Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/3/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: The detective wants to ask you some questions about Rafe.
Mallet: Why?
Reva: Rafe is the one who shot you.
Daisy: Just tell the police it was an accident.
Detective: The gun was in your possession? It was in your hands?
Jeffrey: Yes. It was an accident.
Detective: We have the gun, and O’Neill’s prints aren't on it.
Jeffrey: I lied to the cops.
Reva: So you don't really remember?
Jeffrey: No.
Reva: Okay. Thank you.
Jeffrey: I'm awake, you know?
Reva: Yes, I know you're awake. And you're working, when you're supposed to be resting. Wait. Do you... do you or do you not have a bullet hole in your chest?
Jeffrey: The work is piling up, Reva.
Reva: Let it.
Jeffrey: I'm gonna need those.
Reva: You need to rest. Have you eaten?
Jeffrey: You know that the food in here tastes...
Reva: Yes, I know it does. Ooh. Here, open up. Come on. Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: That's pretty good.
Reva: See? Isn't this better? I mean, what could be better than sharing your berries with your fiancée, huh?
Jeffrey: I can't think of a thing.
Reva: Good answer. Jeffrey O’Neill, you are so important to me. And this whole thing has made that crystal clear.
Jeffrey: I've been out that long, huh?
Reva: Long enough.
Jeffrey: Long enough to miss the movie?
Reva: No such luck.
Jeffrey: No?
Reva: No, deal with it.
Frank: Ah, Mallet, do you recognize this?
Mallet: Yeah, case reports.
Frank: You are correct. Absolutely correct. Now you see "court" written on the...
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, those were supposed to be filed with the court, and I never really got around to doing it.
Frank: No worries. And this right here is your order form for your new uniform.
Mallet: Right. That's right. Exactly. I've got to get my... basic blues.
Frank: Yup. Mallet, listen, if you want to do this later, you know, we can...
Mallet: No, no, this is good. This is good, Frank. This is fine. I mean, I have to fill this out, right?
Frank: Yeah. But you know, if you want, you can take two weeks off and come back, you know, then you can start, all right?
Mallet: No, this is good, Frank. I want to do this today. I want to get back to the basics, I want to start over, and this is what I can do to make up for everything I didn't do when I was Chief. You know, I can take those by the courthouse.
Frank: No, that's all right. Why don't we... leave these for the new Chief.
Mallet: Yeah, the new Chief.
Frank: Right.
Mallet: Time to move on, right?
Frank: Yeah, why don't you... why don't you look at page number three there.
Mallet: Page three. Wow. What's that, Frank?
Frank: That's your... that's your new salary. That's your new level.
Mallet: Okay. All righty. Time to move on. New salary. I think I need to move into a cheaper place.
Olivia: Yeah, I'm not trying to be negative. It's just you never know about people, you know, especially men.
Ava: Please, you don't need to worry about me. It's fine.
Olivia: I'm your mother. It's my job.
Ava: Yeah. Well, he cares about me. Maybe a little bit more about the baby, but it's fine. We're a package deal, right?
Olivia: Not necessarily.
Ava: Don't listen to anything she says. She's being a mean, nasty old grandma.
Olivia: Hello, that's evil.
Ava: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, right?
Olivia: All right. Okay, we're both gimps. Why don't you lay down and get some rest. Come on.
Ava: Mom...
Olivia: Go on. Careful.
Ava: Okay.
Olivia: Scooch. So have you thought about any names for the baby?
Ava: (Laughs) Well, I don't have any boys' names, but for a girl, I like Gabrielle.
Olivia: Gabby.
Ava: Gabrielle.
Olivia: Gabrielle. It's beautiful.
Bill: (Laughs) Okay. Why do we have to do this now?
Dinah: It's Monday.
Bill: Yes, but I could just get dressed on Monday.
Dinah: It is your first day as C.E.O. I want everything to be pre-planned and perfect. Are you nervous?
