GL Transcript Tuesday 6/10/08

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/10/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Cyrus: You're unbelievable, Grady. She's a kid.

Daisy: Grady? His name is Gillespie.

Cyrus: You may think that you know my brother, but you don’t.

Cassie: Stop him! That is the guy who killed Tammy!

Cyrus: That's not whoever you think it was. Leave. You're a murderer.

Grady: I wish you hadn't have been in the car. I wish she hadn't have died.

I think of you there you are there you've been

I'm here with you shooting star a stone's throw

I never show where you are

where you go I never know

but in my mind I hold you just like I really know you.

Daisy: Hey.

Grady: Hey. I think this will work. Who'd look for me here?

Daisy: Who's looking for you?

Grady: Nobody. I just need a break. Of course, my brother will probably be checking in.

Daisy: I can't believe Cyrus is your brother. That's so random.

Grady: Not much of a connection anymore. We went our separate ways a long time ago. You know, I'm not in Springfield for a family reunion.

Daisy: Then why are you here?

Sometimes I wish you did, too but you never do...

Grady: Guess.

Daisy: So can you sleep here?

Grady: The floor's a little hard.

Daisy: Yeah. I'll get some pillows, blankets, some food.

Grady: Great. I hate asking for this, but I'm down to my last few bucks.

Daisy: I can get some money, because... yeah, Reva, can float me a loan.

Grady: You are amazing.

Daisy: I better get going, but I'll be back as soon as possible with everything you need.

Grady: I'll be here.

If less is more I'm sure I've found the key to everything.

Coop: Hey. You're awake. How are you?

Ashlee: Good. I got your note.

Coop: Well, I'm glad. So I went for a little walk today.

Ashlee: Hmm.

Coop: And I realized that my legs were pretty wobbly.

Ashlee: I guess I'm doing something right.

Coop: You're doing a lot of things right.

Ashlee: Mm-hmm?

Coop: Mm-hmm.

Ashlee: So what's in the bag?

Coop: Egg whites, juice. Sound good?

Ashlee: Yeah, sounds perfect.

Coop: Good. That okay?

Ashlee: Yeah.

Coop: Okay. So I got a phone call from the publisher with the release date of my book, as well as a huge list of interviews that I'm going to have to do. So they figured even though it's a couple weeks away, they just still wanted to be safe, so... hey. Are you sure you're okay?

Ashlee: Yes. Yes! I am... I'm so happy for you. I'm so proud of you.

Coop: Good. (Cell phone ringing) Speaking of which... I'm sorry, I've got to take this, okay? I'll be right back.

Marina: Nice uniform. Brings out your eyes.

Mallet: That's not all. Elastic waist, uh-huh. So I can eat as many hot dogs as I want during lunch, and I don't have to undo the top button of my pants.

Marina: Wow. That's hot. You know, I've always liked a man in uniform: Cops, firemen, the occasional forest ranger.

Mallet: Myself, I've always really been into nurses, meter maids, french maids.

Marina: Interesting. You want a bite?

Mallet: No, I'm good.

Marina: Are you?

Mallet: Yeah. You know what? I'm okay with all this. It's more black and white. It's tangible. I feel like I can actually fix things.

Marina: Like what?

Mallet: Wow. Well, you know, like, for instance, this morning I caught a teenager driving with only their learner's permit.

Marina: Wow. You put the fear of God in him?

Mallet: Saved him from a life of crime, and that was all before breakfast.

Marina: Gee. And I thought that beat cops only walked around picking up litterers.

Mallet: Litterers? I don't think that's a word, Cooper.

Coop: That's Detective Cooper to you.

Mallet: Oh. Wow, that's right. You're my superior now.

Marina: Mm-hmm. And what else?

Mallet: That's a good question. Going to give me a chance to figure it out?

Marina: Absolutely. You know, I don't think either of us should be rushing into something crazy right now, you know?

Mallet: Thank you.

Marina: Hey, I am a catch, though. I am a catch. And I don't see why no one else seems to see that.

Mallet: I can see that. But then again, I'm smarter than I look.

