GL Transcript Monday 6/2/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/2/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on “Guiding Light”

Cassie: Jeffrey was shot at the courthouse, he is in ICU.

Reva: I may need your services, for a wedding. I’m gonna be right here when he wakes up.

Cassie: Jeffrey really brings something out in her. She really wants to take care of him. I've never seen that side of her before.

Josh: It's there.

(Machine beeping)

Reva: "At approximately 0235 hours, police were dispatched to a robbery at Corky's Bar and Grill. The suspect was described as a 6'8" chicken with a plastic drumstick. He crowed at the cashier, and then made a death threat. Police searched for five hours, and all they found were a few feathers, but no large chicken. (Laughing) The investigation is ongoing." You see everything you're missing? (Crying)

Daisy: Hello. Break time.

Ashlee: What? No, no! We have another mile to go!

Daisy: In a minute. Let's sit.

Ashlee: Okay, but just for one minute, okay? So how are you holding up? Have you heard any word from Rafe?

Daisy: No, no, I can't think about that. I just can't deal.

Ashlee: Sorry. Well, what about your family?

Daisy: What family?

Ashlee: Uh, how about all of the millions of you running around this town?

Daisy: Well, listen to this. My mother... she, uh, decided to go off and visit a friend. Doesn't even say good-bye.

Ashlee: Well, did hot Cyrus go with her?

Daisy: Weird. No.

Ashlee: That is shady.

Daisy: No, it sounds perfect Harley. She just dumped me again.

Ashlee: Come on, come on. We've got to walk this off. Let's go! Come on, come on, come on!

Daisy: Where do you get all this energy?

How could this ever


This unexpected blur.

The future's gone.

All that's left to hold onto

are the times that were.

A state of desperation.

A painful resignation.

A blood so red like I've never


This cut was anything but


(Music box playing)

From the ache that voids

my soul steals light from me

every day.

If someone could only take me

far away.

Far from here.

So far away from here.

So far away from here.

Reva: Look at that. Look at that, that computer that you've always talked about that you wanted? It's on sale! 20% off! I'd get it for you, if I was sure that... (sighs) I'm going to go get some coffee, okay?

Josh: Hey.

Reva: Oh, hey.

Josh: How's he doing?

Reva: About the same. Are you here to pray, or something?

Josh: Actually, I just came by to borrow the sports page, if you're done with it.

Reva: Oh. Well, actually, I just read him the entire sports page. And the police blotter.

Josh: How did that go?

Reva: Great.

Josh: Good, good. So when did he propose to you? Oh, wait, I'm sorry, I forgot. You proposed to him.

Reva: You have a problem with that?

Josh: Did you ever propose to me?

Reva: No. This is a first. And a last. My last wedding.

Josh: Good. That's good.

Reva: Thanks.

Josh: I'm sure you'll be very happy.

Reva: Yeah, well, that's the plan.

Josh: So, have you told the kids?

Reva: Uh, no, not yet. But I will, soon.

Josh: Well, if you need any help with that...

Reva: Oh, I'm sure they'll be fine. I mean, you and Cassie pretty much softened them up for this sort of thing.

Josh: (Laughs)

Reva: Here's that piece of the paper.

Josh: Thank you.

Reva: Here's the rest.

Josh: Okay.

Jeffrey: (Hoarsely) Anything but the business section.

Reva: Oh, my God! Oh, my God, you're awake! Oh, my God!

Jeffrey: Aw!

Reva: Oh, I'm sorry. I was so worried. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Don't worry so tightly.

Reva: I know, I'm sorry, I really am sorry. Do you... do you know where you are? Do you know me? Do you remember me?

Jeffrey: Nurse Wilson.

Reva: Who?

Jeffrey: Last night... Nurse Wilson... with the big, you know. Sexy... ( laughs)

Reva: That's not funny. That's not funny at all.

Josh: Actually, I think it's very funny.

Reva: It's not funny.

Josh: It's funny. And welcome back.

Jeffrey: I don't feel back. I feel like someone sawed me in half.

Reva: Shh!

Josh: I'll go tell the doctor.

Reva: Thanks. What can I get you? Anything? What do you need?

Jeffrey: What happened?

Reva: You really don't remember?

Jeffrey: Did I have an operation?

Reva: You were shot.

Jeffrey: Shot?

Reva: But you're back now. You're back, and that's all that matters.

Ashlee: You know, Harley always seemed like a mom to me.

Daisy: Yeah. Until she's not.

Ashlee: (Laughs) You don't want to know how much I've fantasized about being a Cooper.

Daisy: Hey, you know what I was thinking? You could be, if you married Coop!

