GL Transcript Friday 6/6/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/6/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Daisy: Everyone's gone. Gus, Rafe, my mom. Do you have a family? So stupid!

Grady: You didn't like my gift?

Daisy: G?

Grady: Hello, Daisy.

Daisy: I can't believe you're actually here.

Grady: You didn't forget about me?

Daisy: No, you're pretty hard to forget.

Cyrus: What are you doing here?

Grady: What's the matter, Cyrus? Not happy to see your little brother?

So you said that I'm your

one but I think you're so


that humor and that smile

that turns you on.

Four, three, two, one...

Cyrus: I still don't get it. What are you doing here, Grady? How did you find me?

Grady: I'm your brother, not the cops. What's the problem?

Cyrus: (Sighs deeply) There's no problem. I... I'm glad. I just... it's been a long time.

Grady: That's your choice, mate. Not mine.

Cyrus: It was the only choice I had. Grady, I went away so I could make money to support you, and I stayed away to protect you. I didn't want you to grow up thinking that what I did to make that money was right. I wanted better for you.

Grady: Good move. You made me exactly who I am today.

So you said that I'm your

one but I think you're so


Josh: Hello? Anybody home?

You to listen, just listen

to... (indecipherable lyrics)

trust me, that's why you

frantically search for an

audience member who might

stay after the show

you are the actor, but

actually, you're taking it too


just figure it out, you can

dig yourself out and then I

might be closer to replay

can't even remember what I'm

giving you now...

Cassie: Check out the hair on that one!

Jeffrey: (Laughing) No, I'd rather not really, thank you.

Cassie: Oh, come on! You love looking at old pictures.

Jeffrey: Me? Not so much. You know, I don't like to dwell on the past, I prefer to move forward. You know, you make your mistakes, and then you just go forward.

Cassie: Did you just call me a "mistake?"

Jeffrey: Can I get one of those cookies over there?

Cassie: (Huffs)

Reva: Where is everybody?

Hawk: Well, they wrapped early. That must have been one hell of a hissy fit you pitched!

Reva: (Laughs) So they stopped shooting because of me?

Hawk: You start talking about rewriting the entire script, it worries folks.

Reva: Not all of it. Just the ending. This is my story, and in my story, I'm marrying Jeffrey.

Hawk: Oh, no, no, no. They are not shooting a documentary, sister. It's Hollywood. They want a larger-than-life love story, and that's you and Joshua.

Reva: What if I say "no?"

Hawk: (Sighs) They buy you and me out and change all the names...

Reva: But it'll still be the same story? (Sighs) Tell them "no."

Hawk: You sure?

Reva: Look, I don't want this to be anybody else's story, because it's ours. (Laughs)

Hawk: Oh! Carson's going to be glad to hear that! Oh, and they're going to need a copy of your wedding video. And you... did not make it to work. Not good.

Daisy: Where is everybody?

Reva: They're gone. They're gone. And you told me they didn't need you at work today.

Daisy: Ashlee had a lot to talk about, okay? It took longer than I thought. It won't happen again.

Reva: And that's all it is? Ashlee?

Daisy: It's kind of like you and this movie.

Reva: I don't understand.

Daisy: Sometimes stuff from your past, it, uh... hangs on to you.

Cyrus: So, what? You were just passing through Springfield, decided to stop in and see me?

Grady: No, you made the papers when you married that rich woman. Spaulding?

Cyrus: Yeah.

Grady: When I read that, I thought, "It's time for me to go visit my big brother."

Cyrus: (Laughs)

Grady: It took me a little while, but here I am!

Cyrus: Stand up.

Grady: (Chuckles)

Cyrus: Stand up! Look at you! Man, how tall are you?

Grady: I'm pretty tall.

Cyrus: Yes, you are. You look good. It's really great to see you, Grady.

Grady: Yeah, people don't call me that much anymore. They call me "G."

Cyrus: (Laughs) "G?" Nice.

Grady: Yeah, or Gillespie, if I'm in trouble.

Cyrus: Are you in trouble?

Grady: Now you care?

Cyrus: I always cared.

Grady: Oh, I must have missed all the postcards and Christmas visits...

Cyrus: I've sent you money to live on. Grady, I made a lot of enemies. I stayed away to keep you safer.

Grady: Yeah, no worries, mate. Water under the bridge.

Cyrus: Right.

Grady: So, uh, you didn't stay with the rich woman?

Cyrus: No, I didn’t.

Grady: Huh! You're respectable now?

