Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/5/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously, on "Guiding Light"...
Daisy: You swear you had nothing to do with this?
Ashlee: This is obviously the work of a secret admirer.
Frank: My guess is there is probably some guy out there who is too shy to come forward.
Ashlee: Maybe your mom's back, and this is the way she's saying she is sorry.
Cyrus: I was just checking some things for your mom.
Daisy: Did you hear from her?
Cyrus: No. Did you?
Coop: That wouldn't be that bad. (Laughing) Okay, wait, wait, wait. Are we in Detroit, or are we in Kansas City? I forgot.
Blake: I don't know. It all just kind of blends together when you're a rock star.
Coop: Oh, a rock star, yeah. Bono is a rock star, all right? I just happen to sit at a computer and I type away all day when I'm not in a classroom trying to get teenagers to listen to me and not fall asleep. Not that glamorous.
Blake: Well, the interviewers loved you. And wait until the book hits the shelves! Then you'll be a real celebrity.
Coop: Well, if you say so. Oh!
Blake: (Laughs) Home, sweet home.
Coop: Yes! So, I guess that's it, you know? Back to... back to the computer and more typing.
Blake: Mm-hmm.
Coop: Thank you, Blake, for everything.
Blake: Oh!
Coop: It was great. I had a lot of fun. And I'm going to miss it.
Blake: Oh. You don't have to.
My love is like a fire melting, melting, melting...
Coop: Mmm... mmm. Um... (laughs)
Ashlee: Daisy, hi. It's Ashlee. I'm just calling... I need your help. Coop is coming back, and I haven't seen him for two weeks. And I can't decide if what I bought was good. I'm going to keep calling you until you call me back. You know me. I mean, did you find out about who put all of those flowers in your car? I haven't heard anything from that dog tag guy. I don't know. Would you please call me back? I know that I'm being a little needy and things are a little weird with you, but call me, okay? I'll call you later. Love you.
Reva: (Sighs) Great, my roomie is back. You can help me clean up your mess! Use the dresser drawers I gave you!
Daisy: Oh, Reva? Did you buy a bunch of daisies and stuff them in my car?
Reva: Between all of the free time I have, between checking on Jeffrey and dealing with the movie people and cleaning up your messes? Yes, I went out and bought a whole big bunch of daisies and loaded them into your car!
Daisy: I guess that's a "no."
Reva: Yes. Sounds more like a secret admirer thing to me.
Daisy: That’s what everyone keeps saying, but I really don’t think that I am being admired these days.
Reva: Don't be so sure.
Daisy: For a minute I thought it was my mom, you know, saying sorry she took off on me.
Reva: Oh, sweetie...
Daisy: No, I'm fine. It's fine. Who needs Harley when I have a super-fun granny?
Reva: Gee, thanks.
Daisy: I'm just gonna chill out, watch some TV.
Reva: Are you going to turn it on?
Daisy: I can't find the remote.
Reva: It's under the TV.
Daisy: Oh. (Cell phone rings)
Reva: Is that your phone?
Daisy: Yeah, probably.
Reva: It keeps ringing.
Daisy: It's just Ashlee.
Reva: You have, like, six missed calls here. Obviously she wants to talk to you, sweetie. Go out! Go out! Go out and find her. It's a gorgeous day.
Daisy: I just saw her before.
Reva: Then what about the movie people? They probably need you there. Go, do your job that I worked so hard to get you.
Daisy: They called. They said they don't need me today.
Reva: So what are your plans for the day?
Daisy: There is a "Full House" marathon. So could you hand me the remote?
Reva: No. No, no, no, no. Look, sweetie. Really, I... I know that you're sad because of your mom being away and all, and I know you're worried about Rafe.
Daisy: Yeah, I am worried about Rafe.
Reva: Yeah. Well, the kid's in trouble. He shot Jeffrey and he ran. Do you really not know where he is?
Daisy: I have no idea, no, okay? And I don't know why bad things keep happening to me over and over.
Reva: You think they won't happen to you if you camp out here in this bed? Well, nothing good's going to happen either.
Daisy: "Full House" marathon!
Reva: Ah! No! No, no! You have to get out of here. Go, get out! If you don't leave, you're going to have to help me clean up or... or find Ashlee. Please, just go out or I'm going to crank up my country music.
Daisy: Ugh, ugh, ugh! You're right.
Reva: Love ya. (Laughter)
Daisy: Love you, too.
Cyrus: Damn it.
Coop: There.
