GL Transcript Thursday 6/12/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/12/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Remy: How are things here with little Billy?

Ava: They're fine.

Remy: Does he know how lucky he is?

Bill: I thought maybe you could spend a little less time with my... uh...

Remy: Your...

Bill: Ava.

Remy: (Scoffs) Wow.

Bill: Yeah.

Remy: At least I know what she is to me.

Bill: Really? What's that?

Remy: Just take care of Ava, okay?

Dinah: Okay. Stop playing with the furniture. We have a party to plan.

Bill: I'm thinking the table should go over here.

Dinah: Look, how much press did you invite? Because I've already booked the WSPR camera crew.

Bill: That's local news.

Dinah: Do you have a problem with that station?

Bill: We're thinking big time here, sis.

Dinah: Okay. You know what?

Bill: What?

Dinah: I want you to stop all of this, and I want you to know that I have it handled.

Bill: How do you know you have it handled?

Dinah: Because I called Alexandra’s party planner, and I asked for the Spaulding cocktail party especial!

Bill: No. No, no, no, no, no. You have to cancel her, okay?

Dinah: No, it's too late.

Bill: No, no, no, no.

Dinah: Because she's the best.

Bill: No, we are not going to copy the Spaulding’s, okay?

Dinah: She knows the house!

Bill: Sis, we are new and original.

Dinah: No. You know what? This is going to be a nice, nice party.

Bill: Okay. And we're going to do it on our own terms, okay? Look, did all the invites go out?

Dinah: (Sighs) Look, I'm not exactly so sure who is coming, okay? The mayor hasn't gotten back to me, neither has Mom or Billy.

Bill: All right. Well, they're going to be here, okay? Who's more fun than us, right?

Dinah: Nobody.

Buzz: (Laughing) What have we got here?

Marina: Oh, you know... whoo! Snacks, dinner.

Buzz: Looks like enough for Patton’s third army.

Marina: Or a handful of hungry Cooper’s. I mean, you know what they say.

Buzz: What?

Marina: "Poker doth make the stomach growleth louder!"

Buzz: Or something like that.

Marina: (Laughs)

Lizzie: Water, water!

Buzz: Oh, hey, if you're looking for Alan, I think he's out.

Lizzie: (Out of breath) Oh, okay. What's with the box of snacks?

Buzz: Oh, it's Ashlee’s idea. A little poker night, you know?

Marina: Yup. She's a genius, actually. She decided to have this party the same night as Bill and Dinah’s big fancy "Come see how rich we are" party.

Buzz: You knew about that, right?

Lizzie: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm not going. (Laughing) Can you imagine?

Buzz: What we're doing here is a little more casual. So, you know, if you want to come, you know, you'd be welcome.

Lizzie: I thought it was just family?

Marina: You should come! You should totally come! I mean, if you like poker...

Lizzie: I... I have plans, but thanks. Um... I should go get out of my sweats.

Buzz: Are you sure...

So easily replaced... ( knock on the door)

Ava: Mom? It's me!

Olivia: It's open.

Ava: Hey, hey, let me help you with those.

Olivia: It's okay.

Ava: Wait. No...

Olivia: It's good. It's good, good. So, is Bill off getting ready for the big party?

Ava: Yeah. Yeah, he is. You should see the most beautiful dress. He got me the most beautiful dress.

Olivia: Oh, wow.

Ava: It's so gorgeous.

Olivia: Oh, are you sure you're up for this? I mean, of course you are, you are. But, you know, think about resting and putting your feet up, all right?

Ava: I'm okay! I'm fine. I love it when you get all mommy on me. (Laughs) The doctor gave me the clear. He said it's fine, I just have to take it easy.

Olivia: Okay.

Ava: But I have some really, really exciting news. And I've been waiting for just the perfect time to tell you.

Olivia: All right. What is it?

Ava: Okay, well, Bill is moving into the house with Dinah, and he's invited me to move in, too.

Olivia: That's a big move.

Ava: It's a big move, but in a good way, right?

Olivia: Yeah. Yeah! Go for it! I had fun at the big house.

Ava: Really?

Olivia: No, not so much. But it was a different place then.

Ava: Yeah. Are you all right?

Olivia: Yes.

