GL Transcript Wednesday 6/4/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/4/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Frank: Mallet may need you right now.

Dinah: Frank, Mallet doesn't want me in his life.

Frank: Wow, so she wasn't kidding about needing a fresh start, was he?

Dinah: Let me apologize for causing you so much trouble.

Mallet: I just know right now this is what I need to do. To new beginnings?

Frank: To new beginnings.

(Soft rock music playing)

Daisy: You look great.

Ashlee: Can you say that with a little more enthusiasm? Try it again.

Daisy: Sorry.

Ashlee: So, is your mom still M.I.A.?

Daisy: Yeah. I don't even know why I care.

Ashlee: Well, that's because you miss her. So where are you staying?

Daisy: Today I'm with Reva, but tomorrow, who knows.

Ashlee: You could come stay we me!

Daisy: Isn't Coop coming back later?

Ashlee: Oh, yeah, that's right. Of course he his. Stay at Reva’s; it's fun there. I'm excited to see Coop, and find out about the book tour thing and tell him about dog-tag man.

Daisy: You mean the guy who picked you up?

Ashlee: Yeah, the guy who picked me up, literally. I don't know. It seemed like he looked at me the way a guy looks at a lady.

Daisy: That's because you are a lady.

Ashlee: I don't know, I'll probably never see him again, but it was like this really weird connection-- so intense. Nothing I've ever had before. I guess I'll always have a connection to him while I still have his necklace.

Daisy: You are so loving the mystery.

Ashlee: Why not? It's harmless. It's not like cheating. I mean, not all of us can have an amazing, side-swept pony tail, wind-swept life here.

Daisy: Life? What life?

Mallet: Hey, Buzz.

Buzz: Hey. Whoa, like they say, there is no place like home.

Mallet: Don't start.

Buzz: I've lived in worse.

Mallet: Well, hey, thanks for helping me move.

Buzz: Happy to help. Even happier you don't seem to own much.

Mallet: Well, I'll buy what I need when I need it. Travel light.

Buzz: How do you feel about the job thing? Frank told me. He was surprised.

Mallet: I don't know, Buzz. I want to get back to the basics. That's what I want it to be all about right now. I want to work, grab a pizza and a beer afterwards, come home and watch a game. I was in over my head and now I'm not. You know what, though? I am running late. I'll walk out with you.

Buzz: I'll drop you off at the station.

Mallet: You know what, Buzz, I'm going to walk.

Buzz: All right. One foot in front of the other.

Mallet: I'm going to try.

Frank: Wow, good for you. That's it, one foot in front of the other. Looks great.

Olivia: Why does everyone talk to me like I'm still a patient?

Frank: Sorry.

Olivia: No, I'm sorry. I'm so bored with the whole recovery thing. How about a martini? I'll buy.

Frank: (Gasps) Oh, my God. As tempting as that sounds, it's a little early and I've got to get back to work, so...

Olivia: Don't you get tired of being a good guy, Frank?

Frank: All the time.

Olivia: Well, I was kidding, anyway. I'm going to Emma’s school.

Frank: Do you need a ride?

Olivia: Nope. I've got to do things for myself. You know, one foot in front of the other.

Frank: Good for you.

Dinah: Well, I have to say, blue is your color.

Mallet: Thank you.

Dinah: Can we talk?

Mallet: No, I can't, I'm running late.

Dinah: Why did you give up being Chief?

Mallet: You can't give up something that wasn't yours to begin with.

Dinah: It's not your fault-- everything that happened.

Mallet: That's not the point.

Dinah: You're a martyr. What's up with you?

Mallet: Come on, please.

Dinah: What are you going to accomplish by being a beat cop?

Mallet: You mean a patrolman?

Dinah: Whatever.

Mallet:(Laughs) Whatever. I just love that word. You know that's more than just a word, that's like a lifestyle. Let's have an attitude-- whatever. That's not me, okay. That's not me anymore.

Dinah: Okay. So this is about us?

Mallet: No, this is about what I need right now. This is about this job, a simple job. I go to work, I do my eight hours, and I go home. I don't lose sleep over the job. I don't obsess about it 24/7. I don't even have to worry about what I'm going to wear.

Dinah: So you just got a fresh start, clean slate, right?

Mallet: That's exactly right.

Dinah: Well, I have got to get back to my work. So I will see you later.

Mallet: Okay.