Blake: It's dirty.
Coop: What?
Blake: You're putting dirty clothes away.
Coop: Right.
Blake: Coop?
Coop: Yeah?
Blake: It's okay. We can talk about the kiss, all right?
Coop: The kiss, um... that... that was a "thank you" and a "good-bye" kiss.
Blake: That, too. Coop, listen, it was quite obvious from the very beginning that we had a connection happening. And I didn't want anything weird to happen while we were out on tour. But we're not on tour anymore.
Coop: No, look, I have a girlfriend.
Blake: Coop, I don't want to be your girlfriend.
Coop: Oh, well, right. Right. Of course not.
Blake: I've had the love of my life, Coop.
Coop: Ross?
Blake: Yes, Ross. And he died two years ago.
Coop: Look, I'm sorry if I led you on in any way, shape or form, okay? I just like talking to you. All right? You, yourself, are a writer and there are things that you just understand and you get about me.
Blake: That's right. I do understand. I understand you. Would you please just sit here and talk to me?
Coop: No. No... I can't sit down. And we're not going to talk about the kiss, okay? It just... it shouldn't have happened.
Blake: Are you worried about Ashlee?
Coop: As a matter.... yes, as a matter of fact, I am worried about her.
Blake: Of course, she never has to know.
Coop: No, Blake! That is not how I work. Okay? Now, I am very sorry if I led you on, okay?
Blake: Coop, don't apologize, all right? You have nothing to apologize for. You can't help it that you're so damned attractive.
Coop: (Laughing)
Blake: It's okay. Coop, it's okay.
Coop: (Sighs) Okay. Okay.
Blake I'll talk to you later.
Coop: Yeah.
Daisy: Are you still here, squatter?
Cyrus: Yeah. I didn't see your car. I was just finishing up.
Daisy: Reva made me go out. So I thought at least here I could be alone.
Cyrus: Well, I'll be gone soon.
Daisy: What are you doing? The place is a mess.
Cyrus: Yeah. I actually was trying to pay some of Harley’s bills, and I couldn't find a statement that I needed. So I...
Daisy: Um, can you go soon? I have some stuff to do.
Cyrus: You miss your mom?
Daisy: Do you?
Cyrus: Yeah. A lot.
Daisy: Has she called you?
Cyrus: Nope.
Daisy: Really?
Cyrus: It's the truth.
Daisy: So everyone is gone? Gus, Rafe, my mom. The boys are with Buzz, I'm with Reva.
Cyrus: Wow, you miss hanging out with your brothers?
Daisy: (Laughs) You're right, I do. I'm pathetic.
Cyrus: No. It's natural to miss your family. It doesn't mean you're any less cool.
Daisy: Do you have a family?
Cyrus: I have some in Australia.
Daisy: Yeah. You sound real close.
Cyrus: Give me the beer.
Daisy: What? No. You're not the boss of me. You're not anything to me.
Cyrus: I don't really mind if you drink. But Harley would, so give me the beer.
Daisy: You are such a hypocrite.
Cyrus: Okay, I'll make you a deal. You get someone to sign off, and I'll let you have it. So, who should I call? Frank? Buzz? Reva? Who's going to say yes?
Daisy: So you're a narc on top of everything else?
Cyrus: No. I'm just doing what Harley would do.
Daisy: Fine. Now neither of us can have it. You better not be staying here.
(Knock on the door)
Reva: What? What? Wait. What?
Olivia: Make it stop!
Reva: What is the problem?
Olivia: I am still recovering from surgery. I can’t...
Reva: I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Olivia: Your movie. I'm sure you're very excited about it.
Reva: My movie's not shooting here.
Olivia: Well, maybe not. But your actors are here rehearsing several times a day, if you're catching my drift...
Reva: Who? Jolene and Mark?
Olivia: ...Over and over and over again. It's creeping me out!
Reva: Well, you know what? They're adults, Olivia. And I don't have any control over what the two of them do.
Olivia: Okay, that's just it. It's not them.
Reva: I don't understand.
Olivia: Come! Come on!
Reva: Okay, what am I supposed to be listening for?
Olivia: You'll know it when you hear it.
Jolene: Oh, yeah. Oh, keep going.
Reva: Why do I care what...?
Olivia: Shh! Wait.
Jolene: Oh, Joshua!
Mark: Reva!
Jolene: Oh!
Mark: Reva!
Reva: You're kidding me.
Olivia: I'm gonna have nightmares.