Ava: Yeah? Well, these pills, they're not the same pills as before. Did you see the doctor? What did he say?

Olivia: You know, the usual, that I'm holding my own, and I need to be careful of this and look out for that. But, quite frankly, I'm just really bored with the whole thing. ( Laughs)

Ava: Yeah?

Olivia: You know, I have a very short attention span. Just ask any of my husbands.

Ava: Well, I don't think that I should move.

Olivia: Why? No, no. Don't annoy me. Don't annoy Mommy. Don't do that. Go get dressed for your party. ( Knock on the door)

Ava: Bye, thanks.

Mallet: Hi.

Olivia: Hi... hi!

Mallet: (Laughs) What was that?

Olivia: Hormones a-raging!

Mallet: Ah! I brought movies, lots of movies.

Bill: Thanks again, everyone, for coming out. Thank you so much. I hope it's the first of many, many fun and fine gatherings for so many good-looking people, except you, sir. You should leave now.

Dinah: You should probably put something on your head.

Bill: (Laughing) Yeah.

Dinah: Do you want to try it on the gardeners out back?

Bill: Do you think it would work?

Dinah: I don't know.

Bill: My sister, everyone!

Dinah: Hello.

Bill: The one with the flowers-- beautiful flowers, by the way.

Dinah: Yes. I found them in the party planner's book...

Bill: Did you really?

Dinah: ...And I ordered them.

Bill: You did? Let me guess. Alexandra's birthday blowout?

Dinah: No. Lizzie's sweet 16.

Bill: Ah, well.

Dinah: Yeah.

Bill: Flowers are flowers, but my sister, who is more beautiful than all flowers combined.

Dinah: Thank you.

Bill: Yes, to my sister.

Dinah: Yes. To my brother.

Bill: I love you.

Dinah: You are kind, beautiful, and handsome.

Bill: Yes, well...

Dinah: Multitalented.

Bill: Multitalented and ambidextrous, for those who do not know.

Dinah: Really?

Bill: Really. I must leave now to get ready for this party.

Dinah: Wear your tux.

Bill: I will.

Dinah: With a blue tie.

Bill: Good night.

Dinah: Good night! Other way, Bill.

Bill: Hey, what's going on? How come you're not getting ready? You all right? Hey. You feeling okay?

Ava: It's Olivia.

Bill: What happened?

Ava: Nothing, yet.

Bill: Well, that sounds encouraging.

Ava: Did you know that most heart transplant recipients reject their heart between one and four times the first year? I can't move... I can't move in with you. I can't leave this place.

Bill: Why?

Ava: Because Olivia needs me. She shouldn't be alone, and Emma needs me.

Bill: Why, did she ask you to stay here?

Ava: No, she didn't ask me to stay. But what if she gets sick? What if something happens? It kills me to say this, because I really want to move into that house with you, and I really want to start a family with you. And I want to be there to help make all of your dreams come true, I really do. But I just can't leave this place. I can't leave my mom.

Bill: Then Olivia is going to have to move in with us, and Emma, too.

Ava: What?

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: Really?

Bill: Yeah. Why not? The house is big enough. And Emma and I are old pals, and Olivia and I are cool, so, yeah, why not? Come on.

Ava: Are you sure?

Bill: Am I sure? Of course I'm sure. Absolutely. Absolutely!

Ava: (Laughing) Really?

Bill: Yes, yes!

Ava: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Bill: I think it's going to be a good. I think it's going to be really, really... it will be fine.

Ava: She's gonna be so blown away when I tell her. She's not going to believe it.

Bill: You think so? Why don't you tell her right now?

Ava: I will. I will! And then I'll get ready for the party.

Bill: Are you sure about that?

Ava: Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah.

Bill: Are you sure?

Ava: Sure, I'm sure.

Bill: Because if you're not into it, I completely understand.

Ava: No. I want to go with you to the party.

Bill: You do?

Ava: Yes.

Bill: Okay.

Ava: Yes, so... I can't wait to walk in the door arm in arm.

Bill: Oh.

Marina: Cool. Thanks, Diaz. Thank you. Bye.

Buzz: Was that the station? I thought you had the day off.

Marina: I do. I was just checking on the schedule.

Buzz: Oh, if you're waiting for your father, he’s... here he comes.