I've been waiting so long

I forgot where I'm going

why does it feel so wrong

to have this feeling slowly


Ashlee: Oh, my God!

Daisy: I know.

Ashlee: Wow! Hmm!

Daisy: What are you doing?

Ashlee: I'm looking for clues and coming up empty.

Daisy: You swear you had nothing to do with this?

Ashlee: Why would you think that I had anything to do with this?

Daisy: Because you're a good friend and you wanted to cheer me up.

Ashlee: Oh, no, ma'am. No ma'am. This is obviously the work of a secret admirer.

Daisy: Oh, stop it. You're trying to make a mystery out of everything. I'm sure it is a creepy stalker or someone in my family trying to do the cheering up thing. But I hate to break it to them, it didn't work.

Ashlee: Oh. Maybe -- maybe your mom is back and this is the way she is saying she is sorry.

Daisy: You think? No, no. She doesn't have the money for something like this. Well, she didn't have the money to go out of town, so who knows.

Ashlee: I don't know. Maybe she's back. Maybe you should go home and see her. Maybe she is there.

Daisy: Get in the car. Go get in the car!

Ashlee: Don't get dirt on your butt.

Dinah: Tell Mr. Foley I'm busy. Thank you. I'll tell you myself.

Cyrus: Good morning, Didi.

Dinah: What's up?

Cyrus: Just checking in.

Dinah: I keep thinking your leaving town. It's not like you to stay like this.

Cyrus: I'm waiting for Harley.

Dinah: Oh, that's right. It's impressive. A lot of that going around these days. People changing their minds, making a fresh start. It's so exciting.

Cyrus: I want to help Harley, do something to make life easier for her when she comes back, you know.

Dinah: Uh-huh. Find out what she wants, get it for her.

Cyrus: Right. It worked for you.

Dinah: Well, not exactly, no.

Cyrus: Harley needs money.

Dinah: You should find her some. You used to be very good at that. Oh, no-- not my money.

Cyrus: What's more important than helping an old friend?

Dinah: You know, that is a very good question. Bye-bye.

Ashlee: Hey, hey, busted! You're so busted. I work for WSPR. Today's top story is going to be "Super-cop spray paints town."

Mallet: You just missed some amazing crime-fighting skill. Police officer cop escapes spray paint. Details at 11:00.

Ashlee: I'm sorry I missed that. I usually don't see you in uniform.

Mallet: Yeah. I stepped down. I'm not Police Chief anymore.

Ashlee: Oh. Well, you seem okay with that?

Mallet: Yeah, I'm okay with it.

Ashlee: Actually, I'm really glad your a cop. I have this thing -- this dog tag. It belongs to someone I met. I don't really know him. I don't really know the guy's name.

Mallet: Well, you can drop them off at the police station and they can track the owner for you.

Ashlee: Really, that's great?

Mallet: Give them to me, I can do it myself.

Ashlee: No, that's okay. I can do it. You look great in a uniform.

Mallet: Thank you. I'm feeling kind of great. Thanks. Hey. Are you up to no good with that spray can?

Ashlee: Always.

Daisy: Hi, Uncle Frank.

Frank: Hi, honey. How is my favorite niece? Look at that, daisies for Daisy.

Daisy: No, actually I don't know who did this. For a second, I thought it was Rafe, but I realized he doesn't have the money and he doesn't want to draw attention to wherever he is.

Frank: That's some good thinking there. Uh-oh, don't tell me we're going to have another cop in the family.

Daisy: I don't think so.

Frank: Well, you never know.

Daisy: Then I thought maybe it is my mom.

Frank: Well, maybe. I don't know, but she is still out of town.

Daisy: Right, but it could have been another one of my corny family members.

Frank: I wish I could take credit, but it's wasn’t me. My guess is that there is probably a guy who is too shy to come forward.

Daisy: Or too much of a freak. I will find out eventually. And if you hear from my mom tell her... nothing, actually. I have nothing to say to her.

Frank: Daisy, listen, um... I'm sure your mother misses you very, very much.

Daisy: Bye. Thanks.

Frank: Okay.

Cyrus: Yeah, Adrianna, it's me. Can we meet later? I'll have that painting for you. Make it an hour. That ought to give you enough time to get to the bank.

Olivia: No, I can't wait a half hour. The play starts in 15 minutes. Fine, I'll walk.

Buzz: Great day for a walk.

