GL Transcript Wednesday 6/11/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/11/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Marina: I don't think either of us should be rushing into something crazy right now. Hey, I am a catch, though.

Mallet: I can see that.

Dinah: Mallet doesn't deserve to be living how he's living right now. Is that why you have not been taking my phone calls? Because you think I've done this to you?

Marina: Hey, Mallet? You need more towels.

Billy: Way to go! Nice hit, lucky! Now run. Go ahead, run.

Bill: How are they doing?

Billy: Hey, they're doing great. Go, run all the way. Run it out, yeah! Yeah!

Bill: Nice to watch the kids having a good time, huh?

Billy: Yeah, I love it. I love it. I used to love watching you play baseball, too.

Bill: As I recall, you missed a few.

Billy: Yeah?

Bill: Just like you missed my announcement the other day.

Billy: Oh, you mean the coronation? Hey! Good catch, Chris! Way to go.

Bill: Never give me any credit, you know? I save Lewis, and...

Billy: Wait, wait, wait, wait. I wasn't aware that Lewis needed saving.

Bill: Okay, I merge them with Spaulding, make them a force to be reckoned with?

Billy: Hey! Good catch! Keep going!

Bill: Good catch.

Billy: Nice catch, son, good! Go!

Bill: Unbelievable. Unbelievable to me. It's like, I'm your son. I'm the one you should be proud of. But I guess that's too damn hard for you...

Billy: What do you want from me? What do you want? You want a handshake? Here, you want... you've got everything else.

Bill: Yeah. Forget it.

Billy: Hey, now wait. Wait. Your mom and I told you how we feel. We think this power grab is a big mistake.

Bill: Why? Why is this a mistake? Because I'm taking the company to a place that you never even dreamed of?

Billy: Yeah, and where is that? Hey, guys! Take a break for a few minutes.

Bill: Take a look around. This is Spaulding Field. Half this town has the name "Spaulding" on it. I could do the same thing for Lewis! I mean, I could make Lewis just as big as Spaulding ever was.

Billy: Oh, oh, well, that's just great. And then at the end of the day, when you've got your name everywhere, what do you got to come home to?

Bill: It won't be a bottle.

Billy: And it won't be Lizzie, either.

Bill: I've got a family now.

Billy: Yeah. Ava and the baby. You're not doing them any favors, Bill.

Bill: You're wrong about that, because Ava is the only person who's happy with me right now.

Ava: Hey!

Remy: Hey! You're supposed to be resting.

Ava: I had to get up to answer the door! You are too much! Remy, these are my favorite, thank you!

Remy: I know, I know.

Ava: Mm! So, can you stay for a little while?

Remy: Yeah. For a few, um...

Ava: Thank you.

Remy: Yeah, I've got to go to the gym with Dinah, and I have a class.

Ava: Oh, yeah! Your E.M.T. classes. It's so cool that you're doing this.

Remy: Yeah, well, it's our secret, remember? Don't want my family finding out, think I've found my calling...

Ava: Okay.

Remy: It's just too much pressure.

Ava: Mum's the word.

Remy: Mum's the word.

Ava: (Laughs)

Remy: So how are things here with little Billy?

Ava: Things are fine.

Remy: Fine?

Ava: Yes.

Remy: Fine.

Ava: What? They're fine. Everything's great, he's working a lot, our paths never really cross too much, he's excited about the baby, and it's, it’s... actually, it's really cute.

Remy: Well, is he excited about you? Does he know how lucky he is?

Ava: Things are fine. We're fine.

Remy: Fine. I hate that word, "fine."

Ava: Why don't we take a look at what you're studying, huh?

Remy: Fine.

Ava: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

Mallet: Hey. How's it going?

Dinah: Good. I, uh... good. I didn't come here to see you, believe it or not.

Mallet: Right. I bet you came here to work out.

Dinah: I'm meeting Remy, but he's late.

Mallet: Cool. Well, tell Remy I said "hi," and, um... have a good workout.

Dinah: Thanks. (Sighs deeply) How can I get over you if you're everywhere? Everywhere.

Lizzie: Hey. What's wrong?

Alan: Well, I see that they fixed the roof, but you can see where it fell.

Lizzie: That must've been really scary.

Alan: Well, it happened so fast, I...

Lizzie: Are you okay?

