GL Transcript Thursday 5/29/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/29/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: I'm going to a stockholder meeting. I am going to make this man suffer. You want my family's company? You want Ava and the baby waiting at home, and then you want me. You can't have all of that, okay. That's not real.

Bill: Guess what happens in two hours? Bill Lewis gets voted in.

Lizzie: I will have a toast to our future. Lightweight.

Lizzie: Lightweight.

Why don't you mix it in.

Lizzie: We certainly will miss you at the meeting.

Mallet: Hi. Wow, that's for me? Thank you.

Dinah: I can't believe this. Gus' son shot Jeffrey.

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, that kid was an accident waiting to happen. I just didn't think he would do something like this. Oh, man. I tried to stop him. I tried to talk to him...

Dinah: He made one terrible choice. He made one terrible choice, and now his life is never going to be the same, you know? In one moment, in one moment, everything changed.

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, that happens.

Dinah: I have to go to a meeting.

Here comes fall on leaves float down from the trees

Mallet: Reva! I'm glad we found you.

Reva: Where is he?

Mallet: He's in I.C.U. There's no visitors yet. They wouldn't even let Ava in. Matter of fact, they sent her home.

Reva: Well, have they told you anything about how he is doing?

Mallet: He’s... he's hanging in. He's tough.

Reva: Hanging in?

Mallet: They're not going to me anything, Reva. I've already tried. All I know is they're working hard on him.

Reva: Yeah, no kidding. I called the hospital, and they wouldn't tell me anything, nothing. You know, I never thought of his job as dangerous. He puts on a suit, you know, and he walks out the door and he always comes home at night. I mean, he always comes home.

Mallet: Sorry.

Reva: No-- sh-sh-sh, no sorries. No, please. He's going to be fine. He has to be fine.

Josh: That bad, huh?

Cassie: That boring. You know, it's really no wonder Olivia wanted me back at that damned hotel, because who would want to do this all of the time? Bills and invoices and more bills and timesheets and...

Josh: I'll help you. How's that? I mean, I can't, you know, sign timesheets, but I can certainly sort things for you, sort bills. In fact, I might like that kind of work. It has got to be easier than saving souls, right?

Cassie: Really?

Josh: Uh-huh.

Cassie: Wow, well, thank you.

Josh: Wait a second. Wait a second. This is going to cost you. You know, you should not be making, making deals when you don't know what the deal is, exactly.

Cassie: Okay. So what's it going to cost me, Lewis?

Josh: Cookies, I think. That would be fair. Warm, fresh, home-made cookies.

Cassie: Oatmeal raisin, by any chance?

Josh: If you make those, I'll throw in a free car wash.

Cassie: (Laughs) You got it.

Josh: Okay.

Dinah: Hey, brother man. I didn't see your car in the parking lot, but I'm sure you're on your way. I'm ready to win big. Hope you are, too. See you soon. Lizzie! Hello. You're early.

Lizzie: So are you. Is Bill here yet?

Dinah: I just spoke with him, actually.

Lizzie: Great. I'll see you in there, then.

(Cell phone rings)

Bill: Oh! Okay. Okay. (Breathing heavily) What happened? Oh, my head.

Ordower: Lizzie, you've outdone yourself. You trying to make me fat?

Lizzie: Oh, please, Brian. I remember that sweet tooth of yours.

Dinah: Hello, everyone. Nice to see you.

Sturgis: Hello, Dinah. Where's your brother?

Lizzie: Where is Bill?

Dinah: Bill is on his way. He likes to make an entrance.

Ordower: He's ten minutes late.

Lizzie: Makes you wonder how serious he is about the merger, or about being C.E.O. of this company.

Reva: But the second surgery went well, though, right?

Dr. Tompkins: It did, but we're still monitoring him closely.

Reva: Well, good. Then, um, when can I see him?

Dr. Tompkins: Soon, I hope. I sent his daughter home to rest.

Reva: Yeah, that's a good thing because she's pregnant and she needs her rest. So I'll contact her as soon as you tell me what I can tell her. (Cell phone rings)

Dr. Tompkins: Excuse me a minute.