Olivia: You listening in on my phone conversations?

Buzz: I'm keeping an eye on you.

Olivia: Yeah, like having Gus' heart just made my popularity soar through the roof.

Buzz: That's not true. I have been crazy about you since forever. Natalia did tell me to keep an eye on you--

Olivia: She didn't have to. It was worth the cash to get her out of my face.

Buzz: Don't hold back. Just speak your mind.

Daisy: Hi.

Olivia: Hi.

Daisy: Did anyone send you flowers without a card?

Olivia: Probably.

Daisy: Grandpa, did you fill my car with daisies?

Buzz: No.

Daisy: This lame stunt, it has "Cooper" written all over it.

Buzz: I was thinking Lewis. I would have sprung for something more expensive than daisies.

Daisy: I just want to know. Bye.

Olivia: Good luck. I'm going to keep moving.

Buzz: Say hi to Emma.

Olivia: Say hi to Lillian.

Buzz: Really?

Olivia: No.

Buzz: Look at you. You're back.

Olivia: (Laughs)

Cyrus: Mallet, you shouldn't sneak up on people like that.

Mallet: I found that I'm better at my job when I do.

Cyrus: Speaking of jobs, since when do they make the Chief wear a uniforms?

Mallet: Since never.

Cyrus: Ah.

Mallet: Yes, ah. So it's a beautiful day, isn't it?

Cyrus: Yes, it is. Beautiful day for what?

Mallet: Casing the neighborhood.

Cyrus: I'm an architecture buff. That house over there, classic Georgian.

Mallet: Actually, colonial. And if you were so interested in that house over there, why did you park in front of it, say instead of parking in front of this one.

Cyrus: Shade.

Mallet: Yeah. Would you open this up for me?

Cyrus: Why don't you tell me what you're looking for first.

Mallet: I'll let you know when I find it.

Cyrus: You always this suspicious?

Mallet: You know, once a habit gets in your blood, it's really hard to shake. You know what I mean? Let's go.

Frank: Gosh, darn it. Whoa! Where did you come from?

Dinah: Do you have a minute?

Frank: Yeah, absolutely. You sound serious. Is everything okay here?

Dinah: No. Would you mind keeping that open?

Frank: Sure. It sounded to me like you needed some privacy.

Dinah: I do. I'm just more comfortable with the door being open.

Frank: Okay.

Dinah: I'm sorry you're not Chief anymore.

Frank: That makes two of us. Is that what you came down to tell me?

Dinah: I'm sorry you're not Chief anymore because it's my fault that you're not.

Frank: Do you want to run that by me one more time?

Dinah: It was hard enough to do it the first time.

Frank: Well, you're not the woman who came forward accusing me of harassing her... unless you're the one who put her up.

Dinah: I'm sorry.

Frank: What the hell were you thinking?

Dinah: I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking about you.

Frank: Dinah, how could you do that to me?

Dinah: This wasn't about hurting you. It was about Mallet. Frank, wait a minute. Mallet didn't know.

Frank: He knows nothing about this? Absolutely nothing?

Dinah: Not completely.

Frank: Make up your mind.

Dinah: By the time he found out, it was too late.

Frank: How late?

Dinah: He has nothing to do with this. Zero. It was all me.

Frank: Is this why he quit?

Dinah: Part of it.

Frank: I'm going to kill him.

Dinah: Frank! Don't kill him. Kill me. Shut the door and let me have it. I'm serious.

Frank: Why are you doing this now?

Dinah: Because it's time. And I don't want you to blame Mallet.

Frank: Does he know you're doing this right here, right now?

Dinah: Stop worrying about Mallet. This is the kind of stuff I do all of the time. No one can stop me when I make a decision on something, okay?

Frank: Do you know I will never get this job back?

Dinah: Yes, I know that. And I want to help you get it back. Just tell me what to do.

Frank: You can leave.

Dinah: Frank, please, let me help you fix this.

Cyrus: Anything suspicious in there?

Mallet: Nope.

Cyrus: Gee, you sure know how to hurt a guy.

Mallet: It's what you know how to do. That's the real issue here. You know that, right?

Cyrus: I'd be a fool to try to rob somebody in these parts. I'm so rusty, I wouldn't make it through the front gate without setting off an alarm.

Mallet: Oh, you're so modest. Come on, let's take a look.

