Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/28/08
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Rafe: Jeffrey, my dad was a good guy. Gus was a good guy.
Jeffrey: No!
Harley: Jeffrey O’Neill was shot. You need to put together whatever you need to get on a plane. Can you distract them. I just need a minute to get out of here.
(Sirens blaring)
Alan: Tell me it isn't true.
Natalia: I wish to God it wasn’t.
Alan: Why would he shoot O’Neill?
Natalia: He thought that Jeffrey was going to call Gus a dirty cop. There was a gun, but it was an accident. He did not mean to do it.
Alan: All right. Where are they holding him?
Natalia: They're not. He's gone. I told him to turn himself in and he ran.
Alan: We have got to find him before the police do. Do you have any idea where he may have gone?
Natalia: I have no idea. I don't think he is hiding out in someone's basement. He took his meds with him.
Alan: Oh, my God. Then he may leave and go somewhere else.
Natalia: I don't know. I don't know what he is thinking right now, and if Jeffrey dies...
Frank: Pop?
Buzz: In here, Frank. Hey.
Frank: You okay?
Buzz: Yeah, you?
Frank: I'm frustrated. No news on Rafe. The kid has just totally disappeared. If we are going to keep him safe, we have to find him and bring him in.
Buzz: What about Natalia?
Frank: She's out there looking for him. It's a mess, a big mess.
Bill: Mr. Ordower. Bill Lewis.
Ordower: I know.
Bill: I thought you and I could talk about the stockholder meeting, finding out which way your stocks are leaning.
Ordower: I have been thinking about that a lot.
Lizzie: Hey, Brian. Here are the good chips.
Ordower: Thank you, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Bill.
Bill: Lizzie, what are you doing here?
Lizzie: Brian and I were just talking about the stockholder meeting, and his loyalty to my family.
Bill: The same family that cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars when the stock crashed.
Ordower: I should go. I'll see you both at the meeting.
Bill: Absolutely. But, my goodness-- you must be so proud of yourself.
Lizzie: A little bit.
Bill: A little bit? Well, guess what, you will never win this. I will outwork you and Alan, and the merger, it's going to happen.
Lizzie: I guess we'll just see, won’t we.
Bill: We'll see. Oh, my goodness, I'll just go to the next one.
Lizzie: Who is next, Sturgis? I'll get there first.
Bill: Oh, my goodness, you think you want this, but you have no idea.
Lizzie: While you're out working this, what will happen to Ava, waiting at home with that giant pregnant belly.
Bill: Have you seen Terry Gardener yet?
Lizzie: No, I haven’t.
Bill: Well, instead of running around like a bunch of idiots, why don't we both go over there and present our case.
Lizzie: Fine.
Bill: My car?
Lizzie: Whatever.
Bill: Let's make it happen.
Olivia: Hi.
Ava: Hi. You shouldn't have come here.
Olivia: I didn't take the car. Don't worry about it. Come on, sit down. So how is he?
Ava: Well, um... he is still in critical condition, and they removed the bullet with the first surgery. Now, they're not sure if his lung collapsed or not. They're checking that out. That means they might have to go in and do a second surgery.
Olivia: Okay. Okay. Have you eaten?
Ava: No. I don't even know-- I don't even know how long I've been here.
Olivia: Okay, I'm going to go down to the cafeteria and get you something.
Ava: No, no, no. I don't need anything. Plus, it's a far walk for you.
Olivia: All right. Sit. Is Reva here?
Ava: Reva doesn't even know yet. They've been trying to call her, but they can't get through. In fact, I've been trying to call Bill all day and he's phone's not on -- or I don't know what he is doing. I'm going to try him again, though.
Olivia: Okay.
Bill: You know, I'm hungry, do you want to get something to eat?
Lizzie: Absolutely not.
Bill: Oh!
Lizzie: You know what, just forget it. This was a mistake.
Bill: What? Hey, hey, what are you doing? Crazy, jumping into traffic-- you're going to get yourself killed.
Lizzie: There is no traffic, moron.
Bill: Just get back into the car.
Lizzie: Then what, will we call a truce and then go to the park and play a game of Frisbee?
Bill: We can do that, but I hate Frisbee.
Lizzie: Well, I hate this.
Bill: What is that?
Lizzie: It shows me what you want, everything. You want my family's company, Ava and the baby, and you want me.
Bill: I do.
Lizzie: Well, it's not real.
Bill: Well, what's real?