Reva: (Sighs) I'll handle this.
Jolene: Oh, hi.
Reva: Hi.
Jolene: I guess our little secret's out. (Laughter)
Reva: Secret? Oh, really? You were trying to keep this a secret? Because from what I hear, the entire hotel knows about you two.
Jolene: What can I say?
Reva: What can you say? Look, I don't care what you do. Just use your own names.
Jolene: Oh, oh, you know how it is getting stuck in the character.
Reva: Get unstuck.
Mark: Well, it's like you and Josh. I'm sure it's hard to keep your hands off each other.
Jolene: The chemistry! It's powerful.
Mark: You can't fight it.
Jolene: Kiss me, Joshua.
Reva: I think I'm gonna be sick.
Reva: Um, excuse me. I thought you were supposed to start shooting about a half hour ago.
Assistant director: We never start on time.
Jolene: How do I look?
Reva: Like me.
Jolene: I'm so glad that you're here. When I'm resisting Joshua, it's because you never felt good enough in his eyes, right? Like no matter how much you loved him, you would always disappoint him somehow?
Reva: Uh, yeah. Yeah, that's how it felt.
Jolene: So that's why you would end up with other men like Billy and H.B. because you knew you wouldn't disappoint them?
Reva: No. I loved Billy and I loved H.B. I really did.
Jolene: Well, I know you did, just not in the same way that you loved Joshua. Even when you married another man, you knew in the back of your mind that you'd end up together, just the way Josh knew he would end up with you.
Assistant director: Jolene, we're ready for you.
Buzz: My son, my famous son!
Coop: Mildly famous.
Buzz: You're going to win a Nobel prize.
Coop: The book's not even out yet!
Buzz: Even Hemmingway had to start somewhere.
Coop: I know he did.
Buzz: I'm so proud of you. (Laughs)
Coop: Dad, I'm just glad to be back. Hey, um, I was actually looking for Ashlee.
Buzz: Well, she hasn't been around much, you know.
Coop: I know she hasn't been around much. She started working back at the station again. It's just, I was kind of worried about her. And I wondered if you had seen her or talked to her.
Buzz: You haven't talked to her?
Coop: Well, I've... yes, I talked to her, Dad... I talked to her a couple of times a day. It's just that whenever I do talk to her, I ask her how she's feeling and stuff, and she just ends up changing the subject.
Buzz: Well, it's a big thing. It's a big thing. You know, she has to get her mind around it, figure out what it all means.
Coop: Yeah, I know. I know. We keep going back and forth. Oh, uh, speaking of which, Harley, how is Harley? I mean, um, Frank left me some cryptic message about this.
Buzz: Well, I'm heading over to her place right now to pick up some things for the boys.
Coop: Okay, well, when is she going to be back?
Buzz: I'll tell you on the way. Come on.
Coop: Oh, okay.
Ashlee: So what do you think of this one?
Daisy: Uh, it's okay.
Ashlee: Daisy, you said that about all of them, okay? I mean, Coop is coming back after weeks. I want to blow his mind.
Daisy: Well, then, let's see. Uh, pick that one.
Ashlee: Yeah. I mean, I just... I can't believe that I'm at this part of my life where I'm already buying new dresses. Like this crazy adventure, you know? I never thought I would be here. I mean, it's really fun. I just wish that my best friend would wake up and join me!
Daisy: Okay. Okay. Um... oh, do you have any leads about that dog tag guy?
Ashlee: Oh.
Daisy: You miss him? You don’t... you carry it around with you?
Ashlee: Well, I don't want to lose it.
Daisy: Uh-oh. You so have a crush on this guy! Poor Coop. This is going to break his heart.
Ashlee: No, I don't! I don't, I don’t. I... okay, I sort of do... okay, I do. But it's not like one of those "spend the rest of our lives together, love them all the time." No, it's just kind of a... just sort of a moment that sticks out in my mind, you know? I mean, he was really hot. Actually, super hot. And he flirted with me.
Daisy: Yeah, I know.
Ashlee: I guess I should have left the dog tag at the station with Frank, but, I don't know, I was hoping that maybe I would run into him again before Coop got back.
Daisy: See?
Ashlee: I did have a dream about him.
Daisy: Oh, gosh, please don't share.
Ashlee: Wait. What's up with you? Usually you're all over this, you know, mysterious man, jewelry, intrigue thing. What's up?
Daisy: I don't know. I'm just... I'm feeling... I don't know. I don't know.