Cyrus: I'm giving it a shot, yeah.

Grady: Yeah, me, too. Had what you might call a "jailhouse conversion."

Cyrus: What? You're kidding me. You went to prison?

Grady: Just following in your footsteps.

Cyrus: What did... what were you in for?

Grady: I'm out now, so it doesn't really matter.

Cyrus: Oh, Grady! I wanted more for you. That's the whole reason I went away.

Grady: No, you went away because you couldn't be bothered.

Cyrus: That is not true.

Grady: It's too late to fix it. It is what it is. So, what's the angle with the house?

Reva: There you go, Pop. Watch it, the coffee's hot.

Hawk: I thought I was doing something good for you, sister.

Reva: I know.

Hawk: Well, you've lived such a... such a big, big life!

Reva: Or two. Or three.

Hawk: I just... I thought you'd have fun, you know, sharing it with the whole world.

Reva: Can I tell you something, Pop? I am having fun... sharing the present with Jeffrey. I don't want to have to deal with all that drama anymore.

Hawk: Afraid you'll start thinking about Josh again?

Reva: No. I like where I am. I like who I am. I want to look forward.

Hawk: Well, then... it's your job to... to not let the movie take over your life.

Reva: I love you. You are so smart for an old man!

Hawk: Well, yeah.

Reva: (Laughing) And you are absolutely right! I can have the movie, and Jeffrey, too.

Hawk: You like the look?

Reva: I love the look.

Cyrus: You seem to know a lot about me. I'd like to know what's been going on with you. Starting with why you were in prison.

Grady: What's the big deal? I did my time, and now I'm here visiting you.

Cyrus: Oh, you came all the way from Australia just to visit me?

Grady: Why not? So, what's the story with this Sheila? She doesn't look like she's got enough money to finish the house.

Cyrus: No, she doesn’t. We're together, that's all.

Grady: She like house guests?

Cyrus: She’s... out of town. It's a long story.

Grady: Look at all those kids!

Cyrus: Yup.

Grady: So, you, uh, go to birthday parties and football games with other swell dads?

Cyrus: Sometimes. I can't believe you're here.

Grady: Here I am.

Cassie: Is that okay?

Jeffrey: Yeah, thanks.

Cassie: Sure.

Jeffrey: (Sighs) I'm sorry I'm not more entertaining.

Cassie: It's okay.

Jeffrey: Hey, I could show you my bullet wound. Yeah, that's pretty cool.

Cassie: Yuck!

Jeffrey: Oh, come on. Don't be such a girl.

Cassie: (Laughs) I'm sorry, but I am a girl.

Jeffrey: Yes, you are.

Cassie: So, the doctors tell me that you are progressing nicely.

Jeffrey: Well, that's nice to hear, because I need to get back to work.

Cassie: Are you giving the nurses a hard time?

Jeffrey: Only the cute ones.

Cassie: (Chuckles) So predictable!

Jeffrey: I really do need to get back to work, you know? I've got to help Rafe before Doris ruins his life.

Cassie: What you need is to heal.

Jeffrey: I need to get out of here.

Cassie: Okay, look. What if I am able to get you good news on Rafe? Would that make you stay in bed?

Jeffrey: For now.

Cassie: Okay. Then I will contact Frank and see what he's got.

Jeffrey: Really?

Cassie: Sure.

Jeffrey: Okay... but don't tell Reva, because last time Frank tried to bring me some work, Reva threatened him.

Cassie: (Laughing) Okay, it's a deal. All right. Then, I'll just see you later.

Jeffrey: No, no, no. You know what? Just call. You don't have to come. You know, you've been here enough.

Cassie: That's okay. It's actually good for me to keep busy.

Jeffrey: Well, in that case, could you bring me a foot-long sub? You know, one of those chicken-parma-things from Manny's?

Cassie: No, I could not. How about some magazines? Maybe uh... Sports Illustrated or Playboy?

Jeffrey: (Laughing) Okay!

Cassie: (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Don't let the nurses see! Ow!

Cassie: Okay.

Jeffrey: Bye.

Reva: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

Josh: Wrong denomination. The Catholic church is around the corner.

Reva: Ah! So I can't confess?

Josh: Well, it depends. How big a sin are we talking about?

Reva: Well, it's not really a "sin." It's more like a... "mistake." So, are these all real?

Josh: Well, if those were real, they'd be worth a whole lot of money.

Reva: Oh. So they just look real, but they're really fake? Kind of like my movie.

Josh: Is that the mistake?

