GL Transcript Friday 5/23/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/23/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on “Guiding Light”

Harley: Did you have a fight?

Cyrus: We've got it all under control.

Harley: Who was that other guy?

Cyrus: Josh thinks that he slept with Cassie.

Daisy can't go to graduation. She's been suspended.

Harley: What did you do?

Daisy: It was right after Gus' accident.

Harley: Are you just suspended from the ceremony, or are you even going to graduate? (Crying)

You sit there so quiet

I believe.

So still I can almost hear

our hearts beat.

I want to say all the things

I would never say.

Live the lives that we

rehearse in our heads.

In our heads.

I don't know what to trust,

and I don't trust what you


When the moment ends you're

still not ready to let go.

Now that it's too late did

you find what you're looking for?

There's n more love to break.

Did you find what you're looking for?

Looking for.

Harley: Oh, I'm aware that the school board does not normally get involved in things like this, but you have a daughter, and when we picked her up for shoplifting... no, this is not me calling in a favor. Okay, maybe I am, but one call from you to the principal... Daisy made a mistake, but she deserves to graduate with the rest of her class! She's worked hard. Can I count on your help? Mrs. Davis?

Daisy: She hung up. Big surprise.

Harley: She's on her cell phone. We probably got disconnected. I'll just try again.

Daisy: Yeah, you do that.

Harley: Stop right there. You're still grounded.

Daisy: I know.

Harley: The only member of the board that I can call. There is David Flynn. Oh! Janice Greenfield! Daisy!

Mallet: Careful, there's lots of cops around here.

Cyrus: Those jokes are getting kind of old.

Mallet: Yeah, I guess so.

Cyrus: How's Harley doing at work?

Mallet: She's a good cop.

Cyrus: Yeah. But the whole Gus thing is keeping her pretty busy. I just hope these cases aren't...

Mallet: Yeah, don't worry about the Gus thing. We're taking care of that. But yeah, I guess between that and the pending charges against Daisy, and her suspension and the kid not graduating from high school. Yeah, I suppose all that's left her pretty devastated.

Cyrus: Whoa, whoa, whoa! But you just said it, Daisy's a kid.

Mallet: Yeah, she's a kid. She's a backsliding kid. I don't know, she straightened out for a while, but you know, when I look at that kid, I see trouble. And really, at the end of the day, Harley just really doesn't need any more trouble.

Harley: Hello, Mrs. Sanders, I'm uh... I'm Daisy's...

Principal Sanders: I know who you are, and the answer is "no."

Harley: Um, well, you're the principal, and, uh, you have to maintain standards. I get that. But I think you should try to remember, we were all kids once.

Principal Sanders: Raise it on the left, please!

Harley: Some of us, anyway.

Principal Sanders: Your daughter's lucky she's not in jail, and why that's the case I won't ask... Detective.

Harley: Mrs. Sanders, she's just heartbroken. Heartbroken I mean, after all of her hard work, her good grades, her accomplishments. If you're looking to blame someone, blame me, because ever since my ex-husband died, I have not been paying enough attention to Daisy. She feels terrible about what she did, and she's just asking for a second chance. Or is raising that banner more important to you than helping me raise a decent kid?

Principal Sanders: I don't need lessons in child raising from you.

Harley: No, you don’t. Clearly. I just was hoping that you could maybe, you know, reconsider. For her sake. Come on, pull it together. Your daughter needs you!

Daisy: Hey!

Rafe: Huh? What?

Daisy: Are you okay?

Rafe: Yeah, I'm just tired.

Daisy: Well, one of us is late for school.

Rafe: I know. I know.

Daisy: What's going on?

Rafe: Nothing. I should get my books, man.

Daisy: Wait. Uh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What's wrong?

Rafe: How come Alan gets to see him? I mean, I'm his son, right? So if he's going to come to anybody in a dream, why Alan, you know? Now, you see? This is why I can't talk about this stuff. I sound crazy.

Daisy: No, no. You don’t. You sound like you miss your dad.

Rafe: You know where I spent the night last night, Dais? I slept on the floor of the house he bought us. We don't even own it, but...

Daisy: Well, did you dream about it?

Rafe: I wanted to. I want to. I've got to go, all right?

Daisy: I'd... I'd give you a ride, but I'm not allowed on school property.

Rafe: That's okay.

Daisy: Yeah, I'm sorry. I wish I could help.