(Telephone rings)

Cassie: It's Reva. Hey, Reva.

Reva: Cassie, hey, um, I don't know if anybody told you or not...

Cassie: Told me what?

Reva: There was a situation at the courthouse, and Jeffrey was shot.

Cassie: Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

Reva: It's going to be fine. He made it through the surgery all right, but he is still in I.C.U. I didn't know about it either, I mean, I guess it was on the news, I didn't know. I didn't find out until after the surgery.

Cassie: Jeffrey was shot at the courthouse. He's in I.C.U. Reva, we're on our way there. I... I don't know what I would do if something happens to Jeffrey.

Josh: Let's go.

Dinah: Oh, not cool to scare your sister like that.

Bill: Hey, what? I told you, relax. I told you I'd be here. I'm here, right?

Dinah: Are you drunk?

Bill: No. No, I just lost track of time.

Dinah: What did you do with your jacket?

Bill: What are you talking about? I'm just nervous, that's all. Just nervous, big day.

Dinah: Yes, it is a big day.

Bill: Yeah.

Dinah: And if you blow it, these people can still vote you out.

Bill: Yeah. Well, guess what? Not going to happen. I'm going to have them handing out of my eat. Eating out of my hand.

Dinah: Okay, all right. Look, if you can't handle this, I can go in there and postpone it.

Bill: Um, no. I can handle it. Okay? Will you stop nagging me?

Dinah: Button your shirt.

Bill: I am buttoning my shirt.

Dinah: Look, don't blow this, Bill. Don't blow this. I have done everything that I can do, but you are the only one who can cinch this, okay?

Bill: Uh-huh.

Dinah: Wake up. It's time to go in there. All right? Got to show him who is king. You going to show him who is king?

Bill: Yeah.

Dinah: Who's king?

Bill: Me.

Dinah: All right. Get in there.

Bill: All right.

Dinah: Go! All right. Fix your collar.

Josh: Reva? Any change?

Reva: No, the nurses keep asking me about insurance.

Josh: Well, maybe I can help you with that.

Reva: No, it's not the papers, that they're asking me about, it’s the insurance. I don't know, I don't know... he must have some sort of coverage through the city. But we keep things separate, so...

Josh: Well, Jeffrey is a pretty thorough guy, right? So maybe he has a file somewhere.

Reva: You mean like you?

Josh: Yes.

Reva: Because if it were you, I would know exactly where to look. I'll just go to the house and start digging through things. He has this box under the bed that he keeps things in.

Cassie: What about Ava? Maybe she knows where something is.

Reva: No. Ava, they sent her home. I'll just go. It's fine.

Josh: Why, why don't you let me drive you?

Reva: No, no.

Cassie: Yes, I think that's a really good idea.

Josh: Are you sure?

Cassie: Yes, of course. I'll stay so that there is somebody here with Jeffrey, and you take care of Reva.

Reva: Thank you.

Cassie: He's going to be okay. He is.

Reva: Okay. Let's go.

Bill: I'm fine. I'm fine, I am. Okay? Oh, why did I write this?

Dinah: Don't go in there. Okay, don't go in there. Not until you've had a cup of coffee, okay? I'll be right back. (Laughter)

Sturgis: I would have liked to have seen Alan’s face.

Lizzie: Okay. What did he expect, bringing a little girl into his office. He said entertain yourself. I did. And his stock reports made really good paper dolls. (Laughter)

Bill: Ah, gentlemen!

Lizzie: How nice of you to join us, Bill.

Bill: Have I forgot something?

Lizzie: Um... forgot something?

Bill: Left.

Lizzie: Ah, I don't know. Did you need something?

Bill: Miss, did I miss anything?

Ordower: Just start this meeting.

Bill: I know. I know that, sir. I'm very, very sorry about that.

Ordower: Have you been drinking?

Bill: No, I have not been drinking. Tell him, tell him, tell him. You were there. I fell asleep.

Sturgis: Asleep, in the middle of the day?