Reva: You know, I dragged you all into this, and it's just not what I thought it was going to be.

Josh: No kidding.

Reva: What did you think of the guy that plays you? What's his name? Mark.

Josh: Well, um... he's a very handsome guy, and I guess I kind of liked that, so...

Reva: Oh, I bet you did!

Josh: Well, if your going to have somebody play you in a movie, it might as well be a good-looking man.

Reva: Was it weird for you? Watching our story all laid out like that?

Josh: Um... to be honest, I don't know that I really thought about it that much. It was, yeah, weird at first, but... how about for you?

Reva: Uh, no. Uh, really, I've been so busy with Jeffrey and all, that I haven't had time to really think about the movie, unless, of course, they call me with some sort of problem.

Josh: How's Jeffrey doing?

Reva: Well enough to be giving the nurses a hard time.

Josh: (Chuckles) Good for him! Good for him. You still getting married?

Reva: Yeah! Of course! Did you think he was going to change his mind?

Josh: No, no, that's not what I meant at all. I just... I don't know that I've ever seen him as the "settling down" type.

Reva: I didn't think he would be, either. I guess, maybe, that's why we work so well together. Because it started off very casual, there were no expectations. No strings.

Josh: Just be careful.

Reva: In case you've forgotten, I proposed to him.

Josh: I'm just saying, he has a reputation.

Reva: Does he?

Josh: (Sighs)

Reva: Huh. I have one, too. I'm not worried.

Josh: Good.

Reva: Oh! Jeez, I almost forgot. Um, I came by because I need the key for the storage unit.

Josh: Our storage unit?

Reva: Yeah, I still have some things in there.

Josh: Well, it's pretty messy in there. What are you looking for?

Reva: Our wedding video. The movie people want the copy of the wedding video, and I knew that if anyone had a key it would be you, because I know you so well! (Laughs)

Josh: So, they're going to recreate our wedding at Cross Creek? Is that what you're saying? Hmm. When are they going to shoot that?

Reva: I'll let you know.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Thanks.

Josh: You're welcome.

Cyrus: Still got your dog tags?

Grady: I know where they are. Next question?

Cyrus: Take it easy. I can still take you, you know. I'm your big brother.

Grady: You're not so big anymore, mate. (Laughter)

Cyrus: You know I can move.

Grady: More!

Cyrus: Huh?

Grady: Ah! (Laughter)

Cyrus: Expect me when you least expect me! (Laughter)

Grady: Thanks.

Cyrus: Cheers. That's Harley’s teenaged daughter.

Grady: Cute kid.

Cyrus: Yeah. She's a lot of work, but I like her.

Grady: You know, I don't get this place.

Cyrus: The house?

Grady: No, the city. Seems a little small for a big town thief like you.

Cyrus: Well, it's not exactly Monte Carlo.

Grady: And a woman with three kids? You know, what's up with that?

Cyrus: I don't know. I never expected something like this, but I like it. Being part of a family.

Grady: Good for you. (Car pulling up) Harley?

Cyrus: No, it's her friend, Cassie. (Knock on the door)

Cassie: Hey.

Cyrus: Hey.

Cassie: Hi. Um, is Frank here?

Cyrus: No.

Jeffrey: Just want you to ask a few questions, that's all. Just like you do with me when you're trying to find something out. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, I owe you. So you just call me if you find out anything. Thanks.

Josh: Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.

Jeffrey: That's all right. I'm not getting anywhere.

Josh: Is that work?

Jeffrey: Rafe's case. I'm trying to get it resolved, but my office seems to be strangely uncooperative. I smell the Doris.

Josh: Well, did the doctor tell you when you were going to get out of here?

Jeffrey: Not soon enough to help Rafe. I asked Cassie to get me out of here-- sneak me out-- but she wouldn't go for it. You know her.

Josh: Yes, I do. I'll do it.

Jeffrey: You will?

Josh: Sure. Do you think you're up for it? It sounds like it's for a good cause. I mean, it's not like I'm sneaking you out of here to see your mistress or something like that, right?

Jeffrey: Right.

Cassie: Well, I need to find Frank. I have a message from Jeffrey, and I called the station, and they said he had Zach and Jude, so I just figured I would start here.

Cyrus: Well, I haven't seen him. I just stopped by to take care of something for Harley.

Cassie: Have you heard from her?

Cyrus: (Sighs)

Cassie: I really miss her.

Cyrus: Yeah, I do, too. So, how's Jeffrey?

