Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/30/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously, on "Guiding Light"...
Sturgis: Where's your brother?
Lizzie: Where is Bill? You'd had several cocktails before I got to your place.
Bill: Not true.
Dinah: Who made the drinks?
Bill: Lizzie.
Dinah: Did you see her?
Bill: It's a war now, and I can hurt you because you love me.
Lizzie: Darling, you love me right back.
Bill: If you cannot take care of one of your own, how can you take care of the community?
Lizzie: Ugh!
Bill: I see. I see. Absolutely. I respect your decision. (Laughs nervously) Okay. Well, thank you for calling. Thank you.
Dinah: Okay. What happened?
Bill: Hold on a second. I just need a minute to think about this, okay?
Dinah: Okay.
Bill: Well, I guess you can still call me Bill, but the rest of the world will have to call me Mr. C.E.O. or your highness!
Dinah: Ah! Get over here, your highness! We did it!
Bill: We did it, yes. Now what is next?
Dinah: (Laughs excitedly) Um... all right, we need to celebrate.
Bill: Yes.
Dinah: We need to celebrate, and then we need to make some sort of phone calls...
Bill: Phone calls, yes.
Dinah: ...To family, friends, whatever. And then we need to make an arrangement...
Bill: Okay.
Dinah: ...To make a speech in the park.
Bill: In the park.
Dinah: What do you think?
Bill: In the park. I think that sounds good.
Dinah: Okay. All right, here's the plan.
Bill: Okay.
Dinah: You call Billy, I'll call Mom, and I'll get the whole park-thing arranged. And you, Mr. Highness, get ready to make a hell of a speech!
Bill: And I think that sounds like a great plan.
Dinah: Are you happy?
Bill: Am I happy? I'm ecstatic!
Dinah: All right. Okay. You go! Go! Go get ready.
Bill: I am going. I am going. I am going.
Dinah: You did it!
Bill: We did it! (Laughter)
Dinah: Woo! Yeah!
Lizzie: It happened. Yeah, well, I thought he might be able to pull it off anyway. Thanks for letting me know.
Frank: Okay, you know what? Rick has Jude until tomorrow, so is there any way that you can take R.J. and Zach to their game tonight?
Buzz: Absolutely. Go. You're late for work.
Frank: Don't worry about me. I'm a big boy. You gotta look out for the little boys and Daisy.
Buzz: Daisy. Daisy thinks that Reva is the only person in the family cool enough to hang out with.
Frank: That's all right. Maybe she can get some work on that movie, you know? She, hopefully, will stay out of trouble that way. I've got to tell you, Pop, she's, um... she still hasn't gotten over the fact that her mom just took off like that with Rafe, without saying good-bye.
Buzz: Frank, she didn't have a choice.
Frank: Well, maybe, hopefully, we'll be able to explain that to her later on. But right now, she feels like her mother abandoned her.
Cyrus: Hey, guys.
Frank: And there it is. I'm out of here. I'm late.
Cyrus: What's the word on Harley?
Buzz: She went out of town to visit a friend.
Cyrus: What friend?
Frank: Don't you think if she wanted you to know that information, she would have told you? Maybe she needed a break. I'm outta here, Pop.
Cyrus: Okay. Let's try that again. Where's Harley?
Mallet: Uh, yes, ma'am. Thank you for the information, and we'll follow up. Yes, ma'am, it is a shame. And, just to let you know, we're doing everything we can. Thank you.
Frank: Let me guess...
Mallet: Yeah, another tip on Rafe. Everyone claims they've seen him somewhere, Frank. Chicago, Lake Geneva, the park around the corner. I hope we can get to this kid before some nut job does. I don't know why I didn't see this coming. This is starting to really haunt me, Frank.
Frank: His own mother didn't see it coming, so stop blaming yourself.
Mallet: I'm not! I tried to talk to him. I tried to get through to him. I knew he had some things he needed to let out, Frank. I just didn't get there fast enough. How does Harley feel about this?
Frank: I have no idea. I haven't talked to her. She's visiting some friends somewhere.
Mallet: She knows about Rafe, right?
Frank: Uh-huh.
Mallet: Frank, you don't think that's weird? That she's not here?