Bill: There is something... some sort of circumstances, tell me what happened...

Lizzie: We're not here to discuss personal things, but since you brought it up, you'd had several cocktails before I got to your place. Remember?

Bill: Not true. Not true.

Lizzie: I am so sorry you have to see this, but maybe it's better off that way. You all know that I have been around this business my whole life. I grew up here. I know what it takes to successfully run this company, and Bill Lewis is just not that person.

Josh: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Whoa, wait a second. Are the movie people in there?

Reva: Yes. Yeah, they are. I mean, they're the reason why I didn't know Jeffrey had been shot, because I had my phone off when I was in there with them. Let's just go in, get the insurance papers and get out.

Jolene: Just go, Joshua! I'm with Billy now. This is my life, and you can't tell me what to do anymore.

Mark: Why?

Jolene: Because you left me, Bud. You left me.

Mark: Then tell me I'm wrong, Reva. Tell me you don't love me.

Bill: Well, you know what they say, save the last for best, and that would be me.

Lizzie: (Whispering) Why don't you quit while you're behind.

Bill: (Whispering) Oh, you would like that, wouldn't you. Yeah. Yeah.

Dinah: Well, um, I'm sorry to interrupt. My tough guy brother here didn't want me to say anything, but he has been fighting off a nasty flu. I know you're going to kill me. I know you're going to kill me, but you're burning up, bro. All right, he didn't say anything because he wanted you all to know how important this is to him. He took a double dose of cold medication today. So if he seems a little off, that is why.

Lizzie: You did not seem sick when I saw you before.

Dinah: Well, he is. Believe me. Believe me, he is. And it's really in all of your best interests to meet with Bill when he is at his best.

Bill: But you know what? I want this to happen...

Dinah: I know you do.

Bill: ...'Cause this vote has to happen.

Dinah: Thank you. We apologize.

Lizzie: Some people can't handle the pressure.

Jolene: You can't do this to me, Bud. You can't just come back here and act like nothing happened. You left me.

Mark: To go to college.

Jolene: But I didn't know if you were going to come back.

Mark: I told you I'd come back, Reva. I always will.

Reva: Okay, cut.

Jolene: I saw you two standing there, but I didn't want to stop. It felt so good. This is Mark. He is playing Josh.

Josh: Yeah, I got that.

Jolene: He is incredible. I think he's really found you. And we're both getting this whole push/pull, love/hate thing.

Reva: Um, the reason we're here is because Jeffrey, the man that I share this house with, is in the hospital.

Jolene: I’m so sorry.

Reva: And I came to get his insurance papers, so...

Jolene: Well, maybe while you're looking for the papers, Josh, you could talk to Mark a little bit?

Josh: This is not a good time.

Reva: I really need you both to leave.

Jolene: To look for papers? We just thought that you were going to move out until the movie wrapped. And since this house doesn't mean anything to Jeffrey...

Reva: Jeffrey was shot, okay? He was shot. And that's all that matters.

Jolene: I hope he gets better.

Josh: Let's find the insurance papers.

Mallet: Hey.

Cassie: Hey.

Mallet: It's nice to have something like that to keep you busy when you're stressed.

Cassie: I could teach you.

Mallet: No. I'll stick to guy stuff, drinking, punching walls.

Cassie: It's productive.

Mallet: Yeah, that's me. Where's Reva?

Cassie: Josh took her to go find Jeffrey’s insurance papers.

Mallet: It's nice of you to stay here.

Cassie: Well, Jeffrey and I were... we're still really close friends. Things you think about when something like this happens.

Mallet: Yeah. I keep thinking about all of the stuff that I could have done to stop this.

Cassie: I drove myself crazy with that thought after Tammy. What if? What if I had called her and she never went out on that road, and...

Mallet: She was a great kid.

Cassie: Yeah, thanks. She was. Like Rafe. What do you think's going to happen to him?

Mallet: Oh God, I don't know. We have to find him first.

Cassie: He must be so scared. And Harley must be a wreck.

Mallet: Yeah. I've been trying to reach her. I don't know where she is. I sure could use her help right now.