Marina: Hey, handsome!

Frank: Hey.

Buzz: Hey... somebody was worried you weren't going to make it.

Frank: Really?

Marina: Well, yeah. I mean, how can I kick your butt at poker if you're not even here to play?

Frank: Well, it's always nice to dream, honey. (Laughs) Anyway, what about Coop and Ashlee?

Buzz: Oh, they're going to be... they'll be here later. He's got something with the publisher, you know.

Frank: All right, so then we're going to have a full house then? A full house? This is really good stuff, okay? I'm giving you good stuff, here.

Buzz: (Groans)

Marina: (Groans) Almost. I mean, Harley won't be here, so... it's not going to be the same without her.

Buzz: No.

Marina: I just want her back where she belongs, you know?

Frank: Yeah, well, she'll be back soon enough. But it’s... it's nice to hear you say that, though. Okay?

Marina: What? She's my aunt. I am allowed to worry about her.

Buzz: You're so grown up.

Marina: Please! Come on! I still call her a man-stealing skank box.

Buzz: A skank box?

Marina: Oh! It's only in my head. She's family, you know? I guess I've got to drop the title at some point.

Frank: Just out of curiosity, what pulled you out, though?

Marina: Poker night. What else? I left something in the car.

Buzz: Skank box?

Marina: Hey, it's me. I heard from the station that you were going to be getting off soon, so I just have one question for you. Do you feel lucky?

Ava: You're still here?

Olivia: Yes. We're watching a manly movie marathon.

Ava: Ooh! A manly movie marathon?

Olivia: Here's some jewelry I have. You can borrow it.

Ava: Ooh, jewelry! Well, how about the kind of jewelry that I'll be helping you to pack up, because Bill's invited you and Emma to move into the house with Dinah and me! Isn't that fantastic?

Olivia: Yeah... I mean, no. I'm not going... I'm not doing that. No, I've been in that house, I think, twice.

Ava: Well, the third time's the charm. It will be different this time. It will be different. And it will make me so happy. And it will be so good for you and Emma, and it's just... you want me to be happy, right?

Olivia: Okay. Sh! I'll give it thought. I'll give it thought.

Ava: Ooh! That's a yes!

Olivia: No, its... okay. I've got to watch my movie.

Ava: All right. No, fine, I'll leave.

Olivia: Okay.

Mallet: You're not going to do that, are you?

Olivia: I don't know what I'm doing, ever.

Mallet: So you and Dinah in the same house? I don't really see you as roomies.

Olivia: Why not? Strong women can co-exist.

Dinah: Hello, what a nice surprise. You going exercising?

Lizzie: I just finished. Nice flowers. I had the exact same arrangement at my sweet 16 party.

Dinah: Really?

Lizzie: Uh-huh. Just saying.

Dinah: Can I help you?

Lizzie: I was going to ask you the same thing. I hear you're having a big bash, so, you know, if I can help...

Dinah: Are you still suing us?

Lizzie: Yes.

Dinah: Well, then you're not invited. Thank you, though. No need to help. I have everything under control.

Lizzie: You know, when my family used to have...

Dinah: Your family doesn't live here anymore. This is my family's home. We're a good family, and we stick together.

Lizzie: Okay. You have fun, then.

Dinah: This is Ms. Marler. You need to keep Lizzie Spaulding off the property. Is that clear? Thank you.

Bill: Hey, I'm back!

Ava: Hi!

Bill: I got about half the board members to, uh... wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!

Ava: Do you like it?

Bill: Do I... well... let me... um, Mommy is very sexy. Look at you.

Ava: (Giggling) This is a big night for you.

Bill: Well, for us.

Ava: Well, for us, the three of us. Or two-and-a-half of us.

Bill: Two-and-a-half of us. My goodness. You know what?

Ava: Huh?

Bill: We should probably get going, because I said I was going to do some pre-party interviews. So, uh, I should probably...

Ava: Okay. Sure.

Bill: Oh, hey.

Olivia: Hi.

Ava: Wow, look at you!

Olivia: Look at you! So, I figured I either could sit in my room and mope about all of the pills I had to take, or I could come have fun with you!

Ava: Oh!

Olivia: So, can I crash your party, Bill?

Bill: You are not a party crasher. You are family, and you are going to be the baby’s... you're going to be the...

