GL Transcript Thursday 5/22/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/22/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Bill: I'm being sued.

Ava: Elizabeth and Alan Spaulding?

Bill: She is not going to get away with this.

Lizzie: I hope you have a lot of cash stashed away, because he and your knocked-up daughter could be needing a handout once I kick them out and reclaim my company.

Bill: I just found Lizzie’s car.

Ava: Bill, I'm in trouble. It's the baby. I... I started bleeding.

Bill: I don't think you want everyone hearing this.

Lizzie: It doesn't matter. They're gone again. Jonathan took Sarah and he ran. My daughter is gone. And every time that it happens, it's like the first time. I hurt.

Bill: Lizzie, I'm... I'm so sorry about everything.

Lizzie: On the way home... on the way home, I just kept trying to think about what I was coming home to. And I just came up empty. I mean, no Sarah, no you. Nobody needs me, nobody is waiting for me. The only thing that I have a chance at is the business. That's why I agreed to the lawsuit and that's why I came back. I would never have chosen the business over us the way you did.

Bill: Oh, wait a minute. That's not exactly the way it happened.

Lizzie: Yes, you chose this over us!

Bill: Lizzie, listen to me-- you're the one who made this a choice, okay? I thought we could work everything out.

Lizzie: Okay, what about now? Do you still think that we can work it out?

Bill: Look...

Lizzie: Because you love me? I walked in here having no idea what I would find, and when you looked at me, I saw it. I saw everything that we had. I saw everything that we could have if we just let ourselves. I want us. It is the only thing that makes sense to me. Please... please, just tell me that it'll all be okay.

Bill: I can't do that.

(Knock on door)

Ava: I didn't think you'd show.

Remy: Have I ever let you down?

Ava: No, you haven’t. You have not.

Remy: Part of me was hoping you would change your mind.

Ava: (Laughing) No.

Remy: Can you tell me why little Billy’s not here helping you move again, please?

Ava: Well, I didn't really tell him I was moving in today.

Remy: That's interesting. Wow. Okay. All right. How are you feeling?

Ava: I am feeling... tired, but I'm good.

Remy: Why do girls have so much stuff?

Ava: Well, I guess it's a good thing that we're only moving up a couple floors.

Remy: No, we're... we're not doing anything, okay? You're going to sit there. You're going to stay there, and you're going to point, and I'll move, all right? You've got a baby in there.

Ava: You're the best.

Remy: Uh-huh.

Mallet: "The D.A.'s office will continue their investigation until we can bring an end to the corruption that has infected the apartment. Jeffrey O’Neill." Damn it, Jeffrey! Damn it. Hey, it's me.

Dinah: Hello.

Mallet: Listen, I shouldn't be calling you about this, but I can't talk to anyone else.

Dinah: Well, thanks, I think. What's going on?

Mallet: Jeffrey has decided to step up his investigation into Gus' cases, and he is very determined to find the bad cop on the force.

Dinah: You know what? I will talk to Jeffrey.

Mallet: No, no, no, no, no. Stay away from Jeffrey, please, okay. You can't help.

Dinah: What, you've got something planned?

Mallet: Well, yeah. I'm gonna fix it. I'm not going to let him ruin Gus' reputation. It's the only thing Natalia and that kid have left. All right? So, if I have to, I'll take the heat.

Dinah: No, you can’t.

Mallet: I don't have a kid that needs to remember his dad as a hero.

Dinah: You know what, he's here.

Mallet: Gus?

Dinah: No! Rafe.

Mallet: Okay, well, then don't say a word, all right? Don't say anything to him.

Dinah: Well, thank you for your vote of confidence, but I will talk to you later. Good-bye.

Mallet: Dinah!

Dinah: Well, you can come a little closer. I won't bite.

Rafe: I was just checking on the place for my grandpa.

Dinah: Did Alan send you here to spy on me?

Rafe: No. But it's his house, or it should be. And I feel bad that he's not here.

Dinah: You know, this is the first house I've ever owned.

Rafe: No.

Dinah: Yeah.

Rafe: Really?