Lizzie: I'm going to beat you at the next stockholder family, and I'm going to save my family's company from you.
Bill: Oh, you're going to save it?
Lizzie: Yes. What? What?
Bill: Jeffrey was shot.
Lizzie: Oh, my God.
Bill: Rafe... Gus' kid, Rafe.
Lizzie: What? Is he okay?
Bill: I don't know. Ava says he is in the hospital. I should probably-- I should probably go.
Lizzie: Yeah, go.
Bill: Do you want to come?
Lizzie: No. Just go. You should go.
Frank: Anywhere you can think of? Right. Okay.
Alan: Why don't you try to sit down?
Natalia: No. I can't be still right now. I feel like I'm giving up.
Alan: Rafe is going to need a lawyer. So I'll make some calls.
Frank: Absolutely nothing. I never thought this kid could hide that well.
Alan: We have got to get him, Frank, before...
Natalia: What? I know. I know he's a fugitive. The kid who shot someone for no apparent reason. And people who don't know him will think he's dangerous and someone will want to play a hero and he's going to get hurt.
Frank: Natalia, I have the whole force out there looking for him.
Natalia: Thank you, Frank.
Frank: Well, you can thank me when we find him.
Buzz: Harley, it's me. Call me when you land. Natalia needs to know that Rafe is okay.
Olivia: Here, honey.
Ava: What did the doctor say?
Olivia: I did most of talking, so...
Ava: You didn't fight with him? It really doesn't do any good anyway.
Olivia: I'm not good at this.
Ava: Who is?
Olivia: No. I'm your mother. I should be able to offer you something, comforting, but I'm probably better at the dying stuff. Not that that is going to happen... it's not going to happen to him.
Ava: Why is it that whenever someone comes back into my life, it's just when they're about to leave.
Olivia: Wait a second. Listen to me. I haven't left you. And with a little luck, I won't be leaving you anytime soon.
Ava: This pregnancy was such a bad idea. This whole thing was a huge mistake.
Olivia: Don't-- don't do that to yourself.
Ava: It was. Every time I think about Jeffrey, he might be leaving, and all I want to do is... I just want to have him meet her, the baby. I just went them to meet so I can teach him how to change a diaper. He is probably totally clueless. Has he ever changed a diaper in his life?
Olivia: For that sight, I'm going to pray to God that he gets better.
Bill: I just heard. I'm so sorry.
Ava: It's okay. I don't know-- I don't know anything, but they may have to operate again.
Olivia: I'm going to get some magazines.
Ava: You don't need any help?
Olivia: I'm fine.
Ava: I've been trying to call you all day long. Where have you been?
Bill: Meetings. The phone was turned off.
Ava: Thank you for being here with me.
Bill: Where else would I be? Where else would I be?
Frank: Thank you.
Natalia: I told you, I have to keep moving.
Frank: Maybe you should get some rest. You look exhausted.
Natalia: I can rest when I know where Rafe is.
Alan: Bob, as soon as you get this phone call, you need to call me back. I can’t get anything but answering machines.
Frank: First we need to find Rafe, and second we can find lawyers, and hopefully Harley can talk to Mel.
Natalia: He must be so upset. He is out there all alone. And he has to eat. Because if he doesn't eat right, he's going to get really sick.
Alan: Come on, we'll go.
Natalia: You'll let me know if you hear anything?
Frank: You'll be my first call. Pop, I feel so bad for her. Can you imagine, first Gus and now Rafe. She doesn't even know if she's ever going to see her son again. And who knows what is going on in his head.
Buzz: I think he'll be okay.
Frank: Well, let's hope so. Have you talked to Harley? Because she shot out here so quickly, I didn't get to ask her any questions?
Buzz: They're okay. Harley and Rafe are just fine.
Frank: What?
Buzz: They're fine, Frank. Your sister did what she had to do. She said she owed it to Gus to keep his son safe. She couldn't see him going to jail.
Frank: Oh, no, it's much better being out on the run. Isn’t it, Pop. Being wanted, a fugitive, right. She can’t protect Rafe when she can’t even protect herself.
Buzz: When Jeffrey comes to...
Frank: If Jeffrey comes to.
Buzz: Then they can come back.
Frank: Then they'll be in serious trouble.
Buzz: Frank, she were going no matter what.
Frank: Really? How could she do all of this? She is flat broke? My God, you financed their escape, didn't you? Good parenting, Pop! That's brilliant!