Buzz: Well, somebody's hungry. You know, if your mother doesn't think I'm feeding you enough, she's going to kill me. You've got enough there for weeks.

Daisy: It is for the crew of Reva’s movie. I guess her life must get their appetites going. I don't know.

Buzz: Well, that sounds right.

Daisy: Do you mind if I take this stuff?

Buzz: Well, on one condition. You know, somebody should make a movie about me-- about me. Maybe Harrison Ford can play me, you know?

Daisy: Oh, yeah, yeah. Do I look like I have that kind of power?

Buzz: Lady, you have a lot of persuasion.

Daisy: Well, I better get going, because they get mad at me when I'm late.

Buzz: Oh, wait. Your mother called.

Daisy: What? When? What did she say?

Buzz: She misses you like crazy.

Daisy: Oh, yeah? Well, she hasn't called me.

Buzz: Well, she's in a weird place, you know?

Daisy: Weird place? Oh, okay. What? She's my mom. I'm supposed to be weird.

Buzz: I know, I know, I know. Sorry. But...

Daisy: Thanks for the food.

Buzz: Wait, hold, wait. I got cookies in the back. I'll be right up.

Daisy: Grandpa, thanks anyway. I have to run.

Dinah: That's right, big brother. It's going to be a big day for all of us. We're going to have to hit the ground running. Yeah. I love you, too. All right. Can't wait. Bye. Who are you? What are you doing on my property?

Grady: Your property? Well, this is a nice surprise, because you're much prettier than Alan Spaulding.

Dinah: Excuse me. There's security. You make one more move, and you'll be hurting. What's your business with Alan?

Grady: Nothing urgent. I'll catch up with him in the future. It was nice meeting you, Miss...

Dinah: None of your business.

Grady: Right.

Dinah: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's have a chat. Please, have a seat. Remember what I said about security.

Grady: Nice place.

Dinah: You didn't come here to see Alan, did you?

Grady: I'll catch up with him eventually. He owes me money.

Dinah: Oh. Good luck in getting that.

Grady: I'm actually more interested in hearing about your memory rather than Alan’s money. I think I can learn a lot from you and your partner.

Dinah: My brother Bill?

Grady: No, your former partner, Cyrus Foley. You two are famous-- or infamous. I'm in a similar line of work, and I need help with my technique. I was thinking I could hear about it from you.

Dinah: Well, we were the best.

Grady: Not anymore?

Dinah: No. I've gone legit. So has Cyrus.

Grady: Congratulations. So you're not going to be giving me any tips from your past career.

Dinah: Sorry.

Grady: Well, one question before I go: Why did you let me stay? The truth.

Dinah: You're hot. I'm legit, but I'm not dead.

Marina: Hey.

Mallet: Hey.

Marina: So how's the new place?

Mallet: It's fine.

Marina: Right.

Mallet: It's okay.

Marina: Hey, you know, you're close to criminals. It's good for research.

Mallet: I got a good deal. It is what it is.

Marina: You know that place down by the docks, the place with the soft shell crabs?

Mallet: Claws? Yes, I do. Claws. It's only a rumor that I may have eaten, like, 23 crabs there is one night. It's a rumor. It's just a rumor. Don't listen to it.

Marina: Gross. That's disgusting. You know, I made a vow to myself after Cyrus and I broke up that I would never go to Towers again, especially with someone who said that they were going to be paying with a stolen credit card.

Mallet: Claws it is. And we'll pay cash.

Marina: So just one question.

Mallet: Uh-oh, here it comes.

Marina: Are you sure that you want to...

Mallet: What?

Marina: You know.

Mallet: Hmm? What?

Marina: Come on!

Mallet: You're going to have to spit it out, Cooper, I mean preferably in English.

Marina: Okay. Are you sure that you want to be speaking with your superior officer on her coffee break while you still have some things to figure out? You know, with the job and the apartment?

Mallet: You know, somebody was telling me the other day to really take advantage of my coffee breaks, which I think means drinking coffee and making sure you don't let them go by without really enjoying them.

Marina: Well, it's a good thing we're both caffeine junkies, then.