Ashlee: (Giggles) But then, you'd have to call me "Aunt Ashlee." (Laughter) Yeah, there you go. So who's taking care of the boys?

Daisy: Um, well, my Uncle Frank and my Grandpa. Nobody seems all that concerned about me.

Ashlee: I'm sure they are. They just don't want to hover over you, treat you like a kid.

Daisy: Maybe I'd like some attention! Maybe my mom will send me a postcard from wherever she is.

Ashlee: Oh! I wish that Doris would go off somewhere far, far away and then send me a postcard. But no, she's here. Always... here. (Laughs)

Daisy: That sounds kind of nice.

Ashlee: You want to trade? (Giggles) I guess the mother you know is better than the mother you don't! (Laughs)

Daisy: Okay, I miss Harley! I do. And I don't know what could have been so urgent that she had to leave. I mean, she knew I would be in a crisis about Rafe and everything else.

Ashlee: Well, but, I thought that you and Rafe weren't together.

Daisy: No, but still, I want him to be okay.

Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah. So what now? Do you want to go shopping?

Daisy: No, I just want to go home. Want to come over?

Ashlee: Uh, maybe later. Um, I'll give you a call and see if you're in a better mood.

Daisy: Thanks.

Ashlee: Yeah. Well, stay out of trouble.

Josh: Wow. Did all of this come from the closet?

Cassie: Just so much stuff. I'm just trying to clear it out and get some space. What to keep, what to donate, what to throw away. Just, I feel like we have a lot of stuff around here, and I think we could use a fresh start.

Josh: This seems extreme.

Cassie: Well, I have a system. You know, we'll give away the ballet recital costumes, and we'll just keep the slippers.

Josh: Cassie, you do realize that you don't have to give away anything that you're not ready to give away, right?

Cassie: I want to have the memories, I just don't want this place to be a museum.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: Jeffrey gave this to Tammy on one of her birthdays. (Music box plays)

Josh: It's beautiful. You can thank him for it yourself.

Cassie: Thank him?

Josh: He's awake.

Cassie: Oh, my God!

Josh: Yeah, he was talking to Reva when I left.

Cassie: Oh, my God! I can't believe you didn't say this when you first walked in the door!

Josh: Sorry.

Cassie: What did the doctor say?

Josh: It may take a while, but they think he's going to be okay.

Cassie: (Laughs) Then I have to make him something! I... I'll make him huevos rancheros. He loves those.

Josh: Uh, Cassie, you know, eggs get cold. They don't really...

Cassie: Well, I'll just reheat them in the cafeteria. Let's see.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: Um, when do you think we can see him?

Josh: Well, I don't know. They might let us see him today, I guess.

Cassie: Great! Perfect.

Josh: Cassie, what is all that stuff?

Cassie: Well, eggs, of course, and you know, I just had the cookies and the brownies already made, and lemon squares, because you just, you never know what somebody's going to want. Do you think that he can handle hot sauce?

Josh: I'm not sure he can eat any of that stuff, Cassie. You know, maybe you should call the hospital before you head over there.

Cassie: You said he's going to be okay.

Josh: Well, I didn't get to spend much time with the doctors, but...

Cassie: Well, I'll call on the way there, and, you know, I just, I won't stay long.

Josh: I'll meet you there later.

Cassie: Okay, if you want. Oh, and there's some messages for you by the phone. Okay. Bye.

(Machine beeping)

Jeffrey: My eyes are fine, Doc. The bullet hit me about a foot south.

Reva: So?

Dr. Tompkins: Do you like him?

Reva: Yes, I do.

Dr. Tompkins: Good. Because he's sticking around.

Reva: Oh!

Dr. Tompkins: I'll be back as soon as I look at your test results.

Reva: Thanks.

Jeffrey: I still don't know what happened.

Reva: You had two surgeries. One was to remove the bullet, and the second one was to repair a collapsed lung and stop the bleeding.

Jeffrey: How long have I been in here?

Reva: Long enough for me to put dibs on that bullet, because it's going to make a really cool necklace. So if that detective tries to get it away from you...

Jeffrey: Whoa, what?

Reva: There's a detective...

Jeffrey: What detective?

Reva: Shh! A detective is outside. He wants to ask you some questions about Rafe.

Jeffrey: I was... I was in the courtroom, preparing a speech about Gus. And then, uh... Rafe walked in.

Reva: Rafe?

Jeffrey: ...And that's all I remember.

Reva: Rafe is the one who shot you.

Jeffrey: Rafe? Why?

Reva: I don't know. I guess, maybe he thought he was protecting his daddy?