Buzz: They were going regardless, Frank! I wanted to make sure they were safe. I gave them some money, made some phone calls.
Frank: Where are they? Where are they?
Buzz: I'll hear from her soon, you know, and then -- in the meantime, we can handle things the way she wanted them handled, take care of the kids. But, Frank, you know, you cannot breathe a word of this because it will put them in danger.
Frank: Do you have any idea what Natalia is going through right now? Do you? Do you understand at all? You don't! Because you've never had a child show up missing, that's why. You know what? Because you were the one who was always M.I.A.! You! Well, guess what, Pop, thank God for that because I was always around for Harley when she was a kid.
Buzz: Well, she is a grown woman now.
Frank: Well, she still needs protecting.
Buzz: I was protecting her!
Frank: Good for you! Good for you, man!
Natalia: I was really hoping he would be at the church. When I was little, my favorite movie was "The Sound Of Music. I guess that's when I learned the church is a safe place to go if you were scared or needed help.
Alan: That's what I felt about my home. When I was frustrated there, all I had to do was pick up a phone or write a check.
Natalia: We can figure this out, sort this all out, and then it will come out that it was just a terrible mistake. God knows Rafe is a good boy. He will pay for what he has done if we can find him. He's paying now, and Jeffrey is paying now, too. I have to go check on Jeffrey, and I have to go apologize to his daughter.
Alan: Why? That's not necessary.
Natalia: It's the one thing I can do for my son.
Bill: Hey.
Ava: Hi. So what if something happens and I'm not there?
Bill: You know what? They'll call us. We're right across the street, besides, I have to fill that belly with chili cheese fries.
Ava: It's not me that wants the chili cheese fries. It's her, she wants them.
Bill: Her? You still think we're having a girl?
Ava: I do. I just have a feeling about it.
Bill: Hey, it's going to be okay.
Ava: Do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing that the doctor hasn't called yet, because I'm not sure about that? Bill?
Bill: Sorry. I was just thinking about the stockholder meeting I have this afternoon.
Ava: I completely forgot. You're not dressed.
Bill: Ava--
Ava: You have to go C.E.O.-worthy.
Bill: I have plenty of time. You know what I can do here, I can do my pre-meeting routine.
Ava: You're what?
Bill: You're telling me you never peeked through my keyhole and saw me practicing my routine--
Ava: I'm a little crazy, but no, I never looked through your keyhole.
Bill: I will show you.
Ava: Why not? Why not? (Laughing) That was good.
Bill: And I do a little jogging to get the air going. And then I bring it downtown, and I bring it back this way, and I come up and say Buzz, these floors look greasy. You might ought to fix them.
Ava: You are so weird.
Bill: Yes, I am, but the good weird.
Ava: Absolutely the good weird. You made me laugh. And that's good.
Bill: See that, baby, Daddy can be funny and weird. Hey, he's going to be okay.
Ava: Thanks.
Lizzie: Granddad? Granddad? I'm so sorry about Rafe. I can't believe this happened.
Alan: Your Aunt Alexandra and I used to have this contest, who could get a senator or the mayor on the phone the quickest.
Lizzie: Who won?
Alan: My record was 45 seconds. Do you realize what kind of power that is? And now-- now I can't even help my own grandson. A few months ago, I could have afforded the best lawyer in the country.
Lizzie: I don't know if that would even help. I mean, he did what he did.
Alan: When I think of Rafe being out there all alone, I know Gus would want me to do everything I could to help him. But right now I feel helpless.
Lizzie: I'm here.
Alan: I appreciate that, Elizabeth, because it's times like this when family really has to pull together.
Lizzie: I'll fix this. I promise. I know what I have to do to help our family.
Olivia: Wait. Hold on a minute. Why are you here?
Natalia: I wanted to check on Jeffrey, and I thought maybe Ava would be here.
Olivia: She stepped out.
Natalia: I am so sorry. This was a terrible accident, and I know that Rafe is very sorry, wherever he is, and if there is anything that I can do.
Olivia: No, there isn't anything. You need to go. I'm afraid that seeing you is going to upset Ava.
Natalia: Olivia, I just wanted to--
Olivia: You need to go.
Natalia: After everything that we have been through together, you would think you have some idea of what I'm going through right now.
Frank: Ladies, what's going on here?
Natalia: It was a mistake coming here. I thought I was doing the right thing.
Lizzie: Hey, thanks.
Buzz: Find what you're looking for?
