GL Transcript Friday 6/13/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/13/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Bill: Thanks, again, everyone for coming out. Thank you so much. I hope it's the first of many fun and fine gatherings.

Lizzie: Who cares that it is the house that I grew up in. Because someone came in and stole my legacy. You know, when my family used to have--

Dinah: Your family doesn't live here anymore. This is my family's home.

Bill: So we thought we were going to wait until we set a date before telling anyone, but I can't think of a better time or place to announce our engagement than right here, right now. Okay, so, again, thank you for being here with us. And thank you for sharing this with Ava and I. And cheers! So there you go. Oh, yes. An original.

Olivia: Why didn't you tell me?

Ava: Because I didn't know. This is a total shock, surprise to me.

Olivia: Well, I'm happy for you. You’re happy?

Ava: I'm shocked. But, yes I'm happy. But I think I need to go talk to Bill, though.

Olivia: Okay, go, go. Have fun. Listen, you deserve good things in life. Remember that.

Ava: Thanks.

Olivia: Go.

Dinah: My brother and I have always believed in the power of family, and I am thrilled to see that my vision for us is coming to fruition.

Reporter: Yes, thank you, Ms. Marler.

Dinah: You're welcome. Thank you.

Remy: No problem.

Dinah: Nope. No problems at all.

Bill: The timing just seemed right to make the announcement, and I was just happy that everyone was here to share it with us. Will you excuse us? Thank you. Oh, my goodness.

Ava: Call me old-fashioned, but aren't you supposed to speak with the girl before you make the announcement. I don't know.

Bill: Ava, I just got caught up in the moment.

Ava: Is it true?

Bill: What?

Ava: You really want to get married?

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: Okay. Because me, too.

Bill: Me, too.

Reporter: How about a quote from the happy couple?

Bill: Well, if you can find a happy couple. I'm kidding. We're beaming. I never thought I would be building a corporation and a family at the same time. So I'm a lucky guy. You can quote me on that one. Excuse me for a second, I gotta...

Reporter: Are you thinking green for the whole wedding because our style section would love to know.

Ava: Style section?

Reporter: Yeah.

Ava: Oh, um...

Dinah: My, my, this could get ugly.

Remy: I hope so.

Lizzie: A green wedding.

Bill: Yeah, you know, whatever Ava wants, Ava gets.

Lizzie: Yeah, the color of money--

Bill: And envy.

Lizzie: I'm sorry. Did I not say congratulations?

Bill: Thank you.

Lizzie: You know, I hope this is what you want, because if you are just trying to hurt me, you are going to hurt yourself even more.

Bill: Not everything is about you.

Reporter: So your family has gone through a lot of changes in the last year, huh?

Lizzie: Yes, they have. All for the better. There is a lot of great things in store.

Bill: M'mm.

Lizzie: And in the meantime, I would like to wish Bill Lewis and his new family all of the happiness...I’m sorry, that’s all you need, right?.

Ava: Hey, why don't we take a family photo.

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: Dinah-- Dinah! Mom.

Bill: Ah, family.

Dinah: Well, that was a start. There are going to be many more parties, right?

Bill: Oh, you better believe it, right?

Olivia: I am starving. The reporters ate all of the food.

Ava: I'm hungry, too.

Dinah: Okay, let me see what we have in the kitchen. Come on, Ollie. I'll fix a little something and bring it out here.

Olivia: Okay.

Bill: Aren't they cute?

Ava: They are. I cannot believe we're engaged and we're moving into the Spaulding mansion.

Bill: Stop calling it that, because it's not that. This is our house now.

Ava: When did you know?

Bill: Know what?

Ava: When did you know that you were going to propose or not propose, or--

Bill: It's been building. Definitely something has been building. And once this little fellow gets here, I just want him to know he has a mom and dad that have a home for him, and they're together. And, heck, I've been talking about the future and family for so long, it's time to step up to the plate and make it real.

Ava: So this is real? This wasn't just a photo op today?

Bill: Photo op? Are you kidding me? No. It's the real deal. I know I sprung it on you, but I hope you're okay with it.

Ava: I'm more than okay with it.

Bill: What are you doing?

Ava: I got this for you. We can open it.

Bill: For me?

Ava: I can't drink it-- it's for you. I just thought it would be nice because this is a really big deal. Listen, I don't expect any miracles. I don't expect anything. I just want you to be as happy as you've made me.

Bill: We need to get you to bed.

Ava: Only if you go with me.

Bill: No. I mean you need bed rest.

Ava: I'm fine.