Alan: I can still feel Gus grab my leg, and he tripped me right before this roof fell. Just in time.

Lizzie: I'm sure you did feel something.

Alan: Yeah. I, um... I had another... well, it wasn't a dream, it was... but I... I heard him.

Lizzie: Gus.

Alan: Yeah. I didn’t... I didn't see him, I just felt his presence. Do you think I'm crazy?

Lizzie: (Sighs) No, I don’t. I think you miss your sons. All of them. I don't know, Granddad, if this is really Gus visiting you. Um... but if he is prowling around somewhere, it's probably a sign that we're supposed to change our ways. Take care of each other, and I think that's what we're supposed to do.

Alan: I can't believe I had such a lapse in judgment! It was so unlike me. I let down the company, I let down the family, I... I don't think I'll ever forgive myself, because the family means more to me than anything.

Lizzie: I believe you. It's something we have in common.

Alan: If we work together...

Lizzie: No. Granddad, I want you to take it easy. Okay? Listen, this is my time to... to take charge. Okay? This is my time to protect the family, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to let the world know that we are still Spaulding’s. If anybody messes with us, they are going to be sorry.

Bill: You might want to get the guys back to work. You want your side to win, right?

Billy: You know, Bill, I'm on your side.

Bill: Could've fooled me.

Billy: I don't think it has to be that hard. I mean, what about if we go back to a simple time when it was you, me, and a baseball game?

Bill: Oh, come on, snap out of it, Dad. We didn't have too many of those.

Billy: No, well, we didn't have enough of them. That's all.

Bill: Yeah. Nice work, guys. Don't let me keep you.

Billy: You know, son, it's not too late...

Bill: For you it is. Not for me. I won't make the same mistakes you did.

Bill: Well, that looks good, whatever it is.

Ava: Hmm. Yogurt shake, it's really good. Remy brings them to me all the time.

Bill: Does he?

Ava: Yeah. (Straw slurping)

Remy: Want mine? I've got to go work your sister out, you know?

Bill: Oh, do you?

Remy: Yeah.

Bill: Yeah, good, good. I've got to get back to work.

Ava: No!

Bill: Yes. Yes, CEO’s got to earn his paycheck.What can I do?

Ava: Bye.

Remy: Bye.

Ava: Thank you.

Remy: You're welcome. Take it easy, Bill.

Bill: Remy, it's always good to see you. Thanks for the delivery. Good.

Ava: If you want to work here, you know, you can stay. I'll just move.

Bill: No, no! No, no, no. Hey, listen, listen, listen. Don't you move, okay? The doctor said you are supposed to be on bed rest.

Ava: No. No, no, no, no. I'm fine. It's partial bed rest, anyway, Bill. Come on. I feel... the baby's great, it's fine.

Bill: Yeah. And you look great. But listen, you had one scare, don't need another, all right? We want that baby to pop out a-okay, all right?

Ava: You know what you sound like?

Bill: What?

Ava: You sound like a daddy.

Bill: A daddy?

Ava: Mm-hmm.

Bill: My goodness, I sound like a daddy. What am I going to do about that?

Ava: (Laughing)

Bill: Although I do want to be a good daddy. Look, I know I'm a jerk sometimes, okay? I know that.

Ava: Sometimes?

Bill: You didn't have to agree so quickly!

Ava: Sometimes you're a jerk?

Bill: Okay. All right. Relax. Okay? Settle down. It's just, you know, this father thing is new to me. And it happened all at the same time as a lot of other stuff, and I... well, I just want you to know that everything's going to be... going to be fine.

Ava: Fine.

Bill: Fine. Yeah. Yeah. That baby means a lot to me. It really, really does. And I want this kid to have a real family. Speaking of which, I just ran into my father...

Ava: Oh, you did? How'd that go?

Bill: Well...

Ava: Nothing happened?

Bill: No. No. No. Anyway. That child? World to me. Means the world to me. Wow.

Ava: (Laughs) Well, good. Good. Then, I'm sure you didn't forget, we have our ultrasound, sonogram today?

Bill: Sonogram, exactly. No, I knew that. I knew that, and I'm going to be there, I promise. In fact, I put a little alarm on my telephone so I wouldn't be late.

Ava: Good!

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: Good, good.

Bill: Yeah. You know what else I did?