Mallet: Guys, guys, guys, come on! Nathan, I need that report on my desk by 5:00 P.M.! All right? Let's go! Break it up! Let's get some work done. And another thing is I need that McCallie report. Does anybody have that? Never mind, I've got it...

Harley: Wow, you better take it easy with that pink stuff. You-know-who practically lived on it.

Mallet: What are you doing here? You're not on the duty sheet. What are you doing here?

Harley: Nice attitude! You're such a joy to work for!

Mallet: I've got a lot going on. I'm up to my eyeballs in paperwork. What do you got there? What is that?

Harley: The plan was to hang this in the trophy case at the high school, but considering the way they're treating my daughter-- don't say anything!-- I think it belongs here.

Mallet: Wow. "The Gus Aitoro Memorial Scholarship”.

Harley: Mm-hmm. See? And we can add all the winner's names.

Mallet: Mm-hmm.

Harley: See? So what do you think? Do you mind me hanging it here?

Mallet: Yeah, absolutely. Hang it, yeah.

Harley: Rafe helped us pick out the first winner. I was planning to make the presentation myself...

Mallet: Mm-hmm.

Harley: ...But in light of the way they are treating my daughter, I just wish I knew somebody who could do it for me, you know? Somebody who's really poised and articulate and that the entire community respects.

Mallet: Hmm. Wow, who could that be? You're asking me to do it.

Harley: Do you mind?

Mallet: Let me get my cape. I would be so honored!

Harley: Thank you. So, how are the cases going? Are you getting anywhere? Gus' unsolved cases? Did you find the source?

Mallet: Oh, uh, it’s... Jeffrey O’Neill is looking into that, and it's going to take care of itself.

Harley: Good.

Mallet: It's all good.

Harley: Thank you, very much. Okay. What do you think? Put it right here?

Dinah: Hey! Are you on break?

Ashlee: Uh, no, actually, I was doing this thing for your mom.

Dinah: Oh, she'll wait, she's patient. This is top priority. We're going to work on this together.

Ashlee: Oh, great, okay.

Dinah: Yes. I am launching a new series, "Springfield’s Sexiest Bosses."

Ashlee: Wow.

Dinah: What do you think?

Ashlee: I think it's great. Sex and money, you can't go wrong!

Dinah: Now, the first week, we're going to start in the public sector.

Ashlee: Oh. Do you mean my mom?

Dinah: No! No, no, no, no, no. I'm thinking more Jeffrey O’Neill. Sexy, yeah?

Ashlee: Yeah, sure, okay.

Dinah: You're going to take this camera, okay?

Ashlee: Okay. Oh, my God, I'm going to go to his office, and I'm going to take some shots of him looking, like, all Clooney.

Dinah: Ashlee...

Ashlee: No, no, no, no, no! I'm going to go and take him to a lounge, like, an after-work...

Dinah: Ashlee...

Ashlee: No, no, no, no, no! I'm going to take him to Farley's and then...

Dinah: No, no. Ashlee... Ashlee. You're just doing prep work. You're just doing prep work for the interview, that's all.

Ashlee: Okay, sorry, just prep work. Sorry.

Dinah: That's okay. You're going to take pictures of him at work, in his work surroundings, you know? I mean, if you see stuff on his desk, great. Little doodles on his calendar, perfect.

Ashlee: Yeah, but that... that kind of sounds like spying.

Dinah: No! No, no, no, no. It's research. It's research. So just get back to me?

Ashlee: Okay.

Dinah: Okay?

Daisy: Hey, hey! Wait.

Rafe: You tell me to go to school, and now you're going to get me kicked out of American Lit. What's up?

Daisy: All right, yeah. Well, I was on my way to the mall, and I saw this thing. I thought it might help you, but you're going to think I'm a freak. But I know how much you want to talk to your dad, and so I saw this sign, and I thought maybe... so here, anyway, I took the card.

Rafe: "Madame Marie, Psychic."

Daisy: It's 20 bucks, which I know is a lot, but who knows? Maybe you'll talk to Gus.

Ashlee: Hello? Well, I can't go back empty-handed.

Jeffrey: Hello, Ashlee.

Ashlee: Oh, oh, hi! Oh, sorry!

Jeffrey: Can I help you with something?

Ashlee: You know, you have a lot of dead plants. (Laughs) You must have, like, the biggest, worst green thumb ever.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I'll be sure to get right on that, Ashlee. In the mean time, what's with the camera?

Ashlee: Oh. Oh, yeah. Um, actually, I thought you'd be here for your profile.

Jeffrey: Profile?

Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, hell "Springfield’s Sexiest Bosses." You're the first profile, and Dinah asked me to come by, check it out...

Jeffrey: Dinah?

Ashlee: Yeah. I mean, it's her TV station.

Jeffrey: Dinah asked you to come here and take some pictures?

Ashlee: Yes, she did. But don't worry, I won't include any of the dead plants. So, I'll see you later. What?

Jeffrey: Let me just see this here. Okay, there we go. Tell Dinah to call me.

Ashlee: Yeah, of course.

Cyrus: Hey. I'll have what she's having.

Daisy: Careful. I'm contagious.

Cyrus: Oh, I didn't know you were sick.

Daisy: Oh, no, I'm not. I'm just cursed.

Cyrus: Come on, it can't be that bad.

Daisy: Want to bet?

Cyrus: So, we've had our ups and downs...

Daisy: We've had ups?

Cyrus: Okay. (Clears throat) You wish that your mom and I were finished, but since we're not, you and I need to broker the peace.

Daisy: Did she put you up to this?

Cyrus: Nope. From me to you. For your big day tomorrow.

Daisy: You think you can buy my affection?

Cyrus: Can I?

Daisy: Absolutely! But there's only one problem. I'm not graduating.

Cyrus: Right. I heard something, but I hoped it was just a vicious rumor.

Daisy: No. No, they found out about the fake IDs.

Cyrus: But your clients were kids from school. It was in their interest to keep quiet.

Daisy: You'd think so, but every one of them ratted me out to save themselves.

Cyrus: See, that is what is wrong with kids these days. They've got no character. I'm really sorry.

Daisy: Hey, it's my whole life. Let's see. Thanks.

Cyrus: Um, each charm has a meaning.

Daisy: Uh... sailboat?

Cyrus: Yeah, um, you love water?

Daisy: I love the beach, not sailing.

Cyrus: Makes two of us.

Daisy: You stole this, didn't you?

Cyrus: Why, are you taking it back?

Daisy: Not a chance.

Rafe: How much? 20 bucks, right?

Madame Marie: I see you've suffered a terrible loss.

Harley: Cooper.

Cyrus: Hey. I was starting to think that your cell phone had died.

Harley: No. I've just been busy.

Cyrus: I heard about Daisy. I'm really sorry.

Harley: Yeah, she's not getting a diploma.

Cyrus: It's my fault.

Harley: No, it's my fault. I'm the one who's not paying attention. I just wish I could fix it. I wish I could fix something.

Cyrus: She's a good kid.

Harley: She's not good enough in this world, I guess. What bothers me is she's working so hard, you know? She got her grades up and her boards were good. There were some colleges interested in her! And she did all that without much help from me, I'll tell you.

Cyrus: I'd like to help, but I'm guessing that you want me to stay out of it.

Harley: Well, you can't do much worse than I did.

Cyrus: What, did you steal a diploma?

Harley: Sort of. I almost mugged the principal.

Cyrus: Damn! I missed it! (Laughs)

Harley: Not funny! She hates us both now! And then, I just started to have a panic attack...

Cyrus: Harley, did you get it under control?

Harley: I did, I... you know, I tried. I did everything I'm supposed to. But what I really needed, uh, was you.

Cyrus: I need you, too.

Harley: Really?

Cyrus: Can you make some time in your busy schedule? Maybe bowl a few frames with your pink bowling ball?

Harley: Didn't I kick your butt once at that great American sport?

Cyrus: Hey, I'm a glutton for punishment.

Harley: Cyrus, I'm sorry. I just can’t.

Cyrus: Harley?

Rafe: The fool. Is that me?

Madame Marie: It has a deeper meaning: The journey every fool takes.

Rafe: Am I supposed to know what that means? What kind of journey? That can't be good. A tower being hit by lightening?

Madame Marie: Your journey takes an unexpected path.

Rafe: Unexpected? What's that supposed to mean? I mean, that's not necessarily a bad thing, right? What, does Gus want me to take a journey in a different way? Is that where the money comes in?

Madame Marie: Money?

Rafe: The money, uh, the money he left me in the message. The hanged man? That's bad, right?

Madame Marie: No, that means you must sacrifice.

Rafe: Sacrifice what? The money? Are you trying to... you want the money! You think you can just do that? You think that you can just, like, make some kid believe that you can talk to his dead father? You can't do that! You're trying... you're trying to rob me? You're trying to rob me! I won't let you do that! Are you serious?