Bill: I'm... I'm good. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Nervous? No, not at all.
Dinah: Good.
Bill: I want to tell you something. We do look good, don't we?
Dinah: We look powerful.
Bill: We do.
Dinah: Yes, we do. You ready?
Bill: I was born ready. And you've got something in your hair.
Dinah: My hair's fine. Listen, tell me the truth. Do you feel like I forced this on you?
Bill: Look, no way. I want this, okay? You, me-- we've turned the tables. And together, unstoppable. Right?
Dinah: Yes.
Bill: What are you doing?
Dinah: (Laughs)
Bill: This isn't Oklahoma. Let’s... you want to dosey-do? Come on, follow me. Let's take over the world.
Lizzie: Ahem!
Remy: Lizzie!
Lizzie: How's life at my house treating you?
Remy: Get over it.
Lizzie: You know, Dinah and Bill might think that they're, like, king or queen or whatever they think, but I am going to gather my people...
Remy: People. (Laughs)
Lizzie: Yeah, I'm going to gather my people, okay? And I am going to... I am...
Remy: Wait, wait. Are you speaking English? What are you even talking about, Lizzie?
Lizzie: I am going to kick their ass! You got that?
Remy: Got it. Go for it.
Frank: Hey, buddy. You're awake.
Jeffrey: Ah, yes.
Frank: Well, good. Good, good, good. I thought you might be hungry, so I... well, here's the paper, and I brought you something here. Here you go.
Jeffrey: What is it?
Frank: It's a burrito. It travels a little better than a burger, so... what are you doing with this? This is one of my files.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, we work on the same side, Frank.
Frank: Yeah, but, Jeffrey, this time you're the victim.
Jeffrey: You got any leads on Rafe?
Frank: No. Nothing. But between the FBI and Interpol, I'm sure it's just a matter of time. What did you tell them?
Jeffrey: Well, I told them it was an accident. I grabbed the gun and startled Rafe.
Frank: You were wearing gloves? Nice try.
Jeffrey: What do you mean, "Nice try"? That's what happened.
Frank: Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: What?
Frank: The evidence doesn't support that. Your fingerprints weren't anywhere on that gun.
Jeffrey: (Sighs) He's just a kid, Frank. I think we need to shield him from this.
Frank: I agree. But unfortunately, he's not the only one we're going to have to protect if he's found.
Reva: Hey, Lizzie. Hey! What are you doing, talking to yourself? Are you okay?
Lizzie: Yeah, everything's just peachy.
Reva: Are you sure? Because I could have sworn you were talking to yourself? What's up?
Lizzie: I'm going to kick Bill's butt. Could you help me?
Reva: Really? How do you intend to do that?
Lizzie: I'm not sure yet. I'm sorting through a lot of ideas, but you could really be a big help.
Reva: I think I'll pass, thanks.
Lizzie: Suit yourself.
Mallet: Hey, Olivia.
Olivia: Hi.
Mallet: Hey, I wanted to let you know that I'm actually moving out of the Beacon.
Olivia: When?
Mallet: I guess as soon as I find a new place.
Olivia: Oh. It's kind of sudden. Is everything okay?
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, everything is good. I just want to make a new start. A mandatory one.
Olivia: I know the feeling. Good luck.
Mallet: Thank you.
Frank: Dinah?
Dinah: Hey, Frank.
Frank: Hi. You okay?
Dinah: Yeah. Holding it together, thank you.
Frank: Yeah, no worries. Are you headed over to the station?
Dinah: No. Why?
Frank: Well, no reason. I've got to file these with the court, so...
Dinah: It looks like a lot of them.
Frank: Yeah. Listen, can I... can you just give me two minutes? Can you walk over there with me?
Dinah: Frank...
Frank: Dinah, Mallet may need you right now.
Dinah: Frank, Mallet doesn't want me in his life. He would like me gone.