Frank: She's been acting weird ever since Gus died. So, I mean, I think she needed to get away to clear her head. And, you know, while she is away, I hope she gets to clear her system of Cyrus.
Mallet: I just wish she was here to help us out. I mean, she's usually a team player.
Frank: We're just trying to cut her some slack.
Mallet: Yeah, okay. Whatever. Listen to me, I'm just at the end of my rope with this Rafe thing. Just at the end of my rope with everything, Frank. (Phone rings) I've got it. Springfield P.D.
Reva: Thanks. Well, there is no change. He's stable.
Ava: I need him to wake up. I need my father.
Reva: He's going to wake up. He's going to wake up, and he's going to be that same old grouchy guy that we all know and love.
Ava: I'm glad he has you.
Reva: I'm glad he has me, too. Hey, you know what, Ava, I can stay here, if you need to be somewhere, or if you want to go rest?
Ava: Oh, no, that’s... I'm just waiting to hear from Bill about the C.E.O. vote.
Reva: Wow. Yeah. I can't believe that, C.E.O. It seems like just yesterday that he was just this punk kid, stealing his Grandpa Henry’s Bentley and stealing liquor out of his daddy's liquor cabinet! (Laughs)
Ava: Hmm. Well, that's funny. He never mentioned anything to me about car theft.
Reva: (Laughing) Yeah, well..
Ava: Figures.
Reva: He was a handful. But why wouldn't he be, considering all of the other men in that family?
Ava: Even the minister?
Reva: Oh, yeah, of course, even the good Reverend Joshua. But I should probably take responsibility for the more colorful parts of his life.
Ava: (Laughing) Yeah. I hope that his family realizes how important this job is to him. He's worked so hard for it. He is really an incredible guy, and he has such a bright future. I hope someone from his past doesn't try to come around and mess things up again.
Bill: Hey, Dad, what's up? It's your son, Bill. The C.E.O. vote went through today, and, well, I got it, ha- ha-ha! Who would have thought it, right? Well, we're going to hold a little announcement at the park, and I thought maybe you could... you could come. I'll call the rest of the family, but, uh... I don't know, just call me when you get this, all right? Thanks.
Lizzie: Just spreading the good news, huh? You've won the first round. You have. But I haven't given up, and I am going to take you down, and I'm going to win my family's company back.
Bill: (Laughing) Bring it on, and I will always win. Drugs in a drink? Cliché. Points for originality? Zero!
Lizzie: Well, it worked. And, Frankly, you made it too easy. Sucker!
Bill: (Laughing) See, no, it didn't work because I am C.E.O. Yeah. Yeah, it hurts. I know. I know you went Spaulding, you drugged me, slowed me down a little bit, I will give you that. But talk about karma, my goodness, I picked myself up, dusted myself off, funded a boys' club in the memory of your uncle. God, a good save!
Lizzie: What's next for you, big shot, huh? Helping old people, global warming? Maybe... maybe you'll cure some obscure disease.
Bill: Never say never.
Lizzie: Hmm.
Bill: But you know what? I will help who I can help. But today, I am a man of the people!
Lizzie: That is totally you. Yeah, that's totally you. You should go and kiss those babies and pet those dogs!
Bill: I will. I'll do what I have to do. But, hey, check this out, they're going to have a little celebration, a big, old announcement. Why? Because I am a C.E.O.
Lizzie: Ugh!
Bill: It'll be a big festival in my honor. You should come.
Lizzie: You're a tool.
Bill: Come on, I'm just happy! A little giddy. Hey, put something nice on, and I'll see you there! Maybe we'll... we'll work this out.
Dinah: Hey. How you doing? I need a park permit. I am throwing a party.
Mallet: What?
Dinah: (Laughing) Of course you're invited. It's going to be absolutely fantastical. Probably one of the most important days of my life, and I really want you to be there to share it with me. My brother was voted C.E.O. of Lewis/Spaulding today. Which is incredible. Shows what happens when family sticks together. You know? We took the Spaulding’s, and made them fold like a house of cards.
Mallet: Terrific. Congratulations! Permits are down the hall on the left. You know that.