Ava: What?

Bill: I've got a car coming to pick you up. It's going to call when it gets here. Is there anything else I'm missing?

Ava: No.

Bill: Probably not.

Ava: Thank you.

Bill: No.

Ava: That was really...

Bill: Okay.

Ava: ...Generous.

Bill: It was. See you at Cedar's?

Ava: Okay.

Dinah: Oh, nice of you to stop by.

Remy: Oh, relax. I'm not that late.

Dinah: Where were you?

Remy: You're nosey.

Dinah: Are you stalking Ava?

Remy: Huh. She is my friend. Just like you, okay? I mean, yeah, I do check in on her. Your brother leaves her in a hotel room half the time while he's trying to be king of the frickin' world.

Dinah: (Laughs) You know what? He has a lot going on. You know, and they're at the Beacon, her mom owns the place, she's got a room down the hall. Whatever Ava wants, all she needs to do is snap her pretty little fingers.

Remy: Everything but what she really wants.

Dinah: Oh, yeah, you know what? You can tell her to join the club!

Remy: Hmm. No offense, but your brother's clueless. He has his eyes so big on the frickin' prize, that he doesn't see that she's the real prize.

Dinah: Pathetic.

Remy: Bill? I know.

Dinah: You, all right? You need to get over Ava. She wants Bill.

Remy: She thinks she does. He doesn't even appreciate it. He doesn't even know her.

Dinah: You know what? He is going to take care of her, and that is something. In fact, that's a lot. I've been spending my whole life just wishing that someone would take care of me! You know what? I don't understand some women. Every time they sneeze, people jump while other people like me have to live their lives by the side of the road in a miserable winter snowstorm wondering how she's going to get home!

Remy: What?

Dinah: Whatever. You know what? I can take care of myself. Everyone in this town can see that. Everyone. I've got what I need.

Remy: Did you see Mallet today?

Dinah: Ah!

Remy: Hey...

Dinah: (Yelling) Why do you say that? Why do you have to say that?

Remy: Because you're acting squirrelly. I thought you were going to stay away from him.

Dinah: Well, I can’t. It's a small town. How am I supposed to do all that?

Remy: Go out. Meet people. You have a lot going on, stop wasting it.

Dinah: (Out of breath) You're right. Thank you.

Remy: (Groans)

Alan: You know, Elizabeth, you're becoming the woman I always knew you would be. Remember when we sat on the bench, and I told you that one day you would be the future of this family and this company? Remember?

Lizzie: Uh-huh. And I've certainly got my work cut out for me. You know, I actually wish that Gus was around. We could use all the family we can get to fight this battle.

Alan: In my dream, Gus kept whispering to me.

Lizzie: What did he say?

Alan: "Keep an eye on her. Keep an eye on your princess."

Lizzie: He said that?

Alan: Uh-huh.

Lizzie: (Scoffs)

Alan: I'm supposed to be protecting you.

Lizzie: I actually don't think that this message from Gus has anything to do with me.

Alan: Peyton! Maybe he meant Peyton.

Lizzie: Or Mom. Maybe he thinks it's about time the two of you got your act together.

Alan: Well, don't you worry about that. That's going to happen in time.

Lizzie: Eh, life is short. Look at that! You know what that looks like to me? That looks like a gift from Gus.

Alan: Look who's here!

Lizzie: Hey, Mom!

Alan: Oh, my my!

Lizzie: Hello.

Beth: Hey, there, you two! What's up?

Lizzie: Gus thinks that you two need to get your act together. Look at that! I'll be right back.

Mallet: Lizzie.

Lizzie: Hey, um, any word on Rafe?

Mallet: No, I've got nothing, but I saw everybody in here, and I thought somebody heard anything about Rafe, heard from him? Anything?

Lizzie: Yeah. Nothing, although I'm surprised that Gus hasn't told my granddad where he is by now.

Mallet: Yeah, is your granddad still... is he still, uh, "seeing" Gus?

Lizzie: Oh, well, I like to refer to it as "dreams" rather than "sightings," but... yeah. Do you want to talk to him about Rafe?

Mallet: Uh, no. No, I'm good. I'm just hoping you'll come to me if you hear from him.

Lizzie: Yup.

Mallet: Because I want to help the kid.