Jeffrey: Oh. I was trying to help his father.

Reva: Did you tell Rafe that?

Jeffrey: I don't know. I think so.

Reva: Just give yourself some time. You're lucky to be here. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: You call this lucky?

Reva: You should see how you look with all these things hooked up to you. Very sexy! (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Pretty bad, huh?

Reva: No! No, I kind of got into counting your heartbeats.

Jeffrey: Oh. Well, that sounds... tedious.

Reva: No, it made me feel better, knowing that you were here. That you were still here.

Jeffrey: More or less.

Reva: You know what? If I hadn't already asked you to marry me, I'd ask you again. Right here, and right now. I don't want to hurt you again. Does that hurt bad? You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to go find a doctor to hassle, so I can get a full report and come back to you with it. Don't go anywhere.

Ashlee: Yes, yes, yes! Ashlee Wolfe is the greatest ever! Whoo! Oh, God! Okay. Whoa! Okay, ow, ow.

G: Whoa, careful, tumbles!

Jeffrey: Hi.

Daisy: Hey.

Jeffrey: Where’s...

Daisy: Oh, Reva’s up the hall. She's talking to a doctor.

Jeffrey: Oh, I must have dozed off.

Daisy: Sorry.

Jeffrey: No, it's all right. I'm... I slept enough.

Daisy: So, how do you feel?

Jeffrey: How do I feel? Pretty good. I do have a hole in my chest, but...

Daisy: About Rafe. He is a really good person. Gus dying really messed him up.

Jeffrey: I know.

Daisy: Yeah. And he did not mean to shoot you. He thought he was just going to...

Jeffrey: I know what he was thinking.

Daisy: I mean, you're probably mad... really mad. Yeah, I get that. Um, Rafe was out of his head with grief. He just... he didn't mean to hurt you. I know that. He was confused, that's all.

Jeffrey: Where is he?

Daisy: I don't know. He ran. But he could come back, if you could cut him a break, because I know how sorry he is. I am, too. If you could just tell the police it was an accident?

Jeffrey: An accident?

Daisy: We could start over. I just... it's a lot to ask, but I really love him, and you would, too, if... (knock on door) I should get going.

Ashlee: Thanks. I don't know what happened.

G: You tripped on something.

Ashlee: (Laughing) Yeah, I'm such a klutz.

G: Well, lucky I was here.

Ashlee: I could have fallen down, and, I don't know, broken my head open, or something.

G: Or that pretty little neck. Why don't you put your head between your legs and breathe deeply?

Ashlee: No, I really feel much better now, actually. Oh, hey.

Josh: Hello.

Ashlee: Hi, Josh! How are you? I guess everyone's out for a walk today.

Josh: Are you okay?

Ashlee: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I just tripped, and then this nice guy, he helped me.

Josh: I'm sorry. What guy?

Ashlee: Uh...

Cop: I just have a few more questions for you.

Jeffrey: Okay, no problem.

Cop: Where were we? Right. You were telling me where you were.

Jeffrey: Yeah. I was in the courthouse, I was preparing a statement to the press about Detective Aitoro. I wanted to clear his name.

Cop: And why do you think his son tried to kill you?

Jeffrey: He didn’t. I saw that he had a gun. I don't know what he was doing with it. I... you know, I just reacted, and I went to grab it, and as I grabbed it, it went off. You know, Rafe was as surprised as I was, and it was stupid.

Cop: Do you have any idea where he got the gun?

Jeffrey: No. You know, I'm sure that he didn't even know it was loaded. It's not like he threatened me with it or anything. Damn. You know, all my years-- years of training and undercover-- and I make a stupid mistake like that, you know? It was... it was dumb. I was clumsy. I just reacted.

Cop: The gun was in your possession? It was in your hands?

Jeffrey: When it went off?

Cop: Yes.

Jeffrey: Yes. Hey, Rafe is a good kid. His father was a friend of mine. I'm sorry that any of this happened. It was an accident, and I'm not going to press charges.

Cassie: Okay, that's it. Visiting hours are over. It's time for the patient to eat. Hello! Hi, I'm Cassie Lewis. Hi, nice to meet you. Would you like a cookie?

Cop: Um...

Cassie: Please. You two are about done here, right? Because Jeffrey really needs to rest.

Jeffrey: Uh, if I can help in any way, let me know.

Cop: We'll be in touch.

Jeffrey: Okay. Thank you. (Laughs) Were you always this bossy?

Cassie: Ha! Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again! Do you know how much you scared me?

Jeffrey: Well, I'm scared now. What's going on?

Cassie: How are you feeling?