Dinah: Yeah. No, I forgot. I forgot. I'm just so excited about everything! You know how it is.
Mallet: Uh, no, actually, I don’t. You do know they usually need 24 hours to process these park permits?
Dinah: Well, they'll make an exception for me.
Mallet: Why would they do that?
Dinah: Because you'll tell them to. You're the chief. You can pull a string. Come on. You're the chief! Help me out here.
Mallet: I am trying to track down a kid who shot the D.A., and who is now on the run. So I'm a little busy right now. Okay? Actually, you're talking to a man that's a little bit on the edge. So you might just want to keep moving.
Dinah: I'm sorry, honey. Please? It will only take a minute. And I really want you to be a part of this. It will cheer you up. You need a little fun in your life.
Mallet: I wouldn't know fun if it hit me in the face. Do you know that ever since I found out why I got this job, my life's been in the toilet?
Dinah: You say that I'm dramatic? Come on, I can help you get back on your feet. You used to be one of the funniest guys I know.
Mallet: Not anymore. Down the hall, on the left.
Dinah: (Sighs)
Cyrus: Listen, Buzz, I've got a right to know where Harley is.
Buzz: And she has the right to visit a friend! She needs a break, don't you think? She's been through the mill.
Cyrus: Come on. We understand each other. You know I love Harley. I just... I just want to know that she's okay.
Buzz: Why don't you take a break and visit a friend?
Cyrus: I usually don't stay put long enough to make friends.
Buzz: Well, you should talk to somebody about that.
Cyrus: Oh, I'm glad you're enjoying this.
Buzz: Look, no one is having fun here. Harley is away. When she decides to come back, she'll come back. And until then, we have to take care of things, you know? Like the kids.
Cyrus: Well, I can help with the boys.
Buzz: No. She asked us to handle that.
Cyrus: Interesting. Suddenly I'm the enemy!
Buzz: If she calls, do you have a message? No message.
Bill: Hey.
Ava: Hey! There you are.
Bill: Hey, how are you? Mama, you look great.
Ava: Yeah?
Bill: And how is the most beautiful baby in the world?
Ava: (Laughing) We're good. Thanks for checking on us. We know you had a lot going on.
Bill: Of course I'm going to check in on you. How is your dad? Is there any change?
Ava: Not really.
Bill: No?
Ava: But Reva is in there right now checking up on him.
Bill: Reva's here? Good. Because I want her to be there, too.
Reva: Where's the party? And is there an open bar?
Ava: (Laughs)
Bill: This afternoon in the park. Big announcement, big celebration.
Ava: Big news?
Bill: Uh-huh. They voted me in as C.E.O.!
Ava: They did? Great! Oh, that's awesome. Oh, you're perfect for the job. Your going to just... your future is so bright.
Bill: It is, isn't it?
Ava: Yeah... ooh!
Bill: What?
Ava: Feel! Kicking!
Bill: Oh, my gosh. I think I saw that.
Ava: Baby is happy for Daddy.
Reva: Congratulations, Bill.
Bill: Oh, thank you so much. And you are the first family member that I've seen besides Dinah.
Reva: I'm honored. So you haven't talk to your daddy yet?
Bill: I left him a message. And my mom. Everyone's going to be there. The whole, crazy crowd. All right? But in the meantime, we're going to celebrate right here.
Ava: (Laughs)
Bill: Oh!
Ava: (Laughs)
Cyrus: Hey, you busy?
Mallet: Yeah.
Cyrus: Listen, I'm worried about Harley. I thought maybe you could help.
Mallet: Uh, yeah. I don't know. Where is she? I've been trying to get a hold of her, you know? When is she coming back?
Cyrus: I don't know. I don't know anything. She just, she took off without telling me, and nobody in the family is saying anything.
Mallet: Why is that? Did you guys have a fight?
Cyrus: No, no fight. She just... disappeared.
Mallet: Well, that's not like her.
Cyrus: I didn't think so.
Mallet: Well, would you have her call me when you find her, okay? Because I'm kind of on my own here. I've got my hands full trying to find Rafe.
Cyrus: Well, he hasn't turned up? Still M.I.A.?