Lizzie: Well, me, too. I just, I wish he hadn't screwed up! I've been trying to get my family back together, and he's part of our family.

Mallet: Yeah, how's that going?

Lizzie: Great, you know, Spaulding’s are coming back stronger than ever. We're going to show Bill and Dinah just what we're made of. I'm sorry if that upsets you.

Mallet: No, hey, Dinah’s a big girl. She can take care of herself. I just don't care to get in the middle of that particular turf war. Bill and Dinah do seem to think that they can rule the world, so, hey...

Lizzie: Well, the joke is on them, because I have my troops all ready for battle.

Bill: Good luck with that.

Lizzie: Bill's the one that needs the luck.

Bill: Oh, hey, Remy. You got a minute?

Remy: No, not really.

Bill: Hmm, okey-dokey. Well, look. Uh, I thought maybe you could spend a little less time with my, uh...

Remy: Your...

Bill: Ava.

Remy: (Scoffs) Oh, yeah. At least I know what she is to me.

Bill: Really? What's that?

Remy: A friend.

Bill: A friend. Okay. That’s... that's nice. But maybe you could spend a little more time with some other friends, while she gets her rest?

Remy: What do you even know about her, Bill?

Bill: Okay, thanks a lot, Remy.

Remy: No, no, really. What's her favorite band?

Bill: What?

Remy: What are her favorite baby names if it's a boy or a girl?

Bill: We haven't discussed that yet...

Remy: What color was she wearing today?

Bill: Oh, my goodness, green, Remy. I guess you're up to date on her Myspace page, huh?

Remy: You live with her, but you don't even see her.

Bill: I see her. But you know what? I work. I work... a lot. Okay? I'm very busy. But I guess you're the man with all the answers, and that's why you're living off my sister, Dinah, right?

Remy: Just take care of Ava, okay?

Bill: I plan to do that, Remy.

Dinah: Nice day, huh?

Scott: It is now!

Dinah: You know, I don't want to interrupt your workout or anything, but you really should bend your knees a little bit more, if you don't want to hurt your back.

Scott: Are you going to eat that big, old ice cream cone all by yourself?

Dinah: Oh, you bet I am!

Scott: I like a woman with an appetite.

Dinah: (Laughs) Nothing better than an ice cream cone on a warm day. You look like you want some. Go ahead.

Scott: Mm!

Dinah: It's good, isn't it?

Scott: It's good.

Dinah: (Laughs) Well, you should feel honored, I don't share with just anyone. But I'm trying to keep myself open to new experiences. New people. No ring!

Scott: Oh, uh, divorced. She didn't understand me. You?

Dinah: Oh, me? Yeah, I'm divorced, too. Nobody understands me.

Scott: I like a challenge.

Dinah: (Giggles)

Beth: It is nice to see the two of you getting along.

Lizzie: Well, nothing is more important than family.

Alan: Yes, Elizabeth is going to be looking after the family until I'm back in full form.

Lizzie: Granddad's still having those... dreams.

Beth: Alan, don't you think it's time to talk to somebody about this?

Alan: Why? I mean, they're good experiences, Beth, and besides, it gives me a chance to bond with Gus a little. And besides, he gives me some very good advice.

Beth: Lizzie, what do you think about all of this?

Lizzie: Who knows? But if it makes Granddad so calm and happy, I'm all for it.

Beth: True. Looked at from another angle, it could be kind of sweet. (Laughs)

Alan: Look, I don’t... I don't blame you for not believing me. I have a hard time believing it, myself. But it's as if Gus has some unfinished business that he wants...

Beth: What kind of "unfinished business"?

Alan: He doesn't say. Or maybe I just, I can't hear him.

Beth: You know, Alan, I have never heard you talk like this before.

Alan: I've never been this way before, Beth.

Beth: What do you think Gus wants?

Alan: Well, I think Elizabeth made a very good point. Maybe Gus wants to help, in some way, bring this family back together again, and put us back on top, where we belong.

Beth: We don't have to be on top to be together.

Alan: You know how I feel about that. I want nothing but the best for you and Peyton.

Lizzie: Me, too. And I am going to make that happen for all of us.

Dinah: (Giggling) See? I knew there was a reason why I took a walk today!

Scott: So you could drip your ice cream cone on me?

Dinah: Oh, I'm sorry!