Bill: You've been on your feet all day. We don't need another scare. Let's not take anymore chances.

Ava: Okay.

Bill: And after I do that, you know what I've got to do?

Ava: What?

Bill: I've got to go to the office.

Ava: Are you kidding me?

Bill: It's not easy being king of the hill.

Ava: Okay. Then what am I going to tell Olivia?

Bill: She'll figure it out. Come on, let's go put you to bed.

Buzz: Would you stop?

Ashlee: I want to help.

Buzz: It's like old times.

Ashlee: I had fun.

Daisy: How did Mallet hold up under torture?

Buzz: He did pretty well. Once he realized that Frank wasn't going to beat him up, he relaxed and had fun.

Ashlee: I'm really glad Marina is over Cyrus. He's seems like bad news.

Daisy: Cyrus is okay sometimes. What do I know?

Buzz: It’s good to have an open mind, I guess. Are you okay?

Ashlee: I'm fine, why?

Buzz: You barely touched your food. The chef is really insulted.

Ashlee: I had a few rolls. But I had lunch before with my mom.

Buzz: You came from work.

Ashlee: Yes, I came from work. I always see Doris at work because she's trying to always trying to get more air time. I'm getting really bad service in here. I'm going to go outside and make a phone call.

Buzz: I've got to go, too. See you later.

Ashlee: Okay.

Grady: Feeding the birds?

Ashlee: I guess, yeah.

Grady: How did shopping go?

Ashlee: What?

Grady: Did you get that blue dress?

Ashlee: I did, actually, yeah. Your dog tags-- I don't have them with me.

Grady: Well, maybe I can meet you tomorrow. We can go to the lake, go swimming.

Ashlee: Ah, I don't know. Actually, I'm not the best swimmer, and I don't know.

Grady: I won't let you drown. I promise. I caught you once before.

Ashlee: That's true. I don't even know you, but I do I feel safe with you. I'll go. I'll do it. It will be fun. Yeah, swimming.

Grady: So I'll see you by the lake in the morning?

Ashlee: Yeah, that sounds great. You're not going to go inside?

Grady: I was just passing by and I saw you. You don't know if Alan Spaulding lives around here, do you? I wanted to apply for a job.

Ashlee: Yeah, he lives upstairs. But I think I should warn you he is not the greatest of guys to work for, or the greatest of guys period.

Grady: Thanks for the heads-up.

Daisy: Someone misses her boyfriend.

Ashlee: No, I don't-- okay, yeah.

Daisy: Do you want to hang out tomorrow?

Ashlee: Tomorrow? I wish I could. But I can’t. I have stuff. Maybe over the weekend.

Daisy: Okay.

Alan: Yes, but you and I have a track record together. And you know when I say-- oh, you will? Terrific. After you look it over, give me a call, and we'll talk. Take care. Well, he'll have what I'm having.

Buzz: What are you having? No, I'll have a beer.

Alan: How are you doing?

Buzz: I'm good. Doing a little business with Towers, so I'm buying. So how's it going with...

Alan: I'll tell you something, when it comes to these investors, getting them to write a check, they seem to get amnesia just a few moments before they write it.

Buzz: Still on the fast-track, are we?

Alan: Yeah, I'm getting back on my feet. I have a motivation now, a goal.

Buzz: Are we talking about Beth?

Alan: Yeah. I've got to make some money. I've promised her the world, and so far I've only been able to deliver one pearl at a time.

Buzz: I'm lost.

Alan: Well, you see, she came to me and she told me that she wanted us to get back together. And I said not now. Not until--

Buzz: Until you're Alan Spaulding again? Don't do that to yourself. Life is short. She wants you, you want her, you know, why wait? It's simple.

Lizzie: Who are you? How did you get in here?

Grady: Don't scream. I came to see Alan Spaulding.

Lizzie: Well, he's not here. Oh, my God, I know who you are.

Grady: Yeah, we've met.

Lizzie: You did it. You killed Tammy.

Grady: Be quiet. I'm not going to hurt you.

Lizzie: What are you doing here. You should be in jail.

Grady: And so should Alan. Until he sold me out and married his way out of it.

Lizzie: Please don't hurt him. He just lost his son. The cops will be crawling all over here.

Grady: Why don't we call them? Cops love catching a big fish, so when a little guy like me gives them someone like Alan Spaulding for murder. Do you want to do the talking, or should I?

Buzz: Hi.

Ashlee: Hi.

Buzz: Coop just called back.

Ashlee: Called back?