Mallet: Speak for yourself. I mean, I'm down to like one to, like, five cups.

Marina: (Laughs)

Grady: Hey! This is great. You are my guardian angel.

Daisy: So I still have to get you the pillows and blankets, but, look.

Grady: Unbelievable! I'll put this away for a rainy day.

Coop: I still can't believe that we got invited to this party. It's crazy. I can't believe it.

Ashlee: Oh, come on! You're the star writer. Of course you're going to get invited.

Coop: Us. He wants us there together. He keeps asking about you every time I talk to him.

Ashlee: So it's a big bash?

Coop: I talked to Blake about it, and she said that this is actually a real event, because they're all well-known writers, well published, a lot of notoriety there, and I'm going to get a chance to go ahead and just talk with them and just have an amazing, fun time with them. It's crazy. It's really crazy. And plus, I mean, you and I, we're going to get a chance to... we never go to the beach. We don't do beaches. And so, this is going to be kind of like a little... I don't know, mini-vacation for us. You know, even if it is just for a weekend, you know? You want some more juice?

Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah, thanks. Juice would be great.

Coop: I'll hold that for you.

Grady: How did I manage without you?

Daisy: I don't know. Well, I guess I'll go get some blankets and a pillow.

Grady: Two pillows. Time to go do a little sightseeing.

Coop: You are always pushing me away.

Ashlee: Go. Go read a book. Go bother your father. Whatever, I don't care. I can shop for a dress on my own.

Coop: Yes, but I want to shop with you, okay? Not to mention that I want to buy this dress for you.

Ashlee: Oh, well, that's nice. I'll save the receipt.

Coop: Thanks.

Ashlee: Oh, come on. I can do this. I love this. I can do this on my own.

Coop: I hate shopping on my own. Why do you think I'm always dragging Frank and Marina with me?

Ashlee: Oh, that's so weird. Okay? Coop Cooper, I'll see you soon, okay? Go. Go do something fun.

Coop: All right, fine. Bye.

Ashlee: Okay. Okay, I can do this.

Daisy: Cyrus? Anybody here?

Mallet: Hey, Daisy.

Daisy: Hi. I was just...

Mallet: You were just... were you hibernating? Isn't that usually done in the winter?

Daisy: No, this is the crew for Reva’s movie. I'm a P.A., which actually just means I'm a servant.

Mallet: Uh-huh. Oh, boy, Daisy. That's for Rafe, isn't it?

Daisy: What? No, I just told you, it's for the movie crew.

Mallet: You know, I'm on your side. And I'm on Rafe’s side, and Jeffrey is, too. And we don't want him getting hurt, so we want to find him before somebody else does, like bounty hunters or cops from another state.

Daisy: Look, I swear, I don't know where he is.

Mallet: Do you think hiding him is going to help him? Because he's going to be found eventually.

Daisy: I'm not hiding him.

Mallet: And you know that you're not only putting Rafe at risk, but you could get in a lot of trouble, too, and that I can only protect you so many times. So, really, you need to trust me and tell me where he is.

Daisy: Take me down to the station if you want. I don't know anything.

Mallet: Is it worth it, what you're doing? Do you think it's worth it?

Daisy: I don't know. Maybe it is, some of the time.

Mallet: You know, your mom and I have known each other for a really long time, so if you want to talk about anything, you know, I'm here. Daisy. Daisy!

Marina: Hey.

Dinah: Hi.

Marina: I hate when that happens.

Dinah: Yeah. Thank you. Let me buy you another cup of coffee.

Marina: Oh, I'm okay. But thank you very much. That's very sweet of you. Looks like you had a good shopping day, huh?

Marina: Yes. Yes. I bought a great dress. This would look very pretty on you.

Marina: Maybe next year, right?

Dinah: Yeah. Another color. So what'd you buy?

Marina: Oh, nothing. Nothing important. Actually, it's just a gift for Mallet. He was complaining that his feet were hurting, so I got him some inserts.

Dinah: Oh. Very thoughtful. Well, it was nice talking to you. See you around.

Marina: See you.