Cassie: Isn't life just so crazy? You just have to keep going. You can't-- you can't go back.

Reva: You knew right where to look for these papers. I would have been searching for hours.

Josh: Just simple logic, Reva.

Reva: Yeah. Whatever. Oh, his guitar.

Josh: You really think he's going to be in the mood to play his guitar, Reva?

Reva: Well, I think it would just make him feel better knowing that it's here.

Josh: I'll get that for you.

Reva: Great. Thank you. It will give him something else to think about besides that big hole in his chest.

Bill: No, no, no, no, no.

Dinah: Drink it.

Bill: I've had enough.

Dinah: I will be the judge of that.

Bill: I don't know what happened. I had one, one glass of wine. That's it. I don't even think I finished it.

Dinah: Okay. So you're telling me you weren't drunk during your closed door meeting with Lizzie? And by the way, didn't you just move your baby mama into that room?

Bill: Yes. Lizzie stopped by to look for her lucky, something.

Dinah: Oh, she got lucky, all right. You know why? Because you might have just blown this whole thing. Okay? I don't even know how we're going to recover.

Bill: Yeah? Well, I don't know who you sound more like right now, Mom or my dad, with the anger.

Dinah: You know what? I am sick of it. Don't give me that crap. I have worked my butt off to put you in that C.E.O. chair. And you know what you do? You just throw it out the window. But I really don't care, because I'm not so much about the business now. But this was supposed to be your dream come true! You moron! What were you thinking?

Bill: I don't know. Dinah, I don't know what happened.

Dinah: Isn't this what you hated most about your dad? He set up everybody's hopes and then he bailed at the last minute.

Bill: I think I am going to need some more of that coffee.

I'm a live wire when you're close to me...

Josh: That's it?

Reva: I made it. He likes it.

Josh: Really?

Reva: Uh-huh. Is there a problem?

Josh: Did you ever make anything like that for me?

Reva: What do you think about all of the movie stuff?

Josh: It just is what it is.

Reva: I've worked very hard to protect your character.

Josh: Well, I appreciate that, but, as you know, my life is an open book, except maybe one or two things.

Reva: One or two? You're kidding me, right?

Josh: Yes.

Reva: (Laughs) Well, I'm set so, um, I should get back because if... when Jeffrey wakes up, I want to be there.

...Like a landmine in my consciousness you blow my mind until I get no rest

I'm not home as long as you are but it better be lonely than be nowhere at all

you give me something to dwell on...

Lizzie: Reva! Reva! Reva!

Reva: Oh, Lizzie, honey, I don't have time right now.

Lizzie: I know, I know, I know, look, about Jeffrey. I just want you to know that I am just really sorry. And I just want you to know that I am trying to do everything that I can to stop more people from getting hurt. And I really need your help.

Reva: Now?

Lizzie: It's about Bill. Okay. He's trying to steal my family's company. He's making a huge fool out of himself. It's very messy. He's has to back off.

Reva: Bill doesn't talk to me. He doesn't listen to me. But Josh is here. He's parking the car. So if you talk to him, maybe he'll...

Lizzie: Okay. Okay. Somebody has to help me.

Reva: That's right, Bill is a Lewis. See, he never backs away from a challenge. You should know that. But I can't help you. I need to get inside.

Lizzie: No. Wait, wait. Jeffrey is strong.

Reva: I know that.

Dinah: I know. It's the worst flu I think I've ever seen. Yeah, but I hope it will not affect your vote. I know we can count on you. Okay. Okay. See you soon. Bye-bye.

Bill: So, can we count on him?

Dinah: You know, you're very lucky that your sister can think so quickly on her feet. Some stockholders actually might buy her story. It looks like they're going to go ahead with the vote.

Bill: Yeah, well, I am not sick.

Dinah: No. But maybe you do need some therapy.

Bill: Oh,...

Dinah: Maybe, to look into the deep psychological reason of why you keep sabotaging these meetings, right?

Bill: Sabotaging?

