia: All right, that was a ruse. You wanted to say something to me or what?
Jeffrey: Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I will support this marriage, but I am not just going to stand by and watch her get hurt.
Olivia: Of course you won'T. I'm not going to let her get hurt, either.
Ava: Yes, the order will be to go. Thanks.
Buzz: Six?
Remy: Guess who?
Ava: Um, remy! (Laughs) hi.
Remy: What you doing? What did you order?
Ava: Oh, I just ordered some french fries for jeffrey.
Remy: Okay. So, how are the funeral... i mean, wedding plans?
Ava: Ha, ha, ha, very funny. Well, they're fine. Olivia and dinah are handling the entire thing for me.
Remy: I noticed.
Buzz: Here it is. Six french fries to go with a pickle.
Ava: Thank you. Okay, fine, so, I had a craving. I got some for myself.
Remy: Okay, let's see, um... plain... gravy, cheese...
Ava: (Laughing)
Olivia: Hi.
Dinah: Everything all right?
Olivia: Jeffrey's fine.
Dinah: Good. Listen, I want you to know that I will continue to include you in all the wedding plans, but this is my family, mine and bill's, and I've pulled a lot of strings to make a lot of things happen for us. If you play by the rules, I'll let you play, too. I know you have a bad ticker, but bad ticker or no, if you try to climb over me, I will push you off the mountain.
Olivia: I guess we're just one big happy family, aren't we?
Mallet: Pardon me, miss marler.
Dinah: You scared me. Don't call me miss marler-- you sound so formal.
Mallet: You are not allowed to park on the grass.
Dinah: You know, I'm wearing heels. I didn't want to sink into the mud as I walked around. I'm looking around here and I'm trying to find out where I'm going to get most bang for my buck, here or the house? Now, the house is wonderful, it makes a statement, but this is very public and it makes a statement. What do you think? What do you think makes the most powerful statement?
Mallet: Does it matter? It's bill and ava's wedding.
Dinah: I know that. And I'm doing this for them, you know, and it's going to give them everything they want. You know? It's good, right?
Mallet: Do me a favor-- just don't get hurt in all of this, okay? And don't do any hurting.
Dinah: No, of course not. Mallet!
Mallet: Mm-hmm.
Dinah: This is a real ticket.
Mallet: Mm-hmm. You need to obey the laws.
Dinah: Mallet!
Mallet: Have a good day.
Dinah: This is a real ticket!
Remy: Okay, that's gross.
Ava: That is not gross. Oh, we are just waiting to see.
Buzz: Here, here, here, try this one.
Ava: What is it? Chocolate. Ooh, that's not too bad.
Remy: Yeah, yeah.
Ava: Yeah. Want to try it? Okay, ready? The double dunk.
Remy: Oh, man!
Ava: Ready? Open the hatch.
Remy: Oh, man.
Ava: Open the hatch.
Remy: Oh! Okay, okay, that... that one was so gross. That is nasty!
Ava: (Laughing)
Remy: Oh, you want to play with fries now.
Ava: (Laughing)
Remy: Buzz is going to be mad at you. Stop it.
Reva: Hey. You a full service owner? Making your own deliveries now, too?
Buzz: Actually, this is for your man, jeffrey.
Reva: Really?
Buzz: Really.
Reva: He shouldn't be eating that stuff.
Buzz: Ava ordered it. He didn't order it. Ava's busy now eating the ten orders she did order for herself.
Reva: She's pregnant. She's entitled to eat ten orders of french fries.
Buzz: You look like you could use some comfort food. You do. Come on. You okay?
Reva: Am I ever really okay?
Buzz: Oh, I forgot, you're reva shayne. Trouble follows you all over the place. As a matter of fact, you have looked happy, even, you know -- even care-free, let's say.
Reva: I am happy, maybe for the first time in a long time.
Buzz: Happiness makes you nervous?
Reva: I'm confused, though-- daisy and jeffrey and my past and my future. I just don't know where today ends and tomorrow begins.
Buzz: Midnight.
Reva: Be serious for one second. I'm just afraid, okay? I don'T... I don't want to stir up a bunch of trouble just because I'm afraid of how I feel about jeffrey.
Buzz: Do you love him?
Reva: Yeah.
Buzz: Just don't think about it. I mean, just live for the day. It's your time, baby.
Reva: My time?
Buzz: Yeah, time to sit back and enjoy it. You've earned it. You know, I'm not one of those "happy ever after" people, but you never know.