Mallet: Yeah, he's M.I.A. I’ve got a lot of so-called "help" from the community, a million calls, you know, helpful tips, like, "I saw him in Chicago," "I saw him at the airport," "I saw him at the park," you know, a million calls and still nothing's ever come of it. That's why I'm about ready to blow here. That's why I could use Harley’s help. So would you have her call me when you find her, okay? Because she knows the kid, you know? Maybe she could give me some insight. I'm sure she'd want to see Gus' son brought in safe, all right? But, whatever. I could use her. I'm kind of on my own here.
Cyrus: Yeah. Well, good luck with that. I'm sure he'll turn up.
Ava: (Laughing) Oh, I can't wait to invite my dad! Is it okay if I invite my mom, too, or is that weird?
Bill: Um, the more the merrier.
Reva: I'll give Olivia a ride if she needs one.
Bill: Wow!
Reva: Yeah, well, new, improved me.
Bill: I like it. I like it, I do.
Ava: Are you guys are going to be here for one second?
Bill: One second, maybe even two.
Ava: Because I've got to go.
Bill: Okay.
Reva: (Laughs)
Ava: Watch my purse, please.
Bill: I will. I'll watch it. I'll watch it.
Reva: That's the problem with having a baby sitting right there on your bladder.
Bill: Oh, well, that's something that I do not have to worry about.
Reva: No, you're not going to have to worry about much of anything now. You're a hot shot. You've got people to do your worrying for you.
Bill: (Laughing) Is that right? Well, I hear it's lonely at the top. So... I don't know.
Reva: Not if you have someone who loves you.
Bill: Hmm?
Reva: Ava.
Bill: Oh...
Reva: She loves you.
Bill: Well we're having a baby, you know? It's a big deal.
Reva: No, no. It's more than that. I know you think you're doing the "right thing," and all of that noble bologna, but you and Ava could really have something together.
Bill: Oh, is that right? My goodness, you've gotten so mushy. Is this Jeffrey’s influence on you?
Reva: Oh, oh, no!
Bill: What is going on here?
Reva: No, although he did totally catch me by surprise.
Bill: Caught you by surprise, hm?
Reva: Let me tell you something. Simple and easy doesn't have to mean it's wrong.
Bill: Oh!
Reva: I mean, love doesn't have to be crazy and tumultuous. You should give Ava a real shot at this.
Bill: You think so?
Reva: Yes.
Ava: Hey.
Bill: Hey.
Reva: That was quick.
Ava: I'm fast.
Reva: Yeah.
Ava: Is everything okay?
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Reva: Yeah. You should probably save him from his Auntie Reva, though.
Bill: No!
Ava: Oh, he loves his family.
Bill: I do love my family.
Reva: So what time is the b- b-b-b-b-big...
Bill: Big shindig?
Reva: Big shindig, yeah?
Bill: It will be... I don't know. Dinah is going to call me, so maybe, you know...
Reva: Dinah?
Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wait a minute, okay? Easy on Dinah. I wouldn't be here without her, okay?
Dinah: Oh, hello.
Lizzie: Hi, yeah, yeah, yeah. Congratulations! I'm sure you're very proud. You're a mover and a shaker. What can I say?
Dinah: Yeah. Bill has, actually, very good plans for this company, Lizzie. And for this town.
Lizzie: Well, he better work fast. I'm meeting with my lawyer. We're going to hash out plans to kick you guys out. Out of the company, out of the house. In fact, you might have to start looking for a job with your friends at the circus!
Dinah: Thank you. Thank you for the circus reference.
Lizzie: I don't want you to forget where you came from.
Dinah: Okay.
Lizzie: You know what I'm saying?
Dinah: You know what? You need to knock yourself out with the lawyer thing, okay? You're going to waste their time. We're not going anywhere. In fact, I am on my way to the park to make an announcement. You're welcome to come. Feel free to bring a date.
Buzz: Oh, what now?
Cyrus: Don't screw with me, Buzz, you know where Harley is.
Buzz: I told...
Cyrus: Just tell me.
Buzz: I told you. I told you what I know.
Cyrus: Where is she?