Buzz: Oh, no, not you again.

Dinah: Hey, is that how you greet all your customers?

Buzz: Only the ones that stiff me.

Dinah: I'm not going to stiff you. I could buy this entire restaurant.

Buzz: Please don’t. Coffee?

Dinah: Yeah. Black, please. And you know what? I'll take a burger, medium, french fries, yogurt shake. You could throw in a pudding. You know what? Hmm. I'm the only person I know who would be the villain in her own movie.

Buzz: You know, is everybody in town getting a movie made of them, you know? I mean, what about me? I mean, who do you have to sleep with in this town to get... I... don't even answer.

Dinah: Look, I understand why people thought I was bad when I was being bad, you know? I was stalking Cassie, and I was hanging out with a jewel thief, getting impregnated with other people's babies. But I'm not that person anymore, you know? I am trying to be good. I am trying to make up for my mistakes.

Buzz: You got my son demoted.

Dinah: I know. I know. And I'm sorry about that. I was trying to get Mallet promoted, and I wanted him to get what he deserves. And he doesn't deserve to be living how he's living right now. I mean, it makes this place look like the plaza. No offense.

Buzz: Of course not.

Dinah: I just think that... you know what? Villains are underestimated, you know? Take Sleeping Beauty. You know how the queen tried to get her to eat the poison apple?

Buzz: That would be Snow White.

Dinah: Whatever. She was mad. She was mad because she decided some girl was smarter and prettier and moved in on her turf. I would have poisoned her, too. Do you have anything stronger than this?

Buzz: No, we serve all the good stuff after noon.

Dinah: Even Cruella Deville was just trying to sell some fur coats.

Buzz: Made from the pelts of small dogs!

Dinah: You know, I know you think I'm crazy and messed up, radioactive.

Buzz: Radioactive, no. Dramatic, yes. I mean, you're a lot of woman. Not every man can handle you.

Dinah: I'm really sorry about what happened to Frank, Buzz. I am going to try to do something to fix it.

Buzz: Some things you can't go back and fix, you know. You just have to charge on into life and try to live a good life.

Marina: That is so lame!

Mallet: What? Writing tickets is a part of the job.

Marina: No, I know that, but you write it and you leave it, and then you start running away like some kid ringing someone's doorbell on devil's night.

Mallet: Are you telling me how to write a ticket?

Marina: Look, all I'm saying is, you've got to write it, leave it, and own it.

Mallet: What would I do without you?

Marina: I don't know. Wait till you see my traffic directing skills.

Mallet: Oh, really?

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Mallet: What kind of technique do you have?

Marina: Well, you know, I use a little arm action.

Mallet: That's it? You don't put your body into it?

Coop: Hey.

Blake: Hey.

Coop: Hi.

Blake: Hey yourself. Look what I got for you. Photos from the book tour.

Coop: Oh, you didn’t.

Blake: I did. I did. This is my personal favorite.

Coop: Which one was this? This was... oh!

Blake: That's right before you fell off the chair.

Coop: A stellar moment on the book tour. Thank you for bringing that up.

Blake: Well, you know. So did you R.S.V.P. for Bruce’s party?

Coop: Yeah. Yes, yes, I did. I actually told them that both Ashlee and I will be there together, so she's actually buying a dress right now for it.

Blake: Okay, great. Okay, well, have fun. I will see you later. Oh, those copies are for you. Bye.

Coop: Thank you.

What a difference that a day makes

seems like changes everywhere

window dressed in self-defenses.

Grady: Hello.

Ashlee: Hi. I've been looking everywhere for you. I didn't really have a chance to thank you for saving my life.

Grady: So thank me now.

Ashlee: Okay. Thanks. Oh, I totally forgot. I have your dog tag, but I don't have it on me.

Grady: I thought you'd pick it up. I wasn't worried. You look kind of sad, though. I thought shopping malls are supposed to make girls happy.

Ashlee: No, they're... there's so much fun, they are. I just have a bit of pressure on me right now, because I have this... this big party to go to, and I have to get a fancy dress, and I have to go there and impress my boyfriend, so...