Dinah: So, we will invite a few close friends, my brother, his new pregnant girlfriend, her lovely mother, and of course, the District Attorney. Okay?

Hilda: Okay.

Jeffrey: A party? For me?

Dinah: For your daughter and my brother!

Jeffrey: To celebrate the baby?

Dinah: Yes, to unite the families. That sort of thing.

Jeffrey: Will Ashlee be there?

Dinah: Oopsie. You know what, Hilda? Thank you. That'll be all.

Hilda: Yes, ma'am.

Dinah: Hmm! She blew the surprise! I told her not to let on.

Jeffrey: Oh, come on, now, you really want to play it that way?

Dinah: Didn't she tell you?

Jeffrey: "World's Sexiest Bosses," yeah. Could you come up with a worse lie?

Dinah: It's only "Springfield’s Sexiest Bosses."

Jeffrey: Mm-hmm. What do you want, Dinah?

Dinah: Me? Take a look around. I seem to be pretty okay.

Jeffrey: Yeah, that's the problem, right? This great, big house and no one to share it with?

Dinah: You've never understood me.

Jeffrey: I think I do. I want to find out what you're up to.

Mallet: Cooper? Cooper, come on. You there?

Harley: Go ahead.

Mallet: Listen, we just got a call. I was going to go, but I figured you might want to handle it.

Dad: Whoa.

Cyrus: Sorry.

Dad: No problem. We're a day early, anyway.

Mom: We're avoiding the graduation day crowd.

Cyrus: Oh, congratulations.

Daughter: Thank you.

Cyrus: Listen, I can take a picture for you, if you want one of the three of you.

Mom: Yeah, that would be great.

Cyrus: What do I do?

Dad: Just hit that one, right there.

Cyrus: This one?

Dad: Yup.

Cyrus: One... two... three! Nice!

Dad: Thank you.

Mom: Thanks.

Cyrus: A pleasure. Enjoy.

Rafe: You're sick, you know that? He had a life, and that's not a joke, all right? I think you're disgusting.

Harley: Rafe?

Rafe: I'm the one getting arrested, and she's the one who robbed me? Come on!

Harley: I got it, I got it, I got it. I'll pay for any damages, but I don't think you want to press charges, do you, ma'am? Because then we'd have to investigate any claims that you were ripping people off. Come on.

Rafe: You want me to thank you?

Harley: No, I don't want you to thank me. What are you running from?

Rafe: Like you would understand.

Harley: Do you think that you are the only person who lost him, Rafe? Who misses him? Who would give anything to see him again, to hear his voice again? To know that he’s... just to know that he's here somewhere? I almost went to see her, too. That's right, me, Harley Cooper, the girl who stopped believing in Santa when she was three. I almost went to Madame Marie.

Rafe: So what stopped you?

Harley: I'm just not as brave as you are.

Rafe: I'm not brave!

Harley: You are brave!

Rafe: No, I'm not.

Harley: You are! Because you will try anything! You're as brave as he was.

Rafe: No, stop. I don't understand how this is even fair.

Harley: I know. It makes me crazy sometimes. Crazier than you would ever be, I promise. So crazy I can't breathe.

Rafe: Yeah, I get that.

Harley: There's so many things I want to ask him. What do I do about my daughter? What am I going to do about these bills?

Rafe: I'm sorry, by the way.

Harley: It's not your fault.

Rafe: No, I mean, I'm sorry that I snuck into your basement and looked into the boxes and... you know, you didn't even show them to my mom, so...

Harley: It's fine. It's yours, it belongs to you.

Rafe: No, keep it.

Harley: It's not my stuff, Rafe. Just like Gus wasn't mine. But he'll always be your father.

Rafe: My mother likes to say that he belongs to all of us.

Harley: She said that, huh?

Rafe: Yeah. (Laughs)

Harley: She's a better person than me, that mother of yours.

Rafe: Yeah, tell me about it!

Harley: So, will you come by the house, get that stuff out of the basement?

Rafe: You're sure?

Harley: Yeah, I need the room.

Rafe: All right. Okay.

Cyrus: Hey, where's the Chief?

Mallet: Twice in one day. What's up? You looking for Harley?

Cyrus: No, you.

Mallet: You're looking for me? What's up?

Cyrus: I'm turning myself in.

Mallet: Uh, what for? I've got a cold-case file as thick as a Manhattan phone book.

Cyrus: No, this one's still warm. The fake IDs that surfed at Springfield High School

Mallet: Right? The ones Daisy made and sold?