Cassie: He's recovering. He's anxious to get back to work, and he's really anxious to get to Rafe before some crazy does.

Cyrus: I hope it works out. I know what it's like to be the kid who makes a mistake. Well, if I see Frank, I'll tell him that you're looking for him, or tell him to call you... or Jeffrey?

Cassie: Either would be great. Thanks. Okay. Oh, and, you know what? I know R.J. left some baseball stuff here when he hung out after a game with Zach. Let me just grab that. I think it's probably over here somewhere... oh, yep. Right here. Yeah.

Grady: Small world, Cyrus. Small world.

Josh: All right, just take it easy there, big guy, all right? You okay?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Josh: You okay? Good. All right.

Jeffrey: You know, but maybe you could try missing a few of the potholes on the way back.

Josh: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. That driveway... it's a mess.

Jeffrey: All right, so you got to get something, and then can we get to my office?

Josh: Yes, yes. You know, Reva said that the movie people... they refer to this as "an emergency."

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, everything is an emergency to those people.

Josh: Yeah, you must hate having them around, huh? I mean this is just... it's not really your thing, is it? People looking into the past.

Jeffrey: It doesn't bother me.

Josh: I'm just saying, it's easy to go back and idealize things... just remember the good times.

Jeffrey: Well, that must be my curse, because I remember everything.

Josh: Yeah. It's still kind of tempting, isn't it? To go back and relive the past?

Jeffrey: What?

Josh: Nothing.

Jeffrey: Ow!

Josh: That looks really painful.

Daisy: What are we doing here again?

Reva: Wedding video?

Daisy: Which wedding?

Reva: (Laughs) Which wedding! Josh and Reva. Part one.

Daisy: Oh, wow, so... is that in black and white, or was that in color?

Reva: Hey! Watch it! Watch it!

Daisy: Wow! Look at all this crap... I mean, stuff.

Reva: These are heirlooms! You're going to end up with some of this stuff.

Daisy: So is there any good stuff?

Reva: This. This. This was Trisha’s jewelry box. She was the girly-girl. She had charm bracelets, and jewelry... isn't that cute?

Daisy: Is any of it yours?

Reva: No. Lucky for my mama, I was a tomboy. So Josh said something about the videos... (cell phone rings) ...being in the box on the right in the corner.

Daisy: Hello?

Grady: Yeah, it's me.

Daisy: I didn't know if you were going to call. Um... it's Ashlee. Coop issues. Um, I thought maybe you left already.

Grady: No. I'm not leaving now. Not now. But if I hang around, I'm going to need your help.

Daisy: Did the cops see you?

Grady: No. I need a place to stay. Somewhere where I can lay low.

Daisy: Um, do you know where Memorial Park is?

Grady: Yeah.

Daisy: Okay, um... the west side, near the bridge. Meet me there.

Grady: Okay. I'll be there.

Daisy: I'm going to go meet Ashlee. Apparently, there's something with Coop. The... the book tour? I don't know.

Reva: It has nothing to do with the cops?

Daisy: What? No... I said "Coop" maybe. Not "cops."

Reva: No, you said "cop." I heard you say "cop." And your face lit up when you answered the phone. That was Rafe, wasn't it?

Daisy: Yes, yes. I was talking to Rafe. Reva, no one is following us.

Reva: The cops are looking everywhere for Rafe. Not to mention the fact that they're probably watching whoever might have some connection to him!

Daisy: Okay, well, that was the first time he called me.

Reva: That did not look like the first time he called you. And what if they're tapping your phone? You could be leading the police right to Rafe, not to mention the fact that it's illegal for you to be helping a fugitive.

Daisy: You know, you... you told me once, that you would do anything for someone you loved.

Reva: I talk too much.

Daisy: Yeah, but if Josh or... sorry. If, uh, Jeffrey needed you, you would be doing what I'm doing.

Daisy: So, Rafe’s not in Europe? He's here in town?

Daisy: I don't want to say.

Reva: Right. (Cell phone rings) (sighs) Eh. Movie people. Figures. Hi, Carson. Yes. Yes, I have it. I'll be right over with it.

Daisy: I'll be back.

Reva: Wait...

Cyrus: I hope Jeffrey gets better soon and can help Rafe.

Cassie: Yeah, well, you know, he has a soft spot for kids, believe it or not. He was always really good with R.J. and Tammy. You know, you might want to slow down there. It's not even dark yet.

Cyrus: Yeah, right. (Laughs)

Cassie: Okay, well, thanks again.