Dinah: I mean, you know, I think we need to look at the family history here.

Bill: Oh, my goodness. That is a load of crap, okay. That is not what is going on here, okay, so stop with this...

Dinah: You know what, Bill?

Bill: Yeah?

Dinah: My plate is full...

Bill: Yeah, well...

Dinah: ...Right now. Okay? And I am sorry that I got angry at you earlier, and I'm sorry that I called you a moron. But I'm not going to baby-sit you.

Bill: I wish you wouldn’t.

Dinah: Okay.

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Dinah: We have some damage control to do right now.

Bill: No kidding. I mean, here is the thing: I had one glass of wine. I don't even think I finished it. It was just Lizzie and I, and we were toasting something. And then we were going to work this meeting together. And then I don't remember.

Dinah: Who made the drinks?

Bill: Well, it was wine.

Dinah: Who poured?

Bill: Lizzie.

Dinah: Did you see her?

Bill: Do you think she spiked the drinks?

Dinah: Well, it is not the most original thing, but we are talking about Lizzie here.

Bill: All right. All right. Well, listen, it's not going to happen again.

Dinah: If you want me to take control of this, I will make one phone call.

Bill: No, no, no. Please, listen to me. It's not going to happen again.

Reva: Is there anything?

Cassie: No. But everyone has been really calm, so I think that's good, right?

Josh: That's very good.

Reva: Okay. I'm gonna... thank you.

Josh: Okay. Okay. No news at all.

Cassie: I was sitting here thinking about Jeffrey, and everything we've ever been through. Life is just so weird. So, did you get the papers?

Josh: Yes. As a matter of fact, I went straight to them. He keeps them in the same place that I used to keep my stuff.

Cassie: Was that weird?

Josh: What?

Cassie: Well, that was your home for a really long time.

Josh: Oh, no, no, I'm getting used to that. But, the movie people were there, and they were rehearsing a scene between Josh and Reva. That was weird.

Bill: Hey, hey! Look who's here. Returning to the scene of the crime, I see.

Lizzie: What?

Bill: This is where it happened, right? The talk. The big breakthrough. Hmm, what's the matter? You should be gloating. You won. You made me look bad, again.

Lizzie: No. You made you look bad. I hardly had to lift a finger.

Bill: Really? Where did you get the pills? I know you slipped me something.

Lizzie: It's just a sleeping pill or two.

Bill: (Laughs) You want to play dirty. You got it.

Lizzie: No, I want what's mine.

Bill: You want it because I want it.

Lizzie: Get over yourself.

Bill: I think that’s...

Lizzie: I am trying to protect my family's company and our future. This is just business to you. Isn't that what you said to me? That's what you said to me.

Bill: No.

Lizzie: Uh-huh.

Bill: It's a war now, okay? And I'm going to win, and I could hurt you. You want to know why?

Lizzie: Why?

Bill: Because you love me.

Lizzie: Don't kid yourself. Darling, you love me right back.

Reva: Hey. Can I ask you something? I... I may need your services.

Cassie: What? No. I've been sitting here the whole time, and the doctors haven't said anything.

Reva: Ah, no. No, no, no, no, not for that. For a wedding, me and Jeffrey.

Josh: A wedding?

Reva: Yeah. I asked him the other day. (Laughs)

Cassie: And he said yes?

Reva: Well, actually, it was more like, "What the hell?" I kind of like that about him, you know. It’s... it's so Jeffrey.

Cassie: Well, I think it's perfect. I wish you and Jeffrey congratulations.

Reva: Thank you.

Cassie: You know, finally we get some good news around here.

Josh: Yes, it is. It is. Congratulations.

Reva: Thank you.

Cassie: So you want to get married here?

Reva: Oh, no, no, no. Absolutely not. I don't want this to be one of those desperate death bed... he's, he's gonna be fine. And, and I'm going to be right here when he wakes up. No matter how long it takes.

And when I go to sleep, I'll think about you...

Cassie: Do you think we should go sit with her?

Josh: No. She said she wanted to be alone. And we're right here if she needs us.