Buzz: He said something about having to show up at his screen writer's workshop.

Ashlee: That's right. We were going to meet up tomorrow.

Buzz: He was afraid it was too late to tell you. And since he already missed the card game.

Ashlee: Okay. I guess that's the price a girl has to pay for dating a literary sensation.

Buzz: Anyway, he says he's sorry.

Ashlee: All right. I'll call him back.

Buzz: Well, I'm kind of free tomorrow. You want to hang out with me?

Ashlee: You won't make me clean?

Buzz: I won't make you clean.

Ashlee: That sounds fun. But I was going to go out and get some fresh air tomorrow. It's supposed to be a nice day, but thank you.

Buzz: Okay. My son is so lucky to have you.

Ashlee: Let me take this.

Buzz: Okay.

Ashlee: Let me take this and I'll launder it.

Buzz: Okay.

Lizzie: I am going to just take care of you. I don't even know your first name. I was just waiting for you--

Alan: Elizabeth. Are you all right?

Lizzie: Yes. I went to a huge party tonight. Just partied it up. How are you?

Alan: Really? I'm just fine. I want to ask you something. Have you talked with your mother recently, because I think your Uncle Rick is putting her a little pressure on her.

Lizzie: Mom wants to be with you, Granddad. You're the one making it complicated.

Alan: I have to do it the right way.

Lizzie: I think we should go out.

Alan: Out where?

Lizzie: Downstairs, have a little drink--

Alan: No, no. I've been on the phone all day, and I'm tired.

Lizzie: Come on, please. Go down and poor me a glass of wine, I just have to go to the bathroom.

Alan: Elizabeth --

Lizzie: Just go, go, go, go, go!

Grady: Lucky Alan. What a protective granddaughter.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, I'm tougher than you think.

Grady: I just hope you're as rich as I think. You were trying to buy me off?

Lizzie: Well, obviously, that's an option or we wouldn't be here right now. You do right my by grandfather, no confession, no retaliation, nothing.

Grady: That depends. Double it.

Lizzie: Double. Unbelievable. Fine.

Grady: That was easy.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, if you had a family, you'd probably understand.

Grady: How do you know I don't?

Lizzie: That's my cell phone. It's going to take me like a day to get this much money together. You can trust me.

Grady: Well, I'll let you get back to your crying then. Some guy break your heart?

Lizzie: What? No. Do we have a deal?

Grady: I'll call you tomorrow. And... whoever he was, he's an idiot.

And I will wait a hundred

more if only to be near you

to have and to hear you

isn't that what time is for?

I sent a thousand ships in

search of you

traveled to distant lands

drove a sunken boat

I took all I could hold of


still the greatest treasure I

held in hand...

Ava: Hey.

Bill: Hey. How are you? How you feeling, huh?

Ava: Feeling-- feeling good.

Bill: The baby?

Ava: He's fine.

Bill: Good, good, good, good, good. I took a walk, and I've got to tell you something... I am so tired. (Sighs)

could a fire turn to darken my heart with you...

Grady: Hey. Me?

Daisy: Yup.

Grady: That's just what I needed.

Daisy: Yeah.

Grady: I have to go out into the world for a little bit. You'll meet me back here?

Daisy: Sure. Be careful.

Grady: Huh!

Remy: Morning. Easy, easy. Remy's got a little headache.

Dinah: I'll bet you do. You should see this. Dina Marler, it's like they don't even care. They did this on purpose. I was on TV. They know who I am.

Remy: I don't see your name.

Dinah: I don't know why they used my name. They didn't use my quote.

Remy: Hey, I'm moving out. Can I take a box or two? If that’s cool.

Dinah: No. That is not cool. Where are you moving to?

Remy: If the poker guys are nice, I'll be in the Beacon.

Dinah: You don't want to live like that, Remy.

Remy: I don't want to live like this, waiting for your brother to kick me out.

Dinah: He's not. This is my house. Without you, I'm out numbered.

Remy: With me you're still outnumbered, if you count Ava as two.

Dinah: I want you to stay.

Remy: No offense, but I don't like your brother. And I don't want to stick around while he strings Ava along.

Dinah: He's not going to string Ava along. The press, their eating up the fact this is a power family with a power baby on the way.

Remy: A power baby?

Dinah: This kid is going to be tabloid gorgeous. We have rocked the Spaulding’s world.

Remy: And that's all that matters, huh?

Dinah: No. It's not all that matters.

Lizzie: Need coffee?

Buzz: Is it pecan pancakes in the morning or maybe spinach and feta cheese omelet.