Frank: Wow, so he wasn't kidding about needing a fresh start, was he? I mean, he has resigned from everything, from his job, from you, I mean...
Dinah: What do you mean? What do you mean his job?
Frank: Mallet resigned as Chief.
I'm not here I'm not my own
I'm looking right down on me
my body I'm lifeless
I'm a machine two minutes and counting
it's passing give me back to me
I'm not ready give this chance to me
I'll make them believe
I see him I see it shine
down on me the twilight sings
as they sing got feeling
back in this eyes open
air in my chest breathes my flesh
give me back to me I'm not ready
give this chance to me I'll make them
believe give me guidance and help
I know you know how give me strength of prayer
so all you are will you feel it.
Reva: Hey, Frank.
Frank: Hey, Reva.
Reva: Is there any word on Rafe?
Frank: Well, we need to bring him back in before anything bad happens. Well, sorry, I mean anything worse happens.
Reva: Can you do me a favor? Just stay away from the hospital today. Don't go see Jeffrey. I mean, you can't heal unless you can rest, right? Ah, great. I should have known.
Frank: Well, Reva, if I didn't see him...
Reva: I know, he would have dragged his butt down here. But can we work on getting him to stay put?
Frank: Why are you here anyway? Did you just swing by to pick up some files for him?
Reva: No, no. His MP3 player. You know what else? I haven't seen Harley around. Where is she?
Frank: She... she got called out of town. Yeah, something about a job opportunity, so...
Reva: Nobody seems to be where they're supposed to be these days, do they?
Ava: How did you get in here?
Remy: Well, I sweet-talked the maid into loaning me a key.
Ava: Great. I feel really safe now.
Remy: I heard you're on bed rest.
Ava: Yeah, partial. Bill will be back any minute.
Remy: Sure he will. Well, I was trying to think what I could get to you kill time, you know, like books or music or crossword puzzles.
Ava: Oh!
Remy: I think you'll like it.
Ava: Not food?
Remy: No. I got one, too.
Ava: Look at you!
Remy: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. We can do all types of cool stuff.
Ava: Oh, my gosh. How do you... how do you...?
Remy: Well, right here, you just... there you go.
Ava: You know, they have things like this now called cell phones. And you don't even have to press...
Remy: No, no. This is so much more fun, like if you're bored or Bill is being a tool, or you're in the mood for phone sex...
Ava: What?
Remy: Mm-hmm.
Ava: Walkie-talkie whoopee? (Laughter)
Remy: So you can be like this. You can be, like... okay, Bill's being a tool! Oh, Remy, I need you. Over. Mm-hmm.
Ava: Or it could be like, what are you wearing you big, sexy man? Over.
Remy: See, you're so obsessed with taking my clothes off. I love it.
Ava: I can't hear you! Over.
Remy: You're so obsessed with taking my clothes off. I love it. Over. ( Laughter)
Bill: There he is. Mr. Stormtrooper. Hey, how are you?
Jeffrey: What is this? Is this the new eccentric C.E.O. of Spaulding Enterprises?
Bill: It's Lewis/Spaulding, is what it is. And I brought you a bunch of balloons, and I brought you a little of this. Remember this. It's a little exercise, a little hand-eye coordination, which... here you go. Look at that. Look at that. I haven't been drinking. It's just this thing must be broken. I got it at the 99-cent shop. Anyway, you don't even have to get out of bed. So, here you go.
Jeffrey: You came all the way down here to give me that?
Bill: Um... no. No. I came here because of, well, Ava. Yeah.
Jeffrey: To take care of me?
Bill: Um... no, to take care of her. Because, well, if I come down here, it makes her happy and she doesn't stress the baby. No stress and everyone's happy. So, we're good, by the way. Can you tell? Speaking of happy, you and Reva, huh?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Bill: Good.
Jeffrey: Perfect.
Bill: Nice.
Jeffrey: You and Lizzie?