Dinah: Yeah, really. Yeah. I didn't know my parents growing up. I... well, when I really got to know them, I was about your age. I lost my father recently, too.

Rafe: I'm sorry. That sucks.

Dinah: Yeah. I remember when I first met my father, I thought he was something else. I thought he was the most perfect man in the whole wide world. And then I remember how heartbroken I was when I found out he was human. Like the rest of us, he made mistakes, you know. It took me an awful long time to let that go, but I realized the most important thing was how much he loved me. And I hang on to that, even now.

Rafe: I better go to school.

Bill: Ah... yeah. And, um, it just hit me, you know, at the hospital, that, um... it's all fine and well trying to prove to the world, prove to myself, and everyone that I can run a company on my own, make tough decisions. But, um... I have to make some... some tough choices, and I have to be there for this kid, because this kid is going to depend on me. This child is going to need me. And for so long, I've been just walking around thinking, you know, it's not real, it's going to go away. But it's not, Lizzie, and it's my responsibility. It's time for me to own up to it. So, I did the right thing, and I asked Ava to move in with me. I mean, this baby is going to need me, Lizzie. This is big. This is huge, okay? Maybe I jumped, but I...

Lizzie: This is me you're talking to, you know? I... I understand. I wouldn't understand you doing anything else.

(Knock on door)

Man: They're trying to create turmoil before the stockholder meeting.

Bill: Yeah, I... I know what they're trying to do. And here is the offer that I want to make: They're worried that we're going to take the Spaulding out of Spaulding. Well, let's not sever our connection to Elizabeth Spaulding, because I think certain people would be more comfortable if she continues to be involved. Because if we were to lose her completely, it would be devastating.

Lizzie: What is he offering?

Bill: The business needs her. We can talk job title and responsibility but, of course, the lawsuit would have to be withdrawn.

Lizzie: Tell Mr. Lewis I said no. Thank you for the offer. But we believe we can convince the stockholders not to vote him in at their meeting. Thank you.

Man: We can still crush her.

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: Nice, isn't it?

Remy: It's just like yours, only more crowded.

Ava: Well, we all can't live in a mansion like you.

Remy: Why not? I can take your stuff over there right now. You can move in today.

Ava: Oh, yeah. Yeah, Dinah... that's what we should do. Dinah would love that. That would be great.

Remy: She's cool as long as you stay out of her bathroom.

Ava: Hey, this fits me really well. What do you think?

Remy: Like a strait jacket.

Ava: I want to be here, Remy.

Remy: Uh-huh. Easy, girl, relax.

Ava: Well, do you think that Bill wants the right side or the left side...

Remy: Well, see, that's the big question, isn't it? That's the big question-- what does Bill want, right?

Ava: I care about Bill.

Remy: Really?

Ava: Yeah.

Remy: You do? Because you never seem happy when you're with him. You know? You always feel like you're auditioning or something.

Ava: Well, I guess I got... got the part then, didn't I?

Remy: Yeah. Good for you. Break a leg. I'll get the other boxes.

Bill: Come on! Come on!

Dinah: Hey!

Bill: Hey!

Dinah: Look who it is!

Bill: The second time the doors have stopped on this floor. Nice of you to stop by soon.

Dinah: Well, yeah, I worked from home today, a couple hours. How did the meeting go?

Bill: Lizzie was there.

Dinah: Oh. Did you settle?

Bill: Ah, well, are we having fun yet, sister? Oh, my goodness. You would think that a place like that would have elevators that operate properly. It's a hazard. What's going to happen if a pregnant lady gets stuck in there, huh? Sheesh.

Dinah: Did you get Lizzie to drop the suit?

Bill: Ah... no, I did not. And that little spitfire is going to put up a fight, even though she gets it.

Dinah: Gets what?

Bill: Why I had to ask Ava to move in with me.

Dinah: Honey, you couldn't have waited until after the meeting to share that with her? All right, so you're living with her. Is that what you want?

Bill: You know what? Sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do, okay? The timing is always off with Lizzie.

Dinah: You know what you need to do? You need to focus on the business.