Cyrus: Yeah, good idea. I keep all of my jewels in the spare tire, so... I guess you don't keep tools in your car. I was doing some work at Harley’s. You can go over and take a look over there if you'd like. While we're there, we could do some painting. She'd appreciate that.

Mallet: You know if you would swear off crime, it would save us both a trip.

Cyrus: I hereby swear off crime.

Mallet: Very believable.

Cyrus: You know what your trouble is? You look at all of this like it's black and white.

Mallet: Yeah, laws tend to work that way.

Cyrus: Listen, I never denied how I used to make my living. You know how I got my start? Trying to keep the food on the table for my little brother. Is that so awful?

Mallet: Time to hit the road, Jack.

Cyrus: Well, I haven't finished my architectural survey yet.

(Muffled voice over radio)

Mallet: Yeah, go ahead.

(Muffled voice over radio)

Mallet: Right, I'm on that.

Cyrus: Do you want a ride?

Mallet: Say good-bye, Cyrus.

Cyrus: Good-bye, Cyrus.

Olivia: (Sighs) Okay. Not bad.

Mallet: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, easy, there. Sit down.

Olivia: I'm good.

Mallet: You're good? You could have fooled me.

Olivia: Fine. I'm near death. I've died and this is hell!

Mallet: At least you're honest.

Olivia: I'm too tired to lie.

Mallet: What are you doing out here like this?

Olivia: School play.

Mallet: From the Beacon? That's a couple of miles, you know?

Olivia: It's two point four.

Mallet: You couldn't have gotten a ride from anybody? Okay. Here's my cell.

Olivia: What's this for?

Mallet: Just hold onto it. Whatever I can do.

Olivia: No. You don't have to do that, really.

Mallet: Look, all sorts of things are going wrong these days all over the place, okay?

Olivia: What else is new.

Mallet: Let me do something right. And here, catch your breath. We still have a few blocks to go.

Olivia: Thanks.

Mallet: Yeah.

Dinah: I could stiff you so easy on this.

Buzz: Come again?

Dinah: Yeah. I'd wait until you go in the back, I'd pocket the thing and walk out. You'd assume I paid Lynn or one of the other waitresses.

Buzz: All of that for a lousy two bucks? What is up with the women in this town?

Dinah: It's the principle of the thing.

Buzz: There is a principle behind you stealing from me?

Dinah: It's a hypothetical. I wouldn't do that to you.

Buzz: What a relief, now I could finally buy that pack of gum I had my eye on.

Dinah: It's a reflex thing. What can I get, how can I get it?

Buzz: Who can I screw while I'm getting it?

Dinah: Don't take it personally.

Buzz: It's the principle of the thing.

Dinah: Did you ever do something like that?

Buzz: Walk out an check?

Dinah: Yeah, whatever.

Buzz: My life is a map of selfish unimaginable behavior.

Dinah: And you feel guilty about that?

Buzz: Yeah.

Dinah: That's my point.

Buzz: My guilt is your point?

Dinah: No. Guilt. Some people wallow in it-- well, they don't wallow in it, but they feel it and they let it direct their lives. But other people...

Buzz: Don't feel it a bit.

Dinah: Yeah. You know, I like you, so I would feel guilty if I ripped you off. You know I've always had to take what I need in life. If I always had a big complex, I don't know where I'd be.

Buzz: Two bucks poorer.

Frank: Ashlee, what can I do for you?

Ashlee: I'm sorry, I can come back.

Frank: I'm sorry. It's been a lousy day. You look great. You look absolutely terrific. How's Coop? Is he back from his trip yet?

Ashlee: Soon, actually. Later. Yeah, I can't wait.

Frank: Oh, good. He e-mailed me and said he is having a great time.

Ashlee: Yeah, well, we're just happy that people are still reading.

Frank: So why are you here?

Ashlee: I was wondering if you guys had a lost and found.

Frank: Are you missing something?

Ashlee: No. Actually, I found something.

Frank: Where did you get this?

Ashlee: Well, I met this guy...

Frank: Uh-oh.

Ashlee: No, "uh", silly. Nothing like that, no. I was running in the park and I fell and I was saved by this guy.

Frank: Okay.

Ashlee: And I turned to say hi to Josh and when I turned around to thank him, he was gone.

Frank: So he just disappeared?

Ashlee: Yeah.

Frank: Sort of a Cinderella-type thing?