Scott: What's up, Officer?

Mallet: Hey. Can you step away from the car, Dinah?

Dinah: What the hell?

Ava: Hey!

Bill: Am I late?

Ava: No, no, no! You're right on time. She took me in a little early.

Bill: Oh, okay. Good, good, good. Because I wouldn't want he or she to think that they were not important. All right...

Ava: Speaking of important...

Bill: I want to know. Don't you want to know?

Ava: I've got to know, definitely!

Bill: Yeah.

Tech: Are you ready?

Bill: Ready to rock. Let's do this.

Tech: Do you want to know the baby's sex?

Ava: Yes!

Bill: We absolutely do.

Ava: Yes, yes, yes!

Bill: Yes, okay.

Tech: All right, let's see. Okay.

Ava: "Okay," what?

Bill: What, what, what?

Tech: It's a boy.

Ava: It's a boy?

Bill: A boy! Ha, ha, ha!

Ava: It's a boy!

Bill: Oh, my goodness!

Ava: (Laughing) I thought it was a girl. It's a boy! It's a boy.

Bill: It's a boy.

Ava: Is everything okay? You seem a little quiet.

Bill: Oh, yeah, just... it's just so, so much, you know, to actually see him.

Ava: Are you happy you're having a boy?

Bill: I'm just happy everything's okay.

Ava: Yeah, it seems like it. I have my normal exam tomorrow, but I feel pretty good. Pretty good. I know you have to get back to work. I asked the car to stay to take me home, so you don't have to worry about it.

Bill: Okay. Um, I won't be too late, all right? And when I get back, we'll have some pizza and order some guy movies in honor of...

Ava: Of our son?

Bill: That's right.

Ava: Our son.

Bill: Yeah. Our son.

Ava: I like that.

Bill: Oh, my goodness!

Ava: I know! (Laughs)

Bill: All right.

Ava: Okay. Hmm. (Giggles)

Remy: Let me guess!

Ava: It's a boy!

Remy: A boy! Wow, wow!

Ava: Can you believe it?

Remy: I was hoping you'd have a girl, that way she would look like you.

Ava: No, look.

Remy: Cute kid, though. Look at that! He has your nose.

Ava: Yeah. Maybe a little bit. (Laughs)

Mallet: Dinah, just step away from the car.

Dinah : No, don't touch me!

Mallet: Step away from the car!

Scott: Detective Mallet!

Mallet: Just plain Officer Mallet will do. How's it going, Scott?

Dinah: Wait a minute. Scott? Don't let him scare you off! (Engine starts) What the hell are you doing?

Mallet: Dinah, listen to me.

Dinah: No. You know what? You can't just shove me aside, and then drive off any guy that I start talking to.

Mallet: His name is Scott Marsh.

Dinah: Yeah, I know. He's divorced, single dad, got a great smile...

Mallet: He used to beat his wife. That's why she divorced him. He spent, like, six months in prison for spousal abuse. Now he's not allowed within 100 feet of her or the kid. I suppose he didn't tell you any of that, did he? I'm sorry, I didn't want to come over here.

Dinah: No, I'm sure you didn’t. But thank you.

Mallet: Yeah.

Dinah: For your help. I'll see you around.

Mallet: Okay. See you around. (Sighs) (cell phone rings) Yeah, Mallet. Hey, Frank. What's up? I'm, uh... I'm patrolling the park. Why? Are you sure? No, listen, don't send backup. If it's Rafe, Frank, give me a chance to go in and get him myself. Let me try. Okay. Thanks. I'm on my way. Bye.

Lizzie: Hey! I missed you! Come here.

Billy: I missed you, too! ( Laughter) I had to drink all by myself!

Lizzie: Hey, hey, hey, no. You've been good, haven't you?

Billy: They tell me I've been real good. (Laughs)

Lizzie: That's my Billy!

Billy: Yeah.

Lizzie: Come here.

Billy: Oh!

Lizzie: So...

Billy: So...

Lizzie: How about your son?

Billy: Yeah, how about that boy of mine?

Lizzie: You need to save him...

Billy: I need you to save him! I'm his dad. He will not listen to me. He thinks I'm jealous of him.

Lizzie: What makes you think that he'll listen to me? He knows I'm jealous!

Billy: No! Why? He loves you!