Bill: Hmm.

Dinah: Once the mergers are done, you're in the driver's seat. I will help you with Lizzie.

Bill: (Laughing) See, now, it doesn't exactly work that way.

Dinah: Yeah, it does work that way. It does. Mallet came to me for a favor, I turned around, asked him for one. It's just a matter of time. Communicate, connect, and before long, the person forgets why you aren't together.

Bill: Okay. See, now, is that what you want, to be with a guy, even though he is trapped?

Dinah: How do you think Ava got you?

Bill: Hmm?

Dinah: Yeah, Ava.

Bill: Yeah.

Dinah: Good old Jeffrey’s little girl. Small world.

Bill: What does that mean?

Dinah: Small world.

Ava: Perfect. Hey!

Bill: Hey!

Ava: Surprise. Happy moving day!

Bill: Wow, I didn't know this was going on today; I would have... I would've helped.

Ava: Well, you had the meeting, so Remy helped.

Bill: Oh, well, thank you very much.

Remy: Not a problem.

Ava: Oh, oh, you know what? There is an organizer for the closet that I want to show you. It's in my room.

Bill: Great!

Ava: I'll be right back.

Bill: Sounds... sounds... great. Wow! Well, thank you, Remy, but you can just drop that box right where it is.

Remy: She wants it over there.

Bill: That's fine. I'm here now, okay? I can... I can take it from here, okay? Don't really know what your deal is with Ava...

Remy: Am I sensing... it wasn't my idea to move your stuff around, man.

Bill: No, I'm sure it wasn’t. But thanks. Thanks again. Just, please, leave it where it is.

Remy: All right. Well, I... I'll give you two weeks, man. Give it two weeks, you know. Call me if you need help moving her out again, all right?

Bill: I'd ask you if want to put money on that, but I want to help you with your gambling problem. But, um, thanks for the effort. Take care.

Mallet: Hey, O’Neill, this is Mallet. I just read your memo, so before you... you know what? Just call me. Call me as soon as you get this. Rafe. Hey, Rafe?

Rafe: Oh, hi.

Mallet: You all right, man? You need some help?

Rafe: No, I'm just... you know... I was just inside for, like, a minute. Harley sits at Gus' desk, huh?

Mallet: Yeah, yeah. She takes good care of it, better than he used to.

Rafe: Yeah, I bet. For sure.

Mallet: You want to go get something to eat?

Rafe: You paying?

Mallet: Sure. What kind of arm you got? Throw me some heat. Let's go.

Rafe: Yeah?

(Knock on door)

Dinah: Hey!

Ava: Hi. Hello.

Dinah: Hello. Welcome to the family. Bill told me you're moving in. Look at this. I think it's great.

Ava: (Laughing) You do?

Dinah: Yeah.

Ava: Well, thank you, I appreciate that.

Dinah: Well, we're one big, happy family now. I think it's very exciting, and I cannot wait to hear how Jeffrey reacts to being called a granddad.

Ava: Yeah, yeah. (Laughing)

Dinah: Do you not like roses?

Ava: Oh, no, I love them... I love them. They're beautiful. Ooh, they smell good, too. It's just I'm... most people think that Bill belongs with Lizzie, so... I didn't expect these.

Dinah: You know what? The baby is most important right now. And I think it's time to get our families together, because I don't want you feeling like you're having this baby on your own, you know? So, what do you say that we have dinner at my place?

Ava: At your place? You mean, the Spaulding...

Dinah: Yes. Yes. The place formerly known as Spaulding. Yes, my place. And you know what? I say we invite our mothers.

Ava: Really? Oh, wow... oh, Olivia, she just got out of the hospital. So I don't know if she's going to feel up to it, but thank you for asking.

Dinah: What about Jeffrey?

Ava: Oh, well, maybe.

Dinah: I bet you have him wrapped around your little finger?

Ava: Oh, kind of, but it's worth a shot. It's worth a shot.

Dinah: Okay. So, you think he'll say yes?

Ava: I don't see why not.

Dinah: All right. Great! Great!