Olivia: I thought about this.

Bill: Did you?

Olivia: I'm going with a different name, like, um, "Fairy Godmother."

Bill: Oh!

Ava: (Laughing)

Olivia: No, wait, wait. This is a good one, too. How about, um, "Queen?"

Bill: Perfect! Oh!

Ava: Queen!

Lizzie: Isn't there a party at your house?

Remy: Well, I'm not waiting.

Lizzie: You look thrilled.

Remy: Well, Dinah wants me there.

Lizzie: You know, I hope they have a good time. I do. It's kind of their coming out party. Bill's, Dinah’s, Ava’s. They're just taking this town by storm, aren't they? Can you think of a better place for them to have it? The most famous house in town. No one is going to think of Spaulding when they drive past that place. No, siree. It's Lewis now. Lewis/Marler. Maybe it's Marler/Lewis? Who knows? Who knows who is getting top billing over there. Who cares? Who cares that it's the house that I grew up in. And I'm not going to say it was easy, because it wasn’t. And I'm not trying to rewrite history here, but I did have all of my firsts there. You know, I had my first birthday and celebrations and... holidays. Did I ever tell you about my sweet 16 party? So what? So what if I am rewriting history? Okay, you know, I said that I wouldn't, but I am entitled to, because someone came in and they stole my legacy! Hi. Um... I don't know what I want. Um... I think I'm... I don't know if I want a beer. Oh, maybe I should have a soda. I should probably have soda. I don't know if I want wine. Um... do you...

Remy: She'll take a shot. A shot! She'll have a shot of tequila. Make it two. Let's toast.

Lizzie: To?

Remy: Let's drink to... let's drink to... I have nothing to drink to right now, so let's just drink.

Lizzie: Ah! I'm going to need about eight more of those.

Bill: Dinah!

Dinah: Hey!

Bill: Hey.

Dinah: Where have you been? Get up here. The reporter is waiting for you in the billiards room.

Bill: All righty. Stay right there, okay?

Dinah: Okay. You ready to do this?

Bill: Once the guests arrive. And I have a little surprise for you.

Dinah: Oh!

Bill: Yeah.

Dinah: Really?

Bill: Yeah. Okay.

Dinah: What is that behind your back?

Bill: What do I have? A present.

Dinah: Ooh, a present.

Bill: Yes.

Dinah: A present for me?

Bill: It is a present for you.

Dinah: Where did you get this?

Bill: Do you like it? Do you like it?

Dinah: Oh, my gosh!

Bill: It's spent many days down the hallway there. It was Alan’s mother’s.

Dinah: Look at this! I can't even believe they had this much taste. I can't even get it in my ear, I'm so nervous!

Bill: (Laughs) I got it at an auction. So you like it?

Dinah: Oh, it's perfect. I love it.

Bill: You do?

Dinah: Are you kidding me?

Bill: Are you sure?

Dinah: This is exquisite!

Bill: Because I am getting mixed signals from you. I can't tell if you like it?

Dinah: Oh, it's absolutely perfect!

Bill: If you don't like it...

Dinah: Bill!

Bill: ...I could give it to somebody...

Dinah: Oh, it's huge.

Bill: It is. It is. Don't hurt yourself with that.

Dinah: Oh!

Bill: You know what?

Dinah: Wow.

Bill: I think it has finally found its rightful home.

Dinah: Look at that diamond! It's gorgeous.

Bill: Dinah, you look fantastic. That reminds me. I think I forgot to tell you something...

Dinah: What did you forget?

Bill: I'm having Hilda set up a couple of rooms down the... down the hallway.

Dinah: Oh, you don't like this room? I thought it was perfect for you and Ava.

Bill: Oh, it is. It is. It is. But it's actually for Ava’s... mother. Yeah.

Dinah: What?

Bill: Yeah. Um... Olivia.

Dinah: You asked Olivia to come here to live with us?

Bill: Yeah, and Emma... Emma, too. It just makes sense, I think. Don't you?

Dinah: Yeah, I don't know what...

Bill: Why?

Dinah: ...What's making sense about that, okay...

Bill: Why?

Dinah: ...Because you couldn't possibly seriously think that this house is big enough for me and Olivia. You know? Because I'm thinking, like, no, as in no way. Look, I can take her, but in some doses. This was not a part of our plan, Bill!