Grady: Oh. The boyfriend.

Ashlee: Yeah. You know, you could come over with me now and meet Coop and get your necklace.

Grady: Some other time.

Ashlee: Hey, what's your name, anyway?

Grady: Call me Grady. And get a blue dress. Blue would look beautiful with your great eyes.

You moved on could have pushed me to my limit

gave it to me loud and clear

I still see us falling in love

see me pulling at my hair and scream I thought I knew you

this can't be right how could something

that was so strong lead to sadness

nothing to fight for no tables smashing you moved on.

I've been waiting so long I've forgotten where I'm going

why does it feel so wrong do others feel it slowly growing

na na na na na na na na na

na na na na na na na na na

na na na na na na na na na

na na na na na na na na na

please don't be mad at me don't be mad.

Buzz: So I thanked her for taking good care of you.

Coop: Well, what did she say to that?

Buzz: She seemed happy. Blake seems very happy. She seemed too happy.

Coop: Well, she's emotional. She just kind of throws herself into whatever she's doing at the time.

Buzz: Not a bad quality in an agent.

Coop: I guess not.

Buzz: So you having fun? I mean, you know, it's travel, people.

Coop: Kind of. I mean, I just... yeah. It's fun, I just... I get a little worried that I'm not going to get any work done, you know, like actual writing. But I don't know, I'll start soon again.

Buzz: How is Ashlee handling all this?

Coop: She’s... actually, I think she wants me to believe that she's okay. But, I mean, I can see that she's going through a lot right now.

Buzz: You've got to support that woman.

Coop: I do! Dad, I support her like none other. But it's like she doesn't believe me. I mean, I tell her how beautiful she is no matter how much weight she loses, whatever clothes she wears or she buys, or whatever she does to her hair-- if she cuts it, colors it, whatever. It's like... you know, I talk to her, and she wants to believe me, but she... I don't know.

Buzz: You've just got to say it again and again and again and again and again. She's special.

Coop: I know. I do. I will. You know, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Ashlee: Blake, Blake, I think I made a huge mistake.

Blake: Oh, welcome to my world. What's wrong?

Ashlee: Okay, okay. So I bought a fancy dress for that party that we all have to go to, you know. Oh, wait, you're going to that, right?

Blake: Of course. I wouldn't miss it.

Ashlee: Oh, good. Okay. Because I really need someone to talk to. I know that you have to do your whole agent schmoozing mix-and-mingle thing. You know, you don't have to worry about me, but I've just never been to anything like this.

Blake: It's all right. I'll keep an eye out on you, okay? Let me see the dress.

Ashlee: Okay. Well, I think I made a huge mistake.

Blake: Oh.

Ashlee: Yeah. I just... I ran into some guy I don't even know, and he said that I should get blue so it matches my eyes, but it's like...

Blake: You know what? I'd have to see it on you, but I think this is going to be perfect.

Ashlee: Really?

Blake: Yeah. You know what? Why don't you just come to my house, and we'll try it on, and we'll see if we have jewelry and a bag to match. Okay?

Ashlee: Thank you. Thank you. Oh, my God. I really felt like I was, like, in over my head, and I needed someone to save me.

Blake: Well, yeah, I've been there. All right, let's go.

Ashlee: Okay.

Blake: I'm parked here.

Ashlee: Okay.

(Knocking on door)

Mallet: Yeah, come on in, it's open.

Dinah: Hey.

Mallet: Oh, hey.

Dinah: I got you some microwave popcorn, and this indoor plant doesn't need any sunlight. You know, it's a good-luck gift, a clean slate gift.

Mallet: Oh, well, you didn't have to do that. Thanks.

Dinah: Oh, it's no big deal.

Mallet: Well, thank you.

Dinah: You're welcome. You know, I spoke to Buzz today.

Mallet: Oh, yeah? How's he doing?

Dinah: Yeah, we talked about Frank, mostly, and that whole big mess, and I apologized to him.

Mallet: Oh, okay, good. I mean, thanks for doing that.