Bill: No, no, no, no. That's done. She hates me. Good riddance. Really. Don't even... I'm all about Ava now, taking care of her, so...
Jeffrey: Good.
Bill: Uh-huh.
Jeffrey: Do that.
Lizzie: Olivia. You must be very happy for Ava, the baby and everything.
Olivia: Mm-hmm. Every woman likes to learn she's going to be called Grandma.
Lizzie: A proud moment, I'm sure.
Olivia: Yeah. Listen... Ava has a lot to hope for, and she also has challenges. I just hope you won't cause her too much trouble.
Lizzie: Yeah. Ava's not on my radar.
Olivia: That's good. I mean, it makes sense because, you know, you must be all freaked out about Spaulding and the mansion and...
Lizzie: That stuff isn't really going to be going on for much longer. I was upset... very upset, but I'm fine now. And I have a plan.
Olivia: A plan for what?
Lizzie: To kick Bill's ass.
Olivia: Hmm.
Lizzie: All right. Bye.
Dinah: You lost?
Mallet: Hilda told me I could find you out here. I... I'm gonna make some changes. I'm moving out of my place. These are yours, some of your stuff.
Dinah: Thank you. Would you like to sit down?
Mallet: I want to change my life, and I think I'm going to go back to the start.
Dinah: I see.
Mallet: And I wanted to tell you...
Dinah: That you resigned.
Mallet: Yes, I resigned.
Dinah: Yeah, I heard.
Mallet: You know, when things come crashing down, it sure is easy to see where your choices have taken you. Boy, I got off track. I got off track a long time ago.
Dinah: Where are you going to go?
Mallet: I don't know. I don't know. I just want real change. That's the funny thing about change. I think deep down, it's not about a new job or a new town or a new relationship. I think it's in here. I think it's in here. That's going the wrong way. I just want to turn around. Just turn around and change direction. I got greedy. I got greedy and I cut in line, and ever since I found how I became Police Chief, I've just been telling myself I didn't do anything wrong. That has to change. I don't know, change direction and start climbing from wherever I am. Where I was to begin with. I think maybe I can get my life on track then, and maybe I can make things right.
Dinah: But you can't take responsibility for my mistakes. That's not right. You know, let me apologize, please. For causing you so much trouble. You're right. We make some choices in life. And some of them are mistakes. I'm so sorry.
Mallet: Shh, shh, shh. Things happen for a reason, you know? I don't know. I don't know where all of this is going to end. I just know right now this is what I need to do. And I need to do it alone. You okay? Yeah?
Olivia: So I heard you haven't been shot in over a week.
Jeffrey: Hi. Hey. What are you doing here? What's wrong?
Olivia: Nothing. A checkup. They're just being overly cautious. Slippers. I know it's kind of a wifely thing to do, a thorn in Reva’s side, but I know how lying in bed with the thin blankets. Your feet get really cold.
Jeffrey: How's Ava?
Olivia: She's glad.
Jeffrey: Glad?
Olivia: Yeah. She's glad that you're okay, you know? She's kind of gotten used to having you around and being able to rely on you. It's a comfort.
Jeffrey: These are really nice. You can tell her that I'm going to be fine.
Olivia: I will. Congratulations on your wedding plans.
Jeffrey: Ah, you heard.
Olivia: Uh-huh. I guess I kind of primed the pump. It's going to be really awkward if Josh officiates the ceremony, though, don't you think?
Jeffrey: You just couldn't help yourself, could you?
Olivia: Sorry, I really can’t.
Jeffrey: All right. Get out. I'm supposed to be getting my rest.
Olivia: Okay. But just so you know, life is short and rest is highly overrated.
Lizzie: Congratulations.
Bill: Been looking for you.
Lizzie: Predictable.
Bill: I want to make sure you're okay.
Lizzie: That's weak. Doesn't sound like a C.E.O. to me.
Bill: Well, I am one.