Lizzie: Ugh...

Buzz: Oops? One drink too much, I'm guessing.

Lizzie: Why? Why is life so freaking hard? If it's not love, it's your family. And it's just one thing after another. You know, we all have to be here in the same place. Not just some of us, you know, here, and then some of us who just want to be with someone because they can't stand the thought of being alone. People should be together because they want to be together, because they belong together. People shouldn't get engaged just because there is a baby. Because I want to have a family. I really want to have a family. (Sobbing and coughing)

Grady: Hey.

Ashlee: Hi. I was -- I was wondering when you were going to make it.

Grady: Yeah. I guess we should have made a time. Well, you ready?

Ashlee: Are you just going to jump right in?

Grady: Yeah. It's kind of the way I live my life. I'm thinking you should probably do the same.

Ashlee: I'm just nervous.

Grady: What? About the water?

Ashlee: No, um...

Grady: The swimming?

Ashlee: No. Actually, if you knew me before who I was now, you would kind of understand more, if that makes any sense.

Grady: No.

Ashlee: Okay. I'm glad it doesn’t.

Grady: So you want to practice out here first?

Ashlee: Well, I've never had any trouble swimming on land. You know, I-- I have a boyfriend. And I love him. Actually, we really love each other.

Grady: That's really good for you. Now, will you relax. Put your arms like this. And like this. One, two...

Ava: Hey.

Remy: Hey.

Ava: Some party yesterday. We didn't get much of a chance to talk.

Remy: You were busy.

Ava: Isn't this the place where you're supposed to say congratulations, Ava?

Remy: Congratulations, Ava. Shouldn't you be resting or something?

Ava: I have a doctor's appointment. I wish you could just be happy for me.

Remy: I think I made it pretty clear that I think Bill is not good enough for you.

Ava: You are just upset because he proved you wrong, and he actually made a commitment to me.

Remy: Well, you are carrying his kid, and I've never seen a bad picture of you.

Ava: Really? What is that supposed to mean?

Remy: Has it ever occurred to you that this might be some publicity stunt?

Ava: You are so wrong.

Remy: Really? Okay, how did he propose? Do you have a ring yet? Did he set a date?

Ava: It just happened. Where are you going, to the gym?

Remy: I'm moving out.

Ava: You're what? No, no, you're not moving out. I need a friend here. Hi.

Bill: Hi. You ready to go?

Ava: Yeah, I'm ready. Do you have the keys?

Bill: Yeah. Okay.

Ashlee: You know, that really wasn't that bad.

Grady: Wasn't that bad?

Ashlee: Okay, it was great. You were really, really great. The last time I had a swimming lesson, it was with my mom. If you knew my mom-- well, she's a handful. She was like, why are you breathing that way? And hold your arms like this.

Grady: Grilling you like one of the witnesses on the stand, huh?

Ashlee: Yeah. I'm sorry, did I tell you what my mom does? How did you know that?

Grady: I know your last name's Wolfe, and I see those Doris Wolfe posters all around town, the mayor with the proven track record. I just figured there was a connection somewhere.

Ashlee: Yeah. She's really crazy with those...

(special news report)

Alan: I know she thinks I pushed her away, but I don't think it's too late.

Lizzie: I have faith in you. As long as you do it. Write the letter. I will deliver it to her. I'm actually really happy about this because our family has been so messed up for so long, and I feel like we're regrouping. And I think we're going to be really great when we're at the Beacon.

Alan: The Beacon?

Lizzie: Yeah. That's when the real work will start. We can't say we want to patch things up and then be living all over the place. So we are all getting our own suites at the Beacon until I find us a house or build us a house-- well, I'm not going to build us the house. I have my trust fund.

Alan: Well, let's not rush into--

Lizzie: No. I need my family together right now. I always felt we failed as a family because we were bad together. But then we went off and we didn't do any better. Instead, we're just going through all of this stuff by ourselves. So why not try again? The bad things that you did, and the low-life’s that you dealt with to get what you wanted...

Alan: At the time, you know I thought I was doing the best I could for--

Lizzie: I get it. You thought it was the only way to keep us together and keep the company together. You know, I get it, but it wasn't right. And I am starving. Do you want breakfast?

Bill: I'll let them know that we're here.

Ava: You didn't have to come.

Olivia: Sure I did. I love it here. Everybody knows my name. I just wanted to make sure you're okay.

Ava: Yeah. I'm fine. I'm fine. I had that one scare. And I get a little nervous sometimes.