Dinah: Yeah. I'm going to let everybody know how I screwed up you becoming Police Chief, and I am hoping that you'll get back to it again.

Mallet: I... I don’t... I'm... Dinah, I'm fine. I'm good with the way things are. I like doing what I'm doing.

Dinah: You know, I've got to say that I think that you are throwing everything away for something that you feel guilty for, that Rafe... it was his mistake. You couldn't stop him.

Mallet: No, it was my fault. And it was your fault. And it was everyone's fault, because Rafe was just a kid, and he needed protecting, and we all failed him.

Dinah: Is that why you have not been taking my phone calls, because you think I've done this to you?

Marina: Hey, Mallet, you need more towels.

Grady: Home sweet home, huh?

Daisy: I just came to pick something up. I'm glad you're back. I keep worrying something bad is going to happen to you.

Grady: Well, I didn't see my brother, so everything's okay.

Daisy: I was here earlier, and I ran into this cop. He's a friend of the family, and he saw me carrying stuff, and I... he thought it was for Rafe. So I kind of just let him think that-- everyone else, too.

Grady: So what is Rafe like?

Daisy: I don't really want to talk about him. I just want him to be safe.

Grady: And me?

Daisy: You, too. You know that. So what happens now? I mean, I know people are looking for you. I know you're not just hiding out from your brother.

Grady: Well, it's hard to say. There may be charges, but if there's a trial, I want you to promise me that you'll protect yourself. Tell them you don't know anything about what happened with your cousin Tammy. And I don't want you to try and save me.

Daisy: I can't promise that.

Grady: Okay. Well, I'm leaving.

Daisy: Well, wait. No, no, no, no, no. You're all I have. You can’t... I want...

Grady: What do you want? I know what I want. But I need you to be sure.

Ashlee: What you doing?

Coop: I, at the moment am trying to just kind of take care of the place. Wow! You look fabulous!

Ashlee: I know! Actually, Blake helped me pick out my earrings and my purse and stuff.

Coop: Great. Great. I'm glad that you guys are getting a chance to get to know each other.

Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah. She's really cool, actually. I can see why you like hanging out with her.

Coop: Yeah, well, to be honest, I'd rather hang out with you.

Ashlee: Oh.

Coop: Oh.

Ashlee: Thanks. I feel really, really good in this dress.

Coop: You should. It matches your eyes.

Ashlee: Yeah, that's what... that's what I was going for, you know? You know, we really haven't celebrated your success as an author yet.

Coop: Oh, stop. Stop.

Ashlee: Come on!

Coop: That's because there's nothing to celebrate as of yet.

Ashlee: Well, we still should have an amazing party and invite everybody. I guess the only trouble is, I'd have to invite Doris.

Coop: Yeah, nothing says a good old party like inviting Doris Wolfe.

Ashlee: (Laughs) Sorry.

Coop: You know what? That's fine. If you want to celebrate, we can. We'll have a big old family... almost-family, pseudo-family party. And we can invite Doris Wolfe.

Ashlee: Really?

Coop: Really, really. Come on, your friends are my friends, and your family is my family.

Marina: You want milk for that?

Dinah: No, I'm fine, thank you.

Mallet: Yeah, Marina and I were hanging out and doing some...

Dinah: Yeah.

Marina: Some... looking through some cases, you know, for work.

Mallet: Yeah, some work. So listen...

Dinah: You don't have to explain. I get it. Good luck with everything. I hope you get what you deserve.

Mallet: Thank you.

Marina: I am so sorry. I had no idea that she was here.

Mallet: No, it’s... it's fine. It’s... it's good. It’s... it's going to be okay. Everything's fine.

I want you to look me in the eyes

see how it feels in my shoes.

Grady: You are so beautiful.

Daisy: I can't believe we waited.

Grady: It was the right thing to do. You were a girl before, and now you're a woman. We can be together.

Nothing to fight for no tables smashed.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: Great.

Remy: Somebody just really, really, needs to get her away from him before it's too late.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, I tried.

Remy: I bet. The drinks are free at the party.

Lizzie: Check please. You know, it looks like somebody forgot my invitation.

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