Lizzie: Shouldn't you be prepping for your first day?
Bill: Don't need prepping. Ready to go, day one.
Lizzie: Like that? Good luck with that.
Bill: You see, now, luck is not what I need because I already have the job.
Lizzie: You don't even get it.
Bill: Lizzie, now I didn't know you cared.
Lizzie: I don’t.
Bill: I had to do this.
Lizzie: I am going to destroy you.
Dinah [German accent]: And how are you feeling?
Jeffrey: I'm fine. I'm a little bit tired. What are you doing?
Dinah: (Laughs) I came to see how you are, to cheer you up.
Jeffrey: What else?
Dinah: Nothing. I just feel like being a friend, you know, visiting.
Jeffrey: Uh-huh.
Dinah: I don't really know why I'm here.
Jeffrey: You looking for something?
Dinah: Yes. Yes, I am looking for something. I think I'm looking for myself, really.
Jeffrey: I thought you were busy with all these business affairs and acquisitions?
Dinah: I am very busy. We are both very busy. Bill and I are taking over the world, yes. Bill has his thing, and I... I'm throwing a dinner.
Jeffrey: Yeah, I think I heard a little bit about your dinner plans before the accident, remember?
Dinah: No, no, no. No, no, no, no. This, this is different. That was a plot, a machination, something else. This is dinner, just dinner. You'll get back to me. I know you will.
Jeffrey: Dinah.
Dinah: Jeffrey, I've turned over a new leaf.
Jeffrey: Not again.
Dinah: Mm-hmm.
Mallet: Hey, Rem.
Remy: Hey.
Mallet: Hey, man, no hard feelings about not coming back to the force.
Remy: Oh, no. It's cool. It's cool.
Mallet: I resigned as Chief.
Remy: You did?
Mallet: Yes, I did. Everybody's got to do what they've got to do, what's right for them, right?
Remy: Mm-hmm. That's right.
Mallet: Power is overrated.
Remy: (Laughs)
Mallet: I learned that lesson.
Remy: Yeah. Yeah, well, welcome to the land of the little people. It's more fun over here.
Lizzie: Wake up, sleepyhead. There you go.
Jeffrey: Lizzie.
Lizzie: That's me. Oh, you poor thing. How are you feeling?
Jeffrey: I'm... I'm a little tired. I'm fine.
Lizzie: That's amazing. I am so happy for you and Reva.
Jeffrey: Thanks. You are?
Lizzie: Yes. Oh, and I want to add you to my legal team because I am going to kick Bill's ass, and you aren't going to want to miss that.
Jeffrey: Lizzie, I can't help you fight Bill.
Lizzie: Why not?
Jeffrey: Well, because I'm the District Attorney. That means I represent the district, not individuals. And... well, Bill is now with my daughter, Ava. And it would seem that I've been shot.
Lizzie: You think you could recommend someone?
Ava: Hey. What a nice surprise. I didn't know you were going to be here. Those are beautiful.
Dinah: Oh, well, they're for you.
Ava: Thank you.
Dinah: I'm making a sisterly call, just to see how you're feeling.
Ava: Oh, well that's nice of you. I'm feeling good. I'm feeling really good.
Dinah: Good.
Ava: How are you?
Dinah: I'm good, too. I'm good, too. You know, I'm kind of in a good mood. I'm feeling that the future is bright, you know? I mean, there is so much for all of us to be happy about. And I know that Bill is going to do good at his new job, and I'm thinking that the whole family, little group thing, is very cool.
Ava: And I'm here to do anything that I can to help. So please, let me know.
Dinah: Good. Good, I'm glad. I'm really glad. I'm glad that Bill has someone to share his success with. That's good.
Bill: Don't worry, I'm on my way home to Ava right now. Okay?
Olivia: Hey, wait. You're going to do right by my daughter, right?
Bill: Of course I'm going to do right by your daughter.
Olivia: You better.