Cyrus: But she's just a kid. That was my scam. My equipment, my planning.

Mallet: Uh-huh. So you're willing to go on record and confess to a crime that no one's been arrested for yet? That's interesting. It's funny it didn't come out this morning when we talked.

Cyrus: Well, I'm telling you now. I blackmailed Daisy into fronting for me, but I'm the one who kept the profits. It's all on me.

Mallet: All right. We'll be recording this. Actually, he'll be recording this. I've got to finish out a call.

Cyrus: Fine.

Mallet: You have the right to an attorney.

Cyrus: Waived.

Mallet: You sure? This could get tough.

Cyrus: Not as tough as missing your high school graduation.

Mallet: Well, I hope Daisy appreciates what you're doing.

Cyrus: Let's just get it over with, shall we?

Jeffrey: (Sighs) Hey, Larry. It's Jeffrey O’Neill. Yeah, I'm good. Uh, listen, you might want to think about giving those White Sox tickets to somebody else. Well, well because... because it might be construed as a conflict of interest when the U.S. Attorney starts to investigate. Well... well, that’s what I'm trying to tell... that's what I'm trying to tell you, Larry. We do have a situation with the Springfield Police Department.

Mallet: That Hilda chick creeps me out. So, Dinah, what do we got? An intruder? A break in? We got a gopher in your well-trimmed garden? What?

Dinah: I thought maybe you could use a break today. It's such a beautiful day.

Mallet: I work for a living.

Dinah: Damn right, you do. Did you ever try gardening? It's so relaxing.

Mallet: I shovel enough fertilizer at my day job!

Dinah: (Laughs hard) That's good, that's good!

Mallet: Oh, boy! Uh, now I know something's wrong.

Dinah: You know, roses need pruning. So do people. Get rid of a few bad ones, and the rest can flourish, grow.

Mallet: Dinah, Dinah, what did you do?

Dinah: Without even trying, I think that I encouraged Jeffrey.

Mallet: Encouraged him to do what?

Dinah: Investigate.

Mallet: To investigate? Dinah, didn't I tell you to stay away from Jeffrey, right? It's my department, it's my problem, I will fix it. Didn't I say that?

Dinah: Yeah, and that's what I'm nervous about! You have thrown yourself on the hand grenade for a crooked cop.

Mallet: Gus wasn't crooked.

Dinah: There have been many cases left unclosed. Why? Because he did business on the side.

Mallet: Well, I refuse to believe that, okay? There has to be a reason for all the money, and I'm going to find it. I'm going to solve it.

Dinah: He's dead. No one can even touch him now!

Mallet: Yeah, they can touch his name, and his family and his pension.

Dinah: What about your name? What about your family?

Mallet: You mean us?

Dinah: Yeah.

Mallet: Dinah, the is no "us." And frankly, my name's not worth much. If Gus' son grows up believing that his dad was on the take? Uh-uh.

Dinah: I want you to listen to me. If you do this, they will bust you. You will lose everything.

Mallet: Then they can take everything, Dinah. Then they can have it, okay? If this all gets too hot, then I'll turn myself in.

Dinah: You know, I can't let you do that. I won't let you do that! I won't let you do that.

Daisy: Uh-huh, yes. Yeah, yes ma'am. Of course, of course. Thank you, thank you, ma'am! Okay!

Harley: That was a lot "ma'ams," are you feeling all right?

Daisy: Yeah.

Harley: Who was that?

Daisy: Uh, it was Mrs. Sanders.

Harley: Crap! What happened now?

Daisy: Oh, they're just... they're going to make me go to graduation.

Harley: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I'm so proud of you!

Daisy: You did this, right? Oh, I know. You had to have done this.

Harley: Are you crazy? I wish I could take credit for this, but I can't! But I can do this! I want you to go to the store, and I want you to pick out the nicest, the prettiest...

Daisy: The hottest!

Harley: ...The most appropriate dress that you can. Have fun. I'm so proud of you! Hey, sweetie, maybe we could just revisit the whole college thing? Well, if I didn't do this, and you didn't do this...

Mallet: Harley, I'm glad it worked out for you, but I've got this blob on my life called "paperwork" that keeps...

Harley: It was you! You spoke to the principal and you convinced her to let Daisy graduate. Thank you! I mean, you know, for Gus.

Mallet: I would do anything for Gus, but I think in this case, you've got the wrong guy.

Harley: Really? Who, then? Frank?

Mallet: Oh, it would be so much easier if life was like an old-fashioned western. Good guys are good, bad guys are bad.