Reva: (Laughing) that's true. You never know.
Buzz: Have a fry.
Reva: (Laughs)
Dinah: I can control everything. Everything. Just you watch me.
Olivia: Hi.
Reva: Hey. Thanks for meeting me.
Olivia: We... oh, wow, what are these for?
Reva: Ava, they're for ava. I... I don't need them anymore.
Mallet: Hey, marina, what's up?
Mallet: Hey, marina, what's up? What are you up to tonight? Are you busy?
Remy: Hey, dinah.
Dinah: Hey, hey.
Remy: You want some fries?
Dinah: Oh, thanks.
Remy: Got some dip, too.
Dinah: Oh. Ava.
Ava: Yeah.
Dinah: You don't look so hot. Why don't you have a seat?
Ava: All right.
Dinah: You all right?
Ava: Yeah.
Dinah: Remy, can you get her a glass of water to drink.
Remy: Yeah.
Dinah: Thanks. You sure you're okay?
Ava: Yeah. Yeah, I'm good.
Dinah: So, have you thought about what special friends you want at the wedding, or cousins or classmates?
Ava: Um... no. I... there really isn't anyone that special to me, besides my mom and dad.
Dinah: Really?
Ava: Yeah.
Dinah: Who do you want to stand up for you?
Ava: Why? What do you mean?
Dinah: I mean, in the wedding party?
Ava: Oh, well, I haven't really thought about that yet.
Dinah: Well, you have to order that dress, soon, you know. And it can't clash with yours, and we know that emma is going to be the flower girl and everything, but who... who could be there to stand up for you?
Ava: Dinah, would you like to be my maid of honor?
Dinah: Oh! Oh, I'd be honored. I'd be honored.
Ava: I would love that.
Dinah: Oh, wow, I think I'm going to be perfect for it.
Ava: I think you are, too.
Dinah: You know, I read in this month's "wedding maven's guide," she said that, you know, the maid of honor, she really controls everything, you know, just so that everything can go down exactly as the bride wants it. And I'll just... I will make you proud. And I'll make my brother proud, too.
Ava: I'm sure you will. I'm sure you will. Thank you.
Remy: Here's your water?
Ava: Oh, lovely. Thanks so much.
Dinah: Hey, do you want to be in the wedding party, too?
Remy: No.
Dinah: Well, then, all right. Well, I'll be there and so will your mom and jeffrey and emma.
Buzz: Hey.
Olivia: Hi.
Buzz: Whoa, long day?
Olivia: Oh, you have no idea.
Buzz: Try me.
Olivia: Well, I wish I could drink.
Buzz: How about a french fry?
Olivia: Yeah, that sounds good.
Buzz: Oh, how is the planning going?
Olivia: It's been an incredible challenge, but I only have one daughter getting married this season, so everything I choose now affects her.
Buzz: Isn't that just the way, you know? Whatever they choose, you want something better for them.
Olivia: I want them to have a better life than I have.
Buzz: Whoa!
Reva: Hey, stranger.
Jeffrey: Hmm, hey. You've been truant today?
Reva: Mm-hmm. That happens with me. You should be used to it by now.
Jeffrey: (Laughing) I am. Is there something you want to tell me?
Reva: I, um... I don't want to get married.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Reva: And it's not because i don't want you in my life, because I do.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Reva: Okay? You don't want to marry me?
Jeffrey: Nope, never did.
Reva: But you were going to do it?
Jeffrey: Well, because you wanted to, and I want to be with you.
Reva: I looked at my past, and I realize that I'm right where I want to be.
Jeffrey: Me, too.
Reva: I mean, we love each other.
Jeffrey: Yes, we do.
Reva: And we don't need a ceremony, at least not now.
Jeffrey: Nope.
Reva: Oh, I almost forgot-- by the way, I won. Gin.
Jeffrey: (Laughing) you always seem to win.
Reva: You are learning, mr. O'neill. You're learning.
Jeffrey: Don't get used to it.
Reva: Oh, really? Is that something you want to bet on?
Jeffrey: (Laughing)
Coming up on "guiding light," brought to you by clorox disinfecting wipes, the only wipe with the power of clorox.
Alan: He's got tammy's death on his hands! He could implicate me!
Lizzie: I won't let this creep drag us down.
Grady: What happened to our deal?
Lizzie: What's your problem?
Grady: If alan rats me out, then all bets are off.
Lizzie: Grady!
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