Lizzie: I wish. It's really quiet in here.
Buzz: Yeah, well everyone is scattered, looking for Rafe.
Lizzie: I know. I can't believe it. It's one thing after another. My granddad is at the end of his rope, so I'm sure Natalia is going completely crazy.
Buzz: Parents just want their kids to be okay.
Lizzie: I know. How is Harley holding up?
Buzz: Why?
Lizzie: The whole Rafe thing.
Buzz: Harley got called out of town.
Lizzie: Did she take the kids with her?
Buzz: No. Frank and I are going to look after them.
Lizzie: I can take Zach for the weekend. I would offer more, but I have a huge project I'm working on. Would you do me a favor? Would you look after my granddad. I know he is a nut, but family stuff really upsets him.
Buzz: Would you like to take the coffee?
Lizzie: No. I'm going to a stockholder meeting.
Buzz: How is that going?
Lizzie: Bill is a jerk. I hate that man. I am going to make that man suffer. I should get going. I don't have much time.
(Cell phone rings)
Buzz: Tell me you're both okay.
Lizzie: Bill, hey, it's Lizzie. Um, meet me at the Beacon. Your room, ten minutes?
Bill: I'm in a bit of a time crunch.
Lizzie: Oh, crunch this. I'll see you in ten.
Ava: Are you fighting with the nurses?
Olivia: Oh, give me some credit. Natalia came by. And I don't know what she is thinking showing up here so soon.
Ava: She must feel awful?
Olivia: Yeah, well, you know, her son shot your father.
Ava: We don't know what led up to this whole thing. It could be some kind of a misunderstanding--
Olivia: Yeah. Who knows.
(Knock on the door)
Lizzie: Hi. I forgot my lucky earring.
Bill: Okay. Easy there, any change you find is my change.
Lizzie: I don't want your money. I want my earring, and this is the last place I saw it.
Bill: (Laughing) Lucky earring. What happens if you find it, Roxy becomes C.E.O., come on.
Lizzie: Um, she would do a better job than you.
Bill: Oh, my goodness. You can relax. Don't hurt yourself looking for an earring. I'll buy you as many earrings as you like with my C.E.O. gigantic salary--
Lizzie: Oh, just give it up. Stop with this whole C.E.O. of Spaulding thing. Stop before...
Bill: Before what?
Lizzie: Before someone gets hurt.
Bill: Oh, see, now that is a nice try. But can't do it. That company is mine. It has got my name all over it.
Lizzie: It says "Spaulding," stupid.
Bill: Sweet lips, you know what we did, we took that sign down.
Lizzie: You haven't even been voted in yet.
Bill: Guess what happens in two hours? Bill Lewis gets voted in.
Lizzie: Not if you call your people and tell them to call it off.
Bill: My little caramelized queen, I never called anything off.
Lizzie: Well, we have something in common. Oh, I found it! Now I can rest easy that you will be shut out today. So near, yet so far.
Bill: Do you want to make a little bet?
Lizzie: Ah, no. I don't bet. But I will have a toast to our future. That's more grownup, I think, unless you're saving this for somebody else.
Bill: Oh, no, no. I will drink with you.
Lizzie: Great. Great. I'll pour while you finish getting dressed.
Bill: Okay.
Lizzie: I think this is so much more grown up.
Bill: Me, too! To a bright future.
Lizzie: To doing the right thing.
Bill: Hmm. To having it all.
Lizzie: Yeah, good luck with that.
Bill: Yeah, well... hmm. Luck is not what I need, okay? Hmm. My goodness. Wow. I'm going to have another. You? I have a driver picking me up, so I'm good.
Lizzie: Great. Just knock yourself out.
Frank: Yeah, she's right here, so I will talk to her. Natalia, can I-- can I just talk to you for a second. Just sit down.
Natalia: Why? What? What happened? What is going on with Rafe?
Frank: Rafe is-- he's okay.
Natalia: He's okay? Okay. Thank God. My baby.
Frank: He is safe.
Natalia: Okay. Is he in jail?
Frank: No, no, no. He's not in jail.
Natalia: Then where is he? Because I need to see him?
Frank: Harley decided to... she decided to keep Rafe safe the best way she could think of. She took him. She took him out of the country. She did not want him to go to prison.
Natalia: Harley took my son away? He's on the run from the law! I want to talk to her right now, Frank. She had no business making that kind of decision. Get her on the phone. I want to talk to Rafe.
Frank: I don't know where she is.