Bill: Yeah.

Dinah: She's here right now, isn't she?

Bill: Downstairs, yeah.

Dinah: I'll kill you. Hello, I just heard the great news. Welcome!

What you going to do when

your whole world shatters?

Ava: Don't let it get to you. Come on.

Bill: Where is everybody?

Ava: There are people here.

Bill: Really?

Ava: Yeah.

Bill: If we get a few more people, we'll have a softball team. Reporters, come on. I mean, it's ridiculous. Maybe Hilda can pitch.

Ava: Who shows up on time? Huh? People are fashionably late.

Bill: Hmm. "Fashionably late," really?

Ava: Yeah.

Bill: Fashionable no-shows. All right, I've got to go and check something upstairs, okay?

Ava: Uh-huh.

Remy: Get in there. Do it. Go for it. Uh... uh! Ah! There it is!

Lizzie: You need to turn on the game!


Lizzie: What?

Remy: I... I don't think there is a TV here.

Lizzie: I don't care, because I need something to boo at right now, okay? Listen. Boo!

Remy: Boo!

Lizzie: Boo!

Remy: (Laughing)

Lizzie: (Laughing) You know what? I bet she thinks she's just got it all figured out. She's walking around with her little cute tape measure in her purse.

Remy: Uh-uh.

Lizzie: Yep! She's like...

Remy: Nope, nope, nope. Dinah has made all of the changes she wants to that house.

Lizzie: I'm not talking about Dinah.

Remy: Who the hell are you talking about? Uh-huh. No.

Lizzie: Yes. Mm-hmm!

Remy: Ava's not like that.

Lizzie: (Sighs) Why does she just whip all of you men? What is this trance that she has got you guys under? Are you blind?

Remy: Bill...

Lizzie: Can you not see?

Remy: Bill is your enemy.

Lizzie: Yeah, Bill, right, yeah.

Remy: Yes, and somebody just really, really needs to get her away from him before it's too late.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, I tried. I really, really, really, really tried. And Bill's not my enemy, okay? He's not.

Remy: (Laughing) Yeah, you're right.. sure. Just Ava. Ava talked him into taking over your family's company!

Lizzie: (Laughing) Yes! That sounds right!

Remy: And Ava got him to move into your house, with your sweet 16 and your ponies...

Lizzie: (Laughing)

Remy: Ava, Ava, Ava! Bill's completely innocent.

Lizzie: Uh-huh. That sounds right to me. Uh-huh.

Bartender: Another round?

Lizzie: Yes!

Remy: No.

Lizzie: Yes!

Remy: No. Uh-uh. This is it. I bet the drinks are free at the party.

Lizzie: Oh!

Remy: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Lizzie: You know, I bet they are.

Remy: Mm-hmm.

Lizzie: Check, please!

Remy: Bring it on! ( Laughs)

Ava: Am I bugging you?

Bill: No, no, no, no. I just, um... I don't know.

Ava: Do you need some help with something? I can help you. Whatever you need.

Bill: If you want to help me, you can get your address book and call everyone you know and tell them to come here. Because this is the worst, worst...

Ava: Oh, come on! It is not that bad. There are some heavy-hitters here.

Bill: Heavy-hitter? Is there one Lewis here? My father, my mother, Josh...

Ava: Did you actually expect them to show up?

Bill: Yes. Yes, I did.

Ava: Bill, honestly. People are going to be jealous.

Bill: Oh?

Ava: They're going to drive by this house, and they're going to look up and think to themselves, "Gee, I wonder who lives there? Who is that? I want to be like them. I hate them." I was one of those people. I wondered what it was like to live in a house like this. And now, here I am.

Bill: Here you are.

Ava: I had it all mapped out.

Bill: Oh, did you?

Ava: Oh, yeah I did.

Bill: Oh, boy.

Ava: What kind of furniture I wanted in the place.

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Ava: What kind of art I was going to hang on the wall. And then there was me and my child and my husband and I was... uh, listen...

Bill: No.

Ava: No. I'm sorry. I...

Bill: No, look, listen to me. You don't need to be sorry about anything.

Ava: I don't?