Ashlee: I never thought about it, but yeah. He was tall, dark, scruffy beard. Have you seen anyone like that?

Frank: I have, actually.

Ashlee: Oh, really. Do you know his name?

Frank: I'm sure we can find it. It should be right on this arrest report.

Cyrus: It's done. Waiting for you when you're ready.

Adrianna: Sit down.

Cyrus: That's okay.

Adrianna: You in a rush?

Cyrus: Nope. Sort of.

Adrianna: I'd bet you'd like to have this.

Cyrus: Isn't that nice when everyone gets what they want? I'll see you.

Adrianna: There's a lot more where that came from, you know.

Cyrus: Think of this as a one-time deal that went very well. We'll always have Paris, you know? Lose my number, okay?

Mallet: Come on, a little further.

Olivia: Oh, stop! This is embarrassing.

Mallet: As embarrassing as falling down?

Olivia: No. Do me a favor?

Mallet: Yeah, okay.

Olivia: When we get there, would you just let me walk the rest of my way by myself.

Mallet: You want to walk in on your own power?

Olivia: Yeah.

Mallet: You want me to disappear?

Olivia: Yeah.

Mallet: So what you're saying is I'm going to get absolutely zero credit for all of this. That's what you're saying?

Olivia: You were a boy scout, I assume.

Mallet: Why would you assume I was a boy scout? Yeah, six years.

Olivia: So you've had plenty of occasion to take old-- just people across the street. I'm sure you've gotten plenty of admiring looks and effusive thank you.

Mallet: No, I didn't get that once.

Olivia: No way. No way.

Mallet: I stayed in one more year hoping to get one more shot at it. My friends were pledging fraternities and I was staying home sewing on badges.

Olivia: I'm so sorry. But you'll still have to leave when we get there.

Mallet: Okay, it's a tough life.

Olivia: Consider yourself lucky.

Mallet: How's that?

Olivia: If you had come before, this would have been so different.

Mallet: Before how?

Olivia: Any time before. Last week, last year, I would have been in love with you by morning.

Mallet: Wow, you're easy.

Olivia: You’ve heard.

Mallet: Maybe, nothing wrong with that.

Olivia: Thank you. The point is, I'm not like that anymore.

Mallet: Well, your timing is perfect.

Olivia: Why is that?

Mallet: Because you're here, and you're on your own.

Olivia: Hey, you look good in blue. Turn around for me. Stop, your teasing me.

Mallet: I've got it going on, don't I?

Frank: Are you sure you're up for this?

Ashlee: Why?

Frank: He's a pick pocket.

Ashlee: That doesn't sound so bad.

Frank: Unless you're the pick pocketee.

Ashlee: Well, he helped me. And I wanted to thank him.

Frank: Okay, well it's your dime. He's right here. You've got a visitor.

Man: Is it my lawyer?

Ashlee: Frank, this isn’t...

Frank: Sorry, pal. Case of mistaken identity.

Man: Don't leave. I didn't get your name, sexy.

Cyrus: Harley?

Frank: Hey Mallet, wait up.

Mallet: Oh, good, Frank, I'm glad I ran into you. Listen, I found that file that-- oh!

Frank: See you tomorrow.

Dinah: What's wrong with your face?

Mallet: Um... nothing now.

Dinah: Let's talk. You'll want to hear this.

Mallet: I don't really have a choice, do I?

Dinah: I confessed to Frank. I told him everything that I did for you.

Mallet: Okay.

Dinah: I took the blame completely. I made sure that he understood that you had nothing to do with this.

Mallet: And you were really convincing.

Dinah: Would you take me seriously?

Mallet: I always take you seriously.

Dinah: It wasn't easy doing that, you know.

Mallet: Then why did you do it?

Dinah: Because it was the right thing to do.

Mallet: Why did you do it?

Dinah: Because there are too many secrets out there. There is too much guilt out there.

Mallet: Yeah, I can agree with you on both those points. I'm glad you did that.

Dinah: Good. What do you say, you come back to the house, have some lunch, maybe move in?

Mallet: I have to go.

Dinah: Where you going?

Mallet: To see Olivia.

Dinah: What the hell for?

Mallet: She's sick. You might have heard.

Dinah: Olivia?

Mallet: Yeah.

Dinah: You picking up where Gus left off?

Mallet: Don't start, please.

Dinah: I'm just wondering how much penance you're in for.