Ava: Ooh!

Dinah: We have so much to talk about.

Ava: Yeah, we do (laughing)

Lizzie: Remy? Remy!

Remy: What? Hey, I didn't hear you.

Lizzie: It's all right.

Remy: So, what are you doing?

Lizzie: Who cares?

Remy: Yeah, I know how you feel. It’s... it's just wrong, you know. Ava shacking up with Bill. You know, right?

Lizzie: Yeah, I know.

Remy: I helped her move.

Lizzie: Sucker.

Remy: Sucker-- yeah. Yeah, that's me. I don't know, you know, I just... I like her. You know, I wish...

Lizzie: I wish, too, trust me, for both of us. Let's run away.

Remy: Don't you wish you could?

Lizzie: I did. But it blew up in my face. And I came back with nothing, less than I had before. I have to stay and fight.

Bill: You know what? Relax. Relax! This stuff is going to be here tomorrow.

Ava: And the next day, too.

Bill: Okay, hey, hey, hey. Breathe easy, okay? How you feeling, huh? How’s... how’s... how's the...

Ava: I'm feeling... I'm feeling... we're feeling good.

Bill: Good, good. Well, that's the plan, so...

Ava: Hey, Dinah came by. She wanted to know if maybe we wanted to have a family dinner-- us, Vanessa, maybe my mom and Jeffrey.

Bill: Oh, that sounds... that sounds fun. Great. Good. That's good. All right. Well, um... I guess this side is going to be yours. Let me know if you need anymore hangers-- I could do that.

Ava: Okay, no, I'm really good in the hanger department. Um, but speaking of sides...

Bill: Sure.

Ava: The bed... which side of the bed is normally yours?

Bill: What do you mean?

Ava: Well, we slept together, but we haven't really slept together, you know. So, do you have a side you like to sleep on?

Bill: That's true. Well, that is my side. This side here has been...

Ava: Lizzie's side.

Bill: Well, um... you know, I have no preference, really. In fact, whatever makes you comfortable. You're the one who's pregnant. And I'm sure you need to sleep in...

Ava: In way crazy positions, yeah.

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: That's cool. We'll just both play it by ear.

Bill: Yeah, let's play it by ear.

Ava: Okay.

Bill: Good, good, good. All righty.

Ava: I know that you didn't think that you would be here doing this right now. And here we are having a baby, our baby. And we're going to love it, I know that. And I think that the rest is just going to happen.

Bill: Yeah... no, that’s... this, um... this is what I want. Yeah, yeah. Okay.

Dinah: Oh, you should come back.

Lizzie: Oh, I don't think so. This is a public establishment. I would like, um... hmm, an extra large mocha latte, whipped cream and cinnamon. Thank you.

Dinah: I really don't like to be near people who are trying to sue me.

Lizzie: Then you should take a hike.

Dinah: You shouldn't order expensive coffee drinks. You still need to pay for the lawyers, even after you lose.

Lizzie: I think you're the one who should start saving her pennies. You've had your fun, but your days as a squatter are almost over. So I hope you had fun while it lasted.

Dinah: Yes, I am having the time of my life.

Lizzie: Really? All alone in that house?

Dinah: Remy's there.

Lizzie: (Laughs) Yeah, for now. You know, he is going to get a life one of these days, and then what? You really should be careful what you wish for.

Dinah: You know, I am steps away from getting everything I want, and I do mean everything I want. And why do you want it back? You tell me what all of that Spauldingness has ever done for you?

Lizzie: The house and the company belong to my family.

Dinah: We will see. You know, if I were you, I would look forward, not backward. I would reinvent myself, show the world what the new Lizzie Spaulding can do.

Lizzie: That is what I'm doing.

Dinah: Uh-huh... no. This is about revenge. This is about Alan.

Lizzie: How about this? You stay over there, I'll stay right here, and we won't talk.

Dinah: You know, I would like you to know that I was very sorry that you and Bill didn't work out. I actually thought that you made him very happy.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, he made the right choice. He chose his baby, and I'm very proud of him.