Bill: Ava, please, seriously. I mean... (sighs) We all... we all have our fantasies, right? I thought this place would be packed by now, but apparently it's not, so...

Ava: I'm sorry.

Bill: Really, I'm sorry. Because everything has just been so complicated for me right now, and I just, um...

Ava: Stop. Listen, it slipped out and I didn't mean it to. I don't expect anything from you. I do not expect anything from you. Okay?

Bill: Yeah. Um... I should probably tend to the guests... that are here.

Ava: Okay. I guess I'll just, uh... yeah.

Bill: Your mother's not here.

Dinah: She's your mother, too.

Bill: Yeah, well, not for long.

Dinah: You know, I'm not exactly having a fantastical time myself.

Bill: Yeah, well, you can stop giving me dirty looks every time I talk to Olivia. Okay, at least she's another body here...

Dinah: At least the other guests will be going home after this thing is over.

Ava: Hey.

Bill: Hey.

Ava: The photographer's looking for you.

Bill: Great. Maybe I can still make this thing look like a success. Thanks.


Lizzie: It looks like somebody forgot my invitation. (Laughter) Bummer, dude. Where are all your guests?

Bill: Let me call you a cab.

Lizzie: I'm a cab! ( Laughs) I beat you to it. (Laughs)

Bill: Come on, Lizzie, let's go. This is not funny.

Lizzie: Oh, come on. I think you kind of need someone to liven this party up. (Laughs)

Bill: Nice job.

Dinah: Are you trying to make a little scene here? Because I'm the queen of scene-making. And I could give you A few tips. You're completely dressed wrong for this. You need a sparkle or two.

Lizzie: Back off. I'm actually just... here to drink.

Dinah: Okay. Let's have one together. Let's do shots. It gets into your bloodstream much faster.

Lizzie: (Whispering) Do you want me to pass out? Because that's not going to happen.

Dinah: What I want you to do is let Bill enjoy his day. Okay? Let him be happy.

Lizzie: With her? Are you crazy? Is that my great grandmother's necklace?

Dinah: This was a gift.

Lizzie: This is a family heirloom.

Dinah: My family! Bill gave it to me.

Remy: Lizzie, Lizzie, what are you doing?

Lizzie: I'm just going to greet the guests. I don't think they know what a snake oil salesman they have as a host. I'm going to set them straight!

Bill: Why don't you go this way? It's a little quicker.

Lizzie: You're telling me how to get around my own house.

Bill: No. It's my house, Lizzie. My house!

Mallet: Oh, hey, Frank. What's up, man?

Frank: We're closing up for tonight, so, uh...

Mallet: I know.

Frank: Okay, well, it's nothing personal. It's just a family thing. It's poker night.

Mallet: I know.

Frank: Okay.

Mallet: I'm supposed to be here.

Frank: Oh?

Mallet: With Marina. I'm supposed to be here... with Marina.

Frank: Oh.

Mallet: Yeah. Um... do you... do you mind? (Clears throat) This has got to be a surprise, right? I mean, a little bit of a surprise. I mean, I'm... I'm... I'm surprised.

Frank: Really?

Mallet: I mean, not that we're attracted to one another, no. I mean, because we've been doing it for a while. I mean, we've been... that's been going on for a while, that... that we've had these feelings for one another.

Buzz: Hormones.

Mallet: Uh, I mean, the surprise is, for me-- if there is a surprise at all-- is that we've been doing it... I mean, the surprise is that we have been doing anything about it.

Frank: (Clears throat) Yeah, well, join the club.

Mallet: She’s... she's an incredible girl. She's amazing. She's an amazing girl. And every time I'm with her, it just hits me that, you know, how right she feels-- I mean, how well-- it's just natural when we're together. It is. You know, because being in a relationship, you guys know, it can be hard. It can be incredibly hard to be in a relationship. And when I'm with her, she's easy, you know? I mean, she’s... it's hard... being in a relationship can be hard, but being with her is very easy. Anyway, that's not why I'm here. Why I'm here is that I wanted to tell both you of that if... I'll walk away. I will walk away from this if either of you wants that to happen.

Buzz: Why would you say something like that?

Mallet: Because I don't think someone should have to choose between their family and their love life.

Frank: Love life?

Mallet: I mean that's an expression. Just, "love life," that's just...