Ashlee: "I don't know. Boo-hoo. I don't know what I'm doing. Because... because... oh, I'm so sad. I have a car full of flowers and I get to work on this big film. And, oh, I'm just hating my life." (Laughing)
Daisy: Wait, wait, wait. First off, the flowers are starting to die. And my car stinks.
Ashlee: Mmm.
Daisy: And secondly, they hardly need me for the movie. And when they do, I just bring them food or I just stand around. Besides, it's Reva’s movie. It's not my movie. If it were a movie about my life, let's see, it would probably be one of those depressing Indies, where everyone just sits around, smokes dope and whines about life.
Ashlee: Daisy, marijuana is bad for you. Okay? (Laughs) Remember. Okay, let's go get... let us go get an iced coffee.
Daisy: Uh, actually, I'm sorry, Ash. I'm feeling kind of tired. I think I'm going to go home and take a nap.
Ashlee: Yeah, okay. Bye.
Coop: Uh, wow. I guess Harley did take off in a hurry. What are you doing here?
Cyrus: Checking out things for Harley. You just missed Daisy.
Buzz: Tell me you weren't drinking with my underage granddaughter.
Cyrus: Give me a break, Buzz.
Buzz: Tell me you weren't drinking with my underage granddaughter.
Cyrus: Of course not!
Buzz: Okay.
Coop: What, is Daisy staying here all by herself?
Cyrus: No. She's living with Reva.
Coop: Okay. So what's your story? You're just hanging around here? You and Harley had a fight, so you just figure you'd wait until she gets back, and maybe you guys can work it out?
Cyrus: Yeah, just waiting until she gets back.
Buzz: Look, Harley’s life is sort of out of control. She just can't come back to this.
Cyrus: I know. I don't want her to.
Buzz: (Laughing) Look at the place!
Cyrus: There's a reason for... look, I want things to get easier for Harley, too. I'm trying to make that happen.
Buzz: But you're not going to let me know how?
Cyrus: Harley trusts me.
Coop: Yeah, so did Marina.
Buzz: Well, lock up when you leave.
Daisy: Forget it. So stupid!
G: You didn't like my gift?
Daisy: G?
G: Hello, Daisy. I've missed you.
Daisy: I can't believe you're actually here.
G: Good. You didn't forget about me.
Daisy: No. You're pretty hard to forget. I thought you were in prison?
G: I was. They deported me back to Australia.
Daisy: You escaped? (Giggles)
G: No. I did some time and then they let me go.
Daisy: Is it okay for you to be here? I mean, are there still charges in the U.S.?
G: I don't know. I'm still a little foggy on that.
Daisy: I can't believe you came back!
G: I missed you, too, Daisy. You know, all that time locked away, you get a chance to think. That girl I hit with the car...
Daisy: My cousin, Tammy.
G: Yeah. I still see her face. It's stuck in my mind. You know, the second before the car hits, the light shines on her, and she doesn't even look scared.
Daisy: A lot of people loved her.
G: I know. This whole year facing up to what I've done, I wish I could change it, that I could go back. It was the worst mistake of my life. And I know I'm never going to be able to make up for it.
Daisy: No, you won’t.
G: But I'd like the chance to make it up to you.
Daisy: I don't know what to say.
G: Well, are you okay? Are you seeing someone else? Have you moved on?
Daisy: There was someone.
G: Past tense? Good.
Daisy: That is my Uncle Frank. Oh, my God. Okay. He can't see me with you. Go, go, go, go!
Mark: You came back here, Reva, to Cross Creek. This place is ours.
Jolene: I told you, I needed time to think, away from everybody.
Mark: So, why here?
Jolene: Because it’s... it's calm here.
Mark: It's us here. Everywhere you look, you and me, Reva, that's what this place is. That's why you came back. You wanted to be with me.
Jolene: You left me, Joshua!
Mark: I went to college!
Jolene: You knew I couldn't follow you.
Mark: I came back. I said I would. I'll always come back, no matter what happens. No matter who you're with.
Jolene: Joshua, I've moved on.
Mark: I get that... while I was away. But I'm here now. You want me.
Jolene: You're not listening. I married Billy.
Mark: You don't love him.
Jolene: You don't know everything.
Assistant director: Cut. Nice work, people.
Ashlee: Blake, you're back! Oh, wow, that means that Coop is back, doesn't it?
Blake: Yes. Just a few minutes ago.
Ashlee: Well, good. I was just about to go see him.