Cyrus: No problem. It's all clear. She's gone.

Grady: Did you drink my beer?

Cyrus: Why were you hiding?

Grady: Hiding? I was trying to keep a low profile. It's better sometimes. But I was checking her out, and she's kind of hot.

Cyrus: The minister's wife.

Grady: Even better!

Cyrus: You're still wanted for something, aren't you? Here in the states?

Grady: Well, you sound disappointed.

Cyrus: I stayed out of your life because I didn't want you to wind up like me.

Grady: I'm not like you.

Cyrus: But you're in trouble.

Grady: A few bounced checks.

Cyrus: Is that it? So you're in need of a little cash?

Grady: Always.

Cyrus: What are you doing for money these days?

Grady: I pick it up where I can. Hey, if you're going clean, maybe I can stick around. You can show me how to make money the old fashioned way.

Cyrus: Well, I'm not living here right now. I've got a room at the Beacon hotel. You can stay with me 'til you find a place, and then...

Grady: Great! I'm broke.

Cyrus: Broke?

Grady: That's right.

Cyrus: (Scoffs) No, you're not. You got a pocket full of cash that you took from this kitchen. Out of an envelope?

Grady: This kitchen? That's funny. Because I've never been here before.

Cyrus: Where's my money, Grady?

Grady: You haven't changed.

Josh: Boy, I really don't understand this. I thought they'd be right here. I'm sorry.

Jeffrey: I thought you said this wasn't going to take a long time?

Josh: Oh, hey, hey, look at these! Look at these. I found these earlier. These... nice photos, huh? I mean, I guess Cassie was just going through some old stuff...

Jeffrey: Josh, I would love to reminisce, but I would really love to get to my office.

Josh: Does it bother you to see these?

Jeffrey: What?

Josh: Well, these pictures. You and Cassie together. It just seems like it's bothering you to see them...

Jeffrey: (Out of breath) What the hell are you talking about?

Josh: Uh-oh.

Jeffrey: Oh, great. You know, when my nurse sees this, she's going to be really ticked off, you know?

Josh: Yeah. We better... we better skip going to your office.

Jeffrey: Uh, don't, don’t.

Josh: Just, easy. Easy. (Grunting)

Cassie: What were you thinking? You took him out of the hospital?

Josh: It was his idea. He was desperate to get back to work.

Cassie: Yeah, well, he asked me, too, but I didn't let him leave.

Josh: I made a bad call, all okay?

Cassie: Fine. Well, I'm going to talk to the nurses and make sure that nobody takes him out of here.

Josh: Cassie, Cassie! Why are you acting like you are in charge of his care?

Cassie: What? I'm...

Reva: Hey, what's going on? I heard Jeffery left the hospital?

Josh: Yeah, I took him to his office...

Reva: (Scoffs)

Josh: ...He thought that he was up for it.

Cassie: He wasn't, and his wound started bleeding again.

Reva: What?

Josh: He’s... he's fine.

Reva: You tried to bust out of here?

Jeffrey: One car ride and I start bleeding to death. I ain't what I used to be.

Nurse: Your pain meds are going to kick in, in about five minutes.

Jeffrey: Thanks.

Nurse: Yeah. I'm watching you.

Reva: (Laughing) Thanks.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Reva: Please do!

Nurse: Yeah.

Reva: The next time you try to run out of here, call me. I'm a much better driver than Josh!

Jeffrey: I'll remember that.

Grady: Daisy.

Daisy: You made it. What?

Grady: You are so beautiful. Where's the car?

Cyrus: Hello? No, she’s... she's not here. No, I don't know when she'll be back. Yes, she's aware that it's overdue. I'm not her husband, but I... well, I had the money, but there was a problem, so... never mind. Look, it will be paid as soon as possible, all right? (Phone breaks)

I look in your eyes and I

know what I'm waiting for.

I hold on to you and I can't

seem to let you go

I hold on to you and I can't

seem to let you go

I reach for you and I start

to tremble

to tremble

I start to tremble...

you've been back in this


a well-traveled empty road (indecipherable lyrics)

you stumble down and shatter

and here I am...

Cassie: So, is he okay?

Reva: Well, they gave him pain medication, and it was starting to work, and then he said he was feeling light-headed.

Josh: Is there a problem?

Nurse: Mr. O’Neill may end up needing a blood transfusion.

Cassie: Oh, boy.

Nurse: Unfortunately, we're low on his type.

Cassie: Oh, well, I'm his type, I can donate. It's A-positive, right?