Lizzie: Ava and him are having a baby.

Billy: You and I both know he's just stepping up on that issue. It's you that he really cares about. You still love him, don't you?

Lizzie: It doesn't matter, okay? Not after what he did to my family, and not after what he did to yours.

Billy: Just don't worry about me, okay?

Lizzie: I can't trust him! How can you tell someone you love them, and then help throw their family out on the street?

Billy: Oh, boy. He's just confused.

Lizzie: He's poison.

Billy: No, you don't believe that. Deep down inside, you can still see that there's somebody good there, can't you?

Lizzie: How many times am I supposed to let him roll over me? How many of his lies am I supposed to believe, Billy? Seriously?

Billy: Darling, I'm telling you the truth. He is the person he is supposed to be when he is with you.

Lizzie: After everything he took from you, you're still trying to help him.

Billy: Come on, he's my boy.

Lizzie: Well, I can't save him. Not without losing myself.

Billy: So, this is it? Through? That's it, forever?

Lizzie: I think you probably need to start bonding with Ava if you want to get closer to your son.

Dinah: Hello. If it's bad news, I really don't want to hear.

Bill: No, no, not bad news. Pretty cool news. Well, I know how much you're going to like it, since I know how much you like boys!

Dinah: (Screaming)

Bill: (Laughs)

Dinah: You're going to have a boy!

Bill: Yes, yes. Can you believe it? The fishing trips and the baseball and the...

Dinah: Well, girls like to do that, too.

Bill: Well, yeah, but I'm going to have to have you come along, because I don't think Ava’s into that sort of thing, so, that's, uh...

Dinah: (Laughing) Oh, I think you might be right. Oh, wow!

Bill: Yeah.

Dinah: That's amazing, I'm going to be such a fun little auntie!

Bill: You will, you will.

Dinah: And you are going to be a great daddy. Have you told Mom, Billy yet?

Bill: No, you're the first person I told.

Dinah: Oh, I love that. I love that, but you know what?

Bill: Hmm?

Dinah: You need to call Mindy.

Bill: I will.

Dinah: She will flip out.

Bill: I will, I promise you that I'm going to call with you. Did you really mean that?

Dinah: What?

Bill: That I'm going to be a great dad?

Dinah : Yeah.

Bill: Yeah?

Dinah: Yeah.

Bill: I don't know.

Dinah: I do. You just can't call the poor kid Harlan Billy IV.

Bill: (Laughs)

Dinah: Please don't do that!

Bill: No, no. No, no. New name, new generation, new beginnings.

Dinah: The family is getting bigger and better all the time.

Bill: Let me ask you something. Who's your family? I'm not talking just by blood, but who do you count on?

Dinah: You.

Bill: Me. That's right. And who do I count on? You. Are you still switching rooms every night?

Dinah: Not every night.

Bill: Not every night? But you like it here? I mean, you really do like it here, still?

Dinah: (Sighs) You know what? This is where I need to be.

Bill: Yeah? It's time to use this place for what it is meant to be, okay? A home. I mean a real home, where you...

Dinah: (Laughing) Are you asking to move in here?

Bill: I'm telling you that this is what we both need. To be a family unit. A real, honest to God family. I mean with you, me, Ava, the baby. God knows there's enough room here, right?

Dinah: There is enough room here.

Bill: Yeah. There is. So, let's use this place as a symbol of who we are and where we're going, right?

Dinah: You know what? I think that actually sounds really cool.

Bill: Does it?

Dinah: I do, and I think that we should have, sort of, a coming-out party. An announcement...

Bill: Yeah?

Dinah: You know, maybe a belated little housewarming. A family gathering.

Bill: You want to do that?

Dinah: Yeah.

Bill: Yes, exactly. And you know what we'll do? We're going to invite every major player in town...

Dinah: Yes.

Bill: ...Right here.

Dinah: Look at you!

Bill: What?

Dinah: I don't know.

Bill: Huh?

Dinah: You just look great...

Bill: Oh, thank you very much.

Dinah: ...Daddy!

Bill: You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to tell Ava and, yeah, we're going to move in!

Dinah: (Laughing) I'm going to warn Remy. I want to tell him we're going to have company.

Bill: Okay, you go do that. But it's not company.

Dinah: What?

Bill: Family.

Dinah: Aw.