Blake: You know, we had a great book tour. It was wonderful. They loved him. And everybody can't wait for the book to get on the shelves.
Ashlee: Oh, good. Yeah, no, I mean I spoke to him on the phone every day. I know.
Blake: And the readers, they ate him up. Oh, we had such a good time. We had dinner every night together. We got to talk about writing.
Ashlee: Well, I'm really glad that he had you.
Blake: Ashlee, I really hope that you appreciate him.
Ashlee: Excuse me?
Blake: The surgery? You scheduled it right before his big tour.
Ashlee: Yeah. That really sucked that I couldn't go, but, you know, there is always next time.
Blake: Right.
Ashlee: I'm really glad that he had you. You know, you kept the groupies away, didn't you?
Blake: Oh, yeah. You look great.
Coop: Hello?
Ashlee: Welcome back!
Coop: Hey!
Ashlee: How are you?
Coop: I'm good. Ashlee, you have no idea how much I missed you.
Ashlee: (Laughs)
Coop: Mmm.
Ashlee: Mmm. Uh-huh.
Coop: Come here.
Cyrus: Hey, Adrianna, it's me. No, I know I said I was done working for you. But, um, I've been thinking, I might be able to handle one more job.
Jolene: What did you think?
Mark: Next time I'm going to get a little more physical.
Reva: Yeah, you do that. Would you excuse us for a minute? I'd like to speak to Jolene.
Mark: Yeah, sure.
Reva: Thanks.
Jolene: Do you think I was resisting him enough? I was trying to, but what he says, it's just so convincing, and...
Reva: Yeah, well, here's the deal. Um, I want to change the script.
Jolene: But we've already started shooting.
Reva: Not the whole thing. Just the end. I mean, I have a producer's credit. I can ask for that, right?
Jolene: But the ending is perfect! You and Joshua, together, always. It's exactly what the audience wants.
Reva: But that's not the story! That's, that’s... it's not my life, okay? I'm not with Josh. Jeffrey and I are getting married.
Jolene: Uh, well, I don't have the power to change the script, so you're going to have to talk to Carson.
Reva: Yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Because this isn't right. It’s... it's not true.
Jolene: It feels true to me.
Reva: But you're not me. You're an actress. You don't know my story. You don't know me. And you don't know what I want.
Cyrus: Here you go.
Buzz: Hey.
Daisy: Hey, Grandpa?
Buzz: What?
Daisy: Here. I thought these would cheer the place up a little bit.
Buzz: Well, thank you! (Laughing) Did you ever find out who put the...
Daisy: Yes. Yeah. It was some freak from my Economics class. Who knew?
Buzz: Well, be nice to him. You know, he might be the man of your dreams. I like extravagant gestures.
Daisy: You do?
Buzz: Yeah.
Daisy: Well, I don't have time for this kind of stuff anyway, so... I've got to go.
Cyrus: She's a funny kid.
Buzz: Yeah. Yeah, she is. You done at the house?
Cyrus: For now.
Buzz: So, what's the plan? You going to stick around until Harley gets back, no matter how long it takes?
Cyrus: That's the plan.
Buzz: Mind me asking why?
Cyrus: I don't know. I don't know if I can even explain it to myself. This is the longest I've stayed anywhere, the biggest commitment I've made to anyone.
Buzz: You sure this is what you want?
Cyrus: Well, I never would have thought it, but maybe it's not just what I want. Maybe it's what I need, and I just didn't know it. Anyway, I want to clear up this mess before Harley gets home. You want to help me out?
Buzz: Oh, I cleaned out my savings just sending her away, so...
Cyrus: Right. That's okay. I think I can get my hands on some cash.
Buzz: I don't want to know.
Cyrus: Don't worry. I'm not going to tell you. I just want to let you know that I have a plan to help your daughter.
Buzz: Okay.
Reva: Hey.
Olivia: Hi.
Reva: Nice to see you out.
Olivia: Thanks. I usually don't get very far.
Reva: (Laughing)
Olivia: Do you know there is something for you at the front desk?
Reva: Really? Why didn't they take it up and put it in front of my door?
Olivia: They said it was too valuable. It's from a jewelry store.
Reva: Our wedding rings.
Olivia: You got Jeffrey to wear a wedding ring?
Reva: I didn't have to do much convincing there. He's happy to. I guess I'll go and see what they look like. I'm so excited!
Olivia: So what's it like having your whole life replayed before your eyes?
Reva: Hey, that's someone else's version of my life.