Nurse: That's it. All right, I'll set it up.

Cassie: Great. The only one thing, though, is that R.J.'s going to be home from school soon.

Josh: Well, I can take care of R.J.

Cassie: Yeah, but I promised him I was going to help him make this Chinese food dinner thing.

Josh: I'll get him some take-out.

Cassie: The whole point is that we make it together, because it's for a project on other cultures.

Josh: Ah! Okay, well, I can handle that. I can do that.

Reva: I can help. I can. I can go with you. I'm hovering anyway, and I'm making Jeffrey crazy. I'm actually making myself a little crazy, too.

Cassie: That's great. You go, I'll stay, I'll give blood and I'll be...

Reva: Are you sure?

Cassie: I'll call you if there's a problem. Of course.

Reva: Okay.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Thanks.

Cassie: So, I hear you're a quart low.

Jeffrey: This is ridiculous.

Cassie: Why? You need blood.

Jeffrey: The doctor overreacted, okay? When the meds first hit, they're pretty strong, you know? I was a little woozy, okay, but I'm fine now.

Cassie: All right. I will just donate, and then... just in case.

Jeffrey: You remember what happened the last time you donated? You hit the floor like a ton of rocks.

Cassie: I was kind of tired.

Jeffrey: Freaked out all the kids, too.

Cassie: Oh, well, you know, I hadn't had breakfast that morning.

Jeffrey: Someone else can donate.

Cassie: You're A-positive. That's me.

Jeffrey: A-plus. I like to call it A-plus.

Cassie: (Laughs) You are so competitive! Even your blood has to be the best.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Cassie: Oh, boy. I better get a really big cookie for this later, huh?

Nurse: (Laughing) All right.

Jeffrey: You might want to mop the floor first, in case Mrs. Lewis ends up there.

Cassie: I'm fine! Just do it.

Nurse: All right.

Josh: Okay.

R.J.: So, now what?

Reva: (Laughs)

Josh: Uh, "Cut bamboo shoots into thin slices."

R.J.: Ooh! Can I do it?

Reva: Wash your hands first.

Josh: I'm kind of glad you did that, because I'm not sure which ones are the bamboo shoots!

Reva: I think there these.

Josh: That's right there.

Reva: But can you cut them in slices? (Laughter)

Josh: This is going to be some meal, don't you think?

Reva: Yeah! Well, you know, we'll just do what we used to do, and just...

Josh: Just throw it all together and hope for the best?

Reva: Yeah, and use a lot of soy sauce.

Josh: Okay. Should we give it a shot?

Reva: Yeah. Yeah.

Josh: I'll tell you what. I'll do the lo... lo mein...

Reva: Lo mein.

Josh: The lo mein.

Reva: The noodles.

Josh: Yes.

Reva: I'll do the rice.

Josh: Okay. Ow.

Reva: (Laughs)

Daisy: Okay. So my grandma says that they never use this place, so you should be safe here.

Grady: When I called, I wasn't sure whether you were going to come.

Daisy: I said I would.

Grady: Your voice... it sounded like you didn't want to.

Daisy: Look, before, when you filled my car with flowers, I never thought I was going to see you again.

Grady: Well, I wanted to surprise you.

Daisy: That... that doesn't mean that... I mean, what happened with my cousin...

Grady: I told you, that was an accident.

Daisy: Yeah, um... we were high.

Grady: I don't do that so much anymore.

Daisy: I was just so messed up when I was with you.

Grady: Really?

Daisy: Yeah.

Grady: Oh. I thought we had a good time together.

Daisy: Yeah, but... we did, but...

Grady: But? I'm sorry about what happened to your cousin. I wish I could say it better, make you understand how it tortures me at night.

Daisy: I just don't think I should be around you.

Grady: Is it about that other guy? Where is he?

Daisy: He's away, and we're over, but I still care about him, and he is in trouble, too.

Grady: So why are you helping me?

Daisy: I guess... because I can. And I can't help him.

Grady: I'm just glad you're here. Just stay with me a while?

Cyrus: You got to be kidding me!

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Cyrus: What are you doing here? I didn't leave you back home because I wanted to. I had to do what I did.

Cassie: Cyrus? Stop him! Stop him!

Cyrus: Wait, wait, Cassie...

Cassie: Oh, my God! That is the guy! That is the guy who killed Tammy! His name is Gillespie. He's supposed to be in prison.

Cyrus: Cassie, that's not who it is.

Cassie: I saw that face in my nightmares.

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