Buzz: This is why I can't tell you. We need to stay calm if she's going to be safe. If I tell you, you're going to go after her and you're going to screw things up. And that will put my daughter in danger. And neither one of us wants that, do we?
Dinah: Yep, 4:00. All right. Well, I had to leave some messages, but they'll be there. Don't worry about any of that, okay? I'll see you there. Hey!
Mallet: Hey.
Dinah: I have my permit for the big event.
Mallet: Well, that's great. Have some fun.
Dinah: Hey, um, why don't you come? It's a real big day for us, and it would mean a lot to me to have some people there that matter to me, for me, that would be you.
Mallet: No, I can’t.
Dinah: Mallet, you know what? I've got to tell you something. You are the one person who understands and gets everything that I've done. I've made all of this happen. I have set up everything so that my brother could become the C.E.O. of a major company. He is getting what he wanted, ever since he came to town, in fact. And I made it happen. And it feels great. I mean, almost as good as helping you become the Chief of Police. You know, you figure out what people want, and you get it for them. I love it. And you know what is happening? I'm discovering that I'm really good at it.
Mallet: Would you please just shut up and not say another word? Would you please do that? Do you have any idea what you've done, Dinah? Do you have any, any idea? Do you know how many things you've ruined trying to make me happy? You lied! You ruined Frank's reputation. You pushed me into something before I was ready for it. If Frank would have remained chief, maybe Gus wouldn't have died. Maybe Gus' son, Rafe, wouldn't be on the run, and maybe Jeffrey O’Neill would not be in the hospital with a hole in his chest.
Dinah: You know what? That is not fair.
Mallet: No, you're right. It's not fair. It's not fair for anyone. It's not fair for me, or Frank, or Gus, or Rafe or Jeffrey! Jeffrey could die. Do you understand that? Gus died on my watch. I wasn't doing what I could to help him, because I was caught up in all our drama. I just want to fix something. I want to fix anything. Because my life feels out of control, it feels completely helpless. And I hate myself for not stepping up and telling the truth the day I found out.
Dinah: Well, then let me help you. I will fix this.
Mallet: No. No more help, Dinah. No more help. Okay, just go away. Go play with your little brother, okay?
Dinah: Mallet.
Mallet: Leave my life alone. Thank you.
Ava: Ouch! You need to get dressed.
Bill: Uh-huh.
Ava: The navy blue suit, tie, no tie? I think no tie is nicer, more approachable.
Bill: You think so?
Ava: Yeah.
Bill: Okay, you know what? I'm going to figure it out. You do have better taste than me, but I think I'm going to throw something together. And I'll make sure that the socks will match and all.
Ava: Actually, I think I need to go change, too.
Bill: No. You know what? I think you should, after you leave here, go home and get a little rest. I don't think you need to be there today. Okay?
Ava: Why? But I've been waiting for this, looking forward to it forever.
Bill: You have. You have. In fact, I think you've known about this before I even did.
Ava: What, you don't want me there?
Bill: No, no, no. No, no, no. It's not that I don't want you there. It's just that there's going to be a lot of family tension there. And I just don't want to inflict that and you and child, okay?
Ava: I guess I understand.
Bill: Good. Good, good, good. Good, good. But I want you to know something. Thank you, okay? Thank you, because I wouldn't have made this happen without you.
Ava: Of course you wouldn't have.
Bill: No.
Ava: (Laughing) No, of course you would.
Bill: No, that's true. That's true. You're right, I wouldn't have. And you made it more fun. And I'm glad that you... you've been along for the ride. You believe in me, and that's nice.
Ava: (Laughing)
Bill: I'll tell you what, this is what we're going to do. After this whole thing, we're going to have our own little celebration, our own little dinner, maybe you, me, Dinah, whoever.
Ava: The whole family? Do you need me to make a reservation?
Bill: Um... I'll let you know. I'll let you know. Okay? All right. So wish me luck.
Ava: You don't need it.
Bill: The baby has a very smart mommy.
Ava: She does.
Bill: "She" again, you think it's a girl?
Ava: Hmm. I don't know.
Bill: How interesting.
Ava: Bye.
Frank: Hey, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Hi, Frank.
Frank: Wow, that looks good.