Jeffrey: Well, like there's a piano on my chest.

Cassie: When I heard that you were shot, I just... I just started thinking about...

Jeffrey: What? What were you thinking?

Cassie: Nothing. Nothing. I brought huevos rancheros.

Jeffrey: Are you serious?

Cassie: They're still your favorite, right? And I had eggs in the fridge, so I thought, why not?

Jeffrey: How did you get it by the nurse?

Cassie: (Laughs) I have my ways. Here, let me get that for you. Okay, but just go slowly.

Jeffrey: Mm.

Cassie: Don't drink it too fast.

Jeffrey: Yes, ma'am. Thank you.

Cassie: I'm a pretty good nurse, you know.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I remember.

Cassie: And I expect my patients to make a fast recovery.

Jeffrey: Okay. I'll do my best. Did you bring the hot sauce?

Cassie: I did! I didn't at first, and then I went back and I grabbed it! ( Laughter)

Josh: Hey, lady, can I help you with that?

Reva: No! No, I'm okay. What are you doing back here?

Josh: Well, I had some things to do, but I thought I'd stop by and see what the doctor had to say.

Reva: Well, he's got a long road to go, but it looks good.

Josh: Great. I'm glad to hear it. Is Cassie in there with him right now?

Reva: Cassie. Um, no, not that I know of.

Josh: She... Daisy? Hey.

Reva: Daisy? Daisy? Honey? Daisy, wait, wait! Ugh! You know what? I should probably go check on her. (Cell phone rings)

Josh: Well, what about Jeffrey?

Reva: Jeffrey. (Cell phone rings) Uh, shoot, wait a minute. You have got to be kidding me!

Josh: What? Oh, it's the movie people. I was supposed to be over there for a rehearsal.

Josh: Reva? You know what? They can live without you.

Reva: You know what they're doing today? (Laughs) They're doing that...

Josh: I'm afraid to ask. What?

Reva: When Joshua finds out... well, actually, when you found out that I married H.B.

Josh: And then I go driving my car off into a tree?

Reva: Yeah, I think they're doing that tomorrow.

Josh: Great, okay. Well...

Reva: (Laughs)

Josh: (Laughs) I can't believe I'm about to offer this, but do you want me to stop by and talk to them?

Reva: Uh, wow. Would you really do that?

Josh: Well, you've got a lot going on, so...

Reva: Thank you. Yeah. That'd be great.

Josh: You take care of the present, I'll take care of the past, okay?

Reva: (Laughs)

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Don't get into any trouble! (upbeat instrumental music)

You don't know a good thing till the day it stops coming

I just want to give my heart but it just isn't working

it just won't stop running running

running running.

Reva: Whoo! Hey.

Daisy: Hey.

Reva: What, are you speed walking? (Laughs) What's up?

Daisy: I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother you or... are you okay?

Reva: I am okay, now that I know Jeffrey’s going to be okay.

Daisy: Yeah. I'm really glad about that.

Reva: So tell me. What are your plans, now that school's out?

Daisy: Ugh! I don't expect those kind of questions from you!

Reva: I can't be the cool one all the time.

Daisy: Well, I got off the couch, didn't I?

Reva: What is wrong with you?

Daisy: Everything! Everything's wrong. My mom. Uh, Rafe. This school thing. I just... I feel like my life is over.

Reva: Your life is just getting started.

Daisy: Whatever you say.

Reva: Oh, boy. You know what you have to do? You just, you have to make a choice and just dive in. I mean, you can go to college...

Daisy: No, I've been all over the college thing.

Reva: Okay. Well, let's see. What did you want to be when you were little?

Daisy: A dinosaur!

Reva: Oh, geez! Okay, how about a little older than that? Hey, listen to me. We've got... we can come up with something here. I know. How about working on the election? That would be fun. No? Okay. Let's see. You could talk to the movie people, maybe, about a more permanent job? Sweetie, you can be anything you want to be. A director? An actress? You could be a bridesmaid.

Daisy: A bridesmaid?

Reva: (Laughing) Jeffrey and I are getting married, and I'm offering you a position in my wedding party.

Daisy: That's supposed to help me?

Reva: (Laughing) Oh, God!

Daisy: Hey, I look terrible in frilly yellow!

Reva: Oh, you can wear anything you want to wear.

Daisy: Jeans?

Reva: No. You know what you have to do? You just have to take each day as it comes, for what it's worth, and stop worrying so much. Life is a gift! Just like you're a gift to me.

Daisy: (Laughs)

Reva: (Growls)

Josh: So, uh, how do you like being me?

Mark: Just trying to give you a little edge. A little danger under the surface, you know?