Natalia: I'll see you later. I have to get some help.
Frank: Natalia...
Alan: You missed a spot.
Buzz: Oh, you're so funny. I've been at this for over a half an hour.
Alan: Buzz, do you have any bourbon?
Buzz: Funny you should ask. Frank and I made a dent in this. (Laughs) The rest is yours.
Alan: You sure did. You know something, I-- when Gus died, I didn't think my family and your family would still feel so connected.
Buzz: Among other things, I'm afraid your stuck with me.
Alan: Well, we have Zach until he decides to leave. I mean they all-- seem to leave.
Buzz: Oh, come on. That's what they're supposed to do. They're supposed to have a life of their own.
Alan: That's not what I meant. I always thought I could keep my family close by offering them opportunity and prizes, but none of them ever wanted it. I was hoping that Rafe would--
Buzz: Rafe is a good kid. I have to think that the shooting was an accident.
Alan: You and I believe that, Buzz. But what about the cops that find him. I just hope that they don't get carried away and there is some kind of accident. I can't afford to lose anything else.
Buzz: He's safe. Harley took him to another country. To keep him out of jail.
Alan: What?
Buzz: He's safe.
Alan: What? Where did she take him?
Buzz: I can't tell you.
Alan: But you know. Thank you for telling me. And when you talk with Harley...
Buzz: I'll tell her.
Ava: Bill should be on his way to his meeting. I hope he calls soon.
Olivia: Why don't you go. I'll stay with Jeffrey.
Ava: No, no. It's way too soon. Anyway, Bill will call.
Olivia: You know, he's lucky to have you. I know he's made a lot of mistakes in his past, but I think that he is ready, you know, to do the right thing.
Ava: Can you remind him of that every once in a while?
Olivia: I can. I think he is ready.
Ava: I hope so.
Bill: Hmm. Hmm.
Lizzie: Are you okay?
Bill: Hmm? Yeah. It’s... um... I'm good. I'm just going to get my shirt on, my pants...
Lizzie: Shoes.
Bill: I'm just gonna... you know, I'm just gonna... just for like one little-- just-- because I'm gonna -- I'm just gonna go...
Lizzie: Whoa!
Natalia: I need your help. I need to find Rafe, and it's going to cost me money that I don't have. I need the house money.
Olivia: You're kidding me?
Natalia: I will pay you back. I know you want to help Rafe. I know you wanted to help him before...
Olivia: Before he shot Jeffrey. You're asking too much.
Natalia: Please. You know, you're a mother...
Olivia: And as a mother, I'm sorry, I can’t. I can’t.
Ava: Now what?
Olivia: She needs money to help Rafe.
Buzz: So?
Frank: She took off. I didn't follow her. That's not much else I can do right now.
Buzz: She wasn't even relieved that he is okay?
Frank: Relieved? Let's hope she gets to that point.
Buzz: Okay, look. We made this schedule for Zach and Jude. I promised your sister.
Frank: I can take them on Tuesday.
Buzz: And I have a doctor appointment.
Frank: We need somebody to come to the house before I get home.
Alan: I can help.
Frank: You?
Alan: Yeah. I'm Zach’s grandfather. I can take the boys. I need to keep busy.
Buzz: It works for me. Marina can take weekends.
Natalia: I need to be with my son.
Buzz: It would draw too much attention.
Natalia: Nobody even knows me. They wouldn't know if I wasn't here.
Frank: Olivia, don’t...
Natalia: She knows.
Olivia: I can keep a secret. And I want to help you. I want to help you be with your son.
Natalia: Thank you so much. And I will pay you back.
Olivia: You don't need to pay me back. I just want to help Rafe, and I want to help you.
Natalia: Thank you, Olivia. Okay, I have to pack. I have to get ready...
Buzz: I'll take you upstairs.
Olivia: You're not going to tell us anything?
Buzz: She's his mother. No one else needs to know.
Alan: Thank you. Thank you for helping my family, Olivia.
Buzz: Just a sec.
Natalia: Rafael?
Ava: Hey, it's me. I just wanted to call and say good luck. I'm sure you'll be amazing. Call me when you can. Bye. (Cell phone beeps)
Everyone has got scratches on the surface
that's just were it starts...
Lizzie: Lightweight.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: Have they told you anything about how he's doing?
Mallet: He's hanging in. He's tough.
Reva: He's gonna be fine, and I'm gonna be right here when he wakes up. No matter how long it takes.
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