Olivia: And you have the added pressure of having him here, coming to all of your checkups, something might slip, something that might clue him in.

Ava: Clue him in?

Olivia: This is not Bill's baby--

Ava: I know that. It's Bill's in every way that counts. I've made it his.

Olivia: So he's coming to all of your checkups. Do you have sonograms and blood tests?

Ava: I did all of my homework. I picked a donor with the same blood type. I think that the thing that is most suspicious is that my mother wants to come to all of my doctor’s appointments with me.

Olivia: You're so close to getting what you wanted. I'm going to take a cab to the Beacon, I need to get some of Emma’s toys.

Ava: Do you feel up to it?

Olivia: Yes. I'm going to save all of my energy for the wedding planning.

Ava: You are going to be the hottest mother of the bride ever.

Olivia: No.

Bill: All righty. All signed in. Where is she going?

Ava: She has to pick up some things for Emma.

Bill: Why are you smiling?

Ava: Because I'm happy.

Bill: Okay. Me, too. Me, too.

Ashlee: Hey, how are you?

Daisy: Good. What's up?

Ashlee: I just went swimming, which was really cool. I hadn't been in a while, and I had a really great teacher.

Daisy: Well, Coop, he can swim, but he cannot dive for his life. He has like chicken legs, so he sinks whenever he tries. Don't tell him I said that.

Ashlee: Right.

Daisy: I'm sorry, I was just kidding.

Ashlee: I should have told you. I didn't really go swimming with Coop. I went with the mysterious guy. Coop was in a workshop, and this guy was here. There was no flirting-- well, there was a little flirting, but it was totally harmless.

Daisy: It sounds like mystery guy has a thing for you.

Ashlee: You think so? It's kind of cool because he doesn't know anything about the surgery or who I was before.

Daisy: Oh, my God.

Ashlee: What?

Daisy: Nothing. I was just thinking, so-- this guy, what does he look like? Is he cute?

Ashlee: Oh, my God, is he cute? He is so hot. He has that whole tall, dark and handsome thing going on. He has kind of longish, rock-star shagging hair and a beard. Yeah, he's cool.

Daisy: What's his name?

Ashlee: Grady, which I kind of like, because it's really cool. He has a really sexy accent from like England, or new Zealand or one of those places.

Daisy: He sounds great.

I'll give you one last hurt

give you everything you touch

give you everything

you got it all

and I'll take it all right


everything I am, you lack

everything I see, straight

through, you...

Lizzie: Okay. I have to go see Nana.

Alan: Tell her I said hello?

Lizzie: I'm going to tell her the news. If I'm going to book rooms at the Beacon, I want to get a number so I can book us all on the same floor -- maybe. Call you later.

Alan: Hey, you know you were right.

Buzz: You're kidding me.

Alan: I need to keep things simple because my family is going to be just fine.

Dinah: What the hell?

Remy: They spell your name wrong again.

Dinah: No. She's given a complete list of instructions to my staff about how she wants her meals prepared.

Remy: Well, isn't she on a special diet because--

Dinah: You know what, you're right. Okay, I'll play nice. Just remind me. Although you're not going to be able to remind me because you're not going to be here.

Remy: I changed my mind.

Dinah: Really?

Remy: Uh-huh. You gave me a place to stay when I needed one, so if you want me to stay so bad...

Dinah: I do! I do!

Remy: Besides, I feel like I'm going to be needed here.

Dinah: You're damn right you're going to be needed here. Take that!

Doctor: You've been following the doctor's orders.

Ava: Yes, I have. Thank you very much.

Doctor: Well, you need a refill on vitamins. I'll be right back.

Ava: See, I'm fine.

Bill: Yes, yes, yes. But you still need to take it easy. We have to start thinking about due dates.

Ava: You know what I want to do before my due date?

Bill: What do you want to do before your due date?

Ava: I want to get married. I just don't know how serious you are about the "M" word, though.

Bill: What? When have I not been serious in my life? I'm kidding. You know, um... it's supposed to be dinner and flowers and music and that sort of thing going on. But this is not a planned thing, and, well, here we are. So, um... here we go. Ava Peralta... will you marry me?

Ava: (Laughing) Really?

Bill: (Laughing) Really. I want you to be my wife.

Ava: Yes!

Bill: All right!

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Cassie: How could anyone hurt you?

Grady: Do we still have a deal?

Cyrus: Do you know what would happen if anyone recognized you? You killed Tammy Winslow, for God's sake. Listen, you need to disappear.

Cassie: Hey.

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