Lizzie: It is good. It's amazing. As a matter of fact, it's so good, I'm going to have another one as soon as I finish this one. That's how good it is.
Frank: Hmm.
Lizzie: Mm-hmm.
Frank: Good for you.
Lizzie: Yup. It's really good. It's amazing. And really delicious. You should have a bite. You want a bite?
Frank: No, no, that's okay. I'm just starting to work out again...
Lizzie: Just sit.
Frank: Okay. Thank you.
Lizzie: Maybe you can tell me how you do it. How do you take such good care of your family?
Frank: Well, I'm not so sure I'm doing such a good job these days.
Lizzie: Well, let me tell you, when you're a Spaulding, the whole world is out to get you. Stupid jerks like Bill Lewis think they can just bulldoze in and take over. I hate his guts.
Frank: Well, don't worry. You'll get through it. You know why?
Lizzie: Why?
Frank: Because you're Lizzie Spaulding. You're one tough cookie.
Lizzie: I know. I just wish that my family had it together. You know, like the Cooper’s. You guys don't have these problems. Life would be so much easier.
Frank: Maybe just this once.
Lizzie: It is really good.
Frank: That's good.
Lizzie: Yeah.
Buzz: Harley is not a runner. She did what she had to do. She didn't want to see Rafe go to prison. You know? He didn’t... the kid mean to shoot O’Neill. Why should he go to jail?
Cyrus: Where are they now?
Buzz: I won't tell you. Until she gives me the go ahead, I won't tell you.
Cyrus: So you're in touch with them?
Buzz: Well...
Cyrus: I can help. If I know more. I know people all over the world. People who owe me favors.
Buzz: She didn't want you to help. Look, you want to help? Stay here. Wait here until she comes back. I mean, if you love her, just don't screw things up.
Cyrus: It's fine. I won't ask you anything else for now.
Buzz: Will you be here when she comes back?
Cyrus: I don't know. Will she be coming back for me?
Buzz: I don't know.
Dinah: Hello, there.
Cyrus: Hello, Didi.
Dinah: Misery loves company, eh?
Cyrus: I'm fine.
Dinah: Actually, you look like crap.
Cyrus: Thanks. Harley left town without telling me.
Dinah: Well, she'll be back, won't she? I mean, she's got the kids and everything.
Cyrus: Yeah, yeah, I'm sure she'll be back.
Dinah: What are you going to do? Are you going to wait for her?
Cyrus: I have to.
Dinah: Very, very impressive! That's a new one for you. Mallet wants me out of his life.
Cyrus: Wow. What are you going to do?
Dinah: Well, I can't stop loving him. It's not even an option. So I figure I will lay low, stay out of his way. That's the best I can do. In the meantime, I am going to a party. Would you like to join me? I'm sure there will be a lot of fancy people there. You might make some nice contacts.
Cyrus: No, I'm not in the mood.
Dinah: Yeah. You know what? (Laughing) Neither am I, quite honestly. But we don't have a choice at this point. I've got to go celebrate a big win.
Frank: What the hell?
Mallet: Frank, I haven't made one bit of progress since the last time I saw you!
Frank: Okay, well, you know what? That's just what the job is. It comes with a lot of frustration, with the occasional rewards. Now, you know, you'll just have to get used to it, my friend.
Mallet: No, I can't! I can't, Frank, okay? I don't even deserve this job in the first place.
Frank: Mallet, you're being way too hard on yourself.
Mallet: No, I'm not, Frank. I'm not! You know what I need to do? I need to fix what I can actually fix. That's what I'm gonna do, Frank. Thank you, you're a genius. That's exactly what I'm going to do. Thanks, Frank. I feel better already.
Lizzie: Going home to get ready for the celebration? You know what would be so much fun?
Ava: What?
Lizzie: I could help you pick out a dress.
Ava: (Laughs sarcastically) Yeah, that would be a blast.
Lizzie: Hmm.
Ava: You must be talking about the C.E.O. announcement in the park today. Well, I'm not going.
Lizzie: What?
Ava: Yeah. Bill, he wants me to stay home and rest and take care of the baby. We're going to celebrate later. And that's fine. He knows how happy I am for him. And that's all that matters.