Dinah: Really?

Lizzie: Yep. But I'm not dropping the lawsuit.

Dinah: I didn't think so.

It seems that you're not in front of me

you pack your bags and you follow me to Providence

you're messing with my mind what do you think, I'm?

There's no chance there's no chance no

you'll see that I'm not in front of you

you packed your bags and you follow me to Timbuktu

you're messing with my mind what do you think...

Rafe: I thought you were, like, an ex-athlete. What happened?

Mallet: What, you want the heat?

Rafe: I want some heat.

Mallet: You want me to throw the heat?

Rafe: Come on, dude, you can do better than that.

There's no chance there's no chance no

you'll see that you're not in front of us

that you packed your bags and you follow me

you're messing with my mind what do you think, I'm lyin'?

There's no chance there's no chance

no no, no, no

you see that you're not in front of me

that you pack your bags and you follow me to Providence

you're messin' with my mind what do you think, I'm lyin'?

You used to be so kind and tender

till someone cut you up and put you in a blender

and they spun you round and round

and around

there's no chance there's no chance

no no, no, no, no, no, no, no

there's no chance there's no chance

no no, no, no, no, no, no, no

no, no, no, no, no no, no, no, no, no...

Rafe: Just throw it back, dude.

Mallet: I'm through, man. My arm is out.

Rafe: You've got a pretty good arm for an old guy.

Mallet: Oh, well, thank you.

Rafe: (Laughs) You ever seen Gus throw? He had this weird sidearm thing going on. He said he messed it up on the job one time.

Mallet: Yeah, I was there when he hurt his shoulder. Yeah. We were doing this surveillance gig on this drug supplier and the guy... the guy, first of all, was like 350 pounds, if he was anything. And he got wind of us, and he took off running.

Rafe: Took off running?

Mallet: Well, he was sort of running. But Gus took off after him, and he lowered his shoulder, dropped the guy. Yeah, it was good. That's the kind of guy Gus was.

Rafe: Yeah.

Mallet: So, how is your grandfather doing? I heard he took a fall.

Rafe: He's okay.

Mallet: Yeah? I bumped into Lizzie today, she told me the story. Yeah, so Alan claims that... well, he's having visions or something about Gus?

Rafe: You believe in that stuff?

Mallet: I don't know. Do you?

Rafe: I don't know, but how do you explain the 512 thing?

Mallet: What's the 512 thing?

Rafe: Alan thought he saw Gus wearing this jacket, and he kept on saying the numbers "512", "512" over and over again. Alan didn't know what that meant, but I did.

Mallet: Really?

Rafe: Dude-- 512, Ernie Banks, the number of homeruns hit.

Mallet: Right. So why would Gus be teaching his father a history lesson from the great beyond?

Rafe: So I went to Harley’s house and I found the jacket. Inside the pocket was an envelope stuffed with cash, stuffed with $20 bills-- 512 $20 bills. That's a message. That's a sign, dude. That's money for my mom and me.

Mallet: Wow! Where do you think he got all of that money?

Rafe: I don't know. Heck if I care. Dude, thanks for the game.

Mallet: Yeah. You betcha.

Rafe: All right? See ya around. I've gotta go.

Mallet: Later.

(Knock on door)

Remy: Room service.

Ava: It's open! You are my super hero!

Remy: Uh-huh. I got a double-double cheeseburger, and an order of fries for you.

Ava: And a milkshake?

Remy: And a milkshake, a little chocolate, whipped cream, the way you like it.

Ava: Oh!

Remy: And I... yes, I did get Bill, Jr., something.

Ava: Oh, he'll be here in a little while. We'll just save it for him for later.

Remy: Interesting.

Ava: What? You don't believe me?

Remy: Yeah.

Ava: Everything is just going great.

Remy: Uh-huh.

Ava: Yeah.

Remy: That's why he's here, helping you unpack, right?

Ava: Bill is in the middle of a huge merger right now at Spaulding. He has a lot going on.

Remy: I'm sure he does.

Ava: What is wrong with you? I'm trying to do something here. I'm trying to start a family. This is really... why don't you want me to be happy?