Bill: Am I right?

Dinah: You are right.

Bill: Come here.

Dinah: I love you.

Bill: Oh, I love you, sis. All right.

Dinah: Daddy!

Bill: Good. I was going to call you.

Billy: Oh, yeah?

Bill: Yeah.

Billy: I thought you said it all pretty good before.

Bill: I've got some news.

Billy: Hmm?

Bill: Ava had a sonogram.

Billy: Is everything okay?

Bill: Everything's great. Just great. It's a boy. I'd better get back to the office.

Billy: Yeah. Harlan Billy IV?

Bill: Don't even think about it!

Alan: Would you like some strawberries with it?

Beth: Oh, go crazy! ( Laughs) What else have you learned?

Alan: Well, I've learned that I'm not the center of the universe.

Beth: Oh, wow! But who is?

Alan: That little angel right there, and her beautiful mother. One day, we will all be together, very soon, Beth. Another thing I've learned... patience.

Beth: Patient Alan Spaulding? What is this world coming to?

Alan: Well, Elizabeth seems to think it's a whole new world out there.

Beth: I'm worried about her.

Alan: I wouldn't worry about Elizabeth. I think she's coming into her own.

Beth: Listen to you! So wise!

Alan: Hmm? You know, I think I'm wiser, yeah. But I haven't lost my edge. As a matter of fact, I think my edge is even sharper. You know, I was born to privilege. Felt entitled to everything... never had to really earn anything. I actually thought my father's money could buy me love.

Beth: Didn't it?

Alan: No, it was an illusion. I had to lose everything... live upstairs... and all of this has shown me something I didn't know.

Beth: What's that?

Alan: You don't have to have money to be respected. I get up every morning, I come down here, I help Buzz, I make some calls, I talk with the people... and I'm still a winner. I've earned their respect. Why, I can even win the love of a beautiful woman. ( Laughs) And I can even make my daughter pancakes! How about that, huh?

Beth: What a charmer. ( Laughter)

Alan: Oh! I almost forgot the most important thing.

Beth: Oh! (Laughs)

Alan: Mommy's necklace, Peyton. We're getting closer.

Beth: (Laughs)

Mallet: Rafe? Hey, Rafe? Hold on, hold on, stop. You're not Rafe.

Teenager: I wasn't doing nothing.

Mallet: You're not doing nothing? What were you playing with, matches? A lighter? You were playing with a lighter? Get out of here, man. You're going to burn the town down. You want a can of gasoline, genius?

Remy: Doing my laundry?

Dinah: You wish I was doing your laundry. I am moving you to the east wing of the house. You'll be closer to the pool.

Remy: Oh, the pool is cool. So, what's going on? Who is moving in here?

Dinah: My brother Bill.

Remy: Ava dumped Bill? Wow! She didn't mention that.

Dinah: Because she didn’t. They're going to live here together.

Remy: You're kidding me.

Dinah: No. You know what? They want to be a real family. What better place than to start here, you know? Bill and I are going to make this a real home.

Remy: What about Ava?

Dinah: She can nest. She can sun herself at the pool. She can do whatever. I'm sure she'll keep busy. Unless you don't want to live under the same roof...

Remy: No! No, no, no, no! No, no. I'll give it a shot.

Lizzie: Can't sneak by. Your shoes squeak.

Bill: I wasn't trying to sneak by. Just thought maybe you and I shouldn't be talking right now.

Lizzie: (Scoffs)

Bill: But, on second thought, maybe there is some news I'd like to share with you.

Lizzie: Another merger? Or wait, um, hmm... another takeover? No, wait, let me guess. They're naming a building after you. Is that it?

Bill: I'm having a son.

Lizzie: Wow. Congratulations, that's absolutely fantastic. I couldn't be happier for you.

Bill: Thank you. I have some other news I'd like to share with you, too. We're moving into the house with Dinah.

Lizzie: My house?

Bill: Dinah's house.

Lizzie: I don't think so.

Bill: I thought I should tell you before you read about it in the newspapers.

Lizzie: Wow! You are so full of yourself! Like anyone's going to care what you do or where you live. You're not a Spaulding.

Bill: And that's for sure!

Lizzie: Find another place, any place! Live in your car, I don't care. Just not my family's home.

Bill: Okay, well, it belongs to us now.