Olivia: Yeah.
Reva: Actors saying lines.
Olivia: Yes, playing you and Josh-ua. I hope they wrote it that way, too.
Reva: Is there a point to this?
Olivia: Jeffrey's been good to me. You know, if you're going to end up with Josh again, then...
Reva: I'm not going to end up with Josh! Why does everybody keep saying that?
Olivia: I don't know. Because it's happened 20 or 30 times!
Reva: I love Jeffrey, okay!
Olivia: All right! All right! I hope... I hope so. I really hope so, for his sake.
Reva: (Laughing) You want to play a part, don't you?
Olivia: I do! I want a job!
Reva: I know you do. (Laughing)
Ashlee: "The first novel of Henry Cooper Bradshaw doesn't just show potential. In this debut, he has already created images and characters that leap off the page and straight into your heart. When it hits the shelves, buy it. Buy two, share it with a friend." Oh, my God, Coop Cooper, that's amazing!
Coop: Okay. All right.
Ashlee: It's amazing!
Coop: Enough with the reviews. You can read them later.
Ashlee: No. I'm going to read every single one of them from every single city.
Coop: No. Please. Do you realize that this is the first time that you and I have been in the same room for like. Weeks?
Ashlee: I know. I'm trying to play hard to get.
Coop: No, I'm sorry. Forget hard to get, all right? Look, I could not wait to get home to see you. And, by the way, let me say that you look great right now.
Ashlee: Well, I feel great right now.
Coop: Really? Hmmm. Mm-hmm. Okay, now that is great.
Ashlee: Yeah, I know. You like that?
Coop: I do.
Ashlee: How about... how about some of this?
Coop: Okay. (Laughing) Um... right. Have you... have you seen my slightly shy girlfriend, Ashlee? Because I can't seem to find her.
Ashlee: Um, no. I'm her evil twin, Smashlee.
Coop: Smashlee?
Ashlee: Yeah, sorry. That's all I've got.
Coop: You're a little more outgoing than she is.
Ashlee: (Giggles) Sorry.
Coop: No, don't, please don't be sorry. I love her... you... the two of you together. It's like, grrrrr!
Ashlee: See why I'm going to the gym.
Coop: I know. You've had so much...
Ashlee: Getting all energized, you know. Working out.
Coop: A lot more energy. You're really getting into this new lifestyle, aren't you?
Ashlee: It's new everything.
Coop: Yeah, everything. Mmm.
Ashlee: Oh!
Coop: You look fantastic, by the way. Oh?
Ashlee: Oh, well, no, I forgot to tell you before.
Coop: What?
Ashlee: (Laughing) I was jogging in the park, and I ran into this guy, and he totally hit on me. Can you believe that?
Coop: Yeah, I can believe that. But I feel like I need to ask who it was, because as your boyfriend, one of my duties is to beat the crap out of guys like that.
Ashlee: (Laughing) Well, you know, I don't even know his name. I didn't even see him again. I don't know.
Coop: Okay. Well, then that's a good thing because at least right now he could probably take me because I am beat from all of the traveling.
Ashlee: Well, that is probably true.
Coop: Thanks. Thanks a lot. I appreciate that. Your strapping boyfriend... you're calling him a wimp?
Ashlee: I'm sorry!
Coop: Mmm.
Ashlee: I'll make you feel better. Hmm.
Coop: Hmm.
Daisy: Hey.
Reva: Wow. Where did they come from?
Daisy: What?
Reva: The daisies. Did Josh send them?
Daisy: No. Remember, I asked you if you put them in my car?
Reva: Oh, right.
Daisy: Why did you think Josh sent them?
Reva: Uh, just because, um... when we got married the first time, I carried daisies in my bouquet. And I was just reading about it again in the script, and I... argh! You look good. You look a lot better than you did the last time I saw you. What have you been doing?
Daisy: Nothing. I did what you said. I saw Ashlee.
Reva: Oh, well, I'm glad you got your butt out of bed. Because you've got color in your cheeks now, girl!
Daisy: I do?
Reva: Yeah.
Daisy: Oh, that's nothing.
Cyrus: What are you doing here?
G: What's the matter, Cyrus? Not happy to see your little brother?
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Cyrus: Harley's teenaged daughter.
G: Cute kid!
Cyrus: Yeah.
Daisy: It's kind of like you and this movie. Sometimes stuff from your past kind of hangs on to you.
G: It's a small world, Cyrus, small world.
Cyrus: Why were you hiding?
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