Remy: Turn the smile down. It's killing me. I mean, your joy is so overwhelming, it is like a frickin' parade here, you know?

Ava: Did you order extra pickles?

Remy: It's in the bottom of the bag.

I understand your ways are a mystery to me...

Lizzie: Are you following me?

Bill: You saw me, walked over here, so by definition, you're following me.

Lizzie: I didn't see you. I'm trying to get away from you.

Bill: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Did you find anything interesting at the office?

Lizzie: I wasn't looking for anything, okay? Look, I'm in between appointments.

Bill: Why do you make it all so hard?

Lizzie: Me? Really?

Bill: Yeah, yeah. I gave you the chance to work with me.

Lizzie: Oh, I forgot. Did I forget to say thank you for that? Thank you. Thank you so much!

Bill: Is that sarcasm? Let's not romanticize what your family was, okay?

Lizzie: It's our company.

Bill: Was your company.

Lizzie: You are not in the driver's seat yet. You still have to get past a lot of stockholders, and they happen to be quite loyal to my grandfather.

Bill: Hmm, see, now, I think the only thing they care about are their portfolios. I make them a little bit of money and I've got some new best friends.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, they'll be just about the only friends you have left.

Bill: Don't care. Because I'll have the business, the town, and the respect that comes along with that. That's all I ever wanted, until I got sidetracked.

Lizzie: By me?

Bill: I got what I wanted.

Lizzie: What about Ava and the baby?

Bill: See, separate things.

Lizzie: No, see, it's never separate. It's never separate. That's one thing that my granddad understands. Listen to me-- business is personal. You can't sleep with someone, make her fall in love with you, and then think it doesn't matter when you try to crush her family!

Bill: Drop the lawsuit.

Lizzie: (Laughs)

Dinah: Hey!

Mallet: Oh, hey!

Dinah: We still on for dinner?

Mallet: Oh, no. No, I'm working tonight.

Dinah: All right. Then, we'll have to make it a dinner break.

Mallet: That's not going to work for me.

Dinah: Even if I get Jeffrey O’Neill off your back, which I think I have a very good shot at doing?

Mallet: No, you've got to stay away from Jeffrey. Okay, this whole thing is becoming a really big mess. Do you believe in ghosts?

Dinah: It wasn't a question I was expecting.

Mallet: Alan claims that Gus has been, um... visiting.

Dinah: Visiting?

Mallet: Yeah, like, in his dreams, and Gus has been telling Alan things, like, useful things, like that helped Rafe find all this money that Gus left behind for him. And it was like ten grand.

Dinah: That's crazy.

Mallet: Yeah, that's crazy. Even if the dreams aren't real, where did Gus get that money?

Dinah: From the people he was doing... you know... favors for.

Mallet: The money... the money, all this money-- I don't get it.

Dinah: You know what? Maybe it's the other thing. Maybe he is watching after his kid, from wherever he is. Love is very consuming. It is an incredible force. Death can't stop it, nothing can. It's what you and I used to have. I still want that.

Mallet: Not now, Dinah. Not now.

Dinah: Really? When? Life is short.

Mallet: Sometimes, two people just aren't meant to be together.

Dinah: We are. We are! Imagine what would happen if we just let ourselves accept that and give into that?

Mallet: I have to fix Gus' life before I think about fixing mine. Because if I don't clean up this mess, I'm a complete failure, that's why. Because I shouldn't even be police chief in the first place.

Dinah: Don't talk like that here or ever.

Mallet: No, it's a big part of my problem, Dinah. Don't you see that? Because if I hadn't been so wrapped up in my drama, then maybe I would have seen that Gus was in trouble. You know, so, when he would come to me and ask for days off, I'd say sure, why not? Because I was interested in being a heck of a guy, instead of seeing that maybe he had a problem, maybe he was in trouble, maybe I could help. Frank would have been on that. Frank is great with stuff like that. He would have seen if there was a problem in a second, because he knows the guys. And I let the guys down because I let Gus down. So, I'm going to fix it. I'm going to solve it.