Lizzie: Stop. Just stop. Stop trying to one-up my granddad and the rest of us. Or didn't you hear me when I said that the war is over?

Bill: Okay, listen to me. This is not about Alan or your family, okay? It's about mine. Dinah and I are making that place something that it wasn't when you lived there. A real home.

Lizzie: Then build your own house. Why are you doing this?

Bill: It's a house.

Lizzie: It's my house.

Bill: Is that really...

Lizzie: My house.

Bill: Is that really the most important thing here?

Lizzie: I don't know. Why don't you tell me?

Bill: You know what? I'm doing what I have to do, okay? Not just for Dinah, but for Ava and the baby, too.

Lizzie: They're moving into the house with you?

Bill: Yeah. They are.

Lizzie: Wow. I guess you just think you're going to have a nice little life there, don't you?

Bill: I know I am.

Lizzie: Well, don't get too comfy.

Bill: What's that supposed to mean?

Mallet: Somebody's in a good mood.

Alan: Yeah. My daughter got me a gift.

Mallet: Very nice. Yeah, I thought for a minute, I might have a gift for you.

Alan: Oh?

Mallet: Yeah, your grandson. False alarm.

Alan: Well, at least I know he's safe.

Mallet: Are you sure about that? So, Alan, you haven't heard from him lately, have you?

Alan: Next question.

Mallet: I don't mean Rafe. I mean Gus. I can't believe I'm asking that.

Alan: Welcome to my world. Sometimes I feel like a satellite dish, picking up sounds from outer space.

Mallet: Well, I guess that's always a possibility.

Alan: No. The voices I hear are Gus’s. Even when I try to ignore them, I can’t.

Mallet: So have you ever gotten any messages for anyone else?

Alan: Hey! I'm not an answering machine or a fortune teller booth, you know?

Mallet: I'm not asking for myself, all right? I'm asking because I want to do right by Gus’s son. Maybe I am asking for myself. Listen, wherever Gus is, whatever he's doing, I just figured where he is or where he's sitting, that he might have a clearer view on things, and he can tell me what I'm doing right or wrong.

Alan: Wherever Gus is, there is no "right" or "wrong." Now, why don't you just finish this, Mallet?

Mallet: Is he sad?

Alan: I don't see his face. It's just a... a feeling I have. A sense of his presence. I can tell you one thing. He's very upset about something.

Mallet: About Rafe?

Alan: Something else. He’s... something that's coming, he's trying to warn me about something. He tells me to keep my eyes open.

Mallet: For what?

Alan: If I knew, I would sleep better at night.

Dinah: I can get Jeremy to help you with that.

Remy: No, that's not necessary. Are you sure you want me to stay? I'm not your brother's favorite person.

Dinah: You're my friend. You're someone to talk to when everybody gets baby crazy.

Remy: (Laughs)

Dinah: I don't want you to go. But I do want you to try to get along with my brother.

Remy: I'll work on it.

Dinah: That's what I like to hear! Now... this is your invitation to the coming-out party. Dust off your tux!

Remy: Do I have to?

Dinah: Yes.

Remy: Um, does Mallet have a tux?

Dinah: Mallet's not invited.

Remy: Why not?

Dinah: Because I don't want a date. I have everything I need.

Ava: All right, fine, you caught me! I'm starving for a chocolate bar, or chocolate cookies! Even just a little, tiny cookie would be...

Bill: Oh, Ava, you can have the whole cookie jar once you're out of here.

Ava: Out?

Bill: Mm-hmm. And I will do the packing, you direct.

Ava: Well, you're moving me out? Why are you moving me out?

Bill: We are moving out.

Ava: What?

Bill: Yup! You, me and baby makes three! We are moving into the Spaulding house! That's right. Our house. It's going to be our house. We'll be living with Dinah, but it will be our house. Isn't that what you want?

Ava: Yes! That is exactly what I want!

Bill: Is that what you want?

Ava: Yes!

Bill: Okay, then, get over here!

Coming up on "Guiding Light..."

Lizzie: We could have a fresh start. We could get a new house, and we could get a new company and we could...

Bill: What are you talking about?

Lizzie: I'm saying that it's not too late, and it's going to be, if we don’t...

Bill: If we don't what? We have an announcement to make. This is not just a housewarming party. We're engaged!

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