Mallet: Penance?

Dinah: Yeah. Just curious.

Mallet: Just enough, and maybe a little bit more.

Dinah: Do you think you have to find a way to make up for everything that's happened?

Mallet: Don't you?

Dinah: No, not always.

(Knock on the door)

Olivia: Hi.

Mallet: Hi.

Olivia: Boy, I'm getting a lot of male attention these days.

Mallet: You deserve it. Don't you get it all the time?

Olivia: (Laughing) What have you got behind your back?

Mallet: Lunch. I've got some lunch.

Olivia: Awesome. I'm not hungry, but I love to watch people eat. So please come in.

Mallet: Okay.

Olivia: I'll get you something to drink.

Mallet: I see you got back all right.

Olivia: Yeah, the car service finally showed up.

Mallet: Yeah, I saw that. I mean, I was watching-- I mean --

Olivia: You're not like my stalker, are you?

Mallet: No-- I mean-- no, no, no.

Olivia: Here.

Mallet: Thank you. So the play-- how was the play?

Olivia: It's good. It was really good. Emma was reading. She'll reprise the whole thing if you stick around.

Mallet: Excellent. I'm glad I brought lunch. You may not be hungry, but you will want this. Wait until you see this bad boy.

Olivia: I will want it?

Mallet: Look at this. That's pretty. That's from Piglets.

Olivia: That awful sandwich place?

Mallet: Gus ordered this all of the time, so they named this after him.

Olivia: I'll get something.

Mallet: This will stain. Sorry about the smell.

Olivia: Thank you.

Mallet: For stinking up your room? That's easy.

Olivia: No. Thank you.

Mallet: You're welcome. I bet you that I've got a great Gus story that you've never heard before.

Olivia: Yeah? You're on.

Mallet: Okay.

Olivia: So how do you eat this thing?

Mallet: You just go lumberjack. You just get down-- oh, wow. That's it.

Olivia: Oh, my God! It's falling out.

... You and me baby and our body heat

oh, it's so cold outside come on, rev up the fire,

angel in the room, yeah

melted me now, evaporate our every need into rising steam

because the wind may blow, the temperature falls as long as I'm with you...

Buzz: Ashlee?

Ashlee: Oh!

Buzz: You okay?

Ashlee: Yeah, fine. Buzz, did you put all of those daisies in Daisy's car?

Buzz: No. She just asked me. I would have done something much more original. Billy would have done something like that. Hey, you want to have something to eat?

Ashlee: No. I'm not that hungry.

Buzz: I cannot remember the last time I actually saw you eat.

Ashlee: I eat. I do. I really do, don't worry.

Buzz: Don't get me wrong. I'm proud of you, but don't overdo it.

Ashlee: Thank you. That's sweet of you.

Buzz: Can I make you some eggs?

Ashlee: Okay, egg whites.

Buzz: Okay. What have you got on your mind?

Ashlee: This place is so fascinating. You going on, you're having a regular day and you're feeling fine, and something happens, and all of a sudden you just look at everything differently.

Buzz: Hmm.

As long as we are snuggled in...

Daisy: You're not supposed to be here.

Cyrus: I was just checking on things for your mom.

Daisy: Did you hear from her?

Cyrus: No. Did you?

Daisy: No. I was hoping maybe she did this, or maybe she called you and asked you to do it for her?

Cyrus: No, she didn't call me. But maybe Frank or your granddad.

Daisy: No, no. I asked them. Whatever, though. It's no big deal.

Cyrus: She'll come home soon. I'm sure she really misses you and your brothers.

Daisy: Whatever. I have a lot to do. I just came here to get some CD's. God, Reva’s music is driving me crazy.

Cyrus: I was going to take care of a few things around the house.

Daisy: Look at you, Mr. Family man. Can I trust you here?

Cyrus: Well, there's nothing here to steal.

Daisy: That's true. The only valuable thing I have is this bracelet, and I'm wearing it. All right, well, lock up. I'll see you later.

Cyrus: Okay.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Coop: Thank you, Blake, for everything.

Blake: Oh.

Ashlee: Daisy, hi. It's Ashlee. I need your help. I'm really glad that he had you.

Coop: I love her. The two of you together, it's grrrr.

Blake: I really hope that you appreciate him.

Ashlee: I was jogging in the park and I ran into this guy, and he totally hit on me. Can you believe that?

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