Cassie: I've never seen her like this. I mean, I think Jeffrey really brings something out in her. She really wants to take care of him. I've just never seen that side of her before.

Josh: It's there. Sit down.

Cassie: Just being here and seeing all this, and knowing that we're okay. We're pretty lucky.

Josh: Yes, we are.

Dinah: Are you ready?

Bill: Let's do this.

Cameraman: Two minutes, Mr. Lewis.

Bill: Oh, great. I just want to look at a few of these... these notes. This is good stuff, sis.

Dinah: Good. I'm glad you think so. I'll make you a hero, if you let me.

Cameraman: Are you sitting at the far end of the table?

Bill: Um... no. No, I'm not. I'm going to be, um... I don't know, I want it to be a little more casual. I want to be close to the viewers. Something like, I don't know, over here, maybe.

Dinah: All right. That's good.

Bill: Yeah?

Dinah: You look good.

Bill: All right. Good.

Dinah: All right. Good luck to both of us. Make me proud.

Bill: I'll give it my best shot. And thank you for helping me through this.

Cameraman: 20 seconds.

Bill: Hi, I'm Bill Lewis, and I loved growing up in Springfield. When I was a kid, this town offered me everything I needed. I went to school here, played with my friends, kissed my first girlfriend here. I was very lucky to grow up in this community at the time I did. And I always knew that I would end up here as an adult. And, well, here I am. Home, settled in, ready to start a family of my own.

Lizzie: Ohh.

Bill: And I'm ready to take on the challenges of change. But, more importantly...

Lizzie: Unbelievable. Ohh.

Bill: ...It is time to give back to the town that has given to me and my family so much. With the help of my beautiful and generous sister, Dinah Marler, I'm going to take on a project that was near and dear to one of the fallen heroes of this town, Detective Gus Aitoro. Gus had lost his parents at a very young age. And he always had a soft spot for kids without parents, kids in general. But very few people knew about the dream that Gus had to build a recreational facility for the kids and the community, a place for young people to go after school and on the weekends, a fun, safe environment. A very good plan. Unfortunately, a plan that Gus was not able to see through. And, unfortunately right now, Gus' own son, Rafe, has made a terrible choice, a choice I believe he wouldn't have made if he was surrounded by love and guidance at the time when he most needed it. And this woke me up to the fact of how important it is for our young people in this town to have a place to go. A place just for them. And what better place to start than this building facility that Gus had wanted to see come to fruition. I am happy and proud to announce that my sister Dinah and I will be breaking ground. We will start construction on the building that will, hopefully, have a profound impact and change the lives of so many young people in this community. And we will be doing this in memory of Gus. We'll be doing this for the families of Springfield. Gus' son Rafe is in real trouble right now, and we just want to keep other kids from making the same mistakes.

Lizzie: Oh! He's shameless! He will use anything to get what he wants! I... I don't even know why I'm surprised because he used me, right, Roxy?

Bill: The Spaulding’s...

Lizzie: Oh, I will throw that television off the roof right now if it would shut him up.

Bill: ...Couldn't keep Rafe Rivera, one of their own, from making a terrible decision that he will have to pay for, for the rest of his life. Now, if you cannot take care of one of your own, how can you take care of the community? The Spaulding’s have failed each other. They have failed us. They do not realize that people come first. I do. The Spaulding’s don't believe that they have to play by the rules. Well, I do. I've, I've made some mistakes in my day, but I've grown from them. And I am prepared, and I am ready to make this town an even better place to live in the future. And that will happen whether or not I'm voted in as C.E.O. of Lewis/Spaulding. We all have to do our part. I'm ready. Your turn, your move.

Lizzie: You're on.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Cyrus: What's the word on Harley.

Buzz: She went out of town to visit a friend.

Cyrus: What friend?

Frank: Don't you think if she wanted you to know that information, she would have told you?

Cyrus: Harley left town without telling me.

Dinah: Are you going to wait for her?

Cyrus: Where is she?

Buzz: This is why I can't tell you, because we need to stay calm if she's going to be safe.

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