Josh: You do understand that I'm a minister, right?

Mark: But back then, when you found out that she married your father?

Josh: Right. Yes, I drove my car into a tree, and I was paralyzed for several months after that. That's not edgy enough for you?

Mark: No, no. That's good. It works.

Josh: Okay.

Mark: You guys had a lot of reunions, right?

Josh: Yes.

Mark: Okay. Let's backtrack to you coming home from college.

Josh: Okay, let's do that.

Mark: How did it feel when you saw Reva again?

Josh: (Laughs) Uh, she was standing there in the doorway, and, um, all she said was, "Hey, Bud." But her eyes, you know, her eyes, they said something entirely different. They...

Mark: Happens to me every Saturday night.

Josh: Do you have any more questions?

Mark: Um, sure.

Josh: Do you mind if I take a look at that?

Mark: Um...

Josh: Because I would really like to see the script.

Jeffrey: I can... I can still use a fork, you know.

Cassie: You want more?

Jeffrey: Um, I don't think so. No.

Cassie: What, you don't like them?

Jeffrey: Um, you know what? I never really did.

Cassie: What? You said they were your favorite.

Jeffrey: I know. But we were dating.

Cassie: Unbelievable!

Jeffrey: Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you know, guys say a lot of things when they want to, you know... well, when they're dating.

Cassie: So what have you been telling Reva? Because she seems to want to marry you.

Jeffrey: Well, I eat those damn barbecue pork chops every time.

Cassie: (Laughing) Well, I think it's great. I think it's great, you two getting married.

Jeffrey: You do?

Cassie: Yeah, sure.

Jeffrey: I've never been the marrying type.

Cassie: You are the type. You just didn't want to admit it.

Jeffrey: Who knows?

Josh: Hey.

Cassie: Hi.

Josh: You look much better than you did before.

Cassie: Well, that just be my cooking!

Josh: (Laughing) I’m sure.

Cassie: What about you, have you eaten anything yet?

Josh: No, no. I'm not hungry. Thank you.

Cassie: Yeah, I'm going to take him home and make him some dinner. Is there anything that we can get you before we leave?

Jeffrey: I'm good.

Cassie: Okay, well, we'll check in on you a little later, right?

Josh: Sure. Of course we will.

Cassie: You take care of yourself.

Jeffrey: I'll do that.

Ashlee: Well, I guess I'll get the chain fixed. It would be a really nice thank-you gift. (Rap music)

Cassie: Wow.

Josh: Yeah.

Cassie: Oh, my gosh! Look at you! You're hired!

Josh: This is all the stuff that I'm going to be taking out to the barn later.

Cassie: Not this, right? I just think it's so pretty. I'm going to have to ask Jeffrey where he got it.

Josh: Listen, um, about dinner?

Cassie: Yeah. Uh, how about tacos? And I could whip up some tortilla soup to go with it?

Josh: Well, actually, I kind of think you've made enough Mexican food for one day. Why don't you just let me take you out to dinner?

Cassie: Okay. Great. I'll go change.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: You're right. It's been a really emotional day, and we should just relax and celebrate. (Music box playing)

Cop: We need to look into it. We have the gun, and O’Neill’s prints aren't on it.

Reva: (Whispering) Oh, dang. Ah.

Jeffrey: Oh.

Reva: Hey. Hey!

Jeffrey: How long was I out?

Reva: Oh, about an hour.

Jeffrey: Same day?

Reva: Mm-hmm. Same day. I actually talked to some of your doctors, your test results look good.

Jeffrey: I lied to the cops.

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: About Rafe.

Reva: Wow.

Jeffery: I told them that I remembered what happened, when I don’t.

Reva: Wow.

Jeffrey: Daisy asked me to help her, and that's the reason why I did it.

Reva: So you don't really remember?

Jeffrey: No.

Reva: Do you remember this? (Laughs)

Jeffrey: (Laughing) How could I forget?

Reva: You ready for some wedding talk?

Jeffrey: I don't think men are ever ready for that!

Reva: (Laughing) Did you go and get shot just to get out of marriage?

Jeffrey: I want to get married. This is a big... Reva, I just woke up.

Reva: I know. I know. I know, I know. We'll talk later.

Jeffrey: Hmm. Good idea.

Reva: I'm just glad you're here.

Jeffrey: That's enough?

Reva: Of course it is.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Frank: Mallet resigned as chief.

Dinah: Where are you going to go?

Mallet: A new town or a new relationship. I just know, right now this is what I need to do. And I need to do it alone.

Dinah: Let me apologize.

Mallet: Turn around. Turn around, and change direction.

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