Harley: Is there a point?

Mallet: Some guy came in this morning and confessed.

Harley: Oh, God, no.

Mallet: First cell on your left.

And she set a little nest of his own.

And a hundred years passed, and a thousand years passed.

And he still called her as his own.

Yeah, he still calls her as his own.

Oh, and they lifted like a bird’s...

Ashlee: It's like money, honey. You can use it to buy fun things!

Daisy: Believe me, I know. Harley wants me to go get a dress for graduation.

Ashlee: Okay, then let's go! Come on.

Daisy: Oh, I'm not in the mood to go shopping. I'm so over this whole graduation thing. Who needs it?

Ashlee: Okay, your mom needs it and your dad needs it, and your grandfather and your little brothers. Come on, this is, like, a big family thing.

Daisy: I don't care.

Ashlee: Then do it for me.

Daisy: You’re so weird!

Ashlee: Come on, you love me! That's why you love me! Let's go shopping and then you can go graduate!

Mallet: Oh!

Rafe: Oh!

Mallet: Snatched! Hey, I want to let you know that Harley took care of that Madame Marie stuff for you.

Rafe: So?

Mallet: So, maybe you should pay her back.

Rafe: Want me to come out of pocket? How much?

Mallet: Hey, man. Not everything, you know, can be taken care of with money. Money can't buy everything. Listen, Harley had this plaque made, and she put it up on the wall in the station so all the cops can see it as they clocked in and out.

Rafe: Gus would've liked that.

Mallet: Yeah. So she wants to use this plaque as, like, an award tomorrow and have me give it out at the graduation ceremony and give a little speech.

Rafe: That's good, dude. That's good.

Mallet: Not really. The problem is, I'm not real good with public speaking. My knees get wobbly, I sweat way too much. It's not pretty.

Rafe: That's nice, man.

Mallet: So, I don't know, I was thinking, maybe, you know, I could use a little help? Maybe you'd give the speech?

Rafe: You want me to give it?

Mallet: I can't think of anyone better, can you?

Rafe: Thanks.

Mallet: Listen, I want you to remember something. Never forget this. Gus was a good police officer. Actually, he was a great police officer, and he put himself on the line every day, and he faced temptation every day.

Rafe: What kind of temptations?

Mallet: He was a human being, you know? I mean, he wasn't perfect. We're not... none of us are perfect. Especially cops. Your father died a man of honor. Just don't forget that.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm not naming names. Not yet, anyway. Look, you need to be prepared for a full-scale investigation. That's all I'm saying. Okay, listen, Larry, I've got to go. All right. Thanks. So, need some more pictures?

Dinah: Don't you ever water your plants?

Jeffrey: What is it with everyone? You know, if I wanted to live in a rain forest, I would. Look, I'm a little busy, so...

Dinah: There's a dirty cop.

Jeffrey: I know.

Dinah: It's not Mallet.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, you would do anything to protect him, so...

Dinah: Why would I hurt the people that I know? People who don't deserve it? Mallet... I don't want him mad at me.

Jeffrey: Mallet was withholding evidence, I know that for a fact.

Dinah: Not to save himself. He's doing it to protect someone else. Someone who can't defend themselves.

Jeffrey: If it's not Mallet...

Dinah: It's Gus. It was Gus.

You sit there so quiet I believe.

So still I can almost hear our hearts beat.

Cyrus: How's Daisy?

Harley: She's still Daisy. But I'm thrilled.

Cyrus: Good. What are you doing?

Harley: The D.A. is going to have to decide whether or not to press charges, but in the meantime, you're free to go. Besides, you have a very busy day tomorrow.

Cyrus: I do?

Harley: These graduation tickets are like gold. Don't lose it! I'll save a seat for you, and don't be late!

A lot of friends say you were braver then.

Lately hearts wore paper thin.

Feelings are fearless but I

feel like there's nothing left to lose.

Left to lose left to lose

but you don't want to know, and you don't know.

But you wanted the other side wasn't anyway.

Now that it's too late, did you find what you're looking for?

Coming up on “Guiding Light”

Mallet: I've been trying to bury this for a really long time

Harley: Gus? No! No way!

Natalia: Where did you get that?

Rafe: Gus.

Natalia: How much is this?

Mallet: There's an investigation going on.

Rafe: Does anybody else know about this?

Jeffrey: Well, the D.A. kind of knows what's going on.

Rafe: I will not let you do that to my dad.

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