Marina: Hi, guys.

Mallet: Hey.

Marina: What's going on?

Mallet: I told them.

Marina: Oh.

Frank: Finally, a guy I almost like! (Laughter)

Remy: You don't need it. Don't girls know guys like less makeup? (Laughs)

Ava: That was some entrance before. It was great.

Remy: I was just following Lizzie’s lead.

Ava: Not always a wise choice.

Remy: Oh, really?

Ava: Yeah.

Remy: Hmm. You shouldn't move in here.

Ava: You just want your old room back.

Remy: No, I mean it. Don't move in.

Ava: What? What are you talking about? What does that mean? I don't understand. Tell me more.

Remy: I was jazzed, Ava, I was real jazzed about you being here. I thought it would be great having someone sane and real, but... this place isn't right for you.

Ava: Bill wants me here.

Remy: It's a graveyard, okay? It's a graveyard for damaged people. You don't belong.

Ava: And you do? You belong here?

Remy: You and your kid deserve better.

Oh, I wish that I could

move faster, be still or


Bill: Lizzie?

Lizzie: Yes?

Bill: I want to tell you something. When you wake up tomorrow and you're sober, you're going to thank me that I got you out of there.

Lizzie: The only person that should be getting out of there is you.

Bill: No. This is my house now.

Lizzie: It's not your house!

Bill: Yes, it is!

Lizzie: It's never going to be your house! It's never going to be your house! We could have had a house! We could have had a house. We still could. We could have a fresh start, and we could get...

Bill: Lizzie.

Lizzie: ...We could get a new house, and we could get a new company. And we could start...

Bill: What are you talking about?

Lizzie: I'm saying that it's not too late, and it's not too late, and you know that. But it's going to be if we don’t...

Bill: If what? If we don't what?

Lizzie: Do you remember, it's like... do you remember when we just couldn't bear to spend one minute away from each other? Because I remember that.

Bill: Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie. Do you remember the rest of it? Do you remember the rest of it?

Lizzie: Yeah, I do. And the rest of it has been one big, stupid mistake, so fix it!

Bill: By what? Walking away from all of this? Is that going to help?

Lizzie: You don't need all of this! You need me.

Bill: I have a baby now. Lizzie, I'm going to be a father.

Lizzie: I know. I know.

Bill: I want this kid to have a normal life, something I didn't have when I was growing up. That's what I want.

Lizzie: Good luck.

Bill: And I can make this work, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Why do you have to have somebody else's house? Somebody else's company? You've got the same furniture in the study. You have the same servants.

Bill: So?

Lizzie: Do you know how perverted that is?

Bill: I'll get around to changing all of it.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, I'm sure you will.

Bill: Okay, what is your point, Elizabeth?

Lizzie: It's that... you're scared.

Bill: Oh.

Lizzie: And unoriginal.

Bill: Oh, okay.

Lizzie: You took all of this because you can't think of something new on your own. You want.. you want...

Bill: I think it's time for you to go.

Lizzie: You want what someone else invented! You want to take all of the credit, but you don't want to do any of the work.

Bill: You don't think that I worked hard for this?

Lizzie: No.

Bill: Okay.

Lizzie: Alan did.

Bill: Oh, that's great. Okay.

Lizzie: Yeah, he did. And all of the Spaulding’s and H.B., And your Grandpa Henry, and your dad and Josh and... you don't even have a dream, and you know it. Bill, wait! Bill, wait!

Marina: So you came early?

Mallet: Yes, I did.

Marina: Why?

Mallet: Because. Because I really want this to work.

Bill: Wait right there. ( Laughs) Thank you.

Olivia: Hi.

Bill: Hi, hi. Everyone... uh, everyone? Uh, we have an announcement to make. Uh, it's not just a house-warming party. We'd like to announce that, uh... we're engaged. Ava and I are getting married. (Cheers and applause) Yes, we are. (Applause)

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Ashlee: I don't even know you, but I do feel safe with you. I'm just nervous.

G: So you want to practice out here first?

Ashlee: I have a boyfriend.

G: That's really good for you. Now, would you relax?

Ashlee: Coop is in a workshop, and this guy offered, and I just, kind of...

Daisy: Oh my God.

Ashlee: What?

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