Bill: Hey.
Dinah: Hey!
Bill: Well, I am ready. You ready to take on the world?
Dinah: Absolutely.
Bill: Okay. Okay. Okay, are we all set? Anything else I need to know?
Dinah: What are you doing?
Bill: Just checking my socks, making sure they match.
Dinah: Oh, perfect. I'm very proud of you.
Bill: Right back at you, sis.
Dinah: You look great.
Bill: Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Did you make all of your calls?
Dinah: Yes, I did. Now, it's a little last minute, but I think everyone is going to be here.
Bill: Of course. Of course. Who would want to miss all of this, right?
Dinah: I don't know.
Bill: Well, if they don't come, it's their loss, right?
Dinah: Absolutely.
Bill: Right.
Dinah: Absolutely.
Cyrus: The door was open.
Buzz: Oh, yeah. Zach went to a game. I've got the place to myself, so, you know, I thought I would watch these stupid daytime dramas and do the man thing and see a game and have a beer. So...
Cyrus: Is there another one in there?
Buzz: No. I just want you to watch me drink a beer. Stay for a while.
Cyrus: I'll get another one.
Buzz: So, what did you decide? Are you going to stick around?
Cyrus: (Sighs) I'm going to give it a shot. This is a whole new world for me. But Harley’s worth it. So I'll wait. See what she wants when she gets back. Take my chances.
Buzz: She'll come home.
(Crowd cheering on TV)
Mallet: Hey, Frank.
Frank: Hey, buddy.
Mallet: Thanks for hanging with me today. It was, um... it was a tough one.
Frank: No worries, man. We all have them.
Mallet: Why did you become a cop, Frank?
Frank: Because I like helping people. I like protecting them.
Mallet: Yeah, me, too.
Frank: But sometimes when you're chief, unfortunately it comes with a lot of distractions. And when that happens, you just kind of take a couple of minutes and remember why you signed on in the first place.
Mallet: Yeah. I agree with that. I called the Commissioner. I resigned today.
Frank: You're off the force?
Mallet: No. I resigned as Chief. I want to be a cop again, so I'm going to be a cop again.
Frank: No, hold on. Wait a second. Are you sure about this?
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure, Frank. I feel better already.
Dinah: Should we give it a few more minutes? Or would you like me to make a phone call?
Bill: No, no, no, no, no. No more calls. No more calls. This is how it's going to be, just you and me and our new best friends. Okay? So let's do it.
Dinah: You said you wanted your dad to be here, and I think maybe that's a good idea. So do you want to wait?
Bill: No, you know what? No, no. He's trying to prove a point, okay? And I'm going to prove that he is wrong. So come on, let's just... let's do it, okay?
Dinah: Hello, everyone. Welcome! This is a big day for my family, for the town of Springfield, and mostly, for my brother, Bill Lewis. Today is the day he takes over the reins of one of the most successful companies in the world, the newly-merged Lewis/Spaulding Enterprises. He has plans for this company, for this town, and they're going to make you very happy. I think it's time that we allow him to share his plans. Join me in congratulating my fine brother, Bill Lewis.
(Light applause)
Bill: Hi. Hello. Welcome, welcome, welcome. First of all, let me thank my amazing sister, who, well, I wouldn't be standing here without her. Okay, and unfortunately, the rest of my family is not here today, but a big thank you to them, as well. They're the ones that taught me to fight for everything I believe in. And if I wanted something bad enough, I could make it happen. Even if that means fighting them sometimes. (Laughs) But thank you. Thank you very much. I wouldn't be who I am without them. There is nothing more important to me than family and community. Okay? And that's what I'm going to be focusing on now that I've been given the go-ahead to lead the company and the town forward. Okay? I've got a lot of plans, a lot of hopes and dreams for this town, and, uh, well, I hope everyone will be on board with me. And if there is ever a problem, if there is ever something you need to discuss about the company, me, my door is open, and you're more than welcome to sit down and have a chat. Because the future of this town is very important. I'm a family man, I've got a child on the way. So the future of this company means more to me than you'll ever know.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Daisy: You are so loving the mystery.
Ashlee: Yeah, why not? It's harmless.
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