Bill: Of course. Are we going to have to do this every day? Is this going to be a...
Olivia: I'm getting better. And I can stand having you around. It's okay.
Bill: Am I so bad? Don't answer that. Don't answer that. But look, no need to worry. I finally have everyone under control.
Olivia: Oh, is that right? (Laughs)
Bill: Yes.
Olivia: But you shouldn't do that.
Bill: What?
Olivia: Be overly confident. That's when people screw up.
Bill: No, no, no, no. This isn't confidence. This is just, I really do have all me ducks in a row.
Olivia: All your ducks, huh? Like Lizzie? Quack, quack.
Bill: Okay. Well, you know what? Lizzie and I are a non-issue. In fact, she hates me. And I don't really... we're done. Good riddance. Who cares, right? Ava...
Olivia: That's good to know, Bill. That's good to know.
Bill: Yeah. I'm going to... still fresh.
Mallet: You know, what's funny, Frank. I can say it now. I think all along I felt like I was failing at my job. That I wanted to do it well. It's just there are things I should have seen.
Frank: Well, you know what? I felt that way every day as Police Chief.
Mallet: To new beginnings.
Frank: To new beginnings.
Reva: Geez. (Laughs) Who died?
Jeffrey: Me, apparently. I know I was supposed to be resting.
Reva: Yes, yes, you were.
Jeffrey: I guess I'm a really popular guy.
Reva: I don't know. I mean, did they get the right room? Look at all of this.
Jeffrey: Well, you got your wish, you know. I didn't have any time to work, and now I don't have any room.
Reva: Oh, well, I'm kind of glad for that, though. Because now can we talk about weddings, maybe? Can we, huh?
Jeffrey: Ah, yeah. Well, you know, I really want to get back on my feet first, you know, and take care of this Rafe situation before we move forward with the wedding.
Reva: Jeffrey, it's a good thing I love you because there are so many ups and downs one girl can take. Now you're getting cold feet?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, Olivia gave me some slippers to keep my feet warm.
Reva: Oh, Olivia did?
Lizzie: Nice one.
Remy: So how did your plan to topple Bill's new empire go today?
Lizzie: Fabulously.
Ava: Waldo.
Dinah: No, no, better. Rudolph. Imagine....
Ava: Thanks.
Dinah: Hello.
Bill: Supper time.
Dinah: That goodness. I'm starving.
Ava: Me, too.
Bill: What you doing here, sis?
Dinah: Well, I'm here because it's a day to celebrate.
Bill: A day to celebrate it is. It is, it is. It's a very good day. And I stocked up on so much food here. I've got Mexican, I've got pizza. I've got things I don't even know what I've got. But I've got things that are unscented, no bacteria on them. Bread, cheese, and, of course, you can't have any meal... without ice cream.
Dinah: Oh, you're so good, Billy boy.
Ava: Billy boy?
Bill: Don't call me Billy boy.
Dinah: Oh, okay. Should I call you C.E.O.? Do you like that better?
Bill: You may, yes. On Monday. Right now I just want to enjoy the company of my two favorite women.
Ava: I'm just happy you're home.
Bill: Are you really?
Ava: Uh-huh.
Dinah: I told your future is looking great.
Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me tell you something...
Dinah: What?
Bill: Nothing can stop us now.
Dinah: Right. The Spaulding’s are so yesterday.
Bill: They are so yesterday.
Ava: And we're so tomorrow, right.
Bill: We are so... (laughs). Exactly right. Exactly right.
Dinah: That's the spirit.
Ava: Hot dog!
Bill: Not hot dog. Ribs. What have we got in here? (Laughter)
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Daisy: You swear you had nothing to do with this?
Ashlee: This is obviously the work of a secret admirer.
Frank: I wish I could take credit for them, but it wasn't me.
Ashlee: Maybe your mom's back, and this is the way she's saying she's sorry. Maybe you should go home and see her.
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