Dinah: I think you're being awfully hard on yourself. You know what? I think we should just call this whole thing off.

Mallet: What, dinner?

Dinah: You know what I see when I look at you?

Mallet: No.

Dinah: I see a man who is marching to his death.

Mallet: No, that's not... that's not true.

Dinah: You know what? You looked trapped when you're with me.

Mallet: No, I don’t.

Dinah: Yes, you do. It's all over your face.

Mallet: Well, you know what? If I was trapped, then that would be easy. Because if I was just trapped, then I would just suffer through it.

Dinah: Oh, really? Thank you.

Mallet: No. What I mean is, it's not just one thing, Dinah. It's like when we're together, I feel like 800 things... I feel everything. And the problem is, I only have words for, like, four of them.

Dinah: What are the four?

Mallet: Confused, anger, excited, guilty.

Dinah: Guilty? What in the hell do you feel guilty about?

Mallet: Are you kidding me? Guilty for what I am. Guilty for being police chief. Guilty for how it happened. Guilty for frank, for Gus. Guilty for whatever you did to wipe out Alan.

Dinah: You don't have to feel guilty about any of that.

Mallet: Well, I'm going to take care of all of it. I'm going to make it all right.

Dinah: And I make it worse when I'm around.

Mallet: Sometimes worse; sometimes better.

Dinah: But mostly worse.

Mallet: I'm sorry for dragging you into this whole Gus thing.

Dinah: You know what? I'm going to help you fix this. And then maybe you'll stop hating yourself for still being in love with me.

Remy: Oh, oh. Three at the buzzer! Kiss to the cheerleader. Two! Sweat off my brow! One! Yes!

Ava: (Laughing)

Remy: Hey, double or nothing. This time you get naked and you go for a run.

Ava: I am not getting naked. I'm leaving my clothes on from now on. That's it.

Remy: Okay.

Ava: Go! Go home, please. Thank you for helping me. Go have some fun.

Remy: No. No, I'm not leaving you with this mess.

Ava: I'm just about finished.

Remy: You call this just about finished?

Ava: Yeah, I do.

Remy: (Laughing) He's not here yet.

Ava: I didn't expect him to be here yet.

Remy: You are a crappy liar.

Ava: I'm getting better.

Remy: Oh, yeah?

Ava: Yeah.

Remy: Let's see.

Ava: Oh, you want me to lie?

Remy: Uh-huh.

Ava: Put it out there?

Remy: Put it out there.

Ava: Anything?

Remy: Anything!

Ava: Anything?

Remy: Anything!

Ava: Okay.

Remy: Okay.

Ava: Um... you...

Remy: Ooh.

Ava:... Are a very... sweet guy.

Remy: Oh, oh! Now, I know you're lying.

Bill: I didn't want it to be like this, Lizzie.

Lizzie: It is like this, okay? You live with Ava. You're having a baby together.

Bill: I know that, I know that, I know that. But I thought we could figure something out...

Lizzie: Well, there is nothing to figure out, okay? I am an expert on this subject, and let me tell you that it is going to get a lot more complicated. We just need to cut our losses and move along.

Bill: I had you for what, a minute? How can losing you seem so huge, huh? How can losing such tiny... tiny, beautiful creature be so big?

Lizzie: I pack a mean punch.

Bill: Uh-huh, you do.

Lizzie: What do you want? What do you really want?

Bill: A lot of things, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Yeah. That's the problem. I hope that you're happy with your baby. I don't want you to be miserable, okay. But I can't just let you take Spaulding, okay? There are only so many things that I can let you take from me.

Bill: Yeah, but I'm going to take it anyway.

Lizzie: We'll see.

Bill: Lizzie!

Coming up on "Guiding Light,"

Rafe: I mean, I'm his son, right? So, if he's going to come to anybody in a dream, why Alan, you know? You see, this is why I can't talk about this stuff, I sound crazy.

Daisy: I know how much you want to talk to your dad, and so I saw this sign, and I thought...

Rafe: Anne-Marie, psychic?

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